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[DATE: 05/JUL/2023 | TIME: 17:42:07]

[17:42:07] Welcome to GTA World.

[17:42:34] Your player ID is 474.
[17:42:39] GTAW Roleplay Player Stats - Audrey Rabinowicz (catdanny)
[17:42:39] =========================================================
[17:42:39] Character | Money: $350 / Bank: $11,470 / Debt: $0 / Total Assets:
[17:42:39] Health | Health: 78 | Blood Type: A+ | Addiction for soft drugs: 0 |
Tolerance for soft drugs: 1.50 | Addiction to hard drugs: 0 | Tolerance to hard
drugs: 1.50
[17:42:39] Business: LS County Sheriff's Department (Deputy Sheriff)
[17:42:39] Bank Account Routing: 010059291
[17:42:39] Current job: Unemployed
[17:42:39] Time | Total hours: 259.2 | Next paycheck current faction: 5 day(s)
(Currently worked: 12 / 20 hours)
[17:42:39] Properties | Owned properties: [108 West Eclipse Blvd - Floor 2, Room 4]
[17:42:39] Custom Number: 1949985 | Main Phone Number: 96842660
[17:42:39] Premium: None | Furniture slots: 50 | Wardrobe slots: 20
[17:42:39] World Points: 108
[17:42:39] Panda Points: 556
[17:42:39] Time spent online the past 15 days (< 1 hour = immediate property
removal): 99 hours.
[17:42:39] =========================================================
[17:42:39] Monthly remaining weapons: 1 | Monthly remaining ammo: 150| Monthly
remaining component: 1
[17:42:49] You've used Sprunk Soda.
[17:42:55] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Erik Alves says: Alves to control, I'm 10-8.
[17:42:59] You may now use /vget, your vehicle will be automatically teleported on
[17:43:20] You have despawned your vehicle.
[17:43:27] You are now on duty.
[17:43:27] [INFO] The Air Traffic Control and Vessel Traffic Service has been
toggled OFF. You can toggle them ON using /toggle command.
[17:43:27] Use /jailduty to start your duty at the county jail.
[17:43:27] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Audrey Rabinowicz has gone on duty!
[17:43:33] Equipping SIG...
[17:43:35] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] David Plumley says: 280 William Sam, show us code
six out on.... Cougar Avenue.
[17:43:45] [INFO] Use SHIFT+E to cycle upwards and use SHIFT+Q to cycle downwards
in the lighting stages.
[17:44:03] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Malakai Collins says: Boy 2 Paul Adam; SCC, we
are going to occupy Local tactical 3 for the Parole Compliance Team in regards of a
Parole assignment. All active Parole Deputies to be brought on the line, please and
thank you.
[17:44:10] ** [S: 5 | CH: LTAC-3] Malakai Collins says: Collins is by.
[17:44:27] Malakai Collins says: Here she is.
[17:44:29] Bruno Ponosta says: Here she is.
[17:44:37] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Hello!
[17:44:43] Malakai Collins says: Davis is getting all the cool cruisers that's for
[17:44:45] Malakai Collins says: Hi there.
[17:44:48] * Bruno Ponosta wafts a palm at Audrey.
[17:44:53] * Audrey Rabinowicz hefts a palm towards the pair.
[17:44:53] Malakai Collins says: Get changed real quick, vest on.
[17:45:01] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Sure thing. Lemme' head in real quick.
[17:45:05] The vehicle is locked.
[17:45:06] Malakai Collins says: You got it.
[17:45:07] > Audrey Rabinowicz opens the trunk of the car.
[17:45:15] * Audrey Rabinowicz opens up her trunk. She removes a bundle of clothing
and holds it under-arm. She jogs towards the station.
[17:45:16] > Audrey Rabinowicz closes the trunk of the car.
[17:45:17] Malakai Collins says: Alright, lets mount up.
[17:45:19] Use /anim stop to stop animations and remove items from your hands.
[17:45:19] Any abuse of the editor will result in harsh admin punishment.
[17:45:27] The ID of Malakai Collins is 354
[17:45:30] [INFO] If this doesn't work, use .stop or /anim stop.
[17:45:46] (( PM to (354) Malakai Collins: do we have the outfit articles listed
anywhere ))
[17:45:48] [INFO]: [09/APR/2023] TRAFFIC SERVICES DETAIL
[17:45:48] [HQ] Detective Jack Pescoluso has gone on duty!
[17:45:50] [INFO]: [05/DEC/2022] A framed document is mounted to the wall. |
(( Press K to look at it. ))
[17:45:50] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[17:45:50] * Log Number: 23-146302
[17:45:50] * Phone Number: 4003 (Remy Brewer)
[17:45:50] * Location: Pillbox Hill Alta.
[17:45:50] * Situation: I've got a vehicle, registration is on my phone. It's just
killed somebody and ran off. Still with body. I believe they've just caused a fire
[17:45:52] Start duty /pduty Set Uniform /uniform
[17:45:52] [INFO]: [26/MAY/2022] (( This door would remain locked to the public at
all times. A keycard reader would be on the right side of the door. ))
[17:45:54] [INFO]: [26/MAY/2022] (( This door would remain locked to the public at
all times. A keycard reader would be on the right side of the door. ))
[17:45:57] [INFO]: [05/DEC/2022] A framed document is mounted to the wall. |
(( Press K to look at it. ))
[17:46:06] [JAIL REQUEST] Inmate LaToya Landrau is requesting a deputy: Set for
immediate release, can I be let out please. My timer still says 9993 so I can't
[17:46:10] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: 474 Yup! Lemme get it for ya ))
[17:46:36] (( (119) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: can onduty jail deputies handle
that? ))
[17:46:41] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: Im pming him :D ))
[17:46:48] (( (119) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: u r great ))
[17:46:54] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: ty woody ))
[17:47:00] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera has gone on duty!
[17:47:38] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam's en-route.
[17:48:40] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone on duty!
[17:48:42] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Bravado Gresley Hellhound Closest Street: Sinner Street
[17:48:45] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone off duty!
[17:48:52] [HQ] Captain Dustin Imler has gone on duty!
[17:49:01] (( (289) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Bruno Ponosta: now do kenneth ward ))
[17:49:02] [HQ] Captain Dustin Imler has gone off duty!
[17:49:09] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone on duty!
[17:49:16] (( (483) Detective Adam Callejo: No. ))
[17:49:19] (( (289) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Bruno Ponosta: :( ))
[17:49:25] (( (372) Detective Jayce Chen: how many sanfire do u want on scene,
yes ))
[17:49:33] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: thats their thang tho ))
[17:49:36] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam's 10-97 on Alta
[17:49:45] (( (354) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Malakai Collins: never enough backup,
fire edition ))
[17:50:03] (( (388) Deputy Sheriff Abraham Hu: 20 stack of fire marshals. ))
[17:50:06] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: the arson update boosted their stuff
before it was just admin fires but anyone can /arson now ))
[17:50:19] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: ill set davis station on fire ))
[17:50:26] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[17:50:26] * Log Number: 23-146303
[17:50:26] * Phone Number: 74683191 (Tyler White)
[17:50:26] * Location: Joker's Crown.
