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A review on alternatives to sand replacement and its effect on concrete

Inti Jagan a, Pongunuru Naga Sowjanya b, Kanta Naga Rajesh a,⇑
GMR Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Rajam 532127, India
Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Department of Civil Engineering, Narasaraopeta 522601, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sand, a fine aggregate is a coarse-grained material formed with small mineral particles. It is an essential
Available online xxxx component in industries such as foundry, automobile, construction, etc. It is the third world’s most com-
mon natural resource after air and water and is critical to the survival of our way of life. Globally, the
Keywords: Earth holds 7.5 sextillion sand grains. In metropolitan India, there is a 60 million metric tonnes yearly
Sand demand for sand in various activities. This study reviews the fine aggregate (conventional Sand) replace-
Fine aggregate ments (such as Waste Foundry Sand, Graphite Tailings, Low-Density Polyethylene, Ceramic Wastes, Fly
Industrial byproducts
ash, Bottom Ash, Expanded Perlite, Pumice, Glass Waste Powder, Steel Slag, Sandstone Cutting Waste,
Sea Sand, Alum Sludge, Crumb Rubber, Poly Ethylene Terephthalate, Iron Filings, Glass Particles and
Poly Propylene Granules) in the concrete production, as well as the utilisation of alternative sand for a
cleaner and more sustainable environment. This study presents the various properties of concrete with
sand and its alternatives such as physical and mechanical characteristics of concrete. it is concluded that
the highest substitute rate of sand replacement in concrete can help to resolve a variety of disposal-
related difficulties, save the natural resources used in aggregate mining, and create more durable and
cost-effective concrete. The range of substitution rates for compressive and flexural strengths are 4–
75% and 4–50% with their corresponding strength varying from 25 to 30 N/mm2 and 4–13 N/mm2
Copyright Ó 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures.

1. Introduction 2.0 mm to 4.75 mm. River sand with a particle size of 4.75 mm is
commonly utilized in construction. It is a common building ele-
Sand, a Fine Aggregate (FA) is an essential component in indus- ment that adds strength and stability to other materials such as
tries such as casting, foundry, automobile, construction, glassware, asphalt, concrete, mortar, cement and screed. It is frequently used
water filtration and abrasives etc. It is the third world’s most com- as a foundation layer in blinding concrete to provide a clear, flat
mon natural resource after air and water and is critical to the sur- and dry surface for building projects. Due to erosion, forest degra-
vival of our way of life. In contrast to air and water, sand is a non- dation, and other environmental issues, sand availability has lately
renewable resource. It is differentiated by its particle size among become relatively limited. The increasing consumption of sand that
its constituents. It contains larger granules than silt and coarser is being taken from riverbeds and beaches is causing an environ-
grains than gravel. The most important sand categories are those mental problem. Some regions have overused river sand, affecting
based on origin and particle size. Based on origin of source, it is the stability of riverbanks and raising environmental issues. Scien-
named as river, sea and pit. Based on the grain size, it is categorized tists estimate that the Earth has 7.5 sextillion sand grains
as fine sand size varying from 0.075 to 0.425 mm, medium sand (75x1017). It has an annual demand of 60 million metric tonnes
size varying from 0.425 to 2 mm and coarse sand size varying from in metropolitan India. The world needs 40 to 50 billion tonnes of
sand and gravel annually, a recent UN Environment study claims
that mining aggregate in rivers for building activity has led to pol-
⇑ Corresponding author. lution, floods, lowering of water aquifers, and increasing drought
E-mail addresses:, (K. Naga
events. Amid the nation’s rapid urbanization and rising demand
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures.

Please cite this article as: I. Jagan, P. Naga Sowjanya and K. Naga Rajesh, A review on alternatives to sand replacement and its effect on concrete properties,
Materials Today: Proceedings,
I. Jagan, P. Naga Sowjanya and K. Naga Rajesh Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

for building materials, the Indian sand market is expected to reach Table 1
a value of almost 833 million tonnes in 2020. Throughout the pro- Effect of various alternatives to fine aggregates on workability.

