ODU Chemistry and Biology Building Preliminary Engineering Report-FINAL

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Beach Consultants
Old Dominion University
Civil Engineering Senior Design
Spring 2017
Norfolk, VA
April 24, 2017

To: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Office of Civil/Environmental Engineering
135 Kaufman Hall
Norfolk, VA 23529

Attn: Dr. Gary Schafran

Re: Old Dominion Chemistry and Biology Building

103 4401 Powathan Ave
Norfolk, VA 23529

Dear Dr. Schafran:

We are proud to submit this preliminary engineering report in response to ODU’s Master Plan for
the new Sciences Building. We are honored to have worked alongside not just each other, but also
local engineers, professors, ODU faculty, and yourself in order to create a high quality end product
for our client; ODU and future science students.

We share ODU’s goal of maximizing physical development, enhancing green space, encouraging
potential science students to attend, and enriching the community. We are a very well-rounded
team of students that cover just about every aspect of civil and environmental engineering. Along
with valuable input from the local firms and architect we offer our best designs and considerations
in order to meet our clients’ needs.

We appreciate this opportunity to work alongside each other, as well as professionals outside and
inside of ODU. Most of our classes in this curriculum do not offer this sort of active design and
learning process. It has helped us realize the struggles and necessities outside of the classroom
environment, which is essential to our growth.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Respectfully Sunmitted,
Beach Consultants

Joshua Sgambelluri
Project Manager


April 24, 2017

Prepared for:
Professor Gary Schafran
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA

Prepared by:
Mansour Azzaz
Joe Beauchamp
Shawn Crawley
Chris Cummings
Matt Filler
Avial Lumagui
Juliana dos Santos
Joshua Sgambelluri
Kimberly Ward
Rakim Yarbrough
Introduction 1
Background 1
Abstract 1
Conclusions 2
Recommendations 2
Site Analysis 2
Adjacent Structures 2
Project Scope of Work 2
A.1 Introduction 4
A.2 Identification of Options to Address 4
A.3 Explanation of Design 5
A.4 Space Allocation 15
A.5 Occupancy 15
A.6 Final Proposed Design 16
A.7 Conclusions and Recommendations 17
S.1 Introduction 18
S.2 Structural Design 18
S.3 Design Loads 19
S.4 Foundation Design 21
S.5 Structural Modeling 21
S.6 Reasoning Behind Structural Design 22
S.7 Structural Framing Design 22
G.1 Introduction 29
G.2 Objectives 29
G.3 Identification of Option to Address 30
G.4 Field Exploration 30
G.5 Laboratory Testing Procedures 30
G.6 Subsurface Soil Condition 30
G.7 Groundwater Observations 32
G.8 Pile Design 32
G.9 Design Recommendations 35
T.1 Introduction 39
T.2 Parking 40
T.3 Accessible Routes 41
T.4 Road Design 43
T.5 Loading Area 45
E.1 Stromwater, Water Resources, and Utilities 46
E.2 Stormwater 46
E.3 Sanitary Sewer Design 51
E.4 Water Resources Design 53
E.5 Miscellaneous Utilities 59
E.6 LEED 59
E.7 Air Quality 69
E.8 Hazardous Waste 71
C.1 Cost Analysis 72
ODU Chemistry and Biology Building
Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017

After the selection of one of the five design projects introduced to us by Professor Schafran, the
members of the team decided on go away from the traditional hierarchy organizational structure.
Instead, the team is divided in committees; each group member is responsible for each of the
committees. The project manager and assistant project manager are communication facilitators
among group members, the class instructor, Professor Schafran, and the project coordinator, Mr.
John Stronach.
The group is structured in eight major subdivisions, the first one being cost-analysis. Kimberly
Joyward is the leader for that subdivision as well as the assistant project manager. Chris
Cummings is responsible for any LEED recommendations. Joshua Sgambelluri is the project
manager, he will also assist Mr. Cummings with any LEED recommendations and he will also
develop an Environmental Impact Statement. Rakim Yarbrough will lead any transportation and
pedestrian traffic recommendations. Mansour Azzaz will develop the architectural and landscape
design. Joe Beauchamp and Avial Lumagi will work closely with Mr. Azzaz with the structural
design. Juliana dos Santos will be the leader for geotechnical data analysis and foundation design
working with both the structural and architectural chairs. All of the topics will be discussed as a
group but the idea of the work load division is to have one individual responsible and
accountable for each of the engineering aspects of the building.

Old Dominion University is located at Norfolk, VA, a historic city. For over 400 years, Norfolk
has been of considerably historical importance. With the largest naval base in the worlds,
Norfolk was also part of the birth of the US. Old Dominion University has been growing for the
past 82 years. Originally under the College of William and Mary, Old Dominion University was
granted independent in 1962 as a four-year institution.
The Alfriend Chemistry Building is the only chemistry building on campus. It is 52 years old,
lacks natural lighting, lacks enough lab space, lacks office space, and lacks any leisure space. We
were given a tour of this building by Ms. Alicia Herr and Dr. Cooper of the Chemistry
Department. They had mentioned the issues above as well as the facts that there are not enough
fume hoods and research space.
Dr. Daines is the chair of the Biology Department at ODU. She had mentioned that they
currently share the building with the Psychology Department. Biology and Psychology are two
of the largest disciplines on campus and they are sharing a building roughly the same size as the
Alfriend Chemistry Building. She had also mentioned that they, too, lack office, lab, leisure, and
research space.


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ODU Chemistry and Biology Building
Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017
In order to design a structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing university building a large
number of factors must be taken into account. These factors include the interior and exterior
material aesthetics, the type of structure and what loadings it will undergo, the soil classification
underneath the site, the types of services that will be accessed to this building, the water flow
throughout the building, the energy consumption of this energy intensive building, and how
much the building finally costs. The paper will discuss major goals and obstacles in each section
of the body and further elaborate as to why these choices were made.

There was an immense difficulty in resolving how to make these two large science departments
share a space. The tenants both require large amounts of lab space. As will be seen, some of the
space allocations can be maximized. The space that we have designed provided a warming
atmosphere, comfortable learning environment, and reasonable means of access to the building.
It was difficult to get 100% accurate foundational data due to the given boring locations which
will be discussed. The building managed to reach a LEED Gold Certification.

In complete honesty, we recommend that these two departments do not share the same building.
The space that they demand is much higher than the space currently provided under the budget.
We recommend that the current preliminary design be maximized in terms of space allocation.
Given more time we would be able to do this. These two departments are also heavily energy
intensive, making it hard to realistically achieve the LEED Gold Standard that we had designed

Site Analysis
The site is on Lot 23 off of Elkhorn Avenue. The site is currently a parking lot. A site analysis of
adjacent structures needed to be taken into account.
Adjacent Structures
On the east side is the Oceanography and Physics Building on the east side of Elkhorn
Avenue. On the south side, there is a detention pond. On the west side is a service road
(Parker Road), the ODU Wrestling Building, and Chilled Water Towers. As can be seen
from on Figure 1 on the next page, the lot is also straight across from the baseball field.
For more detailed pictures of surroundings, refer to the Appendix section.

Project Scope of Work

The new ODU Sciences Building serve as the new chemistry and biology facility, as well as a
planetarium. The building will be located on Lot 23 along Elkhorn Dr. adjacent to the ODU
Wrestling Facility. The project scope of work shall include analysis of raw data, a preliminary
engineering report consisting of architectural, structural, geotechnical, environmental,
transportation design, as well as construction and budgetary considerations.

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Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017

Figure 1 – Lot 23 and Adjacent Structures

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Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017

Architectural Design
A.1. Introduction
A.1.1. Goals
The goal of the Architectural design was to provide Old Dominion University with an up-
to-date science building that will house the Chemistry and Biology’s research
laboratories, associated support functions, offices, classrooms, and a new planetarium.
The building should encourage potential future science students to attend the ODU
Chemistry and/or Biology programs. The building should also be aesthetically pleasing
due to other tours and students walking from the entrance to the planetarium. The
laboratories will be constructed in an open plan to allow for better collaboration,
increased flexibility, space utilization and better management than what can be achieved
in the existing building. The classrooms will be designed as to promote an open space
and a comfortable learning environment. We would also like incorporate a coffee shop
similar in style to the one in BAL. The proposed site of the new building is located on
Lot 23 along Elkhorn Avenue.

A.1.2. Objectives

The architectural design should:

 Comply with the ODU Master Plan.
 Encourage potential students to join the Chemistry or Biology programs.
 Provide a comfortable learning environment for students.
 Be aesthetically pleasing.
 Provide sufficient laboratory, classroom, and research space.

A.2. Identification of Options to Address

A.2.1. Considerations
 Floor Layout and Room Allocations
 Aesthetics of interior and exterior
 Views from inside looking out of the building
 Pedestrian circulation
 Loading Dock
 Types of material used in the design of the building

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Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017
A.3. Explanation of Design
A.3.1. Floor Layout
A lot of different floor layouts were proposed because there were a lot of considerations
that needed to be taken into account
 Planetarium Location
 Lab Locations
 Classroom Locations

Following is our final proposed floor layout:

Level 1


Figure 2 – Floor Plan Layout 1

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Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017
Level 2




Electric University
Room Waste

Figure 3 – Floor Plan Layout 2

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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Level 3




Electric University
Room Waste

Figure 4 – Floor Plan Layout 3

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Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017

Level 4
Offices Mechanical



Electric University
Room Waste

Figure 5 – Floor Plan Layout 4

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Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017

Level 5





Electric University
Room Waste

Figure 6 – Floor Plan Layout 5

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Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017
A.3.2. Planetarium Location
The placement of the planetarium was a complicated decision. We had to consider that it
operates during different hours than the Chemistry/Biology Building itself. This takes
into account the issue of security in terms of unauthorized personnel wandering around
the building during Planetarium office hours. This poses a safety problem due to the
amount of hazardous chemicals and equipment in many of the various rooms in the
For those that are going to an event at the Planetarium, will they be able to see the
aesthetic characteristics of the interior of the building? This aspect is crucial to encourage
potential students to attend ODU, which in turn potentially increases the odds of more
researchers at the university, which is what helps fund ODU and give it more scientific
We had considered placing the planetarium on the roof of the building, with a glass
ceiling to look at the stars, along with a walkway from the roof-elevator to the
planetarium through the green roof. The problem with this would be the issue of light
pollution in Norfolk as well as the fact security hazardous. For this scenario we would
need to add a separate elevator that can be accessed during different hours of operation
than the main building.
We decided to put the planetarium on the south side of the building as shown on Figure 7.


Figure 7 – Planetarium Location

Having it on the first floor prevents any guided access to the upper floors where most of
the labs and stock rooms are located, which in turn helps with the problem of safety. It
also allows tours and groups to walk from the front and through the hallway, allowing
them to see all of the lecture rooms, labs, and aesthetic features discussed in C-4.

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Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017
A.3.3. Aesthetics
A.3.3.1. Interior
The main part of the aesthetics of the interior is to provide a comfortable learning
environment and to encourage tours and potential students. Using ODU, George
Washington University, and Eastern Michigan University as references a few ideas
were developed for the design of the interior. GWU was taken for reference due to its
interior aesthetics, EMU was taken for reference due to the fact that they have an
internally located planetarium, and ODU was taken for reference to keep the same
theme of the aesthetic look on campus, both interior and exterior.

Figure 8 – Aesthetics (George Washington University)

Figure 9 – Aesthetics (George Washington University)

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Preliminary Engineering Report
Apr 24, 2017
GWU incorporates a very spacious and pleasing environment for both the students
and anybody just passing through. We wanted to incorporate this idea into our design.

Figure 10 – Aesthetics (Old Dominion University)

ODU’s Constant Hall also possesses an interior balcony which provides a lot of
natural lighting and space.

Figure 11 – Aesthetics (Eastern Michigan Unuversity)

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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Eastern Michigan University has an internal planetarium in their Chemistry building.

We wanted to utilize the space around it in a similar fashion to EMU.
Below are some renderings done in Revit that show our fundamental interior

Figure 12 - Front Lobby-Revit Render Figure 13 - First Floor Hallway-Revit Render

Figure 14 - Research Lab-Revit Figure 15 - Biology or Chemistry Lab-Revit

Figure 16 - 3rd Floor Looking Southwest- Revit

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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A.3.3.2. Exterior
We want the building to flow with the aesthetics currently on campus. We used the
following as references for our design:

Figure 17 – ODU Engineering Computational Systems Building

Figure 18 – ODU Broderick Dining Hall

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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Figure 17 and 18 are the ECSB and Broderick Dining from ODU’s campus,
respectively. They both have a curved main entrance that consists primarily of glass,
steel, and Monarch Brick. These aren’t the only two buildings with this design;
however, they are closest to our site. We wanted to keep this general theme consistent
with the campus.

A.4. Space Allocation

 Laboratory Space: 30,007 SF
o 18 General Chemistry and Biology Labs

 Research Lab Space: 6,301 SF

o 10 Research Labs

 Office Space: 6,227 SF

o 45 Offices

 Laboratory Prep. And Chemical Storage Space: 6,050 SF

 Small Lecture Halls: 5,940 SF
o 2 Small Lecture Halls

 Large Lecture Halls: 1,800 SF

o 1 Large Lecture Hall

 Classrooms: 1,263 SF
o 8 Classrooms

 Planetarium: 1,256 SF

 Gross Square Footage (GSF): 135,250 SF

 Actual Square Footage (ASF): 70,712 SF
 Building efficiency = ASF/GSF = 52%
This building efficiency must be higher for the tenants that are occupying this space.

Occupancy Classifications and Building Occupancy were determined using the IBC 2015.

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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A.5.1. Occupancy Classifications
 Assembly - Lecture Halls
 Educational – Classrooms
 Business – Labs and Offices
 Storage – Mechanical and Storage Rooms

A.5.2. Floor and Total Occupancies

 Floor 1: 528 Occupants
 Floor 2: 221 Occupants
 Floor 3: 213 Occupants
 Floor 4: 217 Occupants
 Floor 5: 141 Occupants
 Total Building Occupancy: 1,320 Occupants

A.6. Final Proposed Design

Figure 19 –Building Design

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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Figure 20 – Building Design

Above is the South end of our design. The South End contains two entrances while the North
End contains one Main Entrance. Both entrances have been designed to be aesthetically
pleasing and to provide a lot of natural light.

A.7. Conclusions and Recommendations

The design has achieved a good level of aesthetically pleasing features, both interior and
exterior. The main problem with the design is the space allocation. The tenants simply require
more assignable space. We recommend that this design be made optimal in terms of assignable
space. Something else that needs to be seriously considered is how the light enters into the
building, not only for energy purposes, but also for comfort purposes. As is, the light enters
mainly on the South side of the building. The issues with this is that 1) there are mainly offices in
this part of the building with full glass walls, and 2) the light directly hits the planetarium, which
is a large portion of empty space, potentially causing a higher HVAC loading. This would
potentially discomfort the tenants. If this design was maximized in terms of space allocation we
believe it would be a suitable building for all of the tenants; however, more time is needed.

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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Structural Design
S.1. Introduction
S.1.1 Goals and Objectives
The main goal in the structural design of this building was to design an innovative and
sustainable building while making it as cost efficient as possible. We want this building
to be a benchmark in the structural world and a goal for other projects in the future.
Another important objective is to design a building that meets all standards and codes but
that is also build able. We didnt want to design a building that works but will take
extreme amounts of time to put together. Lastly our main goal was to create a building
that Old Dominion University would be proud of.

S.2 Structural Design

S.2.1. Design Criteria
Codes and manuals were used in determining design loadings and as a way to determine
sizes of needed material for beams, columns, floor slabs, etc.
Resources that were primarily used but were not limited to:
 2012 Edition of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (VSUBC)
 2012 Edition of the International Building Code (IBC)
 2010 Edition of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE 7-10)
 13th Edition of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
 2014 Edition of the American Concrete Institute (ACI 318)

S.2.2. Materials

S.2.2.1. Steel
Steel is a lightweight, ductile material that is ideal to use as a framework for our building.
Steel has good properties when it comes to uniformity, resistance to creep, and shrink
resistance. The beams and columns that are located throughout the entire building are all
made of steel. Steel has high tensile strength, which can be used as rebar for supporting
concrete sections. When choosing the floor system there were essentially two options of
steel framing. The first type is composite construction consisting of wide flange beams
and a concrete floor slab on metal decking, the one we decided to go with. The other is
simply steel bar joist with a similar concrete floor slab on metal decking.

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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S.2.2.2. Concrete
Concrete is comprised of air, water, cement, and aggregate. Concrete is used for its high
compressive strength; however it has weak tensile strength. Concrete is tested for
workability through the use of slump tests. If the test has a high slump, high water
content is present within the concrete mix, thus having a higher workability. If slump is
less than specified, more cement admixture is added into the mix until desired
workability is achieved. The foundation floor slab is normal concrete but for the upper
floor slab we choose lightweight concrete for a lighter dead load.

S.3. Design Loads

The different types of loads considered during the load calculation phase were dead loads, live
loads, wind loads, seismic loads, and snow loads. These loads can be combined in multiple
combinations which will be discussed in a later section. All loads were taken from ASCE 7-10
and IBC.
S.3.1. Live Loads
Live loads were computed using standards from Chapter 4 of ASCE 7-10. Live loads used
are listed below:
 Floor Live Loads:
o First floor live load = 100 PSF
o Lab space live load = 100 PSF
o Office space = 50 PSF
o Balconies = 100 PSF
o Storage/Mechanical areas = 125 PSF
o Stairs and exit ways = 100 PSF
 Roof Live Load = 30 PSF

These live loads can be reduced in different locations depending on the area. This reduction
allowed for lighter beam and joist design, resulting in saved cost. The reduction formula is
explained with detail in the structural appendix ## section.
S.3.2. Dead Loads
Dead loads were computed through the weight of structural components: columns, beams,
etc. In computing dead loads, Chapter 3 of ASCE 7-10 was used as a reference. The main
factor that determined the dead load was the weight of the concrete floor slab on each level.
Another factor in determining the dead load is the weight of the material holding the slab, in
this case wide flange joists and girders.
 Dead Loads:
o Roof = 40 PSF

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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o Floor = 60 PSF

S.3.3. Environmental Loads

Wind, seismic, and snow loads are the environmental loads considered throughout this
project. Environmental load values are based off of geographic location; our location being
ODU campus. Typical values and calculations are made through the use of ASCE 7-10.
These calculations can be found in the structural section of the appendix.
S.3.3.1. Wind Loads
Wind loads are forces on a building from the force of wind in the atmosphere. Wind load
calculations were based off of Chapter 26-30 of ASCE 7-10. The wind load was the
deciding factor among the lateral loads because of the location of this building. The wind
speed used was 124 mph, resulting in a wind velocity pressure of 29.1 PSF. To design for
this load, vertical bracing was placed at multiple column lines throughout the building.
S.3.3.2. Snow Loads
Snow loads are loadings applied from snow and ice that accumulate on a roof. Snow
load calculations were based off of Chapter 7 of ASCE 7-10. Snow is not a huge factor
because of the location but we did have to take into account the roof snow load and apply
it to our building. Another thing to point out is the possibility of snow drift and build up
near mechanical roof top units. The roof snow load came out to be 7.7 PSF.
S.3.3.3. Seismic Loads
Seismic loads are the loadings applied due to sudden movements of the earth. Seismic
load calculations were based off of Chapter 11 of ASCE 7-10. The spectral response
coefficients were found using the USGS website. For the basic seismic-force resisting
system, our building is classified as steel ordinary concentrically braced frames. This
gives us a response modification factor of 3.25. In the end, the design base shear came
out to be 157.44 kips. This would be distributed among the 5 floors as a lateral force.
Ultimately wind governed the design of our building.
S.3.4. Load Combinations
Load and resistance factor design (LRFD) is implemented in determining which combination
of different loadings will have the largest loading, thus representing the minimum load in
which a member must be able to handle. Seven equations are provided in determining the
highest loading, with coefficients that have ratios that account for likelihood. These seven
equations are shown below:
1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)
1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S or R) + (L OR 0.5W)
1.2D + 1.0W + L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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1.2D + 1.0E + L + 0.2S
0.9D + 1.0W
0.9D + 1.0E

S.4. Foundation Design

For the foundation we designed for a concrete floor slab with a turned down slab. Piles will be
placed beneath a thickened slab which will be underneath columns. The concrete floor slab will
be 5 inches with welded wire fabric used as reinforcement. Underneath the floor slab will be
insulation to protect the concrete from weathering. The soil will compacted beneath this to abide
by geotechnical standards. The turned down slab will be 18" deep which is the frost depth
requirement for the ASCE 7-10. At the column loads, the thickened slab will be connected to
concrete pile caps and driven piles. Piles are further discussed in the geotechnical section. The
floor slabs above grade will be 5 inches thick on metal decking which is reinforced with welded
wire fabric as well. Vulcraft, a supplier of metal decking, gives allowable load tables in order to
size the decking as well as the thickness of the concrete slab. Based on our floor loads consisting
of live and dead, we used 1.5VL22 metal decking. This is spaced at six feet on center to mach
the joist spacing.

S.5. Structural Modeling

The structural model was constructed using Revit 2015. Revit is a structural modeling and
analysis program used by the majority of engineering firms. No calculations were performed
using this program, only the illustration of our building and material/sizes we will be using.

Figure 21 - Structural 3-D Model

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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S.6. Reasoning Behind Structural Design

The structural system consist of steel framing which allows for easier construction and a cheaper
design. Time is always of the essence and essentially equals money at the end of the day. In
today's high tech and innovative era clients want there project to be ahead of schedule. This is
even more important when the client is a university. Steel allows for the fastest construction
because parts are pre engineered to a specific size and specification. This speeds up construction
time immensely, making it possible to complete large-scale projects in a matter of weeks. A big
part of why steel is a cheaper design option is because of the money saved through a shortened
construction period. Another reason is because of its durability. Steel has a longer live span and
requires very little repairs during its use.

S.7. Structural Framing Design

All beams, joists, and columns are wide flange sections designed in accordance with the AISC.
When designing the steel, it is critical to select the lightest section since steel is weighted by
tonage. Below are notes on the different parts of the building.
 Joists Design
o All joists are spaced at 6 feet on center.
o Joist are lighter beams that carry the floor loads to girders.
o The main joist sizes in this building were W16x26 and W18x35.
o Joists are braced with bridging to decrease moment

 Beam Design
o Beams are different sizes throughout the building and transfer the load from joists
to columns.
o The biggest beam is over the planetarium which is a 42 foot opening.
o The governing factor in the beam design was deflection in most cases.
o Beams will be bolted to columns instead of welded to save in cost.

 Column Design
o All columns are wide flange section except for around the planetarium.
o Around the planetarium we are using hollow structural pipe sections to ease with
o Columns are generally smaller sized sections due to axial load.
o Since the building is 62 feet tall, there will be multiple column splices.
o Splices keep column size down which ultimately saves in expenses.
o The largest column load is over 650 kips.

