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Council : United Nations Human Rights Council

Topic : Addressing the Consequences of Violations of
the Freedom of Expression and Online Privacy in
the Digital Age
Country : Republic of Chile
Delegate : Zadrach Barenz Windessy

Freedom of expression and the right to privacy are among the human rights most
impacted by the digital transformation. Interrelations between these rights have too been
transformed. In the pre-Internet world, freedom of expression and privacy were thought to be
contradictory and only interacting when journalists reported on public figures in the name of
the right to know, or when the privacy of a journalist was invaded. With the advent of the
digital age, the right to privacy and freedom of expression have become interdependent, as is
for example demonstrated by the chilling effect that privacy violations can have on media
freedom: monitoring of online activity, data retention, and big data, Artificial Intelligence-
powered territorial surveillance, and hacking are all developments who simultaneously threaten
our privacy and the freedom of expression.

The military junta in Myanmar has been imposing further restrictions on internet access, online
censorship, surveillance, and other barriers to internet access, which has led to the
establishment of a "digital dictatorship" in Myanmar.

The government has ramped up its censorship, and internet freedom in Myanmar has declined
dramatically. The people of Myanmar have lost their freedom of expression, and there is no
press freedom at all. The authorities have intensified both on- and offline surveillance,
diminishing the space for freedom of expression, assembly, and association.
The military has issued internet shutdowns in all 330 townships, and the draft Cybersecurity
Law reveals the military's intentions to criminalize the use of unauthorized virtual private
networks (VPNs). The Counterterrorism Law remains one of the primary threats to the
country's digital space, with scores of journalists and media workers, human rights defenders,
and teachers and students arrested and convicted under this law in recent months.

The UNHRC has condemned the junta's policies to curtail fundamental freedoms on and off-
line and urged UN Member States to adopt targeted sanctions against the military and military-
linked companies, including sanctions restricting the sale or supply of dual-use surveillance
The people of Myanmar have lost their freedom of expression, and there is no press freedom
at all. The authorities have intensified both on- and offline surveillance, diminishing the space
for freedom of expression, assembly, and association. The response of successive Myanmar
governments to the proliferation of online hate speech and disinformation has been to impose
further restrictions on internet access, online censorship, and surveillance.

With mention of our country's policies and actions. We must play our part in addressing this
issue and helping future generations. Myanmar will propose a solution to embark the issue of
“Addressing the Consequences of Violations of The Freedom of Expression and Online
Privacy in The Digital Age”, which is as follows:

Protect encryption. Robust encryption is fundamental to cybersecurity, commerce, and

the protection of human rights. Weakening encryption endangers the lives of activists,
journalists, members of marginalized communities, and ordinary users worldwide.
Governments should refrain from mandating “back doors,” requiring traceability of
messages, or reducing intermediary liability protections for providers of end-to-end
encryption services. In the United States, any reforms to Section 230 of the
Communications Decency Act should not undermine the ability of intermediaries and
service providers to offer robust encryption.
Legislation and Regulation. Enact and enforce comprehensive data protection and
privacy laws. Establish clear rules governing online speech that balance freedom of
expression and protection against hate speech, misinformation, and harassment.
Strengthen penalties for cyberbullying, doxing, and online harassment.

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