YLLP. Abortion

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Abortion is one of the most controversial and hotly debated topics of this day and age. WHY?

The reason for this surrounds the idea of whether the induced expulsion of the fetus is murder or rather in the interest of the mother.

Comparison and Contrast

For every point supporting abortion there is a counter-point stating just the opposite. Whichever side or position one takes, the argument seems to be fairly balanced. Pro-choice activists believe that it is the womans right to choose whether or not to give birth to her baby once she becomes pregnant. On the other hand, there are people in our society who are working hard and making every effort to convenience Congress to pass laws that would make abortion illegal. Pro-choice followers often argue in favor of science which holds freedom of choice sacred. Another reason for abortion, is due to economics, the financial condition. Economics can also include cases such as teen age pregnancies People who want to abolish abortion are called pro-life activists. The pro-life activists believe that keeping one of the Ten Commandments in the bible, which says, "Thou shalt not kill," is of utmost importance. While adoption is an option some women choose, many women would not consider it. To the pro-choice activists, women should not have to give a reason for having or desiring an abortion. This scripture verse is simple and easy to understand. Both the pro-choice activist and the pro-life activist present strong, logical opinions and arguments regarding their points of view. The pro-life activists believe that life cannot be measured and that our Congress should change our laws to outlaw abortion. Some women do not want to suffer the physical and emotional trauma of being pregnant and giving birth, only to give the baby away. The prolife activists argue that abortion is sin and that it makes no sense for any woman to have the right to murder a human being just because it has not actually been born. Pro-life activists debate that all life in the instant of its conception is innocent and deserves a chance at life. God chooses its time of life and death, not the mother. The anti-abortionists reasons also come from the belief that a human being is born after conception, and that the death of that fetus resembles the murder of an innocent human being. They believe that no one has the right to take decision of anothers life, mainly an infant that is dependent on others for survival during the initial of life.

Abortion leaves emotional scars. Both the pro-choice activist and the pro-life activist present strong, logical opinions and arguments regarding their points of view

The enactment of the RH Bill reawakens the debate over abortion. Both sides invoke arguments by analogy in support of their positions on abortion and abortion funding. Because being pregnant and being a fetus is not like anything else or any other stage of human or animal development, analogies are inappropriate for describing what happen to a body and a mind during that time. The incomplete but evolving state of knowledge regarding diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, and peoples varying capabilities in handling problems and catastrophes should be appreciated. Most of the common things that can go wrong during a pregnancy or to a fetus can be addressed and corrected, but there is a small subset of devastating problems that cannot be fixed, not even with current technology. No one is pro-death. No one is anti-choice. Yet both sides of the abortion debate consider the other side absurd. Why? The pro-choicer considers pregnancy the construction of a human person. In the analogy to pregnancy, is the construction of a human person, then at the early stages of pregnancy the embryo is clearly not a human person. The consequence for abortion policy: People disagree when a fetus becomes a person, but all agree that an embryo is not, so abortion is justified early in pregnancy and debatable only later on. From this point of view, pro-lifers seem irrational, for they try to legislate upon the absurd idea that an embryo is a person. And because the pro-life position is often expressed in religious terms, pro-lifers seem to consider an irrational religious dogma the basis for public policy. The pro-lifer does not consider pregnancy the construction of a human person. Rather, he considers it the development of a human person. Compare pregnancy, for a moment, to the development of a Polaroid photograph. The camera clicks, setting off a chain reaction of chemicals on photographic paper. In the analogy to pregnancy, this parallels conception. If someone were to wipe the chemicals away, saying that the image was only a potential photograph, he would seem crazy; he cut short the development of a uniquely existing photograph with an essential nature. In the analogy to pregnancy, this parallels abortion.


(the groups view whether or not youre a PRO-LIFE or PRO-

While both sides are rational, only one side can be right. Persuasion should point out that whether or not abortion should be allowed has long been a controversial topic for heated debate and discussion Points for abortion Even though it has been argued that aborting a child once it is conceived boils down to the taking of a helpless life-others feel that a child in the womb has not yet developed in to a human being-(some argue that the soul only enters an infant shortly before birth)-and so it is not wrong to do away with an unwanted pregnancy at an earlier stage. Those that vehemently decry abortion do so on religious grounds by stating that it is a sin to take a helpless life. Two of the main religions that oppose abortion are: 1. The Catholics 2. Muslims The entire argument has divided the public in to those that vehemently oppose abortion and these have become known as pro -life activists; while those that are for the free choice of women are known as pro -choice activists. Both have strong views for and against abortion. Persuasive essays on abortion should point out that while many oppose abortion on religious and ethical grounds- women who are actually carrying the child feel that they need to get ownership of their own bodies -(instead of having people telling them what to do) Pro-choice activists also firmly believe that life only begins at birth and so there is nothing wrong in terminating an unwanted pregnancy. Pro-choice activists arguing for abortion may be doing so for a number of very good reasons like:

Reluctant mothers may be trying to terminate an unhappy marriage They lack the means to support a child They are too young and a teenage pregnancy can result in the life of both the mother as well as the child-getting ruined.