Floor Plan on Next Page

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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Figure 22 - Framing Plan

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Figure 23 – Framing Plan 2

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Figure 24 - Framing Plan 3

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Figure 25 - Framing Plan 4

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S.7.1 Planetarium Framing

Framing over the planetarium was the biggest challenge because of the length of the opening.
The opening length is 42 feet in diameter which is very large for wide flange beams. The
governing design factor was deflection rather than moment or shear. Above the planetarium
are offices and open area which is a live load of 50 psf. This was huge when designing the
beam rather than having labs over it. When choosing the beam, we went with the lightest
beam size possible since steel is priced based on weight or tonnage. Since the beam was
lighter it required a deeper flange. If deflection wasn’t considered, the beam would have been
primarily designed for bending moment. In this case, the size of the beam would have been
W 21x101 instead.

Figure 26 – Planetarium Framing

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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S.7.2 Elevated Braced Framing
To the left is an elevated view of a column line that is located at the back of the building. The
reason for focusing on this section is because it is the largest bay size in the building besides
the planetarium opening. The beam, spanning from the left side to the middle, is 32’ in
length. This required a larger beam size in the design. Also, there are lab rooms above which
require a live load of 100 psf. This also forced a larger beam size. When designing the beam
the biggest two factors were bending moment and deflection. When solving for deflection we
compared the allowable moment with the actual deflection.

Figure 27 – Braced Elevation

S.7.3 Wall Section

For the wall and interior framing we will be using light gauge metal framing. There are many
positives to using light gauge framing. The ease of construction is a huge factor because you
can assemble a wall off site and instead of doing to on the spot. In our building meta studs
support the brick veneer on the outside and the drywall and insulation on the inside. Exterior
wall studs are designed by applying the components and cladding wind force against the

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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building. The sizing and calculations for the light gauge metal framing is in the structural part
of the appendix.

Figure 28 - Light Gauge Metal Framing from ACI

Geotechnical Report
G.1. Introduction
G.1.1.Goal and Objectives
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the soils characteristics at the location of the
borings drilled at the surrounding of the new site location at Lot 23 with the respect to the
design and construction of foundations of the proposed ODU New Sciences Building. Also,
included in our objective is an evaluation and recommendation for constructions procedures
and potential construction problems dealing with pile installation.

G.2. Objectives
The geotechnical design specialists should:

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 Comply with the 2013 ODU Master Plan
 Description and analysis of the soils revealed by the borings performed at the proposed
site along with analysis of CPT, SPT and dilatometer.
 Length, size, allowable axial load and structural allowable capacity recommendations for
the utilization of a deep foundation system for support of the proposed structure.
 Construction installation and monitoring recommendations.

G.3. Identification of Option to Address

 Considerations
o Adjacent structures as a limitation of pile type and pile installation.
o Construction time frame.
o Old Dominion University as a college campus.
o Resource availability on Hampton Roads area.

G.4. Field Exploration

From previous projects around the site on Lot 23, twelve borings and their respective Standard
Penetration Test (SPT) at various depths along with one Cone Penetration Test (CPT), one
dilatometer and one shear test were analyzed. See Appendix for reference.

G.5. Laboratory Testing Procedures

Representative portions of SPT soil samples collected during drilling operations were analyzed
and visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).

G.6. Subsurface Soil Condition

The results from field exploration, SPT, CPT and dilatometer around Lot 23 indicated a broad
subsurface condition. The unit weight of the various soils layers were generalized using Mayne
et al 2010 relationship,
ƴt (kN/m3) = 11.46 + 0.33 log(z) + 3.10 log(fs) + 0.70 log(qt) (Eq. 1),

where qt and f are in units of kPa and depth z is input in meters. Friction angle was derived using
Rovertson and Ampanella 1983 relationship,

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φ ' = tan-1[0.1 + 0.38 log (Eq. 2),

where σvo' is the effective stress in psf. The undrained shear strength value for clay was
calculated using a Nkt value of 18. The tabulation of all soil parameter calculations are attached to
See Appendix of this report.
Data crossing and interpolation of the above results along with CPT, SPT, and dilatometer, as
well as geotechnical engineering judgement were used to generate general engineering design
parameters as well as a site soil profile for the particular site. The subsurface soil profiles of all
the other twelve borings are attached on Appendix section of this report.

Table 1 - Soil Design Parameters

Unit Friction
Length c
Soil Description Classification Weight Angle
(ft) (ksf)
(kcf) (Deg)
15 Sand-Sand Mix SP-SM/SC 0.107 38
15 Low Plasticity Clay CL 0.095 0.7
40 High Plasticity Clay CH 0.095 2.8
30 Silt/Sand Mix - Yorktown Sand SM 0.115 36

The initial soil layer extended from beneath the surface materials to a depth of about 12 feet
below existing grades. The soils of this layer is consisted mainly of sand and sand mix (SC, SM,
SP-SM) with varying amounts of silt and/or clay.
Underlaying the initial soil layer and extending to a depth of about 70 to 75 feet, the soils of this
layer consisted of silty clay (CH & CL) to silty sandy clay (CL). The N-values indicated that
these soils were very soft to medium stiff consistency.
The final soil layer extended from beneath the second layer to a depth of about 100 feet below
grades. The soils of this layer consisted of sand (SM, SP-SM), with varying amounts of silt
and/or clay. This soils layer are described as Norfolk/Yorktown Sand.
The soil profile generated from CPT data is used as a comparison tool. As observed on Figures
29 and 30, the CPT data collected 120 feet from the job site does not accurately describes the soil

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SITE SOIL PROFILE CPT Soil Classification

5 Gravelly Sand
6" topsoil
10 Sand
Silt Mix
3' SC 15 Clay
20 Sand Mix
5ft ▽ 25
6' SM 30
12' SP‐SM
Depth (ft)
30' CL 55

73' CH 70
78' SP‐SM
100' SM

Figure 30 - CPT Soil Classification

SC ‐ Clayey Sand
SM ‐ Silty Sand
SP‐SM ‐ Poorly Graded Sand with Silt
CL ‐ Low Plasticity Clay
CH ‐ High Plasticity Clay
Figure 29 - Site Soil Profile

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G.7. Groundwater Observations
G.7.1.Groundwater level
The ground water level was measured to be approximately 5 to 6 feet below the existing
grades. It should be noted however, that the groundwater levels tend to fluctuate during
periods of prolonged drought and extended rainfall. In general, high groundwater levels are
normally recorded in late winter and early spring.

G.7.2. Groundwater concerns

It is recommended that the contractor determine the actual groundwater levels at the time of
construction to determine groundwater impact during construction of this project.

G.8. Pile Design

G.8.1. Pile Length Calculations
Calculations and analysis of H-piles, steel pipe piles and presstress precast concrete piles in
three different sizes of each were performed (HP14x73, HP1x60, HP14x73, Steel 14”, Steel
18”, Steel 38”, Concrete S12x12”, Concrete S14x14”, Concrete S24x24”). Timber piles were
not analyzed as they generally can only carry 10 to 50 tons. Auger piles were discarded as an
option as they are generally costly and cluttered.

The average between Meyerhof’s and Vesic’s methods for all pile types in all different sizes
was used to calculated the tip point resistance. α-method was used for skin friction and a
factor of safety of three, it is recommended the use of presstress precast square concrete
14x14” piles going at 90 feet. Pile design load for all other pile types and sizes are attached
on Appendix section of this report.

Table 2 - Presstress Precast Concrete 14x14” Pile Design Load

Depth Length Qp (avg) Qs Qu

0 0 0 0 0
0 15 0 0 0
15 15 239.293 0.000 239.293
30 40 8.994 3.749 12.743
70 30 40.126 83.724 123.849
100 100 383.269 164.732 548.000

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Total Load, kips








20 Qp
Depth, ft 40
50 Qu

Figure 31 - Prestress Precast Concrete 14x14” Pile Design Load

At a depth of 90 feet, the Square 14x14” pile can carry an ultimate load of about 400 kips,
which is combined tip resistance and skin friction. As it can be observed from Table 2 and
Figure 31, this pile can be described as end bearing pile and skin friction pile where the
bottom rests on Yorktown Sand; end bearing pile means the load of the building is
transferred onto the strong layer. The pile capacities are related to the piling embedment
length from existing grades; any significant reduction in the embedment length may result in
a corresponding reduction in the piling capacity.

Skin Friction, kips



Depth, ft





Figure 32 - Skin Friction vs Depth

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Figure 32 illustrates the skin friction going to 90 feet. It is important to note the first 15-20
feet of the pile will be drilled as to minimize vibration and will be explained on G.9.2.1 of
this report. Therefore, the first 15-20 feet did not account for any of the skin friction of the
pile. Pile group efficiency is not included on all of these previous graphs and tables.

G.8.2. Pile Spacing and Group Efficiency

The piles were designed to have six, four, and two piles in the various pile caps. The
efficiency calculations were 0.791, 0.875, and 1, respectively. The spacing of the piles were
determined to be 2.5 of the diameter of the pile (2.5x14”). The 2.5D is the minimum
recommended pile spacing.

G.8.3. Structural Pile Design

All presstress precast square 14x14” piles were designed using ACI 318-14 as short columns
with small eccentricity. Bending calculations were not performed. All piles must be square
14x14” of presstress precast concrete with strength of 4ksi. #3 stirrup at ten inches spacing
and four grade 60 #7 and one and a half inch for clear cover. This design will have an axial
load capacity of 420 kips. The maximum individual axial pile load is 122 kips. Structural pile
design calculations were performed as reference calculations only and they should be revised
for final recommendations. See Appendix for drawings.

G.9. Design Recommendations

G.9.1. Foundation Design Recommendations
The maximum column load of the entire structure was calculated to be 650 kips. Along with
the other interior column of 530kips, it is recommended to have six piles per cap. Between
449 and 270 kips, all pile caps must have four piles. All other caps must have two piles per
cap. All piles will be drilled the first 20 feet and driven to 90 feet. The total group pile load
calculated on Appendix section has the various group efficiency factor calculated in.

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Figure 33 - Pile Design 1

Figure 34 - Pile Design 2

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Figure 35 - Pile Design 3

G.9.2. Construction Recommendations

G.9.2.1. Pre-Drilling and Clearing of Pile Locations
It is recommended that pre-drilling to a depth of 20 feet as already previously discussed.
The pre-drilling also serves as a method to detect and remove potential hidden shallow
obstructions that could result in pile damage during driving. These piles holes are also
expected to facilitate the pile installation procedures.
G.9.2.2. Pile Settlement
Based on the results of load tests performed on piles driven in similar soils conditions, it
is anticipated that the total settlements resulting from applied compression loads listed on
Appendix section will be approximately equal to the elastic compression of the pile
which is about ¼ inch.
G.9.2.3 Vibration Recommendations
When considering the suitability of a driven pile foundation, consideration should be
given to the integrity of nearby structures. Due to the large amount of energy required to
install driven deep foundations, vibrations of considerable magnitude are generated.
These vibrations may affect nearby structures. These structures can, due to their
proximity, be detrimentally affected by the construction unless proper protection
measures are taken.

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As addressed before, Lot 23 presents some site constraints. The ODU Oceanography and
Physics Building 120 feet from the site location has vibration constraints due to the
nature of inside structures, such as aquariums, and different types of research that cannot
absorb normal levels of vibration.

It is therefore recommended that a thorough survey of the adjacent property be made

prior to starting construction. This will help to better evaluate real claims and refute
groundless nuisance claims. The survey should include, but not be limited to the

 Visually inspect adjacent structures, noting and measuring cracks and other signs
of distress. Take photographs as needed.
 Visually inspect adjacent pavements, noting and measuring any significant cracks,
depressions, etc. Take photographs as needed.
 Establish several benchmarks along foundation walls on adjacent structures.
Both Vertical and horizontal control should be employed.

Determine if equipment in any adjacent building is sensitive to vibration, and if so,

establish proper control and a vibration monitoring system, including the use of a

G.9.2.4. Test Pile Program

It is recommended to perform Pile Driving Analysis (PDA) testing on six piles out of the
two hundred and fifty seven total piles. The piles should be driven to 95 feet and restriked
after seven days. The seven day interval will allow the piles to reach their maximum
capacity as the excess pore water pressure will be dissipated during that time period and
the soil will be remolded around the piles. Figure 36 illustrates all six test piles.

G.9.2.5. Dynamic Testing

Dynamic testing was developed as a method of improving upon the reliability of the
wave equation and other dynamic predictions by actually measuring the acceleration and
strain of a pile during driving. This technique was developed in the mid-1960 and has
been continually refined. The use of dynamic pile testing has permitted the possibility of
checking the driving stresses in the pile and the hammer performance during pile
driving. It is also possible to estimate the static capacity of the pile based upon the strain
and acceleration measurements taken during pile driving.

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The installation of test piles should be monitored by the Geotechnical Engineer using the
PDA, an electronic device that records driving stresses and pile/soil interactions among
other things. The PDA results will confirm that the pile driving system (hammer
type/energy, cushion type/thickness, etc.) can successfully install the piles without over
stressing them in compression or tension. We recommend that the owner retain the
services of the Geotechnical Engineer to perform the dynamic testing, not the contractor,
to avoid possible conflicts of interest.

The use of PDA has indicated that a significant cost savings may be realized if the PDA
is properly utilized to monitor the installation of test piles, confirm pile capacity in
production installations, and monitor potentially damaging stresses during driving. The
use of the PDA permits the confirmation of allowable compression and uplift capacities
and pile integrity on several piles for a cost similar to or less than that of a single full-
scale static load test.

Figure 36 - Pile Driving Analysis Location

T.1. Introduction
T.1.1. Goals and Objectives
Lot 23 is in a location where not many motor vehicles are coming in and out of the area.
The transportation portions of this project was dedicated to relocating the 112 parking
spaces from the lot, designing accesible routes for the increased pedestrian traffic to the
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new Biology & Chemistry Building, and designing accesible routes for service vehicles
to access our location.

Figure 37 - Site Locations

T.2. Parking
On our site, there are currently one hundred and twelve parking spaces placed on this site.
Included in these spaces are eight handicap spaces and two governmental spaces. This site is
housing the faculty and staff of Old Dominion University that currently works in the
surrounding areas such as the Oceanography & Physical Sciences Building, Wrestling
Building, and the Engineering & Computational Sciences Building. We decided that we
would relocate these parking spaces to two places that’s near our site; Garage B &
Oceanography and Physical Science Building.

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Figure 38 - Garage B Figure 39 - Oceanography Parking Lot

Garage B, is shown in Figure 35. Here we will be relocating most of the 112 parking spaces to
this area. In Figure 36, Oceanography’s Parking Lot, there are currently 24 parking spaces that
are unassigned (not reserved) to anyone. 10 of those parking spaces will be changed to house the
8 Handicap spaces and 2 Governmental spaces that are coming in from Lot 23.

T.3. Accessible Routes

T.3.1. Pedestrians
Our building will have two entrances located on the northeast of our building and the
southeast of our building. Here we needed to make sure that we provided safe and
accessible routes for the faculty, staff, and students of Old Dominion University to
enter and exit our building. We decide to add one new crosswalk area located
between the Oceanography Building and our site, as shown on Figure 40. There is
already a crosswalk that connects the two sites located underneath the Maglev. That
crosswalk connects to the sidewalk that leads to the northern main entrance. The
crosswalk that will be installed will connect to the sidewalk that leads to the southern
main entrance.
T.3.1.2. Sidewalks
Fortunately, on our site, there are two sidewalks already placed to help with the
accessibility of pedestrians traveling through ODU’s campus as illustrated on Figure

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Figure 40 - Current and New Crosswalk

Figure 41 - Sidewalks on Site

There are two main sidewalks. One, is located along the east border of our
building and the other is located on the southern border of our building. These
two sidewalks will be kept because each of these sidewalks is connecting two
areas of campus and we want to keep these areas accessible to each other.

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Figure 42 - Sidewalk (East of Building) Figure 43 - Sidewalk (South of Border)

Figure 43 shows the sidewalk that runs along the eastern part of our building. It
connects from 43rd street to the new ODU dining hall, Broderick Commons (49th
street). Figure 6 shows the sidewalk that runs along the southern part of our
building. It connects the parking area on Elkhorn Ave (Garage B & OCYNPS
Parking) to the Wrestling Building located behind our site.

T.3.2. Service Vehicles

Our building will need to be accessible for vehicles to come and service our building. We
have decided to extend the service road, that is located behind our site, to our loading
area. The service road that is located behind our site, is Parker Avenue. This road is
already used to service the Wrestling Building. It can fit a fire truck already down that
road so we needed to make sure that the road we designed could accommodate a fire
truck in our area.

T.4. Road Design

We decided to design our road using a three-layer method based from VDOT Pavement
Design Guide. Because of the soil conditions on our site it was decided to go with this
method because it added strength and provides a sturdy foundation to build upon.
According to VDOT Pavement Design, we need a subbase layer, base, and surface layers.
The subbase, which would be fill consisted of 2” of compacted layer of rock. The base layer,
will be filled with 6” of asphalt concrete base mix. The final layer, surface layer, will be
filled with 2” of asphalt concrete surface mix. This road turns out to be slightly thicker than
the average design standard but we decided to lean more on to the side of caution to
accommodate fire trucks that needed to pull into the area. We wanted to make sure that the
weight of the fire trucks did not cause the soil to fail underneath it. Also with this design we
elected to design this road with a 0.78% gradient to help with draining water from the road,
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into the grassy area, and eventually into the drainage system.

T.4.1. Turning Radius

Along with our service road, we also wanted to make sure that we could accommodate
the turning radius of a vehicle of a fire truck in our design area. According to the
International Fire Code 2012 Section 503.2.4, the turning radius of an access road shall
be determined by a fire code official. The common practice to design for a fire truck
though is to design for a Large Bus. According to the AASHTO Green Book 2011, a
large bus carries a maximum turning radius of 47.8 ft.

Figure 44 – Vehicle Dimension

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Figure 45 - Turning Radius

Therefore, based from the AASHTO Green Book 2011, we designed our service area to
accommodate a vehicle with a 50ft turning radius. Having designed for a 45ft vehicle, the
vehicles that are expected to service this building on the regular will have no problem with
moving in and out of this loading area. The turning radius of the cargo vans and pickup
trucks carry the same turning radius of 25.5ft max turning radius (AASHTO Green Book

T.5. Loading Area

The loading area will be located on the western most part of our building. Here is where the
access road will lead to so vehicles are able to drop off supplies and pick up used supplies. This
area is roughly 3,025sq ft. We designed this are so there will be enough to room for multiple
vehicles to wait and be out of the way of a vehicle being loaded/unloaded.

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Environmental Design
E.1. Stormwater, Water Resources, and Utilities
E.1.1.1. Goal
The purpose of the stormwater, water resources, and utilities report is to
evaluate the current state of the underground and ground level infrastructure
at and around our new site location at lot 23 and determine what changes
must be made to successfully design and construct the proposed ODU New
Sciences Building. Also, design calculation and recommendations are
included in this report for the new building’s expected utility needs.

E.1.1.2. Objectives
The stormwater, water resource, and utility design specialists should:
 Comply with the 2013 ODU Master Plan
 Comply with the 2015 ODU Stormwater Master Plan
 Comply with the City of Norfolk’s Utility Design Criteria Manual
 Comply with regulations set by Virginia’s Department of Health
 Description and analysis of the changes to utilities that must be
made on and around the site to meet the needs of the new building
 Give accurate utility maps to show where infrastructure will need to
be removed, added, and/or replaced.
 Determine and show calculations for new pipe sizes for new water
and sanitary sewer pipes.

E.2. Stormwater
While planning the stormwater design for the new science building project, it is vital to
look at the current layout of Lot 23 and analyze how stormwater is managed currently. In
Figure 46, the current stormwater piping is shown in green. There are six storm drains in
the existing parking lot where water drains into the detention pond on the south end of the
site, pictured in Figure 47. Stormwater is then directed into a 48 inch RCP (Reinforced
Concrete Piping) stormwater pipe that leads into local waterways. There is also storm
drains on the west side of the site that is not going to be underneath our building. One of
the problems faced by the engineers is removing and replacing the stormwater piping that
would be underneath our building when it is constructed. The proposed science building is

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outlined in black in Figure 46. The piping in question includes part of the 48 inch RCP
pipe, and five of the six storm drains in the parking lot, as well as the PVC and RCP piping
that connects the storm drains and directs the stormwater to the detention pond.

Figure 46 - Existing Stormwater Layout

Figure 47 - Detention Pond on Site

In order to ensure there is no piping underneath our proposed building site, part of the

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proposed stormwater layout includes a plan to remove and, in some cases, replace the
current stormwater infrastructure underneath the building site. Because our building will
be have its own roof rainwater management system, most of the storm drains and affiliated
piping can be removed and not replaced. One of the storm drains on the northwest side of
the site, however, will not be covered by the building and thus it will not be removed, and
instead a new 12 inch PVC pipe will be connected to the drain and run to the piping system
that runs along the west side of the site.

Figure 48 - Proposed Stromwater Layout

The 48 inch RCP pipe, however, will need to be replaced once the portion of pipe that
would be underneath our building site is removed. The new 48 inch RCP pipe will connect
the storm drain on the south west side of the site and run southeast towards to the storm
drain that connects to the detention pond, and then run east to tie into a 42 inch RCP pipe
via a new storm drain. Also, a new 15 inch RCP pipe will be installed on the southeast side
of the building that will connect an existing stormwater man hole to the new 48 inch RCP
storm pipe. All proposed stormwater infrastructure changes are pictured in Figure 48.
The next step in the stormwater design is to address the rainwater and the associated
pollutants that will affect the building site. According to the Chesapeake Bay Total
Maximum Daily Load (TDML) Action Plan and ODU’s Stormwater Management Master
Plan, ODU must use certain means and methods to meet the special conditions for the

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Chesapeake Bay TMDL. ODU’s Stormwater Management Master Plan states that on
projects started after July 1, 2014, “Phosphorous loadings must be reduced by 20% when
the project area is greater than 1 acre. Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP)
Regulations identify phosphorus loading as the “keystone” indicator of runoff water
quality. Pollutant removal required by the Virginia Stormwater Management Program
(VSMH) will be used as pollutant offsets towards second and third permit cycle TMDL
goals. Removal is typically achieved through the use of BMPs, or Best Management
Practices”. BMPs also reduce stormwater flow volume and peak flows. Because the site is
1.37 acres, there had to be 20% reduction in phosphorous loading. After meetings with Mr.
Doug Alexander, an ODU stormwater specialist, it was decided to reduce the phosphorous
load as much as possible on our site, to help ODU reach its required pollutant removal
goals that are increasing over time.
In order to achieve the phosphorus loading reduction goal on site, it is necessary to figure
out how much total phosphorus is available for removal. Using the Virginia Stormwater
Management Program – Virginia Runoff Reduction Method (VRMM), the total phosphorus
available for removal is 2.57 lbs./year. The current BMP on site, the detention pond, also
considered a grass swale, removes 0.84 lbs. of phosphorus a year according to the ODU
Stormwater Master Plan. There will also an additional BMP added to the site. A rainwater
garden was chosen to fit with the current BMPs around ODU’s campus (see Figure 46) and
the high phosphorus removal rates. The new rainwater garden BMP will be located on the
southwest side of the building, beside the loading dock and will use the existing storm drain
at the location. The additional BMP will have a phosphorus removal of 0.49 lbs. and will
have stormwater coming in from both the building’s roof and a portion of the service road
and loading dock area. The existing detention pond will also have water draining from the
high roof flow from a sloped ground, into the detention pond, as well as stormwater from
the grassed area on the south of the site. The total phosphorus removal through the two
BMPs is 1.33 lbs., resulting in a phosphorus reduction of 51.75% which exceeds the
requirements set by the ODU Stormwater Master Plan, as per Mr. Alexander’s
recommendation. We will also have a total runoff reduction of 968 cubic feet. Stormwater
calculations can be viewed in Appendix.
Beach Consultants also plans to implement a roof rainwater collection system that will
collect rainwater from our low roof, and use it to flush toilets and irrigation throughout the
building. In order to do this there is a need for an estimated 60,000 gallon storage tank that
could be located beside the chilled water towers on the west side of the building. This roof
rainwater collection system not only reduces the stormwater volume for our site, but it also
would reduce our potable water need by 25% according to EPA Rainwater Harvesting
Policies. A diagram picturing how roof rainwater collection systems work and the
possibilities of efficient roofing is pictured in Figure 47.

