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List of Modules


1. The Secretary OP 102-1

2 Personal Effectiveness OP 102-2

3 Standard Secretarial References OP 102-3

4 Use of Outside Sources OP 102-4

5 Job Seeking OP 102-5

6 Job Success OP 102-6

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Polytechnic Date Revised:
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Internship Document No. Developed by:
Lucille M. Serrano Revision # 00
OJT 223 c/o Admin

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Lucille M. Serrano Revision # 00
OJT 223 c/o Admin


MODULE TITLE The Secretary



At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Define the duties of the secretary,
2. Identify the skills needed,
3. Discover the professional growth opportunities available to the secretary.

1. Duties of secretary
2. Skills requirements:
2.1 Typing speed
2.2 Transcription speed
2.3 Dictation speed
2.4 Spelling, punctuation and grammar
3. Several ways/areas of study for professional development (formal and
3.1 Advantages of secretarial career

1. Drills
2. Essay

The Secretary for the Corporate World' 2006 Ed.

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
Information Sheet OP 102-1
The Secretary
Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Define the duties of the secretary,
2. Identify the skills needed,
3. Discover the professional growth opportunities available to the secretary.

At the turn of century, the latest modern technology is on the rise and
thousands of office workers are striving to unleash their curiosity and
enthusiasm to cope with this trend of modern civilization. Nowadays, the
question of rapid and efficient productivity at office work has long been settled
by the birth of modern, sophisticated office equipment. High teach computer
technology has become the way of life. The Internet has become virtually an
integral part of business organizations mainly because it has spread all over the
world with point of access at thousand of companies around the globe. The
Internet which is referred to as the network of networks has made business move
at tremendous speed. This has made the world of business very competitive. The
ones which survives are the ones with latest technology and the ones having the
most competent staff.
Despite the tremendous advance in modern technology, the presence and service
of human being is still indispensable at the workplace. The many complicated
and day-to-day changes of work-related activity require a human being to handle
things that none of the modern equipment could handle. A secretary is one of
these beings. A secretary of today’s world must possess skills which are
commensurate with the latest office equipment. In this context it becomes
imperative to define and analyze the role of a secretary in the new millennium.

Secretary Defined
The word ‘secretary’ means different things to all
people, and certainly many of those who work in
offices choose to shelter beneath the secretarial
umbrella. In some people’s minds, a secretary will
simply be someone who, once in an office, answers
the telephone and does the typing. At the other end
of the spectrum, a secretary may be seen as
someone holding a very responsible position within
an organization, one which provides a full range of
management support which calls upon a variety of
skills and abilities.

The word secretary means one who keeps the

secret/confidential matters of the organization. A secretary may be defined as a

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
person who writes for another, especially one who is employed to conduct
correspondence, to keep records and to transact other business for another
person or for a society, corporation or a public body.


The importance of a secretary’s functions depends upon the size and nature of
organization he serves, his duties, his ability and willingness to undertake
responsibility and his employer’s readiness to delegate responsibilities to him.
In most cases, however, the position of a secretary is that of an office executive.
Besides, he also has to act as a liaison officer and as an advisor to management.
As an office executive the secretary’s functions include:
1. Supervision, coordination and control of clerical work.
2. Selection, appointment and assignment of office work to staff.
3. Maintaining office discipline.
4. Supervising secretarial work relating to meetings, etc.
The secretary’s duties as a liaison officer involves:
1. Handling staff matters, dealing personally with outside callers.
2. Acting as a mouth piece of management for communicating their
decision to staff.
3. Maintaining public relations, i.e., keeping the public informed
about the activities of the organization.
Other duties and responsibilities of secretaries:
• Reception. In general office positions, secretarial duties involve helping
new employees and visitors find their way around. This includes directing
visitors to the people they came to meet and showing new employees where
to go on their first day. In general, a secretary projects the image of the
business by offering a friendly and professional reception to people who
come into the office.
• Filing. Secretaries often manage customer files and other records in an
office. In a doctor's office, for instance, the secretary pulls each patient's
file at the time of the appointment for the nurse or doctor. She replaces it
when the appointment is over. Keeping files in alphabetical order and
using a filing system for easy storage and retrieval are keys to successful
file organization.
• Correspondence. Secretaries are the common liaison for incoming and
outgoing phone and mail correspondence. They receive calls from clients,
business partners, workers or community members, and either answer
questions or forward the calls. They also make calls on behalf of managers
to communicate information to customers, to schedule appointments or to
follow up on inquiries. Taking notes from a manager, preparing a memo or
letter and screening mail are common duties of a secretary.

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
• Document management. Secretaries copy documents for mailings or for
internal distribution. They also must fax documents from the company to
clients or customers and receive incoming faxes to pass on to the right
person. Some secretaries use email, Word and Excel to create
spreadsheets or documents and distribute them to employees or
customers. Proofreading documents and drafting emails are other
secretarial duties.
• Office Tasks. Especially in small offices, the functions of a secretary may
include routine clerical tasks and errands to assist others. This may mean
canceling or rescheduling appointments, ordering office supplies, taking
notes during meetings and getting drinks for guests.
• Taking Minutes of the Meeting. The secretary is responsible for ensuring
that accurate minutes of meetings are taken and approved. Requirement
of minutes may vary with the jurisdiction but should include a minimum:
• Date, time, location of meeting;
• List of those present and absent;
• Agenda;
• List of reports presented;
• Decision made by the participants;
• Future decisions



Be sure to use all ten fingers: No finger should be idle unless you are typing
an article that does not have specific letters assigned to specific fingers. The
ideal finger-to-letter assignment are as follows:
 Left Pinky Finger – 1, Q, A, Z, `, Tab, Caps Lock, Left Shift

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
 Left Ring Finger – 2, W, S, X
 Left Middle Finger – 3, E, D, C
 Left Index Finger – 4, R, F, V, 5, T, G. B
 Left and Right Thumbs – Space Bar, Alt
 Right Pinky Finger – 0, P,?, -, {, }, “, \, Backspace, Enter, Right Shift
 Right Ring Finger – 9, O, L, >
 Right Middle Finger – 8, I, K, <
 Right Index Finger – 6, Y, H, N, 7, U, J, M
 A transcription service is a business service that converts speech (either
live or recorded) into a written or electronic text document.
 Transcription services are often provided for business, legal, or medical
purposes. The most common type of transcription is from a spoken-
language source into text such as a computer file suitable for printing as
a document such as a report.
 Common examples are the proceedings of a court hearing such as
a criminal trial (by a court reporter) or a physician's recorded voice notes
(medical transcription).
 Some transcription businesses can send staff to events, speeches, or
seminars, who then convert the spoken content into text. Some companies
also accept recorded speech, either on cassette, CD, VHS, or as sound
 Dictation can be defied as the act of dictating or speaking so that speech
can be converted into text.
 This can either be done in real time and it can also be recorded.
 Generally, however, dictation is normally recorded so that the
transcription can be detached from the process of dictation.
 Dictation can be recorded in a number of ways. Some of them include:
1. Phone- in digital dictation systems
2. PDA/ smartphone digital dictation applications
3. Digital recorders that are hand held
4. Computer software that is used for dictation
5. Analogue recorders that are hand held.

 Dictation process is popular with professionals who work with large

quantities of documents. Attorneys and physicians are great examples of
professionals who use dictation.
 Dictation has also become popular in a number of professions as demand
for work efficiency grows.

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 This is used for documenting events, capturing ideas, meetings and any
other speech capturing opportunities where note taking is not as effective.


 English spellings can be confusing especially for the non-native speakers
and writers. Unfortunately, there are exceptions to these rules, but this
summary should be helpful.

Spelling knowledge
• PHONOLOGY – how words sound
• MORPHEMES – how words are constructed from meaningful elements
• HOMONYMS – words that sound similar, but have different meanings
and spellings
• HOMOPHONE – a word (type of homonym) that is pronounced the same
as another word. The words may be spelled differently or the same.
• CONTRACTION -- A word or phrase that has been shortened by leaving
out some of the letters is called a contraction.

1. Comma (,)
 “comma” is used to show a slight pause. It is used to group words that
belong together and to separate those that do not.
 When a conjunction (and or but) joins two independent clauses (clauses
that can each stand on their own as a complete sentence), a comma must
precede the conjunction.
 When a conjunction joins an independent clause with a dependent clause
(a clause that cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence), there is no
 Dear sir, Yours faithfully, 20th Jan,2016

 Correct: The agency published the regulation, and it will closely monitor
the impact of the regulation on access to health care.
 Correct: The agency published the regulation and will closely monitor the
impact on access to health care.
 Incorrect: The agency published the regulation, and will closely monitor
the impact on access to health care
2. Question Mark(?)
 Use a question mark (?) to indicate a direct question when placed at the
end of a sentence.
 Why What when where How

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
3. Exclamation mark (!)
 Exclamation means an expression of feeling of surprise, wonder or other
sudden, unexpected and unheard feelings.
 Examples: Stop! Look! Listen! Oh! Ah!
4. Semi-colon (;)
 To complete a sentence, the mark of semi- colon is used. it is used to
separate a compound sentence transition and items of a series.
 The words such as however, therefore, hence, thus, besides are used after
a sentence
 Example: There was an earthquake; however, no loss of life.
5. Colon (:)
 This punctuation indicates a closing of a sentence. It is used to separate
sentences like units within a sentence or before a list.
 Examples: To: CC: From: Subject:
6. Apostrophe (‘)
 An apostrophe (‘) is used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from
a word.
 Usage of Apostrophe:
 Possessive Apostrophe
Examples- Teacher’s table, Company’s name, Officer’s chamber
 Apostrophe is placed after the letter ‘S’ in case noun is a plural.
Examples: Workers’ problems, Students’ research, Customers’ demand,
companies 'annual report
 Apostrophe is used before the letter ‘s’ in the case of plural nouns which
do not have ‘S’.
Examples: Children’s problems Women’s university Men’s hostel

Omitted Letters: Examples: She will – She’ll did not – didn’t would not-
Wouldn’t We are- we’re
9. Quotation Marks/Inverted Commas (“”)
 Used to indicate the exact words of the writer or speaker. And they are
repeated by someone Quotation marks are used to enclose a direct
 Examples: I asked “who is the class teacher of your class.” The inspector
asked, “who is your employer? What is his name”?
10. Hyphen (-)
 It is used to join two parts of a word or phrase particularly a compound
noun. To divide a word, between two adjectives and to clarify the meaning.
Examples: Co-exist First-in-first-out

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
11. Parenthesis ()
 This is used to separate the words or group of words within a sentence
from the rest of a sentence.
12. Bracket [ ]
 This is used to enclose or group together one or more words, symbols It is
also used to enclose figures or words already in parenthesis. [ ( ) ]
13. Caret (^):
 It is a mark used in printing or typing to carry out a correction to show
where to insert words, figures etc., missed originally.
14. Full stop(.)
 This mark indicates the end of a sentence, or abbreviation to separate
15. Slash (/)
 is used to separate words or to show omission.
 Usage of Slash
i. To show omission: c/o- “In care of”
ii.To indicate Numbers: ¾ indicating fractions
8/18/2020 indicating dates
16. Percentages (%)
 Spell out the word percent unless used in a table.
17. Ellipses (…)
 To show omission of words in quoted material, three spaced dots (ellipses)
are used if material is deleted within the sentence.
 When the last part of a quoted sentence is omit-ted, it is followed by
three spaced dots plus its punctuation. At the end of the quotation, only
the punctuation is used:
o “Five hundred firemen . . . attended the ball …”
o Mr. Brown went on to say: “The shoe department functions smoothly
… many salespeople have won prizes for efficiency.”

