CV. Tuah Iwan Ridho RS Hasana Graha Afiah

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Jakarta, 31 Juli 2023.

HRD Rumah Sakit Hasanah
Graha Afiah
Di tempat.
Hal: Melamar Pekerjaan

Dengan hormat,

Berdasarkan informasi yang didapatkan dari Media Sosial bahwa Rumah Sakit Hasanah Graha
Afiah sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan bagian teknisi ATEM dan saya tertarik untuk
bergabung. Berikut adalah biodata singkat saya:

Nama : Tuah Iwan Ridho

Tempat, tanggal lahir : Jakarta, 27 Juni 1998
Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki
Pendidikan terakhir : D-IV Teknik Elektromedik
Alamat : Jl. Bambu Wulung 1 RT 10/RW 05 No. 49 (Gg. Hj Liah),
Bambu Apus, Cipayung, Jakarta Timur, 13890
Nomor telepon 085890003636
E-mail :

Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, berikut saya lampirkan berkas persyaratan untuk melengkapi
data saya. Data yang saya lampirkan diantaranya:

1. Surat Lamaran
2. Curiculum Vitae (CV)
3. Fotocopy KTP
4. Ijazah
5. STR ( Surat Tanda Registrasi)
6. NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak)

Besar harapan saya untuk mendapatkan kesempatan bergabung dalam perusahaan ini.
Demikian surat lamaran ini saya sampaikan, atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu saya ucapkan terima

Hormat Saya,

(Tuah Iwan Ridho)


A dedicated, hardworking, highly motivated, innovative, adaptable
Place of Birth : Jakarta person, good team player as good independently

Date of Birth : June,27 1998 EDUCATION

Gender : Male  MH THAMRIN UNIVERSITY 2016-2020

Religion : Moslem D4 Teknik Elektromedik
With GPA 3.08 (scale of 4.00)
Address : Jalan Bambu
Wulung East Study in science area related of Electromedical.
Jakarta To understand the design, purpose, and performance of medical
Zip code 13890 equipment.
To be able to do the installation of electomedic engineering by
Nationality : Indonesia working wih other professions in pre-installation planning, function
testing, calibration and applying the concept of work safety, and
CONTACT determining the completeness of the equipment and assessing the
level of success of electromedical devices according to the
+62 858 9000 3636 installation procedure.
To able to use electromedic devices in health service facilities with function idenfication mehods, specifications of tools, principles and
work systems, and their parts, in conditions in accordance with the
PERSONAL SKILLS standard operation procedure (SOP)

Language  SMA Chartar Buana 2013-2016

Science Department

Latihan dasar bela Negara Universitas Mohamad Husni Thamrin
Ms. Office Peserta Sarasehan Prodi D-IV Teknik Elektromedik
Rapat Kerja Nasional HIMATEMI di UMY
Rapat Kerja Nasional HIMATEMI di Stikes Widya Husada
Public Speaking Semarang
 Seminar Nasional “Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Manusia di bidang
teknologi Elektromedis Indonesia” di Universitas Semarang
 Seminar Nasional “Peluang dan Tantangan SDM Kesehatan di Era
Revolusi Industri 4.0” di Universitas Indonesia
 Workshop “Internet of Things”
 Kuliah Tamu “CT Scan Creative Marketing in Thecnopreneur”
 Pelatihan di PT. Permana Putra Mandiri PKL (Praktek Kerja
*This Cv is made by my own self. Last edited on February 27 2023

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