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BMP adjacent to ODU Engineering Systems Building

Education Building BMP Student Success Center BMP

Figure 49 - BMPs at Old Dominion University

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Figure 50 - Roof Rainwater Collection System Example. Taken from aiatopten.org

E.3. Sanitary Sewer Design

According to the City of Norfolk’s Department of Utilities Standard Design Criteria
Manual, section 2 on Wastewater Collection Systems, “Sanitary Sewers are to be provided
solely for the collection and transport of sanitary waste.” The sanitary sewer design of the
new sciences building at Old Dominion University was designed in accordance with the
City of Norfolk’s Standard Utilities Design Manual. Also, the proposed sanitary sewer site
layout was drawn and designed using AutoCAD Civil 3D.
The building’s site location is on an existing parking lot, thus, there is no existing sanitary
sewer gravity main that we could directly tap into. The only sanitary sewer line running
through our site, are two abandoned 8” sanitary sewer lines, which must be removed.
However, as shown in Figure 48. there is an 8” PVC gravity main along Elkhorn Ave that
ends with a manhole at the southeast of our proposed building. We are going to extend the
sanitary sewer system approximately 100 feet running north of the existing system, staying
along Elkhorn Ave. At the end of the 100 feet, there will be a 48 inch diameter manhole
that will connect to a PVC lateral to the east of the gravity main that will connect to the
building (Figure 52). The 8” gravity main extension will keep the same parameters as the
existing gravity main.

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The first step in the lateral design is to determine the average daily sewage flow. According
to Norfolk’s Utilities Standard Design Criteria Manual, the flow, flow duration hours, and
peak factor for an educational building is 15 GPD/person, 12 hours, and 3 respectively.
Using this data, along with our building’s occupant load, 1320 (Appendix ???), the average
flow is calculated to be 27.5 GPM (Appendix A.1). After the average flow is calculated, the
peak flow is determined to be 82.5 GPM or 0.119 MGD (Appendix A.2).
After the average and peak flow is determined, manning’s equation is used to determine the
lateral pipe size. The manning’s number (n) for PVC piping is 0.010 according to
Norfolk’s Utilities Standard Design Criteria Manual. The slope was calculated to be 0.05
ft/ft which is the same slope using on the existing gravity main that we are tying into. Using
the area and wetted perimeter, assuming a half full pipe, and a peak flow of 0.1815 cfs, the
diameter of the lateral was determined to be 4 inches (Appendix A.3).

Figure 51 - Existing Sanitary Sewer Layout

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Figure 52 - Proposed Sanitary Sewer System

E.4. Water Resources Design

The water resources design for the Old Dominion University new science building requires
meeting the domestic, fire-flow, and chilled water needs for the building, as well as
analyzing the current water utilities on site and determining what needs to be removed,
relocated, and added. Shown in Figure 50 is the current water resource layout taken from
Old Dominion’s utility plan on AutoCAD Civil 3D with the proposed building outlined in
black. There is a 6 inch water line and a 3 inch irrigation line running through lot 23 that
connects to the wrestling building to the west of the site. There is also the chiller plant to
the north of our proposed building, and various water mains along Elkhorn Ave. All of this
infrastructure was taken into account for the water resource design.

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Figure 53 - Current water resource utility layout

In order to ensure there is no utility piping underneath our building that could cause
problems with the foundation or structural design, the first step of the water resource design
is removing and replacing the 6 inch water line and 3 inch irrigation in the middle of our
site. The pipes will be moved to the south end of the parking lot, in between the building
and the detention pond and connect to the same 6 inch PVC water main it was originally
connected to. The pipes will be spaced 1 inch away from all other pipes as per the City of
Norfolk’s Department of Utilities Standard Design Criteria Manual’s specification on water
pipes, and be above the stormwater pipe detailed in section E.2. The change can be seen in
the proposed water resource layout in Figure 54.

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Figure 54 - Proposed Water Resource Utility Layout

With the site clear of underground water utilities, the water needs of the new science
building needs to be addressed. After consulting with Dr. Xixi Wang, an associate professor
of civil engineering at Old Dominion University, specializing in hydrology and water
resources, it was decided to have two separate pipes for our buildings domestic water and
water needed for fire flow. For both pipes there will be a water meter and water vault to
control the flow of water. Also, both pipes will be PVC and connect to the 10 inch water
main running along Elkhorn Avenue. A closer look of the pipe connection is shown in
Figure 55.

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Figure 55 - Proposed Domestic and Fire Flow pipe location

In order to calculate the pipe size for domestic water flow, the domestic water demand must
be calculated. According to Norfolk’s Utilities Standard Design Criteria Manual, the
domestic water flow for an educational building is 15 GPD/person with a 12 hour flow
duration. Using this data, along with our building’s occupant load, 1320, the average flow
is calculated to be 27.5 GPM (Appendix section). After the average flow is calculated, the
domestic peak water flow is determined by multiplying the average hourly flow by a
constant of 2.75, per section 4.2.04 of the Norfolk Utility Standard Design Criteria Manual.
The domestic peak water flow comes out to be 75.625 GPM (Appendix section). The
domestic water pipe size is then calculated using the Hazen-Williams formula. Referencing
AWWA M22 – PVC Pipe: Design and Installation, a hazen-williams constant of 120 is
used. For the water pressures used in the hazen-williams formula, data from nearby
hydrants was obtained from Norfolk department of utilities (Appendix section). Using this
data, the diameter of the domestic water flow pipe is calculated to be 3 inches (Appendix
The water for needed fire flow was calculated from the Insurance Services Office (ISO)
Guide for Determination of Needed Fire Flow. Using the buildings calculated affected first
floor area of 31500 square feet, construction class, combustibility class, amount of floors,
and 50% of the second floor, the needed fire flow is 2754 GPM. With a 50% reduction for a
sprinkler system and rounding to the nearest 250 GPM, the final needed fire flow is 1500
GPM (Appendix section). Using the hazen-williams formula with the same parameters as
the domestic flow, the pipe diameter comes out to be 8 inches (Appendix section).

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It is also important to note that according to Norfolk’s Utilities Standard Design Criteria
Manual, the institutional minimum fire flow from hydrants is 4000 GPM. Also, according
to AWWA M31 – Distribution System Requirements for Fire Protection, the hydrants must
have a max hose length of 250 feet from any part of the building. Shown in Figure 53, there
are 2 existing fire hydrants behind the oceanography building beside Elkhorn Ave and a
hydrant to the west side of the building with a flow capacity between 1000 and 1500 GPM.
In order to meet the minimum fire flow requirements, there will be a fire hydrant added on
the west side of Elkhorn Ave, using a 6 inch water line connecting to a 6 inch water main
pictured in Figure 51.

Figure 56 - Current and Proposed Hydrant Locations

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Finally, the chilled water need for the building needs to be taken into account. Chilled
water is needed for the building’s HVAC system. Because the chilled water towers are
adjacent to the site (see Figure 57), the chilled water does not need to travel far, however,
the capacity for the towers needed to be checked. According to the Future and Current
Capacity of Old Dominion University’s Chilled Water Plant by ODU’s Facilities
Management, the chiller plant’s current demand is 1624 tons. By fiscal year 2020, it is
planned to have a chilled water capacity of 3600 tons and the new science building already
forecasted to use the chiller plant, with an estimated 725 ton demand. There will be a
chilled water pipe that connects to the building on the northwest side, pictured in Figure 54.

Figure 57 - Chilled Water Towers and Plant

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E.5. Miscellaneous Utilities
Shown in Figure 58, is the proposed utility plan for gas, fiber optics, electric, and telephone
lines. The electrical lines and light poles on the existing parking lot will be removed.
Running through the middle of proposed building site are fiber optic, electric, and gas lines
that connect the wrestling building to those utilities. In order to keep these lines clear from
conflicting with the new science building, they utility lines will be removed. Gas, fiber
optic, electric, and telephone lines are available to the wrestling building from utility lines
running underneath the maglev.
With the wrestling buildings utility lines out of the way of our building site, it is necessary
to ensure an easy gas, fiber optic, electric, and telephone hook ups to service the new
science building. There are available building tie in locations for gas, telephone and electric
on the east side of the site, shown in Figure 55. For fiber optic tie in, there is an existing
fiber optic line running close to the west side of the building, which we will use to tie into
our building.

Figure 58 - Gas, Fiber Optic, Electric, Telephone Utility Plan

E.6.1. Introduction
Beach Consultants sought to make a holistic change that would reinforce its presence in
the area and improve the cultural dynamic for students. This prompted a comprehensive
design to fit the needs of a newly constructed, LEED Gold, 5-story building.

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The planning process was heavily driven by the need to create efficiency and cohesion
within the expansive of Lot 23. Newly developed space standards were implemented to
improve space utilization while incorporating sustainable strategies throughout all
categories of the LEED system.
The design features a state of the art planetarium on the first floor to integrate our
innovative campaign, which amplifies an artistic veil for important spaces. Bold
geometric forms and saturated colors provide visual cues for circulation and identify
key special concepts.
The ODU facility presents a new architectural direction for our company and serves as
a strong precedent for sustainability in the energy capital of the United States.

E.6.2. Goals and Objectives

The biggest objective we wanted to apply LEED for this project is to reduce our carbon
footprint on the environment and show the community that one of our main goals to
create a clean and healthy atmosphere for everyone.
Our first goal was to create an Energy Model that would allow us to run many different
simulations simultaneously to create the most energy efficient building on Campus. It is
our objective to achieve a reduction water intake by at least 30% overall. On the
construction side, reduce at least 75% of waste sent to landfill and use at least 10% of
recycled material.
E.6.3. Strategies
Some of the individual strategies are:
 Installation of the Nordic W Series Commercial Geothermal Heat Pump
 Double Pane Low E pyrolytic glass
 Waterless Urinals
 IAQ Monitoring systems
 Roof Rainwater Collection System

E.6.3.1. Sustainable Sites

The Chemistry/Biology building provides students with the amenities of a densely
populated area with access to a variety of facilities. This density encourages
walking or biking in lieu of using a vehicle. Bicycle storage and preferred parking
locations for carpools are provided within an adjacent parking garage. The garage
provides covered parking for 88 percent of the parking provided on site, therefore
contributing to the reduction of the heat island effect. The building also reduces the
heat island effect by utilizing a roofing system that meets Energy Star and high

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emissivity requirements.
E.6.3.2. Water Efficiency
The facility utilizes low-flow lavatory faucets, automatic flush sensors, automatic
faucets, dual flush water closets and waterless urinals to contribute to a total water
consumption reduction of over 39 percent.

Figure 59 – Rainwater Management

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Using LID strategies, we have achieved the 95th Percentile in reducing runoff
volume to improve water quality by replicating the natural hydrology and water
balance of the site.

E.6.3.3. Energy and Atmosphere

The project has achieved an energy cost savings of 38% using the ASHRAE 90.1-
2004 Appendix G methodology. Energy efficiency measures include an improved
thermal envelope, high efficiency glazing, reduced interior lighting power density,
and high efficiency chillers. A measurement and verification plan is in place to
monitor system performance. Energy Star compliant appliances are used throughout
the space.

Figure 60 – Whole Building Energy Analysis

Figure 61 – Energy Use (Electricity)

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Figure 62 – HVAC Efficiency Based on Location and Building Size

Figure 63 – Energy Costing Savings Per Year

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E.6.3.4. Materials and Resources
The project has diverted 82% of on-site generated construction waste from landfill,
and 16.5% of the total building materials content, by value, have been manufactured
using recycled materials. . FSC certified wood accounts for 59% of the total wood-
based building materials used on the project.
E. Concrete
• At least 3-5% fly ash, recycled content and regional
• Consult structural engineer for specific amount, can be as high as 40%
• Components are regionally extracted: sand, water, aggregate, fly ash
• Recycled and regional aggregate
• Represents a large percentage of construction budget

E. Steel
• Can easily have over 90% recycled content, mostly post-consumer
• Select a local manufacturer who gets their scrap from a local recycling
• LEED default assumptions: 25% post-consumer recycled content
• Represents a large percentage of construction budget

E. Gypsum
• Can easily have over 90% post-industrial recycled content
• Regional facilities with products containing recycled content
• National Gypsum - Shippingport, PA
• USG – Aliquippa, PA and Gypsum, OH
• Synthetic Gypsum is made using waste from coal plants

E. Furniture
• GreenGaurd certification
• Cradle-to-Cradle certification
• Recycled content
• Regional materials
• Recyclable at the end of their useful life
• Low emitting materials
• The market for nice reused furniture is growing

E. Paints
• Low or no VOC; low odor
• Good coverage (minimal coats)
• Do not pose a disposal hazard

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• Easy touch-up (e.g. good color matching w/ old vs. new)
• Brand we will use: Sherwin-Williams Harmony (Greenseal GS-11 and
GS-43 paints)

E. Adhesives/Sealants
• Low or no VOC
• Easy clean-up
• Freeze-tolerant
• UV resistant
• Flexible (or not, depending upon application!)
• Do not pose a disposal hazard Carpets and Flooring
• Formaldehyde-free
• Rapidly renewable – cork, natural rubber, bamboo, marmoleum (natural
linoleum, Forbo)
• Simplified installation (e.g. doesn’t require adhesive)
• Requires minimal maintenance (cleaning, refinishing)
• Easy sectional replacement (e.g. carpet tiles)
• PVC free
• Recycled materials – rubber, carpet

E. Insulation
• Formaldehyde free (e.g. binders in fiberglass batts)
• HCFC-free blowing agents (foam board)
• High recycled content (fiberglass, cellulose, denim)
• High thermal insulating characteristics! Good resistance to air infiltration
(these may trump other factors if it can reduce embodied energy of
structure enough)
• Moisture/ mold resistant
• Low flame-spread/ non-combustible
• Brand to use: Johns Mansville

E.6.3.5. Indoor Environmental Quality

Carbon dioxide concentrations are monitored within all densely occupied spaces
and that direct airflow measurement devices have been provided for each
mechanical ventilation system serving non-densely occupied spaces. The template
further states that monitoring equipment has been configured to generate an alarm
when conditions vary by 10% or more from the setpoint. Lighting controls have
been provided to 90 percent of the occupants, allowing for adjustments to suit
individual task needs and preferences. Adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings meet
or exceed the low VOC limits identified by LEED. The carpet tile meets CRI Green
Label Plus criteria for low emissions of VOC’s.

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E.6.3.6. Innovation in Design Process
The project team has received exemplary performance credit for diverting 82% of
Construction Waste, and for a 39% reduction in water usage.

Figure 64 – LEED Points

E.6. Roofing
The type of roofing for the new Chemistry/Biology building may provide help with certain
environmental concerns such as stormwater runoff and energy usage. Stormwater and water
systems are taken into account in sections 7.1 and 7.2, however, the characteristics of the
roof can affect the quality and quantity of the runoff. Energy usage is a deep environmental
concern for this building due to factors such as; the large size of the building, the
planetarium space, and the fume hoods. All of these factors require, to some degree, HVAC
considerations. The roofing of the building can help reduce the already heavy HVAC
loading. The roofing also provides an opportunity to mitigate the urban heat island effect.
This section of this report will show the different options of roofing that we highly suggest
to use, as well as a comparison between the types of roofing, in order to help the client
make the best choice for this building.
E.6.1. Highly Reflective Roofing

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A highly reflective coating can address the environmental concern of energy usage.
They have a high solar reflectance and thermal emittance that help keep the building
area underneath the roof cool by lowering the need for more air conditioned space.
HVAC savings could happen when the peak air conditioning loads are reduced, but
only with an ideal savings of 0.03-0.07 $/ft2 of cool roof.

Figure 65 – US Climate Zones

From the above image, it is most strongly recommended that cool roof systems are
placed in zones 1-3. Virginia is in zone 4, therefore a cool roof would still be a
reasonable option due to still having a significant cooling load.
Different types of cool roofing can be selected

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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Table 3 – Cool Roof Options

We recommend a smooth white liquid applied coating due to a minimal cost

expense, effectiveness, and an easy application.

E.6.2. Green Roof

A green roof was considered at the beginning of this project. We had decided to
have an extensive (as opposed to intensive) green roof. Looking into the benefits of
green roofs we saw that it would help with stormwater runoff quality, decreased
surface water runoff, decrease in HVAC loading, an improved local air quality, and
a support in the mitigation of the Urban Heat Island Effect. Generally, the first 5mm
of rain is intercepted by a green roof, although, this variable is dependent on the
characteristics of the substrate used.
A couple of disadvantages of a green roof are the increased structural loading (15-
25 lbs/ft2) and an increased capital investment. Other problems we encountered with
green roofs relate to fire safety and cost. Although BAL has a green roof, it is hard
to get BCOM to approve of a green roof due to the fact that they may potentially
trap a fire inside the building by not allowing heat to escape upward. This
information was provided to us from John Stronach from VHB. A specialized
contractor is also needed to install and maintain a green roof, which can be
expensive in this area.
We present the option of the green roof, but only on the East end of the building on
the low roof, above the classrooms and not above the labs. This option will decrease
the HVAC loading in the classrooms it is directly above, and the smaller surface
area that it covers will not be as costly as covering the entire roof.

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Preliminary Engineering Report
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E.6.3. Solar Green Roof

Another option that was looked into was the combination of a green roof with solar
panels. Studies have shown that the evapotranspiration from the green roof tends to
cool the air above and around it, making the solar panels that it is next to more
efficient than if the solar panels were to stand alone. The two types of roofing share
a complimentary relationship.
However, the issue of BCOM not accepting a green roof design on such a hazardous
building still arises, however, an energy savings cost analysis may be helpful in
future analysis. Therefore, we absolutely propose the addition of solar panels on the
roof to save some costs in the energy consumption of this energy intensive building.
Some studies and info on green roofs can be found here:
 Wolf, D. and J. T. Lundholm (2008). "Water uptake in green roof microcosms:
Effects of plant species and water availability." Ecological Engineering 33(2):
 Carter, T. and A. Keeler (2008). "Life-cycle cost-benefit analysis of extensive
vegetated roof systems." Journal of Environmental Management 87(3): 350-363.
 Carter, T. and C. R. Jackson (2007). Vegetated roofs for stormwater
management at multiple spatial scales. 80: 84-94.
 Takakura, T., S. Kitade, et al. (2000). "Cooling effect of greenery cover over a
building." Energy and Buildings 31(1): 1-6.
 Breuning, Jorg, Kimberly Tryba, and Ryan Miller. "Vegetated Roofs (Green
Roofs) Combined with Photovoltaic Panels." Greenrooftechnology.com. N.p.,
25 Sept. 2013. Web. 9 Mar. 2017.

E.7. Air Quality

E.7.1. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
ASHRAE has certain standards required for air flow. ASHRAE 62.1-2016 was used
to determine some IAQ parameters for this building. IAQ is important for this
building since there are a large number of laboratories. The IAQ of these
laboratories is important since contaminated air is likely to escape from these labs.
In order to prevent this, the labs must maintain a negative air pressure, so as to keep
the air contaminants constantly heading towards the exhaust outflow.
According to ASHRAE there is a certain airflow required for occupied spaces. Also
according to ASHRAE, fume hood exhaust cannot be recirculated into the
ventilation system for obvious reasons. The ventilation required for the occupied

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spaces was calculated as a total of 20,418.88 ft3/min, rounding up gives us a
ventilation flow of 20,420 ft3/min. The calculations for this can be found in
Appendix section

E.7.2. Fume Hoods

In our design we were able to fit 114 fume hoods comfortable in the space. The
problem arises when we consider how to duct all of the material.

Floors 1 & 2 Floors 3 & 4

Floor 5

Figure 66 – Fume Hoods Distribution

Shown above are a majority of the fume hoods on the Southwest End of the
building. In order to save money on ducting and space we have decided to manifold
the exhaust system:

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Figure 67 – Fume Hoods Manifold Distribution

Shown above is a schematic of the manifolded fume hoods to give the general idea
of how the exhaust system should go. By manifolding the system we are increasing
the plume rise, preventing recirculation zones, and improving overall dispersion. It
also increases internal dilution, allowing less outdoor stack dilution. Calculations
could be carried out to figure out the exact numbers of overall dispersion, but it is
dependent on the chemicals in the exhaust stream, as well as how many fume hoods
are in operation during dilution.