There are many reasons why you should make sure that your company’s written
material is grammatically correct; that spelling mistakes are eliminated and that
the correct punctuation is used. Some of these include the following:
1. First impressions matter: You want to make sure you come across as the
business professional you are. You want to give your readers a good first
impression. Not only do you want to get their attention, but you also want

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
to earn their respect. Good spelling, correct grammar and the appropriate
use of punctuation will give them more confidence in the person (or the
company) communicating with them.
2. Good reputation: Similarly, clients and suppliers are more likely to trust
a company that communicates clearly and correctly. The use of proper
grammar will help maintain your business’ credibility and reputation as a
professional, trustworthy enterprise that views all of its interactions with
its customers and traders as equally important.
3. Avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding: Incorrect spelling or
a lack of punctuation may create confusion. Your audience may be left
guessing what you are trying to say. Spelling errors and grammatical
mistakes may also change the meaning of your message, which might
result in misinformation. Some readers may get back to you to clarify,
others might not; which, in the case of new prospects / customers, is
something you want to avoid. You do not want poor grammar to cost you
business opportunities.
4. Make your communications more effective: It is likely that you do not
want to distract your readers from the message you are trying to convey
by giving them grammar and spelling mistakes to take note of. Also, such
errors make your writing harder to read. You wouldn’t want to create any
distraction in your audience’s mind, particularly if you are trying to get
them to take some form of action – such as following a hyperlink on your
website or signing up for a service.
5. Reduce the risk of costly lawsuits: In this day and age where most
businesses operate on a global basis with teams of people scattered across
every corner of the planet, written communications – particularly emails
and other instant messaging applications – have become an essential part
of their operations. Grammatically incorrect documents may convey
misinformation, misguiding the reader into taking the wrong action or
their reaction to it. This, in turn, may leave your business open to costly
legal action, on the basis that the information provided was false or
misleading in some way – maybe simply because of some typographical
errors or other mistakes in the final communication.
6. Keep your business’ competitive edge. Fact: Bad grammar affects
business. Full stop. Research has shown that many customers would
hesitate in making a purchase from a website that has obvious grammar
and spelling errors. Competition is tough; you only have a short time to
impress a potential new customer (particularly online). You do not want to
present your products or services in an unfavourable light or make your
readers lose interest with poor grammar. Instead, you want to gain and
maintain your readers’ trust and attention at all times. The ability to
communicate clearly and effectively is likely to give your company a
definite advantage over less articulate rivals.

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7. Increase productivity: Many businesses rely on written guidelines (for
instance, memos or emails) among team members. Correct spelling and
grammar will help your employees understand your instructions better,
thus avoiding any confusion or misunderstanding about what is expected
of them. The result will be less time wasted trying to work out poorly
worded instructions and more time spent doing the job. This may also help
to maintain harmonious working relationships between colleagues, as a
result of better and clearer communication.
 Secretaries often begin by assisting executive secretaries and work their
way up by learning the way their business operates.
 Initial promotions from a secretarial position are usually to jobs such as:
1. secretarial supervisor
2. office manager
3. administrative assistant.
 Depending on other personal qualifications, college courses in business,
accounting, or marketing can help the ambitious secretary enter middle
and upper management.
 Training in computer skills can also lead to advancement. Secretaries who
become proficient in word processing, for instance, can get jobs as
instructors or as sales representatives for software manufacturers.
The importance of a company secretary can be many such as the different
responsibilities of a company secretary that are carried out by them accordingly
on time. The following mentioned are a few advantages of a company secretary.
1. No stress involved:
When it comes to the company secretary job, there is no stress of deadlines or
meeting requirements. Even though this job role has important administrative
work to be done, it has nothing to be done within the given time limit.
Facing a lot of stress in a job has become common in work life due to which we
end up facing health problems or job dissatisfaction.
One can easily trust holding a secretary role as it does not have any kind of
stress rather than managing their day to day office works assuring that things
are going smoothly.
This is one big advantage of holding a secretary role of being stress-free most of
the time.
2. Flexible working hours:

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
When coming to working hours, the secretary job is a good option as it fits
traditional working hours and also has flexible work timings.
Unreliable working hours are a huge concern for many of the job seekers which
is a pain area for all the employees as everyone wants to achieve the work-life
And it is a huge concern for people who need more time for personal life but at
the same time want to thrive in their professional like also.
Secretary role is something which is very reliable in work timings and no
overtime is required unless and until it is needed.
3. Great responsibility is given:
Any job seeker would be expecting a responsible job that has a good reputation
in your environment. As the secretarial role is something that takes care of the
overall functioning of the environment. It has lots of opportunities to take
ownership of the position and perform tasks that help in the smooth functioning
of the organization.
You will be in a position to decide the schedules of the higher officials, new
agreements or contracts signed in your office or even to regulate new procedures
of the office.
Hence, for people who love to take in charge of the environment can consider
applying for a secretarial role in their career.
4. Not just paperwork:
There is a wrong assumption that secretarial job involves lots of paperwork and
documentation which involves huge hours of typing papers and long documents.
But the reality is, now with the pace of technology, the secretarial job improves
to a stage where it only deals with hardware and software data which store as
electronic documents.
The working environment of secretarial roles has improved a lot and they are
connected by local area networks giving them access to all the relevant
organizational documents. Workstations have been operated with recent
technological advancements where all the paperwork is fed in the computers as
data and operated electronically.
5. Greater job satisfaction:
Job satisfaction is very important for any kind of job. When it comes to the
secretarial job you need to have good decision making skills which are very
essential. And this job role will have a more authoritative position that gives you
space and opportunities to implement your ideas and put your opinions across
the higher management.
This job comes with the perk of meeting and interacting with the higher
management quite early in your career. Hence it gives good job satisfaction and
recognition in the work environment.

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
6. Better interactions with higher authorities:
Interacting with higher officials is one of the advantages of being a secretary.
This, in turn, will increase the respect among the other colleagues and adds
value to your reputation. You can learn ample about the industry while
interacting with the management which can help you to grow with the company.
There are various levels of secretarial jobs and the secretary roles and
responsibilities vary accordingly, for example, executive secretaries have a major
role to play with the chief operating officers and have lots of added
responsibilities. And hence, mobility with the higher officials is an added
advantage to the job role.
7. No age barrier:
There is a wrong idea or a notion that people who have crossed their 50’s is not
fit to work in a competitive environment and lose their edge in the market. But
it is certainly not in the case of a secretary position.
A person with very good job experience and good decision-making skills, attitude,
and a positive team player still have a good opportunity for becoming a secretary.

You will need a computer or a laptop and an internet connection to take this

I. Typing Test Drill. Click the link below to take a typing test speed.

II. Dictation and Transcription Drill. Click the link below to take a dictation
and transcription test. Choose at 10 recordings and write it on a yellow paper
as you listen to the recordings.

III. Spelling Drill

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
List of Modules


1. The Secretary OJT 223-1

2 Personal Effectiveness OJT 223-2

3 Standard Secretarial References OJT 223-3

4 Use of Outside Sources OJT 223-4

5 Job Seeking OJT 223-5

6 Job Success OJT 223-6

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MODULE TITLE Personal Effectiveness



At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Identify the qualities aside from skill which make-up an effective secretary,
2. Make plans for personal improvement to gain personal satisfaction,
3. Be aware of the importance of good grooming

1. Personal qualities that an employer seeks in an employee,
1.1 Relationship with others,
1.2 Efficiency on the Job,
2. Guidelines for personal improvement
3. Good grooming, reminders, wardrobe, sensible habits, posture and poise.

1. Activity
2. Essay

The Power of Self Improvement @ 2010

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Information Sheet OP 102-2
Personal Effectiveness

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Identify the qualities aside from skill which make-up an effective secretary,
2. Make plans for personal improvement to gain personal satisfaction,
3. Be aware of the importance of good grooming

Building positive workplace relationships is vital for career success.

Relationships can positively or negatively affect your satisfaction with the job,
your ability to advance and gain recognition for your achievements. When you
build positive relationships, you feel more comfortable with your interactions and
less intimidated by others. You feel a closer bond to the people you spend the
majority of your time working with, and you grow your influence in your


(1). Flexibility and Adaptability: A good secretary must be able to work in any
organization by adapting to the situation he finds himself.
2). Poise: The Professional Secretary should be calm and poised always.
(3). Intuitiveness: The ability to develop one’s mind to visualize and sense
things. He should develop a keen eye for error detection in his work and draw
the attention of his boss to it
4). Tact: You need tact in what you do or say so that you do not offend your
boss, co-workers and customers. The Secretary should be able to communicate
with all people and should be able to keep the organization’s secrets secret.
5). Punctuality: A good Secretary should be regular and punctual at work.

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(6). Courtesy: The Secretary should observe the basic codes of human relations
such as ‘Good morning’, Good day’, ‘Please’, ‘Thank you’.
(7). Due Diligence: Means avoidance of mistakes or typographical errors and
paying attention to details. This is an important asset of a secretary in order to
produce mailable document.
(8). Being proactive: Should be able to take necessary prior action to forestall
it happening. The secretary should use her initiative and discretion in doing the
job without waiting for the boss. She should always think of improving herself
and her job.
(9). Self-confidence: Fear causes tensions and affects our emotional stability
negatively as well as our self-confidence. You should learn to control your
emotions and develop your self-confidence.
(10). Good Telephone Personality: Telephone communication requires good
voice, pleasant manner and friendly attitude.
(11). Appearance: The secretary should be neat and decently dressed always.
(12). Organizational skills: These skills are required in order to achieve
organizational objectives.
13). Confidentiality: The security of the office and equipment falls within the
‘corporate schedule’ of the secretary. Consequently, one of the ethical core values
which facilitate the success of the professional secretary is confidentiality.
14). Leadership: The leadership competence of the secretary is usually required
for the effective management of co-workers and observance of decorum in the
(15). Capacity-building: Through peer-review mechanisms, attendance at
professional workshops and conferences, and membership of professional


Building positive relationships often provides increased resources to help you get
your job done and to be more efficient. You’ll enjoy greater satisfaction at work,
and so will those around you. For these reasons, growing your work relationships
is a key component of leadership development.

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Apply these tips to interactions with your boss, team members, project
managers, senior management, vendors, clients, customers, direct reports and
1. Share more of yourself at meetings.
 One of the best ways to build relationships is to let others know who
you are. This can come by sharing your expertise, knowledge and
personality at meetings.
 Other people will either get to know you, like you or want to hear
more from you. They will find you more approachable and thus the
chance of building relationships begins to occur.
 If you are fearful to share at meetings, think ahead of time what you
want to say so that you are more prepared.
2. Speak positively about the people you work with, especially to your
 Get in the habit of speaking positively to others and providing quality
feedback about the people who work with.
 Many times, the information that gets shared (whether positive or
negative) comes back to the person who is being discussed. People will
enjoy hearing that you have said supportive things about them and will
know that you are on their side. That will build trust.
 Be careful of the workplace gossip that is so prevalent and don’t
contribute to it.
3. Improve your interpersonal skills by supporting other people’s work.
 Having a team attitude gives you a big competitive advantage. Ask how
you can get involved with others. This will form a closer connection
because you are working directly with someone else to help them meet
their goals.
 They will appreciate your support and get to know you better which is
vital to creating a more connected working relationship.
4. Ask others to become involved in your projects or activities.
 Don’t be afraid to ask others for help and bring them onto your projects.
The more they can participate in the activities you are working on, the
better you get to know each other. You’ll enjoy working with others in
getting more things done.
5. Write thank you notes.
 Write notes of appreciation to the people who are doing exemplary work,
making positive contributions and going above the call of duty. These
notes can be hard-written, sent via email or done by voice mail.

