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Othello Quote Bank Act 1

Location Quote Analysis

Iago has overweening self confidence and is full of arrogance and pride. In the figure
of Iago, Shakespeare comes close to personifying outright malice- the play shows
how easy it is for someone to be malicious, ruthless and clever to manipulate others.
1.1.10 Iago I know my price
It offers the audience a disturbing view of human character as changing and
unstable: we are all more vulnerable to manipulation than we like to think.

1.1.13 Iago Horribly stuffed with epithets of war Iago believes Othello is full of violence and hatred

1.1.41 Iago I follow him to serve my turn upon him Iago's language is menacing as he openly admits he is a self serving deceiver

Iago only follows Othello for his own benefit. Othello is presented a pompous and
1.1.57 Iago In following him I follow but myself conceited man who has shown nepotism in appointing Cassio as his Lieutenant,
gravely misjudged Iago's "worth"

self confessed deceiver- He is selfish and reveals himself to us early on in the play.
1.1.64 Iago I am not what I am The audience watch on in fascination as Iago cultivates a deceptive appearance of
service and loyalty.

1.1.65 Roderigo thicklips emphasises Othello's otherness

suggests Iago has a darker purpose. Shakespeare uses the image of poison and its
debilitating and deadly effects of it. Iago is metaphorically poison and its destruction.
1.1.69 Iago poison his delight...plague him with flies He is a self confessed deceiver, revealing himself to us early on in the play. The
audience recognise his selfish intentions and watch as he cultivates a deceptive
appearance of service and loyalty.

racial differences are evident here as Iago reduces sexual intimacy between a
1.1.87 Iago an old black ram is tupping your white ewe
married couple to animal copulation

again reduces Othello to an animal like status. Animalistic imagery presents Othello
1.1.110 Iago Barbary horse
as different and uncivilised. Iago suggests Othello has strong atavistic instincts.

1.1.123 Roderigo knave of common hire.. gondolier insults Othello and reduces him to working class - Knave = uneducated male servant

1.1.127 Iago lascivious Moor shows how Othello is defined by his race, unlike any other (white) characters.

Othello and Desdemona's relationship is an unnatural alliance, seen as a subversion

1.1.132 Roderigo a gross revolt
of the natural order

Roderigo describes Othello as an unreliable vagrant who does not belong in

1.1.134 Roderigo an extravagant and wheeling stranger
Venetian society.

Othello Quote Bank Act 1

Let him do his spite; My services..shall out-tongue his Othello has confidence in his work and status. He is proud of his leadership but is
1.2.17 Othello
complaints also humble. Othello's entrance diminishes Iago's attempts to decrease his integrity.

Othello does not mention lust or sexual desires, contrasting to Iago's accusation of
1.1.25 Othello I love the gentle Desdemona
him being 'lascivious'.

Purity and openness. He has nothing to hide and Othello's inner reality of his nature
contrasts to Iago. The instability of Venice physically is also reflected in Othello's
relationship with the city. As a foreigner, Othello would naturally be an enemy, yet
somehow he is not only fighting for it but represents it at the highest level; and this
1.2.30 Othello My parts, my title and my perfect soul position is what Othello needs to give him his sense of place and identity within the
Venetian world. Othello is clearly very secure due to his position. However, as has
been seen, the Venetian state also needs Othello, leading to a mutually needy
relationship which is insecure and easily broken - as happens in the play when, by
chance of fate ( the storm) Venice ceases to need Othello for a time.

Othello's magnificence dramatised. He is authoritative and calm. The vivid imagery

gives the line a moral dimension. Othello avoids violence and his behaviour
1.2.58 Othello Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.
contradicts the racist slurs. Othello shows fighting over a private matter is
dishonorable and he is authoritative, clear-sighted and moral.

Racist connotations. Believes Desdemona should fear black men and this is a
contrast to Othello's openness, integrity and honesty. Brabantio voices one aspect of
thou hast enchanted her... thou hast practised on her Venetian racism, which perhaps mirrors the ignorance beliefs of Shakespeare's
1.2.63 Brabantio
with foul charms audience, seeing as the play was first performed to a mainly white audience in
Jacobean London. Ironically, Othello later uses this ignorance to frighten
Desdemona when talking about the handkerchief. ( there's magic in the web of it')

Brabantio's main objection is Othello's race- he uses racist language, dehumanising

1.2.71 thing him. Shakespeare explores the societal expectations of marrying someone of the
same race and class, and Othello and Desdemona's unnatural relationship.

deflects Brabantio's raw and direct accusations with courtesy and respect. Othello
Were it my cue to fight, I should have known it Without
1.2.82 Othello does not respond to his challenge but instead calmly agrees to deal with it in court.
a prompter.
This shows he is brave and dignified.

contrasts to lascivious Moor and shows Othello's reputation is rooted in his military
1.3.48 Senator Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor

Brabantio uses the metaphor of a violent flood to reflect his turbulent emotions. It
1.3.57 Brabantio flood gate.. engluts and swallows links to the actualised storm through which Desdemona and Othello will pass
through in the next scene.

