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Skin Tumors I: Nonmelanoma Skin Tumors

Ross IS Zbar MD and Willis I Cottel MD

INTRODUCTION nally manipulated. Fitzpatrick5 classifies skin into six

Nonmelanoma skin cancers are the most com- types according to melanin content, inherent pig-
mon cancers of Americans, comprising fully 50% mentation, and sensitivity to UV light (Table 1).
of all the cancers diagnosed every year.1,2 Clini- The lower the Fitzpatrick type, the less melanin
cally these tumors range from erythematous, tan pigment within the skin.
or off-white plaques, to smooth or ulcerative pap-
ules, nodules, subcutaneous nodules, or deep TABLE 1
ulcerations. Their biologic behavior is also quite Fitzpatrick’s Classification of Sun-Reactive Skin Types
variable, some following a relatively benign course
and others progressing to extreme morbidity, muti-
lation, metastasis, and death.


The etiology of skin cancer is multifactorial, but
risk factors can be broadly categorized as host-
related or environmental. Host factors that predis-
pose an individual to nonmelanoma skin cancer
include phenotype, genetic syndromes, precursor
lesions, and immunologic variables. Environmental
factors include exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radia-
tion, ionizing radiation, and chemicals.3

Host Factors
Phenotype. Actinic damage is recognized as a
major factor in the development of skin cancer.
Sun-exposed skin represents the main site of basal (Data from Fitzpatrick TB: The validity and practicality of sun-
and squamous cell carcinoma.4 The ability to tan is reactive skin types I through VI. Arch Dermatol 124:869, 1988.)
one of the most important defenses of the skin
against nonmelanoma skin cancer. Tanning ability Glogau6 recognizes four grades of actinic dam-
is directly related to the amount of melanin in a age to the skin (Table 2).
person’s skin, which in turn determines photosen- Photosensitivity—and the ability to tan—play key
sitivity. The damaging effects of UV radiation are roles in the development of skin cancer. Scandina-
attenuated through both reflection/refraction by vians with fair skin but good tanning ability have a
the stratum corneum and through direct UV radia- lower incidence of basal cell carcinoma than fair-
tion absorption by the melanin pigment. Tanning is skinned Irish who tan poorly.7 Susceptibility to skin
the body’s protective response to UV rays: Radia- tumors is inversely related to the content of mela-
tion damage is ameliorated by increasing melanin nin in the skin and the ability to form a protective
production and hence UV absorption by pigment. tan.8 Skin phenotype, therefore, is an important
The number of melanin-producing cells in the risk factor in the development of nonmelanoma
skin is genetically determined and cannot be exter- skin cancer.
SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

TABLE 2 Nevoid basal cell syndrome (Gorlin’s syndrome)

Glogau’s Classification of Photoaging Groups is characterized by multiple basal cell carcinomas
scattered throughout the body; cysts of the jaws
(odontogenic keratocysts); bifid ribs; scoliosis;
brachymetacarpalism; overdeveloped supraorbital
ridges; broad nasal root; hypertelorism; palmar and
plantar pits; and calcification of the falx cerebri.
The disorder is autosomal dominant.13,14 Recent
genetic analysis has located this disease to the long
arm of chromosome 9 at the locus of a tumor
suppressor gene.15

Albinism, an autosomal recessive disorder, is

characterized by absence of melanin. Affected
persons are at increased risk of developing skin
cancer, particularly squamous cell carcinoma.

Epidermodysplasia verruciformis is characterized

(Adapted from Glogau RG: Presentation at the Chemical Peel by wart-like, lichenoid, flat-topped lesions. This dis-
Symposium, American Academy of Dermatology, Atlanta, De- ease is partially of viral etiology and partially inher-
cember 4, 1990.) ited as an autosomal recessive inability to resist
infection by human papillomavirus types 3 and 5 in
The pattern of sun exposure is also important. sun-exposed regions. These lesions can degener-
Overall, squamous cell carcinoma is associated with ate into epithelial cell carcinoma.
the number of lifetime sunburns.9 Persons who
are exposed to UV radiation at irregular intervals Porokeratosis is an autosomal dominant skin dis-
(eg, vacations, weekends) are at higher risk of order involving abnormal keratinization and occa-
developing basal cell carcinoma than those who sional malignant degeneration to squamous cell
are exposed regularly.10 In addition, sun exposure carcinoma.16 The lesions are characterized by dis-
during childhood and adolescence will predispose seminated annular plaques with sharply raised horny
the adult to skin cancer.11 borders. The lesions may be solitary or number in
the hundreds. Treatment with radiation therapy
promotes malignant change. Approximately 13%
of porokeratosis lesions will convert to a malignant
Syndromes. Genetic disorders that decrease
skin tumor.15
protection against sun exposure consequently
increase the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer.
Predisposing Lesions. Several congenital or
Xeroderma pigmentosum is a rare hereditary acquired lesions may predispose a person to
disorder characterized by intolerance of the skin develop skin cancer.
and eyes to ultraviolet radiation. XP is an autoso-
mal recessive condition due to defects in the DNA The nevus sebaceous of Jadassohn is present at
repair mechanism of UV-induced damage. 12 birth on the scalp or face and stays fairly quiescent
Hypersensitivity manifests early in life as persis- throughout childhood. Typically the lesion is well
tent erythema, pigmentation, freckling, photopho- circumscribed, slightly raised, hairless, and presents
bia, premature aging of skin, and multiple epithe- a yellowish plaque that often becomes verrucous,
lial neoplasms. Because tumors are multiple and nodular, and much more noticeable at puberty.
extensive, most patients succumb to the disease The condition is not associated with any systemic
early in life. Treatment involves sun avoidance disease. Approximately 10% undergo malignant
and sun protection. degeneration to basal cell carcinoma.

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Actinic keratoses (AK) are the most common tory response and erosion occurs. Healing begins
precancerous skin lesions of the epidermis. They after treatment with 5-FU ceases.
are also known as solar keratoses or senile kera-
toses. AK result from chronic sun exposure and Cutaneous horns are hard, keratotic growths
resultant skin damage, thereby serving as a marker reminiscent of a miniature animal horn that pro-
of solar damage. Untreated they can remit, remain trude from relatively normal-looking skin. The domi-
stable, or progress to squamous cell carcinoma. A nant feature is a keratotic mass that is as long or
5-year study by Marks and associates17,18 found a longer than it is wide.22 Histologically the lesions
10% risk of malignant transformation of actinic kera- are essentially very advanced actinic keratoses.
toses to squamous cell carcinoma. Another study Superficial removal is adequate treatment when
by Graham19 calculated a 13% transformation rate. the process does not infiltrate the subdermal tis-
AK occur as macules or papules with scaly, sues. A more thorough resection is indicated in
irregular surfaces that are rough to the touch. In the presence of tumor extension, as approximately
contrast, seborrheic keratoses, benign lesions with- 10% of cutaneous horns have an underlying squa-
out malignant potential, are waxy and greasy-feel- mous cell carcinoma.23
ing. AK range in size from a few millimeters to
several centimeters. There may be one or two
lesions or many, but all occur in regions of sun Immunologic Factors. Chronically sun-exposed
exposure. Their color ranges from skin tones to skin is known to have altered immune responsive-
reddish brown or yellow. Biopsies must be per- ness and a statistical predisposition to skin cancer.24
formed of larger lesions, lesions with erosion, or Cell-mediated immunity is very likely a major host
lesions refractory to treatment to rule out malig- defense mechanism against invasion by basal and
nant transformation. squamous cell carcinomas25 and is one of the fac-
Because AK have malignant potential, treatment tors accounting for the different growth rates of
is essential.20 The American Academy of Derma- these tumors. Large, deeply invasive tumors are
tology recommends that actinic keratoses be associated with low T-cell levels and absent lym-
treated to prevent conversion to squamous cell phocytic infiltration at the tumor margins. In con-
carcinoma. Treatment of these premalignant lesions trast, small, localized tumors are associated with
avoids the potentially more invasive and extensive near-normal T-cell levels and adequate or increased
treatment of subsequent malignancy.21 Treatment lymphocytic infiltration.
of AK achieves several goals: elimination of poten- Two basic immunologic defense mechanisms
tial cancer risk; rejuvenation of the skin with eradi- prevent tumor growth progression: natural killer
cation of the lesions; and elimination of the itching (NK) cells and T cells. Habets and others26,27 and
and burning associated with AK. Appropriate treat- Kohchiyama and colleagues 28,29 have shown
ment can be by laser, chemical peel, cryotherapy, abnormal natural killer cell activity in basal and squa-
curettage, tangential excision, or 5-fluorouracil (5- mous cell carcinomas. Helper T cells are known to
FU). play a central role in mediating the activity of natu-
Therapies that rely on skin destruction to cure ral killer cells. Studies of the inflammatory infiltrate
multiple AK can leave the patient with severely around skin tumors show that it consists mainly of
hypopigmented or scarred skin. Only 5-FU can T cells and the T helper subset predominates over
adequately treat large regions of AK without leav- the T suppressor/cytotoxic subset. This observa-
ing scar. Indications for 5-FU include patients with tion led Habets27 to the conclusion that the immune
previous skin cancers and patients with large regions response to the presence of a skin cancer is prima-
of multiple AK. Treatment with 5-FU is not easy: rily T cell-mediated and that T cells play a major role
The patient must rub either the 1% or 5% topical in the body’s defense against the proliferation of
medication on the AK twice daily for 2–3 weeks. basal cell carcinoma.27
Bedtime application is to be avoided so as not to By producing interferon and interleukin-2, helper
smear the medicine on the bedsheets. After 1 T cells stimulate natural killer cell cytotoxicity that
week, the treated area becomes red and raw. Treat- plays a crucial role in tumor rejection. In addition,
ment should last until there is a vigorous inflamma- Halliday and coworkers30 suggest that “spontane-