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 Send them to people above you, below you or at the peer level.
Colleagues like to be appreciated and will feel closer to you by having
been noticed and thanked for their contributions.
6. Initiate conversations by asking questions.
 When we first meet someone, it can be a bit intimating. We often don’t
know what to say or how to say it. Asking questions is a great way for
you to listen and let the other person share. They will feel closer to you
when they have shared about themselves and you demonstrate you’re
interested in what they have to say. Then share something about
yourself so the relationship becomes a two-way interaction that can
help establish a bond.
7. Initiate repeated interactions and communications.
 An important part to building relationships is to continue interacting
with the person you have gotten to know. As you get to know each other
better, personally and professionally, you establish a closer connection
that can greatly impact your satisfaction.
8. Participate in activities with others that don’t involve work.
 As you get to know someone, you might find similar interests that may
warrant an outside the work activity. This can greatly impact
relationships because you are beginning the process toward friendship.
 Go out to lunch together during the work day or do things in the
evenings or weekends. If you are married, you can visit with other
couples to establish more connection at work.
9. Share information.
 The information you share can be directly related to their work or it can
be about a subject you know they will enjoy reading. You are thinking
of them and helping them with the right information or content.
10. Introduce yourself at social work events.
 Social events like lunches/dinners with colleagues, retreats,
conferences and holiday parties are good places to interact in an
informal setting.
 If you can reach out and introduce yourself to some of the people who
you work with or who you want to know better, you’ll find they are more
inclined to let down their guard. It will be easier for you to get to know
them and for you to share about who you are—and you’ll become more
visible as a result.


Efficiency in the workplace is defined by the work or tasks completed in a single
workday by a single employee, or by the work completed by a department or team
in a given time period. Efficient employees work hard to complete their tasks,

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meaning the company gets more work completed for the same hourly pay rate.
If employees are bored with their work or do not feel motivated to complete the
tasks at hand, the efficiency in the office may decrease, meaning deadlines may
be pushed. Create efficiency in the office by paying attention to employee
interruptions and encouraging professional motivation.
How can leaders improve employee productivity while still saving time? Here are
the top 10 things you can do to increase employee efficiency at the office
1. Identify the reasons why employees are not being efficient in the workplace or
office. It may not be one single reason; some employees are less efficient because
they are bored with the work in question, while others procrastinate as a bad
habit. Talk to the employees to learn the reasons behind the lack of efficiency.
2. Limit interruptions for employees who have a hard time focusing on a task
after being pulled in various directions. Allow periods of concentration without
interruption, especially if the tasks have approaching deadlines. Employees who
are frequently interrupted may give up on getting work done in the office and
simply wait for the next interruption.
3. Examine the job requirements for those who tend to lend a helping hand in
the workplace. Efficiency may be lacking because employees are pulled in
different directions and assisting on various projects, without a real focus on the
tasks at hand. Delegate responsibilities diligently, so all employees can work
4. Assign mentors to inspire those employees who are bored with the daily work
routine, or for those who need some motivation. A mentor shows employees the
importance of their work and provides motivational exercises.
5. Allow employees to take mental breaks, whether it involves getting a cup of
coffee, reading an article or simply turning off the telephone ringer. These breaks
separate concentrated periods of work.
6. Reward employees who complete outstanding work in the office by applauding
them in internal newsletters, or giving them plaques for hard work and office
contributions. Gaining recognition may motivate other employees to work harder
and set examples for office standards.
7. Don’t be Afraid to Delegate. Give responsibilities to qualified employees, and
trust that they will perform the tasks well. This gives your employees the
opportunity to gain skills and leadership experience that will ultimately benefit
your company. You hired them for a reason, now give them a chance to prove
you right.
8. Keep Goals Clear & Focused. One way to do this is to make sure your goals
are “SMART” – specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Before
assigning an employee a task, ask yourself if it fits each of these requirements.
If not, ask yourself how the task can be tweaked to help your workers stay
focused and efficient.

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9. Train and Develop Employees. Instead of having workers haphazardly trying
to accomplish a task with zero guidance, take the extra day to teach them the
necessary skills to do their job. This way, they can set about accomplishing their
tasks on their own, and your time won’t be wasted down the road answering
simple questions or correcting errors.
10. Think Big Picture. Things that might seem like an inefficient use of time to
you now, might actually be to your advantage in the long run. So, before vetoing
an apparent misuse of time, ask yourself how this could possibly benefit your

Everything that happens to us happens in purpose. And sometimes, one thing
leads to another. Instead of locking yourself up in your cage of fears and crying
over past heartaches, embarrassment and failures, treat them as your teachers
and they will become your tools in both self-improvement and success.

Take these tips:

 Stop thinking and feeling as if you’re a failure, because you’re not. How
can others accept you if YOU can’t accept YOU?
 When you see hunks and models on TV, think more on self- improvement,
not self -pitying. Self-acceptance is not just about having nice slender legs,
or great abs. Concentrate on inner beauty.
 When people feel so down and low about themselves, help them move up.
Don’t go down with them. They’ll pull you down further and both of you
will end up feeling inferior.
 The world is a large room for lessons, not mistakes. Don’t feel stupid and
doomed forever just because you failed on a science quiz. There’s always
a next time. Make rooms for self-improvement.
 Take things one at a time. You don’t expect black sheep’s to be goody- two-
shoes in just a snap of a finger. Self-improvement is a one day at a time
 Self-improvement results to inner stability, personality development and
SUCCESS. It comes from self-confidence, self-appreciation and self-

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 Set meaningful and achievable goals. Self-improvement doesn’t turn you
to be the exact replica of Cameron Diaz or Ralph Fiennes. It hopes and
aims to result to an improved and better YOU.
 Little things mean BIG to other people. Sometimes, we don’t realize that
the little things that we do like a pat on the back, saying “hi” or “hello”,
greeting someone “good day” or telling Mr. Smith something like “hey, I
love your tie!” are simple things that mean so much to other people. When
we’re being appreciative about beautiful things around us and other
people, we also become beautiful to them.
 When you’re willing to accept change and go through the process of self-
improvement, it doesn’t mean that everyone else is. The world is a place
where people of different values and attitude hang out. Sometimes, even if
you think you and your best friend always like to do the same thing
together at the same time, she would most likely decline an invitation for

We should always remember that there’s no such thing as ‘overnight

success’. It is always a wonderful feeling to hold on to the things that you
already have now, realizing that those are just one of the things you once
wished for. A very nice quote says that, “When the student is ready, the
teacher will appear.” We are all here to learn our lessons. Our parents,
school teachers, friends, colleagues, officemates, neighbors… they are our
teachers. When we open our doors for self-improvement, we increase our
chances to head to the road of success.

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Pain may sometimes be the reason why
people change. Getting flunked grades make
us realize that we need to study. Debts
remind us of our inability to look for a source
of income. Being humiliated gives us the
‘push’ to speak up and fight for ourselves to
save our face from the next
embarrassments. It may be a bitter
experience, a friend’s tragic story, a great
movie, or an inspiring book that will help us
get up and get just the right amount of
motivation we need in order to improve
ourselves. With the countless negativities the world brings about, how do
we keep motivated? Try on the tips I prepared from A to Z!

A. Achieve your dreams. Avoid negative people, things and places.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “the future belongs to those who believe in
the beauty of their dreams.”
B. Believe in yourself, and in what you can do.
C. Consider things on every angle and aspect. Motivation comes from
determination. To be able to understand life, you should feel the sun from
both sides.
D. Don’t give in and don’t give up. Thomas Edison failed once, twice,
more than thrice before he came up with his invention and perfected the
incandescent light bulb. Make motivation as your steering wheel.
E. Enjoy. Work as if you don’t need money. Dance as if nobody’s watching.
Love as if you never cried. Learn as if you’ll live forever. Motivation takes
place when people are happy.
F. Family and Friends – are life’s greatest ‘F’ treasures. Don’t loose sight
of them.
G. Give more than what is enough. Where does motivation and self-
improvement take place at work? At home? At school? When you exert
extra effort in doing things.
H. Hang on to your dreams. They may dangle in there for a moment, but
these little stars will be your driving force.
I. Ignore those who try to destroy you. Don’t let other people to get the
best of you. Stay out of toxic people – the kind of friends who hates to hear
about your success.
J. Just be yourself. The key to success is to be yourself. And the key to
failure is to try to please everyone.
K. Keep trying no matter how hard life may seem. When a person is
motivated, eventually he sees a harsh life finally clearing out, paving the
way to self-improvement.
L. Learn to love yourself. Now isn’t that easy?

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M. Make things happen. Motivation is when your dreams are put into
work clothes.
N. Never lie, cheat or steal. Always play a fair game.
O. Open your eyes. People should learn the horse attitude and horse
sense. They see things in 2 ways – how they want things to be, and how
they should be.
P. Practice makes perfect. Practice is about motivation. It lets us learn
repertoire and ways on how can we recover from our mistakes.
Q. Quitters never win. And winners never quit. So, choose your fate – are
you going to be a quitter? Or a winner?
R. Ready yourself. Motivation is also about preparation. We must hear
the little voice within us telling us to get started before others will get on
their feet and try to push us around. Remember, it wasn’t raining when
Noah build the ark.
S. Stop procrastinating!
T. Take control of your life. Discipline or self -control jives synonymously
with motivation. Both are key factors in self-improvement.
U. Understand others. If you know very well how to talk, you should also
learn how to listen. Yearn to understand first, and to be understood the
V. Visualize it. Motivation without vision is like a boat on a dry land.
W. Want it more than anything. Dreaming means believing. And to
believe is something that is rooted out from the roots of motivation and
self- improvement.
X. X Factor is what will make you different from the others. When
you are motivated, you tend to put on “extras” on your life like extra
time for family, extra help at work, extra care for friends, and so on.
Y. You are unique. No one in this world looks, acts, or talks like you.
Value your life and existence, because you’re just going to spend it once.
A. Zero in on your dreams and go for it!!!

3. Grooming and Harmony

 Good Grooming is taking care of yourself

and your body - and it's something
everyone can and should do.
 It's how you stay looking good and feeling
 All you need to do is establish a good daily
routine so that you remain fit, healthy,
clean and tidy.
 In other words, it's working with what you
have and making the best of yourself.
 Good grooming doesn’t mean you have to
spend hours in front of the mirror, wear
the latest fashion or spend a fortune at the hairdresser.

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 No matter how expensive the outfit, down-at-heel shoes and a lack of
personal care will always let it down. An inexpensive outfit, however,
clean and freshly presented can look a million dollars!
Good personal presentation is something that we can all achieve, and
knowing you look your best will give your self -confidence a big boost.
The power of a first impression should never be underestimated.
Appearance is the first filter among the many ways in which you get sized
up and hence, should never be deemed unimportant. Include the following
personal hygiene tips in your daily routine until they become second
nature, to appear well-groomed.

