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Designed by Vincent Baker

Artwork by Racnos 1
A Wonderful Thanks To The Patrons of Vindicated!
Credits • Diamond Patron: Kevin Claussen
Writing and Design: Vincent Baker • Platinum Patrons: Catie Walker, Marco
• Gold Patrons: Mumbolo, Eric Gaster
Art Direction and Graphic Design: • Silver Patrons: Eli Sanchez, Ludwin Alfaro,
Racnos, Vincent Baker Shirokage66
And all of our other patrons! <3
Cover Art: Racnos
Banishment Interior Art: Racnos On The Cover
In this exciting scene illustrated by Racnos, a dark
knight and his dragon, crash through the world over-
come by darkness, as our lone hero, a warrior of light,
must stand against this overwhleming threat. Who
will win? That’s for you to decide from within the
pages of this book!

This document, Banishment Rulebook, may be printed

for personal use. It may not be distributed by any
electronic or physical means without express written
consent of Vincent Baker of Vindicated Entertainment
LLC. Otherworlds®, Vindicated Entertainment LLC., and
all of our content, related logos, characters, names,
and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of
Vindicated Entertainment LLC. All rights reserved.

A Word From The Author

Can’t believe we’re here! Banishment was a cool
project I’ve been inspired to put together. It uses a
lot of love from anime I grew up watching, especially
the imagination it captured for me and coming across
Racnos and his work just helped take me and this
project to the next level.

His passion for art, style, Yu-Gi-Oh!, card games, and

just everything, I knew would play a crucial role in
bringing Banishment to life and I think you’ll experi-
ence that for yourself upon diving into this book.

Thank you so very much, and...

Stay Awesome!
Vincent Baker
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................... 4
Campaigns in Banishment ................... 5 - 11
--- Myths 5
--- History 5 - 7
--- The Timeline 8
--- Factions 9
--- The World 10
Quest Hooks ...................................... 10 - 11
Character Creation ............................. 12 - 37
--- Races 12-19
--- Classes 20 - 33
--- Elemental Attributes & Themes 34 - 36
--- Titles & Special Rules for Banishment 37
Monsters ........................................... 43 - 49
Otherworlds Core Rules ..................... 50 - 75

Introduction If you’re new to the Otherworlds
Welcome to a world of high fantasy, where magic is in
a little bit of everything and destiny calls your name. Engine ruleset, refer to the back
Dragons soar in the skies above, while kingdoms are
of this book (pg. 50) for a com-
formed from both man and machine. prehensive understanding of the
The world of Banishment is yours to explore.
rules. Look for the pages marked
with this distinct background, as
Will you become a hero or fall to darkness?
they contain the core rules that
govern the Otherworlds Engine.
Welcome to Banishment
In Banishment players will have access to a myriad of
new and mythical character options, including dragon
companions, dagger and pistol combo rogues, magi-
cians, and much more!

For fans of Japanese card games, this is for you!

About the Author

Vincent Baker grew up playing Pokemon, Final Fan-
tasy, Yu-Gi-Oh and watching the 1995 Mortal Kombat
movie over and over.

Needless to say, Vincent doesn’t shy away from some

edge and camp when it comes to his games and per-
sonal tastes, but that doesn’t mean games can’t be
engaging, taken serious, or dark at times!

Banishment takes ludicrous concepts built first and

foremost on having fun!

Campaigns in Banishment Gunmerg, the Earth Ruler
One who wishes to pay tribute to Gunmerg, must
tribute relics.
Myths Tribute - Gain pierce and resistance to earth damage.

Shenku, The Galaxy Dragon Talborn, the Fire

A great dragon said to be
the destroyer of galaxies. Ruler
It can fly at speeds that One who wishes to pay
exist outside of our realm tribute to Xunfer, must
of understanding and its tribute valuable equip-
power is so devastating, ment. .
it is said that it can de- Tribute - Gain penetrate
stroy anything that exists, and resistance to fire
including existence itself. damage.

Because of this, many Dav, the Light Ruler

respect the Shenku and One who wishes to pay
even worship him. tribute to Dav, must trib-
ute prized possessions.
Tribute - Gain trespass
The Rulers and resistance to light-
Six rulers, one depicted ning damage.
for each element of
Banishment (dark, earth,
Areli, the Water
fire, light, water, and
wind). The Rulers are said Ruler
to have created the very One who wishes to pay
elements themselves and tribute to Areli, must trib-
with it, the astral was ute something of beauty.
formed to cast spells. Tribute - Gain knockdown
and resistance to water
Many who believe in The damage.
Rulers place a great re-
spect on their name and
pay tribute to them at various shrines found through- Hamzon, the Wind Ruler
out the world. One who wishes to pay tribute to Xunfer, must tribute
Any benefit gained for paying Tribute lasts for 1 day Tribute - Gain double attack and resistance to wind
unless stated otherwise. damage.

Xunfer. the Dark Ruler

One who wishes to pay tribute to Xunfer, must tribute History
blood. The Fiend Ruler Sedah
Tribute - Gain lifesteal and resistance to psychic dam- A dark ruler who ruled over the land when the Impe-
age. rial were in charge. Sedah and her husband Balzath,
fell victim to a troupe of seven brave warriors now
referred to as The Seven Saints

Ever since this battle, The Kingdom has grown, but

not without Impire growing in the shadows, working
towards the lofty goal of resurrected Sedah, which clearing their thoughts and with being a better per-
would require her severed body parts to be brought son.
together along with powerful sacrifice and magic to
resurrect her. Saint Joseph
A mild mannered and introverted saint, Joseph is cool,
The Kingdom, unable to burn her body or completely calm, and collected. His preferred weapon was always
get rid of it, has chosen to lock her in an ancient chest a large shield, advocating to protect others even in
and seal it far beneath each of the Kingdom’s cities. the face of danger.

There’s five total Sealed Boxes. People beckon help from Saint Joseph when dealing
with physical challenges, especially those brought by
The Seven Saints others such as war and battle.
Seven brave warriors who joined forces to fight and
save the world from the evil Fiend Ruler, Sedah. Saint Marie
A saint tragically murdered by betrayal. Saint Marie,
Saint Anna while a pursuer of all that’s noble and right in the
Porcelain skin with a longsword in hand, Anna is re- world, was also known for having a “wild streak”
garded as the pursest of the Saints, having it be that it about her, such as preferring to listen to loud music,
was Sadah who was her first and last life slain. dance, and just all around have a fun time.

People beckon help from Saint Anna for overcoming She was killed in her sleep by someone she’d in-
challenges and for charity. vited over to her home. The reason for this is not yet
Saint Christain
A wise man with emerald green eyes. Christian used People beckon help from Saint Marie to aid in their
a spear as his primary weapon but was surprisingly relationships with friends, family, and loved ones.
great with dexterous feats, including using knives.
Christian had a peculiar obsession with rocks, having Saint Zane
collected them since he was a child. A mischievous upbringing painted Zane as a rapscal-
lion and far from being saintly, but as the world fell to
People beckon help from Saint Christain for safe trav- heel on a parade to hell, Zane recognized the value in
els and finding direction in life. seeing the light in humanity and thus turned anew.
Zane’s primary weapons are throwing axes and a one-
Saint Farah handed shield, often slung on his back. Zane is lean
Blessed with piercing blue eyes and the ability to cook and athletic, able to outperform nearly anyone. When
any meal, Saint Farah wielded a bow as her primary Zane is overwhelmed by sheer strength, his small
weapon and was often respected for her hospitality, frame allows him to quickly out maneuver the would-
humility, and “no nonsense” attitude. be threat.

People beckon help from Saint Farah for fertility and People beckon help from Saint Zane for help with
good health. overcoming anxiety, grief, and for finding the light in
dark times.
Saint Jonah
The second youngest of the saints, Jonah always
found himself fascinated with the church, and when
he was older, preached and helped others. Saint Jo-
nah vowed to never pick up a weapon and never did,
instead he used his powers to heal and save others.
People beckon help from Saint Jonah ask for help with
Running A Campaign thing and you prefer to keep things played close to
Banishment has a vivid cast of colorful imagery the chest? Running a campaign for yourselves would
painted all over the world, from its characters, loca- likely be your players as a ragtag group of misfits or a
tions, and everything in between. rogue’s gallery.

A Heroic Journey Scorpions (a group of bandits) play well to this style,

This is a great go-to adventure where the player as well as any of the races, because who needs alle-
characters form a bond, likely from a tavern or maybe giances to kingdoms and government anyways?
even as childhood friends.
We all know the systems don’t work for us, so it’s up
Despite their differences, the group work together to to us to take with it what we want!
explore and find their own way forward in the world This for some could be for power and greed, but for
and face challenges as they go. others it could be for survival or for a less extreme
cause, such as wanting adventure, free from the
Typically this would be ran with most characters veer- shackles of any governing body.
ing towards a neutral to good stance, in that, they’ll
tend to help those in need.

For The Kingdom

An expanding empire of mostly humans and elves.
The Kingdom combat The Impire. A campaign in
which player characters work for the Kingdom could
have them working their way up from lowly squires
and acolytes as they apprentice next to knights and
magicians, before taking on legendary quests, such as
to find legendary weapons on behalf of The Kingdom.

For The Impire

The Impire is a collective group of Fiends ruling as a
hierarchy. A campaign ran this way would likely veer
into evil territory.

It’d also be unlikely for non-fiends to command as

much respect as fiends, but this can play well into
the campaign’s story, such as a storied human com-
mander who found himself protecting a fiend in the
midst of battle because he was betrayed by his higher
ups. The fiend, seeing how powerful this commander
was, decided to strike a deal with him and now the
two work together, fighting side by side, but that’s not
to say that other fiends would also feel respect for the

Out of all the races, humans and elves are the least
trusted by the Impire, while Beast Warriors and Pyros
fill their ranks often.

For Ourselves
Perhaps being aligned to others isn’t exactly your
• You want a “dark and gritty” style campaign
The Timeline
Sedah’s Rule
The Kingdom Remains
During this time, the Impire was ruling over the land,
A campaign should be set in this era if…
the skies were red and so was the ocean from the
• You want a campaign with struggling Impire
amount of blood being shed. Thrones made atop of
• You want a campaign that challenges beliefs
bone were common
• You want a “philosophical” style campaign
A campaign should be set in this era if…
• You want a to run a campaign of evil characters
• You want to run a campaign with a lot of battles
and conflict
• You want a “grimdark” style campaign

Reclamation Era
After The Seven Saints defeated Sedah and Balzath,
the land began to heal and people began repopulat-
ing the world, enjoying it and all its splendor, a truly
joyous time.

A campaign should be set in this era if…

• You want a campaign with light hearted overtone
• You want a campaign of whimsy
• You want a “slice of life” style campaign

Kingdom Expansion Era

A campaign should be set in this era if…
• You want a campaign with heroic overtone
• You want a campaign of high fantasy
• You want a “hero’s journey” style campaign

Impire Hits Again

A campaign should be set in this era if…
• You want a campaign with a lot of conflict and
• You want a campaign the threat of death to be
• You want a “serious adventure” style campaign

Possible Future Eras

The two Eras listed below are the two main pathways
the world of Banishment can go… one where the
world falls again to the shadows or another where the
light remains.

The Impire Reborn

A campaign should be set in this era if…
• You want a campaign with struggling heroes
• You want a campaign of resource management

A group of mostly humans wielding powerful, legend-
ary weapons that fight on behalf of The Kingdom.

The Kingdom
Largely humans and elves with some beastkin, The
Kingdom now rules over the world, with its goal to
shed so much light across the light, that all shadows
will dissipate.

An empire of fiends trying to exert their dominance
over the land and destroy any and all that oppose

A group of mechaneers as in people who work on
mechs and technology, building machines and all that

The World Quest Hooks
Monsters and magic are common and so is danger! The Lost Millennium
This place is rife for adventurers as yourself! In this A mysterious artifact has been discovered in an an-
TTRPG you’ll assume the role of a “monster” in this cient ruin that may hold the key to unlocking powerful
world. new magic. But getting to it won’t be easy, as the ruin
is guarded by powerful monsters and hidden traps.
Monsters can be anything from humans, elves, fiends,
and machines and you won’t be dueling with cards, Shadow Void Invasion
but rather be the monsters, spell, and trap cards you’d Strange portals have opened up throughout the land,
see from the Duel Monsters game! leading to a dark and twisted realm filled with pow-
erful monsters. The players must journey into the
With this world being vast, there’s plenty of areas to Shadow Void and close the portals from the heart of
discover from valleys, to underground rivers, lairs, the source.
castles, and more!
The Forbidden One
The four main regions of the world can be categorized A group of cultists is searching for a legendary mon-
into the following: ster called the “Forbidden One,” which is said to have
the power to destroy entire cities. The players must
stop the cultists before they can unleash the monster
The Mainlands and cause untold destruction.
The plains, towns and cities. The Mainlands take up a
vast majority of the center of the world. Humans live
The Duelist Tournament
here and now, many elves and Beastkins are integrat-
The greatest duelists from all across the land have
ing into society.
come together to compete in a high-stakes tourna-
ment. The players are tasked with protecting the tour-
The Forests nament and ensuring that it goes off without a hitch.
Home of the elves. These lands are lush with green
and clear water. Those who travel through the forests The Fabled Artifact
are said to be blessed with good fortune. A fabled anicent artifact, which is said to hold incred-
ible power, has been stolen. The players must track
down the thief and recover the artifact before it falls
The Outerlands into the wrong hands.
Mountainous terrain and valleys. The Beastkin and
pyro live here.
Toon World Trouble
The zany and unpredictable has happening, where a
The Underworld strange magic has caused monsters to turn into car-
Home of the fiends and zombies. The Underworld toon monsters of themselves. Players must figure out
covers many of the world’s swamplands and the cor- how to stop this before it’s too late.
ners of the world, deemed undesirable.
The Dark Void Magician
A powerful magician known as the “Dark Void Magi-
cian” is wreaking havoc across the land, using his dark
powers to control monsters and terrorize villages. The
players must stop him before he can do even more

The Dragon Triarchy

The three powerful dragons that make up the Dragon

Triarchy were sealed away into ancient tablets long
ago. They have been discovered, and various factions
are vying for control of them to unlock their powers.
The players must navigate the treacherous politics
of the factions and determine who should ultimately
possess the powerful cards.

The Legendary Sages

Three powerful sages are said to reside in different
parts of the world, and the players must track them
down and convince them to aid in a great battle
against a common enemy.

The Ancient Artifacts

Seven powerful Ancient artifacts, each with their own
unique power, have been scattered throughout the
world. The players must gather them all before a ne-
farious organization can get their hands on them.

Shadow Coliseum
A giant tournament is being held in a grand coliseum.
But a shadowy figure is lurking in the background, and
has summoned these fighters from around the realm
for his underhanded plots. Players must investigate
this shadowy figure, his plot, and survive the chal-

The Fell Behemoths

The three powerful Fell Behemoths have awoken
from their slumber and are causing destruction across
the land. The players must find a way to stop them
before they can do even more damage.

Character Creation
Banishment offers a lot of interesting new options for characters.

There are many different races that stretch across the land of Banishment. Humans and elves make up the vast
majority of the Mainland. The underworld however is filled to the brim with Fiends and Zombies.

Machines are slowly on the rise, while Pyros are slightly on the decline from having their homelands taken
over by Fiends.

For each race, you’ll receive a bonus to your attributes and 3 race skills. To determine your race skills, roll 1d6
and apply the following effect. If you roll the same number twice, reroll one of the results until both results are

Banishment Races
Beastkin Elf Fiend Human Machine Pyro Zombie

Beastkin spend all your stored dice to add that much to your
Attack as a Boost Skill.
Beastkin are known for their hard work, strength, and 5: Instincts (Boost/Reaction): Spend a stored 1d6 to
indomitable will. They were at once isolated con- add that amount to your Attack or Defense this turn.
flicts with the elves, looking to expand their territory. 6: Manticore’s Blood (Passive): Whenever you’d be
Unfortunately the Beastkin were held at bay, in large downed, during the start of your next turn, revive
part to their treaty with Humans. Beastkins also didn’t standing at 1 Health. Limit once per day.
fare well against Fiends in the outermost lands and
the underworld.

Beastkins were stuck in the middle of it all. The pres-

sure felt among the Beastkins however only made
them stronger. Over the last few years their numbers
have expanded and they’ve lended their services to
various factions and lands, opting to integrate into
other cultures for survival.

Beastkins are strong and indomitable but
lack lofty goals. +2 Strength, +2 Toughness, -2

Race Skills
Roll 2d6 and obtain the following race skills.
If they’re both the same result, reroll one of

1: Enraged (Passive): Every attack you make

ignores armor. Whenever you’re Tier 2, all
friendly Beast Warriors may share this ef-
fect. At Tier 4 all friendly units may share this
effect, regardless of if they’re Beast Warriors
or not.
2: Beast Horn (Passive): You have a massive
horn protruding from your head of the shape
and color that you desire. This horn bears
with it and instinctual ferality, allowing you to
gain an additional attack action whenever you
kill an enemy.
3: Berserk Counter (Reaction): Whenever you
are dealt damage you may use this skill, be-
coming berserk. When berserk, you gain Edge
on all combat rolls and must attack the near-
est enemy unit. This lasts for the remainder of
the encounter.
4: Magical Beast (Passive/Boost): Regardless
of your spellcasting proclivities, some part of
you, be it your horn, claws, or fur, can store
magic and use it to your benefit. Whenever
you roll a Critical, you may store 1d6. You may
Elves used to live entirely in the forests, however with
their recent agreement with humans, more and more
of them are being accepted into the mainland cities
and towns. Some elves, of course, still prefer living in
the forests and being more a part of nature.

Elves are deft and wise but lack physical power. +2
Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength

Race Skills
Roll 2d6 and obtain the following race skills. If they’re
both the same result, reroll one of them.

1: Fey Protection (Passive): You take half

damage from spells (rounded up).
2: Mystical Chant (Passive): By speaking a
magical chant, your healing increases by
3: Obnoxious (Passive): If you would take 6+
damage from a single source, you can’t
4: Gemini (Passive): You have a twin sibling
with your exact stats and abilities, except both
of your maximum Health is equal to half of
the maximum Health you’d normally have.
5: Noble Armed (Passive): You’re ambidex-
trous and can dual wield without suffering
any penalties when wielding small to medium
sized weapons.
6: Dark Power (Boost): A technique passed
down through the dark elf lineage. Subtract
up to 10 Health to add that much to your next

Fiend units within 60 feet of you can’t score critical hits
(rolling a 6 doesn’t allow a unit to keep rolling and
Fiends rule the Underworld and are a vast collective can’t be used for
of various devilish creatures. Fiends usually have effects that use
horns and a tail, but might not necessarily. Many criticals).
fiends look unique and have different colors. The one 6: Fell Knight
constant however is that they are selfishly motivated. (Passive): When-
ever this unit
They may lend their service to aid others or do good deals damage
and moral deeds, however, it will almost certainly to an enemy,
never be without their own benefit. heal 1d6 up to
your maximum
Fiends are also the inventors of machines, using their Health.
magic and infusing various metals to bring machines
to life. Humans who’ve fought bravely in battle have
since confiscated

Fiends are cold and calculated
but lack connection to the nat-
ural world. +2 Intelligence, +2
Resolve, -2 Wisdom.

Race Skills
Roll 2d6 and obtain the follow-
ing race skills. If they’re both the
same result, reroll one of them.

1: Fiendish (Passive): Your rolls

can’t be changed unless you
allow it.
2: Archfiend Soul (Passive):
Whenever you’re affected by
an enemy spell, roll 1d6. In the
result of 1, 3, or 6, ignore the
3: Blood Knight (Passive):
Whenever you deal damage to
an enemy, remove up to one
stored 1d6 they have and then
you may store 1d6 (roll 1d6. You
may use that result at any time
for the remainder of the day.
You may use it to replace an-
other result).
4: Dark Ruler (Passive): Your
enemies can’t use Reaction Skills
in response to you unless they
roll 1d6 and get a 2, 4, or 5.
5: Vanity (Passive): You and
After losing thousands of soldiers, the humans looked
towards a solution. Humans and elves have since
ended their bitter, century old feud and have settled
on working and living together as a means to form a
strong deterrent to the advancement of dark forces,
such as Fiends and Monsters.

Humans, more than any race, love exploring, discover-

ing new spells and lands, forging new friendships and
memories to cherish in their relatively short lives.

Humans are adaptable. Add +1 to one attribute and
+1 to another

Race Skills
Roll 2d6 and obtain the following race skills.
If they’re both the same result, reroll one of

1: Multi-passionate (Passive): Gain an addi-

tional +2 Proficiency Points.
2: Lucky (Passive): Up to TL times per day you
can reroll a die result.
3: Town Hero (Passive): You’re loved and
adored by a small town. This town will treat
you and yours with the utmost kindness and
respect, giving you meals, a place to rest, and
basic supplies at any time it’s needed.
4: Merchant (Passive): You’re used to hag-
gling, selling, and running a business. You’re
able to reduce the cost of anything in a store
by TLd6x10 gild, assuming the business
doesn’t hate you. If the business loves you,
then the discount is doubled. (For the busi-
ness to love you, it’d take a good story reason
or several times building rapport.)
5: Giant (Passive): You’re a giant man. In-
crease your maximum Health by 2d6 and you
become the “Large” size.
6: Royal (Passive): Your very face brings polar-
ity to all who see you. People either love you
or vastly despite you because to them you’re
a symbol of hope or of pain due to your royal

Made of metal and magic. Machines are programmed
with certain directives based on their creators. The
functions of machines can vary vastly from providing
entertainment, firing guns at enemies, protecting
throne rooms and more!

