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Reviewer in ELA 7

I. Identify the following.

1. genius - exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability

2. versatility - ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities

3. perish - suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way

4. contemplate - look thoughtfully for a long time at

5. repent - feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin

6. perils - serious and immediate danger

7. preached -delivered a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church

8. conviction - firmly held belief or opinion

9. tranquillity - the quality or state of being calm

10. obscure - not discovered or known about; uncertain

II. Identify the pattern of the following sentences. S-IV or S-TV-DO

Example for S-IV – Anna performed very well.

The girls arrived after their mother.

Example for S-TV-D0 – Anna performed Tinikling on the stage.

The girls wrapped the gift creatively.

S-TV-DO 1. Sarah took the test.

S-TV-DO2. Many people believed with different superstitions.

S-TV-DO3. Early Filipinos developed agricultural tools.

S-IV 4. They enjoyed so much.

S-TV-DO 5. Learners gained new knowledge in school.

III. Identify the pattern of each sentence below. S-LV-C or S-TV-IO-DO or S-TV-DO or S-TV-DO-OC

S-LV-C – (subject, linking verb, noun complement /adjective) – She is a girl. She is excited.

S-TV-IO-DO (subject, transitive verb, indirect object, direct object) Mom cooked us spaghetti.

S-TV- DO (subject, transitive verb, direct object) Mom cooked spaghetti.

S-TV-DO-OC (subject, transitive verb, direct object, object complement) They picked Jane their leader.
___________ 1. I found the book interesting.

___________ 2. The girls gave their teacher a present.

___________ 3. We wrote grandma a letter.

___________ 4. Anna was happy.

___________ 5. They donated old stuffs.

IV. Create a simple question out of the following sentences.

1. You can eat wafer. – Can you eat wafer?

2. The boys ate the packed lunches. Have the boys ate their packed luches?

3. Many girls participated in the concert. Did many girls participated in the concert?

4. Anna was an honour student. Was Anna an honour student?

5. Fairy tales are most sought-after books. Are fairy tales most sought-after books?

V. Identify the following.

1. dictionary - consisting pages arranged from A-Z, including spelling, derivation, pronunciation, meaning,
antonyms, synonyms, example of correct usage, history of the words, and words derived from main word

2. thesaurus - contains synonyms and antonyms of the words

3. encylopedia - contains detailed articles on nearly every subject; has photos, illustrations, maps, and diagrams;
set usually comes in volumes

4. alamanac/yearbooks - are published yearly, and they list up-to-date facts, statistics, charts, and some unusual

5. atlases - are a collection of detailed maps published as a book

6. biblioragphical - give you information about the lives of well-known people; come in dictionary form

VI. Give the reference material useful in looking for the following information.

dictionary 1. derivation of the word angle

thesaurus/ dictionary 2. antonym of explicit

dictionary 3. meaning of anguish

almanac 4. present population of India

atlas 5. the map of Australia

encyclopedia 6. drawing of bamboo organ

almanac / encyclopedia 7. depth of Mariana’s Trench

almanac/encyclopedia 8. highest mountain in the world

VII. Separate the cause, effect and signal word and label.

1. Betty completed each task perfectly, so she was promoted.

2. Since the refrigerator was practically empty, we had to go to the store.

3. The weather forecast called for rain, and as a result, he took his umbrella.

4. When water is heated, the molecules move quickly, therefore the water boils.

5. Because of inflation, the peso is worth less than before.

VIII. Identify whether it is mass noun or count noun.

mass 1. milk count 6. visitor

mass 2. time mass 7. wealth

count 3. book count 8. boat

mass 4. beauty count 9. island

mass 5. trouble count 10. phone

IX. Provide the quantifier or measurement for each mass noun below.

1 a mass/hectare/plot/foot of land

2. a lot/ stash/bunch/much of money

3. a lot/ of wisdom much/some/little wisdom

4. a lamp/ liter/ bottle of oil

5. a jar/spoon/ of honey

X. Write P if the given form is print media and NP for nonprint media.

P 1. almanac

NP 2. film

P 3. pamphlet
NP4. documentaries

NP 5. e-journal

NP 6. computer software

P 7. magazine

P 8. newspaper

NP 9. video

NP 10. website

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