1. Shower daily
Take a shower daily and scrub yourself clean with a loofah to get well-
exfoliated skin. Opt for mild soaps or shower gels, preferably with
moisturizer, so that your skin remains hydrated. Follow the cleansing-
toning-moisturizing regime for healthy looking skin.
2. Hair care
Make sure you visit a salon every three
months to get the ends trimmed, so that
they don’t split. Also, take vitamin
supplements such biotin, to enhance hair

3. Nail care
Short nails appear neater and professional.
Go for a manicure-pedicure at a salon or do
it at home.

4. Dress appropriately
When it comes to picking out the right attire, dress for your personality.
Wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident. Yet, remember to
dress sensibly, appropriate for the setting, and to wear fresh, clean

5. The art of applying makeup

Makeup is not just for celebrities or
for special occasions in your life.
There is a whole line of everyday
cosmetic products out there for
young women, to make you look
refreshed and professional.
Learning to apply the right kind of
makeup could be a bit tricky for
beginners, but there will always be
experts to help you choose just the
right kind of makeup.

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4. Posture and Poise
Good posture
 What is good posture?
 Standing up
 Sitting down
 Lifting things
 Lying down

What is good posture?

 Walking should be a relaxed motion.

 You must be comfortable with your body.
 Stand with knees slightly bent.
 Abdomen must be pulled in.
 Keep your chest high
 Posture is the position in which you hold your body and limbs when
standing, sitting or lying down.
 To have good posture means that you need to be aware of always
holding yourself in a way that puts the least strain on your back,
whatever you are doing.

Having good posture means that:

your bones and joints are in line so that
muscles can be used properly

your spine has its three normal curves

ligaments holding the spine together
are not being stressed
you don't get tired as quickly

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you don't get pain in your back or
other muscles
you look good!

To have good posture, you will need:

strong, flexible muscles, especially each
side of the spine

well balanced muscles, not

overdeveloped on one side

to be able to move freely

to be aware of your posture and work to

improve it.

Regular exercise like running, walking, cycling and playing different

sports will help to keep your back strong.

Standing up
To have good posture when you are standing, you need to practise.
Stand in front of the mirror.
1. Holding your head up and chin in, look straight ahead.
2. Put your shoulders back.
3. Tuck your tummy in.
4. Keep your knees straight.
5. Take a deep breath and relax your shoulders.
6. Keep your chest forward.
Standing for a long time is tiring, so try to rest one foot at
a time a bit higher up than the other, like on a step, or a
Slumping sideways into your hip is not good posture and can strain your
back muscles. Try to move about rather than standing in one position for
too long.
Sitting down
When you sit, try to keep your back straight.
Put your back against the backrest of
the chair.

Your knees should make a right angle.

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Feet flat on floor.

Don't cross your legs.

If you are working on a computer, then your chair should be moved to fit
Don't lean forward. Sit back and stretch
your arms out to the keyboard.
Bring your chair up close to the
keyboard so that you can rest your arms
on the chair or desk. Keep your
shoulders relaxed. Sitting like this is the
least stressful way for your back.
If you are playing computer or video
games, be aware that your shoulders
may be hunching up as you get more
You need to rest and move around every
30 minutes to let your body relax.

Try bending back a few times to stretch

your muscles and help them relax.

Lifting things

Never lift by yourself anything that is an

awkward shape or is more than a quarter
of your body weight.

Always bend your knees and straighten

your legs as you lift. This way your leg
muscles are doing the work not your back

Use a trolley if you have to move

something heavy.

To lift something, put your feet apart,

hold the object close to your body and
keep your arms bent. This way you are

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using your arm muscles and not pulling
on shoulder and back muscles.

Never lift anything higher than your


Bend your legs and hips, tighten your

tummy muscles and use your leg muscles
to help you lower the object down again.

Lying down
Even when you are lying down or sleeping, you can look after your posture
 keeping the natural curves in your back
 lying on your side with your knees bent
 lying with your head on one pillow so that your spine is in a natural

What is Poise?
Poise is one of those states of being that anyone can master.
 Merriam-Webster describes being poised as "marked by easy
composure of manner or bearing." In other words, having poise is
being comfortable in your own skin. This isn't always easy,
especially when you're challenged in a professional or social
environment. Rude people can provoke a reaction, but the most
poised people are prepared.

What is Grace?
 Merriam-Webster also states that gracious means "being polite in a
way that shows respect." Being courteous, gracious, and humble
will make you a much more pleasant person to be around.

Developing Poise and Grace

When you look at someone who seems poised and gracious, you probably
think that she is confident and unafraid to show the person who she truly is.
One of the most important things a parent can do for a child is to teach her to

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be polite, self-sufficient, and confident. If parents don't do this, it's up to the
person to figure out how to become that on her own.

Remember that you don't have to be wealthy or powerful to be poised and

gracious. It is more about showing your true self through actions, gestures,
and what you say. Learn the basic etiquette rules and use them on a regular

10 Tips to Achieve Poise and Grace

1. Keep in mind that no one is perfect. Striving for perfection is frustrating and
will have consequences opposed to what you are trying to achieve. Instead,
learn from your mistakes and move forward. Don't expect perfection from
others either, or you'll find yourself in a constant state of disappointment.
2. Imagine yourself being confident. If you lack confidence, do some mental
imaging. Watch others who appear self-assured and make notes about what
makes them seem that way. It may be the way they walk or the fact that they
look people in the eye as they hold a conversation.
3. Stand up straight. Notice I didn't say to stand tall? That's because some of
us are short. Slumping and always looking down gives you the appearance of
sadness and the opposite of being poised and self-confident. Most people can
look more poised when they stand straighter with their head erect and chin
4. Avoid arrogance. Poise has nothing to do with arrogance or snobbery, so
don't confuse the two. A humble person who cares about others and gives
them their time in the light can be more poised than someone who is cocky
and arrogant.
5. Be yourself. One thing you have that is strictly yours and no one else's is the
combination of your values, life experiences, and personality. Don't ever try
to be someone you aren't because as soon as the façade cracks, you'll look
pitiful rather than poised.
6. Summon patience. A poised person rarely loses her cool. When something
happens that threatens to ruin your day, how you handle the situation
determines how poised you are. You have choices when your patience is
tested. You can throw a temper tantrum, but that makes you appear pathetic.
Better options are to find ways to remedy the situation, use it as a learning
experience, and accept what has happened. Be patient with others who
haven't yet mastered these important skills.
7. Be a lifelong student. Most people who show poise and grace are open to new
knowledge. Read books, be aware of pop culture, follow the news, be tech
savvy, and take classes. If you discover a topic that you are interested in but
not aware of, do research to learn all about it.
8. Stop talking and listen. People will think you are the smartest person in the
world if you listen closely, pay attention to what they say, and show that you
are completely engaged as they speak. Nod, smile, and laugh at appropriate

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times. Be empathetic. Ask questions to keep the conversation going without
it always being about you.
9. Be positive but pragmatic. You don't have to be Pollyanna-ish, but don't dwell
on the negative. Doing so will keep you down, and you'll lack the poise you're
looking for. You only have so much energy, and you'll burn it up faster if you
always see the bad side of something.
10. Find a purpose in life and go for it. You may be the type of person who is
driven to succeed in business. Take classes and talk to people at the level
where you want to be. Or you might be someone who is mission-minded, and
you want to make a difference in social issues in the world or country.

Treat your wardrobe as you would your cash. If your work or school has a
uniform, lucky you, but if you have made choices for your daily needs,
then you have to make wise choices to consider your money value and look
smart. We suggest it is time to get clever about how you spend your money.
Plan long-term wardrobe, especially if your budget is limited.
Appropriateness is determined by a number of factors:
 Outdoors or Indoors
 Mixed age or Peers
 Geography
 Building
 Event
 Weather
 Fashion is serious. What you wear reveals a significant message about you
and your world. Even if you don't care much about clothes, they
communicate much about your abilities toward occasion, company and
 Think of your clothes as the most communicative factor after you face and
eyes, personal style is how you send nonverbal message.

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List of Modules


1. The Secretary OJT 223-1

2 Personal Effectiveness OJT 223-2

3 Standard Secretarial References OJT 223-3

4 Use of Outside Sources OJT 223-4

4 Job Seeking OJT 223-5

5 Job Success OJT 223-6

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MODULE TITLE Standard Secretarial References



At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Know how to make use of different sources of information
2. Learn different standard secretarial references


REFERENCE/S: library

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Information Sheet OP 102-3
Standard Secretarial References

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Know how to make use of different sources of information
2. Learn different standard secretarial references

Information can come from virtually anywhere — media, blogs, personal

experiences, books, journal and magazine articles, expert opinions, encyclopedia
and web pages — and the type of information you need will change depending
on the question you are trying to answer.
Each item of information is created in context to its originators purpose, whether
it was to inform, entertain, or educate and its quality and value depends on the
information needed.


 Information sources are all around us and can come in different formats.
 The sources you choose for your research will depend on your information
 This presentation lists types of information sources and their purpose for

 A business directory is a website or printed listing of information

which lists businesses within niche-based categories.
 Businesses can be categorized by niche, location, activity, or size.
 Business may be compiled either manually or through an
automated online search software.
 Business directories help people get what they are looking for. When
people need to find a local plumber, dentist, or restaurant, they will

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frequently find the business that meets their wants while browsing
a record of businesses in a local business directory.


 A Trade Directory is a business listing compiled as to industry, location,

activity, or size.
 It’s like an online yellow page with information such as business name,
mailing address, products/services, phone numbers, number of
employees, and years in operation.
 Business directories started out in the printed form. But now, it has
evolved and can be accessed online. These online directories differ in
content and quality.
 It is important, especially for small businesses, to get listed in these
directories. This is where people or companies search for particular



 This directory includes every category listing (40 Under 40, Hall of
Fame, etc.) plus the value-added inclusion of professionals who have
chosen to register with In Business magazine. The benefits of being
listed in the directory go well beyond networking and promotion; our
editorial team relies on the directory for professional sources for

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 information about a person's or
company's ability to pay debt, examined especially by banks before
they decide to lend money.


 Focus may be on a single individual or on a group of people such as
African Americans or men and women scientists. Biographical
research sources at minimum include factual information such as
the place and date of the individual’s birth and death (if no longer
living) and the individual’s accomplishments.
 Some biographical sources at the YCCD Libraries may include:
 Current Biography Yearbook –Provides biographical essays on
mostly American individuals currently making history and
 Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History –captures the
experiences of women throughout world history.
 (also spelled almanack and
almanach) is an annual
publication listing a set of
events forthcomings in the next
year. It includes information
like weather forecasts, farmers'
planting dates, tide tables, and
other tabular data often
arranged according to the
 Almanacs are typically annual
publications and contain
statistics and other general
information in a particular

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 An encyclopedia or encyclopaedia is a reference work or compendium
providing summaries of knowledge either from all branches or from a
particular field or discipline.
 Encyclopedia entries are longer and more detailed than those in most


 is a listing of words in one or more specific languages, often arranged
alphabetically, which may include information on definitions, usage,
etymologies, pronunciations, translation, etc. or a book of words in
one language with their equivalents in another, sometimes known
as a lexicon.