Machines are made to be a boss but lack a natural
touch. Gain +2 Toughness, +2 Intelligence, -2

All Machines have the “Tireless” skill in addi-

tion to their other race skills.
*Tireless (Passive): You can’t become ex-

Race Skills
Roll 2d6 and obtain the following race skills.
If they’re both the same result, reroll one of

1: Enemy Controller (Action): Choose Attack

or Defense and target an unit, then apply the
following effect. Attack - The enemy unit must
attack during their next turn if able. Defense
- The defending unit can’t attack during their
next turn. Limit once per day.
2: Rare Metalmodify (Passive): Your Armor
becomes 6. Up to once per day ignore a spell
that targets you.
3: Barrels (Action): Attacks twice up to 100
feet away. You may choose two different tar-
gets. This Attack is equal to your Intelligence x
2 +1d6.
4: Limit Breaker (Boost): Double your attrib-
utes. Your Health becomes 0 at the start of
your next turn.
5: Roulette (Boost): Flip coins until you lose a
flip and apply the following effect. Limit once
per Tier Level per day.
• 1: Hearts - Heal 3.
• 2: Spades - Gain Edge on your next roll in
this encounter.
• 3: Clubs - You may make up to 3 melee
attacks this turn.
• 4: Diamonds - Target unit can’t take dam-
age until your next turn.
• 5+: Jackpot! - Your melee Attack stat be-
comes 99 this encounter.
• 6: Trap Jammer: Enemies can’t use Reac-
tion skills within 30 feet of you unless you 17
allow it.
Creatures are embodiments of fire and are of the
Outerlands. Pyros are few and far between, declining
in population. However, pyros are incredibly powerful
creatures, capable of generating tons of fire.

Pyros are brazen and attuned to nature but lack the
ability to be hands on. +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2

All Pyros have the “Fire Body” skill in addition to their

other race skills.
*Fire Body (Passive): You may deal TLd6 fire dam-
age to anything that touches you or anything
that you touch. Your flames otherwise phase
through objects that you’re close to like a

Race Skills
Roll 2d6 and obtain the following race skills.
If they’re both the same result, reroll one of

1: Hitnotoma (Action): Consume 3 Astral.

Attack target unit up to 80 feet away and tele-
port adjacent to that unit to the closest area.
This attack is equal to your Wisdom x 2 + 1d6.
100% Fire damage.
2: Fire Soul (Passive): Whenever you’re
reduced to 0 Health, you may store 3d6 (roll
1d6. You may use that result at any time for
the remainder of the day. You may use it to
replace another result). Limit once per day.
3: Firestorm (Action): Consume 9 Astral. This
spell takes one turn to charge up. Attack all
enemy units in a 9x9 radius. This attack is
equal to your Wisdom x 2 + 3d6. 100% Fire
4: Fire Wall (Reaction): Consume 3 Astral.
Negate a non-Fire attack.
5: Fire Power (Boost): Consume 3 Astral. In-
crease the Attack of you and all friendly units
by +TL. Lasts one encounter.
6: Molten Magic (Passive): Whenever you
consume AST for a Skill, you may store 1d6
(roll 1d6. You may use that result at any time
for the remainder of the day. You may use it to
replace another result).
Undead creatures that were once human, elves,
Beastkins or other monsters. Zombies typically work
for fiends as their soldiers while fiends command
from the rear. Vampires being the outlier, are the one
type of “Zombie” that rules their own territory and
zombies, without being commanded by fiends. These
contestment in power have caused quite a devastat-
ing rivalry.

While zombies usually hunger for brains, most of

them are sapient and can think rationally on their

Zombies are tireless and fearless but fall apart
sort of easily. +2 Strength, +2 Resolve, -2

All Zombies have the “Tireless” skill in addi-

tion to their other race skills.
*Tireless (Passive): You can’t become ex-

Race Skills
Roll 2d6 and obtain the following race skills.
If they’re both the same result, reroll one of

1: Plague (Action): Consume 3x Astral. Create

a 5x5 area. All non-Zombie units in that area
lose Edge on all checks and gain poison x2 for
every 3 Astral consumed.
2: Darkskull (Passive): Your Health can’t be
lowered to 0 by spells from enemies.
3: Undead Strength (Passive): Increase your
Strength by +2.
4: Rottouch (Passive): Whenever you deal
damage to an enemy, you may steal a stored
5: Rotarmor (Passive): Any armor you wear,
degrades becoming unusable and its value
becomes 0. However, the effect of the armor
absorbs into your body. You have up to two
different armor effects absorbed this way.
6: Necromancy (Passive): Whenever you
roll a 1 in an Encounter, you may summon a
Skeleton with 1 Health, 13 Attack, 6 Defense,
3 Speed. Initiative that is taken during your
The Classes
The classes of Banishment are vast, covering everything from steadfast knights wielding magical blades to
card shuffling, monster summoners and stage performers!

The Classes of Banishment

Breaker Dragon Blade Duelcaster Magician Ninja Performer Samurai Scorpion Zoorah

Breaker Dragon Blade Duelcaster

Break That! Long In The Tooth It’s Time To Ddddd-uel Cast!
These knights specialize in martial Wielders of dark blades who ride Spectacular spellcasters who use cards
prowess with a touch of magic to de- dragons into battle. to summon powerful threats to aid
stroy their enemies. them on their journey.
Weapon Proficiencies: Shields,
Weapon Proficiencies: Shields, swords swords Weapon Proficiencies: Monster Cards
Skill Proficiencies: +1 Athletics, +1 Skill Proficiencies: +1 Athletics, +1 Skill Proficiencies: +1 Astrana, +1 Lore,
Influence, +1 Medical Beast, +1 Influence +1 Mechanics
Equipment Proficiencies: Climbing Equipment Proficiencies: Climbing Equipment Proficiencies: Gaming Set
Tools or Cooking Supplies Tools or Navigation Tools Equipment: x3 Common Monster Cards
Equipment: Shield of Squires, Sword of Equipment: Shield of Squires, Skill Tree: Duelcast, Arcane, Deception
Squires Sword of Squires
Skill Tree: Break, Defend, Endurance Skill Tree: Dragonsword, Defend,
Magician Ninja Performer
More Than Parlor Tricks Don’t Eat Rice off the Ground Don’t Hit Me Baby One More Time
Magicians are capable of powerful Assassins of the night, specializing A true talent - a performer uses their
spells at the cost of a lot of astral. Ma-
in using anything at their disposal musical expertise to coral an audience
gicians tend to be heavily focused on to take down their enemies. into having a fun time!
spellcasting and as such make for some
of the most fearsome mages one will Weapon Proficiencies: Ninjato, Weapon Proficiencies: Instrument
ever encounter. thrown weapons Skill Proficiencies: +1 Entertain, +1
Skill Proficiencies: +1 Acrobatics, Influence, +1 Silver Tongue
Weapon Proficiencies: Staves, Wands +1 Investigation, +1 Stealth Equipment Proficiencies: Any instru-
Skill Proficiencies: +1 Astrana, +1 En- Equipment Proficiencies: Disguise ment of your choice and Performance
tertain, +1 Lore Kit or Poisoner’s Kit Kit.
Equipment Proficiencies: Apothecary Equipment: Ninjato, x3 throwing Equipment: 1 Instruments of your
Kit or Divining Tools stars, x3 caltrops choice, x1 potion
Equipment: Might Wand, spellbook, x3 Skill Tree: Ninjutsu, Assassination, Skill Tree: Perform, Tech, Light
ethereal shards Endurance
Skill Tree: Magic Tricks, Arcane, Dark-
Samurai Scorpion Zoorah
Way of the Sword Every Thief Has It’s Thorns It’s Feeding Time!
Samurai are revered among the land Scorpions are rogues specialized in Powerful warriors who use heavy weap-
for their training with a katana and poison, daggers, and hand guns. ons and puns to dispatch their enemies.
their deep appreciation for loyalty,
tradition, and family. Weapon Proficiencies: Daggers and Weapon Proficiencies: Heavy weapons
pistols and grenades
Weapon Proficiencies: Katanas Skill Proficiencies: +1 Acrobatics, Skill Proficiencies: +1 Athletics, +1 Me-
Skill Proficiencies: +1 Athletics, +1 +1 Silver Tongue, +1 Stealth chanics, +1 Survival
Beast, +1 Influence Equipment Proficiencies: Thief’s Equipment Proficiencies: Climbing Tools
Equipment Proficiencies: Ceremonial Tools OR Poisoner’s Kit or Medical Kit
Kit or Climbing Tools Equipment: Scorpion dagger, scor- Equipment: The Oink Spanker, enforcer
Equipment: Katana, wakizashi, x3 pion pistol, x3 vials of poison pistol, x3 frag grenades
potions Skill Tree: Sting, Assassination, Skill Tree: Zoorah, Heavy, Endurance
Skill Tree: Bushido, Melee, Swords- Avarice 20
Breaker halved). This effect lasts until the Armor is repaired.
Break The Line!...and everything else… My Body As A Shield (Reaction): Move up to your
A very well trained knight, often employed by The movement and redirect an incoming attack or affect
Kingdom. Breakers can break (pun intended) through targeting an adjacent friendly unit, to you. You can’t
enemy lines, destroying all in their path as well as roll to Defend or to oppose the effect (you may still
holding the line, being a perfect line of defense apply your Defense and damage reduction).
against any would-be attackers.
Speed Break (Action): Lower the defending unit’s
Skill Branch: Break Speed by 1d3 (roll 1d6 and half the result. The die still
Class Archetype: Fighter (+3 Health) explodes on 6’s but the total result is halved). This
Level 1 Skill: Stance Break (Action): Melee Attack - effect lasts for 18 seconds (3 rounds).
The defending unit loses Edge.
Unbreakable Defense (Reaction): Consume 3 AST to
*Break consumes 3 Astral and requires a sword to prevent 100% of all damage done to you this turn.
activate. The sword can be of any type or rarity, but Lose 1 AP during your next turn.
if the sword’s rarity is at a Tier Level lower than the
user, the sword breaks and is irreparable afterwards. Tier 3
This effect even occurs if the sword has the unbreak-
able keyword. The range of your Break skills is equal Attack Break (Action): Lower the defending unit’s
to your Toughness x10 feet. Attack by 1d3 (roll 1d6 and half the result. The die still
explodes on 6’s but the total result is halved). This
Tier 1 effect lasts for 18 seconds (3 rounds).
Castle Guard (Passive): Gain +1 Toughness. Addition- Defense Break (Action): Lower the defending unit’s
ally, whenever you’d gain Edge or an additive bonus Defense by 1d3 (roll 1d6 and half the result. The die
for having partial cover, you may instead gain +1d6. still explodes on 6’s but the total result is halved). This
effect lasts for 18 seconds (3 rounds).
Defend (Reaction): Redirect any oncoming attack or
effect targeting a friendly unit within 20 feet to you. Iron Armor (Reaction - Equip): Using Gierfried’s mas-
Limit once per Tier Level. tery of the Iron Armor technique, you’re able to stave
off harmful magical effects by conjuring special iron
Guard Break (Action): Lower the defending unit’s armor around you. Consume 3 AST. The equipped unit
Guard by 1d3 (roll 1d6 and half the result. The die still gains +1d6 vs. spells.
explodes on 6’s but the total result is halved). This
effect lasts for 18 seconds. Unbreakable Charge (Movement): Move up to your
speed, you automatically succeed any checks required
Life Break (Action): Lower the defending unit’s Health when moving this turn if the difficulty is 30 or less.
by 1d3 (roll 1d6 and half the result. The die still ex-
plodes on 6’s but the total result is halved). United Stand (Action - Equip): Consume 3 AST. Target
unit gains +1 Attack and +1 Defense for every notable
Spirit Break (Action): Lower the defending unit’s friendly unit (a notable friendly unit adds to CR).
Spirit by 1d3 (roll 1d6 and half the result. The die still
explodes on 6’s but the total result is halved). Tier 4
Tier 2 Astral Break (Action): Lower the defending unit’s
Astral by 1d3 (roll 1d6 and half the result. The die still
Armor Break (Action): Lower the defending unit’s explodes on 6’s but the total result is halved). This
Armor by 1d3 (roll 1d6 and half the result. effect lasts for 18 seconds (3 rounds).
The die still explodes on 6’s but the total result is

Greater Break (Passive): Instead of rolling 1d3 when
using Break skills, roll a 1d6.

Tier 5

Ultimate Break (Action): Destroy any number of

equipment and items on all enemy units within your
Break limit. Limit once per day.

Dragon Blade Armor, Guard, and Spirit (they’re defense and resis-
tances still apply).
Born To Make History
A Dragon Blade is a capable warrior and likely knight Dash Daringly (Movement): You may attack after
who finds themselves with a dragon companion. The making the Charge movement action. If you do, lose
dragon companion could get acquired from working Edge when defending until your next turn.
for The Kingdom or Impire, but it could also be fate.
Regardless of the case, Dragon Blades are highly capa- Tier 3
ble and powerful warriors and as such they’re often
employed as mercenaries if they don’t have strong Aerial Destruction (Action): Command your dragon to
ties to another. attack with its elemental breath up to a 9x9 area.
Once a Dragon Blade has reached the point of having Dragon Adult (Passive): Your baby dragon is now a
a fully adult dragon under their control, they can’t be fully fledged adult dragon!
stopped, meaning many “accidents” occur before that
point. Dragon’s Blood (Passive): If you’d be reduced to 0
Health, at the start of your next turn, instead of mak-
Skill Branch: Dragonsword ing a Death Check, you regain 1 Health. Limit once per
Class Archetype: Fighter (+3 Health) day.
Level 1 Skill: Dragon Young (Passive): You tame a
young dragon as a companion (reference the Monster Tier 4
section for Young Dragon stats).
Destruction Sword (Action): Sword Action - Consume
Tier 1 3 AST. Attack up to 80 feet in a straight line. You may
use any stored dice to gain an extra 1d6 to this attack
How To Train A Dragon (Passive): You may spend any for every store die used.
number of Skill Points to select this Skill more than
once. Increase your dragon’s stats by one of the fol- Dragon’s Bane (Action): Spend 1 Discipline. Melee At-
lowing amounts: tack - Deals double damage to non-dragon units and
• +3 Health triple damage to dragons (doesn’t stack with Dragon
• +3 Astral Mastery).
• +1 Speed (+2 Flight)
• +1 Strength Dark Metal (Passive): Your armor is coated in magical
• +1 Dexterity dark metal, giving you resistance to all damage types.
• +1 Toughness Additionally your armor feels weightless, allowing you
• +1 Intelligence to move freely in it and not be exhausted from mov-
• +1 Wisdom ing it.
• +1 Resolve
Tier 5
Tier 2
Dragon Mastery (Passive): Naturally dragons fear you,
Dragon Scales (Passive): Gain resistance to an ele- even high level dragons respect you and the author-
ment type of your choice (acid, fire, ice, lightning, or ity you command. You take half damage from drag-
petrify). ons and gain 2 Edge when making any check against
dragons. Additionally, damage you deal vs dragons is
Dragon Jump (Movement): Move up to your speed, doubled.
ignoring elevated height up to 30 feet per your Tier

Luster Blade (Action): Melee Attack - Ignore enemy

The Duelcaster corresponding to the rarity.
A unique type of rogue who summons monsters Duelcaster’s Tier Levels:
through a vast array of cards they have. Many mistake Tier 1 = Common Monster Cards (Monsters level 1-4)
their abilities as spellcasting, but instead their cards Tier 2 = Uncommon Monster Cards (Monsters level
are more a utility they’ve trained to use opposed to 5-9)
needing to acquire knowledge as a spellcaster nor- Tier 3 = Rare Monster Cards (Monsters level 10-14)
mally would. Tier 4 = Epic Monster Cards (Monsters level 15-19)
Tier 5 = Legendary Monster Cards (Monsters level 20)
With their Monster Cards equipped, a Duelcaster can
be a formidable threat, capable of summoning a vast Base Rarity refers to the rarity types listed above. A
array of monsters to rise to any occasion that presents World Master may assign “holographic” or “secret
itself! rare” status to Base Rarity, allowing for players to
have Holographic Epic Monster Cards or Secret Rare
Skill Branch: Duelcast Legendary Monsters for example.
Class Archetype: Rogue (+3 Proficiency Points)
Level 1 Skill: Monster Card Summoning (Action): Determining Rarity
Summon a Monster from a Monster Card you have If you want to simulate the random chance of opening
equipped. At the time of acquiring this skill, choose 1 card packs, have the player roll dice whenever you
of your 3 starting Common Monster Cards as your sig- “open a pack” to obtain a new Monster Card to deter-
nature monster. Signature Monsters gain +1 Strength, mine which rarity it is.
+1 Dexterity, and +1 Toughness. Additionally some
effects may refer to your signature monster. Roll 7 six-sided die, then note which number has the
most matches. For example, if four ones are rolls and
Monster Cards the rest are different numbers, “one” would have the
Monster Cards represent actual monsters found in most matches. The lowest rarity is Holographic, so
Banishment! This means, whenever a Duelcaster re- that’s what the rarity would be.
ceives a Monster Card, its summon will represent the
monster from the “Monster” section of this module. If there’s a tie for matches, then no special rarity is
The only difference may be its rarity (which we dis- given.
cuss more in a little bit).
• Holographic (Holo / Foil): Add +1 to each of this
As you level up as a Duelcasting, you’ll acquire Mon- Monster’s attributes.
ster Cards to add to your deck. You’re able to obtain • Reverse Holographic (Reverse Holo): The Monster
up to 1 new Monster Card per character level at the Card’s Attributes are switched (Strength, Dexterity,
cost of 300 GL level of Monster Card you want, which and Toughness are swamped with Intelligence,
can’t exceed your current character level (don’t worry Wisdom, and Resolve). Additionally, the Monster’s
the first Monster Card is free!). weaknesses and Resistances are swapped.
• Rainbow Foil: This Monster is resistant to all
These Monster Cards can be used as an Action to magical damage and can’t be weak to any magical
summon the designated Monster. Monsters are damage.
treated as companions and will return to your card at • Secret Rare: Add +2 to each of this Monster’s
will, as a Free Action OR when its Health is reduced to attributes.
0. • Star Platinum: Add +3 to each of this Monster’s
Whenever a Monster returns to its Monster Card, it • Phantom Rare: This monster becomes undead in
takes 1 day until it’s able to be summoned again. addition to its other unit types. Additionally, this
monster gains, “Ghost (Reaction): Reduce the next
Monster Cards are assigned a Base Rarity, and may physical damage done to you by 50% (rounded
only be used by a Duelcaster of an equal Tier Level up). This unit may move through obstacles.”
terity, and Toughness.
Tier 1 (Levels 1+)
Card Binder (Reaction): Grapple a number of units up Rarity Up III (Passive): The next Monster Card you
to your Tier Level up to 2x10 feet per Tier Level you gain becomes a rarity higher by one stage. This effect
are. The Grapple check is equal to your Intelligence + only activates once.
Wisdom. Limit once per day.
Value Up III (Passive): The next Monster Card you
Rarity Up (Passive): The next Monster Card you gain gain is of Tier 4 rarity instead of Tier 3. This effect only
becomes a rarity higher by one stage. This effect only activates once.
activates once.
Tier 4 (Levels 15+)
Value Up (Passive): The next Monster Card you gain
is of Tier 2 rarity instead of Tier 1. This effect only Double Draw (Boost): You summon two Monsters this
activates once. turn.

Tier 2 (Levels 5+) Double Fusion Summon (Action): Summon your 2

Signature Cards at once, fusing them together to form
Deck Defense (Reaction): Instead of taking damage one ultimate monster! This ultimate monster has the
this turn, redirect that damage to a Monster Card you combined stats of both monsters, with the exception
currently have active. of Speed and Initiative which remains the same.
Additionally, this monster gains “Epic Action (2).”
Mulligan (Passive): Whenever you’d receive a Mon-
ster Card you may exchange it for another random Tier 5 (Levels 20+)
Monster Card of an equal value. Once per card.
Ultimate Fusion (Action): Summon your 3 Signature
Rarity Up II (Passive): The next Monster Card you gain Cards at once, fusing them together to form one
becomes a rarity higher by one stage. This effect only ultimate monster! This ultimate monster has the
activates once. combined stats of all three monsters, with the excep-
tion of Speed and Initiative which remains the same.
Second Signature Card (Passive): At the time of ac- Additionally, this monster gains “Epic Action (3).”
quiring this skill, the Duelcaster chooses any 1 mon-
ster card to have as their “Signature Monster.”
A Signature monster is granted +1 to its Strength, Dex-
terity, and Toughness.

Value Up II (Passive): The next Monster Card you gain

is of Tier 3 rarity instead of Tier 2. This effect only
activates once.

