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selected Piano exam pieces ~ 2011 & 2012 ABRSM Piano exams Pieces ‘This album contains nine pieces from ABRSM's 2011 & 2012 Piano syllabus, In the exam, candidates must play three pieces, one chosen from each of the three syllabus lists (A. B and G). Candidates are free to choose from the pieces printed in this album and/or from the other pieces set for the grade: a fulllistis given on the opposite page as well as in the 2011 & 2012 syllabus booklet. All the pieces are valid from 1 January 2011 until 31 December 2012, with a permitted overlap into 2013 as follows: UK & Republic of Ireland - until the end of Period A (spring exams) 2013 Al other countries until 31 December 2013 ‘The pieces in this album have been taken from a variety of different sources, Where appropriate, the pieces have been checked with original source material and edited to help the player when preparing for performance. Ornament realizations have been added by the editor, as have metronome marks shown within square brackets. Where necessary, the fingering has been amended by the editor to ensure a consistent approach within the album. Detalls of other editorial amendinents or suggestions are given in the footnotes, Fingering and all editorial additions are for guidance only; they are not comprehensive or obligatory. Other requirements Scales and broken chords ‘The following requirements are reproduced from the 2011 & 2012 Plano syllabus, For further details, seealso p. 6 of the syllabus booklet. Seales C.6.D,F majors hands separnaly octaves =D minors (LH. may, t candidates chnice, be (relic or hacrnie at sande’ played dovsening and necending) ‘ehes) Conteary-motionseale Cmajor hands beginning on the Kes-note (unison) Lectave Broken chords C.G,Fmaors ‘haus separately as patem below: A,D minors Sight-reading (see 2011 & 2012 Piano syllabus) ‘Aural tests (see 2011 & 2012 Piano syllabus) ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT INFORMATION ‘When planning an exam entry, itis important to refer to the following publications: «+ the current Piano syllabus (2011 & 2012) + the current Examination Information & Regulations (published annually) + These Music Exams (containing practical advice for candidates, teachers and parents) ‘These contain information on all aspects of the exam, from entry details to performance requirements such as the observance of repeats. All three publications are available free of charge from music retailers and as downloads from Grade Name Date of exam Contents Editor for ABRSM: Richard Jones page usta 1 Anon. Menuet in F: No.6 from Nanner! Notenbuch 2 Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Andante: from Symphony No. 94 in G, Hob. 1/94, second movement, 3 arr, Alan Bullard 3. James Hook (1745-1827) Gavotta: No. 3 from 24 Progressive Lessons, Op. 81 4 ust 1 Pauline Hall Tarantella 2° Martha Mier A Story from Long Ago: from Romantic Sketches, Book | 3 Felix Swinstead (1880-1959) A’Tender Flower ustc 1 Stephen G. Foster (1626-64) Camptown Races, art. Robi 2 Fiona Macardle Late at Night 3 Kevin Wooding Vampire Blues 10 Other pieces for this grade usta 4& LCE Bach Schwaebisch in D, No.6 from Chutersttcke fl AnflngerSehott/ MDS) 5 Nandot Babiole. Piano Progress, Book 1, rz Waterman and tarexood (Faber) (& Purcell & Song Tune, 7.7695, No.3 from Purcall, Miscellaneous Keylnard Pies Staines & Rell) uste 4 Rybicki Longing: from 1 Begin to Pay, Op. 20 (PWM/MDS) or Pianoworks Collection I, are Bullard (OUP) 45. Schubert The Trout Simply Classes, Grados O-1, ar. Gritton (Faber) § Schumann Soldstenmarsch Soldire’ March): No.2 from Album flr die Jugend, Op. 68 (ABRSM) ‘co in Schuman fer Younger People and More Romantic Pec: for Plano, Book (ABRSM) uste 44 BartGk Quasi adayio No.3 frum For Children Vol 1 (Boosey & Havehes/MDS) 5 Janina Garécia Allegretto: Ist mov from Sonatina in G, Op. 51 No.1. GarSea, Lite Sonatinas (PWMIMDS) 5 Lajos Papp Grasshopper No. 15 Fiom 22 Lite Piano Pisces (alto Musica Budapest/FM Distcusion) Ths arrangement only Peepinied i210 ARR Fann Unser Hep Musi gna by Barnes Mac aging i {atoy ore subrtary a uKSAt 24 fertand” lagh meri Nope tnesenosion Gry Oth Dee ‘ie ante Wi Uased Engin ‘urbe pation erin ertamemicedia enue any Vey Bb, Catidty Tee nencatedtemdolte hand «= eybmer yanymcanccehor toe pear ‘Thelen ier aed Kane pheeketitin ‘emma ete cope mee Menuet in F No. 6 from Nannerl Notenbuch ‘Nannerl Notenbuch Notebook for Nonnetl "This piece comes from a collection that Leopold Mozart (1719-87) compiled in 1769 for hs eight-year-old daughter Mania Anna, nicknamed Nannerl (sister of Wolfgang Amadeus), whom be was teaching to ply the plano at that tne. Crotchers ‘Sluis and dynarales ave editor suggestions only ‘Source: L Mozart: Naner-Nofenbch 1759 original manuscript, property of the Intemational Stiftung Mocarteum, Saleburg (© 1990 by The Associates Hoar ofthe Royal School Muse Reproduced fem Selected Pano Ezamsinaton ios, 1998-2409 edited by Richard Jones (AERS) AB 3544 Andante from Symphony No. 94 in G, Hob. 1/94, second movement ‘Arranged by Alan Bullard Joseph Haydn Andante + =<69 ‘he great Austrian composer Joseph Haydn (1782-1808) visited London twice during the 1780s There thelast 12 symphonies that he composed, te so-called ‘London’ symphonies, all eceved thelr fs performance to great acclaim. The second of the (2, No 98 in G (1791), was nicknamed he'Surprse’ Symphony soon aftr