Lea 4

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LEA 4 (midterm) operation may Establish mobile

checkpoints in coordination with the

PNP OPERATIONAL Unit Commander in the area
LEARNING OUTCOMES In the conduct of checkpoint, the
CRIMINOLOGY STUDENTS Checkpoint team shall be composed
SHALL KNOW AND APPLY THE of, but Not limited to, the following:
-GENERAL PROCEDURE IN A. Team Leader (TL) – shall b.
CHECKPOINT Checkpoints are established to
CHECTPOINT B. Circulation control measure,
- GUIDELINES IN CONDUCTING C. And regulations, and when
CHECKPOINT there is a need
- PROCEDURES IN ON THE SPOT D. To arrest a criminal or fugitive
CHECKPOINT from justice.
E. C. The composition of the
F. Manning the checkpoint shall
be left to the
G. Sound discretion of the Team
Leader (TL),
H. With the consideration of
female PNP officer
I. In the team especially when
there is an
J. Anticipated female suspect.
Checkpoint- is a place where the
and take Responsibility in the
police check vehicular/pedestrian
conduct of checkpoint
traffic in order to enforce circulation
Preferably an officer with the
control measure and Other laws,
rank of at Least Police
orders, and regulations. The
Establishment of checkpoints must
always be authorized by the Head of
b. Spotter – PNP personnel who will
Office of the Territorial PNP Unit and
point/profile suspected vehicle subject
manned by Uniformed PNP personnel.
for checkpoint;
Other units directly involved in an
c. Spokesperson – TL or member
who is in charge of communicating Leader (TL), with the consideration of
with the motorists subject for female PNP officer in the team
checkpoint; especially when there is an anticipated
d. Investigation Sub-team – in charge female suspect.
Of investigation and documentation of
Possible incidents in the checkpoint to d. The minimum Police Checkpoint
Include issuance of Traffic Citation team should at least be composed of an
Ticket (TCT) or Traffic Violation 8-man complement, with three
Report( TVR) verifiers, one spotter, one TL, one
e. Search/Arresting Sub-Team – profiler, one rear security and one
designated to conduct search, seizure advance security.
and arrest, if necessary;
f. Security Sub-Team – tasked to e. The Team manning checkpoints
provide security in the must have immediate contact with the
checkpoint area; and LGUs, Public Attorney’s Office (PAO)
g. Blocking/Pursuing Sub-Team – or any Member of the Philippine bar,
team tasked to block/pursue and/or the Media(for drug cases).
fleeing suspects/vehicle.
f. The Team should encourage the
Guidelines in conducting Police participation of, but not limited to, the
checkpoint Local Government Units (LGUS),
Civil Society Groups, Non-
A .Mobile checkpoints are authorized Governmental Organizations (NGOs),
only When established in conjunction business Organizations, other civic
with Ongoing police operations. Only groups, Media and other stakeholders
officially Marked vehicles with during The conduct of Police
blinkers turned on, if Available, shall Checkpoint Operations.
be used in establishing Mobile
checkpoints. g. The participation of the civilians and
the presence of the media in the
b. Checkpoints are established to conduct of checkpoint must be
enforce circulation control measure, confined only as observers to give
laws, orders and regulations, and when police additional eyes and promote
there is a need to arrest a criminal or transparency of activities in the area.
fugitive from justice.
h. All civic groups or organizations to
c. The composition of the personnel include the media, who are inclined to
manning the checkpoint shall be left to participate in police checkpoints, must
the sound discretion of the Team be duly registered and accredited by
the PNP for such purpose. The
accreditation of the civilian groups to L.Due courtesy must be accorded to
join in the conduct of checkpoint shall the Motorists, traders and the
be administered by the Police Regional commuters During the conduct of
and Provincial Offices. checkpoint. The spokesperson must
greet the people subject for inspection,
I. PNP personnel manning the extend apology for the inconvenience,
checkpoint must have a presentable appeal for understanding and state the
appearance, wearing the prescribed reasons of the operation. Upon
PNP uniform. Likewise, the civilian completion thank the person/searched.