[17:50:26] * Situation: Car being stolen right now.
[17:50:36] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: bet ))
[17:50:37] (( (289) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Bruno Ponosta: I am currently in the
PBS parking lot. I've just found out about /arson. ))
[17:50:37] (( (354) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Malakai Collins: Good to know, I will
/arson all Sonia's cars npw ))
[17:51:17] (( (385) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt: is /arson rlly a
thing ))
[17:51:30] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: what does /arson do ))
[17:51:30] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: yeah you need like gas and it pks
your car for 6 hours ))
[17:51:36] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff William Thompson has gone on duty!
[17:51:36] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: u use it to burn cars ))
[17:51:42] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: ah isnt that /vtorch ))
[17:51:48] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: idk i think so :( ))
[17:51:59] (( (385) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt: if u do /arson it
says /requestfire ))
[17:52:00] INFO: You have set uniform slot 4 name to parole.
[17:52:04] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Carson Barrett says: Paleto 67 King, 10-97 at the
Joker's Crown.
[17:52:24] (( (119) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: Then sent the body and all ))
[17:52:26] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: /requestfire nervous said i can burn
down pbs ))
[17:52:28] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alina Merrick says: 60 Boy Sam, 97 over by
Joker's Crown, get me 67 King into L-TAC 1.
[17:52:31] (( PM to (354) Malakai Collins: i think i've got it. sry for the
holdup ))
[17:52:33] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[17:52:33] * Log Number: 23-146305
[17:52:33] * Phone Number: 74683191 (Tyler White)
[17:52:33] * Location: Joker's Crown, inside.
[17:52:33] * Situation: He ran in.
[17:52:34] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Alina Merrick says: The guy that ran in is our
[17:52:36] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Carson Barrett says: 67 King's by.
[17:52:52] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 306, use /radioshow to see
the music player.
[17:52:54] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alina Merrick says: 60 Boy Sam, roll me
assistance to Joker's Crown.
[17:52:59] (( (221) Sonia Kavanagh: sus ))
[17:53:00] Malakai Collins says: Okay, we are ON the move.
[17:53:01] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[17:53:01] * Log Number: 23-146304
[17:53:01] * Phone Number: 16082277 (Richard Young)
[17:53:01] * Location: Someone getting robbed 3 guns, offered me buy heroin,
assaulted me by force on Forum Drive
[17:53:01] * Situation: On Forum Drive there's a house that has a garage and a back
yard, there's people robbing a little boy at gun point in the back yard and they
assaulted me after offering me heroin.
[17:53:03] (( (354) Malakai Collins: very ))
[17:53:03] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam's advising code
fourteen re. call for service from Alta Street.
[17:53:12] > Audrey Rabinowicz has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[17:53:12] > Audrey Rabinowicz has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[17:53:13] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Gabriel Parera says: 280 William 2, code to 60
Boy Sam.
[17:53:16] (( (372) Detective Jayce Chen: everyone was just running around lmao ))
[17:53:24] (( (119) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: yeah idk why they rushed with the body
and all ))
[17:53:31] [HQ] Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh has gone on duty!
[17:53:40] (( (372) Detective Jayce Chen: i looked behind me n thought they were
escorting someone with a convoy xD ))
[17:53:43] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Malakai Collins says: Boy 2 Paul Adam; SCC,
forward to my radio car's terminal the active trace of Erick Rodriguez' ankle
monitor, please. Conducting a checkup.
[17:53:45] (( (119) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: we ideally don't wanna participiate in
subpar rp ))
[17:54:06] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[17:54:11] Malakai Collins says: Buckle up.
[17:54:14] * Malakai Collins buckles up.
[17:54:18] [INFO]: [28/JAN/2023] Only LSSD personnel would have access to this
property through the gate.
[17:54:19] * Audrey Rabinowicz clips her seatbelt on.
[17:54:25] Audrey Rabinowicz says: So! Ah - who're we visiting?
[17:54:34] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] David Plumley says: 280 William Sam, show us 10-
97 to service tag; 277.
[17:54:45] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alina Merrick says: 60 Boy Sam, code six on a t-
stop with a gray Gresely, index Boy Frank King 412, gonna be assuming a frank stop,
have me form.
[17:54:48] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Carson Barrett says: We've got the guy sat in the
grey Hellhound in-front.
[17:54:49] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam, one at
gunpoint on Roy Lowe, roll assistance!
[17:55:05] Malakai Collins says: Ooof, my bad. Quick pre-mission briefing. We are
going for Erick Rodriguez. Known gang affiliate with the F-thirteen. Under strict
[17:55:23] Malakai Collins says: You can access our data base and make yourself
familiar with their file, should be pretty simple to read.
[17:55:30] * Audrey Rabinowicz tugs her work phone out of her pocket. She prods at
[17:55:57] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kennedy Hauser says: Davis 280 William Sam!!
998!! Forum drive!!
[17:55:57] Audrey Rabinowicz says: This is my first time out, on something like
this. You'll have to bare with me if I'm still getting my bearings.
[17:55:59] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[17:55:59] * Log Number: 23-146307
[17:55:59] * Phone Number: 16082277 (Richard Young)
[17:55:59] * Location: Kidnapped, help me!
[17:55:59] * Situation: HELP!
[17:56:20] Malakai Collins says: Don't worry at all. If you got any questions, let
me know.
[17:56:25] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kennedy Hauser says: We need assistance, check on
aero, supervisor, and run me a 902-Robert!
[17:56:36] [HQ] Detective Antonio Ruiz has gone on duty!
[17:56:38] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: casually gets up ))
[17:56:46] [HQ] Detective Ray Kostoplis has gone on duty!
[17:57:14] (( (119) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: ... ))
[17:57:24] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I've got just about every question you can think
of. I'm really not sure where to begin. What should I be familiarizing myself with,
firstly? Order of operations kinda' deal.
[17:57:28] (( (372) Detective Jayce Chen: what am i seeing ))
[17:57:32] (( (119) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: no idea man ))
[17:57:42] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Dewbauchee RapidGT Classic Cabrio Closest Street: San Vitus Boulevard
[17:57:43] ___Description of Malakai Collins___
[17:57:43] Age range: 23 to 25
[17:57:43] Malakai looks to be a average white American citizen in terms of facial
and physical features, he seems to be in his early - mid twenties. Normal body fit,
not too bulk and not too slim either. Signs of weekly workout can be visible on his
demeanor. He has eye sight issues so he can be usually seen wearing pair of glasses
especially while working. Kai has a 85% deep, calm voice when he speaks.