its fist performance due tothe sudden frtssimo chord for full orchestra that wakes up a drowsy audience ‘uring the qui string heme ofthe slow movement. That theme, together wih is ‘surprise’ in, 16 is given here ina piano arrangement. #2010 by The Associate Hoard ofthe Reyal Schools of Masic AB3544 James Hook James Hook (1745-1827) was procociously gified as a child, He played keyboard concertos in his native town of Norwich at theage of sand had ‘composed a ballad opera by the age of eight. He spent most of is adult fe as an organs n London. Gavia is Malian for gavotte, a dance of pastoral character in moderate duple time. in this gavotte all slurs and dynamics are editorial suggestions only Source: New Guida di musica. Being a Compleat Book of Instrucons for Begbnners on the Plano Forte or Harpsichord... which & added Twenty four Progressive Lessons, Op. 8 (London, 1795) (© 2010 by The Associate! Board ofthe Royal Schools of Music Tarantella Pauline Hall Vivace [4 = 6.112] Paine Hall staid atthe Royal Academy of Music bofore embarking on 2 veaching career. It was while she was teaching in HHarogate, North Yorkshire, that she fet the need for a piano tutor that made learning fun. while progressing at the pace of her slowest learner, She started by iting litle tunes im pupils notebooks, which formed the bass of her Tunes for Ten Fingers a from which her iano Time series from which “Tarantela'is taken - was developed. ‘The warunteta ts folk dance trom southern aly ina quick 6/8 time. Dancing twas std to cure the bite ofa tarantula but the name of the danceis in fact derived from the town of Taranto. {©0xford unversty Press 1669 Reproduced by permission. Al rights reserved. All enquiries about this piece. apart from those dzectly relating to the exams, should be adkresed (0 (Ovid University Press, Music Departnent, Great Clarendon Set, Oxf OX2 6D? aps A Story from Long Ago from Romantic Sketches, Book 1 Martha Mier ‘Slowly and thoughtfully [4 = <.65] ‘antha Mier Isa plano teacher, composer and adjudicator in Lake City, Fora. She specializes in writing educztional plano music and is especialy known for her popular orice Jas, Rags & Siues and Romantic Impressions is the piece celecied hore, the pedalling is opeionel for ‘exam purposes. (© 2007 Aled Atuee Publishing Ca, ne ‘Alluights reserved Used by pennission.Allengulrles about this piece, apart frm thesecety seating othe exams shoul be adkesed a Aled Music ‘Publtng Ca, In, PO. Boe 10008, an Nu, CA 91410-008, USA AB 3544 A Tender Flower ‘Tranquil and smooth [J = .80] ‘elie Swinstead (1880-1959) was an English pianist, ceccher and composer who studied atthe Royal Academy of Music, where he was appointed professor of piano in 1910. Before the First Wd War he gave many plano rectal, both in London and in the provinces, and from 1817 he was ‘an ABRSM examiner Most of his published works are forthe piano, and many of these were written fr educational purposes, (6 1802 by Te Associated Board ofthe Royal Schoo of Muse [Reproduced rom Orginal Pianojrte Pieter, Book 1 (ABRSMI) Camptown Races Arranged by Robin Proctor Stephen C, Foster Allegretto 4 = 2.96 ‘The American songter Suephen C. Foster (1825~64), who was legely self-taught 2s a musician, composed abou 200 songs becween 18é4 and, 164, About 30 ofthese, including the popular Camptown faces of 1850, are minstel songs with choral refrains originally sung by tho celebrated (Christy Minstrels The frst verse and refrain of Campion Races read, ‘De Camptown ladies sing dis song ~ Doo- dab! doo -da! ‘De Camprown race-track five mils long — OW’ doo-dah day! 1 come down dah wid may hat caved in -Doo- da doo- dah! 1 goback home wid pocket full of tin— Oh! doo-deh day! Gaine o run all night! Gwine to ran all day! Tilbetmy money on de bobtal nag Somebody beton debay. ‘The cong s given here ina piano arrangement fr the black keys ony: For fun (ouside the exam) it would be worth trying ton the white keys in G major (©2010 by The Associated Board ofthe Royal Schools of Mute Late at Night Fiona Macardle Steepy (J = 696) 3 Fiona Macardl is « Durham-based piano toachor. As @ composor of educational piano music, she has contributed to numerous volumes. 0 Vampire Blues Kevin Wooding tse peers b rea = 2 pt ey Kevin Weoding was bom in Australia in. 1964 and studied music there and in New Zealand In 1987 he moved to Engfand and curently works in (Oxford as a teacher and composer. ‘Varnpire Blues; writen in 1855, cores from Spooky Piano Time, edited by Pauline Hall and Kevin Wooding “The composer has written: "Your mist count stesdly and eareflly reste ae very important, and there are lots of them. Beware of the vampires bite” neartheend! {© 0xsoed University Press 1987 Reproduced by permission. Al rights reserved. All enqules about ths piece apart from those directly rating 1 the exams, shouldbe addressed 10 ‘Ozford University Press, Musie Department, Great Clarendon Set. Oxf OX2 BOF AB 3544 aa Se eee eee eet Seer eee Se Se ee eae ere ee crear se area Oe cee ee ee ces err eee eee ee leading professional pianists, providing inspiring periormances to help the pe ee ee eee er Dee Car ee eae ed Coe er eas spilt A) er Sey rie Soca acca Co eee ee er ae eee ee ee eee er eer celebrate their achievements. We da thi through authoritative and internationally Pree eet eon E sea Sa Ct teen cra apRsM Papers reer ect Poet TOMER + emt -Te Ser) lod

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