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

ous regression of human skin tumors is likely to be for DNA repair from solar damage break down
immunologically mediated, and that CD4+ T lym- with advancing age, the rate of skin cancer
phocytes seem to mediate this regression.” increases.
Kim and associates31 demonstrated production UV radiation-induced mutations in the p53 tumor
of type 2 cytokines, IL-4 and IL-10, by cutaneous suppressor gene have been frequently identified in
basal and squamous cell carcinomas. Cytokines human skin cancers.39-46 The p53 gene regulates
play a vital role in the host immune response by the cell cycle, and inhibition of the p53 gene prod-
regulating the development and function of immu- uct appears to play a significant role in the develop-
nocompetent cells. The authors propose that tumor ment of many cutaneous carcinomas.46 Nelson et
production of IL-10 may provide a mechanism for
al40 found p53 mutation in 92% of squamous cell
evading the local T cell-mediated immune response.
carcinomas and in 80% of actinic keratoses. In
The capacity of tumors to locally inhibit host contrast, normal skin samples were negative for
immunity may be a function of the aggressive nature
p53 mutations.
of the tumor rather than its occurrence in a privi-
leged anatomic site, as previously supposed.32 Urano and colleagues43 evaluated p53 mutations
Soluble extracts of highly aggressive BCC from in the skin surrounding basal cell carcinoma. The
sites prone to recurrence are capable of inhibiting authors conclude that “ultraviolet light irradiating
in vitro lymphocytic response,33 while localized the skin in daily life induces p53 accumulation in
tumors from less risky sites do not. the epidermis and secondly that the frequent clonal
Laboratory animals that have been exposed to expansion of p53 mutant cells occurs in the epider-
UV radiation in subcarcinogenic doses for a long mis adjacent to BCCs.”
time are more susceptible to transplantation of highly
antigenic, UV-induced cancers, suggesting a sys-
Environmental Factors
temic effect on suppressor T cells for specific UV-
induced tumor antigens.34 Kripke35 theorizes that Ultraviolet Radiation. The electromagnetic
exposing human skin to UV radiation has systemic spectrum consists of—in order of increasing wave
immunologic consequences, and some of these frequency and decreasing wavelength—radio,
immunologic sequelae may be important in the infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray,
pathogenesis of human skin cancers. and cosmic ray waves. The ultraviolet band com-
Toda and coworkers36 report decreased NK-cell prises the middle of the spectrum and is further
activity of nude mice receiving long-term ultravio- divided into UVA (400–315 nm), UVB (315–290
let radiation. This observation suggests impaired nm), and UVC (290–200 nm).47 The visible light
immunity and enhanced susceptibility to tumor waves have a frequency of 400–700 nm and the
induction by UV light in this athymic animal model. infrared band begins at 700 nm (Fig 1).
The main role of Langerhans cells and Leu-M5+
cells may be that of antigen presentation, while B
cells and NK cells probably play a minor role in the
local defense against BCC proliferation.
Immunosuppressive agents commonly used for
the treatment of many diseases and in transplanta-
tion medicine have been increasingly linked to the
development of spontaneous malignancies. 37
Immunosuppression depresses the immune sur-
veillance system that scavenges newly transformed
malignant cells. Approximately 30% of the skin
tumors arising in immunosuppressed patients are
highly aggressive.38
Immunosuppression also occurs with occult
malignancy and HIV infection. Senescence is a
form of immunosuppression. As mechanisms Fig 1. The electromagnetic spectrum.

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

In terms of skin cancer pathogenesis, the only • People engaged in outdoor activities are at
clinically significant wavelengths are in the ultravio- higher risk of skin cancer than those who spend
let spectrum. The ozone-rich stratosphere effec- most of their time indoors.
tively absorbs UV wavelengths below 290 nm, so • Individuals who have genetic disorders involv-
that only UVB and UVA reach the earth’s crust. ing decreased melanin production or impaired
Over 95% of solar UV radiation reaching the earth’s DNA repair are at higher risk of skin cancer.
surface is in the UVA waveband; the rest is UVB.
• Increasing rates of nonmelanoma skin cancer
The solar radiation that penetrates the atmosphere
occur with decreasing latitude and increasing
is almost devoid of UVC.
UVB rays are the most carcinogenic and have
the most profound effect on skin cells. UVB induces
skin cancer through direct photochemical damage
Ionizing Radiation. The carcinogenic effect of
to cutaneous DNA, injury to DNA repair mecha-
excessive radiation exposure was recognized in
nism, and partial suppression of cellular mediated
1902, when skin cancer developed in a radiology
technician. Many studies demonstrate this rela-
UVA, which was initially thought to be harmless,
tionship.53-55 The most important factor appears to
is now known to potentiate the effects of UVB and
be the total accumulated dose. Reports abound in
to act as a potential co-carcinogen.50 Exposure to
the literature of skin carcinoma arising in uranium
high doses of UVA for a significant time can induce
miners, airline pilots, and patients treated with
cancer in laboratory mice.51 Infrared energy also
radiation therapy.3 One study showed a fourfold
seems to accelerate the carcinogenic process:
increase in the rate of basal cell carcinoma in white
Animals kept in heated environments develop
subjects exposed to therapeutic irradiation com-
tumors more rapidly than those in temperate cli-
pared with dark-skinned subjects receiving similar
mates.4 Wind and high humidity also increase the
amount of UV damage and rate of tumor forma-
Ionizing radiation acts as a co-carcinogen and
tion. Although the sun is the natural source of UV
increases the expression of skin cancer among UV-
radiation, the long-term effects of artificial UVA
sensitive subjects. In fact, ionizing radiation-induced
radiation from tanning lamps cannot be ignored.52
skin cancers occur more frequently in global regions
UVC is a potent carcinogen but is fortunately
with higher UV exposure.
filtered out by the ozone layer in our atmosphere.
As the ozone layer thins from the use of fluorocar-
bons, more UVC will penetrate the atmosphere
Chemicals. Certain chemicals increase the risk
and UVC will become a new factor in the develop-
of skin cancer either by acting as direct carcino-
ment of skin cancer. The depleted ozone layer will
gens or by enhancing the deleterious effects of
also allow more UVB to reach the earth, poten-
UV radiation. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
tially increasing skin cancer rates by 12% to 36%
and dimethyl benzanthracene, both atmospheric
after the year 2050.3
pollutants, have been shown to increase the rate
Strom and Yamamura3 provide an excellent
of skin cancer in exposed individuals.56 Nitrogen
review of the evidence for sun-induced skin car-
mustard and nitrosourea, both antineoplastic drugs,
cinogenesis, which proves beyond a doubt that
are carcinogenic and act synergistically with UV
UV radiation is the primary cause of nonmelanoma
radiation. Psoralens, used in the treatment of pso-
skin cancer. The evidence can be briefly summa-
riasis, in combination with UVA produce a dose-
rized as follows:
dependent increase in incidence of squamous cell
• Nonmelanoma skin cancer is mainly a disease carcinoma.57,58 Recently a case of squamous cell
of white people. It is rare in ethnic groups carcinoma arising from a hydrochloric acid burn
possessing melanin. scar was reported.59
• Fair-skinned populations that sunburn easily have Chronic arsenic exposure is associated with
high rates of nonmelanoma skin cancer. Most delayed occurrence of skin cancer.60,61 Arsenic
skin cancers appear on sun-exposed regions of had once been used in the treatment of asthma,
the body. syphilis, and psoriasis. These cancers appear 18 to

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

45 years following exposure. The lesions are mul- now sold commercially, giving consumers an alter-
tiple, occur on unexposed regions of the body, native to the telltale “lifeguard nose.”
and are associated with hyperpigmentation and Like all pharmacologic agents, sunscreens must
keratoses. be applied properly. An adequate dose consists of
2 mg/cm2 of skin surface area. All sun-exposed
skin must be covered, including ears, lips, and
PREVENTION OF NONMELANOMA scalp.67 A major factor when selecting a sunscreen
SKIN CANCER is resistance to sweating and water immersion, a
Since exposure to solar radiation is a major cause property determined by carrier agents. Frequent
of nonmelanoma skin cancer, prevention is pos- reapplication is necessary.
sible through avoidance. Preventive measures fall Useful sunscreens should have an SPF of at least
into three general types: sunscreens, clothing, and 15. Products with SPF higher than 15 may offer no
education. The efficacy of sun protection is mea- clinical benefit.67,68 In addition, the public must be
sured by its sun protection factor (SPF). The SPF is reminded that the use of sunscreens is by no means
the ratio of the least amount of UVB radiation permission to go out under the sun for prolonged
required to produce erythema on protected skin periods of time: Sunscreens only provide a mecha-
compared to the amount of UVB required to pro- nism to reduce actinic damage.
duce the same amount of redness on unprotected
skin. Clothing
Regular clothing provides scant protection
Sunscreens against UV radiation. A cotton T-shirt has an SPF of
Because actinic damage is cumulative, protec- less than 10 that decreases sharply when the cloth
tion from the sun is particularly important in the is wet.69 High-SPF apparel is available, but tends to
young. Application of sunscreens in the pediatric be expensive, restrictive, and not commonly
worn.67,70 Closely-woven hats offer protection so
population is associated with an 80% reduction in
long as they have a wide brim or extra long bill
UV-induced skin damage and estimated similar
covering the face and neck.
decreases in subsequent neoplastic changes.62 Even
in the elderly who already have considerable actinic
damage, studies show decreasing incidence of Education
actinic keratoses and most likely neoplasia with the
Physicians must instruct their patients about
use of sunscreens.63,64
photodamage, emphasizing the deleterious effects
Sunscreens function either chemically or physi- of UV exposure and urging sensible ways to pro-
cally. Chemical sunscreens absorb UV radiation, tect skin from the harmful effects of the sun. For
particularly UVB, thereby reducing skin penetrance example, people should be warned that regular
by UV radiation. The most common chemical sun- window glass blocks all UVB rays but only 50% of
screen ingredients are para-aminobenzoic acid UVA radiation, and that a thin cloud cover only
(PABA), benzophenones, and cinnamates. PABA reduces UV radiation by 20% to 40%, thus allow-
works by penetrating the stratum corneum, where ing sun damage even during light rain. In addition,
it remains attached through hydrogen bonding education regarding tanning beds is imperative.
while absorbing UV radiation. Older chemical sun- Although UVB radiation is filtered out, the UVA
screens absorbed only UVB, whereas today broad radiation present in tanning beds is in fact higher
spectrum (both UVA and UVB) coverage is avail- than that occurring in natural sunlight. Patients at
able.65,66 risk for nonmelanoma skin cancer must be particu-
Physical sunscreens reflect UV radiation by pro- larly alert for the appearance of suspicious lesions.
viding a physical barrier. Common physical sun- The following guidelines for photoprotection are
screens are opaque agents such as titanium diox- helpful:67
ide, zinc oxide, and kaolin. These products pro- • Wear daily sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
vide the best protection. Transparent zinc oxide is All exposed skin must be covered, including the