members must also Be in their
organization’s uniform with their n. Except in the actual commission of
Names conspicuously displayed for crime during checkpoints or in a hot
Identification. In no case shall the pursuit operation, the conduct of
civilian Components be allowed to inspection of vehicle during a routine
bear firearms During the checkpoint. checkpoint is limited to a visual search
and therefore must be done with due
j. In Metro Manila and other major respect to innocent passers-by,
cities, police officers manning the commuters, or bystanders and be
checkpoints should not wear Field conducted in a manner that is of least
Service Uniforms(FSU) or black inconvenience to the public. Searches,
fatigues in lieu of the PNP General seizures, and arrests made during
Office Attire unless the conduct checkpoints shall be within the rule of
Of checkpoint is a result of a Hot the law.
Pursuit Operation or a High Risk
Checkpoint. The use of mixed o. Violations/Infractions of the law
uniforms (GOA, FSU, Black fatigue) discovered during the checkpoint
in the conduct of checkpoint is Strictly operation shall be expeditiously
prohibited. disposed of following legal
procedures. Arrested
k. As much as possible, the area persons must be apprised of their
where the checkpoints shall be rights with respect to the Miranda
established must be properly lighted, Doctrine.
with a noticeable signage bearing
the name of the PNP unit and the p. The security of the PNP personnel,
participating organization/s visibly and most especially that of the
displayed in the checkpoint site, to civilians participating in the
prevent any apprehension from the checkpoint operation, must be given
public of the existence of the same.
due consideration in the planning of
the operation. V. The police and the civilian
component must separately submit
q. Only the security sub-team and their After Checkpoint Operation
blocking/pursuing sub-team members Report to their Respective units or
are allowed to display high-powered organization for Proper evaluation of
firearms should be positioned where the efficacy of the Operation.
they can best provide security to the
Checkpoint team, including
themselves. A.Unit Commanders should inform
Higher Headquarters(HHQs) Tactical
r. Checkpoint personnel must not limit Operations Center (TOC) and
their task to law enforcement and coordinate with adjacent Units, such as
crime deterrence. They should also be MPS, CPS, NSUS, Public Safety
ready to provide police assistance in Company Forces and other friendly
the vicinity e.g., giving directions to Forces, personally or through an
inquiring motorists or passers-by. official Representative, before
commencing with the Checkpoint to
S. The PNP operating units must avoid mis encounter and Any
provide their Own logistical and untoward incident;
financial requirements to Avoid
soliciting support from the civilians for B.The TL shall brief the PNP
Their personal or operational needs. personnel, as well as the civilian
components present, including the
t. Police personnel assigned in the media regarding the proper conduct
checkpoint shall not extort, or harass of the checkpoint and their assigned
drivers, passengers, and traders. tasks prior to their deployment;
Designated TL assigned at the
checkpoint shall be responsible for the C. The TL shall initially account for
actuations and behavior of his the PNP personnel and check if they
personnel and shall be accountable are in the prescribed uniform. PNP
under the doctrine of Command personnel conducting the checkpoint
Responsibility. shall display their nameplates at all
times. If wearing a jacket, the flap of
U. Voluntary offers of cash or in kind the jacket bearing their names should
from the traders/ motorists passing the also be displayed. Likewise, the
checkpoint should be absolutely equipment will include, but not
refused because the offer might be Limited to, the following:
misconstrued as a bribe.
(1) Marked Patrol vehicles; G. Arrested persons and seized items
(2) Firearms with basic load of shalf be turned over to the
ammunition; investigation sub-team for
(3) Handheld and vehicle base radios; documentation and proper
(4) Flashlights; disposition;
(5) Megaphone;
(6) Video camera; and H. In the event that the checkpoint is
(7) Signage: ignored, and the occupants of the
(a) Warning signs: (e.g., Slowdown vehicle open fi re on the personnel
Checkpoint Ahead, Checkpoint 20 manning the checkpoint, reasonable
Meters Ahead, etc); and force to overcome the suspects’
(b) Information signs: Name of the aggression may be employed;
Unit and TL.
