Task 13

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Task 13

You aren’t allowed to use your

cell phone in the classroom
because you can distract another
You can take off your shoes
because is bad education
You can’t eat food in the
classrooms because you can dirty
the classrooms
You have to present your word
book if you need to present a
You have to speak only in
English to improve your spiking
You can’t use earphones in class
because you don’t can earn the
Task 14
Hello Mrs. David
Recently y I had a big problem, I
fought with a man for my poor
2 days a ago it was Carlos
birthday Carlos is one of my best
friend so me and my classmates
decided to buy eggs and flour to
throw him we wait at the finish
of the school day and we ran to
the store the we throw the eggs
to Carlos one egg that I launch I
dirty a children for another class
and they get angry and we start
to fight. Another friend told me
that I should have better aim the
next time
Task 15
A) My mom told me that she
was angry to me
B) My mom asks me to make my
C) My mom told me that I
couldn't go out before I finish
my homework’s
D) The host of the news said
yesterday Mexico had an
E) He said the dog was barking
F) My dad told my that the cat
scratched him
G) My mom asks me to order my
Task 13

 You are not allowed to use your cell phone in the classroom because you can distract
another student.
 You can not take off your shoes because is bad education.
 You can not eat food in the classrooms because you can dirty the classrooms.
 You have to present your word book if you need to present a quiz.
 You have to speak only in English to improve your spiking skills.
 You can not use earphones in class because you don’t can hearn the class.

Task 14

Hello Mrs. David

Recently I had a big problem, I fought with a man because of my bad aim, 2 days ago it was Carlos's
birthday. He is one of my best friends so my classmates and I decided to buy eggs and flour to
throw at him, we waited at the end of the school day and ran to the store where we threw the
eggs at Carlos, an egg that he threw dirty a child from another class and he got angry and we
started fighting. Another friend told me that he should aim better next time.

Task 15

• My mom asks me to make my breakfast

• My mom told me that I couldn't go out before I finish my homework’s
• The host of the news said yesterday Mexico had an earthquake
• He said the dog was barking loud
• My dad told my that the cat scratched him
• My mom asks me to order my room
• My mom told me that she was angry to me

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