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Name : _______________________________ Section : __________ Date :

Activity title : Issues and Concerns of Teenagers related to sexuality.

Objectives : - Identify the different issues/concerns of teenagers (e.g., identity crisis) and the need for
support and understanding of the family.
-Understand a person experiencing identity crisis.

What is Identity Crisis?
In psychology [Erik Erickson], identity crisis is the failure to achieve ego identity or self-identity (Wikipedia)
during adolescence. The stage of psychosocial development in which identity crisis may occur is called the
identity cohesion vs. role confusion (adolescent’s stage).
During this stage, adolescents are faced with physical growth, sexual maturity, and integrating ideas of
themselves and about what others think of them. Adolescents therefore form their self-image. Let's take a
closer look at the background and different stages that make up Erikson's psychosocial theory.

If this stage is handled well, the person will feel a sense of maturity, which is sometimes referred to as ego
quality, gender equality or sexual equality (Wikipedia).
If the stage is managed poorly, the person will emerge with a sense of inadequacy (lacking of something) in
that aspect of development which will lead to role or identity confusion and a weak sense of self.
According to Erikson, adolescents (teenagers) must overcome self-identity crises and identity confusion.
Identity confusion is indicated by their inability to value their roles in the community, personality issues, a
lack of goals, hobbies, or plans for their future, a bad attitude, and no interest in daily activities. This will
result to risk-taking behaviors or destructive behaviors which can be displayed in school, in their community,
or maybe in their own family.
These behaviors are characterized by bullying, smoking, inappropriate diet, lack of physical activity, drug and
alcohol abuse, premarital sex and sexual crimes, violence, suicide, murder, motor vehicle accidents, and
multiple partnerships which could sometimes lead to the spreading of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

How important is the role of families when it comes to concerns like identity crisis?
Family has a major influence on adolescents in terms of limiting risk-taking behavior. Parental monitoring is a
powerful tool for preventing adolescents from engaging in risk-taking behaviors.
A positive parenting style lead to positive behaviors in their children. Monitoring, advising, avoiding violence,
and instilling religious values are the efforts the families make to facilitate their adolescents during identity

Other practical ways which help you through with identity crisis:
• Do something you're passionate about like engaging in sports, playing guitar, journal writing, etc.;
• Hanging out with good influential (GI) friends, not the bad influential (BI) ones;
• Join church/religious groups and organizations;
• Find ways to grow personally. Do not withdraw yourself from classmates or friends when something is
wrong. Face
it and handle it accordingly;
• If you wish to cry, then cry! If you want to enjoy, then enjoy! Release your inner self and do not hold

Direction: Copy and do the activity below in your health notebook. Examples are provided for number one.
1. What roles do you identify for yourself? What about the roles that are determined by your friends,
and your family? Copy the table and list them down.
Confident Approachable Obedient

2. Whose opinions and beliefs have the greatest effect on how you think about your true identity? Why
do you say so? ( write your answer at the back ) .

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