Cocos Nucifera As Preservatives On Post

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Cocos nucifera as Preservatives on Post-Harvest Citrus x microcarpa


Air, moisture, light, temperature, and microorganism growth, are some of the

primary culprits in food spoilage. Most fruits and vegetables spoil easily because of

damage caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, and molds needs water

and nutrients for growth, reproduction, and energy. With average water content of

90 percent or more, fruits and veggies grow on outside of food or within the holes

cracks and spoil quickly. The outer layer starts to spoil quickly when food and

vegetables exposed to light. In process known as photo degradation that causes

discoloration, loss of flavor, vitamins, and proteins. Temperature is also pays an

important role in food spoilage. In order to increase their shelf life, fruits and

vegetables should be stored at the right temperature. Extremes of hot and cold

temperature can accelerate spoilage. If you freeze your fresh produce, the water

inside the plant cell walls and often cause discoloration and slimy texture and

appearance. (What makes Fruits and Vegetables Rot. 2019, January 29) /amp_etphotostory/

There have been a various innovations introduced into agricultural value chain

to keep it fresh and safe at the end of the chain. To keep it fresh, food grade

waxing has been a common edible coating due to it’s physico-chemical

characteristics with predominance components (Silva 2019). According to

scientist undertaking research in the topic of edible coatings. “the use of invisible,
colorless, odorless, tasteless coatings” are considered one of the most important

advances in todays agricultural industry as it is used to keep food safe and fresh

for extende periods of time. The food grade wax has expanded dramatically since

the mid 1980’s when only 10 companies dominated the market.

This study generally aims to assess the effectiveness of coconut oil as an

edible coating on the post harvest quality of calamansi. This study benefits the

farmers as well as the consumers. The importance of this study is to prolong the

shelf life of the calamansi through food-waxing to keep the calamansi safe and

not rotten in the end of the chain and also to keep it fresh especially to those

who live from far flung areas.



This study generally aims to assess the effectiveness of coconut wax as an

edible coating on the post harvest quality of calamansi.

Specific Objective:

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the effect of food grade wax from Cocos nucifera in prolonging the shelf

life of Citrus x microcarpa in terms of weight loss, pH level, and color?

2. Is there a significant difference on the effectiveness of food grade wax fom Cocos

nucifera in prolonging the shelf life of Citrus x microcarpa in terms of weight

loss pH level, and color.

Flow Chart
Gathering of Materials

Preparing of Treatments

Applying of Treatments

Gathering of Data

Statistical Tool

Gathering of Materials

Ninety freshly picked calamansi will be gathered at Lanit Jaro Iloilo City, 3

coconut will be gathered at Pavia Public Market, Sodium Benzoate(commercial) and

the Ph indicator will be bought at Shopee. A ladle, the pan, and the jar will be

provided by the researcher.

Preparing of Treatment

Three coconut will be cut into half using a machete and will be grated

using coconut grater. The grated coconut will put in a cheesecloth and squeezed to

obtain the coconut milk. Extracted coconut milk will be out in a pot. The coconut

that is extracted will be heated into medium heat flame. It will be stirred

ocassionally to avoid burning the coconut milk. The obtained coconut oil will be

put in a jar and let it cool down for the wax to form.

Applying the Treatment

For treatment one, the pure coconut wax (100%) will be coated in

calamansi For treatment two, there will be no treatment. Treatment three, Sodium

Benzoate will be used and it will serve as the positive control.

Gathering of data
The data will be gathered at the researchers house at Ungka 1 Pavia Iloilo.

The color and the weight loss of the calamansi will be recorded everyday. And

the Ph level will be recorded after seven days.

Statistical tool

Mean and standard Deviation will be used to determine the effectiveness of

Cocos Nucifera as food grade wax in extending the shelf life of Citrus


One way Analysis of variants will be employed to determine the significant

differences among the treatment.

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