Brabantio suggests that Desdemona's reputation has been tarnished. Brabantio

she is abused, stolen..and corrupted, by spells and continues to be critical of the marriage and sees Desdemona as property. To the
1.3.61 Brabantio
medicines original audience, the link between a black man and the devil would have been a
powerful one.

Othello diminishes himself and suggests he lacks sophistication and eloquence.

1.3.83 Othello Rude am I in my speech
Nevertheless, his very words belies this.

Othello Quote Bank Act 1

Shakespeare creates a sense of Othello as a mysterious stranger who belongs in

the vast area of the battlefield. He is an alien in the civilised city of Venice. His
identify is clear and he defines himself through military success.The military provides
1.3.86 Othello dearest action in the tented field Othello with a means to gain acceptance in Venetian society. While the Venetians in
the play are generally fearful of the prospect of Othello’s social entrance into white
society through his marriage to Desdemona, all Venetians respect and honor him as
a soldier.

In Othello's eloquent speech he suggests he will not disguise or hide the truth.
Othello speaks honestly and openly and deliberately addresses himself to the
specific charge. Othello's speech is largely devoid of personal dimension and their
1.3.91 Othello round unvarnished tale
love is rooted on hero worship on Desdemona's part and Othello's gratitude for her.
Desdemona is young and impressionable and Othello has limited experience and
thus this is a shaky foundation for a mature relationship.

derogatory and racist comment. By using the language of witchcraft, Brabantio

1.3.98 Brabantio To fall in love with what she feared to look on?
shows he can't imagine that Desdemona would marry Othello by choice.

Othello states that he will give up his life if Brabantio's accusations are true. He is
1.3.121 Othello fall upon my life
confident in his relationship but this contrasts to Act 3 Scene 3

1.3.127 Othello How did I thrive in this fair lady's love And she in mine States their love is reciprocal

Othello exemplifies power through nature imagery. He is an impressive mercenary

warrior. Othello's reputation and his love for Desdemona is in conflict. He cannot
antres vast..deserts idle, rough quarries and hills whose separate the roles of husband and soldier. His tales of war attracted her, who
1.3.140 Othello
heads touch heaven devoured them with a 'greedy ear'. She makes him feel heroic and values his
identity as a soldier. He in turn is flattered and remains confident that he can keep
the roles of husband and soldier separate.

1.3.150 Othello with a greedy ear, devour up Desdemona is entranced by Othello's stories

1.3.160 Othello She gave me for my pains a world of sighs Demonstrates Desdemona's infatuation

Desdemona is encapsulated by Othello. Religious imagery contrasts to the use of

1.3.163 Othello she wished That heaven had made her such a man
bestial imagery from Iago.

I saw Othello's visage in his mind sees marriage as a total commitment and views the beauty of Othello's soul

Othello promises he will not let his professional and personal life distract him by
Let housewives make a skillet of my helm...all indign
1.3.275 Othello bringing Desdemona to Cyprus.Links to Act 2 Scene 3 when he puts personal needs
and base adversities Make head against my estimation
before professional.

1.3.285 Othello A man he is of honesty and trust The first of many testimonials of the public figure of Iago

emphasises racial differences/prejudice. Ironic and draws attention to Iago's

1.3.292 Duke Your son-in-law is far more fair than black

Othello Quote Bank Act 1

Brabantio believes if Desdemona can betray her father she can betray her lover.
1.3.294 Brabantio She has deceived her father, and may thee. This anticipates the fact that Othello will become convinced of Desdemona's
deception even though she remains loyal.

contrasts to his doubts of her in Act 3 Scene 3 and the rest of the play. Proleptic
1.3.295 Othello My life upon her faith

1..3.347 Iago These Moors are changeable in their wills Iago believes Othello will change his mind soon

ruthless- exploits people for entertainment. In this soliloquy, Shakespeare develops

the character of Iago and emphasises the Machiavellian tendencies. This is
exemplified in when Iago talks to Roderigo and exploits him for money, when he tells
Brabantio about Desdemona's marriage. He stirs trouble and relishes conflict and
we see his duplicitous nature when he talks to Othello and avows his loyalty. He
1.3.385 Iago sport and profit
talks to Roderigo about the nature of virtue and encourages Roderigo to continue his
pursuit of Desdemona. However, when Iago is alone on stage, he reveals his
attitude and motives. Shakespeare uses Iago as a dramatic device to bring about
the tragedies. He directs the action and the characters, fitting the stereotype of the
typical villain.

1.3.385 Iago I hate the Moor Avows his hatred for Othello before he gives reasons for his feelings.

Finds justification for his hatred. He is not bothered about true, valid reasoning-
1.3.388 Iago mere suspicion
prolepsis and foreshadows Othello's treatment of Desdemona.

Exploits Othello's kind nature. Iago exploits the fact that Othello trusts him against
1.3.389 Iago he holds me well him. This reflects his exploitation of Cassio's attractive and courteous nature as a

Iago has facility with language. He manipulates his words and this shows how
1.3.341 Iago Cassio's a proper man
dangerous he is. He makes us reconsdier our assumptions of Othello and Cassio.

