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C. E. B. N. G.


Educating with principles and values for a new Honduras

Reading Exam IV Partial- 50%

“A”, “B”, and “C”
Grade 2nd

Student’s name: ___________________________ Score____/50%

Date: ____________________________________

I. True or False- 5%
Instructions: Write a “F” if the statement is false or “T” if the statement is true.
1% e/o.
1. Are the same dramas and movies?………………………………………...…….( )
2. Myth is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of
people…………………………………..……………………………………………...( )
3. Drama emphasizes on dialogues, characters, and stage directions……...( )
4. Mermaid, dragons and unicorns are mythical creatures……..………..…….( )
5. Mime is an example of mythical stories………………………….……………....( )

II. Completion -6%

Instructions: complete the following questions. 1% e/o.
1. Type of drama
a) ___________________________________

b) ___________________________________

c) ___________________________________

d) ___________________________________

2. _____________________________ may include elements of music, dance, art,


3. _____________________________ might be trying to persuade you to do

III. Multiple Choice- 5%
Instructions: Select the correct answer. 1% e/o.
1. Is a usually written story of a person's life
a) Plot
b) Biography
c) Characters

2. Is relating personal experience usually told in first person.

a) Non fiction story
b) Personal Narrative
c) Fiction story

3. what does OREO stand for:

a) Opinion, Example,question,
b) Opinion,reason, example,opinion
c) Opinion,test,place,extra questions

4. These is the sequence of the story:

a) First, second, then
b) Second, then, plus
c) One, then, two

5. What is one of the characteristics of myths?

a) Usually includes incredible or miraculous events
b) It tells the story of a person
c) It explains the sequence of the stories

IV. Short Answer -4%

Instructions: Answer clearly the folloeing questions. 2% e/o
1. What is a Biography?

2. Write 2 characteristic drama has
1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________
V. Matching. -5%
Instructions: Connects the word in column A with the word that best connects to
column B. 1% e/o.

Column A Column B
1. Myth  Means: Opinion, Reason,Example,Opinion

2. Drama  Talk about some important person Example:

3. Biography Malala Yousafzi.

4. Mythical Criatures  Act in front of another people

5. OREO  Where a great mythology is present, battles

against supernatural beings.

 It could be cyclops, kraken, centaur.

VI. Practice-10%
Instructions: Find the words in the word search below. 1.5 % e/o

1. Role

2. Opinion

3. Narrative

4. Champion

5. Vote

6. Finally

7. Explain

8. Reading

9. Search

10. Warm
VII. Comprenhension-15%
Instructions: Read carefully the short story below and answer the questions. 1.5

1. Write in the line the correct answer.

 Jane lost her _______________________________.

 Jane found it under her __________________________.

 At the start of the story, Jane’s room was ___________________________.

 At the end of the story, Jane’s room was ____________________________.

2. What happened first, second, and last?

 _______________________ Jane found her doll.

 _______________________ Jane could not find her doll.

 ________________________ Jane cleaned her room.

3. Have you ever lost anything? _____________________________________________.

4. What was it? ___________________________________________________________.

5. Where did you find it?


Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

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