I.Inform Higher Headquarters
D. The Spotter of the team will be pre- before Terminating the conduct of
positioned in a place where he can best Checkpoint;
point/profile suspected vehicles prior
to their approach to the checkpoint; J. The TL shall conduct debriefing
of personnel after termination of
E. Search/Arresting Sub-Team shall the Checkpoint; and
flag down suspected vehicles and
conduct search, seizure and arrest, if K.. Unit Commander shall submit
necessary; After-Activity Report to Higher
F. In the event of seized drugs, the
team having initial custody and control Internal Security Operations
of the drugs shall immediately conduct  The PNP is mandated to provide
physical inventory and photograph the Active support to the Armed Forces of
same in the presence of the accused or The Philippines (AFP) in Internal
the person/s from whom such items Security Operations (ISO) for the
were confiscated and/or seized, or Suppression of the Communist
his/her representative or counsel, a Terrorist Movement (CTM) and other
representative from the media and Serious threats to national security.
DOJ, any elected public official who (E.O. 546)
shall be required to sign the copy of
the inventory and be given a copy The PNP in an Active Support Role
The PNP shall perform the following:
1.Conduct sustained law enforcement 2. Duty station guards shall memorize,
actions against CTM atrocities; internalize and put into practice the 11
2. In urban areas, the PNP may assume General Orders of a Duty Guard.
the lead role in ISO against the CTM, (Annex”Z”) Likewise, they shall
other threat groups and organized always carry their issued long firearms
crime groups engaged in armed and ammunition with basic load.
Offensives, 3. Vigorously implement added
3. The PNP units may either operate as security measures in all Police Stations
a single force or as a part of joint PNP- and Police Community Precincts.
AFP combat operations. In both 4.Conduct sustained inspection of the
cases,lateral coordination is a operational readiness of PNP field
Must; units station
4. The PNP units in CTM-affected 5.Always keep in mind the modus
areas may be placed under Operational operandi,
Control (OPCON) of AFP units but Strategies and tactics being
shall continue to perform law practiced/employed by the CTM and
enforcement functions. other threat groups.
5. Specific areas where armed 6. Enhance the establishment of
confrontations such as encounter, Advance Security Control Points
ambush, raid, liquidation and other (ASCPS) to control the ingress and
similar atrocities occur between egress of people in Police Stations.
government forces (PNP or AFP)and 7. One of the strategies and tactics
the Communist Terrorists (CTS) shall Employed by CTM and other threats
be treated as a crime scene. The police groups To gain access to police
unit that has jurisdiction over the areas stations is by Wearing of PNP/AFP
shall conduct the Crime Scene uniforms and that of Other LEAS,
Investigation (CSI). hence, personnel assigned in The
advance security control points shall
Defensive Position Not allow entry of uniformed groups
Police Stations, especially those or any Individuals without prior
located in far-flung areas, are priority coordination.
targets of attacks. As such, security
measures against CT atrocities must be A.Exercise sustained vigilance and
undertaken as follows: Maintenance of law, order and public
1. Continuously remind all PNP safety In respective AOR through the
personnel to be extra vigilant and intensified Conduct of police visibility
security conscious in their day-to-day patrols.
activities and during troop movements. B.Carry out Police Community
Relation (PCR)/Barangay
Peacekeeping Operations (BPO) A.A Senator or Member of the
activities in areas that are prone to House of the Representatives while
Influence, infiltration and infestation Congress is in session for an offense
of CTM Fronts organization. Punishable by not more than six years
Of imprisonment; and
ARREST B.Diplomatic Agents, Under the
- Placing of a person in custody or Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Under restraint, usually for the Relations.
