Gladys Flores Rubalcava - Other Scholarship Essay S

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Please describe your involvement in school and/or community related activities (this may include,
but is not limited to, participation in school organizations, athletics, leadership programs, community
service/volunteering, employment, or other activities). How have these experiences been meaningful
to you?
During my Highschool career, I was involved in a few things. These activities include, Cross
Country, I was a student manager who helped the coaches get the runners ready, get out equipment
prepared, and make sure the runners were ready to go. I was also student manager for tennis and
soccer, the same thing applies. I have also participated in Competitive Speech, and volunteered for
the Harvest Moon as a babysitter. These experiences have been meaningful to me because it
helped me creative more relationships with my peers and helped me get out of my comfort zone.

2. Describe in detail a success story you have achieved during your high school years. Discuss how
you persevered through adversity to accomplish this success. What strengths were you able to
utilize and develop as part of this success story—provide specific examples. (Note: Your success
story can be either school related or non-school related, but it must be something you accomplished
while in high school.)
Something that I have achieved during my high school years is going for competitive speech
and going for cross country, I am the type of person who doesn’t like to be in the spotlight because I
think other people deserve it. My sister was the first to tell me that I should be a bit more outgoing
because she was never able to do it because of work and she did not want that for me. And so I did,
the cross country coach was my freshman history teacher and he let me do cross country even
though I was the slowest runner. He also let me take my days to rest. What I achieved from it was
being closer to people who I'm not usually talking to which created more bonds and confidence.
Competitive Speech was really something I thought I could not do because of my fear of people, my
friend was also doing speech and convinced me to do it so I did. What I achieved from it was being
more organized and not having a fear of talking in public because no matter what at the end of it
there is someone who thinks you did amazing, and my coach was that person. At our first meet, I
placed 6th in Entertainment.

3. What are your educational goals and future career aspirations? What steps will you take to accomplish
these ambitions including, but not limited to, the type of post-secondary education you will need to
pursue, major or program, and your plan of action? If you are undecided on your career aspirations, what
steps will you take to determine them?
The future career that I want to pursue is Secondary education but teaching spanish. The steps
that I will do to accomplish this goal is to work hard, get into a good college with a great teaching
program, once graduating college start looking for job opportunities and help students learn spanish. I am
very determined to have this as my career because I want people to know more languages so they could
also help others.

4. How has your experience with the TeamMates Mentoring Program impacted your life and what are
your plans to give back in the future?
The TeamMates Mentoring Program has impacted my life a lot. Without TeamMates I would not
have met my Mentor Tina Hunzker. She has made my life more livelier and I always look forward to
whenever we see eachother. She had always listened to me and has given me advice. She will always be
in my life no matter what. To what I will give back in the future, I would like to join up with TeamMates and
find someone to have the same connection that I had with Tina.

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