Tier 3 (Levels 10+)

Soul of the Cards (Passive): For the remainder of this

turn, every first die roll made with your monsters is
considered a critical and explodes, allowing you to roll
additional dice.

Third Signature Card (Passive): At the time of acquir-

ing this skill, the Duelcaster chooses any 1 monster
card to have as their “Signature Monster.”
A Signature monster is granted +1 to its Strength, Dex-
Magician Tier 3
Master Casters Arcane Trapezoid (Reaction): Consume 4 AST. Negate
Magicians are powerful mage based classes, highly an attack and redirect its Attack value towards the
attuned to astral and their ability to cast spells. A Ma- Attacker. This is considered a counter attack and the
gician’s Black Magic Stone gives them much needed defending unit can’t roll for Defense.
additional Astral, which can be used to help counter
their extremely taxing spells. Magic Box (Reaction): Consume 8 AST. Teleport with
another unit (changing places with that unit). All
Most Magicians have to be very focused on magecraft damage you’d take is dealt to that unit instead (they
and as such have lower health and proficiency points, take damage without rolling. Damage reduction is still
but despite this, one would not dare mess with a applied).
properly trained Magician, as their effects are power-
ful enough to rival dragons! Heavy Mystic Storm (Action): Consume 6 AST to sum-
mon a heavy mystic storm, dealing 2d6 damage to all
Skill Branch: Magic units Astral that are touched by the rain.
Class Archetype: Mage (+3 Astral)
Level 1 Skill: Dark Blast (Action): Ranged Spell Attack Tier 4
- Intelligence + Resolve + 1d6. Deals arcane damage.
This spell doesn’t consume astral. Ability Siphon (Actions): Consume 3 AST during acti-
vation and at the start of each turn to keep in effect.
Tier 1 Negates all other spells and skills within the caster’s
line of sight.
Black Magic Stone (Passive): Gain a Black Magic
Stone that raises your Astral by +8 as long as it’s Change of Heart (Action): An ancient and powerful
equipped to you. Additionally, you can create Black spell that changes one’s heart. Consume 6 AST to
Magic Stones, with 1 weeks time, all of your Astral have a unit make a Resolve (Influence) check against
being drained and 3,000 GL. A character may only be you. If they fail, the unit becomes a friendly unit for 1
in possession of 1 Black Magic Stone at a time or else round. You control its actions. It can’t willingly sacri-
a blackhole is formed. fice, attack itself, damage itself, or otherwise destroy
Fissure (Action): A powerful quake creating a long and
narrow split in the earth. Consume 3 AST to attack an Divine Lightning (Action): Consume 6 Astral to send
enemy unit with the lowest Attack stat within 100 feet an all-powerful lightning strike down upon your ene-
of you. Deals Earth damage. Attack is equal to your mies. The lightning can strike at any point within 100
Wisdom or Resolve x2 +1d6. feet of you and travel in any singular direction in a
straight line up to 100 feet, attacking all in its path for
Tier 2 10d6 lightning damage.
Despell (Reaction): Consume 6 AST to negate a spell Reflecting Impetus (Reaction): Consume 8 AST. A
being cast from an equal or lower level unit. great wall of energy is summoned. Negate all damage
dealt to you and friendly units you can see this turn.
Magical Hats (Reaction): Consume 4 AST. Cover up Redirect the total attack value towards all attackers
to any 4 units under magical hats, the attacking unit divided as you choose. This is considered a counter
has a 25% chance to hit any target. Afterwards, return attack and the defending unit can’t roll for Defense.
each unit where they were.
Tier 5
One Million Knives (Passive): Consume 4 AST. You
and target unit each take up to 3d6 psychic damage Black Magic Strike (Action): Consume 10 AST to deal
(you determine how many dice to roll between 1-3). 20 psychic damage to all enemies within 80 feet of
you. 26
Ninja Kuikkuhando (Passive): You may use any items from
“Tools of the Ninja” as a Boost or Reaction Skill.
Hiding In The Dark
Fast and lethal, ninja strike at the heart of the enemy Ninja Dodge (Reaction): Roll an additional 1d6 when
from the shadows. A ninja’s ability to use their sur- evading this turn.
roundings of darkness and nature to their benefit,
make them a formidable foe. Ninja Run (Movement): Move up to twice your
speed, ignoring any hindrances in terrain. End your
Skill Branch: Ninjutsu turn. At Tier 3 you’re able to move atop of water and
Class Archetype: Rogue (+3 Proficiency) other liquid surfaces without falling under. At Tier 4,
Level 1 Skill: Tools of the Ninja (Action): With 10 GL you’re able to remain atop liquid surfaces, even with-
worth of supplies and 30 minutes of time you can out moving.
craft any 1 of the following for use. Each item without
“reusable” is one time use. Substitution Jutsu (Reaction): Consume 3 AST to
ignore the next attack that would affect you. You may
• Caltrops: Throws caltrops up to 30 feet, scatter- then teleport up to your movement to any location.
ing the ground in a single space. Whenever a unit
moves upon the space, that unit takes TL piercing Suiton (Passive): You can hold your breath underwa-
damage equal to your TL. ter for 1 hour per character level.
• Climbing Tools: Reusable - Grants Edge with
climbing. When using your Climbing Tools, you’re Tier 3 (Level 10+)
considered proficient with them, even if you’re
not proficient with “Climbing Tools.” Bunshin (Action): Consume X AST. Summon a Shadow
• Smoke Bomb: Throws a smoke bomb to create a Clone for every 3 AST consumed, with your exact
3x3 smoke field. stats, except they have 1 Health and can’t perform
• Spider Ladder: Reusable - A ladder that rolls out any abilities from skills you have. Your Shadow Clones
to 30 feet. can’t take actions the turn they are summoned. The
• Throwing Star: Throws a throwing star with the amount of AST needed to consume per Shadow Clone
stats: 3/–/X. The Attack is your DEX + 3. The range is reduced by 1 for each of your TLs to a minimum of
is equal to your DEX x10 feet. 1 at T5.
Tier 1 (Level 1+) Hayabusa (Passive): Gain double attack.
Elemental Jutsu (Action): Upon acquiring this skill, Kakuremi (Passive): Units lose Edge when trying to
choose any of the following nature based teaching spot you in concealment.
listed below and acquire it. For every additional TL un-
locked, unlock a new teaching of your choice (without Swiftness (Passive): You may use up to two Reaction
spending a Skill Point). Skills per round instead of one.
Consume up to TL AST to add +X elemental damage to Tier 4 (Level 15+)
any weapon, where X is the AST consumed. This may
also be used to do things such as to ignite and start Feeling Before Knowing (Passive): You may use your
fires. WIS in place of your INT when making Investigation or
Lore checks.
• Doton: Petrify damage.
• Hyoton: Ice damage. Vanish (Reaction): Become concealed. Units within
• Katon: Fire damage. line of sight may make a Wisdom (Perception) check
• Raiton: Lightning damage. against your Dexterity (Stealth) to still see you.
Tier 2 (Level 5+) Tier 5 (Level 20+)
Mugen no kemuri (Action/Movement): Consume 4
AST to conjure a field of smoke filling an entire area,
concealing you. As a Movement Action you may tele-
port anywhere within the smoke. While in the smoke
units can’t break your concealment without rolling a
30 on a Wisdom (Perception) check. Limit once per
day. While in the smoke, half all physical damage you
take (rounded up).

Performer units who are fond of the character you’re cosplaying.
This skill also creates opportunities to find out “secret
Just Dance.. and some other stuff! fans” who you wouldn’t expect to be “into that sort
Performers use their expert skills in playing instru- of thing,” such as a guard who’s really into an anime
ments and singing to command and coral vast audi- character.
Pop Idol (Passive): You start on the path of becoming
Skill Branch: Perform a Pop Idol, granting you Edge when dealing with any
Class Archetype: Mage (+3 Astral) NPC susceptible to your cuteness!
Level 1 Skill: Perform (Passive/Action): You begin
performing your act swaying the emotions of those Projection (Boost): You may cast a projection of your-
around you. The range that this affects is 50 feet as- self to anywhere within line of sight and perform from
suming you’re using an instrument, otherwise it’s 10 your projection. Enemy units must make a Wisdom
feet. (Perception) check with a difficulty equal to your level
to tell it’s not you OR make a failed attack on it once,
By default you may perform to influence one’s mood, in which case other enemy units will also be made
however, there’s additional Actions you can take to aware it’s a projection. You may only cast one projec-
perform that will have various other effects. Regard- tion up to your Tier Level.
less of effect, you may only perform 1/Tier Level +1
per day. Volume Up (Passive): Double the range of your per-
formance. Additionally, when speaking and singing
Choose a mood you’d want those around you to feel. units can’t misunderstand you or not hear you, if it
All non willing units must make a Resolve (Influence) would otherwise be dampened by outside circum-
check vs your Resolve (Entertain), if they fail, the fol- stances.
lowing happens:
• Happy - Affected units gain Edge on their next roll Tier 2
for one round.
• Sad - Affected units lose Edge on their next roll for Battle Anthem (Action): Perform - All affected units
one round. gain +2 Attack and +1 Speed for this round.
• Angry - Affected units become berserk for the
next round, attacking the closest enemy with a Big Debut (Passive): You go first in initiative order.
basic attack.
RockStar (Passive): Gain the following:
Tech or Magic • Gain proficiency with axes.
At the time of becoming a Performer you must choose • You may use the “Execution” Combat Maneuver
if your performances rely on technology or magic. for 1 critical to deal double damage with axes.
• You can spend 2 criticals to cause double damage
• Technology - Watch out for EMPs, breaking, and and bleed damage.
other effects that may hinder your technology! • Gain Edge with any NPC that identifies as a metal-
• Magic - Watch out for having your Astral drained, head (roughly ⅙ NPCs).
spell negations, or spell dampening fields!
Seraph Song (Action): Perform - All affected units heal
Tier 1 1d6 Health and restore an equal amount of astral.
Cosplayer (Passive): You become proficient with Tier 3
the disguise kit. Using a disguise kit you can create
a reusable cosplay of any character with 72 hours of Dance Choreography (Reaction): Gain Edge evading
time and 600 GL. This time and cost is reduced by an attack this turn. Your next performance has its
your TL of 12 hours and 100 GL, starting at T2. When difficulty level increased by 3.
in cosplay you gain Edge on Influence checks against

Encore (Boost): Take another performance action this
turn. Limit once per day.

Fiendish Song (Action): Perform - All affected units

gain bleed and poison.

Tier 4

All-Kill (Action): Perform - Units affected by your next

performance this turn must make a death check for
every 3 points they failed the check by. Limit once per

Strange Song (Action): Perform - All affected units are

transformed into a level 1 Wuzzy for 1 minute.

Swan Song (Boost): Units affected by your perfor-

mance have the effects applied for the remainder of
this encounter. This is the last time you may use the
Perform action this week.

Tier 5

Grand Finale (Passive): When performing, units must

make a difficulty check equal to 30. Additionally, any
effects applied are applied for 10 minutes instead of
their normal duration. Limit once per day.

Samurai plane, etc. This attack will hit unless they’re able to
defend or evade as normal.
Self-made, all-blade
Samurai are devout in their teachings of the sword Sakuretsu Armor (Reaction): You extend pieces of
and more precisely a katana. With a katana, a samurai your armor, turning it into deadly, spiked shrapnel
can perform feats that no other could dare rival. to impale close attackers. Consume 3 AST. Deal 10
damage to an enemy who attacked you within melee
Skill Branch: Bushido range (this damage is subtracted by their armor, but
Class Archetype: Fighter (+3 Health) they don’t roll).
Level 1 Skill: Swift Cut (Action): Melee Attack - Spend
1 Discipline to add +1d6 to your attack and deal slash- Swiftness (Passive): You may use up to two Reaction
ing damage. You may use this attack to attack up to 10 Skills per round instead of one.
feet per your TL.
Tier 4 (Level 15+)
Tier 1 (Level 1+)
Iaido (Reaction): You master swordsman techniques
Battōjutsu (Passive): Gain +3 Discipline and +3 allowing you to quickly draw your sword and use it
Health. effectively. As a Reaction you may perform an attack
with your katana.
Ryuraiko (Action): A lightning fast technique that
moves the wielder to the air and uses their momen- Shirahadori (Reaction): Ignore a physical attack. You
tum to unleash a powerful downward strike upon may use this Reaction an amount of times equal to
their enemy. Melee Attack - Spend 1 Discipline to add your Discipline Stat. You can’t use another Reaction
+2d6 and crush to your attack. the same round this is used.
Ryukoiru (Action/Reaction): Melee Attack - Spend Tier (Level 20+)
1 Discipline to attack all units within 20 feet of you.
If this skill is used as a Reaction, instead deflect a Heaven’s Strike (Action): Spend 1 Discipline. Melee
ranged attack. Attack - 100 slashing damage.
Tier 2 (Level 5+)

Bushi (Passive): Any time you’d store a die, you may

instead replenish 1 Discipline.

Musashi (Passive): You suffer no penalties when dual

wielding two katana.

Rapid Stream Slash (Action/Reaction): Melee Attack

- Spend 1 Discipline to attack a unit within 20 feet of
you, moving towards them (without taking a move-
ment action), you may repeat this a number of times
equal to your TL - attacking a different unit up to 20
feet away and move towards them.

Tier 3 (Level 10+)

Perfect Strike (Boost): Spend 1 Discipline and end

your turn. Your next attack targets any unit, regard-
less if they’re concealed, magical, partially in another

Scorpion Scorpion Sting (Action): Dagger/Pistol Attack - Deals
TL poison damage in addition to other damage. This
Very Likely To Have An Eye-Patch stacks with Bite of the Scorpion.
A gang of rogues found across the realm, renowned
for their skillset with daggers, handguns, poison, and Tier 3
picking locks, making them a bad group to be enemies
with. Scorpion’s Dodge (Reaction): Halve damage you’d
take from a single attack (rounded up). If the attacking
Despite their roguish nature, a strong tie to loyalty unit is poisoned, reduce all of it instead. If the attack-
among themselves. A Scorpion will often refer to oth- ing unit isn’t poisoned and adjacent to you, you may
ers in their group as their brothers and sisters and to apply poison 1 to them.
betray one is a death sentence.
Scorpion’s Poison (Passive): Poison damage you inflict
While the trade is deadly, it doesn’t mean that a Scor- is doubled.
pion is bad necessarily, entirely possible they’re just
misunderstood right? Stinger (Boost): Dagger/Pistol Attack - Attack up to
three times with your dagger or pistol.
Skill Branch: Sting
Class Archetype: Rogue (+3 Proficiency Points) Tier 4
Level 1 Skill: Bite of the Scorpion (Passive): You can
identify secret codes from other roguish types, as well Scorpion Brother (Passive): You gain a male Scorpion
as leave messages that other scorpions can decipher. companion (refer to the Monster section).
Additionally, gain resistance to poison and increase all
poison damage you deal equal to your Tier Level. Scorpion Sister (Passive): You gain a female Scorpion
companion (refer to the Monster section).
Tier 1
Tier 5
Scorpion Style (Passive): You suffer no penalties when
dual wielding daggers and/or pistols. Additionally gain Deathstalker (Action): Dagger Attack - In addition to
+1 Dexterity. normal damage, apply 13 poison damage.
Scorpion Tongue (Passive): Learn the thieves secret
language as well as gain a level of proficiency in Silver

Tier 2

7-Tools (Passive): For 100 GL gain “7-Tools,” a handy

piece of equipment that gives you Edge when mak-
ing any checks involving hacking, lock picking, or
disabling. You must have 2 levels in Stealth to use
these tools. If your tools would be stolen, damaged,
or otherwise not in your possession, with 1 hour of
time and access to merchants/traders, you’re able to
acquire another set for 100 GL.

From Below (Movement): Dig up to half your speed.

If you attack a unit this turn without proficiency in
Perception, gain +1d6 to your first attack against them
this turn.

Zoorah the attack hit a decoy made to look like you. You must
subtract 50 GL to cover the costs of the Paper Tiger.
Nothing Corny Here Either…
A breed of highly capable fighters choosing to learn Tier 3
the ways of many animals to fight. Zoorah are sol-
diers, prioritizing heavy arms equipment and big mus- Ape $***! (Action): Gain the berserk status effect.
cly muscles, making them great for tanking damage You may end this at will as a Free Action.
as well as dishing it! They also have a weird obsession
for puns and idioms. BLOCK-A-DOODLE-DOO (Reaction): Roll 3d6 when de-
fending this turn instead of whatever you’d normally
Skill Branch: Zoorah roll.
Class Archetype: Fighter (+3 Health)
Level 1 Skill: Punfire (Passive): Gain any level 1 skill Gift Horse (Passive): Up to once per day you spend
from the Ranged Skill Branch (even if it’s not in your 1,000 GL to
skill tree. The Range Skill Branch is found in the Core
Rulebook). Chasing Two Rabbits (Movement): Move up to your
speed, making an incredible leap covering any gap or
Tier 1 obstacle of height without needing a roll if the diffi-
culty level is 30 or less.
Dogged (Passive): +3 Health. If you’re at exactly 1
Health, gain an additional 1d6 to your combat rolls Tier 4
(attacking, defending, evading).
Monkey See, Monkey Doo (Reaction): If you see
Quiet As A Rat (Passive): You can squeeze into spaces another unit take an attack action, you may copy it
up to 1 size category smaller than you are without and perform it during your next turn for 1 AP as your
issue. You can’t be heard when moving. Additionally, Action, as long as you meet the requirements.
gain 1 proficiency in Stealth.
Tier 5 (Levels 20+)
Eat Like A Pig (Passive): You can eat virtually anything
without repercussion. Additionally, gain +1 Toughness. Dragon Among Beastkin (Boost): Your attacks with
heavy weapons this turn gain any elemental damage
Strong As An Ox (Passive): Gain +3 Health and +1 of your choice between: acid, fire, ice, lightning, and
Strength. petrify (you may choose multiple).
Tier 2

Battering Ram (Action): Heavy Melee Attack - +1d6

impact (roll if the defending unit has equal or higher
Toughness than Dexterity). This attack deals siege
damage (double damage vs structures).

Roaster (Action): Heavy Ranged Attack - Your attack

gains +3x3 area of effect and deals 100% fire damage
in addition to its normal damage.

Never Wound A Snake (Boost): If you were damaged

last turn, your attacks this turn gain poison equal to
your Tier Level.

Paper Tiger (Reaction): Roll 1d6, in the result of 4+,

Absolute Hero
Elemental Attributes A job occupation one goes to be a hero when saving
Every character by default is aligned with one Elemen-
the day. However, the Absolute Hero taps into some-
tal Attribute. This counts as a substitute for a charac-
thing more than just saving the day, but also baring
ter’s Theme, meaning if a character would normally
the potential to create a Fusion between other Abso-
have 2 Themes, they would instead have an Elemental
lute Heroes.
Attribute and 1 Theme.
Absolute Heros can take the fuse action with each
As a character gains access to new Tier Levels, they’ll
other and their stats become the average between
gain access to new skill involving their Elemental
the two (rounded up). The same is true for their
weapons and equipment. Their skills combine to
make powerful effects as well. Such as one unit with
• Earth
the ability to cure and another to cast fire, now the
• Wind
unit can cast a fireball that explodes into healing
• Water
magic, healing all surrounding the burning target.
• Fire
• Light
The WM should consider these Absolute Hero possi-
• Dark
bilities and be prepared for the fusion to take place.
In the event the WM doesn’t or couldn’t have, use
Tier 1: Elemental Resistance: Reduce all damage
the rule of cool to determine what happens until the
done to you by 50% of your given Elemental Attribute
session is completed and the WM can work on creat-
(rounded up).
Tier 2: Elemental Bonus: Gain +1d6 attacking and/or ing the fusion.
defending with your Elemental Attribute.
Tier 3: Imbue Element: Boost - Add +1d6 damage Baka
to your attacks. The damage dealt is whatever your You’re an idiot.
Elemental Attribute is. Your character’s Intelligence is always 0.
Tier 4: Elemental Immunity: Reduce all damage done
to you by 100% from your Elemental Attribute. Bedward
Tier 5: Elemental Affinity: Any damage you would In a world full of insominanics, you hold the greatest
take from your Elemental Attribute heals you by that of powers.
amount instead. You can sleep regardless of outside conditions. You
can instantly fall into deep sleep, allowing you to get
full rest benefits from a short rest. Additionally you
Themes avoid any nightmares, curses, or otherwise negative
In addition to Themes found in the Core Rulebook status conditions while asleep.
you may use the themes found below for your Banish-
ment characters!
Big Shield Guardian
You carry a big shield and know how to use it.
A Power Inside You may wield HEAVY shields without penalty. Addi-
You have a dormant power locked within you. tionally, you may wield a shield with 2 hands, if you
Whether this plays a major role in your destiny yet to do, you may gain 2 Edge defending with it instead of
unfold is for you to discover. any other modifications you’d roll.
Gain +3 Astral. Whenever you’re at 5 or less Health
you may spend up to 5 Astral during each of your
Big Sword Wielder
turns as though you were spending 0 Astral (it doesn’t
Wielding a sword of immense size, you’re one cool
deplete your Astral).
Gain +3 Health. Additionally you may wield HEAVY
greatswords and other giant weapons without any
Comical Companion Gate Guardian
You have a strange little friend who is weird, but also An ancient teaching passed down for a millenia to
can come in handy. train formidable guards.
You gain a tiny companion of any unit type. It has an You become proficient with Axes and Spears. Addi-
Intelligence of 1, a Wisdom of 2, and a Resolve of 0. tionally, you may cause bleed or double damage with
Whenever a majority of players laugh at something axes with 1 critical and with spears, you can cause
involving the Comical Companion, you may store 1d6. pierce or trespass damage with 1 critical.

