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12 MASONIC SIGNALS IN THE MEDIA We see them everyday in newspapers and magazines: pictures of men and women from

politics, economics and important institutions, which show mostly strange "hand signals" .But few newspaper readers think about it, because these pictures do not say anything to them; But they say to freemasons and other insiders very much. Who would let themselves be photographed time and times again in such a way? Already in the earliest youth children will be told, when one makes a photo with them, to take their fingers away from their face and to use no hand gestures. Thus why do politicians, economics and further personalities allow such photos of themselves to be made? Further ,which editor-inchief would picks the worst pictures out from the dozens of photos available, which upon careful observation, always show the same ugly gestures? But it has already its sense, because these hand signals, views and grasps are messages under "insiders". With these hand signals secret messages and instructions, are passed on mainly by signal photos in the press. In order that this code does not attract the attention of the average reader, the "insiders" use a whole set of harmlessly looking hand signals and gestures. Only those who understand this code, from newspapers and magazines will understand, what is really going on in politics, economics, culture and even in the sport.

Here are the 12 gestures of the freemasons, which are spread over the press: 1 The pointer 2 The fist 3 The pyramid 4 The ok character 5 The hand on the heart 6 The hand in the play (as if holding an invisible ball) 7 The eye looking up for no reasons. 8 The masonic handshake 9 grasping their glasses in a photo 10 looking above the glasses 11 The neck grasp (distress signal) 12 The tie grasp (distress signal) The pointer is one to most used gestures. The meaning of this gesture is probably the following: if the finger shows upward, this is called, "the ones above me are responsible". if the finger points into a certain direction, this is called, "into this or that direction we go"

(source of picture: spiegel Left: John Kerry - gesture: "the plan is under way!" Right: Bush junior - gesture: "those above me are responsible or the ones above will make it happen. These pictures had been shown just as next to each other in a magazine.

source of picture: spiegel Fidel Castro - this picture was shown with the heading: "Castro wants to stop US dollars in Cuba" Clearly Castro gesture shows: "they said to me to stop dollars in Cuba"

(source of picture: spiegel Joschka Fischer - on becoming green Party Congress. The course of the Greens is completely clear - "there we go"

(source of picture: spiegel In April 2004 the partner of Mitsubishi, OaimlerChrysler, from the financing stepped out. The "pointer" speaks a clear language. The decision came from above.

(source of picture: spiegel left: Wife of Bush junior at a meeting. We recognize clearly, the gesture of the "claw" Hand in play.. (source of picture: spiegel

source of picture:spiegel right: Mertz with a CDU Party Congress. Question: Which editor would place such a picture into the newspaper?

Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld - actually the usual "pointer". But the middle finger and the small finger seem to add still another "statement". (devil sign)

(source of picture: spiegel Gerhard of the FDP - gesture: "the ones above me are responsible

Claudia Roth of the Greens. Is she pointing at the chemtrails in the sky or is she pointing to the ones responsibles??

(source of picture:spiegel Chancellor Schroeder with the frequently seen "eyeglass grasp" . Possible meaning of this gesture, "what should to do"? source of picture: AP)

The Green politician Stroebele would gladly exchange a Christian hollyday for an Islamic one. But its hand says something else. Formed and the two index fingers show a clear indication upward note also ithat his hands form a "pyramid" - "I make only what they above wants"

(source of picture: spiegel Chancellor Schroeder and the Afghan president Karzai. Karzai with the "pointer". Karzai showing that the the decision has been taken " we will go along"

The transition Prime Minister in the Iraq Ijad Alawi showing us also the "pointer" gesture. (source of picture: DPA)

(source of picture:spiegel FPD vice Bruederle about "debate around Islam holiday" (11.2004). Clearly the "eyeglass grasp" is used here.

CDU delegate Wulff. The usual and all-time popular "pointer" - "those above are responsible"

(source of picture: spiegel "US senate approves debt plan at a value of 800 billion." (11.2004) Why was it not a photo of the US senate showed, but rather a picture of Bush junior unrelated to this topic?

