U.S.A Vs Romania

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American vs.

Romanian social customs and etiquette Every country in the world has its unique customs and etiquette which guide social life. Therefore, U.S.A and Romania make no exception, as there are both similarities and differences between them. Although not always accurate, some stereotypes spread by movies and television are true, especially American friendliness and informality. People tend to not wait to be introduced, will begin to speak with strangers as they stand in a queue, sit next to each other at an event, etc. Visitors can often be surprised when people are so informal to the point of being very direct or even rude. Americans often greet total strangers, particularly in small towns and communities. This may vary from a formal good morning to a more casual Hi!. In contrast, Romanians are formal and reserved with a strong need for privacy. Most do not trust strangers readily. They are generally shy and quiet when you first meet them and admire modesty in themselves and others. But once you develop a personal relationship they will open up slightly. Romania is a hierarchical society where age and position are respected. Older people are viewed as wise since they have earned life experience, so it is customary for younger people to defer to their elders. If in general most Americans, even in a business setting, prefer to be called by their first name, for Romanians titles are very important and denote respect. Although always polite, they seldom move to a first-name basis with people outside their extended family or very close friends. Americans are generally informal in their relationships and this doesnt imply a lack of respect as in the case of Romanians. Even though personal behaviour often appears crass, loud, and effusive to people from other cultures, Americans value emotional and bodily restraint. The permanent smile and unrelenting enthusiasm of the stereotypical American may mask strong emotions whose expression is not acceptable. Bodily restraint is expressed through the relatively large physical distance people maintain with each other, especially men. In opposition, some older Romanians kiss a woman's hand when meeting them. Men also indicate their respect for women by a tip of the hat or standing to offer them a seat. Kissing and hugging is considered normal between friends and colleagues. Americans generally do not discuss how much money they make or how much they paid for certain high-end items (such as houses, cars, boats, TV systems, etc.) cost. It is considered very rude to ask and is even more uncomfortable to discuss. In the U.S.A, time is a very important commodity. People 'save' time and 'spend' time as if it were money in the bank. Americans ascribe personality characteristics and values based on how people use time. For example, those who are on-time are considered to be reliable people who others can count on. This is to say punctuality is essential. Romanians also value arriving on time at meetings, especially in formal situations, but the time arrangements are more flexible in informal ones. For instance, you may arrive up to 15 minutes late for a party. Americans are direct. They value logic and linear thinking and expect people to speak clearly and in a straightforward manner. To them if you dont tell it how it is you simply waste time, and time is money. On the contrary, Romanians are from a culture that is more subtle in communication style, because they dont always get to their point so quickly. In conclusion, the personal beliefs and way of behaving have a great impact on customs and etiquette. Romanians are known for hospitality and generosity; they are more formal and polite, while Americans are characterized by directness and informality. tefan Livia Andreea, 12th A

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