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I started college right after I finished high school, I studied very hard to get an excellent grade at

the exam of entrance to college, that’s why I was having a thoughtful moment at that time but
after all, what I have been achieving till this moment, worth it. I have never moved to a new
house, the house where I currently live has been my all life one and only house. I also have good
memories at my grandma’s place though, it’s my childhood house. Besides my parents and
grandparents whom I consider the most important people in my life, I have met a lot of people,
guys of my same age, younger people and even older! But somehow I consider that, apart from my
family, I haven’t met someone that has become very impactful to me to the point of consider
them more important than my family, and don’t get me wrong, of course I do have friends and I
love them but I just guess that family love is bigger than anything and anyone. IDK IF tHIS IS

I was – years old when i got one of the most important possessions that I have ever gotten, my
grandfather gifted me a horse, its my favorite animal in the planet so you must already have an
idea of what it represents to me. Since i was a little girl I have been into arts, but ironically I’m
getting a major in accounting, that’s the funny part of life. Anyways I started drawing from a very
young age, I’m not kidding when I said that I had the urge to draw or paint any surface, I literally
took my grandma’s house walls as my personal canvas, I guess I had Picasso’s complex at that age
even though its a hobby that till today I’m still doing it but less frequent.

Not really sure

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