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

lips, scalp, and ears. The sunscreen should be different origin for basal cell carcinomas: The can-
applied 15-30 minutes before sun exposure and cer arose from pluripotential cells in the epithelium
reapplied every 2 hours.71,72 that were somehow provoked into malignant trans-
• Reapply sunscreen after swimming or heavy formation.
sweating. Further support of the hamartomatous charac-
ter of BCC came from two experimental studies.
• Avoid outdoor activity during peak tanning/burn-
Gerstein81 demonstrated that transplanted BCC to
ing hours.
the rabbit cornea do not grow, while squamous
• Wear additional sun-protective apparel. cell carcinoma grafts do. Van Scott and Reinertson82
• Do not use tanning beds. confirmed survival of BCC autotransplants only
when they included connective tissue stroma.
• Have regular dermatologic examinations.
More recently, human basal cell carcinoma has
• Teach sun protection to others. been transferred into athymic, asplenic mice, achiev-
Evidence shows that educational programs suc- ing approximately a 50% take.83-85 Attempts to
cessfully reduce UV radiation exposure.70,73 culture basal cell carcinoma tumors with explant
and suspension techniques have been largely suc-
cessful. The cultured cells tend to develop charac-
teristics of differentiation that are unlike those of
The procedure of choice for diagnosing the host’s own tumors.86 At this time the signifi-
nonmelanoma skin cancer is shave excision or cance of BCC cell culture is still unclear.
incisional biopsy. This method is quick, produces
an adequate specimen for histologic study, and
gives an excellent cosmetic result should the lesion Tumor Biology
turn out benign. Only rarely is an excisional biopsy Basal cell tumors originate in the pluripotential
necessary when dealing with suspected BCC or epithelial cells of the epidermis and hair follicles.
SCC, in contrast to melanoma which should gener- The cell cycle of a BCC is about 217 hours (9
ally be biopsied full thickness. days),87,88 which means that a tumor would be
Torres74 notes that once a lesion has been expected to double in volume every few weeks.
biopsied and appears to resolve clinically, a second That is not the case, however. Basal cell carcino-
biopsy is unreliable in assessing the need for fur- mas, in fact, tend to grow slowly and take months
ther treatment. Mohs micrographic surgery found or years to reach a large size.
residual tumor in 63% of cases deemed clear on Grimwood and coworkers89 used radioactive
subsequent biopsy. It is therefore recommended thymidine to study this apparent discrepancy and
that curative surgery should proceed as originally showed that only the outer cells of a tumor nodule
planned despite a clinically healed biopsy site and (including the palisade layer) were actively divid-
no obvious tumor. ing. Their observation underscores the importance
of adequate extirpation of the peripheral exten-
sions of a nodular BCC, since transection leaves
behind precisely the most actively dividing portion
The first description of a basal cell carcinoma of the tumor and could be the reason why recur-
was by Jacob75 in 1827, who coined the term rent tumors are more aggressive.
“rodent ulcer”. In 1903 Krompecher76 listed the Morpheaform basal cell carcinomas have the abil-
histologic characteristics of what was initially ity to synthesize type 4 collagenase, which may
believed to be a true epithelial carcinoma. enhance their aggressive behavior. Other features
Adamson77 is credited with suggesting, in 1914, of a tumor that may contribute to invasiveness82,90-94
that BCC were nevoid tumors originating from latent include
embryonic foci when aroused from their dormant • decreased membrane continuity
state. Lever78,79 concurred and classified the tumors
as hamartomas consisting of incompletely differen- • decreased amyloid production
tiated immature basal cells. Pinkus80 postulated a • increased numbers of actin microfilaments

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

• increased tetraploid DNA configuration years, and more than 50% occur in men. Shanoff,
• increased collagen synthesis Spira, and Hardy99 reported a tumor distribution by
anatomic site that is representative of all BCC (Fig 2).
• increased tumor fibroblasts The head and neck areas account for 93% of all
Basal cell tumors are stroma-dependent. Experi- BCC (Fig 3), with the highest incidence of BCC on
mentally transplanted BCC, free of dermal tissue, the nose (26%). Other authors confirm this pattern
do not survive.95 Perhaps the altered stroma of of tumor distribution.100-103
scarred tissue incites the pluripotential cells to A subsequent report from Australia,104 which
become malignant, explaining the occurrence of ranks first in the world for prevalence of BCC, shows
tumor in areas of trauma, ulcers, and burns.96,97 a trend toward a greater proportion of lesions
Basal cell carcinomas have been experimentally occurring in the trunk and extremities.
produced in rats by means of chemical carcino-
gens, but it has never been possible to reproduce Histologic Types
the tumors with UV light energy alone.
Wade and Ackerman105 identify 26 different variet-
ies of basal cell carcinoma. Most histologic subtypes
Epidemiology generally conform to the clinical picture (Fig 4).
In North America the various histologic types
Basal cell carcinomas occur almost exclusively in occur with the following frequency:106
light-skinned people. The typical patient has fair hair, nodular 50%–54%
fair skin, blue eyes, spends a great deal of time out- superficial 9%–11%
doors, and sunburns easily. Abreo98 reported basal cystic 4%–8%
cell carcinomas in 26 African American patients, but adenoid 1%–7%
one was an albino, another had a history of burn, pigmented 6%
and a third had a long-standing stasis ulcer. About morpheaform 2%
95% of cases occur between the ages of 40 and 79 atypical 1%

Fig 3. Locations of new and recurrent lesions on the head by

Fig 2. Location of lesions studied. (Reprinted with permission anatomical units. (Reprinted with permission from Shanoff LB et
from Shanoff LB et al: Basal cell carcinoma: a statistical approach al: Basal cell carcinoma: a statistical approach to rational
to rational management. Plast Reconstr Surg 39:619, 1967.) management. Plast Reconstr Surg 39:619, 1967.)

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Fig 4. Histologic types of basal cell carcinoma. (After Jacobs GH, Rippey JJ, and Altini M: Prediction of aggressive behavior in basal
cell carcinoma. Cancer 49:533, 1982.)

The aggressive nature of some histologic vari- enlarging central ulcer surrounded by a rolled,
ants, particularly the ulcerative and infiltrative pearly border.
tumors, has been widely reported. Jacobs, Rippey,
and Altini107 investigated this phenomenon and Pigmented BCC is told apart from the nodular
concluded that aggressive tumors are characteris- variety by its brown pigmentation, for which mela-
tically more ulcerative than infiltrative. Sclerosing nin is primariy responsible. The color is sometimes
lesions represent a distinct, more aggressive vari- intense, appearing on the surface as almost blue-
ant of BCC. black, and for this reason pigmented BCC are often
confused with melanomas.
Sexton, Jones, and Maloney108 analyzed 1039
basal cell carcinomas and found that the micro-
Morpheaform or sclerosing BCC presents as a
nodular, infiltrative, and morpheic lesions had the
firm, white or yellowish plaque with an ill-defined
highest incidence of tumor remaining at the mar-
border. Patients tend to describe it as an “enlarg-
gins after simple surgical excision.
ing scar” that cannot be accounted for by any ante-
cedent trauma. Induration is always present and
Clinical Types ulceration is extremely rare. Morpheaform BCC is
frequently misdiagnosed and can grow to be quite
Superficial BCC lies within the epidermis with-
large without showing more than 1–2 mm eleva-
out dermal invasion. The lesion is erythematous tion above the skin surface. This tumor most fre-
and scaly. On careful examination the tumors may quently has positive margins following simple sur-
be seen to have a thread-like border, some may gical excision.
exhibit a shallow ulcer or crusting, and others yet
may show atrophic scarring. In their early stages There is no such thing as a multicentric basal cell
these tumors are frequently confused with eczema carcinoma: By definition this means the tumor
or a fungal infection. must be arising from many different foci, and that is
not case. Kimura109 and Zackheim110 showed that
Nodular BCC, the most common subtype, begins the nests of tumor cells in “multifocal” BCC, though
as a flesh-colored nodule on the surface of the skin seemingly disconnected on superficial examination
with small telangiectatic vessels coursing through- and on routine histologic sections, in fact are con-
out. Initially it seems so innocuous that it may be nected along the rete ridges.
easily mistaken for a dermal nevus or other benign Similarly, the entity called “basosquamous carci-
skin tumor. The so-called rodent ulcer resembles noma” remains controversial. Pathologists have
nodular BCC except that it tends to be more deeply traditionally used this term when at a loss to distin-
seated, and characteristically it presents as a slowly guish between a basal cell and a squamous cell

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

carcinoma, in which case the most likely diagnosis recommend lateral margins of 5 mm when excis-
is usually a keratotic BCC or small-cell SCC. ing a basal cell carcinoma. This rule of thumb works
for small nodular lesions, but cure rates sharply
decline when dealing with larger tumors or with
fibrosing, morpheaform, and infiltrative tumors.
The treatment of BCC falls within three broad
categories: surgical, destructive, and medical (in- TABLE 3
cluding irradiation). Recurrence of BCC Treated with Surgical Excision
Surgical treatment involves either primary surgi-
cal excision or Mohs micrographic surgery and is
appropriate for nearly all cases.
Destructive treatment literally destroys tissue and
therefore does not permit pathologic review. This
technique is indicated for superficial lesions only
and for patients who are poor candidates for sur-
gery. Destructive techniques include electrodesic-
cation and curettage, cryosurgery, and laser photo-
Medical treatment is administered with the hope
of altering the course of the BCC. These tech-
niques include experimental methods of intra-
lesional interferon injection and topical chemo-
therapy, neither of which is very efficacious in achiev-
ing a cure. Radiotherapy, although an effective
medical intervention, unfortunately has many
undesirable side effects.