E.8. Hazardous Waste Management

The tenants are large generators of hazardous waste due to the very nature of their studies.
There is also a planetarium on the first floor of the building, which needs to be taken into
account here. The potential of somebody wandering off during a show in the planetarium or
a tour through the first floor of the building and finding themselves in a hazardous waste
room is not something we want to risk in any manner. Therefore, we had placed one
hazardous/chemical waste room on every floor above the first floor, making a total of 4
waste rooms. ODU already has general guidelines for keeping track of and disposing all
hazardous waste, which must be adhered to as usual.
Due to the nature of the 100 and 200 level Chemistry and Biology Lab Courses, certain
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hazardous chemicals may find their way into the piping system. In order to avoid any
corrosion, deterioration, or chemical reactions within the piping system we recommend the
use of a glass piping system. We also do not recommend running a piping system solely for
natural gas. The tenants would not use it that much, and it is expensive to install and

C.1 Cost Analysis

During the cost analysis process, the many issues arose around the measure by which the
tangible itemized list would determine the intangible itemized list. The project teams
focused on the tangible items relevant to their disciplines, but were later found short due to
lack of expertise in the matters of the HVAC, electrical, and mechanical systems needed
throughout the building could not be quantified. Also, the cost schedule relevant to the City
of Norfolk remained elusive throughout the entirety of the cost analysis research; however,
the closest relevant cost schedule, the 2017 Unit Price Schedule for Fairfax County
Virginia, supplemented the necessary data for much of the transportation and
environmental teams’ needs. The drilling rates for the Geotechnical aspect were provided
by Dr Mekkawy from Fishburne Drilling, Inc., but the installation rates and prices for the
pre-stressed concrete piles were provided by allcostdata.info, a national comprehensive cost
database. The architectural and structural based costs were determined by extensive cost
research from different competitors; thus, making these sections more tenuous to account
for. LEED team already provided the prices for their specified items, requiring little to no
margin for inquiry. For a while, the roof of the building was the cause for the most concern,
as the option for a green roof was considered but then dropped, to be reconsidered at a later
date. Conflicting advice would remove the issue entirely due concerns for fire safety. On a
related note, the concern for the different types of fire proofing was briefly considered,
researched, and then dropped to focus on the need for fume hoods, a primary concern for
the tenants. Another major concern was how to account for the planetarium, due to the
specialized nature of its construction. Under request of the costumer, the planetarium would
cost an estimated and previously allotted sum of 1 million US dollars. Other notable
references consulted for this design, include the San Francisco 2016 Cost Schedule and July
2007 Structures Manual Design Guidelines.
• Exterior Glass [Pyrolytic Low-e Double Pane]:262 270
• Interior Glass [Clear Double Pane]: 180 000
• Monarch Brick: 317 300
• Lightweight Concrete: 1 762 310
• Doors: 550 000
• Planetarium: 1 000 000
• Fume hoods: 285 000
• Metal Beams: 4 734 750

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• Pre-stressed Concrete Piles: 1 310 600
• Drilling Costs: 17 202 500
• Storm Water System: 239 330
• Rain Water System: 107 890
• Sewer System: 85 050
• Miscellaneous Utilities: 157 630
• Rain Garden: 9200
• Additional Crosswalk: 750
• Asphalt Extension: 15 580
• Bike Racks: 900
• Waterless Urinals: 17 910
• Nordic® W Series Commercial Geothermal Heat Pump: 33 000
• Solar Panels: 66 250

Total: 28 338 220 = 50.6%

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Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Structural Calculations 1
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

JHB. 3/24/2017



In accordance with ASCE7-10 incorporating Errata No. 1 and Errata No. 2
Using the components and cladding design method
108 ft

62 ft
Building data
Type of roof Flat
Length of building b = 220.00 ft
Width of building d = 108.00 ft
Height to eaves H = 62.00 ft
Height of parapet hp = 3.00 ft
Mean height h = 62.00 ft
General wind load requirements
Basic wind speed V = 124.0 mph
Risk category III
Velocity pressure exponent coeff (Table 26.6-1) Kd = 0.85
Exposure category (cl.26.7.3) B
Enclosure classification (cl.26.10) Enclosed buildings
Internal pressure coef +ve (Table 26.11-1) GCpi_p = 0.18
Internal pressure coef –ve (Table 26.11-1) GCpi_n = -0.18
Parapet internal pressure coef +ve (Table 26.11-1) GCpi_pp = 0.18
Parapet internal pressure coef –ve (Table 26.11-1) GCpi_np = -0.18
Gust effect factor Gf = 0.85
Topography factor not significant Kzt = 1.0
Velocity pressure
Velocity pressure coefficient (T.30.3-1) Kz = 0.86
Velocity pressure qh = 0.00256  Kz  Kzt  Kd  V2  1psf/mph2 = 28.7 psf
Velocity pressure at parapet
Velocity pressure coefficient (T.30.3-1) Kz = 0.87
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Structural Calculations 2
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

JHB. 3/24/2017

Velocity pressure qp = 0.00256  Kz  Kzt  Kd  V2  1psf/mph2 = 29.1 psf

Peak velocity pressure for internal pressure
Peak velocity pressure – internal (as roof press.) qi = 28.71 psf
Equations used in tables
Net pressure p = q  (GCp) - qi  (GCpi)
Parapet net pressure p = qp x [GCp - GCpi_p]

5 4 5

86.4 ft
Elevation of gable wall

5 4 5

198.4 ft
Elevation of side wall
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Structural Calculations 3
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

JHB. 3/24/2017



In accordance with ASCE7-10 incorporating Errata No. 1 and Errata No. 2
Using the directional design method

Building data
Type of roof Flat
Length of building b = 200.00 ft
Width of building d = 108.00 ft
Height to eaves H = 62.00 ft
Height of parapet hp = 3.00 ft
Mean height h = 62.00 ft
General wind load requirements
Basic wind speed V = 124.0 mph
Risk category III
Velocity pressure exponent coeff (Table 26.6-1) Kd = 0.85
Exposure category (cl.26.7.3) B
Enclosure classification (cl.26.10) Enclosed buildings
Internal pressure coef +ve (Table 26.11-1) GCpi_p = 0.18
Internal pressure coef –ve (Table 26.11-1) GCpi_n = -0.18
Gust effect factor Gf = 0.85
Topography factor not significant Kzt = 1.0
Velocity pressure equation q = 0.00256  Kz  Kzt  Kd  V2  1psf/mph2
Velocity pressures table
z (ft) Kz () qz (psf)
15.00 0.57 19.07
30.00 0.70 23.42
45.00 0.79 26.26
62.00 0.86 28.71
65.00 0.87 29.11
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Structural Calculations 4
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

JHB. 3/24/2017

Peak velocity pressure for internal pressure

Peak velocity pressure – internal (as roof press.) qi = 28.71 psf
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Structural Calculations 5
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

JHB. 3/24/2017


In accordance with ASCE7-10, chapter 7
General snow load requirements
Ground snow load Pg = 10 psf
Risk category III
Exposure Factor (Table 7.2-1) Ce = 1.0
Thermal Factor (Table 7.3) Ct = 1.0
Importance Factor (Table 1.5-1) Ig = 1.10
Flat roof snow load Pf = 0.7*(Ce)*( Ct)*( Ig)*( Pg) (Eqn. 7.3-1)
Flat roof snow load Pf = 7.7 psf


In accordance with ASCE7-10, chapter 12
General seismic load requirements
Site Class D (stiff soil)
Risk category III
Design Spectral Response Coefficients SDS = 0.101
(Section 11.4.4 or 11.4.7) SD1 = 0.077
Basic seismic-force resisiting system Steel Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames
Response Modification Factor (Table 12.1-1) R = 3.25
Importance Factor (Table 1.5-1) Ie = 1.25
Seismic Response Category (Eqn 12.8-2) Cs = 0.0388
Design Base Shear (Eqn 12.8-1) V = 157.44 kips
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Structural Calculations 6
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

JHB. 3/24/2017



Cold-formed steel wall design (AISI) in accordance with AISI S100-07 - ASD method

30 psf

Wall details
Type of wall Curtain wall (non load bearing)
Curtain wall type Single span
Stud spacing s = 16 in
Wall height H = 13 ft
Section details
Stud section 600S162-54
Web depth Dw = 6 in
Flange width Wf = 1.625 in
Thickness Tm = 0.054 in
Stiffening lip length Ll = 0.5 in
Yield stress Fy = 50 ksi
Allowable deflection allow = H / 600 = 0.26 in
Service loading
Lateral pressure Pressure = 30 psf
From Curtain Wall Limiting Heights - Single Span table of SSMA Product Technical Guide
Allowable wall height Hallow = 13.92 ft
Wall height utilization H / Hallow = 0.934
PASS - Allowable wall height exceeds actual wall height
Construction notes
Section must be adequately braced at a maximum of 31.4 in on center to develop full allowable moment.
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Steel column design in accordance with AISC360-10 and the LRFD method

Column and loading details

Column details
Column section W 14x68
Design loading
Required axial strength Pr = 700 kips (Compression)
Maximum moment about x axis Mx = 0.0 kips_ft
Maximum moment about y axis My = 0.0 kips_ft
Maximum shear force parallel to y axis Vry = 0.0 kips
Maximum shear force parallel to x axis Vrx = 0.0 kips
Material details
Steel grade A992
Yield strength Fy = 50 ksi
Ultimate strength Fu = 65 ksi
Modulus of elasticity E = 29000 ksi
Shear modulus of elasticity G = 11200 ksi
Unbraced lengths
For buckling about x axis Lx = 144 in
For buckling about y axis Ly = 120 in
For torsional buckling Lz = 120 in
Effective length factors
For buckling about x axis Kx = 1.00
For buckling about y axis Ky = 1.00
For torsional buckling Kz = 1.00
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Section classification
Section classification for local buckling (cl. B4)
Critical flange width b = bf / 2 = 5.000 in
Width to thickness ratio of flange f = b / tf = 6.944
Depth between root radii h = d - 2  k = 11.380 in
Width to thickness ratio of web w = h / tw = 27.422
Limit for nonslender flange rf_c = 0.56  (E / Fy) = 13.487
The flange is nonslender in compression
Limit for nonslender web rw_c = 1.49  (E / Fy) = 35.884
The web is nonslender in compression

Member slenderness
Slenderness ratio about x axis SRx = Kx  Lx / rx = 24.0
Slenderness ratio about y axis SRy = Ky  Ly / ry = 48.8

Reduction factor for slender elements

Reduction factor for slender elements (E7)
The section does not contain any slender elements therefore:-
Slender element reduction factor Q = 1.0

Compressive strength
Flexural buckling about x axis (cl. E3)
Elastic critical buckling stress Fex = (2  E) / (SRx)2 = 498.6 ksi

Flexural buckling stress about x axis Fcrx = Qx  (0.658QxFy/Fex)  Fy = 47.9 ksi

Nominal flexural buckling strength Pnx = Fcrx  Ag = 958.9 kips
Flexural buckling about y axis (cl. E3)
Elastic critical buckling stress Fey = (2  E) / (SRy)2 = 120.3 ksi

Flexural buckling stress about y axis Fcry = Qy  (0.658QyFy/Fey)  Fy = 42.0 ksi

Nominal flexural buckling strength Pny = Fcry  Ag = 840.3 kips
Torsional and flexural-torsional buckling (cl. E4)
Torsional/flexural-torsional elastic buckling stress Fet = [2  E  Cw / (Kz  Lz)2 + G  J]  1 / (Ix + Iy) = 166.8 ksi

Torsional/flexural-torsional buckling stress Fcrt = Qz  (0.658QzFy/Fet)  Fy = 44.1 ksi

Nom. torsional/flex-torsional buckling strength Pnt = Fcrt  Ag = 882.1 kips
Design compressive strength (cl.E1)
Resistance factor for compression c = 0.90
Design compressive strength Pc = c  min(Pnx, Pny, Pnt) = 756.3 kips
PASS - The design compressive strength exceeds the required compressive strength
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Old Dominion University Science Building

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Steel bracing design in accordance with AISC360-10 and the LRFD method


Bracing and loading details

*Note: When designing the bracing the wind load governed over the seismic load. For selecting the brace size, we went with a more
conservative size for ease of construction and availabilty.

Bracing details
Bracing section HSS 6x6x1/2
Material details
Design Thickness t = 0.5 in
Nominal Weight Wt = 29.40 plf
Area of Brace A = 8.64 in^2
Steel grade A992
Yield strength Fy = 50 ksi
Modulus of elasticity E = 29000 ksi
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Design loading
Wind Pressure WP = 30 psf
Tributary Area TA = (12)(75) = 900 ft^2
Wind Load Factor 1.3
Wind Point Load WT = 43.2 kips
Load Carried by Brace BL = 61.09 kips
Area of Brace Required Ab req = 1.43 in^2
PASS – The actual brace area exceeds required area


For larger areas in the building we were able to use a live load reduction per the ASCE 7-10 manual in section 4.7.2.

L 0.25

Sample Calculation:

Unreduced Design Live Load Lo = 100 psf

Live Load Element Factor KLL= 2
Tributary Area AT = 780 ft^2

Note: If (KLL)*(AT) > 400 then you can apply the reduction
Reduced Design Live Load L = 62.97 psf
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Design Codes
2012 Virginia Construction Code
ASCE 7-10
AISI – Standard for Cold Formed Steel Framing

Design Loads
Wind speed; 124 mph
Risk Category; III
Exposure Catergory; B


Wall Stud Details

Stud spacing; s = 16 in
Wall Height; h = 13.875 ft; “From design drawings”
Section Details
Stud section; 600S162-68
Web depth; Dw = 6.0 in
Flange width; Wf = 1.625 in
Thickness; Tm = 0.068 in
Stiffening lip length; LI = 0.50 in
Yield Stress; Fy = 50 ksi
Service Loading
Wind Load; pmax = 30 psf
Distrubuted Load; w = pmax*s = 40.00 lb/ft

Deflection: L/600 for brace, however table 1604.3 IBC allows 0.42 x wind pressure for

Reduced Load; w1 = pmax*s*0.42 = 0.02 kip/ft;

Modulus of Elasticity; E = 29000 ksi
Section Modulus; Sx = 1.175 in3
Moment of Inertia; I = 3.525 in4
Bending Moment at clip; M = (w*h2)/8 = 0.96 kip_ft ;
Allowable Moment; Mallow = 3.29 kip_ft
Elastic Distortional Buckling Stress; Fd = 105.6 ksi
Distortional Buckling Moment; Mcrd = Sx*Fd = 124.08 kip_in;
Yield Moment; MY = (50 ksi)*Sx = 58.75 kip_in;
Nominal Flexural Strength; Mn = ((1)-(0.22*(Mcrd/MY)0.5*( Mcrd/MY)0.5))*(MY) = 2.62 kip_ft ;
Bending Stress; Fb = (M/Sx) = 9.83 ksi ;
Allowable Bending Stress; Fallow = (50 ksi)/1.67 = 29.94 ksi;
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Actual Deflection;  = (5*w1*h4)/(384*E*I) = 0.137 in;
Allowable Deflection; allow = h / 600 = 0.28 in ;


Wall Details
Stud spacing; s = 16 in
Wall Height; h = 4.0 ft

Section Details
Stud section; 600S162-43
Web depth; Dw = 6 in
Flange width; Wf = 1.62 in
Thickness; Tm = 0.043 in
Stiffening lip length; LI = 0.50 in

Service Loading
Wind Load; p = 29.7 lb/ft2
Distrubuted Load; w = p*s = 39.60 plf
Reduced Load; w1 = p*s*0.42 = 0.02 kip/ft;
Modulus of Elasticity; E = 29000 ksi
Moment of Inertia; I = 2.316 in4
Section Modulus; Sx = 0.772 in3
Bending Moment at end; M = (w*h2)/8 = 0.08 kip_ft
Bending Stress; Fb = M/Sx = 1.23 ksi ;
Allowable Bending Stress; Fallow =(33 ksi)/1.67 = 19.76 ksi;
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Actual Deflection;  = (w1*h4)/(8*E*I) = 0.01 in ;
Allowable Deflection; allow = (h) / 600 = 0.080 in ;
PASS – allowable deflection exceeds actual deflection


Wall Details
Metal channel spacing; h = 4.0 ft
Tributary Width; T= 4 ft /2 = 2.00 ft
Section Details
Stud section; 600T125-68
Web depth; Dw = 6.00 in
Flange width; Wf = 1.25 in
Thickness; Tm = 0.068 in
Design Details
Lateral Pressure; p = 98 psf
Distributed Load; w = p*T = 196.00 plf
Reduced Load; w1 = p*T*0.42 = 0.08 kip/ft;
Modulus of Elasticity; E = 29000 ksi
Section Modulus; S = 0.950 in3
Moment of Inertia; I = 2.969 in4
Reaction at A and B; R1and2 = (w*h)/2 = 392.00 lb
Bending Moment; M = (w*h2)/8 = 0.39 kip_ft
Bending Stress; Fb = M/0.756 in3 = 6.22 ksi
Allowable Bending Stress; Fallow =(50 ksi)/1.67 = 29.94 ksi;

Actual Deflection;  = (5*w1*h4)/(384*E*I) = 0.006 in ;
Allowable Deflection; allow = (h) / 600 = 0.080 in ;


Section Details
Stud section; Use (4) - 600S162-54
Web depth; Dw = 6.00 in
Flange width; Wf = 1.625 in
Thickness; Tm = 0.054 in
Stiffening lip length; LI = 0.50 in

Design Data
Window Width; W = 6.4 ft
Window Height; H = 5.5 ft
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Gang stud height; h = 13.5 ft

Max Wind pressure; p = 30 psf;
Tributary Width; T = W/2 = 3.20 ft
Distributed load; w = Tp = 96.0 lb/ft
Reduced Load; w1 = p*T*0.42 = 0.04 kip/ft;
Modulus of Elasticity; E = 29000 ksi
Section Modulus; S = 0.953 in3
Moment of Inertia; I = 2.86 in4
Bending Moment; M = ((w*h2)/8)/4 = 0.55 kip_ft
Bending Stress; Fb = M/S = 6.88 ksi ;
Allowable Bending Stress; Fallow =(50 ksi)/1.67 = 29.94 ksi;

Actual Deflection;  = ((5*w1*h4)/(384*E*I))/3 = 0.12 in
Allowable Deflection; allow = h/600 = 0.27 in;
Use (3) 600S162-54


Section Details
Stud section; 600S162-54
Web depth; Dw = 6.00 in
Flange width; Wf = 1.625 in
Thickness; Tm = 0.054 in
Stiffening lip length; LI = 0.50 in
Design Data
Door Width; W = 6.4 ft
Door Height; H = 8.67 ft
Gang stud height; h = 13.5 ft
Max Wind pressure; p = 30.0 psf;
Tributary Width; T = W/2 = 3.20 ft
Distributed load; w = Tp = 96.0 lb/ft
Reduced Load; w1 = p*T*0.42 = 0.04 kip/ft;
Modulus of Elasticity; E = 29000 ksi
Section Modulus; S = 0.953 in3
Moment of Inertia; I = 2.86 in4
Bending Moment; M = ((w*h2)/8)/4 = 0.55 kip_ft
Bending Stress; Fb = M/S = 6.88 ksi ;
Allowable Bending Stress; Fallow =(50 ksi)/1.67 = 29.94 ksi;

Actual Deflection;  = ((5*w1*h4)/(384*E*I))/2 = 0.18 in ;
Allowable Deflection; allow = h/600 = 0.270 in;
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Use (2) 600S162-54


Wall Details
Stud spacing; h = 16 in
Tributary Width; T= 13.5 ft /2 = 6.75 ft
Section Details
Stud section; 600T125-54
Web depth; Dw = 6.00 in
Flange width; Wf = 1.25 in
Thickness; Tm = 0.054 in
Design Details
Lateral Pressure; p = 30 psf
Distributed Load; w = p*T = 202.50 plf
Reduced Load; w1 = p*T*0.42 = 0.09 kip/ft;
Modulus of Elasticity; E = 29000 ksi
Section Modulus; S = 0.756 in3
Moment of Inertia; I = 2.34 in4

Use Hilti X-U Powder Actuated Fasteners for concrete attachment;

Shear capacity of concrete; Vc = 310 lb; “Minimum Embedment = 1-1/4”

Concrete Compressive Strength; C = 3500 psi
Force on bottom track; FT = 405 lb; “at 16” on center”
Need a minimum of (2) PAF at 16” O/C


Section Details
Stud section; 600S162-54
Web depth; Dw = 6.00 in
Flange width; Wf = 1.625 in
Thickness; Tm = 0.054 in
Stiffening lip length; LI = 0.50 in
Number of studs; N=3
Design Data
Door Width; W = 8 ft
Door Height; H = 8 ft
Gang stud height; h = 13.5 ft
Max Wind pressure; p = 30.0 psf;
Tributary Width; T = W/2 = 4.00 ft
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Distributed load; w = Tp = 120.0 lb/ft

Reduced Load; w1 = p*T*0.42 = 0.05 kip/ft;
Modulus of Elasticity; E = 29000 ksi
Section Modulus; S = 0.953 in3
Moment of Inertia; I = 2.86 in4
Bending Moment; M = ((w*h2)/8)/N = 0.91 kip_ft
Bending Stress; Fb = M/S = 11.47 ksi ;
Allowable Bending Stress; Fallow =(50 ksi)/1.67 = 29.94 ksi;

Actual Deflection;  = ((5*w1*h4)/(384*E*I))/N = 0.15 in ;
Allowable Deflection; allow = h/600 = 0.270 in;
Use (3) 600S162-54

Boxed Header Members; 600T125-54
Lateral resisting members; Nt = 1
Header span; L = 8 ft
Tributary width; Th = (h-H)/2 = 2.75 ft
Distributed wind load; wh = p*Th*0.42 =0.03 kip/ft
Section Modulus; Sh = 0.756 in3
Moment of Inertia; Ih = 2.34 in4
Bending Moment; Mh = ((wh*L2)/8)/Nt = 0.28 kip_ft
Bending Stress; Fb = Mh/Sh = 4.40 ksi ;
Allowable Bending Stress; Fallow =(50 ksi)/1.67 = 29.94 ksi;

Actual Deflection; h = ((5*wh*L4)/(384*E*Ih))/Nt = 0.05 in ;
Allowable Deflection; allow = L / 600 = 0.160 in;
Use (1) 600T125-54
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Concrete floor slab was designed in accordance with ACI 318 and the LRFD method

Floor Details
Largest Bay; 25 ft x 32 ft
Joist Spacing; s = 6 ft O/C

Section Details
Metal decking selection; 1.5VL22 *Taken from Vulcraft Catelog
Design thickness; td = 0.0295 in
Deck Weight; Wd = 1.78 psf
Allowable shear; Va = 2754 plf
Yield Strength; FY = 50 ksi

Slab Details
Floor Live Load; L = 100 lb/ft2
Allowable Live Load; LA = 347 lb/ft2
Clear span; sc = 6’-0”
Total slab depth; d = 5 in.
*From Vulcraft Recommendation - Use Welded Wire Fabric 6x6 – W2.1x2.1
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Column base plate was designed in accordance with AISC 10 and the LRFD method

Given Details
Column size; W14x90
Depth; d = 14.17 in.
Flange length; bf = 10.07 in.
Flange thickness; tf = 0.45 in.
Web thickness; tw = 0.785 in.

Base Plate: Column:

FY = 36 ksi FY = 50 ksi
Fu = 58 ksi Fu = 65 ksi

Section Details
Metal decking selection; 1.5VL22
Deck Weight; Wd = 1.78 psf
Allowable shear; Va = 2754 plf
Yield Strength; FY = 50 ksi
Anchor Rod Capacity (1"Φ)
Pullout Strength = ΦNp = 336k > 29.6k O.K

Base Plate Dimensions:

Φc = 0.65
A1 = 403.02
. .

