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24/10/23, 22:28 donjon; My Random Campaign


The Principality of Dolerast


The Wench's Purse

Harrey, male dwarf, who has lost his wife

Bybury Road

The Blackfen River, warded by elementals A tribe of murderous hobgoblins

The Foxwood Forest

The Estmedding Hills, haunted by phantoms A tribe of savage ogres

Heybury, Staybrook

The Noble City of Reheath Mara, Demon Lord of Eternal Night

The Demonic Blade of Alar

Countess Cilia, female halfling

Maedhrahil of the Seven Eyes The Gates of Hell will be opened

The wisest wizards Gavriel, Keeper of the Light
Pyriel of the Vales
Nimluthel, Lady of Thunder

Ering of the Six Faces

Eternally cheerful
Baltha of the Spear Goblins collect teeth for their fell god

Zealots of strange gods

Georguy the Mage, male human The Forest of Thorns is growing

Easily overlooked
Tephye the Erudite, male halfling

Arrogant tyrants
Mara the Erudite, female halfling A dead god lies buried beneath Raven's Crag

Jane Drete, female human

Based on a PDF by Matt Colville, 1/1

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