Surgical Treatment

Primary Surgical Excision

Surgical excision is the time-honored treatment
method in skin cancer, with cure rates averaging
90%111 (Table 3). Dubin and Kopf112 obtained an
overall cure rate of 91% in BCC treated by surgical
excision. The likelihood of a cure decreased as the
size of the lesion increased.
Epstein113 found that visual assessment of the
margins of a BCC was within 1 mm of the actual
border in 94% of cases. This observation led him
to conclude that a 2-mm margin gave a 94% cure
rate. In contrast, Burg and coworkers114 compared (Reprinted with permission from Dubin N, Kopf AW: Multivariate
the clinical size of a tumor as estimated by the risk score for recurrence of cutaneous basal cell carcinomas. Arch
Dermatol 119:373, 1983.)
naked eye with its true size as determined by Mohs
micrographic examination, and found the difference
to be 5.5 ± 3 mm for primary BCC and 8.9 ± 4.8 Sexton, Jones, and Maloney108 analyzed 1039
mm for recurrent BCC. Wolf and Zitelli115 found basal cell carcinomas and correlated the histologic
that for tumors with a diameter of <2 cm, a mini- type of tumor with adequacy of surgical excision.
mum margin of 4 mm was needed to totally eradi- They found that nodular and superficial BCC can
cate the tumor in 95% of cases. Most authors be completely removed by simple surgical exci-

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

sion in a high percentage of cases—93.6% and c) tumors with aggressive malignant features
96.4%, respectively. In contrast, micronodular, d) morpheaform or sclerosing basal cell carcino-
infiltrative, and morpheaform lesions are associated mas
with positive tumor margins in 18.6%, 26.5%, and
e) tumors in critical locations such as the eyelid,
33.3% of cases. Mixed tumor patterns consisting where it is desirable to preserve as much
of combinations of nodular, micronodular, and uninvolved tissue as possible
infiltrative types were also at high risk of recur-
f) squamous cell carcinomas with perineural
rence from incomplete surgical removal.
• recurrent basal cell and squamous cell carcino-
Mohs Micrographic Surgery mas
The Mohs micrographic surgery technique was • microcystic adnexal carcinoma
developed by Frederick Mohs116 in 1932. Mohs • dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
originally called the technique “chemosurgery”
Cure rates for primary BCC treated by Mohs
because it combined zinc chloride as a fixative
micrographic surgery are 99%.118 Figure 6 shows
(chemo-) and microscopic control of the excisional
the lateral surgical margins that are needed to obtain
margins created with a knife (-surgery). The tech-
cure rates of 75%, 85%, and 95% as tumor size
nique was not widely accepted until 1970, when
increases. These figures are based on horizontal
Tromovitch117 presented his results with the fresh- frozen sections obtained from nearly 8000 cases
tissue modification, which does not involve a chemi- of primary basal cell carcinoma treated by Mohs
cal fixative. micrographic surgery.119
As performed today, Mohs micrographic sur- The cosmetic results of delayed primary recon-
gery involves excision of all visible tumor in saucer- struction after resection of basal and squamous
like layers while mapping the exact size and shape cell carcinomas by Mohs micrographic surgery are
of the lesion. Horizontal frozen sections taken excellent.120
from the undersurface of the excised tissue are
examined microscopically: Wherever tumor is
found, it is localized on the “map” and the area Destructive Treatment
marked for further resection. This process is
Electrodesiccation and Curettage (EDC)
repeated until all tumor is removed118 (Fig 5).
The advantages of Mohs micrographic surgery EDC is the most common method for treatment
for excision of skin tumors are high cure rates, of basal cell carcinoma, with reported cure rates as
decreased morbidity, and significant tissue conser- high as 96% to 100%.121 When the effectiveness
vation. The only disadvantage is the need for two of EDC treatment is analyzed by tumor size, how-
separate surgeries when reconstruction is required, ever, it is evident that lesions <2 mm in diameter
which adds cost and inconvenience to the patient. are completely removed 100% of the time, lesions
In many cases conventional frozen section can be 2–5 mm in diameter are eradicated 85% of the
just as effective in detecting residual tumor foci. time, and tumors >3 cm recur in 50% of patients,
The indications for Mohs micrographic surgery for an overall cure rate of 74%.112 Dubin and
in the treatment of malignant skin tumors118 are as Kopf112 recommend EDC only for very small and
follows: superficial tumors.
• primary lesions meeting one or more of the
following criteria: Cryosurgery
a) tumors in sites reported to have a relatively Cryosurgery was first used for the treatment of
high rate of treatment failure—eg, periorbital skin tumors around the turn of the century122 but
and periauricular areas, nose and paranasal was soon abandoned because an adequate closed
area system for delivery of the coolant was lacking.
b) tumors with poorly delineated clinical bor- Some 60 years later, cryosurgery was reintroduced
ders or arising from scar tissue into this country, and since then it has been used

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Fig 6. Margins and cure rates obtained with Mohs micrographic

surgery in primary BCC by size. (Data from Cottel WI, unpub-
lished, 1992.)

• nodular or ulcerated carcinomas

• tumors with well-defined borders by palpation
or instrumentation
• most tumors overlying bone or cartilage
• selected lesions of the eyelid
• tumors on the tip of the nose
• recurrent tumors after radiotherapy
• lentigo maligna
• elderly patients who are poor surgical risks
• patients who have idiosyncrasies to anesthesia
• palliation in advanced tumors

Cryosurgery is acceptable for the treatment of

skin tumors when these indications are closely
adhered to and the operator is adequately trained
in cryosurgery. In Zacarian’s hands the overall
cure rate was 97.4%, but only 10% of the lesions
he treated were >2 cm.123 Of the 110 tumors that
recurred, 33% had been previously treated by other
Absolute contraindications to cryosurgery are
Fig. 5. Mohs micrographic surgery, fresh-tissue technique. • patients with abnormal cold intolerance such as
(After Cottel WI, Proper S: Mohs’ surgery, fresh-tissue technique.
Our technique with a review. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 8:576, 1982.)
cryoglobulinemia or cryofibrinogenemia
• morpheaform or sclerosing basal cell carcinoma
extensively by practitioners such as Zacarian,123 who
Relative contraindications include
formulated guidelines based on his experience with
4228 tumors. Zacarian lists the following indications • neoplasia of the scalp
for cryosurgery in the treatment of skin cancer: • lesions of the ala nasi and nasolabial fold

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

• tumors anterior to the tragus and postauricular is the inability to examine pathologic margins. Laser
sulcus treatment of tumors extending deeper than the
• tumors on the free margin of the eyelids epidermis or superficial papillary dermis is inappro-
priate because of scarring and inability to assess
• neoplasia near the vermilion border of the lip the margins for residual tumor.
• tumors of the lower leg
• nodular or ulcerative lesions >2 cm in diameter Medical Treatment
• carcinomas fixed to bone or underlying carti-
Intralesional Interferon Injection
Interferons are a family of proteins with antiviral
• tumors on the lateral margins of the fingers and
activity that are currently being studied for their
at the ulnar groove of the elbow
possible application in cancer prevention and treat-
• recurrent carcinomas after surgical excision ment. They are known to interfere with viral repli-
Complications of treatment with cryosurgery cation, inhibit cell growth, effect cell differentiation,
include marked edema, a long period (4–6 weeks) and modulate a variety of other immunologic and
of morbidity, and permanent pigment loss at the cellular functions. Alfa-2 interferon has been used
site of treatment. Hypopigmentation and atrophic in the treatment of BCC, melanoma, cutaneous
and hypertrophic scars are seen. At times there lymphoma, condyloma, and Kaposi’s sarcoma.
may be neuropathic changes in certain areas, par- In 1986 Greenway and associates126 injected
ticularly the fingers and elbow. Cryosurgery is best recombinant alfa-2 interferon intralesionally in eight
reserved for small lesions. patients with biopsy-proven superficial or nodular
BCC. The tumors varied in size from 7 x 6 mm to
14 x 12 mm; each lesion was injected three times a
Pulsed CO2 Laser
week for 3 weeks. Tumor regression of 52% to
High-energy short-pulsed CO2 laser permits 100% (avg 77%) was noted in all cases. Systemic
superficial vaporization of tissue in a controlled fash- side-effects of treatment consisted of mild to mod-
ion. For superficial BCC that is confined to the erate flu-like symptoms, which were controlled with
epidermis and papillary dermis only, treatment with acetaminophen. Local reaction, which was limited
the pulsed CO2 laser can ablate the lesion and limit to erythema and itching at the site of injection, was
neighboring thermal damage. At settings of 500 treated with cold compresses.
mJ and 2–4 W, the pulsed CO2 laser typically Cornell and associates127 reported the results of
vaporizes the epidermis to within 20–30 mcm; the a multicenter trial in which 172 patients had their
second pass destroys most of the papillary dermis; BCC injected with intralesional interferon. The larg-
and the third pass (reduced to a setting of 450 mJ) est test lesions was 0.5–1.5 cm (if noduloulcerative)
enters the deeper papillary dermis and can expose and 0.5–2 cm (if superficial). After one year, 81%
reticular dermis. Because damage to the surround- of the patients remained tumor-free. Other investi-
ing tissue is kept to a minimum, the potential for gators128–133 cite cure rates in the 75% to 80%
scarring is theoretically reduced. range with alfa-2 interferon.
Pulsed CO2 laser ablation is a potentially favor- Stenquist and others134 treated 15 aggressive,
able technique in superficial BCC.124 Appropriate large basal cell carcinomas with intralesional inter-
treatment requires three passes on clinically visible feron alfa-2b. The authors concluded that at the
tumor with treatment of at least 4 mm of surround- dosage given, interferon was able to cure only a
ing healthy skin.125 very small percentage of aggressive basal cell car-
It is debatable whether the cosmetic results of cinomas.
laser phototherapy are better than those obtained In another study, Edwards and colleagues135 tried
with surgical methods. Adverse effects of the laser— interferon gamma on basal cell carcinomas and
including hypopigmentation and scarring—are more obtained only a 50% cure rate. At this time,
common when treating nonfacial sites. An obvi- intralesional interferon remains an experimental
ous disadvantage of laser treatment, as of all method of treatment producing much lower cure
destructive techniques used to treat superficial BCC, rates than can be achieved by other means.