Pro-choice activists argue that a mother that does not want her child and is forced to have the baby is also most likely to ill-treat the child or deny the nurturing love and care that he/she would require growing in to a mature and well balanced human being. The Horror Of Abortion Induced abortion involves a brutal procedure wherein someone tears an innocent growing fetus out of its biological home in the mother's womb, thus inexorably leading to the bloody death of the unborn child. Professionals estimate that approximately 46 million abortions take place each year! That means, on any given day this violent and disturbing procedure happens approximately 126,000 times! Because of the deep, special and biologically inherent relationship between mother and child, inducing abortion usually leaves a women psychologically scarred. Also, both her and her family can feel much shame and guilt, due to their religious and/or moral values. Many, if not most, people see abortion as murder, or at least homicide. That means that 126,000 of these brutal and preventable homicides take place every day! Pro-Choice Validity Unfortunately, another horror plagues society. Many anti-abortionists take a so-called "pro-life" position and use violence and coercion to often essentially turn pregnant women into slaves. In the struggle to reduce and end abortions, many anti-abortion activists try to force pregnant woman to carry and give birth to the unborn child. Anti-abortion activists can do that by appealing to governments to illegalize abortion. Other times, activists use coercive force themselves, such as bombing and terrorizing abortion clinics. Despite the horrifically disgusting nature of abortion, anti-abortionists must not mirror that horror by denying any woman rights to her body. More violence and coercion cannot solve the problem. Additionally, forcing women to give birth to unwanted children leads to arguably worse problems, especially in a world in which 16,000 children die of starvation every day, millions of people commit suicide yearly, and even more live their lives in jails. Also, illegalizing abortion leads many women to perform illegal and unsafe abortions. Get Government Out Of Abortion Using governmental, coercive, or violent force to try and prevent abortion cannot work. Like many issues, politicians may use the abortion issue to gain votes and pander to their respective political parties. The Libertarian Party understands the failure of government and coercion: "Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that libertarians can hold good-faith views on both sides, we believe the government should be kept out of the question. We condemn statefunded abortions. It is particularly harsh to force someone who believes that abortion is murder to pay for another's abortion. It is the right of the woman, not the state, to decide the desirability of prenatal testing, Caesarean births, fetal surgery, and/or home births." Libertarian Party Platform Similarly, Libertarian Harry Browne says:

"Whatever we believe abortion is, we know one thing: government doesn't work, and it is as incapable of eliminating abortions as it is of eliminating poverty or drugs." Using government, coercion, and violence to try and force women only further divides the differing viewpoints and increases the horror. Persuasion To End Abortion Instead of violating women's rights with coercion, anti-abortion activists can use persuasive and open-minded approaches. Instead of divisive policies and approaches, anti-abortion activists can work co-operatively with pro-choicers to find mutually agreeable solutions. Working against each other creates stagnation, without reducing abortion. In contrast, prochoicers and anti-abortionists can join together and come up with methods to prevent abortions without violating a woman's (alleged) rights and without using coercive, governmental, or violent force. For example, we can prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. We can relieve the conditions that make abortions desirable to pregnant women, such as poverty. We can spread pro-birth propaganda, such as with persuading pregnant women to choose adoption over abortion. We can work to increase adoption and the well-being of adopted children, thereby making it a more appealing option. (How can we tell women to give birth to otherwise unwanted children, if no one takes care of the unwanted children already born? Adopting children can prevent abortion.) We can teach people about pregnancy prevention. We can teach women about the negative effects of abortion - both psychological effects and physiological effects. For instance, we could set-up meetings between women who have had abortions and now regret it with women who may consider abortion. We can do all that and more instead of wasting our time in the divisive pro-life/pro-choice debate. If we choose divisive and coercive sides, and bicker and battle with each other, we obviously fail to get anything done. The complexity of the abortion issue only makes it more imperative that we all work together to find bipartisan solutions that both protect the lives of unborn children and the freedom of women. Abortion, the easiest way to fix one's mistakes. I mean, if one is going to screw around and accidentally get knocked up, why should they have to be responsible for the outcome of messing around. Why not just murder the unborn child. That is what goes on daily, slaughtering of young, innocent children, that if born, would easily find a home. What did they [the unborn child] do wrong? Oh nothing, it's just that the mother and/or father are just so lazy and irresponsible that they would rather see their child be butchered than have to change it's diaper or feed it. Society today does not respect life and therefore accepts the murdering of unborn children. A major factor that is missing is society in today's world are moral values. If people actually had morals, then abortion might not occur.


(Kung paano niyo ipe.persuade yung tao na maging PRO-

No matter what anyone argues, abortion is murder, plain and simple.

Pain receptors begin to appear in the seventh week of pregnancy. The heartbeat begins on the 21st day after conception. Approximately 46 million abortions are performed globally each year. Of these, 26 million are said to occur in places where abortion is legal; the other 20 million happen where it is illegal. Approximately 26% of pregencies are aborted.

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