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Nehme, Christina

1) What was the message of John Q?

I think that “John Q” is a film that highlights all of the flaws in the healthcare system and
the lengths that a father would go to in order to save his son's life. Important questions
about the affordability and accessibility of health care are raised throughout the film.

2) Select an action performed by one of the characters in the film and explain why
the character took that action.
In order for John Q to achieve the necessary heart transplant that will save his son's life,
he holds the medical workers hostage. He does this to bring attention to his family's
struggles because he feels that the healthcare system is failing them.

3) Were the hospital administrator’s actions (or the hospital’s policy) ethical?
No, the hospital administrator’s actions (or the hospital’s policy) were ethical because
they were solely focused on their financial concerns rather than the well-being of the

4) Give another example of unethical behavior - other than the people in the hospital
- shown in the movie.
Throughout the film, there were many examples of unethical behaviors displayed by
characters outside the hospital. For example, the insurance company executives that
were prioritizing their income over patient care.

5) Discuss the applications of the following unit one terminology in this movie. Give
a specific example of each from the movie.
A. Problem solving - John Q comes up with a solution in order for his son to
receive the required medical care he needs; holding the medical workers
hostage. This showed his quick and efficient problem-solving abilities.
B. Programmed decision - when the hospital administrators confirm the
presentation of regulations for the care of patients and access to the needed
medical resources, they showed an example of “programmed decision making.
C. Non programmed decision - When John Q acts on the measure of keeping the
medical workers hostage, it is clear that his decisions were not fully “decided”, he
did not seem to have thought through the plan before acting on it.
Nehme, Christina

D. Crisis Decision - John Q had no choice but to make a “crisis decision” when
attempting to save his son’s life. In order to save his son, he had to act quickly
and irrationally.

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