[17:57:47] ___Description of Bruno Ponosta___
[17:57:47] Age range: 23 to 27
[17:57:47] Bruno Ponosta is a Hispanic male in his mid twenties, he stands at 6'
2'' tall, average build. He is cleanly shaven. His head has a slightly fuller
appearance. Despite this, his overall facial features are still well-proportioned.
His lips are a bit narrower than average, it is easily noticeable due to a wide
nose right above them. Sunburns on the back of his head are present.
[17:57:50] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Ray Kostoplis says: 280 George 9. What's the 10-
20 on that assistance request, SCC?
[17:57:57] Malakai Collins says: Okay well, I will guide you through the entire
process from A to Z, after that, you and I can have a detailed talk about whatever
you want to know.
[17:58:04] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Sure thing.
[17:58:59] Audrey Rabinowicz says: What kind of approach do we want to take to
parolees? Are you suspicious of repeat-offending, or do you try to be encouraging
and motivating? I know the re-offense rate is through the roof, in the state.
[17:59:09] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kennedy Hauser says: Hey!! Davis 280 William Sam,
where is that assistance to Forum drive?
[17:59:30] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: Davis 282, rolling code to
Davis 280 William Sam, in one minute.
[17:59:32] Malakai Collins says: It depends, we need to be firm, serious and
somewhat passive aggressive with them. Nice, but not too nice. Harsh but not too
[17:59:37] Malakai Collins says: If they bite, you bite back.
[17:59:39] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: lol ))
[17:59:44] (( (61) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: yeah thats ic issue ))
[17:59:48] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: LMAO ))
[17:59:49] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: smh ))
[17:59:50] (( (61) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: LOL ))
[17:59:53] Malakai Collins says: If they bite harder, threaten there parole
condition to be revoked. They usually fold after that.
[18:00:14] Malakai Collins says: If they escalate, you can actually take a
disciplinary action, whether warning or a strike on their record.
[18:00:15] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: LMAOOO ))
[18:00:18] (( (424) Deputy Sheriff Carson Barrett: cool cool ))
[18:00:20] (( (61) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: HAAZHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA
[18:00:34] Malakai Collins says: Repeat-offenders, we usually approach them harder
than normal parolees.
[18:00:50] Malakai Collins says: We are like...correctional deputies but out on the
[18:01:01] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Alright. I'll probably be mostly observational,
during this meeting. Watch how you handle things so that I can see it first-hand.
[18:01:02] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: back ))
[18:01:07] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: i'll read allat ))
[18:01:07] Malakai Collins says: All in all, be tough, be firm and if they are nice
and respectful, show them the same treatement.
[18:01:13] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff David Plumley has gone on duty under 280WS!
[18:01:14] Malakai Collins says: Sounds good.
[18:01:16] (( Malakai Collins [ID: 354]: wb ))
[18:01:17] * Audrey Rabinowicz nods a couple of times, at that.
[18:02:00] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Ray Kostoplis says: 280 George 9. Block off east-
bound traffic.
[18:02:08] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[18:02:08] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[18:02:20] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Kennedy Hauser: Sheriff's Davis 280 William Sam. **
[18:02:21] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[18:02:21] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[18:02:25] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Kennedy Hauser: Sheriff's Davis 280 William Sam, Fire
Metro. **
[18:02:32] Malakai Collins says: Is that black Torrence his? Check his file.
[18:02:36] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[18:02:36] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[18:02:41] Bruno Ponosta says [low]: Hold.
[18:02:44] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro. **
[18:02:45] Malakai Collins says: Here he is.
[18:02:46] Bruno Ponosta says [low]: Yeah that's him.
[18:02:56] > Malakai Collins has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[18:02:58] * Bruno Ponosta jumps out.
[18:02:59] Malakai Collins says: Let's go.
[18:02:59] ___Description of Erick Rodriguez___
[18:02:59] Age range: 27 to 31
[18:02:59] Erick is a scrawny 5'9 male in his early 20s, he looks that he weighs no
more than 175LBS and he has a slightly wide and rough looking face with a rather
deep voice and some facial hair. He has numerous blackheads around his face. Erick
has two bullet scars on his stomach right by his tattoo.
[18:02:59] -> Erick Rodriguez is wearing an ankle monitor.
[18:02:59] [INFO] Use /tattoos to check their tattoos description!
[18:03:03] * Audrey Rabinowicz undoes her seatbelt and hops out.
[18:03:03] * Erick Rodriguez peers in at the Scout, the Jumpout boys are coming for
[18:03:05] Erick Rodriguez says: Yo.
[18:03:06] Malakai Collins says: Rodriguez!
[18:03:09] Erick Rodriguez says: Wassup.
[18:03:16] (( (432) Deputy Sheriff Benjamin Palmer: How do you teleport to the
start of an interior again? ))
[18:03:20] ___Tattoos description of Erick Rodriguez___
[18:03:20] Several tattoos related with Florencia Thirteen and Mexican Culture go
around his body, his face has a large F and XIII on it, the back of his head reads
"LOKOTE LIFE" with a large Florencia 13 backpiece and "F13" going over his stomach.
He has a memorial on his entire left arm going down to his fingers, the top of it
reads "FIP BRUISER" and "CK" below it. He has a Florencia 13 related tattoo going
down his right arm, Florencia 13 is visible on the back of his arm with murals
around it.
[18:03:20] (( (424) Deputy Sheriff Carson Barrett: /fixloc ))
[18:03:20] (( (165) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Maria Robinson: /fixloc ))
[18:03:28] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Kennedy Hauser: Sheriff's Davis 280 William Sam, hey,
we need one times RA down to uh... Forum drive for an injured deputy, he was strike
by fire. We also have a civilian down here as well. **
[18:03:28] Malakai Collins says: Hey man, you were flying with that Torrence dude.
Why you driving like that?
[18:03:31] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Benjamin Palmer has gone on duty!
[18:03:33] Erick Rodriguez says: Its a Buffalo actually.
[18:03:36] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: FIre Metro, standby. **
[18:03:40] [HQ] Detective Aaron Lopez has gone on duty!
[18:03:48] Malakai Collins says: Well, my point stands.
[18:03:51] Malakai Collins says: Why you driving like that?
[18:03:54] * Bruno Ponosta leans closer to Malakai for a moment.
[18:03:56] Erick Rodriguez says: Fast car.
[18:04:00] Erick Rodriguez says: Open raods.
[18:04:02] Erick Rodriguez says: Open roads.
[18:04:05] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro, Rescue 811 is en route, ETA
five. **
[18:04:10] Erick Rodriguez says: What you want anyway?
[18:04:32] * Bruno Ponosta downs a nod before he takes a step back.
[18:04:38] Malakai Collins says: Well, open roads doesn't give you the right to fly
down them.
[18:04:45] Erick Rodriguez says: What you foos whispering too eachother like that
for ey'?
[18:04:46] Malakai Collins says: Violating traffic rules is not good on your
[18:04:49] * Bruno Ponosta whips out his handheld radio, he looks around himself.