jected period of 2022–2027, the market is expected to expand at a References Type of Replacement Influence on the workability
CAGR of 6–7% each year. Due to the greatest demand, there is an replacement Variation in
imperative need to look for alternatives to this non-renewable with Fine percentage
Aggregate (%)
resource. These alternatives should improve or produce on par
mechanical, microstructure and durability properties of concrete. [2] Ceramic 10–60 Reduces slump due to its
Wastes (CW) angular shape, abrasive
Additionally, they help prevent garbage from being thrown in land- surface texture, and higher
fills and are more affordable. Hussein et al stated that waste glass absorption rate
as fine aggregate from 20 to 30 % exhibited better results in con- [3] Glass Waste 10–30 Decreased slump from
crete however, best level of replacement of conventional FA Powder (GWP) 97 mm to 65 mm.
[4] Sandstone 10–50 & 100 Reduced workability from
depends on various factors [1]. This study examines various alter-
Cutting Waste 115 mm to 90 mm due to
natives to fine aggregate (conventional Sand) replacements (such (SCW) higher absorption rate and
as Waste Foundry Sand, Graphite Tailings, Low-Density Polyethy- internal friction.
lene, Ceramic Wastes, Fly ash, Bottom Ash, Expanded Perlite, [5] Alum Sludge 5–30 & 50 Decreased in workability
Pumice, Glass Waste Powder, Steel Slag, Sandstone Cutting Waste, (AS) from 55 to 35 mm due to
increased replacement and
Sea Sand, Alum Sludge, Crumb Rubber, Poly Ethylene Terephtha-
water-cement ratio for
late, Iron Filings, Glass Particles and Poly Propylene Granules) in heated to 300 °C.
concrete manufacturing as well as the usage of alternative FA for [6] Steel Slag (SS) 10–50 The workability reduced
a greener and more sustainable environment. It also discusses from 69 mm to 47 mm due
to high water absorption.
the numerous physical and mechanical properties. According to
[7] Waste Foundry 10–50 The slump is decreased due
the literature review, the maximum substitute rate of sand Sand (WFS) fineness and porous of WFS.
replacement in concrete may assist to handle a number of [8] Recycled Poly 10–30 & 50 Low w/c ratio, sub-rounded
disposal-related issues, conserve natural resources used in aggre- Ethylene form, smooth surface
gate mining, and produce more durable and cost-effective con- Terephthalate reduces workability.
crete. The replacement rates for compressive and flexural
[9] Iron Filings (IF) 5–25 Slump increased with
strengths are 4–75% and 4–50%, respectively, with corresponding and Glass increased content of glass
strengths ranging from 25 to 30 N/mm2 and 4–13 N/mm2, Particles (GP) particles. Decreased slump
respectively. due to increase in content of
iron filings.