*Try 20" x 20" base plate

Verify: N ≥ d+ 2 (3.00 in) → 14.17 + 6 = 20.17 > 20 X
B ≥ bf + 2(3.00 in) → 10.07 + 6 = 16.07 < 20 
Use 21” x 21” Base Plate

441 in2 > 403 in2 

Available Bearing Strength:

ΦcPp = Φc0.85f'cA1 2/ 1 ≤ (0.65)(1.7)f’cA1

ΦcPp = 0.65(0.85)(3)(441) ≤ (0.65)(17)(3)(441)

2088.45 < 1461

Use 2088.45 > 668
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Base Plate (cont.):

Base Plate Thickness:

Base plate thickness was designed in accordance with AISC Manuel Pt 14

0.95 21 0.95 14.5

⇒ 3.613 in
2 2

0.8 21 0.8 10.07

⇒ 6.47 in
2 2

2/4 14.17 10.07 /4 ⇒ 2.98 in

4 4 14.17 10.07 668

∗ ∗ ⇒ 0.648
14.17 10.07 1000

2√ 2√0.648
1 1.01 ⇒ 1
1 √1 1 √1 0.648

n' = 2.98 in
2 1.51 1
m = 3.613 in 3.613 1.103 in ⇒ 1 " Base Plate
0.9 36 4
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Column splicing is designed to transfer loads from one column to another. Splices were done at zero moment points.
The point of inflection is where the moment is going from positive to negative resulting in a zero moment.
Illustration Below:

Bending Moment Diagram:

Typical Detail:

Note: Not all connections were designed but typical due to this being a preliminary design
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Planetarium Framing Calculations

Deflection: ∆ vs ∆

Member; W 33x118
Length; L = 42 ft
Distributed Load; w = 3.08 k/ft *From Load Combination 2 – LRFD
Modulus of Elasticity; E = 29,000 ksi
Moment of Inertia; I = 5900 in^4
Allowable Deflection; 1.40 in
Actual Deflection; 1.22 in
PASS – allowable deflection exceeds actual deflection
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Below, in figures 1 and 2, both the shear and moment diagrams are illustrated.

Figure 1 – Shear Diagram

Figure 2 – Moment Diagram

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Display Sections for Member Calcs 5
Max Internal Sections for Member Calcs 97
Include S hear Deformation? Yes
Increase Nailing Capacity for Wind? Yes
Include Warping? Yes
Trans Load Btwn Intersecting Wood Wall? Yes
Area Load Mesh (in^2) 144
Merge Tolerance (in) .12
P -Delta Analysis Tolerance 0.50%
Include P -Delta for Walls? Yes
Automatically Iterate Stiffness for Walls? Yes
Max Iterations for Wall Stiffness 3
Gravity Acceleration (ft/sec^2) 32.2
Wall Mesh Size (in) 24
Eigen solution Convergence Tol. (1.E -) 4
Vertical Axis Y
Global Member Orientation P lane XZ
Static Solver S parse Accelerated
Dynamic Solver Accelerated Solver

Hot Rolled Steel C ode AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D

Adjust Stiffness? Yes(Iterative)
R IS AConnection Code AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D
C old Formed Steel C ode AIS I S 100-12: AS D
Wood Code AF &P A NDS -12: AS D
Wood Temperature < 100F
Concrete C ode AC I 318-11
Masonry C ode AC I 530-13: AS D
Aluminum C ode AA ADM 1-10: A S D - Building

Number of S hear Regions 4

Region S pacing Increment (in) 4
Biaxial Column Method Exact Integration
Parme Beta Factor (P CA) .65
Concrete S tress Block Rectangular
Use Cracked Sections? Yes
Use Cracked Sections S lab? Yes
Bad Framing Warnings? No
Unused Force Warnings? Yes
Min 1 Bar Diam. S pacing? No
Concrete Rebar S et R E BAR _S E T_AS TMA615
Min % Steel for Column 1
Max % Steel for Column 8
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Global, Continued
Seismic C ode ASCE 7-10
Seismic Base Elevation (ft) Not Entered
Add Base W eight? Yes
CtX .02
CtZ .02
T X (sec) Not Entered
T Z (sec) Not Entered
RX 3
RZ 3
Ct Exp. X .75
Ct Exp. Z .75
S D1 1
S DS 1
S1 1
TL (sec) 5
Risk C at I or II
OmZ 1
OmX 1
R ho Z 1
R ho X 1

Footing Overturning Safety F actor 1

Optimize for OTM/ Sliding No
C heck Concrete Bearing No
Footing Concrete Weight (k/ft^3) .145
Footing Concrete f'c (ksi) 4
Footing Concrete E c (ksi) 3644
Lambda 1
Footing Steel fy (ksi) 60
Minimum Steel 0.0018
Maximum Steel 0.0075
Footing Top Bar #6
Footing Top Bar Cover (in) 1.5
Footing Bottom Bar #6
Footing Bottom Bar Cover (in) 3
Pedestal Bar #6
Pedestal Bar Cover (in) 1.5
Pedestal Ties #4

Hot Rolled Steel Properties

1 A992 29000 11154 .3 .65 .49 50 1.1 65 1.1

2 A36 Gr.36 29000 11154 .3 .65 .49 36 1.5 58 1.2
3 A572 G r.50 29000 11154 .3 .65 .49 50 1.1 65 1.1
4 A500 G r.B R ND 29000 11154 .3 .65 .527 42 1.4 58 1.3
5 A500 G r.B R ect 29000 11154 .3 .65 .527 46 1.4 58 1.3
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Hot Rolled Steel Section Sets

Label Shape Type Design List Material Des ign Rules A [in2] Iyy [in4] Izz [in4] J [in4]
1 Column 1 HS S 10x0.50... Column HS S Pipe A992 Typical 14.9 169 169 338
2 Column 2 W 14x48 Column Wide Flange A992 Typical 14.1 51.4 484 1.45
3 Beam 1 W 18x35 Beam Wide Flange A992 Typical 10.3 15.3 510 .506
4 Beam 2 W 21x73 Beam Wide Flange A992 Typical 21.5 70.6 1600 3.02
5 Beam 3 W 33x 118 Beam Wide Flange A992 Typical 34.7 187 5900 5.3

Hot Rolled Steel Design Parameters

Label Shape Length[ft] Lbyy[ft] Lbzz[ft] Lc omp top[ft]Lc omp bot[ft] L-torq... K yy K zz Cb Function
1 M21 Beam 1 15 Lbyy 1 1 Lateral
2 M22 Beam 1 15 Lbyy 1 1 Lateral
3 M23 Beam 1 15 Lbyy 1 1 Lateral
4 M24 Beam 1 15 Lbyy 1 1 Lateral
5 M25 Beam 1 15 Lbyy 1 1 Lateral

Member Distributed Loads (BLC 1 : Dead Load)

Label Direction Start Magnitude[k/ft,F ] End Magnitude[k/ft,F] S tart Location[ft,%] End Location[ft,%]
1 M25 Y -.652 -.652 0 100
2 M24 Y -.978 -.978 0 100
3 M23 Y -.978 -.978 0 100
4 M22 Y -.978 -.978 0 100
5 M27 Y -1.08 -1.08 0 100
And so on...
Member Distributed Loads (BLC 2 : Live Load)
Label Direction Start Magnitude[k/ft,F ] End Magnitude[k/ft,F] S tart Location[ft,%] End Location[ft,%]
1 M24 Y -.64 -.64 0 100
2 M23 Y -.64 -.64 0 100
3 M22 Y -.64 -.64 0 100
4 M27 Y -1.134 -1.134 0 100
5 M21 Y -.3 -.3 0 100

Member Distributed Loads (BLC 4 : Snow)

Label Direction Start Magnitude[k/ft,F ] End Magnitude[k/ft,F] S tart Location[ft,%] End Location[ft,%]
1 M25 Y -.133 -.133 0 100
2 M33 Y -.133 -.133 0 100

Member Dis tributed Loads (B L C 4 : Snow) (Continued)

Label Direction Start Magnitude[k/ft,F ] End Magnitude[k/ft,F] S tart Location[ft,%] End Location[ft,%]
3 M30 Y -.133 -.133 0 100
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JHB. 3/24/2017

Member Dis tributed Loads (BL C 7 : R oof Live L oad)

Label Direction Start Magnitude[k/ft,F ] End Magnitude[k/ft,F] S tart Location[ft,%] End Location[ft,%]
1 M25 Y -.51 -.51 0 100
2 M33 Y -.51 -.51 0 100
3 M30 Y -.51 -.51 0 100

B as ic Load Cases
B LC Description Category X Gravity Y Gravity Z G ravity Joint Point Distributed
1 Dead Load DL 13
2 Live Load LL 10
3 Live Load (case 1) LL
4 Snow SL 3
5 Wind WL
And so on...
Load Combination Des ign
Des cription Hot Rolled Cold For.. Wood Concrete Masonry Footings
1 ASC E S tren.. . Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 ASC E S tren.. . Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 ASC E S tren.. . Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 ASC E S tren.. . Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
5 ASC E S tren.. . Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
And so on...
Envelope J oint Reactions
Joint X [k] LC Y [k] LC Z [k] LC MX [k-ft] LC MY [k-ft] LC MZ [k-ft] LC
1 N1 max 1.766 9 41.698 9 0 8 0 8 0 8 -7.331 8
2 min .925 8 26.43 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 -13.645 9
3 N7 max .512 9 134.668 9 0 8 0 8 0 8 -2.595 8
4 min .351 8 80.898 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 -4.26 9
5 N 13 max -.054 9 131.231 9 0 8 0 8 0 8 .547 10
And so on...

Member A ISC 14th(360‐10): ASD Steel Code Checks

Member S hape UC M ax Loc[ft] Shear UC Loc[ft] Dir Pnc/om[k] Pnt/om[k] Mnyy/om. Mnzz/om. Cb E qn
1 8 M21 W 18x35 .065 0 .022 0 y 70.979 308.383 20.11 165.918 2.69 H1-1b
2 8 M22 W 18x35 .177 0 .080 0 y 70.979 308.383 20.11 126.487 1.739 H1-1b
3 8 M23 W 18x35 .221 15 .084 15 y 70.979 308.383 20.11 165.918 3.277 H1-1b
4 8 M24 W 18x 35 .205 15 .080 15 y 70.979 308.383 20.11 165.918 3.488 H1-1b
5 8 M25 W 18x 35 .175 15 .057 15 y 70.979 308.383 20.11 165.918 3.442 H1-1b
And so on…
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Structural Calculations 27
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

JHB. 3/24/2017

Elevated Framing View

Deflection: ∆ vs ∆

Member; W 27x94
Length; L = 32 ft
Distributed Load; w = 4.12 k/ft *From Load Combination 2 – LRFD
Modulus of Elasticity; E = 29,000 ksi
Moment of Inertia; I = 3270 in^4
Allowable Deflection; 1.09 in
Actual Deflection; 1.02 in
PASS – allowable deflection exceeds actual deflection
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Structural Calculations 28
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

JHB. 3/24/2017

Below, in figures 1 and 2, both the shear and moment diagrams are illustrated. All structural steel design
followed the AISC manual criteria and design loads were gathered from both the IBC and ASCE.

Figure 1 – Shear Diagram

Figure 2 – Moment Diagram

Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Structural Calculations 29
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

JHB. 3/24/2017


Display Sections for Member Calcs 5

Max Internal Sections for Member Calcs 97
Include S hear Deformation? Yes
Increase Nailing Capacity for Wind? Yes
Include Warping? Yes
Trans Load Btwn Intersecting Wood Wall? Yes
Area Load Mesh (in^2) 144
Merge Tolerance (in) .12
P -Delta Analysis Tolerance 0.50%
Include P -Delta for Walls? Yes
Automatically Iterate Stiffness for Walls? Yes
Max Iterations for Wall Stiffness 3
Gravity Acceleration (ft/sec^2) 32.2
Wall Mesh Size (in) 24
Eigen solution Convergence Tol. (1.E -) 4
Vertical Axis Y
Global Member Orientation P lane XZ
Static Solver S parse Accelerated
Dynamic Solver Accelerated Solver

Hot Rolled Steel C ode AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D

Adjust Stiffness? Yes(Iterative)
R IS A Connection Code AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D
C old Formed Steel C ode AIS I S 100-12: AS D
Wood Code AF &P A NDS -12: AS D
Wood Temperature < 100F
Concrete C ode AC I 318-11
Masonry C ode AC I 530-13: AS D
Aluminum C ode AA ADM 1-10: A S D - Building

Number of Shear Regions 4

Region Spacing Increment (in) 4
Biaxial Column Method Exact Integration
Parme Beta Factor (P CA) .65
Concrete S tress Block Rectangular
Use Cracked Sections? Yes
Use Cracked Sections S lab? Yes
Bad Framing Warnings? No
Unused Force Warnings? Yes
Min 1 Bar Diam. S pacing? No
Concrete Rebar S et R E BAR _S E T_AS TMA615
Min % Steel for Column 1
Max % Steel for Column 8
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Old Dominion University Science Building

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Structural Calculations 30
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JHB. 3/24/2017

Global, Continued

Seismic C ode ASC E 7-10

Seismic Base Elevation (ft) Not Entered
Add Base W eight? Yes
CtX .02
CtZ .02
T X (sec) Not Entered
T Z (sec) Not Entered
RX 3
RZ 3
C t Exp. X .75
C t Exp. Z .75
S D1 1
S DS 1
S1 1
TL (sec) 5
Risk C at I or II
OmZ 1
OmX 1
R ho Z 1
R ho X 1

Footing Overturning Safety F actor 1

Optimize for OTM/Sliding No
Check Concrete Bearing No
Footing Concrete Weight (k/ft^3) .145
Footing Concrete f'c (ksi) 4
Footing Concrete E c (ksi) 3644
Lambda 1
Footing Steel fy (ksi) 60
Minimum Steel 0.0018
Maximum Steel 0.0075
Footing Top Bar #6
Footing Top Bar Cover (in) 1.5
Footing Bottom Bar #6
Footing Bottom Bar Cover (in) 3
Pedestal Bar #6
Pedestal Bar Cover (in) 1.5
Pedestal Ties #4
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S 3/24/2017


Boring 1
Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'
(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" N60(B-6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 0 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 4 6 10 16 2.5053 40.09 82% 44.85
2.5 to 4 127.19 9 8 7 15 2.5053 37.58 79% 44.06
4.5 to 6 103.68 5 3 2 5 2.6819 13.41 47% 34.37
6.5 to 8 103.68 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.6819 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
8.5 to 10 103.68 2 2 2 4 2.6819 10.73 42% 32.85
13.5 to 15 128.58 2 2 1 3 2.4963 7.49 35% 30.74
18.5 to 20 110.87 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.6227 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
23.5 to 25 111.18 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.6202 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
28.5 to 30 116.73 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.5780 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
33.5 to 35 113.83 1 1 1 2 2.5997 5.20 29% 28.95
38.5 to 40 117.11 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.5752 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
43.5 to 45 120.86 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.5483 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
48.5 to 50 132.49 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.4714 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
53.5 to 55 132.45 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.4717 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
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Juliana S 3/24/2017

58.5 to 60 138.31 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.4363 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
63.5 to 65 139.84 1 2 2 4 2.4273 9.71 40% 32.23
68.5 to 70 138.14 1 2 2 4 2.4373 9.75 40% 32.25
73.5 to 75 136.30 3 6 7 13 2.4482 31.83 73% 42.14
78.5 to 80 132.83 4 5 6 11 2.4693 27.16 67% 40.45
83.5 to 85 130.96 3 5 6 11 2.4810 27.29 67% 40.50
88.5 to 90 132.65 4 5 5 10 2.4705 24.70 64% 39.51

Boring 2
Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'
(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" N60(B-6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 0 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 5 8 9 17 2.5053 42.59 84% 45.61
2.5 to 4 127.19 5 6 5 11 2.5053 27.56 68% 40.60
4.5 to 6 103.68 3 4 5 9 2.6819 24.14 63% 39.28
6.5 to 8 103.68 2 2 2 4 2.6819 10.73 42% 32.85
8.5 to 10 103.68 2 2 3 5 2.6819 13.41 47% 34.37
13.5 to 15 128.58 2 2 2 4 2.4963 9.99 41% 32.40
18.5 to 20 110.87 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.6227 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

Boring 3
Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'
(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" N60(B-6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 0 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 4 13 7 20 2.5053 50.11 91% 47.78
2.5 to 4 127.19 6 6 7 13 2.5053 32.57 74% 42.40
4.5 to 6 103.68 6 3 3 6 2.6819 16.09 52% 35.74
6.5 to 8 103.68 2 1 1 2 2.6819 5.36 30% 29.09
8.5 to 10 103.68 2 3 3 6 2.6819 16.09 52% 35.74
13.5 to 15 128.58 3 3 2 5 2.4963 12.48 46% 33.86
18.5 to 20 110.87 W.O.H W.O.H. W.O.H. #VALUE! 2.6227 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

Boring 4
Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'
(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" 6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 0 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 2 4 8 12 2.5053 30.06 71% 41.52
2.5 to 4 127.19 4 5 8 13 2.5053 32.57 74% 42.40
4.5 to 6 103.68 4 5 4 9 2.6819 24.14 63% 39.28
6.5 to 8 103.68 1 1 1 2 2.6819 5.36 30% 29.09
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
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Juliana S 3/24/2017

8.5 to 10 103.68 1 1 2 3 2.6819 8.05 37% 31.13

13.5 to 15 128.58 5 6 7 13 2.4963 32.45 74% 42.36
18.5 to 20 110.87 2 2 2 4 2.6227 10.49 42% 32.71

Boring 5
Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'
(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" 6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 0 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 0 3 3 6 2.5053 15.03 50% 35.21
2.5 to 4 127.19 7 8 7 15 2.5053 37.58 79% 44.06
4.5 to 6 103.68 4 5 6 11 2.6819 29.50 70% 41.31
6.5 to 8 103.68 2 2 2 4 2.6819 10.73 42% 32.85
8.5 to 10 103.68 2 1 1 2 2.6819 5.36 30% 29.09
13.5 to 15 128.58 3 4 4 8 2.4963 19.97 58% 37.54
18.5 to 20 110.87 4 5 6 11 2.6227 28.85 69% 41.08

Boring 6
Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'
(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" N60(B-6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 0 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 2 2 3 5 2.5053 12.53 46% 33.89
2.5 to 4 127.19 12 11 10 21 2.5053 52.61 94% 48.46
4.5 to 6 103.68 7 8 9 17 2.6819 45.59 87% 46.50
6.5 to 8 103.68 5 3 2 5 2.6819 13.41 47% 34.37
8.5 to 10 103.68 WHO WHO WHO #VALUE! 2.6819 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
13.5 to 15 128.58 4 7 9 16 2.4963 39.94 82% 44.80
18.5 to 20 110.87 1 1 3 4 2.6227 10.49 42% 32.71

Boring 7
Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'
(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" 12-18" 6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 2.505 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 6 6 6 6 12 2.505 30.06 71% 41.52
2.5 to 4 127.19 15 13 10 12 22 2.505 55.12 96% 49.13
4.5 to 6 103.68 9 9 14 19 33 2.682 88.50 121% 56.92
6.5 to 8 103.68 9 11 12 13 25 2.682 67.05 106% 52.13
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S 3/24/2017

8.5 to 10 103.68 6 3 3 3 6 2.682 16.09 52% 35.74

13.5 to 15 128.58 11 11 11 14 25 2.496 62.41 102% 51.00
18.5 to 20 110.87 9 7 2 2 4 2.623 10.49 42% 32.71
23.5 to 25 111.18 1 1 1 1 2 2.620 5.24 30% 28.98
28.5 to 30 116.73 1 1 1 1 2 2.578 5.16 29% 28.91
33.5 to 35 113.83 2 2 2 2 4 2.600 10.40 42% 32.65
38.5 to 40 117.11 0 0 0 0 0 2.575 0.00 0% 20.00
43.5 to 45 120.86 0 0 1 1 2 2.548 5.10 29% 28.86
48.5 to 50 132.49 0 1 1 1 2 2.471 4.94 29% 28.72
53.5 to 55 132.45 2 2 3 3 6 2.472 14.83 50% 35.11
58.5 to 60 138.31 1 2 1 2 3 2.436 7.31 35% 30.61
63.5 to 65 139.84 1 2 1 2 3 2.427 7.28 35% 30.59
68.5 to 70 138.14 1 2 2 2 4 2.437 9.75 40% 32.25
73.5 to 75 136.30 2 3 3 4 7 2.448 17.14 53% 36.25
78.5 to 80 132.83 2 2 3 4 7 2.469 17.29 54% 36.32
83.5 to 85 130.96 6 5 6 6 12 2.481 29.77 70% 41.41
88.5 to 90 132.65 3 3 5 7 12 2.470 29.65 70% 41.37
93.5 to 95 134.07 8 9 11 12 23 2.462 56.62 97% 49.53
98.5 to 100 140.91 9 11 10 13 23 2.421 55.69 96% 49.28

Boring 8

Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'

(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" 12-18" 6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 2.505 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 7 9 12 21 2.505 52.61 94% 48.46
2.5 to 4 127.19 8 5 5 5 10 2.505 25.05 65% 39.64
4.5 to 6 103.68 10 7 7 5 12 2.682 32.18 73% 42.26
6.5 to 8 103.68 2 2 1 2 3 2.682 8.05 37% 31.13
8.5 to 10 103.68 2 1 1 1 2 2.682 5.36 30% 29.09
13.5 to 15 128.58 10 12 10 13 23 2.496 57.41 98% 49.74
18.5 to 20 110.87 11 7 3 2 5 2.623 13.11 47% 34.21
23.5 to 25 111.18 1 1 2 1 3 2.620 7.86 36% 31.00
28.5 to 30 116.73 0 0 0 0 0 2.578 0.00 0% 20.00
33.5 to 35 113.83 1 1 1 2 3 2.600 7.80 36% 30.96
38.5 to 40 117.11 1 1 2 1 3 2.575 7.73 36% 30.91
43.5 to 45 120.86 1 1 2 1 3 2.548 7.64 36% 30.85
48.5 to 50 132.49 2 1 2 2 4 2.471 9.89 41% 32.34
53.5 to 55 132.45 2 2 3 3 6 2.472 14.83 50% 35.11
58.5 to 60 138.31 2 3 3 4 7 2.436 17.05 53% 36.21
63.5 to 65 139.84 3 3 3 4 7 2.427 16.99 53% 36.18
68.5 to 70 138.14 3 3 4 4 8 2.437 19.50 57% 37.33
73.5 to 75 136.30 3 4 4 5 9 2.448 22.03 61% 38.42
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S 3/24/2017

78.5 to 80 132.83 3 5 5 6 11 2.469 27.16 67% 40.45

83.5 to 85 130.96 9 7 8 8 16 2.481 39.70 81% 44.72
88.5 to 90 132.65 22 15 14 12 26 2.470 64.23 103% 51.45
93.5 to 95 134.07 7 7 8 9 17 2.462 41.85 84% 45.39
98.5 to 100 140.91 7 9 9 10 19 2.421 46.00 88% 46.62

Boring 9

Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'

