English Exercise in PDF For Grade 12

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ិ ា សាត្រៀម្រឡងសញ្ញារ្រមធ្យមសិក្សាទុរយ
ិ ភូមិ
Part 1. Reading (10 points)
Read the text and fill in the gaps with words in the box.
a. medicine b. friendly c. refugee d. attractive e. funds f. regime g. bringing up h. retire i. long time
j. nice k. first time

A visitor from New Zealand

Last weekend, Dr. Sok Chenda and her elder sister, Mora, who lives in Wellington, New Zealand, visited Monica in Phnom Penh.
Monica: What’s New Zealand like, Mora ?
Mora: Oh, it’s very 0. nice and Wellington’s a very 1. city, because, although it’s very developed, it’s not too big and the
people there are very 2. .
Monica: How did you come to live abroad ?
Mora: During the Khmer Rouge 3. , I managed to escape to the Thai border. As I was a 4. there, I was given the opportunity
to go to live in New Zealand.
Monica: So, you’ve lived there for quite a 5. .
Mora: Oh, yes, ever since 1976.
Monica: And do you visit Cambodia quite often ?
Mora: No, this is my 6. . Since I’ve been busy, first of all studying, then working and 7. my family, I haven’t been able to
visit before this.
Chenda: Mora’s also been busy helping me to study 8. and now she’s helping me collects 9. for our hospital.
Monica: How beautiful ! How long will you stay here, Mora ?
Mora: Just a month, because I have to return to my family and job in Wellington. When I 10. , I hope I’ll be able to visit
Cambodia more regularly.
Part 2. Grammar (15 points)
There are four answers after each statement. Only one answer is correct. Choose the correct letter a, b, c or d.
1. Since Mora ………… in New Zealand for many years, it is now her country. A. live B. has lives C. has lived D. living
2. Although people read stories ………… by early Chinese writers so as to learn about our history, they often conflict with each other.
A. write B. wrote C. written D. writing
3. The early permanent residents of Kambuja have irrigated their land ………. the time of Kaundinya. A. since B. for C. so as to D. in
order to
4. Buddhists and Hindus lived together for many years before Buddhism ……….. the state religion. A. become B. became C. had
become D. has become
5. I ………….. vegetables when I heard a scream. A. cutting B. am cutting C. was cutting D. be cutting
6. Susan likes listening to classical music, but if I were her, I would rather ……….. to pop music. A. listens B. listen C. listened
D. to listen
7. “I’m feeling very hungry.” “Then you had better ………. something quickly.” A. to eat B. eat C. ate D. eaten
8. Galileo made a telescope ………. explore the moon. A. so that B. for C. in order to D. in order that
9. Before the Buddha ………. the truth about suffering, he had been sitting under the Bodhi Tree for a long time.
A. discover B. discovered C. discovering D. has discovered
10. Every time she thinks of her departure from home, she …………….. a little homesick. A. will have felt B. felt C. feels D. is
Part 3. Vocabulary (15 points)
There are four answers after each statement. Only one answer is correct. Choose the correct letter a, b, c, or d. The first one was done as an
example for you.
Example: My parent often does .....d..... with people from Korea. a- affairs b- finances c- economy d- business
1. At………..time, there is always plenty of work to do on a farm. a- production b- profit c- plant d. harvest
2. It is against the……………. not to wear seat belt in a plane. a- rule b- regulation c- law d- order
3. Everything in the sale has been…………. to half price. a- reduced b- decreased c- bargained d- lowered
4. I ……… to inform you that your grandmother died ten minutes ago. a- apologise b- sorry c- pity d- regret
5. We were unable to reach an agreement because of the ………between the two groups. a- contact b- concern c- connection d- conflict
6. Everybody knew Samnang had …………. a crime, but nobody wanted to tell the police. A. committed B. done C. made
D. performed
7. After several hours, the doctor was finally able to give us his ……………... Dara had broken his ankle. A. diagnosis B. disease
C. symptoms D. signs
8. It’s always a good idea to ……………... clothes before you buy them. A. put B. hang C. take D. try
9. We had a perfect view from the plane because the skies were ……………. A. empty B. cloudy C. open D. clear
10. After the earthquake, many houses were in danger of …………… . A. destruction B. pollutions C. collapsing D. slipping

Part 4. Writing (10 points)

write an essay in English about “ One of the tourist places where you have been to”. Write at least 80 words.

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