[18:04:49] Malakai Collins says: Come over here, man.
[18:04:50] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam, advising code
four re. assistance call on Roy Lowe.
[18:04:57] Erick Rodriguez says: Whats the palabra then, what we doin'?
[18:04:58] ** [LSPD -> LAW] Elizabeth Nixon: Police 2 Lincoln 22, hold the traffic
for crime broadcast. **
[18:05:00] Malakai Collins says: None of your business that is for sure.
[18:05:07] Malakai Collins says: Face that Scout.
[18:05:08] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Carson Barrett says: Paleto 67 King, 10-98.
[18:05:10] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alina Merrick says: 60 Boy Sam, we're code
fourteen over by Textile City.
[18:05:12] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] William Thompson says: Paleto 65 Edward's 10-98.
[18:05:13] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Bruno Ponosta says [low]: Boy 2 Paul Adam, show
us code six at Conquistador cross Bay City.
[18:05:17] Malakai Collins says: Alright, let's get hands on. Toss the guy.
[18:05:18] * Bruno Ponosta slots his handheld.
[18:05:21] Erick Rodriguez says: I'm clean.
[18:05:27] Malakai Collins says: We'll see about that.
[18:05:27] (( (424) Deputy Sheriff Carson Barrett: that guy was something else ))
[18:05:32] * Audrey Rabinowicz approaches Erick and peels on a pair of gloves from
her back pocket.
[18:05:32] (( (61) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: "thanks babe" ))
[18:05:33] (( (6) Sergeant Alina Merrick: literally braindead ))
[18:05:40] Erick Rodriguez says: If I wasnt you would of found out already.
[18:05:40] Leo Javakhisvili says: Damn.
[18:05:42] Amelia Chambers says: Hey?
[18:05:46] Amelia Chambers says: You parked on a red line.
[18:05:46] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Have you got anything on you that you wunna
declare before we go through, mister Rodriguez?
[18:05:48] Bruno Ponosta says: What are you doing here mister Rodriguez? Having an
alcohol induced blast?
[18:05:48] * Erick Rodriguez stares over at Amelia.
[18:05:52] * Malakai Collins eyes Amelia.
[18:05:54] Erick Rodriguez says (to Audrey Rabinowicz): No.
[18:05:57] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: ive had the honor to encounter
him many many times ))
[18:05:57] Bruno Ponosta says (to Amelia Chambers): Do you see the lights?
[18:06:02] Malakai Collins says: Can't see the /emergency/ lights ar on?
[18:06:03] Erick Rodriguez says: Stupid ass blond hoes ey'.
[18:06:05] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: same thing every time lol ))
[18:06:05] Malakai Collins says: Can't see the /emergency/ lights are on?
[18:06:12] Erick Rodriguez says: Stupid ass blonde hoes ey'.
[18:06:15] Amelia Chambers says: Arrest this motherfucker, cops.
[18:06:18] Erick Rodriguez says: Just get this shit over with.
[18:06:26] Audrey Rabinowicz says [low]: Bein' stupid should be a crime.
[18:06:41] > Leo Javakhisvili watches the on going scene.
[18:06:42] Malakai Collins says: What's with the attitude, Rodriguez?
[18:06:47] ** [LSPD -> LAW] Elizabeth Nixon: Be on lookout for a black Dillettante,
index X-Q-I-2-3-6, last seen around Alta about 20 minutes ago. Wanted in suspicion
for a murder and tampering with evidence, please approach with caution and summon
over departmental if you find them. **
[18:06:53] Amelia Chambers says: And I`m not even blonde, idiot.
[18:06:55] ** [LSPD -> LAW] Elizabeth Nixon: Crime broadcast over, resume traffic.
[18:06:56] * Audrey Rabinowicz says something beneath her breath, before moving up
on Erick. She gives him a brief frisk around the waist, then up his belly and down
his sleeves. She moves to his pantlegs, nextly. She goes down, then sticks two
fingers into each shoe.
[18:06:56] Erick Rodriguez says: I'm clean so... Do your job and lets go.
[18:06:57] Turner Lynch says: What happened?
[18:06:57] Malakai Collins says: Is that how you treat all your Parole Deputies who
come and check up on you?
[18:06:58] Amelia Chambers says: Buy yourself some glasses.
[18:07:02] Erick Rodriguez says: No sir.
[18:07:05] Bruno Ponosta says: Ma'am.
[18:07:08] (( (6) Sergeant Alina Merrick: now that i think about it ))
[18:07:10] The ID of Malakai Collins is 354
[18:07:15] Amelia Chambers says: Hm?
[18:07:17] Malakai Collins says: Because, I can easily just revoke your God damn
thing and put you on a strike.
[18:07:17] (( (6) Sergeant Alina Merrick: that was the most NPC dialog I've ever
had ))
[18:07:20] Malakai Collins says: Is that what you want?
[18:07:23] Erick Rodriguez says: No sir.
[18:07:23] (( PM to (354) Malakai Collins: ik irl you can search a parolee at will
without PC. Can we do that here ))
[18:07:27] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: lmao ))
[18:07:28] (( PM to (354) Malakai Collins: like pockets and everything ))
[18:07:29] (( (61) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: congrats ))
[18:07:30] Malakai Collins says: One of your terms and conditions is to show
respect to your Parole Deputies.
[18:07:36] Malakai Collins says: I am sure you were read your terms, right?
[18:07:38] Bruno Ponosta says: It is fine that you voiced your concerns, but
please, would you be kind to take a step back from the scene and discontinue the
verbal engagement with the person in front of our vehicle?
[18:07:39] Erick Rodriguez says: Ah huh.
[18:07:42] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: Yeye ))
[18:07:46] Amelia Chambers says: Yes.
[18:07:47] Bruno Ponosta says: We currently have an active scene so it would be
very appreciated.
[18:07:49] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: We don't need PC at all to search ))
[18:07:50] Bruno Ponosta says: Thank you very much.
[18:07:52] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: we can just go ahead ))
[18:07:57] * Audrey Rabinowicz maneuvers Erick's pockets of their contents from the
outside, before actually going into them. They're turned out one at a time. She
places his contents on the hood of the scout. Phone. Wallet, so on.
[18:07:59] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Jayce Chen says: 828 David Nora 3, body in the
driveway is a zero and no objects were found on him.
[18:08:00] Malakai Collins says: Right.
[18:08:02] * Where is Erick's screwdriver located? (( Audrey Rabinowicz ))*
[18:08:07] * Its in his pocket. (( Erick Rodriguez ))*
[18:08:09] Malakai Collins says: Have you been drinking, Rodriguez?
[18:08:12] Erick Rodriguez says: No sir.
[18:08:13] * Turner Lynch is intrigued, not knowing whats really going on.
[18:08:16] * Audrey Rabinowicz tugs that free as well. It's set on the hood with
the rest.