(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" 18-24" 6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 2.505 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 7 8 9 17 2.505 42.59 84% 45.61
2.5 to 4 127.19 5 6 7 7 14 2.505 35.07 76% 43.24
4.5 to 6 103.68 5 9 13 14 27 2.682 72.41 110% 53.39
6.5 to 8 103.68 9 8 5 4 9 2.682 24.14 63% 39.28
8.5 to 10 103.68 1 1 1 1 2 2.682 5.36 30% 29.09
13.5 to 15 128.58 9 7 9 9 18 2.496 44.93 87% 46.31
18.5 to 20 110.87 7 5 2 1 3 2.623 7.87 36% 31.01
23.5 to 25 111.18 0 1 1 0 1 2.620 2.62 21% 26.35
28.5 to 30 116.73 1 0 1 0 1 2.578 2.58 21% 26.30
33.5 to 35 113.83 1 0 1 1 2 2.600 5.20 29% 28.95
38.5 to 40 117.11 0 1 1 1 2 2.575 5.15 29% 28.91
43.5 to 45 120.86 1 0 1 1 2 2.548 5.10 29% 28.86
48.5 to 50 132.49 1 1 1 1 2 2.471 4.94 29% 28.72
53.5 to 55 132.45 0 1 1 0 1 2.472 2.47 20% 26.17
58.5 to 60 138.31 0 1 2 0 2 2.436 4.87 28% 28.66
63.5 to 65 139.84 1 1 1 2 3 2.427 7.28 35% 30.59
68.5 to 70 138.14 1 1 1 3 4 2.437 9.75 40% 32.25
73.5 to 75 136.30 1 1 1 1 2 2.448 4.90 29% 28.68
78.5 to 80 132.83 2 2 2 6 8 2.469 19.75 57% 37.44
83.5 to 85 130.96 13 22 17 16 33 2.481 81.87 117% 55.51
88.5 to 90 132.65 3 3 13 18 31 2.470 76.58 113% 54.34
93.5 to 95 134.07 5 6 9 11 20 2.462 49.23 91% 47.54
98.5 to 100 140.91 4 7 12 20 32 2.421 77.48 114% 54.54

Boring 10
Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S 3/24/2017

(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" N60(B-6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 2 3 4 7 2.5053 17.54 54% 36.43
2.5 to 4 127.19 3 4 4 8 2.5053 20.04 58% 37.57
4.5 to 6 103.68 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.6819 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.5 to 8 103.68 W.O.H W.O.H 2 2 2.6819 5.36 30% 29.09
8.5 to 10 103.68 1 1 6 7 2.6819 18.77 56% 37.00
13.5 to 15 128.58 1 0 1 1 2.4963 2.50 20% 26.20
18.5 to 20 110.87 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.6227 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
23.5 to 25 111.18 W.O.H W.O.H 1 1 2.6202 2.62 21% 26.35
28.5 to 30 116.73 W.O.H 2 1 3 2.5780 7.73 36% 30.91
33.5 to 35 113.83 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.5997 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
38.5 to 40 117.11 1 3 2 5 2.5752 12.88 46% 34.08
43.5 to 45 120.86 2 2 2 4 2.5483 10.19 41% 32.53
48.5 to 50 132.49 5 6 6 12 2.4714 29.66 70% 41.37
53.5 to 55 132.45 1 2 5 7 2.4717 17.30 54% 36.32
58.5 to 60 138.31 3 4 7 11 2.4363 26.80 67% 40.32
63.5 to 65 139.84 3 5 8 13 2.4273 31.56 73% 42.04
68.5 to 70 138.14 3 5 8 13 2.4373 31.68 73% 42.09
Boring 11
Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'
(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" N60(B-6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 9 12 15 27 2.5053 67.64 106% 52.28
2.5 to 4 127.19 10 9 7 16 2.5053 40.09 82% 44.85
4.5 to 6 103.68 3 2 3 5 2.6819 13.41 47% 34.37
6.5 to 8 103.68 2 1 1 2 2.6819 5.36 30% 29.09
8.5 to 10 103.68 3 4 7 11 2.6819 29.50 70% 41.31
13.5 to 15 128.58 4 2 2 4 2.4963 9.99 41% 32.40
18.5 to 20 110.87 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.6227 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
23.5 to 25 111.18 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.6202 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

Boring 12
Depth ƴt Blow Count - N-value Dr φ'
(ft) (pcf) 0-6" 6-12" 12-18" N60(B-6) C_n N_1(60) (%) Degree
0 to 0.33 127.19 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
0.33 to 2 127.19 0 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
2.5 to 4 127.19 0 2.5053 0.00 0% 20.00
4.5 to 6 103.68 4 4 4 8 2.6819 21.45 60% 38.18
6.5 to 8 103.68 2 3 3 2 2.6819 5.36 30% 29.09
8.5 to 10 103.68 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.6819 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
13.5 to 15 128.58 3 4 3 7 2.4963 17.47 54% 36.40
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S 3/24/2017

18.5 to 20 110.87 5 7 6 13 2.6227 34.09 75% 42.91

23.5 to 25 111.18 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H 1 2.6202 2.62 21% 26.35
28.5 to 30 116.73 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.5780 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
33.5 to 35 113.83 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.5997 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
38.5 to 40 117.11 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.5752 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
43.5 to 45 120.86 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.5483 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
48.5 to 50 132.49 W.O.H W.O.H W.O.H #VALUE! 2.4714 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
53.5 to 55 132.45 2 2 3 5 2.4717 12.36 45% 33.80
58.5 to 60 138.31 2 3 6 9 2.4363 21.93 60% 38.38
63.5 to 65 139.84 3 4 6 10 2.4273 24.27 64% 39.33
68.5 to 70 138.14 3 4 5 9 2.4373 21.94 60% 38.38
73.5 TO 75 136.30 2 3 7 10 2.4482 24.48 64% 39.42
78.5 TO 80 132.83 5 7 8 15 2.4693 37.04 79% 43.88

Depth (ft) B‐1 B‐2 B‐3 B‐4 B‐5 B‐10 B‐11 B‐12 Legend
0 4" topsoil 6" topsoil 6" topsoil 4" topsoil 2" Asphalt 2" Asphalt Fill Fill SC
1 4" Aggregate Base 10" Aggregate Base SP
2 SM 2' Fill SC SC‐SM
2.5 2.5' SW
3 3' SC 3' SM 3' SC SW‐SM
4 4' SC 4' SC 3 ft▽ SM GC‐SM
5 5ft ▽ SP‐ 5ft ▽ 5ft ▽ SP‐SM
5.5 5.5' SM SP‐ 5.5ft ▽ SP‐ SM
6 6' SM 6' SM 6ft ▽ 6ft ▽ 6' SM 6ft ▽ SM 6' SM CH
7 7' SM CL
7.5 7.5' SM Fill
8 8' SM WOOD
9 9' SC Topsoil
10 SP‐ SP‐ Asphalt
11 SM/ SM/ Aggregate Base
12 12' SM 12' SM
18 18' SM SM CL 18' SM 18' SM
20 20' CH 20' CH 20' SM 20' SM
22 SP‐
23 23' SM
25 25' CH
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S 3/24/2017

Depth (ft) B‐1 B‐2 B‐3 B‐4 B‐5 B‐10 B‐11 B‐12
31 Legend
32 SC
33 SP
34 SC‐SM
35 SW
36 SW‐SM
37 GC‐SM
38 SP‐SM
39 39' CH 39' SM
40 CH
41 CL
42 Fill
44 Topsoil
45 Asphalt
46 Aggregate Base
50 SP
53 53' CH
53.5 53.5' SP
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S 3/24/2017

Depth (ft) B‐1 B‐2 B‐3 B‐4 B‐5 B‐10 B‐11 B‐12
62 Legend
63 63' CH SC
64 SP
65 SC‐SM
66 SW
67 SW‐SM
68 GC‐SM
69 SP‐SM
70 70' SM SM
71 CH
72 CL
73 73' CL Fill
75 Topsoil
76 SP‐ Asphalt
77 SM/ Aggregate Base
78 78' SM
80 80' SM
83 83'
90 90' SM

Depth (ft) B‐5 B‐6 Legend

0 2" Asphalt 4" topsoil SC
1 4" Aggregate Base SP
2 2' Fill SC‐SM
3 SW
4 4' SC 4ft ▽ SM SW‐SM
6 6ft ▽ SP‐SM
7 7' SM SM
7.5 7.5' SM CH
8 CL
9 Fill
11 Topsoil
12 Asphalt
13 13' SC 13' SC Aggregate Base
20 20' SM 20' SM
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S 3/24/2017

Depth (ft) B‐7 B‐8 B‐9 Legend

0 3" Asphalt 3" Asphalt 3" Asphalt SC
1 3" Aggregate Base 3" Aggregate Base 3" Aggregate Base SP
2 2' CL Fi l l SC‐SM
2.5 SW
4 4ft ▽ 4ft ▽ GC‐SM
4.5 4.5' SC‐SM SP‐SM
5 5ft ▽ SM
5.5 5.5' SC‐SM CH
6 6' SC CL
7 7' SP Fill
7.5 7.5' GC‐SM 7.5' SP‐SM WOOD
8 Topsoil
9 Asphalt
10 Aggregate Base
13 13' SC‐SM 13' SC‐SM
18 18' SP‐SM
20 20' SP
22 22' SP
23 23' SM
56 56' CH
57 57' CH 57' CH
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S 3/24/2017

Depth (ft) B‐7 B‐8 B‐9

61 Legend
62 SC
63 SP
64 SC‐SM
65 SW
66 SW‐SM
67 GC‐SM
68 SP‐SM
69 SM
70 CH
71 CL
72 72' CH Fill
74 Topsoil
75 Asphalt
76 Aggregate Base
77 77' CL
82 82' CL
83 83' CL
87 87' WOOD
93 93' SC‐SM
97 97' SC‐SM
100 100' SM 100' SM 100' SM
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

CPT Data
Depth Qc Qt Fs U2 U2 U0 U0 Rf
(ft) (tsf) (tsf) (tsf) (ft) psf (ft) (psf) (%)
0.4429 -439.6540 95.4170 1.2573 -0.6201 -38.6929 0.0000 0.0000 1.32
1.2631 -45.4631 57.8954 1.5507 -3.6385 -227.0394 0.0000 0.0000 2.68
2.0833 -43.2875 49.6571 1.4327 -3.2776 -204.5197 0.0000 0.0000 2.89
2.9035 -372.6598 113.8275 1.3179 -0.8727 -54.4567 0.0000 0.0000 1.16
3.7238 -740.0587 80.7315 0.9210 -0.3117 -19.4488 0.1148 7.1654 1.14
4.5440 60.5949 31.8680 0.2976 1.5026 93.7638 0.9350 58.3465 0.93
5.3642 1.5006 5.8552 0.0888 11.1483 695.6536 1.7552 109.5276 1.52
6.1844 0.5020 3.8346 0.0491 21.8241 1361.8268 2.5755 160.7087 1.28
7.0046 0.4093 3.7510 0.0418 26.1811 1633.7008 3.3957 211.8898 1.11
7.8248 0.9830 6.3868 0.0272 18.5630 1158.3307 4.2159 263.0709 0.43
8.6450 1.5231 9.9864 0.0209 18.7336 1168.9764 5.0361 314.2520 0.21
9.4652 0.8975 8.0189 0.0428 25.5282 1592.9607 5.8563 365.4331 0.53
10.2854 16.0935 72.4974 0.7446 12.8707 803.1339 6.6765 416.6142 1.03
11.1056 34.9322 92.2184 1.0850 7.5427 470.6614 7.4967 467.7953 1.18
11.9259 28.0988 82.1485 1.0840 8.3530 521.2284 8.3169 518.9764 1.32
12.7461 20.9409 70.7201 0.8438 9.6490 602.0945 9.1371 570.1575 1.19
13.5663 9.7668 39.4212 0.5712 11.5322 719.6063 9.9573 621.3386 1.45
14.3865 4.9860 19.0600 0.2642 10.9219 681.5276 10.7776 672.5197 1.39
15.2067 20.6034 70.7869 0.5775 9.8163 612.5355 11.5978 723.7008 0.82
16.0269 13.1042 54.4117 0.5764 11.8635 740.2835 12.4180 774.8819 1.06
16.8471 2.0907 12.1355 0.2872 16.5846 1034.8819 13.2382 826.0630 2.37
17.6673 0.3795 4.2773 0.0522 32.2014 2009.3701 14.0584 877.2441 1.22
18.4875 0.2819 4.6950 0.0616 47.5853 2969.3229 14.8786 928.4252 1.31
19.3077 0.2647 5.4312 0.0846 58.6253 3658.2206 15.6988 979.6063 1.56
20.1280 0.2244 5.3519 0.0867 68.1562 4252.9450 16.5190 1030.7874 1.62
20.9482 0.2257 5.4751 0.1264 69.3209 4325.6222 17.3392 1081.9685 2.31
21.7684 0.2608 5.5973 0.0909 61.3222 3826.5041 18.1594 1133.1496 1.62
22.5886 0.2309 5.3717 0.1002 66.4633 4147.3072 18.9797 1184.3307 1.87
23.4088 0.2555 7.3966 0.1253 82.6969 5160.2836 19.7999 1235.5119 1.69
24.2290 0.2659 7.6012 0.1974 81.6732 5096.4096 20.6201 1286.6930 2.60
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

25.0492 0.1815 6.7919 0.1483 106.9226 6671.9687 21.4403 1337.8741 2.18

25.8694 0.2198 8.1557 0.1577 106.0007 6614.4412 22.2605 1389.0552 1.93
26.6896 0.2098 8.7552 0.1650 119.2290 7439.8900 23.0807 1440.2363 1.88
27.5098 0.2006 8.7677 0.1619 124.8524 7790.7877 23.9009 1491.4174 1.85
28.3301 0.1997 9.2971 0.1681 133.0381 8301.5751 24.7211 1542.5985 1.81
29.1503 0.2210 12.2556 0.2590 158.4679 9888.3940 25.5413 1593.7796 2.11
29.9705 0.3453 16.5235 0.5075 136.7060 8530.4570 26.3615 1644.9607 3.07
30.7907 0.2048 9.5070 0.2099 132.6444 8277.0081 27.1818 1696.1418 2.21
31.6109 0.1782 8.7353 0.1337 140.0919 8741.7326 28.0020 1747.3229 1.53
32.4311 0.1940 9.8422 0.1744 144.9606 9045.5436 28.8222 1798.5040 1.77
33.2513 0.2048 9.4141 0.1608 131.3386 8195.5278 29.6424 1849.6851 1.71
34.0715 0.2029 10.5952 0.1681 149.2126 9310.8664 30.4626 1900.8662 1.59
34.8917 0.1821 10.7142 0.1608 168.1496 10492.5358 31.2828 1952.0473 1.50
35.7119 0.1734 10.5377 0.1566 173.6122 10833.4019 32.1030 2003.2284 1.49
36.5322 0.1616 9.4277 0.1378 166.6339 10397.9531 32.9232 2054.4095 1.46
37.3524 0.1665 10.2756 0.1587 176.3681 11005.3704 33.7434 2105.5906 1.54
38.1726 0.1950 12.6325 0.2068 185.1181 11551.3704 34.5636 2156.7717 1.64
38.9928 0.1869 13.7019 0.2141 209.4915 13072.2681 35.3839 2207.9528 1.56
39.8130 0.2126 14.5248 0.2569 195.1673 12178.4413 36.2041 2259.1339 1.77
40.6332 0.7909 21.3595 0.3968 77.1621 4814.9135 37.0243 2310.3150 1.86
41.4534 0.5033 18.6360 0.3540 105.7874 6601.1341 37.8445 2361.4961 1.90
42.2736 0.3182 17.1010 0.2997 153.5564 9581.9216 38.6647 2412.6772 1.75
43.0938 0.4715 22.6168 0.2809 137.0637 8552.7719 39.4849 2463.8583 1.24
43.9140 0.2676 16.3230 0.3018 174.2585 10873.7326 40.3051 2515.0395 1.85
44.7343 0.2894 18.7645 0.3028 185.2329 11558.5358 41.1253 2566.2206 1.61
45.5545 0.3097 18.1860 0.2924 167.7920 10470.2208 41.9455 2617.4017 1.61
46.3747 0.4760 23.3363 0.3812 140.0722 8740.5042 42.7657 2668.5828 1.63
47.1949 23.3549 135.7812 1.2500 16.6109 1036.5197 43.5860 2719.7639 0.92
48.0151 9.6064 128.7867 0.9962 38.3038 2390.1576 44.4062 2770.9450 0.77
48.8353 11.2693 153.6299 0.9941 38.9501 2430.4883 45.2264 2822.1261 0.65
49.6555 3.1334 66.3456 1.1184 60.4954 3774.9135 46.0466 2873.3072 1.69
50.4757 0.7624 28.0898 0.7999 105.2625 6568.3782 46.8668 2924.4883 2.85
51.2959 1.3401 24.3900 0.7717 52.0013 3244.8820 47.6870 2975.6694 3.16
52.1161 0.5520 20.2912 0.6318 105.0361 6554.2522 48.5072 3026.8505 3.11
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

52.9364 0.5140 23.6057 0.7289 131.2205 8188.1577 49.3274 3078.0316 3.09

53.7566 1.0630 37.5164 1.3095 100.8333 6292.0002 50.1476 3129.2127 3.49
54.5768 1.5797 42.0246 1.6238 76.0105 4743.0553 50.9678 3180.3938 3.86
55.3970 0.9824 43.5335 1.5685 126.6043 7900.1105 51.7881 3231.5749 3.60
56.2172 0.6947 41.3333 1.4944 170.0000 10608.0003 52.6083 3282.7560 3.62
57.0374 0.8222 44.5966 1.9204 154.9705 9670.1578 53.4285 3333.9371 4.31
57.8576 2.5716 53.0092 1.9695 58.8944 3675.0080 54.2487 3385.1182 3.72
58.6778 3.7992 82.9673 1.8442 62.3950 3893.4489 55.0689 3436.2993 2.22
59.4980 1.5144 44.2572 1.6364 83.4974 5210.2364 55.8891 3487.4804 3.70
60.3182 0.9453 51.3280 1.9643 155.1378 9680.5987 56.7093 3538.6615 3.83
61.1385 2.3869 61.2736 2.5282 73.3465 4576.8190 57.5295 3589.8426 4.13
61.9587 3.6016 61.1754 2.1877 48.5302 3028.2836 58.3497 3641.0237 3.58
62.7789 1.6695 54.9693 2.0029 94.0748 5870.2679 59.1699 3692.2048 3.64
63.5991 0.8095 47.8370 1.8933 168.8517 10536.3468 59.9902 3743.3859 3.96
64.4193 2.2588 59.6591 1.9946 75.4626 4708.8663 60.8104 3794.5671 3.34
65.2395 2.8754 54.1297 1.9632 53.7861 3356.2521 61.6306 3845.7482 3.63
66.0597 1.2255 48.0542 1.9288 112.0308 6990.7246 62.4508 3896.9293 4.01
66.8799 0.6840 42.9372 1.7606 179.3537 11191.6696 63.2710 3948.1104 4.10
67.7001 1.1217 43.2745 1.8369 110.2264 6878.1262 64.0912 3999.2915 4.24
68.5203 0.8819 44.1914 1.7439 143.1627 8933.3546 64.9114 4050.4726 3.95
69.3406 0.6747 43.4531 1.5695 184.0026 11481.7641 65.7316 4101.6537 3.61
70.1608 0.8528 45.3725 1.7523 152.0046 9485.0869 66.5518 4152.8348 3.86
70.9810 1.0362 41.9327 1.9726 115.6234 7214.8979 67.3720 4204.0159 4.70
71.8012 0.5258 38.5085 1.4213 209.2389 13056.5044 68.1923 4255.1970 3.69
72.6214 0.4630 42.5770 1.6301 262.7658 16396.5832 69.0125 4306.3781 3.83
73.4416 0.4053 42.1760 1.5883 297.2933 18551.1030 69.8327 4357.5592 3.77
74.2618 0.9795 45.5197 1.8264 132.7789 8285.4018 70.6529 4408.7403 4.01
75.0820 0.4999 39.4724 1.2375 225.6168 14078.4886 71.4731 4459.9214 3.14
75.9022 0.3311 39.0129 1.1487 336.6207 21005.1345 72.2933 4511.1025 2.94
76.7224 0.2510 37.1603 1.0088 422.9954 26394.9142 73.1135 4562.2836 2.71
77.5427 0.4066 38.6725 1.2333 271.7389 16956.5045 73.9337 4613.4647 3.19
78.3629 0.2603 37.8746 0.8459 415.6726 25937.9693 74.7539 4664.6458 2.23
79.1831 0.2697 39.4692 0.9158 418.1496 26092.5363 75.5741 4715.8269 2.32
80.0033 0.2984 40.5072 1.0015 387.8806 24203.7488 76.3944 4767.0080 2.47
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

80.8235 0.3490 37.7190 0.9137 308.7795 19267.8431 77.2146 4818.1891 2.42

81.6437 0.2383 38.3686 0.7028 460.0361 28706.2529 78.0348 4869.3702 1.83
82.4639 0.2121 37.6198 0.7299 506.6568 31615.3868 78.8550 4920.5513 1.94
83.2841 0.2244 36.7771 0.7884 468.1660 29213.5600 79.6752 4971.7324 2.14
84.1043 0.3436 41.1860 1.0109 342.4410 21368.3156 80.4954 5022.9135 2.45
84.9245 0.2046 36.8523 0.6850 514.5998 32111.0246 81.3156 5074.0947 1.86
85.7448 0.2481 38.7758 0.8260 446.5190 27862.7883 82.1358 5125.2758 2.13
86.5650 0.3011 42.5467 1.1174 403.7795 25195.8433 82.9560 5176.4569 2.63
87.3852 0.3871 40.1543 1.0578 296.3812 18494.1896 83.7762 5227.6380 2.63
88.2054 0.2339 37.3212 0.7822 455.8005 28441.9537 84.5965 5278.8191 2.10
89.0256 0.2436 39.7178 0.8093 465.8662 29070.0482 85.4167 5330.0002 2.04
89.8458 0.2157 40.5072 0.7957 536.4698 33475.7176 86.2369 5381.1813 1.96
90.6660 0.3540 41.4043 1.1372 334.2060 20854.4574 87.0571 5432.3624 2.75
91.4862 0.2313 37.9425 0.7446 468.7435 29249.5915 87.8773 5483.5435 1.96
92.3064 0.2110 37.2951 0.7414 505.1017 31518.3475 88.6975 5534.7246 1.99
93.1266 0.3093 41.8376 1.0746 386.4469 24114.2842 89.5177 5585.9057 2.57
93.9469 0.5714 43.6275 1.5048 218.1562 13612.9453 90.3379 5637.0868 3.45
94.7671 0.4015 42.1112 1.2228 299.6391 18697.4809 91.1581 5688.2679 2.90
95.5873 0.4493 47.9529 1.5507 304.9049 19026.0636 91.9783 5739.4490 3.23
96.4075 0.5509 53.1909 1.9841 275.8793 17214.8667 92.7986 5790.6301 3.73
97.2277 1.4952 62.7575 2.5438 119.9213 7483.0869 93.6188 5841.8112 4.05
98.0479 1.7861 57.0913 2.4781 91.3287 5698.9136 94.4390 5892.9923 4.34
98.8681 0.9305 56.8187 2.2410 174.4554 10886.0161 95.2592 5944.1734 3.94
99.6883 0.5938 53.7298 2.0656 258.5171 16131.4651 96.0794 5995.3545 3.84
100.5085 0.7017 60.0998 -21385.8643 244.7277 15271.0084 96.8996 6046.5356 -35583.90
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