1.3.396 Iago He hath a person and smooth despise Iago hates Cassio and plots and exploits the weakness of others

Othello is not the sort of man who would deceive anyone. This is evident in Othello's
1.3.398 Iago free and open nature
honesty in his dealings with Brabantio and the senate. Contrasts to Iago

Othello is transparent. This contrasts to Act 3 Scene 3 when he is secretive and

deceitful under the influence of Iago. Because of Othello's integrity has has no
1.3.399 Iago thinks men honest that seem to be so
awareness of others and their lack of virtue. Iago plans to take advantage of
Othello's trusting nature.

diabolic language- the birth of jealousy. Iago refers to the formation of his plan as a
birth, twisting the language of birth and new life to talk about something deathly. It
links to Iago's hellish language which associates him with dark and evil forces. At the
end of this scene, Iago's plan solidifies into action.The storm comes immediately
1.3.403 Iago Hell and night must bring this monstrous birth after Iago's invocation to hell and night-he has conjured evil and witchcraft. This is a
dramatic symbol of evil and destructive conflict which Iago releases. The storm has
separated Othello and Desdemona and prefigures the discord and fragmentation to
come. The storm could be perceived as a metaphorical representation of Iago as he
brings trouble and destruction to Venice.

Othello Quote Bank Act 2

Location Quote Analysis

The storm is significant because it quickly eliminates the threat of the war by
destroying the fleet. This is an example of deus ex machina which is an
unrealistic plot device that resolves problems in the plot. This allows the play to
2.1.33 Gentleman With foul and violent tempest focus solely on the disintegration of Othello and Desdemona's marriage. The
shift from peaceful, civilised Venice to the unfamiliar, war-like Cyprus, a place
of conflict and disorder, prepares us for tragedy. Isolated, Iago can prey on
their weaknesses, the characters are trapped.

2.1.73 Cassio divine Desdemona Even nature responds to her beauty. Cassio is polite and gallant

views Desdemona as valuable and holds respect and admiration for her.
The riches of the ship
2.1.83 Cassio Cassio is gentlemanly and refined. He uses the religious imagery to convey the
the grace of heaven
Godly grace in which Desdemona represents. She is pure and innocent.

Cassio kisses Emilia, telling Iago it is a show of courtesy where he is from.

2.1.99 Cassio bold show of courtesy However, Iago translates this courtesy as lust and manipulates these
characteristics to convince Othello of the affair.

Emilia does not speak much in the play but when she does she is bold and
2.1.108 emilia You have little cause to say so
defiant. She defends herself against Iago's mockery.

Says all women are the same. Iago's role as a villain is reinforced here as his
You are pictures out of doors conversation with Emilia and Desdemona is full of misogyny. Iago is
2.1.109 Iago
Bells in your parlours contemptuous of women and believes their primary function is for reproduction
and copulation, viewing them as mindless and unreliable.

Another example of Iago's sexism and misogyny as he reduces women to

2.1.115 Iago You rise to play, and go to bed to work.
sexual objects.

Shows Desdemona in a new light as she understands Iago's sexual innuendos

and shows she can be flirtatious. This is a contrast to 'maid, so tender' and
'never bold' 1.3.94.This sexual flirtation of verbal humour and interaction
How wouldst thou praise me? between Desdemona and Iago provide light relief before more serious scenes.
Sometimes, the scene resonates with sinister undertones, in which the joking
has more worrying and threatening implications, provoking anxiety in the

spider imagery. Iago will use Cassio's courtesy and 'choler' to manipulate
With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly Othello. Imagery of entrapment. The prose of Iago's aside changes to the
2.1.168 Iago
as Cassio majestic blank verse of the reunion of Othello and Desdemona whose language
moves to a higher plane.

Highlights equality and associates Desdemona with his military role,

2.1.179 Othello My fair warrior! recognising the danger she has chosen to be in. Contrasts to Iago's
internalised misogyny.

Othello's words express the idea that Desdemona's love for him is the pinnacle
of his happiness and she is the source of all his joy. Nevertheless, in taking
2.1.183 Othello O my soul's joy
them to Cyprus, Shakespeare removes them from the social structure and the
security of the environment in which their love developed.

hints death will be wakened at end of play. Elevates their love to a spiritual
significance. Sea imagery is a prophetic image as the 'storm' is indeed about
to hit their relationship as Iago's plan begins to come into action. These
2.1.184 Othello May the winds blow till they have wakened death
excesses of emotion and strong feelings used by Othello to demonstrate his
love for Desdemona hint that his negative emotions will also be as intense and

Othello Quote Bank Act 2

Elevates their love to a spiritual magnitude. It shows their relationship is strong

and reinforces the idea that their love is transcendent. Shakespeare refers to
heaven and soul to express the totality of their love. It is clearly not a lust of the
2.1.186 Othello flesh but a love that affects their whole being. Shakespeare contrasts 'the hills
As hell from heaven
of the seas' and 'hells from heaven' . It prefigures the fall of Othello from the
divine perfection of this moment into a hell of jealousy. He seems to suggest
the peak of fortunes has been attained and will not last.