[18:08:18] Malakai Collins says: Have you been connecting with your boys lately?
[18:08:21] Bruno Ponosta says: You sure? We're in front of a bar.
[18:08:26] Erick Rodriguez says: Dont know who my "boys" are.
[18:08:31] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Wadda' you need a screwdriver for at a bar,
mister Rodriguez?
[18:08:33] Erick Rodriguez says (to Bruno Ponosta): And you saw me pull up.
[18:08:33] Malakai Collins says: Pretty sure you do.
[18:08:34] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Jayce Chen says: Do we have any outstanding?
[18:08:47] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alina Merrick says: 60 Boy Sam, code six over by
Elgin and Olympic, got a possible CB suspe— Nevermind.
[18:08:48] Erick Rodriguez says: I do construction work for some friends and shit.
[18:08:54] Erick Rodriguez says: You aint see me inside the bar.
[18:08:55] Audrey Rabinowicz says: And you only use screwdrivers, for that?
[18:09:07] Erick Rodriguez says: Screwdrivers, drills, tape, that type of stuff.
[18:09:45] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I'd believe you a little more firmly if you had
the whole nine yards with you; but you don't. - either way, he's clean.
[18:09:54] * Audrey Rabinowicz says the last bit sidelong to Collins.
[18:09:56] Erick Rodriguez says: Whats that mean, whole nine yards?
[18:09:56] Malakai Collins says: Ey, keep facing the car.
[18:10:09] * Malakai Collins eyes Audrey and nods.
[18:10:11] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[18:10:15] Bruno Ponosta says (to Malakai Collins): We good to check his whip?
[18:10:16] [INFO]: Dennis Vong is requesting to be released from TTCF, use /release
to release them.
[18:10:23] * Audrey Rabinowicz doesn't answer this time around.
[18:10:32] Malakai Collins says: Yup, was about to tell you. Detain him in the back
first, though.
[18:10:40] Audrey Rabinowicz says (to Erick Rodriguez): Lemme' see your wrists.
[18:10:44] Bruno Ponosta says: I'll take care of the car, you two can take car of
[18:10:45] Erick Rodriguez says: Whut' you gotta put me in the back of the car for?
[18:10:48] Erick Rodriguez says: Like I'm a criminal.
[18:10:51] (( (289) Bruno Ponosta: can take care* ))
[18:10:51] Malakai Collins says: Sure, go ahead Ponosta.
[18:11:09] Malakai Collins says: To make sure you won't be doing something stupid.
For our safety and yours.
[18:11:21] Malakai Collins says: Where do you stay at the moment, Rodriguez?
[18:11:30] Erick Rodriguez says: Same place I registered with, Pillbox area.
[18:11:31] [HQ] Detective Ray Kostoplis has gone off duty!
[18:11:37] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[18:11:41] * Malakai Collins eyes Cody.
[18:11:42] Erick Rodriguez says: I aint going in your car, brings back bad
[18:11:44] Malakai Collins says: Keep driving.
[18:11:46] (( (289) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Bruno Ponosta: is there a command to
unlock cars ))
[18:11:50] (( (119) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: pvlock ))
[18:11:51] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Carson Barrett says: Paleto 67 King, code-six on
Hawick Avenue for a welfare checkup.
[18:11:54] (( (354) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Malakai Collins: that ))
[18:11:54] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Cristina Velasquez has gone on duty!
[18:11:57] (( (289) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Bruno Ponosta: ty ))
[18:11:58] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[18:11:58] * Log Number: 23-146309
[18:11:58] * Phone Number: 3619584 (Alexis Jones)
[18:11:58] * Location: Shallow Lounge Casino, back alley.
[18:11:58] * Situation: Someone is getting robbed here! Yelling for police! Send
[18:12:00] Audrey Rabinowicz says (to Malakai Collins): I can watch him, if we want
to cut'im a bit of slack. He's been compliant so far.
[18:12:01] Malakai Collins says: Don't care what you want, quite frankly.
[18:12:12] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam's code in two.
[18:12:15] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Carson Barrett says: Paleto 67 King, 22 last
transmission— out to latest call for service, code in one.
[18:12:16] * Malakai Collins eyes Audrey. Kai pauses then bops a nod.
[18:12:16] (( (165) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Maria Robinson: brb 5 mins ))
[18:12:19] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] William Thompson says: Paleto 65 Edward's code to
the last call for service.
[18:12:19] Erick Rodriguez says: That how you want dis' to go or what?
[18:12:21] Malakai Collins says: You are lucky she got a kind heart.
[18:12:29] Malakai Collins says: Huh?
[18:12:32] Erick Rodriguez says: Can I turn around?
[18:12:34] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Carson Barrett says: Paleto 67 King, 97.
[18:12:37] Malakai Collins says: Go ahead.
[18:12:47] Malakai Collins says: But tell me, how do you want this to go,
[18:12:47] (( (474) Audrey Rabinowicz: do u mind if i fix my arms rq ))
[18:12:55] [DISPATCH] Attention all units, possible FA. 301 call recieved - an
Bravado Gresley Hellhound is on fire at Pillbox Hill, dispatch sending location.
[18:13:01] Erick Rodriguez says: You do your shit and let me go, no need to be a
bitch and say you dont care what I want.
[18:13:05] Bruno Ponosta says: You got the keys?
[18:13:06] (( (372) Detective Jayce Chen: the server is booming tf ))
[18:13:07] Malakai Collins says: We come up here, you show us all sort of attitude.
[18:13:10] * Erick Rodriguez offers over the car keys to Bruno.
[18:13:10] (( (369) Sergeant Kennedy Hauser: fr ))
[18:13:10] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] William Thompson says: Paleto 65 Edward's 10-97.
[18:13:15] * Bruno Ponosta takes them.
[18:13:20] (( (385) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt: jackie chan ))
[18:13:21] (( (401) Erick Rodriguez: imma go unlock ))
[18:13:22] Malakai Collins says: Doesn't work that way, you show me respect, I show
you respect back.
[18:13:27] (( (354) Malakai Collins: is okay ))
[18:13:31] (( (354) Malakai Collins: we have a cmd to do that ))
[18:13:45] Malakai Collins says: Let's start over, okay? We started on the wrong
[18:13:46] Erick Rodriguez says: Tssk....
[18:13:52] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Benjamin Palmer says: 61 Boy 1, 10-97.
[18:13:52] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Stephen Wagner says: 280 George 1, run CIT on
[18:14:02] Malakai Collins says: So, tell me, man. Talk to me. How have you been
[18:14:02] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: tf ))
[18:14:05] Malakai Collins says: Got any work yet?
[18:14:06] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kennedy Hauser says: Davis 280 William Sam, hey,
can you get with DMEC and run us a van to uh... Carson N' Forum? One times female
hispanic deceased.
[18:14:10] Erick Rodriguez says: Nothing official.