Total Total Friction

Unit Unit Classification Classification Angle
Weight Weight lecture lecture Index Index (Rovertson
(Mayne (Mayne Overburden slide slide (Jefferies and (Jefferies and and
(N_kt =
et al et al Stress Water Effective (robertson (robertson Davies Davies ampanella,
2010) 2010) (saturated) Pressure Stress 1990) 1990) (1993)) (1993)) 1983)
ƴt σ_vo u_o σ'_vo φ' S_u
) ƴt B_q Q_t I_c Soil q net
(kN/m3) (pcf) (psf) (psf) (psf) Classification Degree (psf) psf
20.7361 132.0033 58.4660 0.0000 58.4660 -0.0002 3263.0169 1.7336 Sand 55.1330 190775.6109 0.0000
21.0168 133.7903 168.2021 0.0000 168.2021 -0.0020 687.4023 2.0626 Sand Mix 49.6813 115622.5440 0.0000
20.9353 133.2714 277.5127 0.0000 277.5127 -0.0021 356.8728 2.1452 Sand Mix 46.9479 99036.7414 0.0000
21.1225 134.4634 387.8009 0.0000 387.8009 -0.0002 586.0410 1.5996 Sand 49.0425 227267.2361 0.0000
20.5714 130.9551 495.2116 8.9702 486.2414 -0.0002 331.0449 1.6460 Sand 46.6161 160967.7273 0.0000
18.7964 119.6557 593.3544 60.1513 533.2031 0.0005 118.4213 1.7305 Sand 41.6514 63142.6208 0.0000
16.6763 106.1594 680.4274 111.3324 569.0950 0.0530 19.3817 2.4545 Sand Mix 30.9253 11030.0164 0.0000
15.7703 100.3920 762.7700 162.5135 600.2564 0.1737 11.5057 2.6030 Silt Mix 0.0000 6906.3489 0.0000
15.5644 99.0809 844.0371 213.6946 630.3424 0.2133 10.5625 2.6008 Silt Mix 0.0000 6657.9986 0.0000
15.1621 96.5198 923.2036 264.8757 658.3279 0.0754 18.0006 2.0490 Sand Mix 30.5147 11850.3070 0.0000
14.9590 95.2272 1001.3099 316.0568 685.2531 0.0450 27.6852 1.6939 Sand 33.2866 18971.3981 0.0000
15.8717 101.0375 1084.1819 367.2379 716.9440 0.0820 20.8576 2.0649 Sand Mix 31.5030 14953.7167 0.0000
20.3979 129.8508 1190.6868 418.4190 772.2678 0.0027 186.2102 1.6823 Sand 43.9488 143804.1141 0.0000
20.9890 133.6135 1300.2780 469.6001 830.6778 0.0000 220.4665 1.7219 Sand 44.7594 183136.6009 0.0000
20.9628 133.4465 1409.7321 520.7813 888.9508 0.0000 183.2355 1.8131 Sand 43.8716 162887.3555 0.0000
20.5895 131.0704 1517.2374 571.9624 945.2750 0.0002 148.0234 1.8021 Sand 42.8153 139922.8685 0.0000
19.8956 126.6529 1621.1193 623.1435 997.9759 0.0012 77.3779 2.0392 Sand Mix 39.3895 77221.2657 0.0000
18.6450 118.6917 1718.4715 674.3246 1044.1469 0.0002 34.8625 2.2276 Sand Mix 34.7494 36401.5606 0.0000
20.1046 127.9834 1823.4447 725.5057 1097.9390 -0.0008 127.2842 1.6490 Sand 42.0490 139750.3278 0.0000
20.0297 127.5066 1928.0269 776.6868 1151.3401 -0.0003 92.8443 1.8477 Sand 40.3877 106895.3498 0.0000
18.6426 118.6767 2025.3667 827.8679 1197.4988 0.0093 18.5767 2.6374 Silt Mix 0.0000 22245.5567 0.0000
16.0373 102.0915 2109.1031 879.0490 1230.0541 0.1754 5.2401 2.8620 Clay 0.0000 6445.5567 358.0865
16.2950 103.7317 2194.1849 930.2301 1263.9548 0.2834 5.6932 2.9057 Clay 0.0000 7195.8909 399.7717
16.7721 106.7693 2281.7582 981.4112 1300.3470 0.3120 6.5988 2.9244 Clay 0.0000 8580.7384 476.7077
16.8064 106.9878 2369.5107 1032.5923 1336.9184 0.3864 6.2339 2.9974 Clay 0.0000 8334.2568 463.0143
17.3266 110.2989 2459.9790 1083.7734 1376.2056 0.3818 6.1693 3.1208 Clay 0.0000 8490.2363 471.6798
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

16.8947 107.5495 2548.1921 1134.9545 1413.2376 0.3113 6.1181 2.9644 Clay 0.0000 8646.3823 480.3546
17.0200 108.3473 2637.0596 1186.1356 1450.9240 0.3653 5.5871 3.0716 Clay 0.0000 8106.3901 450.3550
17.4228 110.9113 2728.0302 1237.3167 1490.7134 0.3252 8.0935 2.8898 Clay 0.0000 12065.0987 670.2833
18.0476 114.8887 2822.2630 1288.4978 1533.7652 0.3076 8.0718 3.0382 Clay 0.0000 12380.2196 687.7900
17.6332 112.2508 2914.3322 1339.6789 1574.6533 0.4998 6.7758 3.1412 Clay 0.0000 10669.5319 592.7518
17.7762 113.1610 3007.1480 1390.8600 1616.2879 0.3926 8.2314 2.9665 Clay 0.0000 13304.3494 739.1305
17.8632 113.7151 3100.4182 1442.0411 1658.3771 0.4162 8.6892 2.9525 Clay 0.0000 14409.9012 800.5501
17.8422 113.5811 3193.5786 1493.2222 1700.3563 0.4391 8.4346 2.9689 Clay 0.0000 14341.8033 796.7668
17.9153 114.0469 3287.1210 1544.4033 1742.7177 0.4414 8.7835 2.9492 Clay 0.0000 15307.1506 850.3973
18.5851 118.3103 3384.1603 1595.5844 1788.5758 0.3925 11.8122 2.8798 Clay 0.0000 21126.9452 1173.7192
19.5856 124.6799 3486.4240 1646.7655 1839.6584 0.2329 16.0685 2.8630 Clay 0.0000 29560.5445 1642.2525
18.2328 116.0679 3581.6240 1697.9466 1883.6774 0.4263 8.1927 3.0349 Clay 0.0000 15432.4442 857.3580
17.6033 112.0604 3673.5371 1749.1277 1924.4093 0.5068 7.1695 3.0063 Clay 0.0000 13797.1000 766.5056
18.0013 114.5941 3767.5283 1800.3089 1967.2195 0.4552 8.0911 2.9787 Clay 0.0000 15916.9612 884.2756
17.8823 113.8363 3860.8980 1851.4900 2009.4080 0.4239 7.4486 2.9754 Clay 0.0000 14967.2901 831.5161
17.9815 114.4682 3954.7859 1902.6711 2052.1149 0.4298 8.3989 2.9123 Clay 0.0000 17235.5409 957.5301
17.9285 114.1306 4048.3970 1953.8522 2094.5448 0.4913 8.2978 2.9375 Clay 0.0000 17380.0234 965.5569
17.8913 113.8941 4141.8140 2005.0333 2136.7807 0.5214 7.9248 2.9720 Clay 0.0000 16933.6431 940.7580
17.6886 112.6038 4234.1727 2056.2144 2177.9584 0.5705 6.7132 3.0646 Clay 0.0000 14621.1664 812.2870
17.9079 113.9998 4327.6765 2107.3955 2220.2810 0.5485 7.3070 3.0340 Clay 0.0000 16223.5571 901.3087
18.3298 116.6852 4423.3829 2158.5766 2264.8063 0.4507 9.2024 2.9043 Clay 0.0000 20841.6855 1157.8714
18.4043 117.1596 4519.4783 2209.7577 2309.7206 0.4747 9.9078 2.8782 Clay 0.0000 22884.2550 1271.3475
18.6705 118.8540 4616.9636 2260.9388 2356.0248 0.4059 10.3702 2.8645 Clay 0.0000 24432.5393 1357.3633
19.3761 123.3457 4718.1330 2312.1199 2406.0131 0.0659 15.7941 2.6028 Silt Mix 0.0000 38000.8642 0.0000
19.1838 122.1215 4818.2983 2363.3010 2454.9973 0.1306 13.2195 2.6888 Silt Mix 0.0000 32453.7866 0.0000
18.9362 120.5459 4917.1712 2414.4821 2502.6891 0.2447 11.7013 2.7419 Silt Mix 0.0000 29284.7599 0.0000
18.9368 120.5493 5016.0469 2465.6632 2550.3837 0.1514 15.7692 2.4783 Sand Mix 29.8802 40217.5524 0.0000
18.9369 120.5500 5114.9233 2516.8443 2598.0790 0.3035 10.5967 2.8207 Clay 0.0000 27531.0455 1529.5025
18.9866 120.8663 5214.0590 2568.0254 2646.0336 0.2782 12.2126 2.7122 Silt Mix 0.0000 32314.9163 0.0000
18.9324 120.5215 5312.9119 2619.2065 2693.7054 0.2528 11.5302 2.7183 Silt Mix 0.0000 31059.0122 0.0000
19.3677 123.2924 5414.0376 2670.3876 2743.6500 0.1471 15.0378 2.5956 Silt Mix 0.0000 41258.5658 0.0000
21.5046 136.8955 5526.3206 2721.5687 2804.7519 -0.0063 94.8519 1.7756 Sand 40.5195 266036.0929 0.0000
21.1855 134.8641 5636.9375 2772.7498 2864.1877 -0.0015 87.9609 1.7173 Sand 40.1135 251936.4351 0.0000
21.2387 135.2029 5747.8323 2823.9309 2923.9014 -0.0013 103.1197 1.5955 Sand 40.9641 301511.9069 0.0000
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

21.1444 134.6026 5858.2347 2875.1120 2983.1227 0.0071 42.5168 2.2607 Sand Mix 35.9911 126832.9771 0.0000
20.4342 130.0817 5964.9290 2926.2931 3038.6359 0.0725 16.5254 2.7684 Silt Mix 0.0000 50214.7084 0.0000
20.3453 129.5155 6071.1590 2977.4742 3093.6847 0.0063 13.8051 2.8449 Clay 0.0000 42708.7813 2372.7101
20.0223 127.4593 6175.7023 3028.6553 3147.0470 0.1025 10.9330 2.9356 Clay 0.0000 34406.7184 1911.4844
20.2630 128.9918 6281.5027 3079.8365 3201.6662 0.1248 12.7840 2.8935 Clay 0.0000 40929.9440 2273.8858
21.1948 134.9237 6392.1684 3131.0176 3261.1509 0.0461 21.0480 2.7832 Silt Mix 0.0000 68640.7196 0.0000
21.5211 137.0009 6504.5379 3182.1987 3322.3393 0.0201 23.3404 2.7953 Silt Mix 0.0000 77544.5773 0.0000
21.4873 136.7856 6616.7308 3233.3798 3383.3511 0.0580 23.7783 2.7688 Silt Mix 0.0000 80450.3247 0.0000
21.4084 136.2836 6728.5120 3284.5609 3443.9511 0.0964 22.0497 2.8010 Silt Mix 0.0000 75937.9897 0.0000
21.7713 138.5938 6842.1880 3335.7420 3506.4460 0.0769 23.4856 2.8585 Clay 0.0000 82351.0013 4575.0556
21.8599 139.1575 6956.3264 3386.9231 3569.4033 0.0029 27.7531 2.7293 Silt Mix 0.0000 99062.1411 0.0000
21.9096 139.4739 7070.7242 3438.1042 3632.6200 0.0029 43.7326 2.3785 Sand Mix 36.1553 158863.7788 0.0000
21.5596 137.2457 7183.2945 3489.2853 3694.0093 0.0212 22.0170 2.7905 Silt Mix 0.0000 81331.1192 0.0000
21.8525 139.1104 7297.3943 3540.4664 3756.9279 0.0644 25.3820 2.7813 Silt Mix 0.0000 95358.5238 0.0000
22.2481 141.6284 7413.5593 3591.6475 3821.9118 0.0086 30.1246 2.7597 Silt Mix 0.0000 115133.6137 0.0000
22.0548 140.3980 7528.7152 3642.8286 3885.8866 -0.0054 29.5485 2.6941 Silt Mix 0.0000 114822.1351 0.0000
21.9053 139.4464 7643.0905 3694.0097 3949.0808 0.0213 25.9036 2.7423 Silt Mix 0.0000 102295.5665 0.0000
21.7891 138.7068 7756.8592 3745.1908 4011.6684 0.0772 21.9153 2.8379 Clay 0.0000 87917.0696 4884.2816
21.9282 139.5926 7871.3545 3796.3719 4074.9826 0.0082 27.3491 2.6857 Silt Mix 0.0000 111446.9357 0.0000
21.8792 139.2802 7985.5935 3847.5530 4138.0405 -0.0049 24.2322 2.7504 Silt Mix 0.0000 100273.8774 0.0000
21.8209 138.9094 8099.5284 3898.7341 4200.7943 0.0351 20.9505 2.8443 Clay 0.0000 88008.8167 4889.3787
21.6657 137.9212 8212.6527 3949.9152 4262.7375 0.0932 18.2188 2.9069 Clay 0.0000 77661.8464 4314.5470
21.7269 138.3107 8326.0966 4001.0963 4325.0002 0.0368 18.0862 2.9084 Clay 0.0000 78223.0010 4345.7223
21.6651 137.9173 8439.2177 4052.2774 4386.9402 0.0611 18.2231 2.8805 Clay 0.0000 79943.6180 4441.3121
21.5198 136.9925 8551.5803 4103.4585 4448.1218 0.0942 17.6152 2.8601 Clay 0.0000 78354.6576 4353.0365
21.6829 138.0308 8664.7946 4154.6396 4510.1550 0.0649 18.1990 2.8723 Clay 0.0000 82080.1799 4560.0100
21.8201 138.9040 8778.7250 4205.8207 4572.9043 0.0401 16.4199 2.9809 Clay 0.0000 75086.5987 4171.4777
21.3545 135.9400 8890.2244 4257.0018 4633.2225 0.1292 14.7040 2.9304 Clay 0.0000 68126.7767 3784.8209
21.5712 137.3198 9002.8554 4308.1829 4694.6725 0.1587 16.2207 2.9286 Clay 0.0000 76151.0974 4230.6165
21.5350 137.0892 9115.2974 4359.3641 4755.9334 0.1886 15.8195 2.9384 Clay 0.0000 75236.6561 4179.8142
21.7478 138.4441 9228.8507 4410.5452 4818.3055 0.0474 16.9791 2.9029 Clay 0.0000 81810.6079 4545.0338
21.1820 134.8418 9339.4492 4461.7263 4877.7230 0.1382 14.2700 2.8723 Clay 0.0000 69605.2742 3866.9597
21.0797 134.1911 9449.5141 4512.9074 4936.6068 0.2405 13.8914 2.8911 Clay 0.0000 68576.2517 3809.7918
20.8916 132.9935 9558.5967 4564.0885 4994.5082 0.3371 12.9667 2.9200 Clay 0.0000 64762.0992 3597.8944
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

21.1758 134.8026 9669.1631 4615.2696 5053.8936 0.1824 13.3908 2.9133 Clay 0.0000 67675.7387 3759.7633
20.6633 131.5401 9777.0536 4666.4507 5110.6030 0.3224 12.9089 2.8377 Clay 0.0000 65972.2036 3665.1224
20.7843 132.3105 9885.5760 4717.6318 5167.9443 0.3095 13.3618 2.8360 Clay 0.0000 69052.8818 3836.2712
20.9140 133.1362 9994.7757 4768.8129 5225.9628 0.2737 13.5898 2.8402 Clay 0.0000 71019.6909 3945.5384
20.7704 132.2219 10103.2254 4819.9940 5283.2314 0.2211 12.3665 2.8396 Clay 0.0000 65334.8394 3629.7133
20.4237 130.0146 10209.8646 4871.1751 5338.6896 0.3583 12.4613 2.7910 Silt Mix 0.0000 66527.2720 0.0000
20.4701 130.3104 10316.7466 4922.3562 5394.3904 0.4111 12.0353 2.8519 Clay 0.0000 64922.9069 3606.8282
20.5684 130.9361 10424.1417 4973.5373 5450.6044 0.3840 11.5822 2.8870 Clay 0.0000 63130.0601 3507.2256
20.9388 133.2940 10533.4708 5024.7184 5508.7524 0.2275 13.0408 2.8311 Clay 0.0000 71838.5468 3991.0304
20.3826 129.7532 10639.8956 5075.8995 5563.9961 0.4287 11.3344 2.8659 Clay 0.0000 63064.6810 3503.5934
20.6514 131.4643 10747.7240 5127.0806 5620.6434 0.3403 11.8855 2.8543 Clay 0.0000 66803.9433 3711.3302
21.0877 134.2419 10857.8305 5178.2617 5679.5688 0.2696 13.0706 2.8747 Clay 0.0000 74235.5547 4124.1975
20.9978 133.6693 10967.4674 5229.4428 5738.0246 0.1913 12.0845 2.8688 Clay 0.0000 69341.0727 3852.2818
20.5704 130.9485 11074.8727 5280.6239 5794.2487 0.3644 10.9708 2.8859 Clay 0.0000 63567.4584 3531.5255
20.6366 131.3699 11182.6235 5331.8050 5850.8185 0.3478 11.6655 2.8471 Clay 0.0000 68252.9068 3791.8282
20.6211 131.2713 11290.2936 5382.9861 5907.3075 0.4029 11.8030 2.8583 Clay 0.0000 69724.1730 3873.5652
21.1098 134.3823 11400.5153 5434.1672 5966.3480 0.2159 11.9685 2.8979 Clay 0.0000 71408.0072 3967.1115
20.5143 130.5916 11507.6278 5485.3483 6022.2795 0.3691 10.6899 2.8723 Clay 0.0000 64377.3845 3576.5214
20.5047 130.5303 11614.6901 5536.5294 6078.1607 0.4126 10.3609 2.9109 Clay 0.0000 62975.4274 3498.6349
21.0405 133.9411 11724.5500 5587.7105 6136.8394 0.2575 11.7244 2.8941 Clay 0.0000 71950.7166 3997.2620
21.5078 136.9163 11836.8501 5638.8917 6197.9585 0.1057 12.1682 2.9479 Clay 0.0000 75418.1740 4189.8986
21.2190 135.0776 11947.6421 5690.0728 6257.5694 0.1800 11.5500 2.9177 Clay 0.0000 72274.8219 4015.2679
21.5795 137.3728 12060.3167 5741.2539 6319.0628 0.1584 13.2687 2.9134 Clay 0.0000 83845.4401 4658.0800
21.9441 139.6933 12174.8946 5792.4350 6382.4596 0.1212 14.7603 2.9314 Clay 0.0000 94206.9789 5233.7210
22.3301 142.1509 12291.4882 5843.6161 6447.8721 0.0145 17.5598 2.8894 Clay 0.0000 113223.5002 6290.1945
22.2673 141.7509 12407.7537 5894.7972 6512.9565 -0.0019 15.6265 2.9466 Clay 0.0000 101774.8166 5654.1565
22.1317 140.8875 12523.3110 5945.9783 6577.3327 0.0489 15.3731 2.9226 Clay 0.0000 101114.1504 5617.4528
22.0061 140.0882 12638.2128 5997.1594 6641.0534 0.1069 14.2781 2.9492 Clay 0.0000 94821.3473 5267.8526
#NUM! #NUM! #NUM! 6048.3405 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

elevation Thrust A B DA DB ZMRNG ZMLO ZMHI ZMCAL P0 Gamma
z(ft) (m) (kgf) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) P0 (psf) P1 (psf) U0 (psf) (pcf)
2.62 2.20 3170.00 2.56 12.85 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 2.30 4803.55 26482.18 0.000 107.60
3.28 2.00 3210.00 3.28 11.75 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.11 6495.24 24184.83 0.000 107.60
3.94 1.80 2130.00 1.68 8.30 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.60 3341.60 16854.20 22.974 101.94
4.59 1.60 940.00 1.38 5.01 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.45 3028.33 9983.03 62.655 101.94
5.25 1.40 420.00 0.82 2.90 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 0.97 2025.85 5576.30 104.425 96.28
5.90 1.20 260.00 0.85 1.68 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.06 2213.81 3028.33 146.195 90.61
6.56 1.00 170.00 0.84 1.53 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.06 2213.81 2715.05 185.877 84.95
7.22 0.80 200.00 0.87 1.62 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.09 2276.47 2903.02 227.647 84.95
7.87 0.60 310.00 0.84 1.83 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.04 2172.04 3341.60 269.417 90.61
8.53 0.40 340.00 0.95 2.03 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.15 2401.78 3759.30 309.098 90.61
9.18 0.20 280.00 0.84 1.56 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.06 2213.81 2777.71 350.868 84.95
9.84 0.00 1230.00 0.86 5.35 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 0.89 1858.77 10693.12 390.550 96.28
10.50 -0.20 3030.00 3.44 13.60 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.18 6641.43 28048.56 432.320 107.60
11.15 -0.40 3510.00 3.76 13.45 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.53 7372.41 27735.28 474.090 107.60
11.81 -0.60 3290.00 3.92 14.35 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.65 7623.03 29614.93 513.771 107.60
12.46 -0.80 2610.00 3.46 11.70 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.30 6892.05 24080.41 555.541 107.60
13.12 -1.00 1800.00 1.93 8.12 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.87 3905.50 16478.27 597.311 101.94
13.78 -1.20 1110.00 2.13 6.89 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 2.15 4490.28 13909.41 636.993 101.94
14.43 -1.40 1550.00 1.86 6.55 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.88 3926.38 13199.32 678.763 101.94
15.09 -1.60 2530.00 3.12 11.85 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 2.93 6119.31 24393.68 718.444 107.60
15.74 -1.80 2160.00 2.93 10.50 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 2.80 5847.80 21574.21 760.214 107.60
16.40 -2.00 1100.00 1.92 6.39 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.95 4072.58 12865.16 801.984 101.94
17.06 -2.20 530.00 1.61 2.24 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.83 3821.96 4197.89 841.666 84.95
17.71 -2.40 300.00 1.77 2.66 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 1.98 4135.23 5075.06 88.344 90.61
18.37 -2.60 210.00 2.16 2.97 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 2.37 4949.75 5722.49 925.206 90.61
19.02 -2.80 230.00 2.72 3.73 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 2.92 6098.42 7309.75 964.887 90.61
19.68 -3.00 240.00 2.69 3.69 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 2.89 6035.77 7226.21 1006.657 90.61
20.34 -3.20 260.00 2.88 3.91 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.08 6432.58 7685.68 1046.339 90.61
20.99 -3.40 300.00 2.90 4.12 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.09 6453.47 8124.27 1088.109 96.28
21.65 -3.60 310.00 2.98 4.03 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.18 6641.43 7936.30 1129.879 90.61
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