Dark Book Collector Hugger-mugger

Once a simple hobby, now a fate altering event. You’re able to hide up to TL small items on your char-
You’re collecting a series of 5 “Dark Books” each acter without them being detected. These items still
containing immense and cursed power. At the time of take up space.
selecting this theme, you gain 1 “Dark Book.”
Ninja Speed
Each Dark Book will be found, determined by the You can run at an incredible speed, especially if your
World Master, but some key ways to find one is to… arms are down your side. But don’t worry, you don’t
Defeat an evil being, such as a nefarious necromancer HAVE to do that to run faster.
or dark dragon. Gain +2 Speed.
• Unlocking a Tier Level
• Achieving a “major victory” Oblivious
• Having a successful story arc Your character’s Wisdom is always 0.
• Rolling an epic tale via 4 or more criticals If a random negative effect would occur it won’t hap-
pen to your character if it’s possible to affect another
For each book, gain +1 Astral. Whenever all 5 books unit.
are collected, summon “The Reaper” 100 feet in
front of you, and fight him one on one. If you win the
Ostentatious Hair
fight, gain 1 Skill of an equal or level lower than you
Outrageous hair, don’t care.
from the Affliction, Curse, or Darkness Skill Branch (or
If a random effect would occur, it will happen to your
another skill based on WM discretion), otherwise, you
character if possible.

Plot Armor
Dramatic Laugh
You’re just too important to die aren’t you?
You have a flair for the dramatic and your laugh is no
Your character’s Discipline is always 0.
Whenever you make a Death Check for the first time
As a Boost Action or Reaction, you may laugh like a
each roll, you may choose to reroll it.
villain maniacally, if you do, gain +TL Intelligence or
Resolve to the next check you make. Limit once per
day. Quagswag
You can move diagonally as if it were an adjacent
space. If you’re not playing with a grid, then your
Guard Thy Flesh
character just is weird.
You’re vulnerable, be it because of your basic human
body or because you’ve found yourself in some hells-
cape where anything can kill you nearly upon impact. Ronin
To survive, you’ve trained to hone your senses to pre- A wandering samurai without a lord or master.
serve your life, you must guard yourself or die. You may treat any Rogue Skill Branches as Fighter Skill
Your maximum Health becomes 10. For every Tier Branches (giving you +3 Health instead of +3 Profi-
Level you unlock, starting T1, gain +1 Guard. ciency Points per Skill Branch). Additionally, you may
learn any one T1 skill from the Bushido or Swords-
manship Skill Branch (even if they’re not part of your
Skill Tree).
When excited, it’s as if your eyes glow with stars in
Whenever you roll a critical, you may store 1d6 or
break intimidation from a unit.

Tomb Warden
Tomb Wardens are in charge of defending the sanctity
of graveyards and protecting the bodies from being
defiled and resurrected.
You become proficient with shields and gain +3 Astral.
Additionally, you take 50% damage from the undead.

White Hat
A mysterious person you are. So dapper.
You become proficient with Hacking tools. Addi-
tionally, gain +3 Astral OR become proficiency with

Titles Special Rules of Banisment
In Banishment each PC can acquire a title at the time The world of Banishment has its own fun and flair to
of a “momentous occasion” occurs, this can be when it and with it come some additional rules to play by!
an Epic Tale is achieved with 4 criticals, but it’s not
restricted to such. Beastkin
Any effect that would affect “Beast” also affects
When a character gains their Title a WM may grant “Beastkin.”
them an additional 1 Skill Point, Theme, or Discipline
(or neither). Stamina (Optional)
• A character has Stamina equal to their Character’s
Each character should only have one Title and once Toughness +1.
a title is earned, it should rarely ever be changed, • Whenever a character moves, attacks, uses a
unless the story justifies it. boost action or another action, they must use 1
Below are some sample titles that may be rolled, but • Characters can take a “Recharge” action up to
a PC isn’t restricted to such. two times during their turn to replenish Stamina,
replenishing 3 Stamina with each Recharge Action.
Prefix (1d6)
1: Blue Storing Dice
2: Red Some effects will have you “store dice.”
3: Green
4: Purple By default you get to store 1d6 per Tier Level after
5: White every full rest.
6: Black
Dice can only be stored when an ability or WM specif-
Type (1d6) ically designates to do so.
1: Eyes
2: Sword To store a dice, keep the result and die somewhere
3: Armed safe or mark it down on paper. At any point you may
4: Magical replace a roll you make with a stored die result OR
5: Claws you can use stored dice for various abilities that re-
6: Horned quire them.

Pre-Suffix Accumulate (Combat Maneuver)

1: Blue You may use any amount of Criticals you roll as Stored
2: Red Dice.
3: Green
4: Purple Field Advantage
5: White Throughout your travels you’ll encounter many new
6: Black lands and places. At any point if you feel your charac-
ter would be at a location that is advantageous to you,
Suffix (1d6) claim Field Advantage. If successful, you gain Edge on
1: Dragon all of your rolls during your time there or while condi-
2: Swordsman tions are met, such as being a werewolf during a full
3: Magician moon and the full moon becoming covered, negating
4: Warrior your bonus.
5: Assailant
6: Paladin

The Mundane & Magical Items Kodachi (100 GL)
Class Weapons Concealable.
For every class found in Banishment, there’s a weapon
of every rarity that corresponds with that class, giving Kunai (30 GL)
a soft direction for players and World Master alike to 4/–/1
follow. Precision. Gain Edge when being thrown.
Breaker: Sword of Squires, Sword of Knights, Sword of Magician’s Wand (200 GL)
Queens, Sword of Kings, Godsword 5/–/7 +3 Astral
Dragon Blade: Dark Blade, Omen Blade, Peril Blade,
Sword of Malice and Hatred, Dark Blade of Destiny Oink Spanker Grenade Launcher (300 GL)
Duelcaster: Common Monster Card, Uncommon 8/1/8 +Lob, +Slow-Reload, explosive: 2, +100% explo-
Monster Card, Rare Monster Card, Epic Monster Card, sive damage
Legendary Monster Card (details found in Duelcaster Special Ammo: 30 GL
class section)
Magician: Magician’s Wand, Mighty Magician’s Wand, Sword of Squires (100 GL)
Multi-Skull Warlock Wand, Violet Night Shadow 7/–/1
Wand, Black Chaos Sorcerer’s Wand
Ninja: Caltrops, Kunai, Kodachi, Throwing Star, Spell Scorpion Dagger (130 GL)
Edge, Sasuke’s Blade, Koga Blade, Moonsilk Blade 6/–/1 -Whenever you perform the Execute combat
Performer: Flute, Microphone, Wanderer’s Guitar, maneuver with this weapon, you may also double the
Keytar of the Apocalypse, Miku’s Blessing amount of poison on the defending unit.
Samurai: Katana & wakizashi, Kotetsu, Asura, Mu-
ramasa, Masamune Scorpion Pistol (130 GL)
Scorpion: Scorpion Dagger & Pistol, Spitting Dagger & 6/5/7 -Whenever you perform the Execute combat
Pistol, Stinger Dagger & Pistol, Deathstalker Dagger & maneuver with this weapon, you may also double the
Pistol, Zero Life Dagger & Pistol amount of poison on the defending unit.
Zoorah: Oink Spanker Grenade Launcher, The Porker
Rocket Launcher, Fiery Frog Spewer, Crock-O-Doom, Tamer’s Whip (110 GL)
THE RHINO 6/–/2 +If you’re proficient with whips, when using this
weapon, gain Edge against Beast units.
Throwing Star (10 GL)
Common 2/–/1
Precision. Gain Edge when being thrown.
Dark Blade (100 GL)
8/--/1 Wakizashi (100 GL)
Consumes 1 Health per attack made with this blade. 5/–/1
Gain +2 Defense when defending with a katana.
Flute of the Common People (100 GL)
–/–/– Item Uncommon
Increases your audio range by +10 feet.
A flute, that while not extraordinary, relates to the Axe of Disrepair (1,500 GL)
common people, delivering a refreshing and nice 12/–/1
sound to all ears willing to accept its grace. Attunement - Consumes 3 Health to attack with this
Katana (100 GL)
7/–/1 Ebon Pendant (500 GL)
Attunement: The attuned wielder gains -3 Health and A special knight’s sword reserved for only the elite.
+6 Astral. 8/–/1 +100% lightning damage

Ivory Pendant (500 GL) Rare

Attunement: The attuned wielder gains +6 Health and
-3 Astral. Asura (1,900 GL)
Kotetsu (500 GL) Attunement - Consumes 2 AST to attack with.
Axe of the Abyss (3,000 GL)
Microphone (500 GL) 13/–/1
–/–/– Item Attunement - Consumes 2 Health to attack with this
Increases your audio range by +30 feet. weapon.
A device used to amplify one’s sounds, especially
when singing. Dragon Summoner’s Piccolo (2,100 GL)
An instrument that when played grants Edge against
Mighty Magician’s Wand (1,700 GL) Dragons. The user must be proficient with the Piccolo
7/–/7 +4 Astral instrument to use this effect.

Ninja’s Lightning Blade Katana (790 GL) Fiery Frog Spewer (3,700 GL)
8/–/1 +Trespass (ignores Guard and Spirit) 9/5/9 +Slow-Reload, +100% acid fire damage, if a
damaged unit without magic resistance rolls all 1’s
Omen Blade (600 GL) when defending, they are transformed into a frog for
9/--/1 the next 1 hour.
Consumes 1 Health per attack made with this blade. Special Ammo: 100 GL

Spell Edge (600 GL) Horn of a Unicorn (2,500 GL)

6/–/1 Attunement - Grants resistance to magical damage
Concealable. Silences the enemy unit on criticals. and +3 Astral.

The Porker Rocket Launcher (1,600 GL) Multi-Skull Warlock Wand (3,000 GL)
10/2/10 +Slow-Reload, explosive: 2, +100% explosive 7/–/8 +6 Astral
fire damage
Special Ammo: 50 GL Peril Blade (600 GL)
Spitting Dagger (1,300 GL) Consumes 1 Health per attack made with this blade.
7/–/1 -Poison: 1. Whenever you perform the Execute
combat maneuver with this weapon, you may also Rapier of the Flighted Knight (1,700 GL)
double the amount of poison on the defending unit. 7/–/1 +Double-Attack
The same type of weapon once wielded by the famed
Spitting Pistol (1,300 GL) “Flighted Knight” , a beastkin with many bird-like fea-
7/5/7 -Poison: 1. Whenever you perform the Execute tures. It is said that the knight couldn’t be surpassed
combat maneuver with this weapon, you may also in the skill of battle as well as movement and even
double the amount of poison on the defending unit. dancing!

Sword of Knights (500 GL) Ring of Magician’s Power (2,500 GL)

A fine knight’s sword. Attunement - This ring can contain up to a single T3
8/–/1 spell in it, a single T2 and a single T1 spell, or three
T3 spells in it. A Ring of Magician’s Power may be
Sword of Lightning (1,800 GL) refilled at any time with 30 minutes of time unless the
spellcaster is level 20, in which case it can be filled in combat maneuver with this weapon, you may also
1 minute. In either case, the spellcaster must expend double the amount of poison on the defending unit.
the appropriate Astral to the ring based on how pow-
erful the spell is. Spells don’t spend Astral when used Deathstalker Pistol (2,400 GL)
through the ring, since the cost has already been paid 9/5/7 -Poison: 3. Whenever you perform the Execute
for prior. The wielder doesn’t have to be a spellcaster combat maneuver with this weapon, you may also
to use the Ring of Magician’s Power. double the amount of poison on the defending unit.

Sasuke’s Blade (2.000 GL) Greatsword of the Salamandra (2,600 GL)

7/–/1 10/–/1 +100% fire damage.
Concealable. Silences the enemy unit on criticals. Attunement - Boost: Consume 2 AST to attack with
Deals double damage to units who haven’t acted this this weapon up to 30 feet against a single unit. Boost:
encounter. Consume 2 AST to increase this weapon’s Attack by
Shield of the Millennium (2,000 GL)
0/–/1 Keytar of the Apocalypse (3,000 GL)
Gain Edge when defending with this weapon for each –/–/– Item
hand used to wield it (up to 2). Increases your audio range by +70 feet. Doesn’t re-
quire it to be plugged in to play.
Stinger Dagger (1,900 GL) A strange instrument that people love or hate. Some
8/–/1 -Poison: 2. Whenever you perform the Execute say it’ll bring forth the apocalypse!
combat maneuver with this weapon, you may also
double the amount of poison on the defending unit. Koga Blade (2.300 GL)
Stinger Pistol (1,900 GL) Concealable. Silences the enemy unit on criticals.
8/5/7 -Poison: 2. Whenever you perform the Execute Deals double damage to units who haven’t acted this
combat maneuver with this weapon, you may also encounter.
double the amount of poison on the defending unit.
Maelstrom Shield (3,600 GL)
Sword of Queens (2,000 GL) 0/–/1
10/–/1 +Unbreakable All damage done to you, replenishes your Astral by
that amount.
Wanderer’s Guitar (1,500 GL)
–/–/– Item Magical Horn of the Beast King (2,900 GL)
Increases your audio range by +50 feet. Doesn’t re- Attunement - Gain magic resistance and take 50% less
quire it to be plugged in to play. damage from beasts.
An electric guitar for the wandering musician!
Muramasa (3,100 GL)
Epic 13/–/1
Attunement - Consumes 4 AST to attack with.
Crock-O-Doom (4,400 GL)
11/4/11 +Slow-Reload, +100% death damage, if a Sword of Exile (3,500 GL)
damaged unit without magic resistance rolls all 1’s A powerful sword that’s saved the realm from an evil
when defending, they must roll 3d6, if any of the fiend and with it gone, so too was our noble hero.
results are a “1” they are killed. This is considered 10/–/1 +Unbreakable
making a Death check. Attunement - If this weapon would cause damage,
Special Ammo: 300 GL you may force yourself and the damaged target to
Wander, the destination being the result of 3d6 using
Deathstalker Dagger (2,400 GL) the Wandering Table.
9/–/1 -Poison: 3. Whenever you perform the Execute
Sword of Kings (3,500 GL) Moonsilk Blade (3.300 GL)
12/–/1 +Unbreakable 9/–/1
Concealable. Trespass. Silences the enemy unit on
Sword of Malice and Hatred (3,200 GL) criticals. Deals double damage to units who haven’t
A pair of swords that when used together, cause an acted this encounter.
unsettling cacophony of bloodied cries.
Malice 8/–/1 +100% Acid damage THE RHINO (6,500 GL)
Hatred 8/–/1 +100% Fire damage 12/5/12 +Slow-Reload, explosive: 3.
Attunement. Whenever the attuned wielder would Special Ammo: 500 GL
fall to 0 Health, instead revive, standing at 1 Health In
13 hours as a zombie race (reroll all of your race skills Zero Life Dagger (3,900 GL)
unless you were already a zombie). 10/–/1 -Poison: 4. Whenever you perform the Execute
combat maneuver with this weapon, you may also
Violet Night Shadow Wand (6,300 GL) double the amount of poison on the defending unit.
7/–/8 +9 Astral
Zero Life Pistol (3,900 GL)
Legendary 10/5/7 -Poison: 4. Whenever you perform the Execute
combat maneuver with this weapon, you may also
Black Chaos Sorcerer’s Wand (7,200 GL) double the amount of poison on the defending unit.
8/–/9 +13 Astral
Ancient Artifacts
Butterfly Daggers of A Goddess (6,100 GL) Always Legendary, Ancient Artifacts are among the
X/–/1 first magical relics that ever existed. While a single
Attunement - X equals the wielder’s current Astral. unit may wield multiple Ancient Artifacts, they can
Free Action: Teleport this weapon to the one it’s at- only be magically attuned to one of them at a time,
tuned to. using its powers.

Dark Blade of Destiny (6,600 GL) To attune to an Ancient Artifact, a unit takes seven
13/–/1 days with the artifact on them and attempting to
Attunement - This wielder of this blade gains 3 Leg- bond with it. Some Ancient Artifacts may have a good
endary Actions and darksight. or evil spirit linked to it, which may enact a skill check,
which may have consequences, such as gaining a
Godsword (7,000 GL) spirit companion or being possessed.
Attunement - The wielder of this blade gains 3 Leg- A Skill Check may be reattempted once every week.
endary Actions.
For monetary value, they’re near priceless.
Masamune (7,000 GL)
14/–/1 Double Crown of Amentep
Attunement - The wielder of this blade gains 3 Leg- A powerful helmet capable of negating all damage
endary Actions. done to the wielder’s head.

Miku’s Blessing (5,000 GL) Spirit of Amentep (Skill Check - Toughness + Influ-
–/–/– Item ence 20). If successful, Ametep becomes a steadfast
Attunement. Increases your audio range by +100 feet. ally, offering his expertise in ruling over an empire. If
The attuned user can summon this instrument and failed, Amentep possesses you, and attempts to form
change its form at will to any instrument they desire. his own empire.
An extra-dimensional item with unknown powers of
the funk, rock, and hip hop variety. Helmet of Burielze
Grants command over zombies with 0 Intelligence.
and translate it onto the tome’s surface.
Spirit Burielze (Skill Check - Intelligence + Craft 13).
If successful, Burielze will aid you, but attempt to Seto’s Twin Serpent
persuade you to do corrupt deeds. If you fail to do so, The wielder can deal dark or light damage and is resis-
he’ll attempt to possess you once every week. tant to dark and light damage.

Mask of Taj Rezi Spirit of Steo (Skill Check - Any Attribute + Any Skill
A mask that was once worn by the greatest merchant, Proficiency 30). If successful, Seto will aid you by pro-
acquiring more wealth than any other. The wielder of viding expert advice. His goal is to make your goals a
this artifact acquires double the value they normally reality, any means necessary.
Marbles of Atem
Spirit Taj Rezi (Skill Check - Intelligence + Silver A set of magically imbued marbles. The wielder of
Tongue 21). If successful, Taj Rezi will aid you in tasks these are able to gain Edge when making skill checks
involving monetary gain and value. He’ll always side involving astral, games, and strategy.
with making you the most money. If failed, Taj Rezi
will possess you and go about scamming others to Spirit of Atem (Skill Check - Any Attribute + Any Skill
acquire fortune. Proficiency 30). If successful, Atem will aid you by pro-
viding expert advice. His goal is to make sure you and
Grant Shanta Set your friends and family are safe, which may even lead
An ancient board game set - the first board game him to taking extreme actions that would cause harm
to ever exist! The wielder of this set rolls off of a 12 to those who mean you harm. If willing, you may also
when making strategic plans involving outmaneuver- have Atem control your body.
ing other units.
Neko no mīra
Spirit of Dan Cala (Skill Check - Wisdom + Craft 18). If A golden sarcophagus roughly the size of a person’s
successful, Dan Cala will aid you and give his wisdom. forearm, decorated with a cat design and a mummi-
He’ll also wish to play games with you. fied cat within it. The wilder attuned to this Ancient
Artifact can summon the dead cat within it.
Foregone Horn of Bjorn
A horn from one of the first legendary vikings. The
wielder of this horn is capable of standing against
any fear without a chance of cowering.This bravery
inspires those around them, making them immune to
fear as well.

Spirit Bjorn (Skill Check - Toughness + Influence 25). If

successful, Bjorn becomes a steadfast ally, offering his
expertise in viking-ry.

Jar of Nasiri
A black vase jar capable of becoming art of any kind.

Spirit of Nasiri Aram (Skill Check - Toughness + Beast

18). If successful, Nasiri will aid you by providing cri-
tiques and advice related to art and fashion.

Lisan Eazim
Name meaning, “great tongue.” This tablet is made of
a mysterious black metal. It can detect any language
Troublemog (Level 0.25)

Nothing But Trouble

Characterized by their comical appearance
and disruptive nature, Troublemogs are
small, round creatures with giant grins on
their faces. They’re easy to spot with bright
colored skin and they often like to make silly
poses and steal people’s outfits, combining
them to make silly costumes.