2. Literature review 2.2. Density

2.1. Workability Mohamed et al [2] reported that the use of CTW and CSW as
sand replacement resulted in low density FSC that is 1220 and
Ceramic Wastes (CW) such as Ceramic Tile Waste (CTW) and 1222 kg/m3 respectively. This is due to low density of ceramic
Ceramic Sanitary Waste (CSW) when replaced with 10–60% of FA wastes compared to natural fine aggregate and also increment in
to make Flowable Sand Concrete (FSC) resulted in reduced slump. porosity induced by ceramic wastes. Mohammad et al [8] reported
This reduction may be due to the CW grain’s angular shape, abra- that concrete with 10% RPET as sand replacement of 0–30% and
sive surface texture, and higher absorption rate than natural sand 50% resulted in on par density that is 2340 kg/m3 of conventional
[2]. When 20% of Glass Waste Powder (GWP) as sand replacement concrete 2400 kg/m3. It may be due to RPET; density is marginally
range of 10–30% in concrete resulted in a decreased slump from 97 is lesser than natural sand. Ifiok et al [9] reported that concrete’s
to 65 mm [3]. Sandstone Cutting Waste (SCW) as a replacement of density increased when IF were substituted as FA, but it decreased
sand from 10 to 50% and 100 % in Concrete resulted in reduced when GP were substituted. This may be due to the higher specific
slump. This is due to increase in SCW resulted in higher absorption gravity of IF i.e., 3.33 resulted in higher density and lower specific
of water and internal friction created in sub-angular particles [4]. gravity of GP i.e., 2.47 resulted in lower density. Table 2 shows the
Alum Sludge (AS) from 5 to 15% substitution with sand caused effect of various alternatives to fine aggregates on density. Bharad-
reduction in workability from 50 to 30 mm. This may be due to waj and Sudipta [10] studied on concrete containing mix of each
increase in the percentage replacement and water cement ratio 50% Bottom Ash (BA) and Fly Ash (FS) as fine aggregate and con-
[5]. Concrete with walnut shells and Steel Slag (SS) as replacement cluded that its density is 12.15 % lower than conventional concrete.
of coarse aggregate and sand respectively reported that workabil- This reduced density is due to presence of pores and creates a vent
ity reduces when replacement is at 10% due to high water absorp- for fluid permeation and also less density of BA and FS. Bharvi et al
tion property in steel as FA [6]. The increase in substitution of sand [11] reported that concrete with Expanded Perlite (EP) and Pumice
with Waste Foundry Sand (WFS) resulted in decreased slump. It is as replacement of sand such as 25%, 50% 75%, and 100% which in
due to physical properties of WFS such as fineness and porous [7]. low density concrete. It is due to EP is 0.7 times lighter than natural
Concrete with Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (RPET) as sand sand.
replacement of 0–30% and 50% resulted in not much reduction in
workability due to the low w/c ratio, sub-rounded form, and rela- 2.3. Compressive strength
tively smooth surface of the RPET granules and it facilitates the
mixture’s fine aggregate dispersion [8]. Ifiok et al [9] reported that Mohamed, et al [2] concluded that when sand was substituted
when the content of Iron Filings (IF) was raised, a decreased slump with 0–60% of CW, the 60% CTW or 50% CSW in concrete, compres-
was observed; however, when the content of Glass Particles (GP) sive strength increased by roughly 100% and 51% at 28 days,
was increased, the slump was increased. This is due to the higher respectively. This is owing to the hardness of the CW grains and
specific gravity of IF compared to GP. Table 1 shows the effect of the increased cohesiveness between the Ceramic Waste Aggregate
various alternatives to fine aggregates on workability. (CWA) and cement paste. Arivalagan and Sethuraman [3] reported
I. Jagan, P. Naga Sowjanya and K. Naga Rajesh Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2 vinces, with these GT utilised as a fine aggregate replacement for