[18:14:13] Erick Rodriguez says: Aint been out the house much.
[18:14:21] Malakai Collins says: Right, right. Just construction?
[18:14:26] Erick Rodriguez says: Yeah pretty much.
[18:14:34] Erick Rodriguez says: None of the homeys I used to know are around
[18:14:35] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam's 10-97 on San
[18:14:45] * Audrey Rabinowicz peels her gloves off once she's through with them.
They're bunched up and stuffed back into her pocket.
[18:14:55] Malakai Collins says: I see. You know, we got some local businesses to
agree to join our Parole program.
[18:15:01] Malakai Collins says: Couple of mechanic garages are in.
[18:15:06] Malakai Collins says: If you are into fixing cars, and all.
[18:15:12] Malakai Collins says: We can help you out get into one of them.
[18:15:15] Erick Rodriguez says: If I find a place I'll tell yous.
[18:15:16] Malakai Collins says: Stable income, stable job.
[18:15:24] Erick Rodriguez says: I got someones number on my phone.
[18:15:30] Erick Rodriguez says: One of my POs.
[18:15:35] Malakai Collins says: Who's that?
[18:15:38] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Carson Barrett says: Paleto 67 King, we're Code-4
Nora on Hawick Avenue.
[18:15:51] Erick Rodriguez says: Cant remember, some black foo.
[18:15:58] Erick Rodriguez says: 12686798 is his number.
[18:16:29] Malakai Collins says: Uhuh, well. I am not sure if they are in service
anymore...or at least working Parole. For now, I am reassigning you under Deputy
[18:16:34] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kennedy Hauser says: Davis 280 William Sam, hey,
ma'am; any update on a 10-8 Supervisor to Forum Drive, referencing that last 998?
[18:16:36] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Austin Salinas has gone off duty!
[18:16:36] * Malakai Collins butchers Audrey's last name.
[18:16:44] Erick Rodriguez says: Okay.
[18:16:44] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Rabinowicz. Rabino-vich.
[18:16:44] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Donovan Barton has gone on duty under 66!
[18:16:44] Malakai Collins says: She is going to be your new direct Parole Officer.
[18:16:46] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Abraham Hu says: 62 Boy 4, show me '98 from ULSA.
[18:16:52] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone off duty!
[18:17:00] [HQ] Sergeant Kenneth Ward has gone on duty under 280DS!
[18:17:09] Malakai Collins says: Exchange numbers after that, she will take care of
you under my supervision. I will assign myself to your case as well.
[18:17:17] ___ MY PHONES ___
[18:17:17] 1. Tenshun Universe B52 - 96842660 [ON] [CONTRACT | ACTIVE] [MAIN]
[18:17:18] Malakai Collins says: And get you a job in one of these garage we got
signed up.
[18:17:26] (( (354) Malakai Collins: garages* ))
[18:17:34] Erick Rodriguez says: Sounds good.
[18:17:37] Malakai Collins says: Good, good.
[18:17:50] * Malakai Collins eyes Bruno from a distance.
[18:17:51] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kenneth Ward says: 280 David Sam, I'll be 97 on
[18:17:57] Malakai Collins says: Was about to call you on the radio.
[18:17:57] (( (289) Bruno Ponosta: mc ))
[18:17:58] * Audrey Rabinowicz fishes through her velcro pouches on her vest for a
few moments before she pulls free a small cardholder. She opens it up and proffers
a business card Erickward. It has her name and number on it.
[18:17:59] Malakai Collins says: What's the word?
[18:18:02] Bruno Ponosta says: Clear.
[18:18:06] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[18:18:08] * Malakai Collins eyes Erick.
[18:18:13] * 968-426-60. (( Audrey Rabinowicz ))*
[18:18:17] Malakai Collins says: Okay, where do you wanna do the piss test at,
[18:18:20] Malakai Collins says: Here? Home?
[18:18:21] * Erick Rodriguez grabs the business card nodding his head.
[18:18:24] Erick Rodriguez says: I gotta piss test?
[18:18:36] Malakai Collins says: Yup, we saw you about to enter a bar.
[18:18:49] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alina Merrick says: 60 Boy Sam, code six over by
the Joker's Crown Casino, possible arson suspect.
[18:19:00] Erick Rodriguez says: Uh... I can do it inside the bars bathroom.
[18:19:03] Erick Rodriguez says: Surely they got one.
[18:19:05] Malakai Collins says: I suggest we take you home, give it a good toss,
get you to urine in a cup and we'll give you a ride back here.
[18:19:24] Malakai Collins says: How 'bout that? You on board with that?
[18:19:30] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Cristina Abellan has gone on duty!
[18:19:33] Erick Rodriguez says: I rather just do it in the bar if they got a
[18:19:40] (( (424) Deputy Sheriff Carson Barrett: oh goodness ))
[18:19:44] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: oh noo ))
[18:19:46] Malakai Collins says: Well.
[18:19:52] * Malakai Collins eyes Ponosta.
[18:19:57] ERROR: Command not found.
[18:19:58] (( (506) Deputy Sheriff Cristina Abellan: shid ))
[18:20:03] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Kevin Read has gone on duty under 280G14!
[18:20:03] Malakai Collins says: Are you willing to go in there to supervise that
in the bar's bathroom?
[18:20:10] [HQ] Detective Stephen Wagner has gone on duty under OSSD1!
[18:20:16] * Bruno Ponosta cocks a brow at Erick.
[18:20:21] Bruno Ponosta says: It's homecoming time my friend.
[18:20:31] Erick Rodriguez says: Whut'.
[18:20:42] Bruno Ponosta says: Meaning— we're taking you home.
[18:20:45] Malakai Collins says: He pretty much said he won't be doing that, yup.
[18:20:46] Erick Rodriguez says: Lets just go— Ok.
[18:20:49] Erick Rodriguez says: Can I have my car keys back.
[18:20:52] Malakai Collins says: Get in the back, let's go.
[18:20:56] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Steven Yeung has gone on duty!
[18:20:56] Malakai Collins says: You will get it at the end of this.
[18:20:57] [DISPATCH] Attention all units, possible FA. 301 call recieved - an
Bravado Gresley Hellhound is on fire at Downtown Vinewood, dispatch sending
[18:20:58] Bruno Ponosta says: You're driving with us, you don't need them.
[18:20:59] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Stephen Wagner says: OSS David 1, 10-6 with an
apprehension, index CST761. Keep triangulation running.
[18:21:05] Malakai Collins says: Chop chop.
[18:21:06] Equipping SIG...
[18:21:07] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: bro ))
[18:21:12] * Malakai Collins opens the back door of the Scout to Erick.
[18:21:14] Erick Rodriguez says: Fucking asian fucks.
[18:21:16] Bruno Ponosta says (to Audrey Rabinowicz): Want me to sit in the back?
