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Architecture Essay and Tombstone

Abhishek Chhatrola

John A. Russell Building, University of Manitoba, 84 Curry Place, 1959


02 October 2023
Architecture Essay and Tombstone

John A. Russell Building,

University of Manitoba,
84 Curry Place,
James Donahue, Smith Carter Katelnikoff Associates,

Fig 1: James Donahue, Smith Carter Katelnikoff Associates. John A. Russell Building Exterior:
general north view. 1958-59. Winnipeg Building Index,
hSps://, accessed 14
October 2023

Materials: (Steel, Concrete, wood, glass, Tyndall stone, asbestos sheets)1

Fig 2: James Donahue, Smith Carter Katelnikoff Associates. John A. Russell Building: detail. 1958-
59. Photographed By Abhishek Chhatrola, October 6, 2023.

Murray Peterson, “83 DAFOE ROAD City of Winnipeg Historical Buildings CommiCee Researcher: M. Peterson,”
2018, 4-6,hCps://
Architecture Essay and Tombstone

John A. Russell Building, University of Manitoba, 84 Curry Place, James Donahue, Smith Carter

Katelnikoff Associates, 1958-1959 stands as a significant example of modernist architecture style

in Winnipeg, drawing inspiraUon from renowned educaUonal structures like Walter Gropius'

Bauhaus buildings in Dessau and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's Crown Hall at the Illinois InsUtute

of Technology2. Its design, characterized by simplicity and classical elements, reflects Modernist

architecture that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a response to society's

rapid industrializaUon and urbanizaUon. Architects decided to break away from historical

architectural styles and embrace new materials, technologies, and design principles. The

movement gained significant momentum in the early 20th century, becoming a dominant

architectural style by the mid-20th century.

Some important characterisUcs of Modernist architecture are lean lines, open spaces, and a

strong connecUon with the environment3. This architectural style, showcased in buildings with

minimal ornamentaUon and broad roof overhangs, emphasizes form and funcUonality.

Modernist architects use materials like steel, glass, concrete, wood, and stone to create visually

striking yet funcUonally efficient spaces4. Asymmetrical designs and strategic placement on sites

Winnipeg Architecture FoundaPon (2013-2023), accessed October 15, 2023,
Keshavjee Serena and Herbert Enns, Winnipeg Modern: Architecture, 1945 to 1975, 1st ed, Winnipeg: University
of Manitoba Press, 2014, 30-40
Lauren Thomann, “What Is Modern Architecture?” The Spruce, December 18, 2020, accessed October 6, 2023
Architecture Essay and Tombstone

demonstrate a profound relaUonship with nature. AddiUonally, modernist architects pioneered

large-scale developments, reflecUng the era's emphasis on urban expansion and community

development, represenUng a significant shih in how people lived and interacted with their

surroundings. A similar form of construcUon is seen in the John A. Russel Building showcasing

several key characterisUcs of the style. Its design features clean lines, a Box structure, a simple

and classical form, and a focus on funcUonality5. The building's layout emphasizes an internal

glazed courtyard, creaUng a calm and consistent atmosphere. Walls of glass, steel frame

columns, and curtain walls made of aluminum extrusions contribute to the transparency and

openness of the structure, allowing natural light to flood the interior. The incorporaUon of

various materials and styles in the interior design, as well as the use of local furnishings and

artworks, aligns with the modernist principle of teaching through surroundings.6 This building

was a great epitome of crahmanship by James Donahue. However, he was also renowned for

some other work such as reshaping architectural educaUon and mentoring students, while his

own designs, such as his residence at 301 Hosmer Boulevard in Winnipeg, showcased his affinity

for natural materials and integraUon of interior spaces with nature7. CollaboraUng with the

Smith Carter Searle team, he influenced iconic structures like the Monarch Life Building. Later in

Halifax, he furthered his legacy through projects at the Technical University of Nova ScoUa,

including O’Brian Hall and the Halifax Police StaUon, emphasizing the fusion of form and

funcUon in his architectural creaUons. His innovaUve approach and educaUonal impact have

Thompson William Paul and Henry Kalen, Winnipeg Architecture: 100 Years. Winnipeg: Queenston House, 1975,
Whiteson Leon, Modern Canadian Architecture, Edmonton: HurPg, 1983.
Winnipeg Architecture FoundaPon (2013-2023), accessed October 15, 2023,
Architecture Essay and Tombstone

enduringly shaped Canadian architecture8. Let’s dive deeper into the use of materials and its

history. The Russell building is disUnguished by its disUncUve facade crahed from Tyndall stone,

a unique limestone quarried in Manitoba, Canada9. This stone, renowned for its gray colour and

fossilized marine life paSerns, originates primarily from quarries near Garson, Manitoba. With

over a century of history, Tyndall stone has been a crucial component in various significant

Manitoba buildings, such as the Manitoba LegislaUve Building and the University of Manitoba's

Fort Garry campus.

To conclude, the John A. Russell building showed a great example of modernist architecture and

a shih in the architectural mindset of using new materials, shapes etc. Also, modernist

architecture is further rooted in many buildings in Manitoba such as Winnipeg City Hall,

Manitoba Theatre Center, Winnipeg Art Gallery, etc. Also, James Donahue's crahsmanship and

innovaUve approach, evident in his various projects, including the John A. Russell Building, have

leh an enduring legacy that conUnues to shape the landscape of Canadian architecture.

Winnipeg Architecture FoundaPon (2013-2023), accessed October 15, 2023,
Darren Bernhardt, “Manitoba Tyndall Stone Gets Global Heritage DesignaPon for ‘Broad Significance to
Humanity,’” CBC, January 24, 2023,
Architecture Essay and Tombstone


Bernhardt, Darren. “Manitoba Tyndall Stone Gets Global Heritage DesignaUon for ‘Broad

Significance to Humanity.’” CBC, January 24, 2023.



James Donahue and Smith Carter Katelnikoff Associates. John A. Russell Building Exterior:

general north view. 1958-59. Winnipeg Building Index, accessed 14 October 2023.


Keshavjee, Serena and Herbert Enns. Winnipeg Modern: Architecture, 1945 to 1975, 1st ed.

Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2014. 30-40.

Peterson, Murray. “83 DAFOE ROAD City of Winnipeg Historical Buildings CommiSee

Researcher: M. Peterson,” 2018, 4-6, accessed October 15, 2023.

Thomann, Lauren. “What Is Modern Architecture?” The Spruce, December 18, 2020. Accessed

October 6, 2023.


Thompson William Paul and Henry Kalen. Winnipeg Architecture: 100 Years. Winnipeg:

Queenston House, 1975. 47.

Architecture Essay and Tombstone



Whiteson Leon. Modern Canadian Architecture. Edmonton: HurUg, 1983.

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