The Two Kinds of Dictionaries

1. Descriptive - describe the language. They include words that are commonly
used even if they are nonstandard. They will often include nonstandard spellings.
Ex. Merriam-Webster, Times-Mirror, World Book, and Funk and Wagnall's.
2. Prescriptive - tend to be more concerned about correct or standard English.
They prescribe the proper usage and spelling of words. Ex. Samuel Johnson's
Dictionary of the English Language (1755) had social commentary and jokes;

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American Noah Webster's An American Dictionary of the English Language
Why do we use dictionaries?
 To learn new words
 To learn the origin of a word
 To check the meaning of a word
 To check the parts of speech of a word
 To learn multiple meanings of a word
 To learn to pronounce a word
 To construct a sentence using the word
The special dictionaries may be classed into the following groups on the basis of
the nature of their word lists:
(1) Their covering special geographical regions, social dialects or special spheres
of human activity,
(2) Their formal shape,
(3) Their semantic aspect and their relational value in the lexical stock of the
(4) Their collocational value,
(5) Special language units and others.
 the ultimate guide for all management assistants, PA, secretaries and
executive assistants.
Table of Contents:

 Career development
 Office management
 Business etiquette
 Meetings and conferences
 Computers, word processing, and office
 A guide to business English
 Business letter styles and formats
 Correspondence composed by the
 Special typing projects
 Desktop publishing
 Office mail and mail services
 Records management
 Telephones and telecommunications
 Basic accounting and bookkeeping systems
 Travel arrangements and international business.

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List of Modules


1. The Secretary OJT 223-1

2 Personal Effectiveness OJT 223-2

3 Standard Secretarial References OJT 223-3

4 Use of Outside Sources OJT 223-4

5 Job Seeking OJT 223-5

6 Job Success OJT 223-6

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MODULE TITLE Use of Outside Sources

NOMINAL DURATION: 3 HRS (NO. of Hours per topic)


At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Recognize the various sources of information and the use of library in finding
2. Use outside sources:
2.1 University Libraries
2.2 Public Libraries


REFERENCE/S: library

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Information Sheet OP 102-4
Use of Outside Sources

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Recognize the various sources of information and the use of library in finding
2. Use outside sources:
2.1 University Libraries
2.2 Public Libraries

Libraries were involved early in exploiting information technologies. For many

years libraries have participated in cooperative ventures with other libraries.
Different institutions have shared cataloging and information about what each
has in its collection. They have used this shared information to facilitate the
borrowing and lending of materials among libraries. Librarians have also become
expert in finding information from on-line and CD-ROM databases.

Although the development of digital libraries means that people do not have to
go to a building for some kinds of information, users still need help to locate the
information they want. In a traditional library building, a user has access to a
catalog that will help locate a book. Libraries remain responsible for acquiring or
providing access to books, periodicals, and other media that meet the
educational, recreational, and informational needs of their users. They continue
to keep the business, legal, historical, and religious records of a civilization. They
are the place where a toddler can hear his first story and a scholar can carry out
her research.

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 Collection of books
 Includes digital resources and
 Contains collections of audios,
visual and print materials
 Provides a place of silence for
 Stockroom of knowledge and
 Heart of the school


1. Circulation – contains the general collection of books, fiction and nonfiction,

which the students can borrow for home use.

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2. Reserved Section – books
that may be requested by
some teachers to be made
available for their students
but for a short period of time
only. It cannot be taken out
for home use.

3. Periodical – magazines,
newspapers, periodicals and
journals that contain many
interesting and valuable articles on
multifarious including current
issues are place in the Periodical

4. Reference Section – books containing specific facts and information about

anything in this world

Biographical dictionary
Yearbook or annuals

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5. Filipiniana Section – any book or pamphlet about the Philippines, including
award-winning plays, poems, and novels written by Filipinos can be found in
Filipiniana section

6. Audiovisual Room or Multimedia Center - optional section of the library

where a variety of machines for listening or viewing may be kept such as
videotapes, films, discs, databases, projectors and PowerPoint equipment.

7. Materials Center – When a student wants to make his class projects and
some special activities not needing books, he can go to this area.

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• Index to the collection of books in the library

• Used in locating books

• 3 x 5-inch cards arranged alphabetically

• Filed in chest drawers


 generally located on the campuses of colleges and universities and serve
primarily the students and faculty of that and other academic institutions.
 A university library is a part of a university set up. Therefore, it exists to
serve the objectives of its parent organization. Every library programme
must support universities total programme.
 The University Library should aim to advance the functions of that


• To provide facilities for all teaching, learning, educational and research

programmes of the university;
• To cater to the information needs of teachers, students, researchers
associated with the university;
• It provides facilities to its users for intellectual development which is a
power of acquiring ideas through individual efforts;
• Providing latest knowledge to teachers in their field for effective teaching
it makes transmission of knowledge possible.

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The universally recognized basic functions performed by a university

library are:
1. By procuring comprehensive range of documents including books,
manuscripts, journals, magazines, newspaper etc. on various subjects;
2. In order to organize huge collection of documents it keeps them in
different sections on the basics of their categorization like text book
section, reference section, journal section, thesis section;
3. It provides facility of inter library loan to its users if document desired
by user is not available in the library;
4. A modern university library interacts with different information
networks to give easy access to e-sources/ date to more users so that they
could access the desired information even from their workplace. For
example, in India university libraries use the facility of INFLIBNET for the
same purpose;
5. It also provides entertainment and healthy leisure to user by providing
different newspapers, magazines, short story books, internet facility etc.;
6. It gives the user orientation training to new enrolled users to make them
fell at home and to acquaint them with the library system so that they
could make maximum use of library services;
7.With the help of display of new arrivals, old book exhibitions, information
bulletins about new library services etc. it keeps the users updated with
the library activities;
8. It provides reference service through reference section to establish a
contact between the right reader and the right document in a personal way
to attract more users.


UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 1949 – revised -1972, a public library


 established under the “clear mandate of law”;

 maintained wholly from “public fund”;
 levies no “direct charge” (fees) from its users;
 open “for free and equal “use by all members of the community.
 Agent for the fostering of peace and spiritual welfare through the minds
of men and women.

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National Library of the Philippines

 provides services to the general public and usually makes at least some of
its book available for borrowing
 accessible by the general public and is usually funded from public sources,
such as taxes. It is operated by librarians and who are also civil servants.
There are five fundamental characteristics shared by public libraries:
1. they are generally supported by taxes (usually local,
2. though any level of government can and may contribute);
3. they are governed by a board to serve the public interest;
4. they are open to all, and every community member can access the collection;
5. they are entirely voluntary in that no one is ever forced to use the services
provided; and they provide basic services without charge.
The main objectives are:
1. To provide up-to-date and authentic information
2. To provide services free of cost;
3. To provide a harmless and elevating use of leisure;
4. To be responsible for preservation and development of cultural and
antiquarian heritage of the community.

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A modern public library performs different functions in the society to achieve its
objectives and works as:
A. Information Dissemination Centre
B. Life Long Learning Centre
C. Community’s Intellectual Centre
D. Recreation Centre
E. Community’s Culture Preservation Centre
F. Instrument of Social Change

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List of Modules


1. The Secretary OJT 223-1

2 Personal Effectiveness OJT 223-2

3 Standard Secretarial References OJT 223-3

4 Use of Outside Sources OJT 223-4

5 Job Seeking OJT 223-5

6 Job Success OJT 223-6

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At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Identify the credible sources of job information;
2. Follow the tips in writing an application letter, the stress of dictation;
3. Prepare comprehensive resume;

1. Sources of Job Information
1.1 School Placement Office
1.2 Personal Office
1.3 Employment
1.4 Agencies
1.5 Friends
1.6 Newspapers
2. Characteristics of a good application letter
3. Contents of a Resume or Personal Data Sheet
3.1 Styles and selecting stationaries

1. Activity


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Information Sheet OP 102-5
Job Seeking
Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Identify the credible sources of job information;
2. Follow the tips in writing an application letter, the stress of dictation;
3. Prepare comprehensive resume;

Looking for a job is time consuming especially if you don’t know where to find a
credible job information. Students will know and experience how to look for
credible company seeking an employee. When you already looked a credible job
information, characteristics of a good letter of application will be the next step.
Students will have an opportunity to write their own application letter and
In this lesson a number of steps you can take before (and after) the interview to
ensure that you make a terrific impression on your potential employer will be
tackle. Taking the time to prepare for an interview in advance can help you
secure a job offer.


1. School Placement Office

College placement offices assist in job placement for their students and alumni.
They set up appointments and provide facilities for interviews with recruiters.
Placement offices usually list part-time, temporary, and summer jobs offered on
campus. They also list jobs in regional business, non-profit, and government
organizations. Students can receive career counseling, testing, and job search
advice and can also use career resource libraries maintained by placement
offices. Access to these resources is usually included in tuition fees.

2. Personal Office

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It is possible to apply directly to employers without either a referral or a posted
job opening. Potential employers can be found in the Yellow Pages, directories of
local chambers of commerce, other publications that provide information about
employers, and in Internet listings of employers in any given geographic area.
3. Private Employment Agencies
Private employment agencies can be helpful, but they are in business to make
money. Most agencies operate on a commission basis, with the fee dependent
upon a percentage of the salary paid to a successful applicant. Either the newly
hired employee or the hiring company will have to pay a sizable fee. Job seekers
should find out the exact cost and who is responsible for paying the fees before
using the service.
4. Friends
Families and friends can be extremely helpful in providing career information.
While they may not always have the information needed, they may know other
knowledgeable people and be able to put the job seeker in touch with them.
These contacts can lead to an "information interview," which usually means
talking to someone who can provide information about a company or career. This
person should have the experience to describe how he or she trained for the job,
received promotions, and likes or dislikes the job. Not only can the person advise
what to do, he or she can advise what not to do.
The people around you can be the greatest source of information and advice. The
best way to locate a hidden job is through networking – the referral of a friend or
business acquaintance. In fact, companies trust the recommendations of their
employees so much that some pay a bonus to an employee who recommends
someone who’s hired and remains working at the firm for a stated period of time
(say six months). Older job seekers probably have more opportunities for this
kind of referral than younger job seekers. This method is most fruitful when
you’re looking for the same kind of position in the same business or industry
you’ve work in before.
5. Newspaper (Classified Ads)

"Help Wanted" advertisements may provide leads to prospective jobs. The listings
do not contain all of the job openings available in a particular area, however, and
they usually do not provide very much pertinent information about the available

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positions. Ads generally offer little or no description of the jobs, working
conditions, or pay. Some advertisements do not identify the employer. They may
instead offer only a post office box to which a resume should be sent, which
makes follow-up inquiries very difficult. It also makes it difficult for the job-
hunter to learn anything useful about the company. Furthermore, some
advertisements refer job seekers to employment agencies rather than to actual
employers. Here are some helpful reminders about using classified
advertisements in a job search:
 Classified ads can be useful resources, but they should not be the only
source of prospective job information.
 Ads should be answered promptly; openings may be filled even before the
ad stops appearing in the paper.
 The Sunday edition of a newspaper usually includes the most listings, but
some jobs appear only in weekday editions; read the classified ads daily
for the best exposure.
 Ads that emphasize "no experience necessary" are often for jobs
characterized by low wages, poor working conditions, or commission
 It is useful to keep track of ads responded to; good records should include
both the date of the ad and the date of response to it, and the specific
skills, educational background, and personal qualifications required
for each advertised position.