[18:21:19] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[18:21:19] * Log Number: 23-146310
[18:21:19] * Phone Number: 07988504 (unregistered)
[18:21:19] * Location: Downtown Vinewood Clinton Avenue.
[18:21:19] * Situation: Someone just beat up my brother and light up the car.
[18:21:19] The Fire Department has also been alerted of this call!
[18:21:19] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: bro is tracking a car ))
[18:21:21] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I can handle it.
[18:21:23] Bruno Ponosta says: Alright.
[18:21:25] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Carson Barrett says: Paleto 67 King, 10-98.
[18:21:26] * Audrey Rabinowicz opens up the back door and climbs in. She clips her
seatbelt on.
[18:21:26] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 306, use /radioshow to see
the music player.
[18:21:34] * Bruno Ponosta embarks the Scout.
[18:21:34] [JAIL REQUEST] Inmate William Tanser is requesting a deputy: Need let
out of seg
[18:21:40] Audrey Rabinowicz says (to Erick Rodriguez): Don't forget your seatbelt!
[18:21:49] * Erick Rodriguez buckles up.
[18:21:53] Erick Rodriguez says: You locked my car back up right?
[18:21:54] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam, advising code
fourteen. re call for service tag 309.
[18:21:57] Bruno Ponosta says: Of course.
[18:22:25] (( (474) Audrey Rabinowicz: u may have to do it scriptly when we pass by
[18:22:25] Waypoint set on the GPS by Erick Rodriguez.
[18:22:30] ********** LS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT LANDLINE **********
[18:22:30] * Phone Number: 01860929 (Riley Prescott)
[18:22:30] * Message: I need to be put through to Deputy Palmer.
[18:22:32] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Steven Yeung has gone off duty!
[18:22:33] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[18:22:33] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[18:22:35] (( (289) Bruno Ponosta: nah i locked it ))
[18:22:37] (( (474) Audrey Rabinowicz: ah ok ))
[18:22:38] (( (119) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: code 3. ))
[18:22:43] Malakai Collins says: Tell me again, where do you live, Rodriguez?
[18:22:52] * Malakai Collins checks the address on the terminal but asks Erick
[18:23:09] Erick Rodriguez says: Uh... Its one of those apartments behind the bank
in Legion Square.
[18:23:11] Malakai Collins says [low]: Let SCC know we are 98 out of our last 20
and 10-6 to the address.
[18:23:21] Malakai Collins says: You don't know the address of your house?
[18:23:28] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Carson Barrett says: Paleto 67 King, reindexing
to 283.
[18:23:28] Malakai Collins says: I thought you never left your apartment.
[18:23:29] Bruno Ponosta says [low]: You got it.
[18:23:33] * Bruno Ponosta handles the in-car radio.
[18:23:48] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Bruno Ponosta says: Boy 2 Paul Adam, show us 10-
98 from Conquistador and 10-6 to 2103 Vespucci Boulevard.
[18:23:52] > Bruno Ponosta has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[18:23:56] > Bruno Ponosta has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[18:23:58] > Bruno Ponosta has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[18:24:05] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[18:24:05] * Log Number: 23-146311
[18:24:05] * Phone Number: 84311883 (Randy Pareja)
[18:24:05] * Location: Guys dead on the street, car is burning!
[18:24:05] * Situation: Guys dead on the street, car is burning!
[18:24:05] The Fire Department has also been alerted of this call!
[18:24:07] (( (555) Detective Stephen Wagner: observe yea ))
[18:24:43] Erick Rodriguez says: Race em.
[18:24:45] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: Hello California Highway
Patrol. ))
[18:25:03] * Malakai Collins keeps a straight face and focuses on driving.
[18:25:07] (( PM from (493) Lorena Gonzales: *kills u* ))
[18:25:13] (( PM to (493) Lorena Gonzales: good ))
[18:25:22] No player(s) found!
[18:25:24] (( PM from (493) Lorena Gonzales: wyd ))
[18:25:24] (( (385) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt: hello deputy sheriff
lorena gonzales ))
[18:25:25] Erick Rodriguez says: In here.
[18:25:25] The ID of Carter Young is 154
[18:25:26] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Abellan says: Paleto 65, code 6 on a t-
stop on Innocence, Henry, Frank, Victor, 2-2-8, black in color sedan, three
occupants, roll a backup.
[18:25:27] * Erick Rodriguez bounces out.
[18:25:28] Bruno Ponosta says: What floor N room?
[18:25:31] (( PM from (493) Lorena Gonzales: i just came back from the DMV exaö ))
[18:25:31] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Erik Alves says: Alves to control pop 301.
[18:25:33] Erick Rodriguez says: Floor six room six.
[18:25:33] * Audrey Rabinowicz unclips her belt and decamps.
[18:25:35] (( PM from (493) Lorena Gonzales: was too ez ))
[18:25:38] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Donovan Barton says: Paleto 66, en-route to
Paleto 65.
[18:25:40] > Malakai Collins has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[18:25:40] Erick Rodriguez says: Something like that.
[18:25:43] * Bruno Ponosta pops out.
[18:25:51] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Velasquez says: Davis 283, en route to
Paleto 65.
[18:25:52] You can now press K to unfreeze yourself. Do not hold W while doing so.
[18:26:03] Erick Rodriguez says: Six six.
[18:26:09] Erick Rodriguez says: No.
[18:26:11] Erick Rodriguez says: Seven four.
[18:26:17] * Erick Rodriguez said the address of his other home on accident.
[18:26:19] (( (401) Erick Rodriguez: 7 4 ))
[18:26:21] Malakai Collins says: M'kay, lead the way.
[18:26:24] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 149, use /radioshow to see
the music player.
[18:26:24] [INFO]: [04/JUN/2023] There would be no sign of forced entry.
[18:26:33] [INFO]: [04/JUN/2023] The fridge would've been left open.
[18:26:33] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Donovan Barton says: Paleto 66, 10-97 at Paleto
65's traffic stop.
[18:26:35] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] William Thompson says: 65 Edward's 10-97 with
Paleto 65.
[18:26:36] (( (401) Erick Rodriguez: all these /cims are old ))
[18:26:42] (( (474) Audrey Rabinowicz: word ))
[18:26:43] (( (354) Malakai Collins: Noted. ))
[18:26:44] (( (401) Erick Rodriguez: some1 broke into my house while i was in
ttcf ))
[18:27:00] Erick Rodriguez says: So, piss test?
[18:27:03] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Velasquez says: Davis 283, show us 10-97
with Paleto 65.
[18:27:05] * Audrey Rabinowicz glances towards the cage, then around the room.
[18:27:06] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt has gone on duty!
[18:27:11] Malakai Collins says: Alrighty, Robinowicz and I will toss the
apartment, you go ahead and supervise the process, Ponosta?
[18:27:15] Bruno Ponosta says: Sure.
[18:27:15] Malakai Collins says: You got the sample cup with you?