(source of picture: Reuters) "Fidel Castro at the Moncada ceremonies on 26 July 2003 (Reuters)." Castro is to be seen here with eyes looking up. It is therefore remarkable since he is the only one, which look upward. The eyes looking up is the immitation of Jesus Christ. Jesus is often illustrated with his eyes upward , which looks to his father. It seems to be exactly this aspect, the immitation which the lying masons as operators of the "royal art" empower themselves. Castro is also showned with the left hand downward. Possibly he points to the real god of freemasonry

(source of picture: Angela Merkel who would rather wish the Office of the Federal Chancellery would be edible,. is pointing upward as if to say "those above want it this way". And Oettinger finds this probably very amusing.

(source of picture: AFP/Spiegel of the 13.1.06) "US Foreign Minister Rice: "the president never closes an option out". First of all we go this way (pointer in a direction) and then you - meanning Iran - (open palm, which wants to choke

something). These hand signals conform with the sub-title under the picture: You (Iran) go this way or we "choke" you. Therefore the option.

(source of picture: of the 25.1.06) "stone Meier: We are endeavored,To get all attainable information." What can be guessed from such a picture? If it means Meier is picking his nose , well fine but does he really have to show the whole world? His gesture reminds one rather of the phrase: "with his hands over his mouth". Meier would like to probably keep silent ..

(source of picture: Reuter) Minister Schaeuble: "the question is not if , but when". Minister Schaeuble warns of terrorist attacks with dirty bombs as mentioned. The answer is thus there WILL BE an attack, according to his hand gesture. (the claw)

(source of picture: DPA) The former Baden-Wuerttembergi Social MinisterRenner (left) and catholic bishop Gebhard Frst (right). Racer shows the same hand signals, as Schaeuble. Does this have the same meaning? Also bishop Fuerst has "the hand in play".

. DPA 13.1.06) "the world loses the patience with president Ahmadinedschad ". Also with the Iranian president, "the pointer" may not be missing. Note also the eyes looking upward.

show her left hand gesture as "it going along", while her right hand gesture tries to show the devil's sign. . Is Merkel perhaps in little onfused or uncertain?

(source of picture: n-tv/AP of 9.2006) The further itself the Iran "conflict" heats up (Septembers 2006), the more photos are published by the Iranian president with freemasonic hand signs by the world-wide press agencies. The "victory character" (V = Victory) is the most recognized free masonic hand signal in the world.

(source of picture:spiegel-on-line of the 9.2006) , there laughs the Foreign Minister of the USA, Rice, while the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, indicates exactly (hand signal - pointer), which (given) direction her next political steps are.

(source of picture: n-tv of the 18.9.2006)

In connection with this picture it concerned the health reform. Under the picture the following text stood: "Disputes in her party, the chancellor says "enough"! With her "eyes looking upward " Merkel shows clearly that she expects an answer from above , i.e. from her "grand architect of the universe" (meaning her freemason bosses)..

(source of picture: speigel-on-line of the 20.9.2006) Present health minister Ulla Schmidt seems to be for the moment bad in distress, if her freemasonic distress signal, the "neck grasp" must be showed, publicly. The Bavarian Prime Minister talks already about dismissal. No miracle stands for Ulla Schmidt. The water is up to her neck.

(source of picture: n-tv of the 19.11.06) Here the presidency candidates of France. From to the right: Mr. Strauss-Kahn, Mrs. Royal and Mr. Fabius. Everyone of the candidates made a picture with a certain hand sign Thus the freemason know, which candidate is the best one for their goals.

(source of picture: ntv/dpa 2006) The following text stood with n-tv under this picture: "there was not so a cordial receipt when meeting with Russia president Putin. Our French friends seem to appreciate the chancellor more. Jaques Chirac welcomes Angela Merkel before the Elysee palace" The respective handshakes are remarkable. On the basis the handshake one can recognize, in which freemasonic degrees the interlocutors are.


(source of picture: DPA of the 23.11.06) Above a beautiful example of the classical free masonic distress signal, the "tie grasp". Background for it the choice to the mayor, where during the first ballot was missing to Klaus Wowereit the necessary votes. However with the second ballot it folded then

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