Effect of various alternatives to fine aggregates on density. sand of 0% to 40%. The compressive strength improved by 14.9%
References Type of Replacement Influence on the density when 10% of the sand was replaced with GT. The increase in
replacement Variation in strength is probably due to aggregate stability and the capability
With Fine percentage for bonding between aggregates in concrete. Eric, et al [13]
aggregate (%)
reported that Sheets, bags, and water sachets made of Low-
[2] CW 10–60 Density decreased due to Density Polyethylene (LDPE) are a significant source of trash. At
ceramic waste was increased
porosity and also low density
235 °C, LDPE was melted and then placed onto roofing sheets,
of ceramic wastes when where it was left to cool and harden. A fine aggregate is created
compared to natural fine next. For masonry mortars of categories M, S, N, and O, using 50–
aggregate. 60% LDPE as fine aggregate provides the necessary strength. When
[8] RPET 10–30 & 50 Resulted on par density due
using LDPE plastic instead of sand as 0–40%, the compressive
to density of RPET is
marginally is lesser than strength reduces by 20% due to smooth surfaces of waste particles
natural sand. reduce the interfacial transition zone adhesion between LDPE plas-
[9] IF and GP 5–25 Density increased due to tic and cement paste particles and also w/c ratio is raised from 0.45
higher specific gravity of iron to 0.60. Karthik and Venkat [14] concluded that concrete contain-
filings and density decreased
ing 100% Treated Sea Sand (TSS), a strength increment of 6.71% was
due to lower specific gravity
of glass particles. recorded. This is due to micro-organic matter and chloride content
[10] Bottom Ash 50 & 50 Reduced density due to removal from the TSS. Nagarajan and Shanmugasundaram [15]
(BS) and Fly pores, create a vent for fluid reported that the compressive strength of treated Crumb Rubber
Ash (FS) permeation, also decreased
(CR) in concrete as fine aggregate increased by 7.05% compared
due to low density of fly ash
and bottom ash. to untreated. This is due to surface modification of fine aggregate
[11] EP and Pumice 25, 50, 75, Good low density in light resulted in increased binding between rubber and cement paste.
&100 weight concrete and also Gombosuren, et al [16] concluded that concrete with utilizing
expanded perlite is 0.7 times CO2 Treated Recycled Fine Aggregate (TRFA) resulted in a 15%
not heavy than natural sand.
increase in compressive strength. Abiola, et al [17] reported that
to achieve 25 N/mm2 strength of concrete, 4% Polypropylene (PP)
granules were used as replacement to fine aggregate, however it
that when sand is replaced with GWP in concrete, a 20% increment also resulted rapid crack propagation. In Alkali Activated Slag Con-
in strength is observed. Sanjay and Vinay [4] the sand is replaced crete, when 100% Quartz Sand (QS) is used as FA and cured in
with SCW of 10–50% & 60%, this studied on concrete containing ambient conditions resulted in a compressive strength of 44 N/
30% SCW as fine aggregate replacement and 0.4 to 0.45 water to mm2 [18]. Table 3 shows the effect of various alternatives to fine
cement. The strength is increased up to 30% due to formation of aggregates on Compressive strength.
a dense matrix and also filler effect of Sandstone Cutting in con-
crete. Kaish, et al [5] reported that when AS is heated to about 2.4. Split tensile strength
300 °C and is used as a fine aggregate in concrete resulted in
21.6% rise in 28 days compressive strength. Venkatesa, et al [6] Arivalagan and Sethuraman [3] reported that when glass waste
studied on concrete with Steel Slag (SS) as replacement of sand powder is used as the fine aggregate a range of 10–30% in nominal
and walnut shell as coarse aggregate replacement. It was reported mix concrete, the concrete’s spilt tensile strength is raised by up to
that 20% increase in strength was observed with SS as 40% by 20% for 7, 14, and 28 days, respectively, and is 3.19 MPa, 3.16 MPa,
weight of sand. Jawad, et al [7] studied on concrete with WFS as and 3.46 MPa. Sanjay and Vinay [4] reported that concrete with
40%-50% replacement to sand resulted in very poor compressive SCW as fine aggregate replacement of 10–50%, & 100% which
strength. It was also concluded that 30% WFS recorded in 5.4% resulted in 25 to 30% higher tensile strength at 0.4 to 0.5 water-
decrement in 28 days compressive strength and it is considered cement ratio. Kaish, et al [5] reported that when AS is heated to
as ideal substitution. Mohammad, et al [8] reported that when about 300 °C and is used as a fine aggregate in concrete resulted
10% sand is replaced with 10% RPET, concrete compressive strength in decreased tensile strength at all curing ages. Venkatesa, et al
increased by 9.07%, owing to their shape and flexibility as well as [6] reported that SS and walnut shells when used as replacements
their homogeneous distribution. Ifiok, et al [9] studied on concrete for fine and coarse aggregate respectively resulted in increase in
containing combined 20% IF and GP when replaced with fine aggre- tensile strength by 28.5% and 21.8% at 7 and 28 days respectively.
gate resulted in 19.37% increment in compressive strength of con- Jawad, et al [7] studied on concrete with 30% WFS as fine aggregate
crete. Bharadwaj and Sudipta [10] studied on concrete containing replacement resulted in 7% lower split tensile strength. This is due
mix of 50% fly ash and 50% bottom ash as fine aggregate and con- to the fineness and dust in the concrete mix. Mohammad, et al [8]
cluded that compressive strength of approximately 21.6 to 31.8 N/ reported that when 10% RPET is used as fine aggregate in concrete,
mm2 can be achieved. According to research by Bharvi et al [11] the tensile strength increased by 3.4% compared to conventional
the natural fine aggregate replaced with 25%, 50% 75%, & 100% of concrete. According to Bharvi et al [11] the tensile strength of con-
EP and also mixture EP with pumice, the compressive strength of crete with 100% replacement fine aggregate in the substitution
perlite-containing concrete is decreased by 41.24% and 37.69%, range of 25%, 50% 75%, and 100% with EP or EP with pumice is
when sand is replaced with 100% EP or 100% EP with pumice 50.59% and 40.25% lower, respectively. This is due to EP’s porous
respectively. The volume of voids increased from 221% to 772% structure being weaker than naturally available fine aggregate.
for concrete made with expanded perlite compared to normal Hongbo, et al [12] reported that 1.8% increment in tensile strength
cement concrete. This caused reduction in the volume of cement with 10% replacement of fine aggregate with GT in the replacement
paste; hence, the strength of the concrete has been lowered. Hon- range of 0–40% due to aggregate stability and bonding between
gbo, et al [12] reported that Graphite Tailings (GT) are solid waste them. Karthik and Venkat [14] concluded that the tensile strength
products from the mining process. In 2017, the world’s cumulative was increased by 34.97% with TSS as fine aggregate a range of 10–
output of graphite ore was 81 million metric tonnes, with the 30% replacement in concrete. Nagarajan and Shanmugasundaram
majority of that production focused in 14 ore veins across six pro- [15] reported that split tensile strength declined by 2.71% as rubber
I. Jagan, P. Naga Sowjanya and K. Naga Rajesh Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Effect of various alternatives to fine aggregates on Compressive strength.