Iago plans to manipulate events in order to upset their 'well tuned' happiness,
you are well tuned now... I'll set down the pegs that much like how pegs are used to loosen the strings on instruments so they are
2.1.198 Iago
make this music out of tune. He is characterised by paranoia and viscousness, evident when
Othello expresses the simple pleasures of being with Desdemona.

2.1.287 Iago constant, loving, noble nature moment of honesty to acknowledge Othello's integrity.

2.1.292 Iago to diet my revenge wants a relationship with Desdemona out of spite.

2.1.300 Iago that judgement cannot cure jealousy clouds ability to rationalise

Iago is determined to make Othello an object of ridicule. He wants to reduce

Othello to an animal status reflecting earlier references to 'ram' and 'Barbary
horse'. Iago does not seem to have a single concrete reason for his hatred.
2.1.306 Iago making him egregiously an ass With no valid reason, Iago admits his plans are confusing. He aims to create
chaos and disorder as he is evil. Iago's last lines reveal the genuine impulse
behind all his self justification. Nevertheless, there is a desire in Iago to be
admired for his cunning and improvisatory nature.

2.3.7 Othello Iago is most honest superlative strengthens idea that Othello is unaware

Cassio holds admiration and respect for Desdemona. Iago later exploits this
courtesy . In cassio, Iago has an intelligent and unwitting opponent. He exploits
2.3.25 Cassio She is indeed perfection the weaknesses of others in the guise of loyal companions. The successive
deception of Roderigo, Cassio and Othello mark the ascending progress of
Iago's villainy.

Iago's fantasy of destroying Othello begins to take shape. The rhyming couplet
of 'dream' and 'stream' connotes to boat imagery as his plan sets sail. The
If consequence do but approve my dream My boat sails
2.3.59 Iago focus in this scene hinges on the 'honesty' of Iago, his ability to persuade those
freely both with wind and stream.
around him that he is to be trusted, not just by Othello but by Cassio as well (
he is a victim).

terse, short, half-line. Contrasts to 'keep up your bright swords' in Act 1 Scene
2 where he remains calm and avoids conflict. Othello restores order but he is
furious. His fury is shown in his fragmented speech, unlike the lyrical verse we
2.3.162 Othello Hold, for your lives! heard in Act 1 Scene 2. His use of shorter sentences and questions shows
anger and frustration. The love between Othello and Desdemona is interrupted
by conflict, and thus Othello contributes to the tragedy as his personal and
professional life collides.
threatens to kill the next person who moves. He is aggressive and volatile and
this marks tragedy to come as we prepare for his fury and loss of control. In
Iago's interaction with Othello, Cassio and Montano, we see his exploitation
2.3.170 Othello he dies upon his motion
and manipulation. For example, he cajoles Cassio, persuading him to drink ;
Lies to Montano about Cassio; Appears reluctant to speak and pretends to be

Cassio's open and naive good nature contrasts to Iago's deceitful manipulation
2.3.190 Othello unlace your reputation of him. We also see Othelllo's resolution, impartiality and keen sense of

Othello Quote Bank Act 2

Othello is capable of powerful emotions which threatens his calm, controlled

My blood begins my safer guides to rule And passion, and reasonable manner. Contrast to Act 1 Scene 2 and makes his jealousy
2.3.201 Othello
having my best judgement collied. credible and obliterates his relationship. His passion is compromising his
judgement and overrides reason.

tongue cut from my mouth Than it should do offence to

2.3.218 Othello Evidence of Iago's deceitful nature
Michael Cassio

reputation, reputation , reputation ! O, I have lost my

Cassio's personal integrity corresponds to the public report/opinion of him. It is
2.3.258 Cassio reputation, I have lost the immortal part of myself- and
the immortal part of himself which will make him remembered after his death.
what remains is bestial.

Othello Quote Bank Iago

Location Quote Analysis

Iago has overweening self confidence and is full of arrogance and pride. In the figure
of Iago, Shakespeare comes close to personifying outright malice- the play shows
how easy it is for someone to be malicious, ruthless and clever to manipulate others.
1.1.10 Iago I know my price
It offers the audience a disturbing view of human character as changing and
unstable: we are all more vulnerable to manipulation than we like to think.