Purpose of compelling obedience
- The taking of a person into Is the written authority of the
Custody in order that he may be arresting officer when making an
Bound to answer for the Commission arrest or taking of a person into
of an offense. custody in order that he may be
bound to answer for the Commission
1.All arrests should be made only on The head of the office to whom the
the basis of a valid Warrant of Arrest warrant of arrest has been delivered for
issued by a competent Authority, implementation be implemented shall
except in instances where the law cause the warrant to within ten (10)
Allows warrantless arrest. days from receipt. Within ten (10) days
2.No violence or unnecessary force after the expiration of such period, the
shall be used in making an arrest, and police officer to whom it was assigned
the person to be Arrested shall not be for implementation shall make a report
subjected to any greater Restraint than to the judge who issued the warrant
what is necessary under the and in case of his failure to implement
Circumstances. the same, shall state the reasons
3. As a general rule, arrests can be thereof.
made on any day of the week and at
any time of the day or night. ARREST WITHOUT A
4. Only judges are authorized to issue WARRANT
Warrants of Arrest. A peace officer or a private person
5. A Warrant of Arrest is no longer may, without a warrant, arrest a
needed if the accused is already under person:
detention an Order of Commitment is 1.When, in his presence, the person to
issued by the judge in lieu of the be arrested has committed, is actually
Warrant of Arrest. committing, or is attempting to commit
6. The following are immune from an offense;
2.When an offense has just been or without warrant, may break into a
committed and he has probable cause building or enclosure where the person
to believe, based on personal to be arrested is or is reasonably
knowledge of Facts or circumstances, believed to be, if he is refused
that the person to be arrested has admittance thereto after announcing
committed it; his authority and purpose.
3. When the person to be arrested is
prisoner who has escaped from a penal 3. Right to break out from Building
establishment or place where he is or enclosure – Whenever a police
serving final judgment or temporarily officer has entered the building or
Confined while his case is pending, or enclosure to make an arrest, he may
has escaped while being transferred break out there from, when necessary,
from one confinement area to another; to liberate himself.
4. Where the accused released on bail
Attempts to leave the country without 4. Arrest after escape or Rescue – If
Court permission; a person lawfully arrested escapes or is
5. Violation of conditional pardon, rescued, Any person may immediately
Punishable under Article 159 of the pursue to retake him without a warrant
revised Penal Code as a case of at anytime and in any place within the
evasion of service of sentence; and Philippines.
6. Arrest following a Deportation
Proceeding by the Immigration
commissioner against illegal and SERVING OF WARRANT
Undesirable aliens. ARREST

AUTHORITY OF THE 1.Verify the validity of the warrant and

ARRESTING OFFICER request for an authenticated copy from
WHEN MAKING AN ARREST the issuing court;
2.In serving the warrant, the police
1.Police officer may summon officer should introduce himself and
assistance – A police show proper identification;
Officer making a lawful arrest may 3.Make a manifestation of authority
verbally summon as many persons as against the person to be arrested;
he deems necessary to assist him in 4. If refused entry, the police officer
effecting the arrest. may break into any residence, office,
building, and other structure where the
2.Right of a police officer to break person to be arrested is in or is
Into building or enclosure – A police reasonably believed to be in, after
Officer in order to make an arrest, with announcing his purpose;
5. The police officer need not have a
copy of the warrant in his possession at
the time of the arrest. If the person
arrested so requires, the warrant shall
be shown to the arrested person as
soon as possible;
6. Secure the person to be arrested and
use handcuffs for the protection of the
arresting officer, other individuals or
the arrested person himself;
7. Conduct thorough search for
weapons and other illegal materials on
the person arrested and surroundings
within his immediate control;
8. Inform the person to be arrested of
His rights under the law (i.e. Miranda
Warning and Anti-torture Warning);
9. No unnecessary force shall be used
In making an arrest; 10. Confiscated
evidence shall be properly documented
with the chain of custody of evidence
duly and clearly established;
11. Bring the arrested person to the
Police Station for documentation;
12. Make a Return of Warrant to the
Court of origin (Annex “B” – Return
of Warrant Form); and
13. Deliver the arrested person to
Jail/prison upon the issuance of a
Commitment order of the court.

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