References Type of replacement with Replacement Variation Influence on the Compressive strength
Fine aggregate in percentage (%)
[2] CWA 10–60 Ceramic waste grains have increased strength about due to hardness and cohesion.
[3] GWP 10–30 Sand is replaced with glass powder for a 20% increase in strength.
[4] SCW 10–50, & 100 Sandstone cutting increases concrete strength due to dense matrix formation.
[5] AS 5–30 & 50 Alum sludge increases compressive strength by 21.6% when heated to 300 °C.
[6] SS 10–50 Steel slag increased 20% of strength by 40% by weight of sand.
[7] WFS 10–50 Waste Foundry Sand has poor compressive strength, with 30%. WFS causing a 5.4% decline in
28 days, which is considered as ideal substitution.
[8] RPET 10–30 & 50 RPET increases up to 10% concrete compressive strength by 9.07%, due to shape and flexibility.
[9] IF and GP 5–25 Replacing 20% iron filling and glass aggregate with fine aggregate increased compressive strength
by 19.37%.
[10] BS and FA 50 & 50 Concrete with 50% fly ash and 50% bottom ash can achieve compressive strength of 21.6–31.8 N/
[11] EP and Pumice 25, 50, 75, & 100 The volume of voids increased from 221% to 772% for concrete made with expanded perlite
compared to normal cement concrete. This caused reduction in the volume of cement paste hence
resulted in decreased strength.
[12] Graphite Tailings (GT) 10–40 10% replacement of FA with GT is increased strength by 14.9% due to aggregate stability and
bonding between them.
[13] Low-Density 5–60 Waste particles 20% reduced in compressive strength waste particles bonding and increased w/c
Polyethylene (LDPE) ratio.
[14] Treated Sea Sand (TSS) 25–100 Concrete with 100% treated sea sand has a strength increase of 6.71% due to micro-organic matter
and chloride removal.
[15] Crumb Rubber (CR) 5–20 Treated rubber increased its compressive strength due to surface modification of fine aggregate,
resulting in increased binding between rubber and cement paste.
[16] CO2 Treated Recycled 15–50 CO2 treated recycled fine aggregate increased 15% of compressive strength.
Fine Aggregate (TRFA)
[17] Polypropylene (PP) 4–50 4% polypropylene granules were used to increase concrete strength, but caused rapid crack
[18] Alkali Activated Slag 100 Alkali Activated Slag Concrete has a compressive strength of 44 N/mm2.
Concrete (AASC)

content increased, however this loss was lower when compared to Table 4
compressive strength. The reason for this is that the bridging Effect of various alternatives to fine aggregates on Split tensile strength.

action of CR regulates crack development. Gombosuren, et al [16] References Type of Replacement Influence on the Split tensile
concluded that concrete with utilizing CO2 TRFA resulted in reduc- replacement Variation in strength
tion in tensile strength upto 13–17%. Abiola, et al [17] reported percentage (%)