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Chemotherapy TABLE 4
Recurrence of BCC Treated with X-ray Therapy
Topical chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil for the
treatment of any potentially invasive skin cancer
should be mentioned only to be condemned.136
The time required for adequate treatment is inordi-
nately long and carries a high morbidity, and cure
rates are inadequate despite the most careful tech-
nique. Topical chemotherapy is established, how-
ever, in the treatment of premalignant lesions such
as AK.

Therapeutic irradiation claims an overall cure rate
of 92% in the treatment of skin malignancies112
(Table 4). The technique requires specialized per-
sonnel and equipment as well as prolonged dura-
tion of treatment.
Although radiation produces few cosmetic
defects initially, the results deteriorate over time,
and fibrosis, ectropion, and ulceration are not
uncommon sequelae.137 There is even a small
risk of radiation osteitis and chondritis on treat-
ment of certain areas. In short, radiation should
be reserved for elderly patients who are not sur-
gical candidates, as it is a relatively safe and
nonvasive modality but one that has potential long-
term consequences.

Large Tumors
Large skin tumors are a challenge to resect and
reconstruct. Excision under local anesthesia in an
outpatient setting may be inappropriate for some (Reprinted with permission from Dubin N, Kopf AW: Multibariate
of these large lesions. Additionally, when the tu- risk analysis score for recurrence of cutaneous basal cell carcino-
mor abuts bone or vital structures such as the eye, mas. Arch Dermatol 119:373, 1983.)
the surgeon may be forced to terminate the proce-
dure prematurely. Large tumors, therefore, are This team approach maximizes patient comfort,
best treated in the operating room by a team of decreases cost, and improves efficiency.138
skilled specialists, as follows: Single-stage surgical excision using a modified
• the Mohs surgeon resects peripheral margins frozen-section technique similar to Mohs section-
• deeper regions are resected by a surgeon fa- ing has also been described.139
miliar with the anatomy
• the Mohs surgeon inspects the dermopathologic Incompletely Excised BCC
sections Occasionally a tumor has been resected, the
• the plastic surgeon reconstructs the normal frozen section is read as negative, and the defect is
anatomy of the area closed. The final pathology report subsequently

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

returns with a positive margin, leaving the treating specimens showed residual tumor on histologic
physician in a quandary. In the absence of gross examination.
disease, when permanent histologic examination Koplin and Zarem101 state that the key consider-
finds residual tumor, the treating physician faces ations in treating skin cancer are complete excision
several options: re-excision, observation, or radia- of the lesion and preservation of as much normal
tion therapy. tissue as possible. The authors convincingly argue
A number of authors140-146 estimate that approxi- that when dealing with incompletely excised BCC,
mately one-third of all incompletely excised BCC large amounts of normal tissue will be replaced by
will recur. Some investigators have found a con- recurrent tumor by the time the lesion is brought
siderably higher recurrence rate for incompletely to the attention of the treating physician. Addition-
excised BCC;99,143,144 indeed, one such study99 ally, since an early recurrent tumor and a normally
found a recurrence rate as high as 67%. Pascal healing wound are similar in appearance, the physi-
and colleagues142 state that when tumor is within cian is left in an awkward position. Koplin and
one high-power field (400X) of the surgical margin, Zarem recommend immediate re-excision of all
12% of lesions recurred, whereas a 33% recur- lesions with positive margins as soon as the wounds
rence rate exists when tumor actually involves the are adequately healed.
surgical margin. Close observation of incompletely excised BCC
Liu and associates147 examined 187 incompletely is a management option far from ideal. Of the
resected basal cell carcinomas. The 5-year prob- 30% of patients with incompletely excised BCC
ability of tumor recurrence was 17% when the whose lesions will recur, 85% will have recur-
lateral margin was positive and 33% when the deep rence within 3 years of the primary surgery.152
margin was positive. Their study excluded cases Others report recurrences later than expected,
with clinical evidence of remaining gross disease. with only 66% of lesions returning in the first 3
Dellon and associates148,149 correlate histologi- years.153 These statistics have led some authors
cal appearance of tumor with likelihood of recur- to suggest that close initial follow-up is adequate
rence in incompletely excised BCC. The authors surveillance. However, issues such as frequency
found that irregularities in the peripheral palisades of required follow-up visits, duration of follow-up,
were indicative of tumor aggressiveness. When increased financial cost of protracted care, psy-
more than 75% of the tumor cords in the positive chological cost to the patient from the risk of
margin specimen contained irregularities in the possible recurrence, and the need for multiple
peripheral palisade, the tumor had a greater than biopsies have not been thoroughly investigated.
95% probability of recurrence, and re-excision was Patients with incompletely excised margins who
recommended. On the other hand, if fewer than are lost to follow-up represent a high-risk group,
25% of the tumor cords in the positive-margin speci- and certainly the current medicolegal atmosphere
men contained irregularities in the peripheral pali- must be considered too. Griffiths151 argues that
sade, the tumor had a 95% chance of not recur- since the overall incidence of incompletely excised
ring, and close follow-up was suggested. The BCC is often low and the risk of recurrent BCC
chance of recurrence in the intermediate group— real, the most efficient course of action is to re-
those having between 25% and 75% of tumor excise the incompletely resected lesions and dis-
cords with irregularities in the peripheral palisades— charge the patient.
depended on the degree of lymphocytic infiltra- In the event the patient or surgeon is reluctant
tion. to proceed with re-excision but still desires thera-
Robins and Albom150 note that BCC is much peutic intervention beyond simple observation,
more likely to recur in young women, a fact they radiotherapy may have a role in preventing recur-
attribute to the conservative margin taken during rence.154 This is unequivocally a poor line of treat-
the resection in an attempt to give these patients a ment for incompletely excised BCC, yet one that
better cosmetic result. some patients may deem acceptable regardless of
Griffiths151 examined all re-excised BCC speci- the expense, prolonged treatment time with mul-
mens from lesions with incompletely excised mar- tiple visits, absence of firm pathologic diagnosis,
gins at the first surgery. He found 54% of the scar and posttreatment fibrosis.

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Recurrent Tumors embryologic fusion planes and their relation to

Basal cell tumors in certain anatomic locations recurrences of skin cancer.
like the periorbital, perinasal and periauricular Dixon and coworkers155 examined 631 cases of
regions often recur despite adequate treatment recurrent BCC and found the most frequent sites
(Figs 7 and 8).99 In these sites only 75% to 80% of of occurrence were the nose, forehead, and temple.
lesions are cured on first treatment. Histologically the lesions were characterized by
The reasons for these high rates of tumor recur- absent to poorly formed peripheral palisading and
rence by anatomic site are multiple and specula- a marked degree of nuclear polymorphism. Of
tive. For instance, various hypotheses implicate recurring lesions, 27% presented a “spiky shaped”
the relationship of BCC to embryologic fusion pattern, compared with only 4% spikes in the non-
planes; a tendency to spread subcutaneously but recurrent group. Tumors having infiltrative,
rarely to invade the periosteum or perichondrium; morpheaform, and superficial growth habits were
difficulty in accurately assessing the extent of the associated with the highest rate of recurrence.
tumor during surgical excision; and lack of adequate Interestingly, there was no apparent difference in
margins during the resection for fear of needlessly degree of squamous cell change or metaplasia
destroying a vital anatomic structure or facial land- between any of these groups.
mark. Other reasons are more obscure and have Silverman and colleagues156–159 analyzed a 27-
to do with some inherent property or growth habit year experience with basal cell carcinomas from
of the lesions: Tumors occurring in some places the standpoint of primary treatment as a factor in
(eg, the forehead) as well as certain histologic types recurrence. When lesions <9 mm in diameter were
of tumor (eg, morpheaform and sclerosing) show removed by X-ray therapy,159 the 5-year recurrence
a proclivity for large subclinical extension. Robinson rate was 4.3%. When the tumors were >10 mm,
and colleagues 97 dispute the persistence of the recurrence rate was 13.7% (Fig 9).

Fig 8. Locations of new and recurrent lesions on the head by

Fig 7. Location of lesions studied. (Reprinted with permission anatomical units. (Reprinted with permission from Shanoff LB et
from Shanoff LB et al: Basal cell carcinoma: a statistical approach al: Basal cell carcinoma: a statistical approach to rational
to rational management. Plast Reconstr Surg 39:619, 1967.) management. Plast Reconstr Surg 39:619, 1967.)

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

ment. These results were true for all modalities of

treatment. Thus lifetime follow-up is necessary after
removal of BCC.

Fig 9. Five-year recurrence rate of basal cell carcinoma of the

nose treated by X-ray therapy, plotted by size of the lesions.
(Data from Silverman MK et al: Recurrence rates of treated basal
cell carcinomas. Part 4: X-ray therapy. J Dermatol Surg Oncol
18:549, 1992.)

Recurrence after treatment with EDC ranged Fig 11. Five-year recurrence rate of basal cell carcinoma of the
head treated by surgical excision, plotted by size of the lesions.
from 8.5% to 26.1% depending on size of the
(Data from Silverman MK et al: Recurrence rates of treated basal
lesion157 (Fig 10). cell carcinomas. Part 3: Surgical excision. J Dermatol Surg Oncol
18:471, 1992.)