1.1.41 Iago I follow him to serve my turn upon him Iago's language is menacing as he openly admits he is a self serving deceiver

Iago only follows Othello for his own benefit. Othello is presented a pompous and
1.1.57 Iago In following him I follow but myself conceited man who has shown nepotism in appointing Cassio as his Lieutenant,
gravely misjudged Iago's "worth"

self confessed deceiver- He is selfish and reveals himself to us early on in the play.
1.1.64 Iago I am not what I am The audience watch on in fascination as Iago cultivates a deceptive appearance of
service and loyalty.

suggests Iago has a darker purpose. Shakespeare uses the image of poison and its
debilitating and deadly effects of it. Iago is metaphorically poison and its destruction.
1.1.69 Iago poison his delight...plague him with flies He is a self confessed deceiver, revealing himself to us early on in the play. The
audience recognise his selfish intentions and watch as he cultivates a deceptive
appearance of service and loyalty.

racial differences are evident here as Iago reduces sexual intimacy between a
1.1.87 Iago an old black ram is tupping your white ewe
married couple to animal copulation

again reduces Othello to an animal like status. Animalistic imagery presents Othello
1.1.110 Iago Barbary horse
as different and uncivilised. Iago suggests Othello has strong atavistic instincts.

1.3.285 Othello A man he is of honesty and trust The first of many testimonials of the public figure of Iago

ruthless- exploits people for entertainment. In this soliloquy, Shakespeare develops

the character of Iago and emphasises the Machiavellian tendencies. This is
exemplified in when Iago talks to Roderigo and exploits him for money, when he tells
Brabantio about Desdemona's marriage. He stirs trouble and relishes conflict and we
1.3.385 Iago sport and profit see his duplicitous nature when he talks to Othello and avows his loyalty. He talks to
Roderigo about the nature of virtue and encourages Roderigo to continue his pursuit
of Desdemona. However, when Iago is alone on stage, he reveals his attitude and
motives. Shakespeare uses Iago as a dramatic device to bring about the tragedies.
He directs the action and the characters, fitting the stereotype of the typical villain.

1.3.385 Iago I hate the Moor Avows his hatred for Othello before he gives reasons for his feelings.

Finds justification for his hatred. He is not bothered about true, valid reasoning-
1.3.388 Iago mere suspicion
prolepsis and foreshadows Othello's treatment of Desdemona.

Exploits Othello's kind nature. Iago exploits the fact that Othello trusts him against
1.3.389 Iago he holds me well him. This reflects his exploitation of Cassio's attractive and courteous nature as a

Othello Quote Bank Iago

Iago has facility with language. He manipulates his words and this shows how
1.3.341 Iago Cassio's a proper man
dangerous he is. He makes us reconsider our assumptions of Othello and Cassio.

1.3.396 Iago He hath a person and smooth despise Iago hates Cassio and plots and exploits the weakness of others

Othello is not the sort of man who would deceive anyone. This is evident in Othello's
1.3.398 Iago free and open nature
honesty in his dealings with Brabantio and the senate. Contrasts to Iago

Othello is transparent. This contrasts to Act 3 Scene 3 when he is secretive and

deceitful under the influence of Iago. Because of Othello's integrity has has no
1.3.399 Iago thinks men honest that seem to be so
awareness of others and their lack of virtue. Iago plans to take advantage of
Othello's trusting nature.

diabolic language- the birth of jealousy. Iago refers to the formation of his plan as a
birth, twisting the language of birth and new life to talk about something deathly. It
links to Iago's hellish language which associates him with dark and evil forces. At the
end of this scene, Iago's plan solidifies into action.The storm comes immediately
1.3.403 Iago Hell and night must bring this monstrous birth after Iago's invocation to hell and night-he has conjured evil and witchcraft. This is a
dramatic symbol of evil and destructive conflict which Iago releases. The storm has
separated Othello and Desdemona and prefigures the discord and fragmentation to
come. The storm could be perceived as a metaphorical representation of Iago as he
brings trouble and destruction to Venice.

Says all women are the same. Iago's role as a villain is reinforced here as his
You are pictures out of doors conversation with Emilia and Desdemona is full of misogyny. Iago is contemptuous
2.1.109 Iago
Bells in your parlours of women and believes their primary function is for reproduction and copulation,
viewing them as mindless and unreliable.

Another example of Iago's sexism and misogyny as he reduces women to sexual

2.1.115 Iago You rise to play, and go to bed to work.

With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly

2.1.168 Iago spider imagery. Iago will use Cassio's courtesy and 'choler' to manipulate Othello.
as Cassio

Iago plans to manipulate events in order to upset their 'well tuned' happiness, much
like how pegs are used to loosen the strings on instruments so they are out of tune.
2.1.198 Iago I'll set down the pegs that make this music
He is characterised by paranoia and viscousness, evident when Othello expresses
the simple pleasures of being with Desdemona.

2.1.292 Iago to diet my revenge wants a relationship with Desdemona out of spite.

Iago is determined to make Othello an object of ridicule. He wants to reduce Othello

to an animal status reflecting earlier references to 'ram' and 'Barbary horse'. Iago
does not seem to have a single concrete reason for his hatred. With no valid reason,
2.1.306-7 Iago making him egregiously an ass Iago admits his plans are confusing. He aims to create chaos and disorder as he is
evil. Iago last lines reveal the genuine impulse behind all his self justification.
Nevertheless, there is a desire in Iago to be admired for his cunning and
improvisatory nature.