that with 4% PP as fine aggregate in concrete resulted in reduced [3] GWP 10–30 Spilt tensile strength is
tensile strength of concrete. Table 4 shows the effect of various increased up to 20%
replacement rate.
alternatives to fine aggregates on Split tensile strength.
[4] SCW 10–50 & 100 The higher tensile strength
occurred 25–30% in the
Sandstone cutting waste.
2.5. Flexural strength [5] AS 5–30 & 50 AS heated to 300 °C decreases
tensile strength at all curing
Mohamed, et al [2] concluded that concrete with both types of
[6] SS 10–50 The strength raised up to
CW that is tile and sanitary ware when replaced sand upto 60% 28.5% in the concrete
resulted in increment in flexural strength by upto 48% for 28 days [7] WFS 10–50 The strength was occurred by
cured specimens. Kaish, et al [5] reported that when AS is heated to 7% lower due to fineness and
about 300 °C and is used as a 10% replacement of fine aggregate in dust.
[8] RPET 10–30 & 50 The strength was increased by
concrete resulted in increased tensile strength. Venkatesa, et al [6]
3.4% as fine aggregate of RPET.
reported that SS and walnut shells when used as replacements for [11] EP and EP 25, 50, 75 & Reduced strength due to
fine and coarse aggregate respectively resulted in increase in flex- with Pumice 100 weaker porous strength.
ural strength by 25.9% and 24.4% at 7 and 28 days respectively. [12] GT 10–40 10% replacement of FA with
GT is increased strength by
Mohammad, et al [8] reported that when 10% RPET is used as fine
1.8% due to aggregate stability
aggregate in concrete, the flexural strength increased by 7.9% com- and bonding between them.
pared to conventional concrete. Bharvi, et al [11] studied and [14] TSS 25–100 Strength was increased by
reported that flexural strength is diminished by 27.85% and 34.97% with treated sea sand.
31.34% in concrete mixtures made with 100% EP with pumice [15] CR 5–20 Strength was decreased by
2.71% due to bridging action
and only EP, respectively, owing to a poorer link between the
of crumb rubber.
nearby aggregates. Eric, et al [13] reported that concrete with LDPE [16] TRFA 15–50 Reduction occurred in the
plastic waste was used as a replacement to sand and due to this strength up to 13–17%.
flexural strength is declined by 16%. This is due to adherence to [17] PP 4–50 4% Polypropylene Granules
reduce tensile strength of
LDPE plastic with cement paste is poor. Nagarajan and Shanmuga-
sundaram [15] reported that concrete flexural strength decreased
by 6.54% due to increase in the replacement of fine aggregate with
CR. This decrease is due to poor bonding between rubber particles,
sand and cement paste. Table 5 shows the effect of various alterna-
tives to fine aggregates Flexure strength.
I. Jagan, P. Naga Sowjanya and K. Naga Rajesh Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 5 The split tensile strength of concrete is improved by replacing

Effect of various alternatives to fine aggregates on Flexure strength. fine aggregate with 100% treated sea sand enhance by the strength
References Type of Replacement Influence on the Flexure 34.97%, whereas Graphite Tailings (GT) replaced at 10% resulted in
replacement Variation in strength a 1.8% strength in the concrete.
percentage (%) In flexural strength, the optimum replacement of fine aggregate
[3] CWA 10–60 Concrete with tile and sanitary with CWA such as 60% each of ceramic tile waste and ceramic san-
ware increased flexural itary waste in concrete results in an increase in strength of 48% and
strength by up to 48% and 38%
38%, respectively, whereas Treated Crumb Rubber (TCR) substitu-
[5] AS 5–30 & 50 Flexure strength is increased tion at 5% gives a decreased strength of 6.54% in the concrete.
up to 10% replacement rate.
[6] SS 10–50 The strength raised up to
25.9% in the concrete. CRediT authorship contribution statement
[8] RPET 10–30 & 50 The 10% replacement of RPET
increases flexural strength by Inti Jagan: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft. Pongu-
7.9% compared to nuru Naga Sowjanya: Supervision. Kanta Naga Rajesh: Conceptu-
conventional concrete.
[11] EP and EP 25, 50, 75, & 100% expanded perlite with
alization, Writing – review & editing.
with Pumice 100 pumice and expanded perlite
was decreased the strength by
Data availability
27.85% and 31.34% due to poor
bonding with aggregates.
[13] LDPE 5–60 The strength was reduced by No data was used for the research described in the article.
16% due to bonding between
LPDE plastic and cement paste
is weak. Declaration of Competing Interest
[14] CR 5–20 The flexural strength
decreased by 6.54% due to The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
weak bond between rubber
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
particles, sand and cement
to influence the work reported in this paper.

3. Conclusion
The authors wish to acknowledge the support provided by the
This review paper provides the some of the insights with M/s GMR Institute of Technology and Narasaraopeta Engineering
respective replacement of fine aggregate and also outlines the College.
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