In the same publication the authors examined

the 5-year recurrence rate according to treatment
modality, and report their results as follows: Mohs’
micrographic surgery, 1.0%; surgical excision,
10.1%; electrodesiccation and curettage, 7.7%;
radiation therapy, 8.7%; and cryosurgery, 7.5%.
In another comprehensive study, Rowe and
associates161 conclude that Mohs micrographic sur-
Fig 10. Five-year recurrence rate of basal cell carcinomas
treated by electrodesiccation and curettage, plotted by size of gery is the treatment of choice for recurrent BCC.
the lesions. (Data from Silverman MK et al: Recurrence rates of The 5-year recurrence rate of recurrent (previously
treated basal cell carcinomas. Part 2: Curattage-electrodesic- treated) BCC following treatment with Mohs
cation. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 17:720, 1991.) micrographic surgery was 5.6% compared with
19.9% for those treated by other methods.
For surgically excised BCC, recurrences on low- Scattered throughout the literature are reports
risk sites became increasingly more frequent as the alluding to a unique subclass of basal cell carci-
original tumors became larger.158 When the data noma recurring after radiotherapy. These recur-
were adjusted for tumor location, they found the rent tumors are said to be far more aggressive and
expected rise in recurrence rates with increasing much more difficult to eradicate than recurrent BCC
size of the primary lesion (Fig 11). previously treated by non-X-ray modalities. 162
This study supports Dubin and Kopf’s112 recom- Although the vast majority of these reports are
mendation that basal cell carcinomas be treated anecdotal, the perception continues and perhaps
differently according to size, anatomic location, his- has some validity.
tologic characteristics, and whether primary or Most surgeons who deal with recurrent BCC
recurrent. also feel that tumors become more aggressive as
An excellent study by Rowe and associates160 treatments multiply, evidenced by the change in
demonstrates that contrary to popular belief, less tumor histology from nodular to infiltrative as one
than one-third of recurrences appear within the attempt at cure follows another. Two studies163,164
first year following treatment; 50% appear within refute these beliefs, however, and show clearly
the first 2 years; and only 66% appear within the that the majority of recurrent BCC are aggressive
first 3 years. In fact, 18% of recurrences appear from the outset and do not become more aggres-
between the fifth and tenth year following treat- sive with each recurrence.

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Second Tumors Desmoplastic Trichoepithelioma

The estimated risk of developing one or more In 1977 Brownstein and Shapiro174 described 50
new primary BCC or SCC of the skin is 35% at 3 cases of a distinctive entity they named desmoplas-
years and 50% at 5 years.165,166 The new skin can- tic trichoepithelioma. The lesions occurred mainly
cers tend to be of the same histologic type as the in women and consisted of small, 0.3–1.0 cm lesions
previous ones. The risk increases with number of that were typically hard and annular, with a raised
previous skin cancers, solar damage, and skin sen- border and a central depression but without a cen-
sitivity. Patients who smoke have increased inci- tral ulcer. Histologically desmoplastic trichoepithe-
dence of squamous cell carcinoma.165 Moreover, lioma shows cystic structures and basaloid cells
some note an increased risk of melanoma in similar to a true trichoepithelioma; the stroma is
patients with a history of basal cell or squamous fibrotic. The basaloid cells tend to be in narrow
cell carcinoma.167 strands such as seen in morpheaform basal cell
carcinoma, with which it is frequently confused;
morpheaform BCC, however, rarely has the large
Metastatic Tumors
horn cysts characteristic of trichoepitheliomas.
Since the initial report by Beadles168 in 1894, Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma is completely
approximately 175 cases of metastatic BCC have benign. The lesions are usually removed only for
been documented in the literature, for an estimated diagnosis and to rule out malignant processes.
incidence of <0.1%.169 When a basal cell carci-
noma does metastasize, it is usually to the lymph
nodes, lungs, and bones. Lymphatic and hemato- Eccrine Epithelioma
genous spread are equally frequent.170,171 (BCC with Eccrine Differentiation)
Freeman and Winkelmann175 first described this
lesion in 1969. It typically occurs on the scalp but
may also be found in other sites within the head
and neck.
The clinical behavior of eccrine epithelioma is
Trichoepithelioma should be considered in the very much like that of a basal cell carcinoma,
differential diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma. The although histologically it resembles a syringoma.
lesions are characteristically flesh-colored, papular, The lesions are aggressive and tend to invade
solitary or multiple, small, and nonulcerative. Histo- underlying structures; recurrences are common.
logically, trichoepithelioma is characterized by horn Treatment of choice appears to be wide local exci-
cysts and basaloid proliferation of cells in the sur- sion with precise margin control or Mohs micro-
rounding stroma; it may be extremely difficult to graphic surgery.176
differentiate from a keratotic BCC. Immunologic
staining for CD34 may help in the diagnosis.172 A
classic trichoepithelioma has the following distin- Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma
guishing features:173 Microcystic adnexal carcinoma (MAC) was first
• symmetrical tumor mass described by Goldstein and associates177 in 1982.
• rare ulceration The tumors are characteristically found on the upper
lip, nose, and periorbital area of middle-aged men
• well-circumscribed lesion with smooth margins and women. Histologically there are small cystic
• primitive hair structures structures with strands of basaloid cells similar to a
• no retraction spaces basal cell carcinoma; on close inspection these
basaloid cells tend to resemble the duct-like struc-
• cornified cysts
tures of eccrine glands.155 The lesions are locally
• prominent fibrosis between and around aggre- aggressive, and perineural invasion is the rule.
gates of basaloid cells Recurrences after standard surgical excision are
• rare inflammatory-cell infiltrates common, and therefore wide local excision with

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

precise margin control or Mohs micrographic sur- much higher risk from SCC of the skin than other
gery is most suitable for treatment.178 physical types. The disease shows a predilection
for the sun-exposed extremities, head, and neck,
and may also arise in areas of scar from old burns,
sinus tracts, and vaccinations. Freeman and Knox185
Squamous cell tumors rarely arise from unal- illustrate the anatomic distribution of SCC in their
tered, completely normal skin. On careful exami- series (Fig 12).
nation some premalignant change is usually seen,
such as sun damage, actinic keratoses, leukoplakia,
radiation keratoses or dermatitis, scars, chronic
ulcers, or sinuses.179 The tumors usually begin as
nodules that proceed to develop areas of necrosis
and oozing. Squamous cell cancers tend to be
more inflammatory, feel more indurated, grow more
rapidly, and ulcerate much sooner than basal cell

Squamous cell cancers of the skin arise from the
malpighian or basal layer of the epidermis. The
growth rate of squamous cell tumors is much faster
than that of BCC, with SCC having a cell cycle of
only 50.2 hours.180 The mitotic index or cellular
turnover time of undifferentiated, anaplastic SCC,
however, is no higher than for well-differentiated
tumors.180 This lack of correlation between cell
cycle times and clinical growth of the lesions has
been linked to the observation that at any given
time some of the cells of a tumor are dividing while
others are dying;181 in other words, the entire tumor
Fig 12. Distribution of Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Anatomic
mass does not proliferate.
Site. (Reprinted from Freeman RG, Knox JM: Treatment of Skin
Cancer. Recent Results Cancer Res 2, 1967.)
In the United States SCC of the skin is only one- Histologic Types
fourth as prevalent as BCC.182 Cutaneous SCC All squamous cell carcinomas of the skin are
show an even stronger correlation with damage to histologically similar, consisting of irregular masses
the skin by actinic radiation than BCC. The risk of of squamous epithelium that proliferate downward
developing SCC of the skin climbs proportionately to the dermis. The degree of cellular differentia-
with length of exposure to sunlight and is cumula- tion determines the grade of a tumor and is a mea-
tive with age.183,184 Because of the differences in sure of the ratio of atypical pleomorphic and ana-
incident sunlight and individual sun exposure plastic cells to normal epithelium. Changes in size
between the two countries, cutaneous SCC occurs and shape of the cells, hyperchromasia, keratiniza-
in 41 of 100,000 in the U.S., while in Australia the tion, and the proportion of mitotic figures influ-
annual incidence is 201 cases in 100,000. ence the determination of tumor grade: In the
Squamous cell carcinomas of the skin can be higher grades of tumor, cellular differentiation and
experimentally produced by UV light almost to the hence keratinization are greatly diminished, while
exclusion of other types of cancer. White-skinned mitoses are conspicuous and most cells are atypi-
persons of fair complexion and light hair are at cal, often spindle-shaped.

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Some highly anaplastic malignant skin tumors

are impossible to categorize by light microscopy
alone and must be further studied with the aid of
immunohistochemical assays,186 because the diag-
nosis dictates the course of therapy and prognosis.
Immunoperoxidase stains can distinguish between
desmoplastic melanoma and poorly differentiated
squamous cell carcinoma and other spindle cell
tumors. Further differentiation is possible with epi-
dermal cytokeratin antibody, which is specific for
tumors of squamous epithelium, and the antibody
to S-100 protein, which selectively stains melano-
cytes and Langerhans cells.
Fig 13. Margins and Cure Rates in Primary SCC by Size. (Data
from Cottel WI, unpublished, 1992.)

Clinical Types
Treatment by Mohs micrographic technique is
Although initially the lesions may appear smooth, also appropriate. Mohs190 reported 94% cure in
verrucous, papillomatous, or ulcerative, given primary cutaneous SCC, and Cottel’s success is
enough time all SCC will exhibit induration, inflam- even slightly higher (95%).119 Advantages of the
mation, and ulceration. Mohs technique include tissue preservation and
lower recurrence rates. Disadvantages, as outlined
Treatment above, include patient inconvenience and expense.

In general, treatment of a cutaneous squamous Destructive techniques such as cryosurgery and

cell carcinoma is similar to BCC and may involve electrodesiccation and curettage do not produce
surgical excision, destructive therapy, or medical a surgical specimen for histologic and margin analy-
therapy. Factors that influence the method sis. Additionally, healing is by secondary intention,
selected are tumor size, location, and extent of which results in poorer scars than if the wound is
invasion of neighboring structures, as well as patient closed primarily. In short, destructive techniques
age, general health, preference, and cosmetic are best reserved for small, superficial lesions in
requirements. Because SCC is more aggressive noncritical locations. The local failure rate is high,
than BCC, wider excisional margins are necessary particularly with SCC.
for local control.
Wide local excision with precise margin control Of all the medical interventions available for treat-
is a surgical option. As with BCC, all margins must ment of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, only
be free of tumor prior to closure of the wound. In radiation therapy is efficacious as a first-line thera-
95% of cases well differentiated lesions <2 cm in peutic technique. Although the cure rate for pri-
diameter can be adequately excised with a 4-mm mary radiotherapy in cutaneous SCC is 90%,191 the
margin.187 Larger tumors require 10-mm margins.188 side effects, particularly dermatitis and fibrosis, can
Recurrence rates of SCC after surgical excision be unpleasant, and treatment is protracted. Thus
with precise margin control are 5% to 6%.189 radiation therapy is best reserved for the debili-
Cottel119 argues that wider surgical margins are tated patient who is a poor surgical candidate or
necessary to achieve higher surgical cure rates (Fig for the patient who refuses surgical intervention.189
13). As tumor size increases, the likelihood of cure Radiation therapy is also an effective adjuvant in
diminishes because the margins needed to guaran- the treatment of high-stage large tumors or recur-
tee complete excision become excessively wide. rent tumors requiring multimodality therapy.
According to Cottel,119 if the treatment of a 3-cm Topical 5-FU is an excellent modality to treat
tumor is to have 95% chance of success, the surgi- premalignant lesions associated with SCC (ie, AK),
cal margin must be 3.5 cm; for only a 75% chance but is not recommended for the primary treatment
of cure, a 1.7-cm surgical margin is sufficient. of squamous carcinoma.