2.3.7 Othello Iago is most honest superlative strengthens idea that Othello is unaware

Iago's fantasy of destroying Othello begins to take shape. The rhyming couplet of
If consequence do but approve my dream My boat sails 'dream' and 'stream' connotes to boat imagery as his plan sets sail. The focus in this
2.3.59 Iago
freely both with wind and stream. scene hinges on the 'honesty' of Iago, his ability to persuade those around him that
he is to be trusted, not just by Othello but by Cassio as well ( he is a victim).

Othello Quote Bank Iago

Cassio's open and naive good nature contrasts to Iago's deceitful manipulation of
2.3.190 Othello unlace your reputation
him. We also see Othelllo's resolution, impartiality and keen sense of responsibility.

tongue cut from my mouth Than it should do offence to

2.3.218 Othello Evidence of Iago's deceitful nature
Michael Cassio

Othello Quote Bank Othello

Location Quote Analysis

racial differences are evident here as Iago reduces sexual intimacy

1.1.87Iago an old black ram is tupping your white ewe
between a married couple to animal copulation

1.1.110 Iago Barbary horse reduces Othello to animal like status

insults Othello and reduces him to working class - Knave = uneducated

1.1.123Roderigo knave of common hire.. gondolier
male servant

shows how Othello is defined by his race, unlike any other (white)
1.1.127 Iago lascivious Moor

Othello and Desdamona's relationship is an unnatural alliance, seen as a

1.1.132 Roderigo a gross revolt
subversion of the natural order

Roderigo describes Othello as an unreliable vagrant who does not belong in

1.1.134 Roderigo an extravagant and wheeling stranger
Venetian society.

Othello has confidence in his work and status. He is proud of his leadership
Let him do his spite; My services..shall out-tongue his
1.2.17 Othello but is also humble. Othello's entrance diminishes Iago's attempts to
decrease his integrity.

Othello does not mention lust or sexual desires, contrasting to Iago's

1.1.25 Othello I love the gentle Desdamona
accusation of him being 'lascivious'.

Purity and openness. He has nothing to hide and Othello's inner reality of
his nature contrasts to Iago. The instability of Venice physically is also
reflected in Othello's relationship with the city. As a foreigner, Othello would
naturally be an enemy, yet somehow he is not only fighting for it but
represents it at the highest level; and this position is what Othello needs to
1.2.30 Othello My parts, my title and my perfect soul
give him his sense of place and identity within the Venetian world. Othello
is clearly very secure due to his position. However, as has been seen, the
Venetian state also needs Othello, leading to a mutually needy relationship
which is insecure and easily broken - as happens in the play when, by
chance of fate ( the storm) Venice ceases to need Othello for a time.

Othello's magnificence dramatised. He is authoratative and calm. The vivid

imagery gives the line a moral dimension. Othello avoids violence and his
1.2.58 Othello Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.
behaviour contradicts the racist slurs. Othello shows fighting over a private
matter is dishnourable and he is authorative, clear-sighted and moral.

deflects Brabantio's raw and direct accusations with courtesy and respect.
Were it my cue to fight, I should have known it Without
1.2.82 Othello Othello does not respond to his challenge but instead calmly agrees to deal
a prompter.
with it in court. This shows he is brave and dignified.

Othello Quote Bank Othello

contrasts to lascivious Moor and shows Othello's reputation is rooted in his

1.3.48 Senator Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor
military success.

Othello diminishes himself and suggests he lacks sophistication and

1.3.83 Othello Rude am I in my speech
eloquence. Nevertheless, his very words belies this.

Shakespeare creates a sense of Othello as a mysterious stranger who

belongs in the vast area of the battlefield. He is an alien in the civilised city
of Venice. His identify is clear and he defines himself through military
1.3.86 Othello dearest action in the tented field success.The military provides Othello with a means to gain acceptance in
Venetian society. While the Venetians in the play are generally fearful of the
prospect of Othello’s social entrance into white society through his marriage
to Desdemona, all Venetians respect and honor him as a soldier.

In Othello's eloquent speech he suggests he will not disguise or hide the

truth. Othello speaks honestly and openly and deliberately addresses
himself to the specific charge. Othello's speech is largely devoid of personal
1.3.91 Othello round unvarnished tale dimension and their love is rooted on hero worship on Desdamona's part
and Othello's gratitude for her. Desdamona is young and impressionable
and Othello has limited experience and thus this is a shakey foundation for
a mature relationship.

Othello states that he will give up his life if Brabantio's accusations are true.
1.3.121 Othello fall upon my life
He is confident in his relationship but this contrasts to Act 3 Scene 3

1.3.127 Othello How did I thrive in this fair lady's love And she in mine States their love is reciprocal

Othello exemplifies power through nature imagery. He is an impressive

mercenary warrior. Othello's reputation and his love for Desdamona is in
conflict. He cannot separate the roles of husband and soldier. His tales of
antres vast..deserts idle, rough quarries and hills whose
1.3.140 Othello war attracted her, who devoured them with a 'greedy ear'. She makes him
heads touch heaven
feel heroic and values his identity as a soldier. He in turn is flattered and
remains confident that he can keep the roles of husband and soldier

1.3.285 Othello A man he is of honesty and trust The first of many testimonials of the public figure of Iago

Othello promises he will not let his professional and personal life distract
Let housewives make a skillet of my helm...all indign
1.3.275 Othello him by bringing Desdemona to Cyprus.Links to Act 2 Scene 3 when he puts
and base adversities Make head against my estimation
personal needs before professional.

