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Subject: Legal English

Name: María Emilia Guamán Garcés

Date: 22/10/23

1.1.- Look at this essay question and consider whether you agree or disagree with the
A lot of students find it difficult to write good essays. There is little that you can do to make
your essays better or to make the job easier.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Undoubtedly, this question remains highly relevant for individuals who grapple with mastering
a foreign language. It's no wonder that it sparks such significant debates among students.
Concurrently, I hold a strong contrary stance to the notion that improving one's essays is a
daunting task, as there exist several effective methods that can propel students towards
remarkable progress in their writing, including engaging in readings and discussions with a
knowledgeable teacher.
Primarily, reading represents a promising avenue to achieve exceptional results in essay writing
and other writing assignments. The value of reading lies in its ability to encompass vital
components such as diverse grammar structures and new vocabulary, which contribute
significantly to enhancing our language skills. Furthermore, reading serves as a wellspring of
essential knowledge in English, with each article offering a unique source of information that
hones our English language abilities. In my experience, those who cultivate a habit of delving
into English books or newspapers outperform students who neglect this practice.
Secondly, composing an essay without the guidance and feedback of an experienced individual,
like a teacher, is an exercise in futility. Students may inadvertently overlook numerous errors
when reviewing their essays on their own, and grappling with complex grammar structures can
present significant challenges for English learners. However, patient collaboration with a
teacher propels individuals to new heights in their mastery of English. Achievement invariably
results from dedicated effort, and essay writing is no exception. Your teacher serves as a
compass, directing your efforts in the right direction. Personally, I've grown accustomed to
incorporating my teachers' corrections, and I can now sense significant improvement in my
essay writing.
In conclusion, I'd like to underscore some key takeaways from this discussion. In my
perspective, anyone has the capacity to elevate their essay writing skills to new heights.
Nevertheless, learners should not deviate from traditional English learning methods. The
success formula includes a blend of reading and guidance from a teacher. This simple truth can
bolster each individual on their journey toward mastering the English language.
1.2.- Replace the underlined words in the introductory sentences below with a suitable
word from the box.
Task / less difficult / struggle / produce / high-quality / many / improve
- It is true that a lot of students find it difficult to write good essay. I don’t agree that
there is a little you can do to make your essays better or to make the job easier.
It is true that many students find it struggle to produce high-quality essays. I don’t agree
that there is a little you can do to make your essays improve or to make the task less

Linking words
2.1.- These words and phrases can be used to link ideas together. Put the words and
phrases into the correct column according to their function. Use your notebook
Similarly That is Now
As a result Alternatively In other words
Indeed And Consequently
Nonetheless While To illustrate this
Finally Whereas Firstly
However In conclusion Therefore
Although But Because
Secondly Because of Or
Despite Not only...but...also... Also
In addition Furthermore On the other hand
Such as To summarize For example
Sequencing ideas Adding supporting Introducing a Giving examples Giving an alternative Giving an explanation Drawing a conclusion
ideas contrasting idea
Firstly Furthermore However Such as Or In other words In conclusion
Secondly Also Although For example Alternatively Because Therefore
Finally Similarly Despite That is Because of Consequently
Now Indeed Nonetheless To illustrate this Not only...but...also... As a result
In addition Whereas To summarize
And On the other hand

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