Health: 3
Attack: 0 (bludgeoning)
Defense: 6 +Evade
Speed: 5 Initiative: 13

Strength: 0 Dexterity: 8 Toughness: 2

Intelligence: 2 Wisdom: 0 Resolve: 2

Skills: +1d6 Acrobatics

Weakness: None Resistance: None with the other.
• Magic Sight (Passive): This unit can see everything (Level 4) Silver Troublemog: (Passive): Other trou-
within its vision. blemog units can’t be targeted by spells or effects as
• Mogging (Action): This unit gives an adjacent long as this unit is conscious and within their line of
Troublemog, +1d6 to their next attack this turn. sight.
(+0) Yellow Troublemog: (Reaction): Reduce a unit’s (Level 4) Gold Troublemog (Action): Destroy all non
Attack by 1d6. Legendary equipment in this encounter. This unit dies.
(+0) Black Troublemog: (Reaction): This unit must be (Level 6) Rainbow Troublemog (Passive): Gains the
attacked this turn if able. abilities of all other friendly troublemogs in this
(+0) Green Troublemog: (Action): Remove a buff or encounter as well as gaining a +1d6 to its Attack and
debuff from a unit (a DL may need to be made, if the Defense rolls for every friendly troublemog in this
buff or debuff is a spell cast by a powerful spellcaster). encounter.
(+0) Blue Troublemog: (Passive): Gain a +1 bonus (Level 6) Troublemog Knight (Passive): Fusion - Re-
when rolling for looting or treasure. quires 2 Troublemogs. Health becomes 20. Gains +2d6
(+0) Red Troublemog: (Action): Increases the speed when attacking and defending. When Troublemog
of any friendly unit by +2 this turn. Knight deals damage to an enemy unit, lower their
(+0) Pink Troublemog: (Action): Dazes all adjacent Armor and Guard to 0, they don’t return until Trou-
enemies who fail an Intelligence (Investigation) or blemog Knight is killed.
Wisdom (Perception) check with a difficulty equal to (Level 10) Troublemog King (Passive): Fusion - Re-
15. quires 3 Troublemogs. Health becomes 30. Gains +3d6
(Level 0.5) Yin Yang Troublemog: Fusion - Requires 2 when attacking and defending. When in battle with a
Troublemogs. Attack and Defense become 10. single enemy unit, Troublemog King can’t take dam-
(Level 4) Orange Troublemog: (Reaction): Negate all age.
damage done by the next attack done to this unit. On
a following turn as a Boost Skill, this unit can add that Equipment: N/A
negated damage to a friendly unit’s attack.
(Level 4) Purple Troublemog: (Action): Teleports any Domain(s): Any area with clutter, especially those
two units in this encounter, switching their positions with whimsy, such as playgrounds and toy stores.
Other places may be garages, junkyards, and Equipment: N/A
Tactics: Fearful companion - This unit will try to re- Domain(s): Forests, dusty areas, and occasionally
treat from conflict unless to protect a companion. plains.
Tactics: Fearful companion - This unit will try to re-
Tiny Beast treat from conflict unless to protect a companion.

Wuffle (Level 1) Small Beast

Battle Lent Chubwub (Level 1)

Wuffles are curious creatures of fuzzy wuzzy softness Too Much KFC (Killer Food Chew)
and cuteness that have the shape of a ball, or more A fat as **** chicken that eats way too much and
accurately a bad wig. Wuffles have t-rex arms (as in spits up stomach acid from its gut.
small arms) that can scratch enemies that move too
close to them… too bad they can’t scratch themselves Health: 15
though! Attack: 8 (bludgeoning/stabbing)
Defense: 12
They also have giant, magical eyes, which allow them Speed: 0 (Flight: 2) Initiative: Last
to surprisingly see everything, which normally aids in
just them being terrified of everything. Strength: 8 Dexterity: 0 Toughness: 10
Intelligence: 0 Wisdom: 2 Resolve: 2
While not the most formidable or resolute of crea-
tures, Wuffles can gain close companionship with Skills: +1d6 Athletics
others who treat them well, as such, they make great Weakness: Fire Resistance: Acid
pets. • Acid Bomb (Action): Ranged Attack - 12 +1d6.
Range: 30 feet. 3x3 radius. 100% explosive acid dam-
Health: 3 age.
Attack: 8 (bludgeoning/stabbing) • Wing Thud (Action): Melee Attack - 12 +1d6. Spend
Defense: 12 1 critical to knockdown the defending unit if they took
Speed: 3 Initiative: 7 damage.

Strength: 3 Dexterity: 6 Toughness: 4 Equipment: N/A

Intelligence: 3 Wisdom: 4 Resolve: 2
Domain(s): Forests, plains
Skills: +1d6 Acrobatics Tactics: Territorial Fat - This unit won’t attack unless
Weakness: None Resistance: None something it wants to eat moves near.
• Magic Sight (Passive): This unit can see everything
within its vision. Large Beast
• Roll (Movement): Move this unit up to 50 feet in a
single line. Domesticated Imp (Level 1)
• Absorb All Damage (Reaction): This unit can redi- From The Chimney, But No Gifts
rect an adjacent attack or damage being done to an These little rascals make decent pets I guess, but
adjacent unit to itself, if it does, this unit dies. they stink and destroy things, as per their nature. On
(+0) Caramel Wuffle: Gains weakness to Fire and a good / possibly bad note, domesticated imps are
resistance to Ice. prone to disappearing for extended periods of time
(+0) Cherry Wuffle: Gains weakness to Lightning and and then returning with undesirable gifts, but not in-
resistance to Fire. tentionally, they’re trying to be nice. They didn’t know
(+0) Maple Wuffle: Gains weakness to Ice and resis- you didn’t want the dead cat or mushy banana.
tance to Lightning.
Health: 13
Attack: 11 (slashing) A young dragon that could grow up to eat you and/or
Defense: 9 Armor: 3 destroy your entire kingdom. Let fate decide!
Speed: 3 (Flight: 2) Initiative: 15
Health: 12
Strength: 4 Dexterity: 9 Toughness: 2 Attack: 10 (slashing)
Intelligence: 2 Wisdom: 4 Resolve: 1 Defense: 8 Armor: 4
Speed: 3 (Flight: 3) Initiative: 7
Skills: +1d6 Acrobatics, +1d6 Stealth
Weakness: Ice Resistance: Fire Strength: 6 Dexterity: 4 Toughness: 8
• Double Attack (Passive): This unit may attack twice Intelligence: 1 Wisdom: 1 Resolve: 2
with its claws.
Skills: +1d6 Athletics
Equipment: N/A Weakness: Acid Resistance: Fire
• Fire Bomb (Action): Ranged Attack - 12 +1d6.
Domain(s): Swamps Range: 30 feet. 3x3 radius. 100% explosive fire dam-
Tactics: Looting Companion - This unit prioritizes age.
looting but also can form great companionship with • Wing Thud (Action): Melee Attack - 12 +1d6. Spend
others. 1 critical to knockdown the defending unit if they took
Small Fiend
Equipment: N/A
Kingdom Soldier (Level 1)
For the Kingdom! Domain(s): Mountains
A dedicated soldier who fights for The Kingdom. This Tactics: Territorial Companion - This unit is protective
unit can also be substituted for an Imperial Soldier by of its territory and of those it forms close connections
making it a fiend, weak to ice and ressitant to fire. with.

Health: 12 Small Dragon

Attack: 12 (slashing)
Defense: 8 Armor: 2 Weasel Warrior (Level 3)
Speed: 5 Initiative: 10 Adorkable
A beastkin dressed in knight’s armor. Not exactly the
Strength: 5 Dexterity: 5 Toughness: 5 best suited role for the weasel, but one he wishes to
Intelligence: 3 Wisdom: 3 Resolve: 3 play nonetheless.

Skills: +1d6 Athletics Health: 17

Weakness: Fire Attack: 15 (slashing/stabbing)
• Sword Swing (Passive): Attacks all adjacent units Defense: 7 Armor: 4
with their sword. Speed: 3 (Tunnel: 2) Initiative: Last

Equipment Strength: 6 Dexterity: 4 Toughness: 5

Sword 7/--/1 Intelligence: 1 Wisdom: 3 Resolve: 3

Domain(s): Any Skills: +1d6 Acrobatics, +1d6 Stealth

Tactics: Tactical Weakness: Fire Resistance: Acid
Medium Humanoid • Swing Attack (Action): Melee Attack -1. Attacks all
adjacent units.
Young Dragon (Level 1) • Thrust (Action): Melee Attack +2. Only activate if
From Cute To “Oh Shoot!” this unit didn’t use a movement action this turn.
• Defend (Reaction): Redirect an attack or effect from
an adjacent unit to this one. • Darksight (Passive): This unit can see in the dark.
• Six Shot Barrel Head (Action): Ranged Attack – 7d6
Equipment: Shields, swords ballistic damage. Range: 100 feet. Hits up to 3 units
in a spread-fire pattern. After the 6th shot, this unit
Domain(s): Forests, towns must take it’s entire turn using a Reload Action before
Tactics: Loyal Thief - This unit will protect their friends being able to use Six Shot Barrel Head again.
and steadfastly loyal to them, but will also be on • Triple Shot (Action): Ranged Attack - 21. Range: 100
the lookout for things to steal for himself and those feet. Attacks three times. Expends 3 of its 6 shots.
they’re loyal to. • No Eyes, Just Gun For A Head (Passive): Enemy
units can’t gain sneak attack bonuses or succeed on
Small Beastkin stealth checks against this unit.

Bloke-Eater Bug (Level: 10) Equipment: Revolver Dracotek Head (on a roll of 6+)
Health: 15
Attack: 15 Domain(s): Industrial
Defense: 10 Tactics: Protective / Vicious

Strength: 8 Dexterity: 4 Toughness: 8 Large Construct

Intelligence: 2 Wisdom: 4 Resolve: 5
Bladeskulker (Level 20)
Skills: +1d6 Perception, +1d6 Stealth The Edge Weasel
Weakness: Acid Resistance: Fire A fiend whose power grows from slaying foes and
• Man-Eater (Reaction): Use only if this unit is con- absorbing their astral into his blade.
cealed and isn’t spotted. Attack; 15 +3d6 slashing
damage. A unit dropped to 0 Health by this attack Health: 46
must immediately make a Death Check and start mak- Attack: 21 +double attack, +Astral Drain (slashing/
ing Death checks, starting with their next turn. stabbing)
Defense: 2 Armor: 13
Equipment: N/A Speed: 6 (Teleport: 6) Initiative: 12

Domain(s): Forests, swamps Strength: 21 Dexterity: 6 Toughness: 13

Tactics: Territorial / Vicious Intelligence: 8 Wisdom: 6 Resolve: 8

Large verdant Skills: +2d6 Astrana, +2d6 Influence, +2d6 Perception,

+2d6 Stealth, +2d6 Survival
Revolver Dracotek (Level 13) Weakness: Lightning Resistance: Non-lightning magic
Six Shots Immune: Intimidation
This ***** got a gun for a head. • Darksight (Passive): This unit can see in the dark.
• Double Attack (Passive): This unit can attack twice
Health: 27 with its Attack Action.
Attack: 21 (gun head) • Dark Sword of the Bladeskulker (Passive): Attacks
Defense: 1 Armor: 10 made by this unit’s sword, have astral drain, draining
Speed: 3 Initiative: 7 the defending unit’s astral instead of their Health. If
the defending unt’s Astral would be reduced to 0 or is
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 4 Toughness: 9 0, then that unit must make a Death Check. Whenever
Intelligence: 7 Wisdom: 3 Resolve: 7 a unit is slain by this weapon, gain a +1 Attack bonus.
• Ultimate Stealth (Passive): This unit begins the en-
Skills: +1d6 Investigation, 2d6 Technology counter concealed with a DL of 30.
Weakness: Acid Resistance: Fire, Lightning Immune: • Legendary (Passive): Up to 3 times per day, apply
Status effects one of the following: Reduce all damage done by a
single attack by 50%. Negate an effect that would af-
fect this unit. Gain an additional AP this round, which Domain(s): Swamp
may be used for an additional Attack Action. Tactics: Tactical / Vicious
(+10) Bladeskulk King: This unit may use “Legendary”
up to 7 times per day. Additionally, this unit’s Health Large Fiend
becomes 99 and it gains Triple Attack.
The Reaper (Level 30)
Equipment You Should Fear This
• Dark Sword of the Bladeskulker 8/--/1: Astral Drain. A being without malice, but only aims to take life.
Whenever you slay an enemy with this sword, gain a
+1 Attack bonus until you next make a death check. A Health: 63 Astral: 30
fiendish sword capable of siphoning the essence of its Attack: 22 +Sweep, +Astral Drain, +Lifesteal (slashing)
foes to empower its wielder. Defense: 7 Guard: 13
Domain(s): Swamp Speed: 3 (Flight: 8, Teleport: 6) Initiative: 6
Tactics: Tactical / Vicious
Strength: 13 Dexterity: 13 Toughness: 13
Medium Fiend Intelligence: 13 Wisdom: 13 Resolve: 13

Renouncer (Level 20) Skills: +2d6 Astrana, +2d6 Influence, +2d6 Perception,
Absolve Yourself of Free Will +2d6 Stealth
Powerful, demented, and intelligent fiends who ob- Weakness: N/A Resistance: Physical
sess over taking free will away from their victims. Immune: Intimidation
• Darksight (Passive): This unit can see in the dark.
Health: 51 • Reaper Magic (Passive): The Reaper knows every
Attack: 15 +Astral Drain (light) Affliction, Curse, and Darkness spell and may cast any
Defense: 9 Armor: 9 of them during its turn.
Speed: 1 (Teleport: 3) Initiative: Last • Legendary (Passive): Up to 3 times per day, apply
one of the following: Reduce all damage done by a
Strength: 6 Dexterity: 0 Toughness: 18 single attack by 50%. Negate an effect that would af-
Intelligence: 13 Wisdom: 13 Resolve: 13 fect this unit. Gain an additional AP this round, which
may be used for an additional Attack Action.
Skills: +2d6 Astrana, +2d6 Influence, +2d6 Perception
Weakness: Legendary Weapons Resistance: Magic Equipment
Immune: Intimidation • Reaper’s Scythe X/--/1: Astral Drain, lifesteal.
• Truesight (Passive): This unit can see everything
within sight, even if its invisible or magical. Domain(s): Swamp
• Renouncer Body (Reaction): When attacked, the Tactics: Vicious
Renouncer can use its Renouncer Body skill to negate
the attack. If the attack is a melee based attack, the Large Undead Celestial
attacker must roll 1d6. In the result of 1-4, the unit is
absorbed into the Renouncer until its killed and. The Pure-Eyes Platinum Dragon (Level 40)
absorbed unit is considered immobilized. The Last Light
• Legendary (Passive): Up to 3 times per day, apply The most notorious and deadly dragon of all the gal-
one of the following: Reduce all damage done by a axy. Infamous and sometimes referred to as the “The
single attack by 50%. Negate an effect that would af- Last Light,” a moniker given to it, referring to it killing
fect this unit. Gain an additional AP this round, which thousands.
may be used for an additional Attack Action.
Health: 310
Equipment Attack: 40 +double attack (claws)
N/A Defense: 7 Armor: 21
Speed: 3 (Flight: 23) Initiative: First Toon
Toon Monsters receive +1d6 Attack and Defense.
Strength: 27 Dexterity: 14 Toughness: 20 A Toon Monster unit can only be active through a magical book
(which can be magical for any number of reasons deemed by the
Intelligence: 7 Wisdom: 14 Resolve: 20
WM). If the book it’s active from is destroyed, so is the Toon.
Skills: +4d6 Athletics, +4d6 Perception, +4d6 Survival For this reason, the book must be protected, likely by the caster
Weakness: Arcane Immune: Physical and non-arcane in charge of the spell.
magic Otherwise, the book itself bounces with a cartoon flair and has
• Double Attack (Action): This unit can attack twice magic expelled from it, that would make it near impossible to
with its claws.
• Pure Lightning Breath (Boost): Attacks 14+7d6. A Toon Monster unit can’t attack during their first turn. Addition-
Range: 90 feet x 60 feet cone. This attack deals 100% ally, if there’s an enemy Toon Monster unit they must attack it.
lightning and ignores all immunities and resistances to
Fusion Monsters
• Tail Devastation (Reaction): This unit can maneu- Some monsters are Fusion Monsters, being composed of other
ver its tail with ease, hitting everything up to 50 feet monsters to make their new form. Fusion Monsters have re-
around it, attacking for 50 siege damage. quired material that is labeled.
• Ultimate Legendary (Passive): Up to 7 times per
By default, Fusion Monsters deployed in the story by the WM
day, apply one of the following: Reduce all damage
is assumed to already have the necessary fusion materials and
done by a single attack by 50%. Negate an effect represents those monsters together, this is to also say that the
that would affect this unit. Gain an additional AP this Fusion Monsters level is accurate and the WM doesn’t need to
round, which may be used for an additional Attack calculate adding the materials to that Fusion Monsters level.
Story Gameplay
However, in the story Fusions can happen during the adventure!
Equipment: A kingdom’s worth of gold and the finest Monsters can decide to fuse together during their turn to sur-
weapons in all the land. prise players and become more powerful!

Domain(s): Mountain It may even be possible for the player characters themselves to
Tactics: Territorial / Vicious
Fusion Mechanics
Giant Dragon
• Fusion - Two or more units have to be adjacent to one
another to fuse. Additionally, the “end result” must be
Monster Variants known, lest the units fuse and turn into a fiend, such as the
Manga Monsters receive +1d6 Attack and Defense. For example, if three troublemogs gather together, they may
fuse to become a Troublemog King! This will raise the difficulty
A Manga Monster unit can only be active through a magical by 10, given the Troublemog King’s level is 10.
manga (which can be magical for any number of reasons deemed
by the WM). If the book it’s active from is destroyed, so is the While fused, the unit takes its turn as a single unit.
Manga Monster.
• Defuse - A unit may find itself wanting to separate from its
For this reason, the manga must be protected, likely by the fusioned self. To do so, a unit must spend a full rest. If a unit
caster in charge of the spell. is knocked unconscious or killed, it remains fused. Some
magical effects may act to fuse or defuse units.
Otherwise, the manga itself bounces with a cartoon flair and has
magic expelled from it, that would make it near impossible to

A Manga Monster unit gains an additional Action Point during

their first turn, but can only take actions against units who’ve
taken actions in an encounter.

with another affected unit at random, lasting for
Vessel Monsters 24 hours.
Not your traditional monsters. Little is known about • Virtual Vessel: Located in the most technological
these strange creatures, aside that they are from places. All affected units reroll their Stored Dice.
another dimension and enjoy pranking those who
encounter them.

When exploring, PCs may accidentally encounter Ves-

sel Monsters when search-
ing for items such as loot
or backdoor entrances and
critical failing.

When a Vessel Monster is

encountered, it smiles with
its giant mouth and teeth
and vanishes, leaving be-
hind an effect that affects
every unit within a 1 mile
radius of it.

• Dark Vessel: Located in

the darkest and most
dangerous places. Skills
can’t be activated by all
units upon activating for
the next 24 hours.
• Fire Vessel: Located in
the hottest and most
fiery places. All affected
units have their Health
reduced to 6 and their
Attack value increased
by that amount for the
next 24 hours.
• Rock Vessel: Located in
the hardest and most
rockiest places. All
affected units have their
speed reduced to 1 and
+1d6 added to their
Defense for the next 24
• Water Vessel: Located in the most isolated and
cold places. All affected units swap their Strength,
Dexterity, and Toughness Attribute with their In-
telligence, Wisdom, and Resolve Attribute stat for
the next 24 hours.
• Wood Vessel: Located in the most wooded and
wildland places. All affected units swap bodies

The Otherworlds engine Skill Resolution & Checks
This game uses the otherworlds Engine and is com- Skill resolution is straightforward. Whenever you face
patible with other games that use it, such as the a task with a risk of failure, you’ll make a check.
Otherworlds Core Rulebook, Banishment, and Super
Breaker. A check is any roll that determines the success or fail-
ure of an action. Whether it’s picking a lock, persuad-
ing an NPC, or landing a critical hit in combat, these
Game rule Basics moments call for a check.
Otherworlds is a tabletop roleplaying game that exclu-
sively uses six-sided dice (written commonly as 1d6, When it’s time to make a check, the World Master
2d6, 3d6, etc. to denote how many six-sided dice will (WM) will provide the necessary details. Check typi-
be rolled). When you’re asked to roll, you’ll roll the cally consist of:
required number of six-sided dice and add the result
to your relevant stat. Attribute + Skill Proficiency + 1d6 + Bonuses
(if applicable)
scared when you see this, it’s not that advanced; how-
ever, it does add some complexities to the game, so To break it down further:
we don’t recommend newcomers use the Advanced
settings. BUT, if you want some added customization, • Attribute: Your relevant attribute, such as Dexter-
discuss with your WM some of the Advanced set- ity, Intelligence, or Resolve, reflects your natural
tings that you’d like to use and they should allow. We aptitude for the task at hand.
recommend the Advanced settings for people who’ve • Skill Proficiency: If you possess proficiency in a
already played Otherworlds before. particular skill related to the check, you’ll add your
skill proficiency bonus.
*** The term World Master (WM) refers to the Game • 1d6: Roll a single six-sided die to introduce an
Master, who runs the game and arbitrates the rules. element of chance to the outcome.
*** For clarification on terms, check the Keywords • Bonuses: Certain abilities, rewards, or exceptional
and Glossary section at the back of this book. roleplaying moments may grant you additional
bonuses that enhance your chances of success.

By summing up these components, you determine

the final result of your check. A higher total increases
your likelihood of success, while a lower total indi-
cates a more difficult outcome.