An application letter, often called a cover letter, is your opportunity
to create a good first impression on a potential employer. Think of
the summary on a book cover that compels you to purchase the
book. Employers use application letters in a similar way.
The documents are tools to gauge which applicants are worthy of
serious consideration. In a competitive job market, an effective
application letter helps you stand out.
When well written, it can push your application to the top of the
stack, helping you score an interview. The letter does not repeat your
resume, but complements it with a snapshot of your best skills and
talents in a concise, one-page format.

An effective letter includes the correct structure, a professional

appearance, an employer focus, a brief summary of your credentials
and a follow-up request.

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 Structure
 The structure consists of a targeted greeting, an introductory paragraph,
one or two short paragraphs covering your key qualifications and the
closing paragraph. The greeting should address a specific person whenever
 The introductory paragraph expresses your interest in a specific position
and why. The next paragraph or two summarizes how your skills,
experience and education match job requirements.
 The closing paragraph references an enclosed application or resume,
restates your interest, requests some form of follow-up and thanks the
employer for their time.

 Professional Appearance
o When writing your application letter, the appearance must be professional
and tailored to the job you want. Avoid generic, unprofessional application
letters. Just like a resume, you will need more than one letter when
applying to multiple jobs.
o Do not cram your application letter with too much information. Leave that
to the application or resume. Format it with the correct margin on all sides
and with plenty of white space.

 Employer Focus
 Focus your application letter on how you can contribute to the employer’s
bottom line. Research the company products or services, mission
statement, current initiatives and leadership practices to gain an
understanding of how you can position yourself in a beneficial way.
 By understanding the company, you can honestly assert how you plan to
contribute. You will be viewed as a serious contender when you tie your
skills or experience to company missions, goals and initiatives.

 Credentials
 Include the credentials that are most relevant and important to the
position. Your credentials must provide a strong sense of your
qualifications by explaining how your specific skills, expertise and work
history align with job requirements.
 Also, highlight notable and related achievements, courses of study and
training. The goal is to emphasize succinctly your suitability as an
employee so that the employer is motivated to contact you for an interview.

 Follow-up Request
 Ask for what you want in the closing paragraph. Request an interview or
meeting within a certain time frame to discuss your qualifications. Specify
times you are available and say when you will follow-up.

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 Also, express that you look forward to an in-person meeting. You want to
appear confident and eager, but not desperate. Make it easy for the
employer to reach you by repeating your contact information.

Keep it brief. Your application letter should not be more than one page long.
Address your letter to the specific person who will be reviewing your resume. Use
paragraph form, not bullets. Use the same font and paper as your resume.
Be truthful. Don't exaggerate.

Key Elements of a Cover Letter/ Application Letter

1. Date
Include a date as you would do with any business letter.
2. Contact Person's Name, Title, Employer, and Address
Including a specific name can get your letter and resume to the hiring manager
more quickly and can be an effective personal touch. If you are applying for an
advertised position that does not give a name to contact, call the company and
ask for the department manager's name.
3. Salutation
Choose the appropriate way to address the contact person.
For example:
 Dear Mr. Johns (if a man's name is the contact)
 Dear Ms. Smith (if a woman's name is the contact)
 Dear Sir/Madam (if there is no contact name)

4. Opening Paragraph
In the opening paragraph tell how you learned about the position. You may, for
example, know of a job through:
 a classified advertisement
 an unsolicited mailing
 the Internet
 personal referrals

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Middle Paragraph
This paragraph gives a summary of your background and critical skills (hard
skills) that make you qualified for the position. This paragraph can be used to
demonstrate your persuasive skills (soft skills).

5. Contact Information and Closing

At the end of the letter talk about your availability for the job, where you can be
contacted, and when you are going to contact the hiring person for an
appointment to discuss your application. If you have no contact name you may
simply want to indicate your anticipation for a response in this part of the letter.
Thank the person to whom you are writing for his/her time and consideration of
your application.

Other Considerations:
Paper and Printing
 Use white or ivory (20-25 lb.), 8 ½ x 11 bond paper printed on one side
 Use the same paper for resume, cover letter, and envelopes if possible.
 Make sure that there are no shadowing or dirty marks from your printer
on the papers.

Error Prevention
 Follow instructions in employment ads or recruitment directions.
 Proofread! Look for spelling and formatting errors. Make sure recipient's
name, company name, and title are correctly spelled in the letter and on
the envelope.
 Proofread again!
 Have another person proofread your letter and resume.
 Be sure there are no errors of fact.
 Sign in blue or black ink. (preferably black ink)
 Keep a copy of the cover letter and resume for your records.
 Follow up with a phone call, about five days after expected delivery.

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Layout and Design
 Follow standard cover letter format.
 Keep the cover letter to one page.
 Set margins at 1 ½”.
 Use a simple, easy to read font style, 10-14 point. (Times, Courier, or
 Use boldface, italics, all-caps and underlining, but don't overdo it.

Planning and Tone

 Tailor each cover letter to one specific position.
 Use industry jargon specific to your career field.
 Identify the employer's key words and use them.
 Make all statements positive. Check the tone by asking yourself if each
sentence leaves a positive impression.
 Show originality but not cuteness.
 Use action verbs and phrases.
 Sound determined and confident not desperate.
 Organize context in a reasonable and logical order.
 Use correct grammar.
 Keep sentences short.
 Keep paragraphs short.
 Use short words and simple language.
 Make every word count.
 Punctuate using commas, dashes, and periods.
 Focus on the employer's need for a worker, rather than your need for a
 Tell how your skills and personal qualities match the employer's needs.
 Focus on what you can do for the employer and how you contribute to the
 Show you have researched the company double check those facts.
 Be specific avoid general statements.

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
July 11, 2020



Subject: Job Application for College Instructor

Dear Mam:

It has come to my knowledge that your Educational Institution has opened a
vacancy for a teaching position. I would like to impress my interest in applying as
College Instructor in your school. I firmly believed that my related knowledge,
experience, and skills would be compatible to achieve the vision of your

I have finished my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing in April 2007 and took my 18

Units of Education in 2018. As a teacher, my main goal is to motivate students to
do their best in order for them to reach their full potential. I believe that my
greatest teaching strength is my ability to understand and relate to student’s
unique need and interest and facilitating them to learn and to be persons with
values and characters.

Attached herewith are my credentials.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, I look forward to the
opportunity of meeting with you and discussing how I can contribute to our school
community and objective.

Respectfully yours,


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Lucille M. Serrano Revision # 00
OJT 223 c/o Admin
 A resume is a one-page document that outlines your
work/volunteer/internship experience, skills, and educational
background required by most job applications.

Why do I need a resume?

Think of a resume as an opportunity. A resume is your chance to show off all of
your great experience and skills to a potential employer. It’s also your chance to
make a catalogue of all of your skills in one compact place.
What job does my resume need to accomplish?
 Your resume should be persuasive. You’re trying to include the best
information possible to get the specific job you’re applying for. Your
resume should also be concise.
How should my resume be formatted?
 The Golden Rule of resume design is making it easy to read. Avoid clutter
and make things easy to find. Start with what’s most important and work
down from there.
 Try to stick to one font throughout and two at the very most to keep things
consistent. Your name and contact info should always appear at the top
of the page.
 The reverse-chronological resume describes your work experience
in reverse-chronological order. This means describing your most recent
job first and moving backwards in time for every subsequent position.

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
1. Heading
Your resume heading should contain your full name, complete address
and your contact information which includes your phone number and
Among the different parts of a resume, the header should stand out the
most – at least visually. The heading can either be centered or left-aligned.
Remember, however, to keep the formatting simple for this section of your

Sample Resume Heading:

Lucille M. Serrano
24-B Chico St., Project 2, Quezon City
(02) 438 – XXXX
Mobile: (+63)-977-1609390

Contact Info
 All resumes should include contact information so that an employer can
get in touch with you to offer you a job or an interview. Make sure all your
contact information is current.
2. Career Objective
 The objective should be short and concise, but it must also be tailored to
the specific organization and position. The objective should state the
organization's name and the specific position title, and then briefly outline
how the applicant will help the organization achieve its goals. Remember,
the more specific, the better.
o Example:
 Objective: To obtain the programming position in the
Navigation Software Development Team to help ABC
Aerospace further achieve its mission of designing tomorrow's
technology today.
 Seeking an entry-level writing position with a focus on PR and
corporate communications, technical writing, copywriting, copy
editing and proofreading.
3. Professional Qualifications
(Also, Qualifications, Professional Skills, Technical Skills, Technical Competencies
or Core Competencies)

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
This is the most important part of your resume. Hiring managers are
known to spend more time on this section compared to other parts of a
resume for a good reason – your personal qualifications serve as the initial
basis in determining if you are fit for the position you are applying for.
Your professional qualifications are your proof of expertise. It should
contain your core competencies as well as your most relevant technical
skills. Don’t forget to mention the professional certifications you’ve
received as they’re a proof of your ability and proficiency. Whatever you
include in this section will determine whether or not you are going to be
shortlisted for an interview.
Sample Professional Qualifications:
 Certified Google Partner (Analytics and AdWords)
 Experienced in managing SMM, SEO and PPC campaigns
 Background in email marketing and ecommerce.
 Strong understanding of current trends in online marketing.
 Well-versed in digital marketing strategies, concepts and best practices.
 Deep understanding of keyword research and analytics.
Other Qualifications
(Also, Personal Qualifications, Skills and Abilities or Other Skills)
Also known as the skills and abilities/personal skills section, your other
qualifications should mention your other competencies and include a list of your
relevant soft skills.
Here’s a list of personal skills you can include in your resume.

Sample Other Qualifications:

 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
 Effective despite shifting priorities and sudden deadlines
 Highly analytical and capable in identifying and solving problems
 Self-sufficient and independent in handling individual tasks
 Competent in working with groups or teams

4. Educational Background
(Also, Education, Academic Qualification or Education and Certifications)
For educational background, include your degree (or degrees if you have
more than one), the school or institution where you graduated and the

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
year you attended/graduated. Don’t forget to mention your major, minor
and/or concentration if there are any. When writing your educational
background, use the official names for your school, degree as well as your
majors and minors.
You don’t need to mention every single detail about your education
background in this section – unlike others who thoughtfully include the
schools they graduated from preschool to college. Mentioning where and
when you got your degree would be sufficient. You should lay down
your educational background by listing the most recent or advanced
degree first, working in reverse chronological order.

Sample Educational Background:

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Major in Social Studies)
University of Sto. Thomas
2011 – 2015

Honors and Awards

o Dean’s list, department awards, scholarships, off-campus awards,
o Keep these connected to what you’re applying for.
5. Work Experience
List information for each relevant job, internship, or volunteer
experience where you have worked. Include the name of each
company/organization, its location (city and state is enough), the
dates you worked there, your position title, and your job
responsibilities and achievements
This section should be in reverse chronological order (starting with
the most recent)
You can arrange this section by either company name or by
Sample Employment History:
Graphic Designer
NuWorks Interactive Labs, Inc.
(June 2014 – February 2015)

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
Pre-Professional Experience
(Also, Relevant Experience)
New or recent graduates with no prior professional experience can use the
pre-professional experience section to highlight their internships and on-
the-job trainings. Employers who are offering entry-level positions
(especially those who are accepting fresh graduates) do not expect
applicants to have an employment history yet.
Thus, showcasing your achievements and contributions during your
internship, on-the-job training or practicum under pre-professional
experience is the next best option you have.
Individuals who are not necessarily fresh or recent grads can also use the
pre-professional experience section to let the hiring manager know that
you don’t have any prior work experience yet you are ready to take on the
challenge that is required for the job.
Your pre-professional experience should take the same format as the
employment history section. You need to include the internship position,
plus the company, organization or institution you worked for and the
duration of your service.

