First Periodical Examination in English For Academic and Professional Purposesgrade 11 Cultivator

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Grade 11 -AFA

Name:________________________ Year & Section:________________ Score:_________

Read each item comprehensively. Provide what is asked in every item.
Select the option that bests fit on what is asked on the statement. Write the corresponding letter
1. It is defined in linguistics as “stretch of language which is perceived” It may be spoken
or written and is produced by one person or more.
A. Text B. Paragraph C. Summary D. Paraphrase
2.It reflects your dignified stance in writing as a member of the academic community
A. Formality B. Objectivity C. Caution D. Explicitness
3. This means that writing must be impersonal and maintain a certain level of social distance
A. Formality B. Objectivity C. Caution D. Explicitness
4. The use of signposts that allow readers to trace the relationships in the parts of the studies
A. Formality B. Objectivity C. Caution D. Explicitness
5. This is required in academic writing to avoid sweeping generalizations
A. Formality B. Objectivity C. Caution D. Explicitness
6.These are some ways to achieve structure fit for academic writing. It means combining ideas
effectively to show level of complexity that reflects sophistication of an academic writer.
A. Nominalization B. Passivization C. Activization D. Ordinalization
A.A and D B. A and B C. B and C D. B and D
7.One way of combining ideas that transforms verbs into nouns helping the readers to focus on
the action and not the doer of the action.
A. Nominalization B. Passivization C. Activization D. Ordinalization
8.It is defined as copying verbatim of language and ideas of other writers and taking credit for
A. Citation B. Plagiarism C. Paraphrasing D. Summarizing
9. Is a set of related sentences having only one idea embodied in a topic sentence.
A. Paragraph B. Outline C. Phrase D. Text
10.The sentence that contains the main idea of the paragraph.
A. Supporting B. Topic C. Concluding D. Introductory
11. A condensed or shorter version of original material
A. Paraphrase B. Paragraph C. Summary D. Text
12. A form of communication that is shaped by topic, role, purpose and audience.
A. Reading B. Listening C. Writing D. Viewing
13.Objectivity can be achieved by the following except;
A. Avoiding the use of personal pronoun B. Avoiding emotive language that shows biases
C. Avoiding colloquial and the use of idiomatic expressions D. Avoiding rhetorical questions
as it marks closeness
14. Formality can be achieved by the following except:
A. Choosing expanded modal forms over contracted forms
B. Avoiding colloquial and the use of idiomatic expressions
C. Choosing one verb form over two-word verbs
D. Choosing expanded terms over their abbreviated equivalents
B. Choose the correct restructured sentence using nominalization. Write
the letter only.
A. The company created software to manage the transactions successfully
B. The creation of software to manage the transactions successfully.
C. The creation of software to manage transactions was a success.
A. The president announced a three-day holiday this September
B. The president’s announcement was released.
A. The mall distributed several free items to consumers in the hope to boost sales.
B. In the hope to boost sales, the mall distributed free items
C. Distribution of free items for consumers was done in the hope to boost sales.
A. The researcher conducted experiments to validate the hypothesis
B. Experiments were conducted to validate the hypothesis.
C. Experiments was conducted to validate the hypothesis
A. An engineer built a saltwater lamp to help communities with no electricity
B. A saltwater was built to help communities with no electricity
C. A saltwater lamp was built to help the communities with no electricity.
A. Several scientists conducted experiment to examine the effects of algae on biodiversity.
B. An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of algae on biodiversity.
C. An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of algae on biodiversity.

II. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is FALSE and FALSE if the
statement is TRUE.

_______22. Objectivity is the use of sign posts that allows reader to show change in their line of
argument, to trace the relationships in the parts of a study and to, to make them
point clear.
_______23. Caution is needed to avoid sweeping generalizations
_______24. Formality can be achieved by choosing one verb form over two-word verbs.
_______25. Explicitness is using the expressions however, similarly, In addition and for
_______26. Academic writing does not require special knowledge on the use of more complete
and objectivity.
_______27. Objectivity can be achieved by using emotive language that shows biases.
_______28. Most academic texts exhibits ABC format.
_______29. A research paper exhibits IBC format
_______30. A supporting sentence contains the main idea of a paragraph.
III. MATCHING TYPE. Substitute the two-word verb in Column A for the
single- word verb in Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.
Column A Colum B
31.The class carried out research on the frequency A. fluctuated of using SMS.
32.The chemical gives off a foul odor. B. Save
33. Senate set-up the Meralco committee. C. creates
34.The dollar rate went up and down. D. retracted
35.Oil price has gone up. E. postponed
36.Major oil players put off oil price hike. F. increased
37.Parents turned down the proposal G. emits
38.Students come up with a solution H. conducted
39.Mothers cut down on spending rice. I. reduces
40.Parents could not put away money J. establish
for their children’s education.

IV. Identification. Identify what does the following statements applies,

and N if it applies PASSIVIZATION.
41.Guitar players constantly practice to ensure fault-free performance.
42.Marketers need to make a quota every month to maintain sustainable growth.
43.The company acquired a number of contractors to render service to its consumers.
44.Nurses conducted workshops for those in far-flung areas on health and sanitation.
45.The children gave several inputs to improve the operations of the facility.
46.A number of students reported several cases of theft within the area.
47.The project was implemented to make sure that services are not delayed.
48.The investigators established a time to determine the chain of events relating to crime.
49.The committee imposed a seven-day deadline for the members to submit their requirements.
50.The artist created a beautiful mural to pay tribute to the survivors of the disaster.

Dear Students, sometimes we finish the EXAM and sometimes,

the EXAM finishes us…
I hope
it’s not the latter
Sincerely, sir. Jay…

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