Remember that the specifics of attributes, skills, and

bonuses will vary based on the situation and your
character’s abilities. The WM will guide you on the
appropriate challenges to make and any modifiers
relevant to the task.

Dice Rolling Dynamic dice
In Otherworlds, your dice rolls primarily involve a sin- introduces unique dice mechanics and highlights key
gle six-sided die (1d6) along with any bonuses derived rules to enhance gameplay.
from your proficiencies, skills, and roleplaying abili-
ties. Let’s explore how this works. Exploding Dice
In Otherworlds, every die you roll, except during
When making a check, you’ll typically roll 1d6 and add character creation, has the potential to explode!
any relevant bonuses. These bonuses can come from Don’t worry, it’s a good thing and not dangerous at
your proficiencies, skills, or exceptional roleplaying all. When you roll the highest result on a die, it “ex-
moments. For instance, becoming proficient in weap- plodes,” allowing you to roll additional dice and add
ons and skills grants you Edge, allowing you to roll 2d6 up the combined results. Since we exclusively use six-
instead of 1d6 if you have invested two proficiency sided dice, the highest result is 6.
To summarize:
Rolling a 6 is considered a Critical. Criticals can be
used to deal extra damage, persuade tough negotia-
Standard Roll: 1d6 + Bonuses (from proficiencies,
tors, and perform various other actions explained in
skills, or roleplay)
more detail later in this book. Always remember that
imagination is key. If you come up with something
Enhanced Roll with Edge: 2d6 + Bonuses (when two
extraordinary and roll a Critical, it’s even more reason
proficiency points are invested)
to embrace the “rule of cool” and do something truly
By adding your bonuses to the result of your dice roll,
you’ll determine the overall outcome of your check.
Enemy Criticals have the ability to cancel yours, so
Higher totals increase your chances of success, while
be cautious. However, by default, normal enemies
lower totals indicate a more challenging result.
shouldn’t have many special feats with Criticals unless
the World Master (WM) intends to provide you with
Keep in mind that the specific bonuses you receive
a greater challenge or if the enemy possesses Combat
will depend on your character’s progression, skill
Maneuvers utilizing Criticals.
choices, and the situation at hand. The World Master
(WM) will provide guidance on the relevant bonuses
for each check and ensure consistency throughout Edge
your adventures. Edge grants you an advantage by allowing you to
roll an additional 1d6 and choose the highest result.
So, prepare to roll the dice, factor in your bonuses, There are several factors that can grant you Edge,
and let the fate of the dice determine your character’s including:
success as they traverse the exciting and unpredict-
able. • Executing an attack from a well-laid plan.
• Performing a unique trick that your character
excels in.
• Gaining the high ground.

Edge stacks, meaning if you have multiple sources of

Edge, they accumulate. For example, if you have 2
Edge in addition to your normal roll of 1d6, you would
roll 3d6 and select the highest result. Remember to
choose the result before dice explode.

Lose Edge Tiebreakers
When you have a disadvantage, you’ll roll an addi- When two results are equal, the tie is resolved in
tional 1d6 and choose the lowest result. Factors lead- favor of whatever initiated the roll. This system keeps
ing to losing Edge can include: the game flowing smoothly and encourages charac-
ters to take action, driving the narrative forward.
• Wielding an unwieldy weapon.
• Attempting a task for which your character is ill- Grids
suited. While games using the Otherworlds Engine can be
• Performing in adverse weather conditions like played on or off a grid, using a grid can be beneficial,
heavy wind or rain without appropriate prepara- particularly for new players or those who enjoy using
tion. miniatures. However, the game is designed to be
Similar to Edge, losing Edge can stack. Each loss of grid-agnostic and does not require one for gameplay.
Edge negates one stack of Edge. For instance, if you
gain 1 Edge and lose 1 Edge, you would roll as usual Puzzles & Problems
without any Edge bonuses. One of the greatest joys of tabletop RPGs is the free-
dom from strict coding and software limitations. With
Specific > General this system we embrace the limitless power of our
When unsure, always prioritize specific ability rulings combined imaginations. Throughout the game, you
over general rules. For example, while the general are encouraged to solve puzzles and encounter prob-
rule may restrict using two Reaction skills in a round, lems in creative ways beyond what is explicitly writ-
if you possess an ability that allows you to do so, you ten. If a riddle has a specific answer in mind but you
can ignore the “one Reaction per round” rule! Specific come up with an alternative solution, discuss it with
abilities take precedence in such cases. your World Master (WM). A skilled WM will collabo-
rate with you, saying “yes, and...” instead of shutting
Round Up down ideas. So, let your problem-solving skills shine
Whenever you need to halve a number, always round as you navigate the game world and find success
up! through inventive thinking.

By keeping these rules and guidelines in mind, you’ll

navigate the intricacies of Otherworlds with clarity
and confidence, ensuring an exciting and immersive
tabletop RPG experience.

The Six Steps To Creating Your Character
Character Creation A character can be created in six easy steps. The
Before going through the following six steps in creat- recommended order to create your character is listed
ing a character, if you already have an idea for how below:
you want your character, be sure to jot your ideas
down and form the following details around them. 1. Race 4. Themes
2. Class 5. Equipment
This game isn’t about fitting into rigid boxes, but 3. Attributes 6. Story
rather your character forming their own paradigm and
place to inhabit in this magnificent universe!
Every character will belong to a race. Playable races
Feel free to use a race’s abilities but give your specific
are composed of intelligent creatures found on many
character a different look, race name, and culture.
of the worlds in the universe. Every race has different
Classes are meant to give “ideas” function, and are
traits, such as their appearance, lifespan, abilities, and
customizable thanks to custom skill trees. Themes
general personality.
break all molds, and you’re encouraged to design your
own or alter current ones.
Equipment has no bounds. Take flight with fully ar- Your class is a name given to your character based
mored machinations with launching cables to plunge on their ability set. Classes fill different roles, such as
your heroes through the skies above, or be resolute being aggressive, defending others, casting spells, and
with a heavy bunker shield with a rocket armament. healing, among other things! While class is a great
way to give insight and general roles to players, no
The choices are yours. Let them be limitless! class fits 100% into any box. Instead, classes are often
hybrid builds and capable of adapting to many strate-
gies and playstyles!
The tired expression, “there is no I in team,” may be
said a lot, but it’s true. If you’re going to be a part of a Attributes
group, it’s good to consider what other player charac- Six attributes—Strength, Dexterity, Toughness, Intelli-
ters will be like. For the best experience, you’ll want gence, Wisdom, and Resolve—represent how capable
to all use different weapons and have different skill your character is in any given field. Attributes range
proficiencies so you’ll all have your time to shine! from 0-12, with higher being better.

Additionally, you’ll notice that your class skills are bro- Themes
ken down between three categories: Fighter, mage, Every character has things that make them unique.
and rogue. You’ll want to try and distribute these A runescar given to them at birth, abnormally large
evenly among your team for the best effect. muscles, or a body that can turn itself to slime—the
universe is the limit, really! Characters by default get
Your fighter characters will likely be the ones taking two themes.
the brunt of the damage, and can handle themselves
in an up close and personal fight. Mages are great Equipment
for utility and support, punishing enemy weaknesses Every character will need some equipment to take
and keeping their friends protected with wards and with them on their journey! Equipment can be any-
healing. Rogues are great for dealing damage, but also thing from vials of potions to grenades, sets of armor,
for sneaking their way around. They are also typically or weapons!
the most diverse in skill proficiencies, allowing them
to round out the team when it comes to doing impor- Story
tant tasks. Last, but certainly not least, is your character’s story!
Draft up some ideas for their background and person-
Your Character Begins Their Adventure With The
Types of Skills Following:
Passive Skills are ever-present, and as such are always
active (or active when you want them to be). Many • 12 Health
Passive Skills are stat boosts that are factored into • 12 Astral
your character’s base stats, or add bonuses to certain • Language: Common (thanks to the Awakening, all
skill checks. races across the universe speak a commonly un-
derstood language, known simply as “Common”),
Action Skills represent your character’s primary ac- Native (depending on your race).
tion during your turn. These actions are often attacks • 1,000 Gild. WM may adjust this for each character
or combat-related abilities. A player may only use or for all characters, given the campaign’s story.
one Action Skill during their turn in place of their • Equipment based on how you build your char-
attack. Some Action Skills may denote a specific type acter. Different equipment is acquired through
of attack, such as “Sword Attack,” “Heavy Attack,” or different classes.
“Ranged Attack.” These are attacks that have special
effects, but must be performed by the denoted typ- ***Additional Health and Astral will be given based
ing. on your class. Additionally, when leveling up, you’ll be
able to become more powerful!
Boost Skills represent skills your char-
acter has to optimize their attacks in
Otherworlds. You are limited to only
using one Boost Skill per turn. Boost
Skills that affect attacks and damage
should be used prior to attacking.

Reaction Skills allow your character

to react during someone else’s turn.
A Reaction is an instant response to a
trigger, such as a gunslinger using “I
Shot First” to attack an enemy before
they are able to attack you. If the re-
action interrupts another unit’s turn,
they continue their turn once the Re-
action has resolved. You are only able
to use one Reaction Skill per round.

Some gifts come in great packages!

You’ll notice when acquiring new skills
that some offer several new abilities
for the price of one! When acquiring
a skill such as this, it will use bullet
points to denote each ability acquired.

Upgradable Skills
After initially obtaining them, some
skills allow you to acquire upgrad-
able skills down the road for further

of obtaining the Skill Point, as long as the skill ac-
Leveling up! quired is from an unlocked Tier Level.
Listed below is a chart that details what benefits your • Tier Level (or TL) refers to a character’s “stage,” and
characters will get per level they gain. There are five is represented by 1-5. The higher the number, the
different bonuses that can be acquired when leveling higher the TL. Many skills will refer to a character’s TL,
up, depending on the level your character becomes. and the higher the TL, the more powerful the result
Each icon represents a corresponding bonus, and ev- will be!
ery character follows this leveling chart for a stream-
lined experience.
Level Bonus
Whenever you gain a level, you acquire a Skill Point
Leveling Terms that can be spent at any time to acquire a skill. The
• Attribute Points refer to the six attributes of Oth- new skill must be one within your Skill Tree and it
erworlds: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, must be in a Tier Level you have already unlocked.
and Resolve. Each point spent may be spent indepen- Tier Levels are special categories separating your
dently or together, raising the corresponding attrib- skills, beginning with your starting skills and moving
ute(s) by 1. An attribute can’t exceed its maximum of all the way up to your ultimate ones! The more you
12 no matter how many Attribute Points are invested level up, the higher Tier Level you will acquire.
into it.
• Proficiency Points are spent to acquire a new profi-
Story Based Leveling
ciency in either a.) A Skill Proficiency (such as Percep-
Character leveling is driven by the evolving story
tion or Stealth), or b.) An Equipment Proficiency (such
and character growth, rather than a mere numerical
as a tool, weapon, or spellcasting).
progression. When characters or the group reach
Note: If a player would acquire a Proficiency Point for
pivotal moments, such as achieving goals or resolving
a specific Proficiency they can no longer get points in,
story arcs, the World Master (WM) has the authority
they may add that Proficiency Point to anything else.
to grant them a level. The pace of leveling is at the
• Skill Points are acquired through leveling up, and are
discretion of the WM, ensuring that characters re-
achieved at levels represented in the leveling chart
main within a 1-2 level range of each other. Embrace
above. Every Skill Point has equal value, and can be
the natural progression of the narrative to shape your
spent on any skill in a character’s Skill Tree at the time
character’s advancement.

Level 1: Tier 1 Level 2: 3 At- Level 3: 1 Skill Level 4: 1 Profi- Level 5: Tier
Unlocked, Tier tribute Points Point ciency Point or 2 Unlocked, 1
1 skill from +3 Health or +3 Skill Point, +1
all your Skill Astral Discipline
Branches, +1
Level 6: 1 Skill Level 7: 3 At- Level 8: 1 Skill Level 9: 1 Profi- Level 10: Tier
Point tribute Points Point ciency Point or 3 Unlocked, 1
+3 Health or +3 Skill Point, +1
Astral Discipline
Level 11: 1 Skill Level 12: 3 At- Level 13: 1 Skill Level 14: 1 Pro- Level 15: Tier
Point tribute Points Point ficiency Point 4 Unlocked, 1
or +3 Health or Skill Point, +1
+3 Astral Discipline
Level 16: 1 Skill Level 17: 3 At- Level 18: 1 Skill Level 19: 1 Pro- Level 20: Tier
Point tribute Points Point ficiency Point 5 Unlocked, 1
or +3 Health or Skill Piint, or +1
+3 Astral Discipline
Fast Leveling Normal Leveling Slow Leveling Below is a chart detailing how much XP a
WM will give out when using the XP vari-
Level XP Level Expe- Level XP Needed
ant. The XP given is the same, regardless of
Needed rience
whether the fast, normal, or slow XP chart
is being used.
1 0 1 0 1 0
2 100 2 200 2 400 Level Average XP Given
3 300 3 400 3 600 Tier 1 100-400
4 400 4 800 4 1,000 Tier 2 500-800
5 500 5 1,600 5 2,000 Tier 3 900-1,200
6 750 6 2,400 6 2,800 Tier 4 1,300-1,400
7 1,000 7 3,200 7 3,600 Tier 5 1,500
8 1,250 8 4,000 8 4,400
9 1,500 9 4,800 9 5,200

10 1,750 10 5,600 10 6,000
11 2,250 11 7,200 11 8,000
12 2,750 12 8,800 12 9,600
13 3,250 13 10,400 13 11,200
14 3,750 14 12,000 14 12,800
15 4,250 15 13,600 15 14,400
16 4,350 16 15,200 16 17,600
17 4,450 17 16,800 17 34,400
18 4,550 18 18,400 18 37,600
19 4,650 19 20,000 19 40,800
20 5,000 20 21,600 20 50,000

XP Leveling (Variant)
Gaining experience points (XP) is common in table-
top RPGs and video games. If your WM prefers this
method, at the end of each campaign session the WM
will award every character with XP. The XP given is
determined by the WM based on the challenges the
players have faced. Each character can receive different
amounts of XP, or it can be equal for the whole group.

mor that resists multiple types of damage, potions
Equipment that bring back characters from death)
Shopping, looting, quests, and rewards—all are valid ***Alien: A special rarity that can be found at any
ways to obtain equipment! Tier, though much more likely to be found at higher
levels! Alien weapons are strange in form and func-
In your travels, you’ll encounter many different types tion, and are often not well understood, acting as
of equipment. Equipment can be anything from a strange as they look!
bandage, flask, or grenade, to a legendary sword
pulled from a stone! Equipment plays a vital role in Note: Weapons can have higher or lower Attack stats
your character’s adventures! than what’s listed for their rarity. For example, maybe
the weapon has a lower Attack, but an extremely
Starting Equipment powerful effect. A WM will need to find which rarity
When you create your character, you’ll receive equip- fits each equipment best and use the above solely as
ment for everything you’re proficient with. For exam- a guideline.
ple, if your character is proficient with sniper rifles
and daggers, then you’ll start the game with both a Magical Items and Attunement
sniper rifle and dagger. Some items have magical abilities that can only be
used by a character when they are attuned to the
If you want a different piece of starting equipment, item.
then simply talk to your WM about swapping it out
for something else. A character may have up to one item attuned to them
at a time for every Tier Level they are. A character
Consider how your character begins their adventure doesn’t need to be a spellcaster to attune an item or
with their starting equipment. It could be inherited, a use an attuned item; however, the WM may require
gift, part of a guild, or maybe even a sponsor?! them to be guided by a spellcaster to attune them.

Loot Distribution By default, an item takes 30 minutes to attune to a

Most loot will be distributed throughout the game ac- character. A character doesn’t gain any other bonuses,
cording to your TL, which directly correlates to rarity. such as healing from resting, when attuning an item.
Some WMs may run your game where each player
begins the game with a Legendary equipment, or Attunement is broken from the character if one of the
offer rarer quality items more often, but listed below following occurs:
is a standard guide to use. • The character chooses to break attunement as a
Free Action.
Rarities • The character is separated from their attuned item
There are six types of rarities of equipment that you’ll for 24 hours.
find in Otherworlds. You’ll begin finding more and • The character no longer satisfies requirements
more high level rarities as you level up and face esca- noted by the item.
lated dangers.

Here’s a breakdown.
• Tier 1: Common (bandages, med kit, dagger, re-
volver, etc.)
• Tier 2: Uncommon (weapons with 7 Attack, po-
• Tier 3: Rare (weapons with 8-9 Attack, potent
• Tier 4: Epic (weapons with 10 Attack, armor that
grants resistance and other bonuses)
• Tier 5: Legendary (weapons with 11-12 Attack, ar-
Selling Loot
Currency As you encounter treasure from your adventure,
Whether it be digital or physical, you’ll need a means
you’ll undoubtedly want to sell some of your gains.
to purchase new equipment, transportation, and ser-
vices. Digital currency is easy to transport, but the dis-
As a general rule, you’ll be able to sell anything for
advantage comes when you’re in areas without signal
an amount equal to half of its worth. Keep in mind,
or working with others that don’t have the technology
however, that certain merchants and other characters
to transfer funds.
might not be interested in what you’re selling. A gun
store owner likely wouldn’t want a fancy sword, and if
Some people you work with may only take physical
it’s magical, they may think it’s beyond them in both
forms of currency (otherwise called hard forms of
understanding and price.
Sometimes notable treasures can be looted from
• Gild (GL): Electronic payments that can be taken
monsters you’ll encounter, as well as from other bat-
in any area with a TR of 2+. Payments are made
tles fought. Keep in mind, though, that much of the
either via smart device, such as an Echo Link, or
equipment may be of very low quality or damaged,
through an e-card, otherwise known as a Gild
and thus useless.
Card: Gild cards are highly resistant, easy to carry,
and can only be accessed with your thumbprint.
From the gild card, you can wirelessly connect
with other gild cards, transferring funds as long as
All weapons have a value of Attack, Magazine, and Range
there’s service. listed (in that order) as Attack/Magazine/Range that will
• Gild Bills (GB): The exact rate of gild, “gild bills,” look like this: 8/2/4. A weapon that doesn’t have or require
are like checks, representing a physical amount a magazine will have “--” in its place. Just like Attributes,
that can be deposited later. These are perfect for weapon values will often be 0-12; however, there may be
those currently without signal, and are still easy to rare exceptions... or should I say legendary exceptions?
Attack: This is the weapon’s effectiveness. For blades, it’s
• Gold Pieces (gp): Each gold piece is equivalent to
how sharp and wieldy they are. For rifles, it’s how accu-
1000 GL. rate, fast, and powerful they are.
• Silver Pieces (sp): Each silver piece is equivalent to
100 GL. Magazine: This is how many times you can attack with
• Copper Pieces (cp): Each copper piece is equiva- your weapon before needing to take the Reload action.
lent to 10 GL. Some weapons, like machine guns, hold thousands of
bullets—but instead of tracking each individual bullet, they
Currency Reference fire in clusters represented by “1” ammo.
Common Food: 5 GL
Dagger: 15 GL *Most guns in Otherworlds use modular ammunition,
Grenade: 50 GL which is so abundant that it needn’t be kept track of. Some
more rare and powerful weapons, however, use Special
Potion: 100 GL
Ammunition, which will state how much their ammo costs.
Common: 100 - 500 GL
It’s your job to keep that bad boy (or girl) well fed!
Uncommon: 500 - 1,500 GL
Rare: 1,500 - 2,500 GL Range: A more accurate name would be “optimal range,”
Epic: 2,500 - 5,000 GL but it’s much easier to just say range. This is how many
Legendary: 5,000 GL+ spaces (representing 10 ft.) this weapon can attack. For
ranged weapons, you may attack up to twice the distance
farther, but suffer a -1 Attack penalty per additional 10
ft. The same is true for ranged effects, such as a lightning
blast from a caster’s hand.