Sample Pre-Professional Experience:

Technical Support
SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co. (SGV & Co.)
(April 2019 to June 2019)

6. Training and Seminars Attended

(Also, Trainings and Seminars or Activities)
Some parts of a resume are entirely optional. This is one of them.
List down the trainings, workshops and seminars you’ve attended that is
relevant to the position you are vying for. If you’re a fresh grad, don’t skip
on mentioning the training and seminars you had as a student as long as
you see them as helpful rather than unnecessary or detrimental (e.g.
political or religious gatherings) to your application.
When listing down the seminars and trainings, you need to mention the
event name, date and location or venue.

Sample Training and Seminars Attended:

Enterprise Risk Management Seminar
February 27, 2015 – February 27, 2015

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AIM Conference Center
Makati City, Philippines
7. References
Among the many parts of a resume, the reference section is one of the most
debated upon. Should you or shouldn’t you add References on your
resume? Most people would “Will be provided upon request” or “Available
upon request” while some choose not to put anything at all.
While it is understandable that employers want to verify the information,
you’ve provided in your resume, you do not want to jeopardize the privacy
of your references by offering their identity and contact information. After
all, the hiring manager knows that you can always provide a reference is
he/she asks you to.
Remember to provide at least two references in your resume – one work
reference and one personal reference.
Sample References:
Lucille M. Serrano
Computer Secretarial Coordinator
Bulacan Polytechnic College


 Personal Data Sheet (PDS) –CSC Form Revised 2017 is used when applying
for jobs in the government. As a matter of fact, it is the primary
requirement that the government agency asks first. It can be downloaded
online. When printing the form, you should specify the paper size at 8.5 x
14 inches.

 It is utmost important to fill out the form completely and accurately. In

fact, government offices are strict when it comes to incomplete PDS forms.
It may be the reason of your disqualification.


 Job resumes are targeted toward a specific position opening. While you
may use the same basic format for each job to which you apply, you'll
adapt the objective, and possibly some of the supporting information, to
the specific characteristics of each position.

 A personal data sheet, on the other hand, is a compendium of information

about you. This document is not generated to "sell" your qualifications to

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
a specific audience, but rather to provide complete, accurate, and clearly
presented information about you and your life experiences.
 Note that while you may target your information to a broad type of
audience -- medical professionals, potential volunteer opportunities, etc. -
- the same personal data sheet should serve to introduce you to any
audience of the targeted type.
 If you opt to include your personal data sheet with a job application you
should always provide a resume, as well.
Please fill out each of the fields in the PDS when applicable.
 The PDS may be accomplished using the MS Word format or MS Excel
 In the MS Excel format, all the tick boxes will automatically be marked
once clicked.
 The PDS must bear the signature of the employee and date of
accomplishment at the bottom of every page.
 Entries in the PDS may be filled out through handwriting or via
typewriter/computer. If handwritten, entries should be in block capital
(e.g. PRINT) format using a pen.
 All information should be provided accurately.
 Do not leave blank entries. Put N/A if not applicable.
 For purposes of application to a vacant position, the additional sheet for
work experience should be accomplished.
1. Personal Information
 Employee’s name is to be filled out in the following format: surname, first
name, name extension (if any), middle name. A space is allotted for each
character or letter in the name.
 Dates are in numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy
 Specifics should be given to “Others” response in the civil status field.
 Agency employee number refers to employee ID number in the current
 For holders of foreign/dual citizenship, please select from the dropdown
list the foreign country where you were born/naturalized or type/write the
same in the space provided therein.

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
2. Family Background
 Names of spouse and parents are to be filled out the following format:
surname, first name, name extension (if any), middle name.
 Mother’s name is her maiden name, or name when she was single or before
 List full names (first name and surname) of ALL your children.
 Date of birth is in numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy.
3. Educational Background
 Indicate FULL name of schools. DO NOT ABBREVIATE.
 For Elementary Level, indicate PRIMARY EDUCATION if graduated
 For Secondary Level, indicate HIGH SCHOOL if graduated under the old
graduated under the K-12 curriculum.
 Indicate in FULL all courses taken in college (e.g. ASSOCIATE IN ARTS,
 Indicate all masters or doctorate degrees taken.
 If graduated for every level, indicate year of graduation.
 If not graduated in any level, indicate the highest grade, level or units
 Period of attendance are stated in school years (e.g. 1992-1996)
 Indicate any scholarship and/or academic honors received in each level
4. Civil Service Eligibility
 Indicate all civil service eligibilities earned with corresponding rating, date
and place of examination/conferment.
Career Service Sub-Professional EO132/790 – Veteran Preference Rating
Career Service Professional PD 907 – Honor Graduate
Career Service Executive RA 7883 – Barangay Health Worker
Stenographer Barangay Official
PD 997 – Scientific and Technological Specialist
 If earned eligibility entails a license (RA 1080), indicate the license number
and its date of validity.

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5.Work Experience
 Indicate all positions held both in the public and private employment
starting from current work.
 Inclusive dates are indicated in numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy.
 Indicate FULL position titles and COMPLETE NAME of
department/agency/office/company. DO NOT ABBREVIATE.
 Indicate monthly salary in figures (e.g. P21,877).
 Salary grade and salary step, if applicable, should be stated in the format
”00-0” (e.g. 24-2, 24 for salary grade, 2 for salary step)
 Indicate status of employment (e.g. permanent, temporary, casual,
 Indicate “yes” under government service if position held is in the public or
government employment or “no” if held in the private employment.
 Additional sheet for work experience should be accomplished and
submitted together with the PDS in case of application to a vacant position.
This should be accomplished only for work experience relevant to the
position being applied to.
6. Voluntary Work or Involvement in Civic/Non-Government/People/
Voluntary Organizations
 Indicate the FULL name and address of the organization where involved
as voluntary worker.
 Inclusive dates, start (from) and end (to) should be in numeric format:
 Indicate the number of hours of voluntary work rendered.
 Indicate the position/nature of voluntary work rendered.
7. Learning and Development Interventions
 Indicate FULL titles of learning and development (L&D) interventions
attended during employment. Indicate list from the most recent L&D.
 Inclusive dates of attendance, start (from) and end (to) should be in
numeric format: mm/dd/yyyy.
 Indicate the number of hours attended for program.
 Indicate the type of L&D intervention (e.g. managerial, supervisory,
 Indicate the FULL name of institution/agency that conducted or
sponsored the program. DO NOT ABBREVIATE. (e.g. CSC should be Civil
Service Commission).

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
8. Other Information
 Indicate special skills /hobbies.
 Indicate in FULL non-academic distinctions/recognition (awards received)
 Indicate membership in any professional association/organization by
writing in FULL said association/organization.
# 34-40
 Indicate response to questions 34 to 40 on the right side of the sheet.
 Provide details or specifications for any yes response.
# 41
 Indicate the FULL name of references with the format FIRST NAME, MI,
SURNAME, their addresses and respective telephone numbers.
# 42
As agreement to and for completion of the PDS, the employee’s signature and
right thumb mark should be affixed in the boxes provided. Indicate also the
government ID number and date of issuance in the boxes provided. Lastly,
attach a RECENT PASSPORT SIZE (4.5 cm. x 3.5 cm.) picture with COMPLETE
 Picture must be taken within the last six (6) months. Computer generated
or photocopied picture is not acceptable.

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
List of Modules


1. The Secretary OJT 223-1

2 Personal Effectiveness OJT 223-2

3 Standard Secretarial References OJT 223-3

4 Use of Outside Sources OJT 223-4

5 Job Seeking OJT 223-5

6 Job Success OJT 223-6

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OJT 223 c/o Admin



At the end of this module you MUST be able to:

1. Develop interview skills;
2. Analyze potentials for job success.

1. Do’s and Don’ts in preparing for an interview
1.1 Negative factors to be avoided during actual interview
2. How to stay in the Job

1. Interview


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Lucille M. Serrano Revision # 00
OJT 223 c/o Admin
Information Sheet OP 102-6
Job Success

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Develop interview skills;
2. Analyze potentials for job success.

The executive engaged in the normal conduct of business devotes much of his
time to interviewing. However, there is an appalling lack of effort given to
systematic attempts at building improvements into this age-old process.
Interviewing remains one of those activities which we think we know all about
merely because we have been doing it so long; we have been lulled by habit. It
seems apparent that a modest effort aimed at an analysis of our interviewing
techniques would yield generous returns.
In the broad sense, interviewing is the process whereby individuals (usually two)
exchange information. The individuals may be concerned with a job opening, a
promotion, a special assignment, a product sale, information for intelligence
purposes, a proposed merger, or other questions. The information exchanged
need not be limited to facts. In business, particularly, such products of an
interview as meaning and understanding are oftentimes more significant than
objective factual statements.
Interviewing in the contemporary business setting invariably takes place in an
atmosphere filled with a sense of urgency. The time allocated to the interview is
necessarily limited. Consequently, a nondirective approach finds little
application; it is necessary to use the guided interview in the vast majority of
situations. This inherent time constraint sometimes brings about dysfunctional
consequences: the interviewer is so preoccupied with budgeting his time that the
content and the purpose of the interview are vitiated. Hence, we must define
what we mean by an effective interview. For the purposes of this module, an
effective interview is one that optimizes the perceived communication objectives
of the individuals involved, with time as the principal constraint.

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
Interview Techniques
 Definition for interview
 Types of interview
 Preparation for interviews
 Performance during and after interviews
 Some Tips for interviews
 Do’s and Don’ts
 Interview questions
 A meeting of minimum two expert- candidate
 Arranged to examine the suitability of the candidate
 Tested for subject knowledge, skills and desired behavior in a very limited
1. Panel interview
 three or more experts sit across table from the candidate.
 is a job interview in which an applicant answers questions from a group
of people who then make the hiring decision?
 Hiring managers use panel interviews to gain perspective from other
people in the organization and occasionally those outside the organization.

Panel interviews reduce the risk of making a bad hire. The panel’s goal is to
make the best hiring decision possible given the information available about the
position and the finalists.

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
2. Face-to-Face Interviews
 one interviewer one candidate.
 is a data collection method when the
interviewer directly communicates with
the respondent in accordance with the
prepared questionnaire.

 This method enables to acquire factual

information, consumer evaluations, attitudes,
preferences and other information coming out
during the conversation with the
 face-to-face interview method ensures the
quality of the obtained data and increases
the response rate.

Which comes first when preparing for an interview?

1. Analyze the Job

An important part of interview preparation is to take the time to analyze the job
posting, if you have it. As you review the job description, consider what the
company is seeking in a candidate.

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OJT 223 c/o Admin
Make a list of the skills, knowledge, and professional and personal qualities that
are required by the employer and are critical for success in the job.
2. Research the Company
Before you go on a job interview, it's important to find out as much as you can
about not only the job, but also the company. Company research is a critical
part of interview preparation. It will help you prepare to answer interview
questions about the company and to ask the interviewer questions about the
company. You will also be able to find out whether the company and the
company culture are a good fit for you.
3. Practice Interviewing
Take the time to practice answering interview questions you will probably be
asked during a job interview. This will help give you a chance to prepare and
practice answers, and will also help calm your nerves because you won't be
scrambling for an answer while you're in the interview hot seat.
Practice interviewing with a friend or family member ahead of time and it will be
much easier when you're actually in a job interview.
Try to conduct the practice interview in the same format as the real interview.
For example, if it is a phone interview, ask a friend to call you to practice
answering questions over the phone. If it is a panel interview, ask a couple of
friends to pretend to be a panel.

