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Devoted Defender the attack beforehand and not flat-

The Devoted Defender is someone
that guards those in need of
They do so by taking the blunt of
damage directed to their charges.

Harm’s Way
1st Path Feature
The devoted defender may elect to
place herself in the path of danger in
order to protect their single charge.
Any time that you are within 5 feet
of your charge, and your charge
suffers an attack, you may switch
places with your charge and receive
the attack in their place. You must
declare this before the attack roll is
made. You select your charge when
you roll initiative, and it is a free
action to do so. You may change
your charge for the duration of that
combat on your turn if the new
charge is also within 5 feet of you.

Defensive Strike
You can make an attack of
opportunity against any adjacent
opponent who attacks your charge in

Deflect Attack
The devoted defender can attempt to
parry a melee attack against her
charge. She must be within 5 feet of
her charge to attempt this and
holding a melee weapon or shield to
deflect the attack. Once per round
when your charge would normally be
hit with a melee weapon, you may
make a Reflex saving throw against
DC 20. (If the melee weapon has a
magic bonus to attack, the DC
increases by that amount.) You gain
a competence bonus to your Reflex
save as indicated on the chart. If you
succeed, you deflect the blow as a
free action. You must be aware of

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