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Another medical modality that has met with some Metastatic Tumors
success is systemic chemotherapy, which has gen- Squamous cell tumors in certain areas of the body
erally been used as an adjuvant in the management are especially prone to metastasis. Tumors of the
of large tumors and in metastatic disease.192,193 scalp,198 ears,199 nostrils,200 and extremities201–203
present a higher risk of tumor spread, while the
Because SCC has such a high metastatic poten- overall incidence of regional node metastases from
tial, a lymph node exam is mandatory. The risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is only 1% to
metastasis for lesions of the trunk or extremities 2%. 202,204 When the primary lesion is in the
ranges from 2% to 5%. Lesions of the face or extremities, the presence of positive nodes carries
dorsum of the hand have a higher metastatic rate, a dismal prognosis: Only 35% of patients survive 5
between 10% and 20%. Overall, the incidence of years despite prompt nodal dissection.202 Lesions
regional lymphatic spread from cutaneous SCC is of special etiology (Marjolin’s ulcer)32,205,206 are also
less than that of mucosal SCC but greater than that particularly aggressive and are associated with high
of BCC.189 Clinical lymphadenopathy with biopsy- rates of nodal metastases and a poor prognosis.
proven metastatic disease mandates a lym- Rowe and associates207 reviewed the literature
phadenectomy.187,194 Patients with metastatic dis- of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin and lip for
ease may undergo multimodality therapy following the past 50 years, and from this wealth of informa-
lymphadenectomy, including radiation therapy and tion they determined cure rates, incidence of local
systemic chemotherapy. The role of prophylactic recurrence, and metastases from the disease. For
lymphadenectomy (before the appearance of overt primary SCC of the skin, the 5-year recurrence rate
disease) is unclear.194 after treatment with Mohs micrographic surgery
was 3.1%; curettage-electrodesiccation, 3.7%; sur-
Recurrent Tumors gical excision, 8.1%; and radiotherapy, 10%. For
primary SCC of the lip, Mohs micrographic surgery
Three factors have been identified as predictors was associated with recurrence rates of 2.3% after
of tumor recurrence in SCC of the skin: (1) degree 5 years; non-Mohs methods, 10.5%. For primary
of cellular differentiation; (2) depth of tumor inva- SCC of the ear, treatment by Mohs micrographic
sion; and (3) perineural invasion by tumor. surgery yielded 5.3% recurrences; nonMohs meth-
The degree of cellular differentiation is a signifi- ods, 18.7%. When patients with recurrent SCC of
cant indicator of prognosis. If the tumor is well the skin were treated by Mohs micrographic sur-
differentiated, 7% of adequately treated SCC recur, gery, the overall recurrence rate was 10%. Treat-
whereas if the tumor is moderately differentiated, ment by surgical excision was associated with 23.3%
the likelihood of recurrence is 23%, and if poorly recurrences (Table 5).
differentiated, 28%.195 Several tumor variables were noted to influence
The depth of tumor invasion to a Clark IV or V local recurrence and metastasis in cutaneous SCC
level also increases the risk of recurrence (Table 6). Lesions <2 cm in diameter had a local
severalfold.195 recurrence rate of 7.4% and a metastasis rate of
Clinical signs of perineural invasion by a cutane- 9.1%, while those >2 cm had a recurrence rate of
ous SCC include paresthesias, pain, tingling, numb- 15.2% and a metastatic rate of 30.3%. With respect
ness, and paralysis; unfortunately, perineural inva- to Clark levels, tumors <4 mm in depth had a 5.3%
sion frequently exists with no symptoms whatso- local recurrence rate and a 6.7% rate of metastasis;
ever. It is estimated that 2.5% to 5% of all cutane- tumors >4 mm deep showed 17.2% recurrences
ous SCC will spread along perineural tissues,196 but and 45.7% metastases. Well-differentiated lesions
the likelihood of perineural spread may be as high had a local recurrence rate of 13.6% and 9.2%
as 10%.197 metastases, whereas poorly differentiated lesions had
Any tumor that overlies a major nerve trunk, es- 28.6% local recurrences and 33% metastases.
pecially on the face, should be considered potentially Tumors on sun-exposed areas were associated
involved with tumor and thoroughly investigated. with 7.9% recurrences and only 5.2% metastases.
All recurrent SCC should be considered to have In contrast, lesions on the ear had an 18.7% local
perineural invasion until proved otherwise. recurrence rate and 11% metastases. Tumors of

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Local Recurrence Rates for Squamous Cell Cancers of the Skin, Ear, and Lip by Treatment
Modality and Duration of Follow-up

(Reprinted with permission from Rowe DE, Carroll RJ, and Day CL Jr: Prognostic factors for local recurrence, metastasis, and survival
rates in squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, ear, and lip. J Am Acad Dermatol 26:976, 1992.)

TABLE 6 the lip had 10.5% local recurrences and a 13.7%

Influence of Tumor Variables on Local Recurrence incidence of metastases. There were no data avail-
and Metastasis of Squamous Cell Carcinomas able for scar carcinoma except that the metastatic
of the Skin, Ear, and Lip rate was 37.9%.
Lesions that had been treated previously, regard-
less of location, had a 23.3% local recurrence rate
and 30.3% metastases. Tumors with perineural
involvement treated by conventional surgical exci-
sion recurred locally 47.2% of the time and
metastases developed in 47.3%.
Regardless of tumor size, anatomic location, his-
tologic definition, or previous treatment, Mohs
micrographic surgery offered the best cure (Table
7) and lowest recurrence rates (Table 8) in this
series, even for neurotropic SCC.

SCC Variants

Marjolin Ulcer
(Data from Rowe DE, Carroll RJ, and Day CL Jr: Prognostic
factors for local recurrence, metastasis, and survival rates in
Aurelius Cornelius Celsus, a first-century Roman
squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, ear, and lip. J Am Acad physician, is credited with the first written account
Dermatol 26:976, 1992.) of cancer arising in an old burn scar.208 It was

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Marjolin, however, in 1827 who first reported that all been reported.211,212 Approximately 2% of burn
the borders of chronic wounds may undergo scars undergo malignant transformation over time.213
malignant change.209 Since then, the term “Marjolin The average interim between a traumatic episode
ulcer” has been applied to squamous cell carci- and subsequent development of a Marjolin’s ulcer
noma arising in chronically traumatized areas such is 32.5 years, and the latency period is inversely
as burn scars, fistula tracts, and drainage tracts of proportional to the age of the patient at the time of
osteomyelitis. injury.214 That is to say, the younger the patient is at
the time of injury, the longer he or she will remain
TABLE 7 tumor-free before the scarred site shows signs of
Cure Rates of Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Skin, Ear, cancerous change.
and Lip Treated by Mohs and Non-Mohs Modalities
According to Size and Histologic Differentiation of Lesions
Early diagnosis relies on clinical acumen. A high
level of suspicion must be maintained for all scars
that break down and ulcerate, and liberal biopsies
must be performed in chronic wounds. False-nega-
tive biopsies are possible given the focal nature of
the malignant transformation within a bed of chronic
ulcer, thus vigilance is mandatory.
Treatment involves complete surgical excision
of tumor with precise control of margins. Mohs
micrographic technique has been suggested as an
alternative to amputation, although data regarding
(Reprinted with permission from Rowe DE, Carroll RJ, and Day long-term recurrences are not available.215
CL Jr: Prognostic factors for local recurrence, metastasis, and
survival rates in squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, ear, and lip. High (>30%) metastatic rates and highly aggres-
J Am Acad Dermatol 26:976, 1992.) sive recurrences are reported in Marjolin’s ulcer,
with overall 5-year survival rates of <10%.216-218
TABLE 8 Whether this is due to late detection or to aggres-
Outcome of Neurotropic SCC of the Skin, Ear, and Lip sive tumor behavior is unclear.32,219 Regional lymph
node dissection should be performed in the face
of palpable adenopathy. Elective lymph node dis-
section for prophylaxis might be a good option in
view of the overall poor prognosis,216,220-222 although
its role remains undefined.
(Reprinted with permission from Rowe DE, Carroll RJ, and Day
CL Jr: Prognostic factors for local recurrence, metastasis, and
survival rates in squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, ear, and lip.
Bowen’s Disease
J Am Acad Dermatol 26:976, 1992.) Bowen’s disease appears typically as a slowly
enlarging, erythematous patch with a fairly sharp
Most Marjolin ulcers arise in full-thickness burn but irregular outline, often scalloped. The red to
sites that remain ungrafted or where grafts have tan lesion is often confused with a superficial basal
failed. These scars often develop chronic and cell carcinoma, from which it can be differentiated
recurrent ulcerations before undergoing malignant because it lacks the elevated, thread-like border.
transformation. The tumor typically starts at the Within the tumor there is superficial scaling and
ulcer margin and grows slowly. Only a portion of small areas of crusting.223 Histologically, Bowen’s
the ulcer becomes malignant, thus false-negative disease is a squamous cell carcinoma in situ with
reports on biopsy are not uncommon. Localized epidermal and follicular involvement. The vast
pain can accompany malignant transformation.210 majority of lesions remain localized indefinitely, with
Squamous cell carcinoma is by far the most com- 10% of tumors becoming invasive and then only
mon malignancy to arise from burn scars, although after a long time. Bowen’s disease of the glans
basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and sarcoma have penis is called erythroplasia of Queyrat.224