Review common job interview

question and answers and think
about how you will respond so you
are prepared to answer.
You don't need to memorize an
answer, but do take the time to
consider how you'll respond. The
more you prepare, the more
confident you'll feel during a job

The Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions

These are the top ten most commonly asked interview questions, with examples
of the best answers. Also review job-specific interview questions for many
different positions to get ideas for framing your own interview responses.
Questions About You

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Interviewers will ask questions about you to gain insight into your personality
and to determine whether you're a fit for both the job and the company. These
are open-ended questions which will give you the opportunity to show the
employer that you're well-qualified for the position.
Tell me about yourself.
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
What makes you unique?
Tell me about something that's not on your resume.
How will your greatest strength help you perform?
How do you handle failure?
How do you handle success?
Do you consider yourself successful? Why?
How do you handle stress and pressure?
How would you describe yourself?
Describe a typical work week.
Are you lucky?
Are you nice?
Are you willing to fail?
Are you willing to relocate?
Describe your work ethic.
Describe your work style.
Do you work well with other people?
Do you take work home with you?
How are you different from the competition?
How do you view yourself? Whom do you compare yourself to?
How does this job fit in with your career aspirations?
How many hours a week do you normally work?
How well do you assimilate into a new environment?
How would you adjust to working for a new company?
How would you describe the pace at which you work?
How would your co-workers describe your personality?
How would a professor describe you?
Is there anything else we should know about you?
What motivates you?
Are you a self-motivator?
What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?
What has been the greatest disappointment in your life?
What are you passionate about?
What are your hobbies?
What are your pet peeves?
What is your dream job?
What is the worst thing you've gotten away with?
What will you miss most about your last job?
What won’t you miss about your last job?
Would you rather be liked or respected?
Why should I take a risk on you?
If you could relive the last ten years of your life, what would you do differently?

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4. Get Your Interview Clothes Ready
Don't wait until the last minute to make sure your interview clothes are ready.
Have an interview outfit ready to wear at all times, so you don't have to think
about what you're going to wear while you're scrambling to get ready for a job
Regardless of the type of job you're interviewing for, that first impression should
be a great one. When dressing for an interview for a professional position, dress
accordingly in business attire.
If you're applying for a job in a more casual environment, such as a store or
restaurant, it's still important to be neat, tidy, and well-groomed, and to present
a positive image to the employer.
It is also important to think about your makeup and accessories when dressing
for an interview.

5. Decide What to Do With Your Hair

How you style your hair for a job interview is almost as important as the interview
clothes you wear. After all, the interviewer is going to notice everything about
you, including your interview attire, hairstyle, and makeup, and you only have
seconds to make a great impression.
6. Get Directions
It's important to know where you need to go for your job interview – ahead of
time. That way, you'll avoid running late to the interview. Use Google Maps or
another app to get directions if you're not sure where you are going.
7. Practice Interview Etiquette
Proper interview etiquette is important. Remember to greet the receptionist, your
interviewer, and everyone else you meet politely, pleasantly, and
During the interview, watch your body language; shake hands firmly and make
eye contact as you articulate your points. Pay attention, be attentive, and look
interested. This is something you can work on in your practice interviews.
The more positive an impression you make, the better you'll do during the job
interview. These job interview etiquette tips will help you make the best
impression on the hiring manager.

8. Listen and Ask Questions

During a job interview, listening is just as important as answering questions. If
you're not paying attention, you're not going to be able to give a good response.

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Office Management July 2020 Page 9 of 14
Polytechnic Date Revised:
Office Administration College
Internship Document No. Developed by:
Lucille M. Serrano Revision # 00
OJT 223 c/o Admin
It's important to listen to the interviewer, pay attention, and take time, if you
need it, to compose an appropriate answer. It's also important to discuss your
qualifications in a way that will impress the interviewer.
Also, be ready to engage the interviewer. You want there to be a give and take in
the conversation, so you're building a relationship with the interviewer rather
than just providing rote responses to questions. Have questions of your own
ready to ask the interviewer.
Towards the end of the interview, let the recruiter know that you believe the job
is an excellent fit and that you are highly interested.

9. Follow Up With a Thank You Note

Follow up a job interview with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the
Consider you thank you letter as a follow-up "sales" letter. Restate why you want
the job, what your qualifications are, how you might make significant
contributions, and so on.
This thank you letter is also the perfect opportunity to discuss anything of
importance that your interviewer neglected to ask or that you neglected to
answer as thoroughly, or as well, as you would have liked.


Self Confidence – you should be confident while appearing for interview
Interpersonal skills – fluency in English, listen attentively and answer to
the questions asked by the interviewer.
Be honest – While answering in the interview, even if you don’t know the
answer for certain question, be honest in answer to the interviewer.
Posture: sit erect without learning on the desk or slouching in the chair,
but don’t be stiff and tense.
Always make eye contact when you speak, but avoid continuous staring.
Don’t use too many hand movements and frequent change of facial
expressions not in relation to words you have expressed.
Dress formally and well groomed.
 Do take a practice run to the location where you are having the interview.
 If presented with a job application, do fill it out neatly, completely and

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Office Management July 2020 Page 10 of 14
Polytechnic Date Revised:
Office Administration College
Internship Document No. Developed by:
Lucille M. Serrano Revision # 00
OJT 223 c/o Admin
 Do bring extra resumes to the interview.
 Do greet the interviewer & do shake hands firmly.
 Do wait until you are offered a chair before sitting.
 Do make good eye contact with your interviewer(s)
 Do show enthusiasm in the position and the company.
 Do make sure that your good points come across to the interviewer in a
factual sincere manner.
 Do stress your achievements

 Do avoid controversial topics.
 Don’t ever lie. Answer questions truthfully, frankly and succinctly.
 Don’t say anything negative about former colleagues, supervisors, or
 Don’t answer questions with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Explain whenever
possible. Describe those things about yourself that showcase your talents,
skills and determination. Give examples.
 Don’t inquire about salary, vacations, bonuses, retirement, or other
benefits until after you’ve received an offer.
 Don’t bring up or discuss personal issues or family problems.


1. Arriving late
Poor time management decreases your ability to be punctual due to
unpredictable delays. Make sure you plan enough time for your journey.
Tardiness is very poor behaviour.
2. Unexcused absence
If illness, delayed train connections or car problems keep you from being on time,
all you need to do to protect yourself is apologise for your tardiness. Immediately
inform your contact person.
3. Too casual at greeting
Despite your excitement, an impolite greeting without eye contact is
unforgivable. This is one of the most common interview mistakes complained
about by supervisors. Make sure you have good manners.

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Office Management July 2020 Page 11 of 14
Polytechnic Date Revised:
Office Administration College
Internship Document No. Developed by:
Lucille M. Serrano Revision # 00
OJT 223 c/o Admin
4. A lack of interest in the employer
Insufficient information about the potential future employer is one of the biggest
mistakes in job interviews. Gather information prior to the interview. It may be
helpful to talk to a recruitment consultant who can help you thoroughly prepare
for your information and may even be able to provide you with insider
5. Questionable documents?
Those without answers for gaps and missing information in their documents
embarrass themselves when asked about them. Under certain conditions, one of
the biggest interview mistakes could unbalance you and put other applicants
ahead of you.
6. Overtired appearance
Nothing is more negative than looking exhausted and yawning during an
interview. Avoid turning drinks into a stumbling block and postpone your party.
7. Lack of care
Dirty fingernails, food remains between your teeth, or worn-out clothing are a
small but uncomfortably grave lapse of judgement in a job interview. Carefully
check your appearance in the mirror.
8. Inappropriate clothing
You give a poor impression of yourself when wearing inappropriate clothing.
Avoid this job interview mistake and adapt your clothing to your (future)
9. Bad manners
Those who straddle their chairs should not expect to be well received by their
interviewer. Show your interviewer respect.
10. Abrasive posture
Cigarettes and gum have no place in a job interview; the same applies to looking
bored or keeping an eye on the clock.
11. Intellectual absence
Those who pay more attention to their mobile phone, etc., than to the interviewer
have already lost. This interview mistake destroys all your chances.
12. Senseless chit chat
Be aware of the meaning and weight of your words and think for a moment before
you answer. Meaningless small talk comes across as unprofessional and
demonstrates an inability to concentrate on what's important.
13. Overestimation of your own abilities

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Office Management July 2020 Page 12 of 14
Polytechnic Date Revised:
Office Administration College
Internship Document No. Developed by:
Lucille M. Serrano Revision # 00
OJT 223 c/o Admin
Excessive ego is repulsive. Avoid this inappropriate interview behaviour and
provide advantageous yet objective information bout yourself.
14. Inability to take criticism
Those who answer angrily scare off their interviewer. Avoid such inappropriate
behaviour in your job interview and react calmly and professionally to critical
15. Presumptuous questions
Forcing the conditions of the job to the fore has proven to be a big mistake in
interviews. Hold back premature questions and wait for your interviewer's offer.


There are many tips for keeping your new job and maintaining a professional
image - Here are a few...
1. Understand Your Role & Expectations
 You may feel as though you are doing a fantastic job, but if your
expectations differ from those of your manager or boss, there is
going to be conflict. Have a good understanding of what is expected
of you.
 If you feel that the expectations are unrealistic, then you need to
approach your boss and explain the situation. One of the most
important aspects of maintaining a professional image is being a
good team player and contributing fairly to the team objectives. No
one likes a colleague who does not do their fair share of the work.

2. Expand Your Role & Keep Learning

 Be a team player and look to get involved in more areas of the business.
Be willing to share your expertise, but also be willing to learn new
 If your company offers training courses, put your hand up to get
 If your company doesn’t offer training courses, you can still take the
initiative and invest in your own growth and knowledge by paying for
these courses yourself.
3. Develop Positive Relationships
 With all of the time we spend at work, it’s important to develop positive
relationships with all of our co-workers, managers, and bosses. Good

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Office Management July 2020 Page 13 of 14
Polytechnic Date Revised:
Office Administration College
Internship Document No. Developed by:
Lucille M. Serrano Revision # 00
OJT 223 c/o Admin
relationships are based on trust. Keep commitments. If you promise
something, make sure you deliver on time.
 However, if you find yourself in a situation where something has
changed and you cannot keep that commitment, be honest, and
communicate. Honest communication is the key to building a long-
lasting relationship.
4. Be Visible
 Leaving early every day and not attending social gatherings is definitely
not the right way to maintain a professional image. Being visible is part
of being a good team player.
 This does not mean you have to be best friends with every person you
work with, but there is no need to isolate yourself either.

5. Ask for Feedback and Learn from Your Boss

 Do not be afraid to ask for feedback. In order to grow and improve
ourselves, we need feedback on how we are performing in our jobs.
 Positive feedback is always fantastic, however don’t be put down by
negative feedback and certainly do not hold grudges. Learn from your
mistakes and strive to do better going forward.

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Office Management July 2020 Page 14 of 14
Polytechnic Date Revised:
Office Administration College
Internship Document No. Developed by:
Lucille M. Serrano Revision # 00
OJT 223 c/o Admin

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