22.30 -3.80 340.00 3.12 4.17 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.32 6933.82 8228.69 1169.560 90.61
22.96 -4.00 370.00 3.16 4.32 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.36 7017.36 8541.97 1211.330 96.28
23.62 -4.20 430.00 2.91 4.79 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.07 6411.70 9523.56 1253.100 96.28
24.27 -4.40 430.00 3.84 5.08 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.03 8416.66 10129.23 1292.782 96.28
24.93 -4.60 400.00 3.47 4.78 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.66 7643.91 9502.68 1334.552 96.28
25.58 -4.80 410.00 3.55 4.93 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.73 7790.11 9815.95 1374.233 96.28
26.24 -5.00 470.00 4.12 5.52 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.30 8980.55 11048.17 1416.003 96.28
26.90 -5.20 460.00 4.08 5.48 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.26 8897.01 10964.63 1457.773 96.28
27.55 -5.40 490.00 4.02 5.49 0.24 0.22 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.20 8771.70 10985.51 1497.455 96.28
28.86 -5.80 460.00 5.11 6.87 0.24 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.23 10922.86 13742.33 1580.995 96.28
29.52 -6.00 810.00 5.48 9.40 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.48 11444.98 19151.55 1620.676 101.94
30.18 -6.20 770.00 4.92 6.71 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.03 10505.16 13408.17 1662.446 96.28
30.83 -6.40 560.00 4.80 6.44 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.92 10275.42 12844.28 1704.216 96.28
31.49 -6.60 550.00 4.61 6.07 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.74 9899.49 12071.53 1743.898 96.28
32.14 -6.80 560.00 4.82 6.59 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.94 10317.19 13157.55 1785.668 96.28
32.80 -7.00 570.00 4.90 6.38 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.03 10505.16 12718.97 1825.349 96.28
33.46 -7.20 570.00 5.03 6.78 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.15 10755.78 13554.37 1867.119 96.28
34.11 -7.40 600.00 5.19 6.99 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.30 11069.05 13992.95 1908.889 96.28
34.77 -7.60 630.00 5.21 6.92 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.33 11131.71 13846.76 1948.571 96.28
35.42 -7.80 650.00 5.39 7.10 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.51 11507.64 14222.69 1990.341 96.28
36.08 -8.00 650.00 5.39 6.87 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.52 11528.52 13742.33 2032.111 96.28
36.74 -8.20 690.00 5.58 7.67 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.68 11862.68 15413.13 2071.792 101.94
37.39 -8.40 770.00 5.88 8.28 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.96 12447.46 16687.12 2301.527 101.94
38.05 -8.60 790.00 6.82 8.43 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 6.94 14494.19 17000.39 2153.244 101.94
38.70 -8.80 820.00 6.77 8.72 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 6.88 14368.88 17606.06 2195.014 101.94
39.36 -9.00 880.00 6.89 9.30 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 6.97 14556.85 18942.70 2236.784 101.94
40.02 -9.20 1100.00 5.68 10.65 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.63 11758.26 21762.17 2276.465 101.94
40.67 -9.40 1110.00 4.37 7.28 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.43 9252.06 14598.62 2318.235 101.94
41.33 -9.60 1040.00 4.81 6.92 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.91 10254.54 13846.76 2360.005 96.28
41.98 -9.80 1040.00 5.58 10.15 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.55 11591.18 20717.92 2399.687 101.94
42.64 -10.00 1150.00 4.13 5.97 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.24 8855.24 11862.68 2441.457 96.28
43.30 -10.20 1130.00 5.40 8.23 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.46 11403.21 16582.69 2481.138 101.94
43.95 -10.40 1130.00 6.55 9.90 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 6.58 13742.33 20195.80 2522.908 101.94
44.61 -10.60 1010.00 6.27 8.83 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 6.35 13261.98 17835.79 2564.678 101.94
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S.. 3/24/2017

45.26 -10.80 1030.00 4.90 8.00 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.95 10338.08 16102.34 2604.360 101.94
45.92 -11.00 1510.00 4.51 9.85 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 4.44 9272.94 20091.37 2646.130 101.94
46.58 -11.20 3670.00 3.88 16.75 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 3.44 7184.44 34502.02 2687.900 107.60
47.23 -11.40 5260.00 7.29 20.30 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 6.84 14285.34 41916.20 2727.581 113.27
47.89 -11.60 5500.00 6.98 20.00 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 6.53 13637.91 41289.65 2769.351 113.27
48.54 -11.80 3480.00 5.42 16.25 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.08 10609.58 33457.77 2809.033 107.60
49.20 -12.00 2580.00 5.09 10.50 0.19 0.28 9.00 0.01 -0.05 0.00 5.02 10484.27 21448.90 2850.803 101.94

Material Stress Static
Index, Index, Lateral
Contact Expansion textbook, pg textbook pg dilatometer Earth Friction
stress Stress 100 100 Modulus Pressure Angle
E_d φ'
z(ft) P0 (psf) P1 (psf) I_d K_d E_d (psf) (MN/m2) Ko OCR Degrees
2.62 4803.55 26482.18 4.51 17.01 752264101.47 36018.41 2.53 28.21 43.52
3.28 6495.24 24184.83 2.72 18.40 613841709.00 29390.74 2.65 31.89 43.69
3.94 3341.60 16854.20 4.07 8.27 468896795.42 22450.78 1.63 9.16 41.58
4.59 3028.33 9983.03 2.35 6.34 241333281.11 11555.04 1.37 6.04 40.69
5.25 2025.85 5576.30 1.85 3.80 123203176.54 5898.97 0.95 2.72 38.81
5.90 2213.81 3028.33 0.39 3.86 28264258.15 1353.29 0.96 2.79 38.87
6.56 2213.81 2715.05 0.25 3.64 17393389.63 832.80 0.92 2.54 38.64
7.22 2276.47 2903.02 0.31 3.34 21741737.04 1040.99 0.86 2.23 38.32
7.87 2172.04 3341.60 0.61 2.67 40584575.80 1943.19 0.71 1.57 37.47
8.53 2401.78 3759.30 0.65 2.71 47107096.91 2255.49 0.72 1.60 37.53
9.18 2213.81 2777.71 0.30 2.39 19567563.33 936.89 0.64 1.32 37.07
9.84 1858.77 10693.12 6.02 1.55 306558492.22 14678.02 0.42 0.67 35.58
10.50 6641.43 28048.56 3.45 5.50 742842682.09 35567.31 1.24 4.84 40.18
11.15 7372.41 27735.28 2.95 5.75 706606453.69 33832.32 1.28 5.19 40.34
11.81 7623.03 29614.93 3.09 5.60 763134969.99 36538.90 1.26 4.98 40.24
12.46 6892.05 24080.41 2.71 4.72 596448319.37 28557.95 1.11 3.82 39.62
13.12 3905.50 16478.27 3.80 2.47 436284189.87 20889.29 0.67 1.39 37.20
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

13.78 4490.28 13909.41 2.44 2.74 326850780.12 15649.62 0.73 1.64 37.58
14.43 3926.38 13199.32 2.86 2.21 321777708.14 15406.72 0.60 1.17 36.78
15.09 6119.31 24393.68 3.38 3.33 634133996.90 30362.34 0.85 2.21 38.30
15.74 5847.80 21574.21 3.09 3.00 545717599.62 26128.96 0.79 1.89 37.92
16.40 4072.58 12865.16 2.69 1.96 305109043.08 14608.62 0.53 0.97 36.36
17.06 3821.96 4197.89 0.13 2.06 13045042.22 624.60 0.56 1.04 36.53
17.71 4135.23 5075.06 0.23 2.52 32612605.56 1561.49 0.68 1.44 37.27
18.37 4949.75 5722.49 0.19 2.42 26814809.01 1283.89 0.65 1.34 37.11
19.02 6098.42 7309.75 0.24 2.98 42034024.94 2012.59 0.78 1.86 37.88
19.68 6035.77 7226.21 0.24 2.82 41309300.37 1977.89 0.75 1.71 37.68
20.34 6432.58 7685.68 0.23 2.92 43483474.07 2081.99 0.77 1.81 37.81
20.99 6453.47 8124.27 0.31 2.65 57977965.43 2775.98 0.71 1.56 37.46
21.65 6641.43 7936.30 0.23 2.81 44932923.21 2151.39 0.74 1.70 37.67
22.30 6933.82 8228.69 0.22 2.85 44932923.21 2151.39 0.75 1.74 37.72
22.96 7017.36 8541.97 0.26 2.63 52904893.46 2533.09 0.70 1.53 37.42
23.62 6411.70 9523.56 0.60 2.27 107983960.62 5170.27 0.61 1.22 36.88
24.27 8416.66 10129.23 0.24 3.05 59427414.57 2845.38 0.80 1.93 37.97
24.93 7643.91 9502.68 0.29 2.63 64500486.54 3088.28 0.70 1.53 37.42
25.58 7790.11 9815.95 0.32 2.60 70298283.09 3365.88 0.70 1.51 37.39
26.24 8980.55 11048.17 0.27 2.99 71747732.22 3435.28 0.78 1.88 37.91
26.90 8897.01 10964.63 0.28 2.87 71747732.22 3435.28 0.76 1.76 37.75
27.55 8771.70 10985.51 0.30 2.74 76820804.20 3678.18 0.73 1.64 37.58
28.86 10922.86 13742.33 0.30 3.36 97837816.67 4684.47 0.86 2.25 38.34
29.52 11444.98 19151.55 0.78 3.26 267423365.55 12804.23 0.84 2.15 38.23
30.18 10505.16 13408.17 0.33 3.04 100736714.94 4823.27 0.79 1.93 37.97
30.83 10275.42 12844.28 0.30 2.89 89141121.85 4268.08 0.76 1.77 37.77
31.49 9899.49 12071.53 0.27 2.69 75371355.06 3608.78 0.72 1.59 37.51
32.14 10317.19 13157.55 0.33 2.76 98562541.23 4719.17 0.73 1.65 37.60
32.80 10505.16 12718.97 0.26 2.75 76820804.20 3678.18 0.73 1.64 37.58
33.46 10755.78 13554.37 0.31 2.76 97113092.10 4649.77 0.73 1.65 37.60
34.11 11069.05 13992.95 0.32 2.79 101461439.50 4857.97 0.74 1.68 37.64
34.77 11131.71 13846.76 0.30 2.74 94214193.83 4510.98 0.73 1.64 37.58
35.42 11507.64 14222.69 0.29 2.79 94214193.83 4510.98 0.74 1.68 37.64
36.08 11528.52 13742.33 0.23 2.73 76820804.20 3678.18 0.73 1.63 37.56
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

36.74 11862.68 15413.13 0.36 2.61 123203176.54 5898.97 0.70 1.52 37.40
37.39 12447.46 16687.12 0.42 2.66 147119087.28 7044.06 0.71 1.56 37.47
38.05 14494.19 17000.39 0.20 3.18 86966948.15 4163.98 0.82 2.06 38.13
38.70 14368.88 17606.06 0.27 3.09 112332308.02 5378.47 0.80 1.97 38.02
39.36 14556.85 18942.70 0.36 3.07 152192159.26 7286.96 0.80 1.95 38.00
40.02 11758.26 21762.17 1.06 2.32 347143068.02 16621.21 0.63 1.26 36.97
40.67 9252.06 14598.62 0.77 1.67 185529489.38 8883.15 0.45 0.76 35.83
41.33 10254.54 13846.76 0.46 1.98 124652625.68 5968.37 0.54 0.99 36.41
41.98 11591.18 20717.92 0.99 2.15 316704636.17 15163.82 0.58 1.12 36.69
42.64 8855.24 11862.68 0.47 1.56 104360337.78 4996.77 0.42 0.68 35.61
43.30 11403.21 16582.69 0.58 2.02 179731692.84 8605.55 0.55 1.02 36.47
43.95 13742.33 20195.80 0.58 2.50 223939891.48 10722.24 0.67 1.42 37.24
44.61 13261.98 17835.79 0.43 2.35 158714680.37 7599.26 0.64 1.29 37.01
45.26 10338.08 16102.34 0.75 1.68 200023980.74 9577.15 0.45 0.76 35.84
45.92 9272.94 20091.37 1.63 1.42 375407326.17 17974.50 0.37 0.58 35.30
46.58 7184.44 34502.02 6.08 0.90 947939734.80 45387.35 0.19 0.29 34.04
47.23 14285.34 41916.20 2.39 2.16 958810603.32 45907.85 0.59 1.13 36.71
47.89 13637.91 41289.65 2.54 2.00 959535327.89 45942.55 0.55 1.00 36.44
48.54 10609.58 33457.77 2.93 1.49 792848677.27 37961.59 0.40 0.63 35.46
49.20 10484.27 21448.90 1.44 1.52 380480398.14 18217.40 0.41 0.65 35.52
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017


Meyerhof’s Method – Sandy Soils
Net ultimate point load, = p ′ q ≤ p l Eq. (3),
where l = 0.5 a q an ′ Eq. (4),
and pa = 100 kN/m2 or 2000 lb/ft2.

Meyerhof’s Method – Clayey Soils

Net ultimate point load, p = p ′ c =9 u p Eq. (5).

Vesic’s Method – Sandy Soil

Net ultimate point load, Qp = Ap Nσ* σm' Eq. (6),

where σm' = Eq. (7).

To calculate Nσ*:
μs = 0.1 + 0.3 for 25° ≤ ϕ ≤ 45°
and Es = m pa, where m = 100 to 200 (loose soil)
200 to 500 (medium dense soil)
500 to 100 (dense soil)

Irr = Eq. (8),

where Ir = Eq. (9),

and Δ = 0.005 Eq. (10).
Calculate Nσ* from Table

Vesic’s Method – Clay Soil

Qp = Ap cu Nc* Eq. (11),
where Nc* = ln Irr +1) + +1 Eq. (12),

and Ir = Irr = 347 – 33 Eq. (13).

Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017


14" Steel Pipe Pile

Depth Length Qp (avg) Qs Qu
0 0 0 0 0
15 15 177.87642 10.929739 62.935
30 15 6.686 16.400 7.695
70 40 29.827 123.224 51.017
100 30 284.899 231.427 172.109

14" Steel Pipe Pile

Total Load, kips





Depth, ft

60 Qu




18" Steel Pipe Pile

Depth Length Qp (avg) Qs Qu
0 0 0 0 0
15 15 335.31067 5.5389194 113.617
30 15 12.603 13.050 8.551
70 40 56.226 119.873 58.700
100 30 537.057 228.077 255.045
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

18" Steel Pipe Pile

Total Load, kips






Depth, ft

60 Qu




36" Steel Pipe Pile

Depth Length Qp (avg) Qs Qu
0 0 0 0 0
15 15 1305.6203 10.929739 438.850
30 15 49.074 25.751 24.942
70 40 218.932 236.542 151.825
100 30 2091.172 450.055 847.076

36" Steel Pipe Pile

Total Load, kips

Depth, ft

60 Qu



Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

Steel Pipe Pile Load

100 Total Ultimate Load, kips










40 18"
Depth, ft

60 38"




HP 12x53
Depth Length Qp (avg) Qs Qu
0 0 0 0 0
15 15 18.923697 10.66316 29.587
30 15 0.711 25.123 25.834
70 40 3.173 230.772 233.946
100 30 30.309 439.078 469.388
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

HP 12x53
Total Load, kips

Depth, ft

60 Qu




HP 13x60
Depth Length Qp (avg) Qs Qu
0 0 0 0 0
15 15 21.365464 10.66316 32.029
30 15 0.803 25.123 25.926
70 40 3.583 230.772 234.355
100 30 34.220 439.078 473.299

HP 13x60
Total Load, kips

Depth, ft

60 Qu



Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

HP 14x73
Depth Length Qp (avg) Qs Qu
0 0 0 0 0
15 15 26.12691 10.66316 36.790
30 15 0.982 25.123 26.105
70 40 4.381 230.772 235.154
100 30 41.847 439.078 480.925

HP 14x73
Total Load, kips

Depth, ft

60 Qu



Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

H‐Pile Load
Total Load, kips
0 200 400 600


Depth, ft

60 HP12x53




Depth Length (avg) Qs Qu
0 0 0 0 0
15 15 175.807 0.000 175.807
30 15 6.608 6.608 13.216
70 40 29.480 36.088 65.568
100 30 148.935 55.488 204.424
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

Total Load, kips




Depth, ft

60 Qu




Depth Length (avg) Qs Qu
0 0 0 0 0
15 15 239.293 0.000 239.293
30 15 8.994 3.749 12.743
70 40 40.126 83.724 123.849
100 30 383.269 164.732 548.000

Total Load, kips






Depth, ft

60 Qu



Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Juliana S. 3/24/2017

Depth Length Qp (avg) Qs Qu
0 0 0 0 0
15 15 703.229 0.000 205.108
30 15 26.432 6.427 9.584
70 40 117.921 143.526 76.255
100 30 1126.340 282.397 410.882

Total Load, kips

Depth, ft

60 Qu



Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Geotechnical Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Juliana S. 3/24/2017

Prestress Concrete Pile Load

100 Total Ultimate Load, kips












40 S12"
Depth, ft

60 S24"



Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Matt F. 3/24/2017

Domestic Water Flow Calculation

Flow: 15 GPD/person
Flow Duration: 12 hours
Occupancy: 1320 persons

Average Flow = Flow*Occupancy*(1/Flow Duration)*(1/60)


Average Flow Qa = 27.5 GPM

Domestic Peak Water Flow Calculation

Average Flow Qa = 27.5 GPM
Constant (Cmd): 2.75

Qa (GPH)=Qa*60
Qmh (GPH)=Qa (GPH)*Cmd


Qa (GPH) = 1650 GPH

Qmh (GPH) = 4537.5 GPH
Qmh (GPH) = 75.625 GPM
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Matt F. 3/24/2017

Pipe Size Computations (Hazen‐Williams Formula)

C (PVC): 120
P_1: 64 psi
P_2: 62 psi
L: 50 ft
Qmh: 75.625 GPM

D = ((Q/(0.442*C))*(L/(P_1‐P_2))^0.54)^0.38


D= 2.215138 in

D= 3"


ODU Sciences Building
Enter largest affected area 1st floor 31500 F Coeff.
Enter 50% of secound floor 14625 Class 1 Frame 1.5
Enter number of Floors(above 1st) 4 Class 2 joisted masonry 1
Affected Area Total 90000 Class 3 Noncombustible 0.8
Enter Coefficient for Construction Class 0.6 Class 4 Masonary, Noncombustible 0.8
Ci is 3240 Class 5 Modified Fire Resisitive 0.6
Class 6 Fire resisitive 0.6

Combustibility Class Oi Coeff.

Oi 0.85 C‐1 Noncombustible 0.75
C‐2 Limited Combustible 0.85
Xi Pi C‐3 Combustible 1
Side 1 0 0 C‐4 Free Burning 1.15
Side 2 0 0 C‐5 Rapid Burning 1.25
Side 3 0 0
Side 4 0 0 Enter 1 below plus the (Xi + Pi) not to exceed 1.75
0 0 1

Needed Fire Flow 2754 GPM

Reduction for Sprinkler System 1377 GPM

Round to the nearest 250 GPM if < 2500 GPM 1500 GPM
Round to the nearest 500 GPM if > 2500 GPM GPM
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Matt F. 3/24/2017

Fire Flow Pipe Size Computations (Hazen‐Williams Formula)

C (PVC): 120
P_1: 64 psi
P_2: 62 psi
L: 50 ft
Qmh: 1500 GPM

D = ((Q/(0.442*C))*(L/(P_1‐P_2))^0.54)^0.38


D= 6.893228 in

D= 8"
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Stormwater Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Matt F. 3/24/2017

Phosphorus Untreated
Runoff Managed Turf Impervious Volume from Remaining Total BMP Phosphorus Phosphorus Remaining
Runoff Load from Phosphorus Downstream Practice to be
Practice Reduction Credit Area Cover Credit Upstream Runoff Treatment Removal Removed By Phosphorus
Reduction (ft3) Upstream Load to Employed
Credit (%) (acres) Area (acres) Practice (ft3) Volume (ft3) Volume (ft3) Efficiency (%) Practice (lb) Load (lb)
Practices (lb) Practice (lb)

2.g. To Rain Garden #2,

80 0.25 0 690 172 862 50 0.00 0.54 0.49 0.05
Micro‐Bioretention #2 (Spec #9)

2.h. To Rainwater Harvesting (Spec #6) 0 0.10 0 0 345 345 0 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.22

5.b. Dry Swale #2 (Spec #10) 60 0.22 0.48 0 1,055 703 1,758 40 0.00 1.10 0.84 0.26




Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Sanitary Sewer Calculations

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Matt F 3/24/2017

Average Daily Flow (ADF) Calculation

Flow: 15 GPD/person
Flow Duration: 12 hours
Occupancy: 1320 persons

Average Flow = Flow*Occupancy*(1/Flow Duration)*(1/60)


Average Flow Qa = 27.5 GPM

Peak Sewage Flow Calculation

Average Flow Qa: 27.5 GPM
Peak Flow Factor: 3

Peak Flow Q = Qa*3


Peak Flow Q = 82.5 GPM

Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Sanitary Sewer Calculations

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Matt F 3/24/2017

Pipe Size Computations (Mannings Eq.)

n (PVC): 0.01
Slope: 0.05 ft/ft
Peak Flow Q: 0.1815 cfs
A (half full pipe): 0.5*PI*(d/2)^2
Pwet (half full pipe): PI*(d/2)

Solving for D: D=((4.307*Q*n)/(SQRT(S)))^(3/8)


D= 0.2843397 ft
D= 3.4120759 in

D= 4"
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

LEED Calculations
Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Chris C 3/24/2017
Project Job Ref.

Old Dominion University Science Building

Section Sheet no./rev.

Air Quality Calculations

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date

Josh S 3/24/2017


ASHRAE (62.1-2016) Calculation Procedure:
--Laboratory Hoods are classified as Air Class 4a, meaning the exhaust air cannot be recirculated.
--The Ventilation Rate Procedure was chosen since it dealt with parameters we already knew.

Vhz = RpPz + RaAz

Vhz = airflow required in occupied space (cfm)
Rp = outdoor airflow required per person from Tale (cfm/person)
Pz = zone population (person)
Ra = outdoor airflow rate per unit area from Table (cfm/ft2)
Az = zone floor area (ft2)
Table can be found in ASHRAE 62.1-2016
We will have different Rp and Ra values depending on the room type.
The Vhz was calculated for each room type.
Room Ra Rp Pz Az Vhz
Labs 0.18 10 363 36,308 10,165
Lecture 0.06 7.5 389 8,996 3,457.3
Classrooms 0.12 10 285 1,263 3,001.6
Office 0.06 5 118 6,227 963.62
Storage 0.12 5 80 6,050 1,126
Lobbies 0.06 5 275 5,506 1,705.36
Vhz Total 20,418.88

This total was rounded to 20,420 cfm. This value is mainly for mechanical engineers in the decision
of an HVAC system, as well as for any energy analysis that may be required for the building, such as for
LEED analysis. A more intensive energy analysis is recommended using this value.

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