Starting Weapons Weapon Proficiencies
Each player will acquire the weapons they select when Just like with Skill Proficiencies, if you have 1 point
choosing a class. in a weapon proficiency, then you gain Edge when
attacking with a weapon of that type. Additionally, if
Player Tip: Try writing down a fun name for your weapon you have 2 points in a weapon proficiency, then you
based on the type of character you’re playing and where
roll an additional 1d6 when attacking with it.
you’ve come from. “Revolver” is a pretty boring name,
but “Outlaw” is definitely a cool one—just remember it’s
a revolver, or write “Outlaw Revolver” so you don’t get Melee Weapons
confused! • 1H Axe, 1H Scythe: 6/--/1 (common: 400 GL)
• 2H Axe: 8/--/1 (common: 400 GL)
Attack Stats Based On Rarity • Brass Knuckles: 5/--/1 (common: 200GL)
• Common Weapons: 6-7 • Dagger: 6/--/1 (common: 400 GL)
• Uncommon Weapons: 7-8 • Broadsword: 7/--/1 (com
• Rare Weapons: 9-10
• Epic Weapons: 11 Defense
• Legendary Weapons: 12 Whenever units are attacked and able to move, they
will defend themselves. When a unit defends them-
Weapon Types self, they roll 1d6 and apply it to their Defense stat.
Melee Weapons The difference between the attack and their total
• Axes: Hatchet, hand scythe, hand axe, throwing defense is how much damage they’ll take.
axe, felling axe, large scythe, war axe, great axe
• Bludgeon: Mace, club, flail, hammers, maul, nun- Defense is Toughness + ½ Dexterity (rounded up).
• Daggers: Dagger, kunai, claw Getting Around Defense
• Exotic (lose 1 Edge if not proficient): Whip, scythe If a unit is attacked while immobilized, asleep, or
• Polearms: Halberd, pike, spear, javelin, staff, lance, otherwise binded, then that unit won’t get to roll for
glaive defense. Damage dealt won’t go through their De-
• Shields: Round, buckler, kite fense stat (but it’ll still go through armor and other
• Staves: Light staff, blade staff, quarterstaff, shod damage reduction).
staff, wand
• Swords: Broadsword, long sword, greatsword, Armor & Shields
bastard sword, katana, rapier, short sword, cut- Armor reduces damage taken to your Health. Anytime
lass, saber, scimitar you would take damage, subtract your armor rating
first. For example, if you would take 7 damage and are
Ranged Weapons wearing medium armor, which has an armor rating of
• Automatic: Submachine gun (SMG), machine gun 4, then you’d take 3 points of damage to your Health.
• Bows: 2H crossbow, 1H crossbow, short bow,
longbow Starting Armor
• Handguns: Pistol, revolver, hand cannon Characters start the game with an armor type up to
• Heavy: Rocket launcher, cannon, grenades their Toughness in value. For example, a character
launcher, chemical with 4 Toughness can start with the Cloth or Light
• Rifles: Combat rifle, sniper rifle, spell rifles (deals type armor.
arcane damage)
• Shotguns: 1H shotgun, 2H shotgun
• Tech (uses INT)
Guards are shields that can be worn on a person’s
body. These equipped devices harness the power of
Improvised Weapons (lose 2 Edge): Garbage can lid,
captured astral energy and use it to shield the wearer
broken stool leg, broken bottle, rubble
in a transparent overlay, protecting them from harm.

Guards are your last line of defense.
Tools are items that are used to perform specialized
Low Technology Worlds
tasks. You must be proficient with a tool in order to
If it fits your world or character more, a character’s
use it properly.
guard can be non-technology. Instead, the character’s
guard would represent their ability to deflect harm
Tools grant Edge when using them on relevant tasks if
through a combination of physical and mental capa-
you’re proficient with them.

For this purpose, guard works the exact same way. List of Tools
Listed below are some tools that you may encounter
Flavorfully, it wouldn’t make sense to purchase a and use on your adventure. Each tool is categorized
guard of this sort, so instead one could have a lower by the attribute that it correlates with.
starting amount of Gild equal to the cost a guard
would normally be. Alternatively, you could reason Strength Climbing Tools
that the payment went towards training of some sort. Dexterity Disguise Kit, Poisoner’s
Kit, Thief’s Tools
Guard Capacity Toughness N/A
This is how much damage your guard can take before Intelligence Hacking Tools, Investiga-
it’s depleted. Your guard will regain its full capacity at tion Kit, Jet Pack, Science
the start of each of your turns. Kit, Surgeon’s Tools,
Tinkerer’s Tools
Starting Guard Wisdom Apothecary Kit, Artisan’s
Every character will start their adventure with a guard Tools, Cooking Supplies,
appropriate to their level. For most characters, this Gaming Set, Medical Kit,
means a Standard Guard, as they’ll begin at level 1. Navigation Tools
Resolve Ceremonial Kit, Divining
• Standard Guard: Capacity: 1 (500 GL)
Tools, Instrument, Per-
• Improved Guard: Capacity: 2 (1,500 GL)
formance Kit
• Advanced Guard: Capacity: 3 (3,500 GL)
• Adept Guard: Capacity: 4 (7,200 GL)
• Epic Guard: Capacity: 5 (9,000 GL)
Artisan’s Tools
Unique tools that include items needed to pursue a
WM Note: It’s recommended to pace guard upgrades
craft or trade. These tools apply bonuses to arts and
for the players according to their Tier Level. For exam-
ple, a TL of 3 should be about the time a player gets
an Advanced Guard.
Apothecary Kit
This kit contains a variety of tools such as mortar, pes-
Items tle, clippers, pouches, and vials used by herbalists to
Items usually have one unique purpose and many are create a variety of potions. These tools apply bonuses
limited in uses, but not all. They can be potions, anti- to identifying herbs and creating potions.
dotes, chalk, bandages, grenades, and more!
Ceremonial Kit
Simple Items A kit that comes with proper sacred symbols and a
Every item listed below is limited to one use unless tome to perform a ceremony. These tools apply bo-
stated otherwise. nuses to performing ceremonies.

Climbing Tools Medical Kit
Various tools that aid in climbing, including hooks, A kit full of useful medical tools. With these tools, a
anchors, and gloves. These tools apply bonuses to character can attempt to stop bleeding with a difficulty
climbing. of 6, or heal a character at 0 Health to 1 Health with a
difficulty of 10.
Cooking Supplies
Gear dedicated to cooking scrumptious meals! Navigation Tools
A set of instruments used for navigation. These tools
Disguise Kit apply a bonus to Survival checks.
This pouch of cloth, cosmetics, wigs, and small props
allows you to alter your physical appearance. These Performance Kit
tools apply bonuses to creating a visual disguise. If you are proficient with a musical instrument, these
tools apply a bonus to Entertain checks involving an
Divination Tools instrument.
With these tools and a combination of magic, you are
able to decipher future circumstances. Ask the WM Poisoner’s Kit
a question and they will answer it truthfully with a A kit that includes vials, chemicals, and other equip-
short phrase. These tools apply bonuses to decipher- ment needed to create or apply poisons. These tools
ing the future. apply a bonus to crafting and applying poison.

Gaming Set Science Kit

This item contains a wide variety of games that Tools used for examining the stars and microorganisms,
include dice and decks of cards (for games such as and vials for potions and mixing elements.
Bullet and Spellslingers). These tools apply a bonus
when playing a game. Surgeon’s Tools
A set of tools used for performing intense surgeries
Hacking Tools that would likely otherwise be fatal.
Tools and programs to assist in hacking technology.
These tools apply bonuses to hacking. Thief’s Tools
A set of tools used for picking locks and disarming
Instrument traps.
A tool used for making music. For every proficiency
point in this, you may choose a new instrument to Tinkerer’s Tools
be proficient with, including vocals. You may learn as A set of tools used for tinkering with machinery.
many instruments as you wish in place of leveling up
an existing proficiency.

Investigation Kit
A set of tools including a voice recorder, writing
utensil, paper, camera, flashlight, and other tools that
would allow you to perform an investigation. These
tools apply a bonus to Investigation checks.

Jet Pack
An item used to make the user go airborne. Pro-
ficiency with this item allows you to use jet packs
without penalty.

Health and Astral Recovery
Health represents physical well-being, while Astral Resting
embodies the magical essence within them. As you Your characters will inevitably grow tired and become
face challenges, combat, and dangers, your Health a bit beat up after countless hours of adventuring.
may decrease due to inflicted damage. Astral, on the Most characters can last about 14 hours before get-
other hand, fuels your extraordinary abilities and ting tired.
Resting heals your characters, and resets Discipline
Health and any skills that are limited in use per day.
When facing challenges, combat, or other perilous
situations, your Health may be put at risk. Damage Short Rest: Approximately 1 Hour
inflicted by enemies or environmental factors can Heals Health: Toughness + 1d6
deplete your Health points. The amount of Health you Restores Astral: Resolve + 1d6
have depends on your character’s class, skills, and
other factors. Long Rest: Approximately 8 Hours
• Heals Health: Roll 1d6 for each point of Toughness
To track your Health, mark down the corresponding and add up the rolls. Heal that much Health.
points on your character sheet. As your Health de- • Restores Astral: Roll 1d6 for each point of Resolve
creases, it reflects the toll taken on your character’s and add up to the rolls. Restore that much AST.
physical condition. Be mindful of your Health and • Resets Discipline
make strategic decisions to preserve it, such as using • Resets certain skills
defensive maneuvers, seeking healing, or employing
tactical advantages. Note: Resting in dangerous areas may subject you to
being attacked by bandits or vicious creatures.
Astral is the ethereal essence of magic and supernat- Meditating
ural power in the universe. It fuels the extraordinary When your character becomes drained of their astral
abilities and spells that characters can wield. Think energy, it leaves them exhausted, causing you to lose
of Astral as a resource that can be expended to cast Edge on every check you make. You’ll need to spend
spells, activate magical effects, or perform extraordi- some time recovering. While you may recover Astral
nary feats. while resting, you can choose meditating as an alter-
native, which will restore more Astral at a faster rate
Characters possess Astral points, which represent but won’t recover your HP.
their connection to the mystical forces of the game
world. The amount of Astral you have depends on Short Meditation: Approximately 30 minutes
your character’s class, skills, and other factors. As • Restores Astral: Resolve + 1d6
you use Astral for magical endeavors, the points are
expended. Long Meditation: Approximately 1 hour
• Restores Astral: Roll 1d6 for each point of Resolve
Replenishing Astral points can occur through various and add up the rolls. Restore that much Astral.
means, such as resting, utilizing special abilities or
items, or encountering potent sources of magical
energy. Wise management of your Astral reserves
is crucial, as it determines your capacity to unleash
powerful spells and tap into supernatural abilities.

Assigning attributes
There are six attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Tough-
ness, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Resolve. Every unit
(friend and enemy alike) will have a range of value
between 0-12. Each player has a total of 24 points
to distribute however they desire between the six

Alternatively for more challenge, players can roll 6d6

and assign each die to any attribute of their choice.

• Strength (STR): Physical strength, needed

for most melee and heavy weapons.
• Dexterity (DEX): Agility, needed
for most ranged and precision
• Toughness (TOU): Endurance
and resilience.
• Intelligence (INT): Knowledge.
• Wisdom (WIS): Perception and
• Resolve (RES): Courage and willpower.

Skill Proficiencies
While your World Master can deviate from
the suggested combinations, usually skill
proficiencies are always paired with the same

Acrobatics (DEX), Astrana (RES), Athletics

(STR), Beast (WIS), Craft (WIS), Mechanics
(INT), Entertain (RES), Investigation (INT),
Lore (INT), Medical (INT), Resolve (RES), Silver
Tongue (INT), Stealth (DEX), Survival (WIS),
Technology (INT).

There are six attributes that provide a de-

scription of a character’s physical and mental
abilities. The higher the number, the better
the character is in that ability.

Note: The maximum number an attribute can

have is 12, with the lowest being 0. There are bonuses
that can temporarily increase an attribute over the

These attributes determine what your character is For example, if a race skill would have you become
inherently strong and weak at. They aren’t meant to proficient in vampiric language and a Theme would as
restrict you into a particular profession or class, but well, then instead you could choose an entirely new
are used in understanding your character’s limits, and language to learn, despite them both saying it’s for
for determining the outcomes of ability checks and vampiric languages.
combat rolls.
The same is true for skill proficiencies, such as Ath-
What kind of character will you be? Perhaps your letics, Stealth, Influence, etc. You can only level up a
character is strong and hardy, but lacks the brains to skill proficiency two times each—one gives you Edge,
operate simple machinery? Maybe your character is while the other gives you an entire 1d6 instead!
highly intuitive, always conquering challenges before
them, but lacks physical strength? The choice is up to If your skills were to grant you 3 levels of Athletics,
you. then to not waste the 3rd level you can put it into a
different skill proficiency.
Discipline represents a limited resource your char-
acter can tap into and is used to overcome difficult Skill checks (difficulty lev-
challenges at crucial moments in the game. Discipline
can only be restored after a full rest, or rewarded by els]
the World Master for great roleplaying, so make sure Whenever your character is tested in a way that
to use it wisely. could succeed or fail, you’ll need to perform an ability
check, which will determine your success or failure.
Every time you unlock a Tier Level through leveling The WM is given a Difficulty Level (DL) determining
up, you gain access to one additional point of Disci- how hard it’ll be to succeed.
pline. You may spend one Discipline to gain Edge on
any weapon or skill check that you are proficient in. Simple (no roll is needed 0
You may not use more than one Discipline per roll you for Simple checks)
make. Easy 3
Moderate 6
Proficiency Tough 9
Whenever your character is good at something, they
Challenging 12
become proficient with it. You can receive up to two
levels of proficiency in weapons, armor, any skill profi- Formidable 15
ciency, and tools. Impossible 18
Epic 21
To make things easy, every proficiency is treated the Legendary 30
exact same.
Sometimes, it’ll be required for two characters to
1st Level of Proficiency: Gain Edge when making a both make an ability check when their actions directly
check involving this proficiency. oppose one another. For example, when a berserker
tries to grapple their enemy or intimidate them.
2nd Level of Proficiency: Gain +1d6 when making a When this happens, both will make a roll. The win
check involving this proficiency. goes to the one who is the aggressor in the situation.

Note: If you are already proficient and can’t become

anymore proficient, then instead you can learn a
whole new proficiency that isn’t listed of the same
type (weapon, tool, language, skill)!

Strength Dexterity Toughness Intelligence Wisdom Resolve

Athletics Acrobatics, N/A Investigation, Beast, Craft, Astrana, Entertain,

Stealth Lore, Me- Medical, Per- Influence
chanics, Silver ception, Survival
Tongue, Tech-

Skill checks Cont...

To make a skill check, the WM will ask
to roll Attribute + Skill Proficiency +
1d6. For example, if you’re wanting
to climb a mountainside, you may be
required to make a Strength (Athletics)
check. If you’re not proficient, then
you’d add Strength + 1d6. If you’re pro-
ficient with Athletics, you’d gain Edge,
and if you have two levels of profi-
ciency in it, then you’d roll 2d6 instead
of one.

Simple checks, such as opening a door,

don’t require a roll... unless, of course,
someone is on the other side of that
door trying to bar you in, or you’re
trying to pick its lock!

Handling Challenges Together

If a task would allow for multiple peo-
ple to make a check, every participant
makes their own check. If half or more
succeed, then the check succeeds.

The WM may increase or decrease

the DL, if adding more people to the
challenge would make it more likely to
succeed or fail. Two examples would
be sneaking past guards together as a
group, versus moving a giant object. In
the first case, the WM may want to in-
crease the DL, since the chance of one
person being spotted would be likely Players can get creative and try suggesting specific tactics they have for
in a group. Working together to push sneaking past the guards together to not have the DL increased. Such
a heavy object, however, would lower tactics could be utilizing their abilities while someone throws a rock as a
the DL. distraction.

Combat A surprise is indicated anytime the players or the en-
Combat is often a chaotic display of screaming bul-
emies are able to ambush the others. Some examples
lets or blades clashing into each other. To determine
are if you’re caught off guard by thieves springing out
which character acts first in combat, the character
of the woods to attack you, or if you’re concealed and
with the highest initiative goes first.
attack a guard who is unaware of your presence.
This chapter describes how to carry out combat in
The World Master determines who is surprised based
your adventures, whether it be a small duel, or a
on which targets (if any) were hiding. Targets may
major war-torn battle. In combat, each player controls
make a Wisdom (Perception) check to notice anyone
their character and the World Master controls all of
that is hidden.
the enemies.
If you’re attacked by surprise, you do not get to act in
Play It Fast And Loose the first round, which means you can’t take an action,
Before we jump into the mechanical nitty gritty, I want defend, evade, or use a reaction until the surprise
to first emphasize that story flow is most important to round ends. Not all members of a group may be sur-
ensure your party is having a wonderful time. prised, as it depends on the results of the Perception
If someone gets stuck on a number, not knowing if
they should take 1 or 2 damage, just go with 1. If
Step By Step
someone doesn’t remember exactly what an item
1. Surprise: Those that are hidden and are able to
does, throw out your idea from what you can best
ambush the others will get to go first in the round.
The World Master determines which targets get the
surprise bonus.
This is a roleplaying game, not an exam. It shouldn’t
2. Establish Positions: The World Master determines
make anyone’s brain’s hurt or take away from the
where each enemy target is located at the beginning
thrill of the story.
of combat, relative to one another.
3. Roll Initiative: Every target in combat rolls for initia-
Of course, some people won’t like this approach and
tive. This will determine the initiative, or turn order.
if your table doesn’t like it, then by all means, play it
4. Take Turns: Every target in combat takes a turn in
“tight.” This game can handle it!
the order of their initiative roll, with the highest initia-
tive going first.
Friendly and Harmful Effects 5. Begin The Next Round: When every target has had
Friendly effects are typically from units who you’re their turn, a new round begins. Restart at step 4 until
friendly towards. In any case, they are effects that the encounter concludes.
you (or the unit in question) would be willing to have.
Harmful effects are just the opposite of that. So a
mystical manticore who’s immune to harmful magic
Encounters can be thought of as “battles.” In Other-
could still be given the gift of flight from a mage, but
worlds, you’ll face a variety of encounters, ranging
couldn’t be damaged by a fireball.
from a pack of rabid wolves to a team of high-tech
mercenaries. When a battle begins, every target in
Combat Order the battle must roll for initiative to determine who
The game organizes combat in turns, based on those acts first.
able to act first in the round.
Generally, the World Master makes one check for a
A round represents 6 seconds in the game world. Dur- group of targets, so that they all take their turn at the
ing a round, each character and enemy takes a turn. same time.
The fight will continue until the conflict is over, either
by death or diplomacy.
Whenever a battle begins, players roll 1d6 and add it or combat-related abilities. A player may only use one
to their character’s Initiative stat, which is a charac- Action Skill during their turn in place of their attack.
ter’s Dexterity + Speed and any initiative bonuses they
may have. Whoever has the highest total starts the Boost Skills don’t use AP. Instead, these skills are
round and continues with the next highest initiative quick ways to enhance your actions. You are limited
until everyone has had a turn. to only using one Boost Skill per turn. Boost Skills that
affect attacks and damage should be used prior to
Once everyone has had a turn, the round ends and a attacking.
new one begins, using the same initiative order.
Reaction Skills don’t use AP. A Reaction allows your
character to react during someone else’s turn or an
Actions enemy’s turn. It is an instant response to a trigger,
On your turn, you have access to 2 Action Points, such as a gunslinger using “I Shot First” to attack the
known as AP. You may use AP to do the following enemy target before they are able to attack you. After
in any order and combination as long as you don’t you use a Reaction, you can’t use another one until
choose the same option twice: the start of your next turn. If the Reaction interrupts
another target’s turn, that target continues its turn
Use an Attack or Action / Ready an Attack or Action once the Reaction has resolved.
Make a Movement Action
• Use an equipped item Free Actions are very quick actions that don’t take
• Reload one equipped weapon much, if any, time to perform. Free Actions don’t use
• Brace yourself AP and may be done at will, meaning whenever you
• Inspire want, as long as the description of the effect doesn’t
• Intimidate say otherwise.
• Scan
Movement Actions Use 1 AP to move your character
The following use 2 AP: in the specified way. A unit may only use one Move-
• Reload up to two of your equipped weapons ment Action during their turn unless specified other-
• Conceal wise.
• Use equipment from your inventory
• Loot
Movement And Positioning
You can do the following on other characters’ turns: In combat, characters and other targets are constantly
• Use your Reaction on the move, often using their movement and posi-
tioning to gain the upper hand.
Here are some tasks that you can take as a free ac-
tion (does not use AP): On your turn, you may move a distance equal to your
• Switch between weapons on your person speed. You can use as little or as much of your charac-
• Pick up a dropped weapon ter’s speed as you want during your turn.
• Take an item off of a table
• Hand an item to another character Moving also includes jumping, running, and swim-
• Drop prone ming. You may do any of these as part of your move-
ment. For example, you may move forward a few feet
Passive Skills are ever-present, and as such are al- and then jump.
ways active. Passive Skills usually are stat boosts that
are factored into your character’s base stats, or add Types of Movement
bonuses to certain skill checks. • Dig - This unit moves through the ground, ignoring
any obstacles on the surface.
Action Skills represent your character’s primary ac- • Flight - This unit moves through the air, ignoring
tion during your turn. These actions are often attacks any obstacles on the surface.
• Float - This unit floats in the air and can ignore Sizes
small to medium-sized obstacles on the surface. Friends and enemies come in all shapes and sizes. Ev-
Units that float can’t suspend themselves higher ery unit is categorized by six different size categories:
than twice their height, so a 5 foot unit can’t float
above 10 feet. All units with Flight are able to • Tiny - Smaller than 1 foot
float. • Small - 1 foot to 4 feet
• Swim - This unit moves through water without • Medium - 4 feet to 7 feet
hindrance. • Large - 7 feet to 10 feet
• Teleport - This unit can ignore everything in the • Giant - 10 feet to 25 feet
current realm when moving. • Titan - 25 feet and above

Hindering Terrain Success & Failure

Combat rarely takes place in a wide open area. Moun- If at any point you would roll one or more criticals
tainous ridges, destroyed ruins, or heavily populated than the opposing roll, then it is considered a success.
cities are more common terrains you’ll find yourself If you roll one critical lower than the opposing roll,
battling in. These areas could have boulders, under- then it is considered a failure.
growth, or steep stairs that make it difficult to tra-
verse. These objects block and impede movement, The severity of the success or failure is purely de-
much like an enemy target would. A character may pendent on the situation and the World Master’s
attempt to climb over some difficult terrain, but must ruling, although it is recommended that all players are
first succeed a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. treated as fairly as possible.