Brabantio believes if Desdamona can betray her father she can betray her
1.3.294 Brabantio She has deceived her father, and may thee.

contrasts to his doubts of her in Act 3 Scene 3 and the rest of the play.
1.3.295 Othello My life upon her faith
Proleptic irony

1..3.347 Iago These Moors are changeable in their wills Iago believes Othello will change his mind soon

Othello Quote Bank Othello

Exploits Othello's kind nature. Iago exploits the fact that Othello trusts him
1.3.389 Iago he holds me well against him. This reflects his exploitation of Cassio's attractive and
courteous nature as a lover.

Othello is not the sort of man who would deceive anyone. This is evident in
1.3.398 Iago free and open nature Othello's honesty in his dealings with Brabantio and the senate. Contrasts
to Iago

Othello is transparent. This contrasts to Act 3 Scene 3 when he is secretive

and deceitful under the influence of Iago. Because of Othello's integrity has
1.3.399 Iago thinks men honest that seem to be so
has no awareness of others and their lack of virtue. Iago plans to take
advantage of Othello's trusting nature.

Highlights equality and associates Desdemona with his military role,

2.1.179 Othello My fair warrior! recognising the danger she has chosen to be in. Contrasts to Iago's
internalised misogyny.

Othello's words express the idea that Desdamona's love for him is the
pinnacle of his happiness and she is the source of all his joy. Nevertheless,
2.1.183 Othello O my soul's joy ( 2.1.183)
in taking them to Cyprus, Shakespeare removes them from the social
structure and the security of the environment in which their love developed.

hints death will be wakened at end of play. Elevates their love to a spiritual
significance. Sea imagery is a prophetic image as the 'storm' is indeed
about to hit their relationship as Iago's plan begins to come into action.
2.1.184 Othello May the winds blow till they have wakened death
These excesses of emotion and strong feelings used by Othello to
demonstrate his love for Desdemona hint that his negative emotions will
also be as intense and destructive.

Elevates their love to a spiritual magnitude. It shows their relationship is

strong and reinforces the idea that their love is transcendent. Shakespeare
refers to heaven and soul to express the totality of their love. It is clearly not
Olympus-high a lust of the flesh but a love that affects their whole being. Shakespeare
2.1.186 Othello
As hell's from heaven contrasts 'the hills of the seas' and 'hells from heaven' . It prefigures the fall
of Othello from the divine perfection of this moment into a hell of jealousy.
He seems to suggest the peak of fortunes has been attained and will not

2.1.287 Iago constant, loving, noble nature moment of honesty to acknowledge Othello's integrity.

2.3.7 Othello Iago is most honest superlative strengthens idea that Othello is unaware

terse, short, half-line. Contrasts to 'keep up your bright swords' in Act 1

Scene 2 where he remains calm and avoids conflict. Othello restores order
but he is furious. His fury is shown in his fragmented speech, unlike the
2.3.162 Othello Hold, for your lives! lyrical verse we heard in Act 1 Scene 2. His use of shorter sentences and
questions shows anger and frustration. The love between Othello and
Desdemona is interrupted by conflict, and thus Othello contributes to the
tragedy as his personal and professional life collides.

threatens to kill the next person who moves. He is aggressive and volatile
and this marks tragedy to come as we prepare for his fury and loss of
control. In Iago's interaction with Othello, Cassio and Montano, we see his
2.3.170 Othello he dies upon his motion
exploitation and manipulation. For example, he cajoles Cassio, persuading
him to drink ; Lies to Montano about Cassio; Appears reluctant to speak
and pretends to be impartial.

Cassio's open and naive good nature contrasts to Iago's deceitful

2.3.190 Othello unlace your reputation manipulation of him. We also see Othelllo's resolution, impartiality and keen
sense of responsibility.

Othello Quote Bank Othello

Othello is capable of powerful emotions which threatens his calm, controlled

My blood begins my safer guides to rule And passion, and reasonable manner. Contrast to Act 1 Scene 2 and makes his jealousy
2.3.201 Othello
having my best judgement collied. credible and obliterates his relationship. His passion is compromising his
judgement and overrides reason.