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

Although 5-fluorouracil is said to achieve cure forms of therapy such as 5-FU or EDC cannot be
rates of 92%,225,226 the recommended treatment is relied upon to eradicate all tumor cells. Mikhail232
still surgical excision.227-229 believes that Mohs micrographic surgery is well-
suited to the management of subungual SCC
because it ensures complete removal of the dis-
Verrucous Carcinoma
ease with maximum preservation of normal tissue,
Verrucous carcinomas are well-differentiated digit length, and digit function.
squamous cell carcinomas capable of local inva-
sion and occasional extension into bone, but rarely
metastasis. Trauma, chronic irritation, or localized SCC MIMICS
infection is usually implicated in the etiology.230
Speculation continues regarding a possible asso-
ciation of verrucous carcinoma with the human Keratoacanthoma was first described by
papillomavirus. Hutchinson235 in 1889. Rook236,237 describes the
Verrucous carcinomas may occur anywhere on clinical experience with this benign skin tumor over
the skin surface231 but are most common on the the last century. Solitary keratoacanthoma is more
palms and soles, where they are known as carci- common than multiple and usually occurs on
noma cuniculatum. On the foot, carcinoma exposed parts of the body such as the middle of
cuniculatum appears as a wart-like lesion that gradu- the face, lips, and dorsum of the hands. It typically
ally enlarges. As the tumor grows, it may become arises as a firm, small, raised half-moon covered by
polypoid, ulcerative, or fungating, with sinus tracts normal skin except for a central keratotic plug.
to the skin that exude a foul-smelling, greasy sub- The average size of a keratoacanthoma is 1–1.5
stance. On the buccal mucosa, verrucous carci- cm, but lesions up to 5 cm in diameter have been
noma presents as multiple polypoid masses that reported. The nodule grows rapidly for 6 to 8
coalesce to form large cauliflower lesions. weeks, at which time it usually begins to disappear
Because they are of such low-grade malignancy, spontaneously. Resolution will continue for the
verrucous carcinomas may be mistaken for next 6 to 8 weeks until all tumor is resorbed and
pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, and the the corneal plug sloughs. According to this time-
pathologist should be alerted to the clinical diagno- table, most lesions will have a lifecycle of 4 to 6
sis. The treatment of choice is surgical excision or months, although a few may take 9 months or
Mohs micrographic surgery.230 more to run their course.238
A keratoacanthoma is not a malignant process,
yet it grows so rapidly that it may be mistaken for a
Subungual SCC cancerous lesion. To aid in the diagnosis, Kern and
The clinical designation of subungual epidermoid McCray239 list 10 histopathologic criteria to differ-
carcinoma includes a wide spectrum of histologic entiate between keratoacanthomas and squamous
changes, from invasive squamous cell carcinoma cell carcinomas.
to squamous cell carcinoma in situ, so long as it Despite their benign nature, most authors235,240
involves the nail bed.232 The initial manifestations recommend surgical excision of keratoacanthomas
are erythema, swelling, localized pain, and nail dys- because the scar resulting from spontaneous reso-
trophy, proceeding to nodularity, ulceration, and lution of the lesion is often worse than if surgically
bleeding. Tumor growth is very slow, and the excised. There is also the possibility of a highly
lesions are frequently misdiagnosed as warts, anaplastic squamous cell carcinoma masquerading
paronychia, or pyogenic infection. as a keratoacanthoma. The excisional biopsy
Historically, the treatment for squamous cell car- should include the entire growth.
cinoma of the nail bed was amputation of the distal
phalanx, which certainly yields a high cure rate but
is now considered unnecessarily aggressive, as only Pseudoepitheliomatous Hyperplasia
two cases of metastatic subungual SCC have ever This condition arises in sites of chronic inflam-
been reported.233,234 Unfortunately, conservative mation from fungal infections, draining sinuses, fis-

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

tulas, and nonspecific ulcers. Clinically it may be Proliferating Epidermoid Cysts

difficult to distinguish between pseudoepi- In 1966 E Wilson Jones252 introduced the con-
theliomatous hyperplasia and a verrucous carci- cept of proliferating epidermoid cysts to describe
noma, 241 yet while a proliferative process, lesions that begin as subcutaneous nodules and
pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia is completely grow into large, elevated, nodular masses having
benign. central ulcers. Jones believed the vast majority of
carcinomas arising from epidermoid cysts repre-
Bowenoid Papulosis sent this entity. Histologically, proliferating epider-
moid cysts exhibit interlacing strands and lobules
In 1970 Lloyd242 described a peculiar condition of squamous epithelium; foci of atypia and prema-
he called “multicentric pigmented Bowen’s dis- ture keratinization are often seen. Individual histo-
ease of the groin,” which subsequently became logic fields are indistinguishable from squamous
known as bowenoid papulosis.243 This is a benign cell carcinoma, although the clinical course of the
dermatosis of the anogenital skin and mucous lesions is benign.253
membranes characterized by multiple, 1–3 mm, Brownstein and coworkers254 reviewed 50 cases
flat-topped papules that closely resemble small of proliferating epidermoid cysts and found 90%
verrucae. Occasionally the small papules coa- of the lesions were on the scalp and 84% of the
lesce to form fairly large plaques up to 3 cm in patients were women.
diameter. Histologic features are those of an
intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma, to include
epithelial atypia, dysplastic keratinocytes, and fre- Desmoplastic Melanoma
quent mitotic figures.244 Bowenoid papulosis Conley and colleagues255 in 1971 reported the
affects both sexes equally. The highest incidence course of seven patients who suffered from a patho-
of bowenoid papulosis is during the third decade logic process they termed desmoplastic melanoma.
of life but has been reported in all age groups, Since that report, approximately 60 cases have been
although it is very rare in patients younger than identified worldwide. The tumors are for the most
20 or older than 45.245 part amelanotic and range from a few millimeters
The oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) to 4.8 cm in diameter. Histologically desmoplastic
Types 16, 18, 31, 32, 34, 39, 42, 48, and 51-54 melanoma is characterized by spindle cells within
have been implicated in the development of the dermis and marked desmoplasia. Some focus
of junctional activity can usually be found in
bowenoid papulosis.246-248 Bowenoid papulosis
untreated lesions. Neurotropism or perineural
in women also seems to show some preferential
invasion is common. The gender distribution is
association with HPV-16.249 One report notes a
about equal.
high correlation between bowenoid papulosis and
Desmoplastic melanoma is often mistaken for
neoplasia of the uterine cervix (severe dyspla-
an undifferentiated squamous cell carcinoma or a
sia).250 This increased risk has been determined
malignant fibrohistiocytoma. In the event of an
for both primary patients as well as for women
undifferentiated tumor with questionable features,
whose sexual partners suffer from the disease.250
immunoperoxidase studies are essential to arrive
In another series,249 HPV-16 was detected in 63%
at a diagnosis and determine plan of management.
of intraepidermal neoplasms of the external geni-
Unfortunately, the majority of lesions have extended
to Clark levels IV or V before a diagnosis is made.
Despite the malignant histology, the lesions
behave in a benign fashion and treatment should
be conservative. One must recognize the clinical OTHER SKIN TUMORS
presentation and favorable prognosis of the dis-
ease in order to avert radical surgery. There has Merkel Cell Tumor of the Skin
been one report of squamous cell carcinoma of Merkel cell tumors arise in the dermis of elderly
the anus in an HPV-16-positive man with bowenoid individuals, are locally aggressive, and may metas-
papulosis and HIV-positive serum.251 tasize to the regional lymph nodes. The lesions

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5

can occur almost anywhere on the body except CHEMOPREVENTION

the trunk.256 Merkel cell tumors were previously
called trabecular carcinomas or neuroendocrine Retinoids
carcinomas. Histologically, solid sheets of cells are Vitamin A and its derivatives (retinoids) are the
separated by abundant stroma. The small baso- best studied preventive agents. Retinoids affect
philic tumor cells are uniform in size, have hyper- cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis by bind-
chromatic nuclei, scant cytoplasm, and high mitotic
ing nuclear receptors which, as DNA-binding tran-
activity. The tumor fills the dermis and extends into
scription factors, modulate the expression of cellu-
the subcutaneous tissue or skeletal muscle, but often
lar genes.269
there is a narrow band of papillary dermis that is
Topical retinoids (trans-retinoic acid), available
not involved with tumor.257,258
as tretinoin or retin-A, are effective in treating
Because this is an aggressive malignancy, wide
actinic damage. Actinic keratoses, which are pre-
local excision with 3–5 cm margins is recom-
malignant in nature, are reversed by the use of
mended. Therapeutic lymph node dissection is
required with palpable adenopathy. Elective lymph topical retinoids.270-273 An additional effect of topi-
node dissection is urged if nodal patterns of spread cal retinoids is the accumulation of collagen in the
are predictable. skin with subsequent effacement of fine
Recent evidence suggests that postoperative wrinkles.274-276
radiation therapy may improve 5-year survival. Che- Daily application of the 0.1% cream (if tolerated)
motherapy is still investigational.189,259-261 or the 0.05% cream in a heavy oil base (Renova®)
is preferred. Tretinoins are dermal irritants, and a
retinoid skin reaction consisting of redness and
Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) peeling is not uncommon. This improves with per-
This is a rare fibrohistiocytic sarcoma that mani- sistent use of the product. Decreasing the strength
fests clinically as a distinctive, raised, hard lesion of topical retinoid used and applying topical ste-
which begins as a plaque or small nodule. Most roids will also improve the irritation, which is a
patients are 20–40 years old. localized hypervitaminosis A.
Surgical excision with 3-cm margins and under- Systemic retinoids, available commercially as oral
lying fascia is currently recommended for treat- 13-cis-retinoic acid or isotretinoin (Accutane®), are
ment. However, the lesions exhibit a marked pro- potent teratogens and can induce long term toxic-
pensity to recur following surgical excision, ity.277,278 Several studies show an apparent reduc-
approaching 60% in some studies.262,263 The diffi- tion in the frequency of nonmelanoma skin cancer
culty in achieving high cure rates with standard with prolonged isotretinoin therapy.279-281
excision is attributed to the occult extension of
tumor beneath normal appearing skin. Reports of
metastasis exist but are rare.264-266 A much higher 5-fluorouracil
success rate is associated with treatment by Mohs The use of 5-FU was discussed earlier in associa-
micrographic surgery.267,268 tion with the treatment of actinic keratoses.

SRPS Volume 9, Number 5


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