Prone Evading
When you are knocked down, or are trying to set up a Any character that has an equal to or higher Dexter-
well-placed shot with a sniper rifle, and find yourself ity attribute than their Toughness attribute is able to
on the ground, this is referred to as being “prone”. If evade. If the character’s Dexterity is not equal to or
anything would knock you back, it’s assumed it also higher, then they may only use the Defend Combat
knocks you prone unless stated otherwise. Maneuvers.

Dropping prone is a free action; however, getting up Note: When making a counter attack, it must be with
is 1 Action Point. To move while prone, you’re consid- one of your equipped weapons. An accessible skill
ered crawling and your speed is dropped to 1. must be with a weapon that is within range of the
target and has enough ammunition to be used.
Falling (Fall Damage)
Whenever a unit falls, it takes 1d6 damage per 10 Basic Attacks
feet they fall. This damage can’t be defended against Refers to when a unit uses an attack that isn’t an
(armor and guard still apply). Action Skill. There are many types of basic attacks, but
the ways they’re implemented are simple.
Moving Around Other Targets
You can move through a non-hostile target’s space Whenever a unit makes an unarmed attack, whether
(allies or townsfolk, for example), but you can’t end it be with their fists, kicking, etc., it uses its Strength
your movement in an occupied space. + Dexterity. A unit may attack this way twice with one
Attack Action.
When a character attempts a leap or a high jump, Some monsters and specific races have horns, claws,
they make a Strength (Athletics) check and can move or a giant tail for striking enemies with. Use this sim-
a distance equal to the result in feet. If that character ple chart to see how basic attacks are done with each
had at least 10 feet to run before making their jump of these:
action, they gain edge on their check.

• Unarmed: STR + DEX + 1d6, +double attack (blud- with no effect.
geoning) For example, piercing damage is special because
• Claws: STR + DEX + 1d6, +double attack (slashing) it damages the unit’s Health, ignoring their armor.
• Horns: STR + TOU + 1d6 (slashing or stabbing) Stabbing damage, in contrast, has a similar flavor to
• Tail: STR + TOU + 1d6 (bludgeoning) Piercing, but instead doesn’t ignore the armor.
• Wing: STR + TOU + 1d6 (slashing)
Non-special types of damage are particularly impor-
It’s important to note that while a unit may have a tant when fighting certain enemy types. For example,
tail, that doesn’t mean its tail has the strength to be a skeleton can be resistant to Slashing but weak to
used as a weapon. The felinx and leogin, for example, Bludgeoning, so it’s a good idea to put some thought
can’t use their tails to deal damage on their own; into what weapons you choose to fight it with.
however, a dragon is a different story!
Types of Physical Damage
Attack Checks Ballistic is a type of non-magical projectile damage,
Like any other check made in the game, Attack Checks such as arrows and bullets.
are opposed by an enemy unit, referred to as a “de- Bludgeoning is a type of damage caused by blunt ob-
fending unit.” If the attack roll is higher than the de- jects, such as clubs, rocks, and maces.
fense roll, the Attack Check is considered a success. *Piercing is a special damage type that ignores Armor
Dealing Damage *Explosive roll 1d6 per level of explosive. Explosive
The total damage you deal is corresponding to your damage is dealt in a 3x3 area (or 30 foot radius) un-
stats, weapons and rolls. When you attack an enemy, less stated otherwise.
they will take damage equal to the difference of your Slashing is a type of damage caused by objects with
Attack roll and their Defense roll. Some abilities might an edge, such as swords and axes.
state that they will directly deal damage to the en- Stabbing is a type of damage caused by sharp objects
emy. with a point, such as daggers and rapiers.
Types of Magical Damage
Types of Damage *Acid deals double damage to constructs and armor
There are two main types of damage in Otherworlds: (unless the target specifies different weaknesses and
physical and magical. The type of physical damage resistances. Damage can’t be more than doubled this
you attack with determines which benefit you can use way).
with Combat Maneuvers. Bludgeoning damage can Arcane is magical damage to describe any general
Daze enemies with 1 success, whereas Piercing can force of magical energy.
ignore armor, and Slashing can cause Bleed. *Death deals damage that permanently lowers a
unit’s maximum Health. This can be corrected through
Magical damage has different effects based on the magical effects.
type of magical damage that’s inflicted. It’s important *Fire deals double damage to flesh (unless the target
to note that even if the source of the damage isn’t specifies different weaknesses and resistances. Dam-
magical, the damage is still considered magical. For age can’t be more than doubled this way).
example, a burning building that deals Fire damage to *Ice deals damage to enemy DEX, lowering it by 1 per
a ghost will still count as magical damage, even if that point of Ice damage. When 0 DEX is reached, the en-
fire was caused by an explosive. emy is frozen, and considered immobilized until their
DEX becomes 1 or higher. At the start of each turn,
Note: Some types of damage are special and are indi- the frozen enemy will recover 1 DEX. Frozen targets
cated with an “*”. can be frozen below 0, meaning they can go into the
negatives and take longer to recover!
Special damage types can be physical or magical and *Lightning deals double damage to guards, chimera,
have special effects associated with them, whereas undead, and some monsters (unless the target spec-
non-special damage just applies damage normally ifies different weaknesses and resistances. Damage
can’t be more than doubled this way).
*Petrify deals damage to a unit’s Speed and Tough- Throwing Weapons
ness. When both values reach 0, the unit is consid- As long as you have enough Strength to properly carry
ered petrified, immobilizing them for eternity unless a the object in question, it can be thrown 10 ft. per STR
magical effect is applied to reverse the petrification. you have; otherwise, it’s half of that (rounded up). If
*Psychic deals damage directly to the unit’s Health the object is precision-based (dart, dagger, ball), then
(ignores armor, guard, and other damage reduction). you may use your DEX instead to calculate the range.
*Poison damage, when dealt, will cause a unit to For throwing people, these same rules still apply, and
receive that much damage during the start of each NO! They are not precision-based.
of their turns if they take any actions. If they choose
not to take any actions, they will only take the poison Targeted Attacks
damage every five minutes. Additionally, they become Characters may choose to attack a specific area of the
exhausted, losing Edge on all checks they make. enemy. If they choose to do so, they lose Edge (roll an
additional 1d6 and remove the highest result).
Dealing With Death & Down Time
Once your character reaches 0 Health, you are con- Armor
sidered unconscious and unable to move. You have Your first line of defense when taking damage (after
exactly one round for every point of Toughness your your Defense roll) is your armor. Any damage done to
character has before your character dies. Then, for ev- you is first reduced by your Armor value.
ery time your character has been downed previously
in the same day, reduce the number of rounds your
character has to live by that number.
In Otherworlds, guards represent either of two things;
depending on your particular game, they could rep-
If your character has not been healed by the time that
resent both.
number passes, your character is considered dead
and is no longer playable.
A.) Guards add a protective, transparent energy field
around your character’s body, absorbing incoming
Additionally, if you are attacked while down, you must
roll 1d6. If you roll a 1, then your character dies. This
B.) Guards represent a character’s ability to parry on-
number increases by 1 each time a source would deal
coming attacks through concentration and skill.
damage to you. This is known as a Death Check.
Each guard has two components:
For example, if you’re downed and are attacked for
1. Value (often a number between 1-5)
the third time since being downed, when you roll 1d6,
2. Effect
in the result of 3 or lower your character will die.
Overkill (Variant) So, if you have 3 guard, have no armor, and are about
Whenever you would take enough damage to reduce to take 5 damage, your guard would absorb the first
your Health below 0 by an amount more than your 3 points of damage and you’ll take the remaining 2,
Toughness, you must make a Death Check. subtracting it from your Health. If the attack is a phys-
ical one.
Dual Wielding
You may attack with two weapons during your turn, The guard will then recharge completely during the
as long as you have a weapon held in both hands. The start of your next turn.
bigger the weapon, the bigger the penalty you will
receive on each attack with those weapons. Now, if you are attacked again for 5 more damage
before your guard has had a chance to recharge, then
• Small Weapons: -2 Attack penalty per weapon the guard, being already depleted, will not prevent
• Medium Weapons: -3 Attack penalty per weapon any more damage this turn.
• Large Weapons: -4 Attack penalty per weapon

Combat Combat Maneuversoptimal
Effect range automatically miss. Units fully im-Criticals
mersed in water become immune to Fire damage.
Maneuvers (CM) Stagger The enemy loses Edge on their next attack 1
In combat, whenever you roll to or defense roll this encounter.
attack or defend, you’ll some- Surge Choose one: 1.) Heals 1d6 to a maximum 1
times gain the advantage by of your TOU. 2.) Restores your Astral to a
rolling more criticals than your maximum of your RES. 3.) Removes a
adversary. Doing so results in status effect from yourself.
astounding stunts known as Pierce Ignores armor (only 1 critical needed for 2
Combat Maneuvers (CM)! stabbing attacks).
To perform a CM, you must Deep Cut Causes Bleed (only 1 critical needed for 2
have the appropriate amount of slashing attacks).
criticals more than the defend- Bash Causes Daze (only 1 critical needed for 2
ing enemy. The CM is applied at bludgeoning attacks).
the time it’s rolled. You may only Execute Deals double damage. 2
apply one CM per attack. For ex- Speed Attack Make an additional attack this turn. 2
ample, if you roll 4 criticals, you Knockdown Knocks the enemy unit prone. 2
may not apply the “Execute” CM
Dualcast (Spells) Copies the spell you’re casting. You may 2
choose new targets for the spell, but you
must meet requirements (consuming extra
Kill With Style! astral, for example).
If these CMs don’t scratch that
itch for you, feel free to add Defense
your own or work with your WM Deflect Reduce damage done to you by 50%. 1
in creating new ones! Tank Reduce damage done to you by 100%. 2
Evade Ignore all damage from a single source 1
Dealing Non-Lethal Damage that targets you. If the source didn’t target
At any time that you’d deal dam- you (such as an explosion), then take 50%
age to reduce a unit’s Health to damage instead. Evade can only be used
0, you may choose to have that with units with a DEX equal to or higher
unit fall unconscious instead of than their TOU.
dying. This is done the instant Counter Attack Use the Evade CM, and then as a Reaction 2
you deal damage. you may make an attack with an equipped
weapon, targeting the unit that attacked
Underwater Combat you. That unit doesn’t get to apply De-
A unit’s base Swim Speed while fense.
in water is 1 if wading through
the water; otherwise, a unit
must use 2 Action Points to
swim up to half their Toughness
(rounded up). When in wa-
ter, units without a Swimming
Speed will lose Edge. Units may
lose additional Edge depending
on the armor they’re wearing
and other factors, such as a
heavy storm (up to WM discre-
tion). Ranged attacks made past
Any unit that can cast spells is considered a “Spellcaster.” Using Spells (Range and Cast Time)
Spells are acquired in the same fashion as other skills are Every spell without a specified range can target anything
within Otherworlds. Simply appoint SP to which spells that can be seen within the caster’s line of sight. Spells
you’d like to learn from a Tier Level that you’ve already instantly cast when used unless otherwise specified.

Spells, unlike many other abilities, are very diverse in

Some spells require you to concentrate (don’t worry,
application, allowing for the caster to deal heavy amounts
they’ll let you know). If this is the case, then you may keep
of damage from afar, exploit enemy weaknesses through
the spell’s effect applied for as long as you’re concentrat-
elemental attacks, speak to monsters, and much more!
ing. You can spend AP while concentrating, but performing
an Action will break your concentration.
Magical Damage
If magical damage is done and the exact type isn’t spec-
ified, it’s considered Arcane damage. Arcane damage on
Maximum Spell Potential (MSP)
At any time that you consume Astral, you can’t consume
its own doesn’t have any special effects (aside from being
more than either A.) Your character’s level, or B.) Your
magic!), but be on the lookout for abilities that work with
character’s Resolve (whichever is higher).
or against Arcane damage.

Challenge Rating
Challenge Rating (CR) is the overall challenge you can expect the player characters to face. The higher the CR,
the more of a threat the PCs will need to overcome.

Determining CR is easy. Simply choose how difficult you’d like the adventure to be (this may change between
encounters). Then, add that bonus (if any) to the total level among friendly PCs and NPCs in the encounter. The
total is then spent by the WM on enemy units, variants, added enemy skills, traps and more!

Challenge Rating Table

Description Bonus CR Description
Simple +0 Frolic without being shanked (too much).
Easy +3 Fairy tales (the happy ones).
Moderate +6 Low risk, with only a small chance of death.
Tough +9 Odds stacked against you.
Challenging +12 Let me see you grit those teeth!
Formidable +15 Filled with blood and strife.
Impossible +18 Impossible or improbable?
Epic +21 For the valiant!
Legendary +30 Only the bravest and foolhardy dare take this path.

For example, if the PCs have a party of four level 4 characters and a companion that’s level 3, then the total CR
would be 19 + any addition in difficulty. So, a Formidable CR for them would be 34 CR.

World Masters should try using all the desired CR they can in between times when the PCs rest. The WM can
also reward innovative ideas from the PCs by lowering the CR, or if the PCs manage to “shortcut” or “circum-
vent” a problem, go about their adventure without all the CR being spent.

Remember ultimately, CR is a tool and a guide, not something that has to be strictly followed.

Monster Attacks
Monsters by default roll an additional 1d6 when attacking because it’s assumed they’re
proficient with the attacks / weapons they’re using. However, a World Master may lessen
the degree of difficulty by making it so monsters roll 1d6 when attacking or gain Edge
when attacking instead of the additional 1d6.

Alternatively, a WM may have weaker enemies use 1d6 and epic enemies use 2d6.

Explosive: Each point of Explosive damage a weapon has
Keywords is treated as a 1d6 attack roll. Example: A weapon with
In Otherworlds, there are keywords attached to equipment Explosive 3 means you’d roll 3d6 when attacking with it.
to communicate information quickly and effectively. Each Any abilities that would enhance or detract from your rolls
instance of the keyword will work the way it’s described would be applied to that.
below. Immune: This unit can’t take damage from the stated
damage type.
Affinity: If a unit with Affinity receives damage of the cor- Impact: Gain the listed amount of Impact to your Attack
responding damage type, they are healed by that amount while attacking a unit with Toughness equal to or higher
instead of damaged. than your Dexterity.
Astral Drain: A drain effect. When an effect grants Astral Knockback: The damage unit is moved back 10 feet.
Drain, roll 1d6 and gain that much Astral, up to the maxi- Knockdown: The damaged unit becomes knocked prone.
mum, on a successful attack that damages the target. Lifesteal: A drain effect. When an effect grants Lifesteal,
***Note: Astral Drain only works on damaged targets with roll 1d6 and gain that much Health, up to the maximum,
a spirit, so machines and most undead are unaffected. It’s on a successful attack that damages the target. Note:
up to WM discretion if a unit is unaffected by Astral Drain. Lifesteal only works on damaged targets with blood, so
Berserk: This unit can only perform basic attacks and machines and most undead are unaffected. It’s up to WM
Movement Actions. This unit must attack the closest unit discretion if a unit is unaffected by Lifesteal.
possible, regardless if it’s friend or foe. Lob: This weapon may be fired over partial cover without
Bleed: The inflicted unit will take 1d6 Bleed damage at the the defending unit receiving any cover bonus.
start of each of their turns. This persists until they use a Parry: Gain Edge when defending with this.
bandage, other healing item, or magical spell that heals Piercing: A special physical damage that ignores armor
them. Bleed doesn’t stack unless specifically stated. when dealing damage.
Burst-Fire: When you attack with a Burst-Fire weapon, you Regeneration: At the start of this unit’s turn, it heals 1d6,
may roll two attack rolls instead of one. If you do, the dam- restoring its Health by that amount. If it’s Astral Regen-
age you deal with that weapon becomes halved. eration, it does the same thing, but for Astral instead of
Companion: Refers to a friendly unit controlled by a Health. If a duration isn’t stated for Regeneration, it by
player character. Companions have their own sets of stats default lasts until the unit takes a long rest.
and skills. By default, when rolling for initiative, a player Resistance: This unit takes double damage from this dam-
chooses to use either their companion’s Initiative or their age type.
character’s Initiative. A companion may have their turn Siege: Deals double damage to structures.
taken before or after the player character. Slow-Fire: This weapon can’t be unloaded, have Burst-Fire,
Conceal: A unit that’s concealed can’t be seen by non- Spray-Fire, or attack multiple times in a turn.
friendly units unless a Wisdom (Resolve) check is made Slow-Reload: This weapon takes 2 AP to Reload.
against concealed unit’s Dexterity (Stealth). A unit can be Special Ammunition: This weapon requires special am-
concealed by default by entering an encounter hidden, or munition which may be hard to find and will cost more
by taking the Conceal Action. When a unit attacks from than the standard, modular ammunition. A weapon with
Conceal, that unit gains a +1d6 Attack bonus. Special Ammunition, by default will have exactly one mag-
Collapsable: This weapon as a Boost Action or for 1 AP can azine filled with Special Ammunition. Additionally Special
be folded into a small size when not in use. Ammunition must be bought or found throughout your
Concealable: A weapon with this keyword is hidden from adventures.
plain sight, and isn’t seen unless an opposing unit makes a Spray-Fire: You may attack any number of units within
Wisdom (Perception) check against the wielder’s Dexterity range at 1 ammo per attack (make one attack roll and ap-
(Stealth). ply it to each defending unit).
Darksight: This unit can see in darkness without penalty. Swift: Gain the listed amount of Swift to your Attack while
Dazed: A Dazed unit can perform basic attacks and Move- attacking a unit with Dexterity equal to or higher than your
ment Actions only. A Dazed unit can’t use abilities (except Toughness.
passives, because they are always active). Dazed units can’t Weakness: Takes double damage from this damage type.
charge, use items, open doors, use Combat Maneuvers,
etc. The standard length of time a unit is Dazed is 1 round.
Execute: Deal double damage with one critical.

Exhausted: This unit loses Edge on every roll and can
Glossary only move up to 10 ft. per Movement Action.
#x: When a unit has a number followed by an “x,” it Immobilized: This unit can’t move and can’t roll to de-
means it’s multiplied by the amount of enemy player fend itself (when attacked, the unit takes the damage
character units and NPC units of a similar level. An straight to its Armor, Guard, and Spirit, ignoring its
example would be a spirit monster with “Spirit: 5x,” Defense).
meaning it would have a Spirit of 5 times the amount Inspired: This unit automatically succeeds the next in-
of player character units and NPC units of a similar timidation check it makes in this encounter OR within
level. the next hour (if done outside of combat).
Affinity: If a unit with an affinity for a damage type Intimidate: Make an Action against an opposing unit
would take damage of that type, they would heal by using your Strength (Influence) or Resolve (Influence)
that amount instead. based on if it’s by body presence or words. Units that
A.O.E (Area of Effect): Refers to any attack that fail an intimidation check are considered intimidated,
doesn’t target to attack. These attacks usually cover and are unable to move towards the target that in-
areas, such as 3x3 or 5x5, and typically are explosive timidated them, in addition to losing Edge. An intim-
or magical. idated target may attempt to pass the check at the
Blinded: This unit loses 2 Edge for all rolls made if end of each of their turns.
they rely primarily on their sight; otherwise, they lose Sleep: This unit can’t take Actions until it’s attacked or
1 Edge. wakes up (time specified by effect or WM).
Brace Yourself: Gain Edge when defending the next Spellcaster: Refers to a unit who is able to cast spells.
attack until your turn. Stagger: This unit loses Edge on its next defense roll.
Charmed: This unit can’t take actions against the unit Stun: When a unit is stunned, it is tracked as a sepa-
or object that has them charmed until the charm is rate form of damage. It doesn’t affect Health. At the
broken. A unit may attempt to break from its charm start of a stunned unit’s turn, it rolls and subtracts
at the start of each of its turns in combat. Outside of stun damage equal to the result plus the unit’s Tough-
combat, it lasts 10 minutes per level of the unit that ness. If all stun damage is removed, the unit may take
has them charmed. its turn as normal. Otherwise, a stunned unit can’t
Combat Roll: Refers to rolls made for attacking, de- take Actions. When attacked, a stunned unit loses
fending, and evading. Edge.
Concussion: This unit loses 2
Edge on INT rolls and attacks that are more than 10 ft.
Confused: This unit takes random Actions until out of
AP. Also, the targets chosen are at random, but must
be options within range. The confused unit will use
whichever weapon is in their hand, if any. 1: Attack
2: Cast last spell (if any; if not, attack) 3: Move full
distance in the opposite direction of most units 4: Use
1 item 5: Reload (even if the weapon can’t reload) 6:
Brace yourself.
Daze: A dazed unit can only perform basic attacks and
Movement Actions, and can’t activate abilities for 1
round (passive skills are always active. Dazed units
can’t charge, use items, open doors, use Combat Ma-
neuvers, etc.).
Defenseless: This unit doesn’t roll for defense.
Double Attack: This unit can attack up to two times
with a one Attack Action. Triple Attack, Quadruple
Attack, etc. work the same, except the unit can attack
the relative number of times.


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