Othello Quote Bank Roderigo

Location Quote Analysis

1.1.65 Roderigo thicklips emphasises Othello's otherness

Othello Quote Bank Brabantio

Location Quote Analysis

Racist connotations. Believes Desdamona should fear black men and

this is a contrast to Othello's openness, integrity and honesty.
Brabantio voices one aspect of Venetian racism, which perhaps
thou hast enchanted her... thou hast practised on her mirrors the ignorance beliefs of Shakespeare's audience, seeing as
1.1.63 Brabantio
with foul charms the play was first performed to a mainly white audience in Jacobean
London. Ironically, Othello later uses this ignorance to frighten
Desdamona when talking about the handkerchief. ( there's magic in
the web of it')

Brabantio's main objection is Othello's race- he uses racist language,

dehumanising him. Shakespeare explores the societal expectations of
1.2.71 thing
marrying someone of the same race and class, and Othello and
Desdamona's unnatural relationship.

Brabantio suggests that Desdamona's reputation has been tarnished.

she is abused, stolen..and corrupted, by spells and Brabantio continues to be critical of the marriage and sees
1.3.61 Brabantio
medicines Desdamona as property. To the original audience, the link between a
black man and the devil would have been a powerful one.

Brabantio uses the metaphor of a violent flood to reflect his turbulent

1.3.73 Brabantio flood gate.. engluts and swallows emotions. It links to the actualised storm through which Desdamona
and Othello will pass through in the next scene.

derogatory and racist comment. By using the language of witchcraft,

1.3.98 Brabantio To fall in love with what she feared to look on? Brabantio shows he can't imagine that Desdamona would marry
Othello by choice.

Brabantio believes if Desdamona can betray her father she can betray
1.3.294 Brabantio She has deceived her father, and may thee. her lover. This anticipates the fact that Othello will become convinced
of Desdamona's deception even though she remains loyal.

Othello Quote Bank Desdemona

Location Quote Analysis

1.3.150 Othello with a greedy ear, devour up Desdamona is entranced by Othello's stories

1.3.160 Othello She gave me for my pains a world of sighs Demonstrates Desdamona's infatuation

Desdamona is encapsulated by Othello. Religious imagery contrasts

1.3.163 Othello she wished That heaven had made her such a man
to the use of bestial imagery from Iago.

1.3.253 sees marriage as a total commitment and views the beauty of

I saw Othello's visage in his mind
Desdamona Othello's soul

Brabantio believes if Desdamona can betray her father she can betray
1.3.294 Brabantio She has deceived her father, and may thee.
her lover.

views Desdamona as valuable and holds respect and admiration for

The riches of the ship her. Cassio is gentlemanly and refined. He uses the religious imagery
2.1.83 Cassio
the grace of heaven to convey the Godly grace in which Desdamona represents. She is
pure and innocent.

Shows Desdamona in a new light as she understamds Iago's sexual

innuendos and shows she can be flirtatious. This is a contrast to
'maid, so tender' and 'never bold' 1.3.94.This sexual flirtation of verbal
How wouldst thou praise me? humour and interaction between Desdemona and Iago provide light
relief before more serious scenes. Sometimes, the scene resonates
with sinister undertones, in which the joking has more worrying and
threatening implications, provoking anxiety in the audience.

Highlights equality and associates Desdemona with his military role,

2.1.179 Othello My fair warrior! recognising the danger she has chosen to be in. Contrasts to Iago's
internalised misogyny. Desdemona is strong willed and defiant.

Othello Quote Bank Emilia

Location Quote Analysis

Emilia does not speak much in the play but when she does she is bold
2.1.108 emilia You have little cause to say so
and defiant. She defends herself against Iago's mockery.

Brabantio believes if Desdamona can betray her father she can betray
1.3.294 Brabantio She has deceived her father, and may thee.
her lover.

Othello Quote Bank Cassio

Location Quote Analysis

Iago has facility with language. He manipulates his words and this
1.3.341 Iago Cassio's a proper man shows how dangerous he is. He makes us reconsdier our
assumptions of Othello and Cassio.

1.3.396 Iago He hath a person and smooth despise Iago hates Cassio and plots and exploits the weakness of others

2.1.73 Cassio divine Desdemona Even nature responds to her beauty. Cassio is polite and gallant

views Desdamona as valuable and holds respect and admiration for

2.1.83 Cassio The riches of the ship
her. Cassio is gentlemanly and refined

Cassio kisses Emilia, telling Iago it is a show of courtesy where he is

2.1.99 Cassio bold show of courtesy from. However, Iago translates this courtesy as lust and manipulates
these characteristics to convince Othello of the affair.

Cassio holds admiration and respect for Desdemona. Iago later

exploits this courtesy . In cassio, Iago has an intelligent and unwitting
2.3.25 Cassio She is indeed perfection opponent. He exploits the weaknesses of others in the guise of loyal
companions. The successive deception of Roderigo, Cassio and
Othello mark the ascending progress of Iago's villainy.

Cassio's open and naive good nature contrasts to Iago's deceitful

2.3.190 Othello unlace your reputation manipulation of him. We also see Othelllo's resolution, impartiality and
keen sense of responsibility.

reputation, reputation , reputation ! O, I have lost my Cassio's personal integrity corresponds to the public report/opinion of
2.3.258 Cassio reputation, I have lost the immortal part of myself- and him. It is the immortal part of himself which will make him
what remains is bestial. remembered after his death.


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