[18:27:20] (( (33) Deputy Sheriff Sebastian Krause: LOL kenneth ))
[18:27:20] [HQ] Detective Ray Kostoplis has gone on duty!
[18:27:22] (( (33) Deputy Sheriff Sebastian Krause: great anim ))
[18:27:23] [HQ] Sergeant (P) Araceli Escarra has gone on duty under 280S!
[18:27:25] Bruno Ponosta says: Oh fu— I'll go N get it.
[18:27:39] Malakai Collins says: In the trunk, in my Parole bag, you will find one.
[18:27:39] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kenneth Ward says: 280 David Sam!! Hey, we're
detaining one in an alleyway off of Carson!!
[18:27:42] Malakai Collins says: Or in yours, all the same.
[18:27:49] Bruno Ponosta says: Gotcha.
[18:27:55] Malakai Collins says: Sit down, Rodriguez.
[18:27:59] * Malakai Collins eyes Audrey.
[18:28:00] Employment information: You've already worked 13 hours this week, for a
contract of 20 hours.
[18:28:04] Malakai Collins says: Whenever you are ready.
[18:28:14] * Audrey Rabinowicz reaches around to pull her gloves back on. She nods
at Kai.
[18:28:19] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I can take the bedroom.
[18:28:30] Malakai Collins says: Gotcha, will take the kitchen, then.
[18:28:32] [INFO]: [04/JUN/2023] The fridge would've been left open.
[18:28:35] [HQ] Detective Jayce Chen has gone off duty!
[18:28:36] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 149, use /radioshow to see
the music player.
[18:28:44] [INFO]: [04/JUN/2023] The room would be a mess, everything would be
tossed around or pulled open.
[18:28:54] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno has gone on duty!
[18:29:04] * Malakai Collins extends his arms forward as he reaches for the shoe
rack unit, opening its doors and starts checking inside.
[18:29:14] [HQ] Lieutenant Jonathan Carter has gone on duty!
[18:29:23] * Bruno Ponosta removes the lid from the cup, he hands it to Erick.
[18:29:30] * Erick Rodriguez grabs the cup walking off to the bathroom.
[18:29:31] Bruno Ponosta says: Make sure to close it after you finish the business.
[18:29:32] * Malakai Collins doesn't go deep with the search, he only opens stuff,
takes a look inside for anything suspicious then proceeds to the next item to
[18:29:41] Malakai Collins says: Ponosta.
[18:29:43] * Audrey Rabinowicz makes her way into the bedroom. She opens up the
closet and glances inside. She combs through the various things inside. Any
containers within would be given a loose look-through with a flashlight.
[18:29:46] Bruno Ponosta says: Yeah?
[18:29:46] Erick Rodriguez says: Doors in the way of the toilet.
[18:29:50] * Erick Rodriguez pisses in the cup.
[18:29:50] Malakai Collins says: Make sure he is not hiding backup in the bathroom.
[18:29:58] Malakai Collins says: Someone else's urine or whatsoever.
[18:30:01] Bruno Ponosta says: Yeah, I got him.
[18:30:13] * Erick Rodriguez finishes, he closes the lid at the top.
[18:30:16] Erick Rodriguez says: Here you go.
[18:30:19] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera has gone on duty!
[18:30:23] * Erick Rodriguez hands over the cup to Bruno.
[18:30:31] * Bruno Ponosta takes it, he does not care.
[18:30:37] Bruno Ponosta says: Come on out.
[18:30:46] * Malakai Collins reaches for the fridge's doors, opening the freeze and
the lower part of the fridge to look inside. Kai continues to go through every
drawer and storage unit in the kitchen, takes a look and closes it back up.
[18:30:52] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: this is a clown fiesta ))
[18:30:54] Bruno Ponosta says: You're good to sit.
[18:31:03] * Bruno Ponosta has a cup full of Erick's liquid in his left hand.
[18:31:10] Bruno Ponosta says (to Malakai Collins): Done.
[18:31:13] * Audrey Rabinowicz moves over towards the dresser then. She opens each
draw one at a time, though doesn't poke too deeply through so-to not mess up any
organization in the drawers if there is any.
[18:31:49] The ID of Carter Young is 154
[18:31:49] The ID of Carter Cook is 307
[18:31:49] The ID of Jayce Carter is 317
[18:31:49] The ID of Jonathan Carter is 372
[18:31:49] The ID of Wu Carter is 481
[18:31:53] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Abellan says: Paleto 65, we have one
resisting, roll assistance.
[18:32:04] (( (555) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: gm lasd ))
[18:32:13] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Ray Kostoplis says: 280 George 9. Have 65 put out
a 10-20, please.
[18:32:20] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Gallivanter Baller LE LWB Closest Street: Melanoma Street
[18:32:20] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, code to Paleto 65.
[18:32:23] * Would the urine be positive or negative on drugs and/or alcohol? If
yes, state on what it would be positive. (( Bruno Ponosta ))*
[18:32:29] * does Kai find anything out of the ordinary that would catch his
interest inside the Kitchen storage units? (( Malakai Collins ))*
[18:32:48] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kevin Read says: 280 George 14, code to Paleto
[18:32:49] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, code 6 with
Paleoto 65.
[18:32:55] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[18:32:55] * Log Number: 23-146312
[18:32:55] * Phone Number: 2458 (Anthony Locatello)
[18:32:55] * Location: Not relevant
[18:32:55] * Situation: I got a notification since yesterday morning which is a
message from the LSPD that's notifying me that someone broke into my self storage
container unite, I'd like some more information on the matter if possible, name's
Anthony Locatello, thanks.
[18:33:05] * No. (( Erick Rodriguez ))*
[18:33:10] * The urine is positive on alcohol. (( Erick Rodriguez ))*
[18:33:26] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kevin Read says: 280 George 14, 10-97.
[18:33:34] * Audrey Rabinowicz combs about in the bedroom by the desk. She checks
behind the monitor, between the various books in the stack. Inside of the cardboard
tubes. Behind the hung up posters.
[18:33:50] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera has gone off duty!
[18:33:56] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, 10-97.
[18:33:58] Bruno Ponosta says: I'll put this in the cold compartment, or whatever
it's called.
[18:34:10] Malakai Collins says: Gotcha, okay.
[18:34:16] [INFO]: Romulo Montesacro is requesting to be released from TTCF, use
/release to release them.
[18:34:26] [JAIL REQUEST] Inmate Max Penny is requesting a deputy: I need help I am
stuck in seg, and it has been 10 hours since an officer put me in here they said I
can be released in 10, if anyones their can you?
[18:34:43] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, get me a car
beside this stop just in case, have someone ready in case they take off.
[18:35:05] [HQ] Detective Esther Cohen has gone on duty!
[18:35:11] Malakai Collins says: Get off the couch for a minute, for me?
[18:35:14] * Erick Rodriguez peers up to Collins.
[18:35:15] [HQ] Detective Stephen Wagner has gone on duty under OSSD1!
[18:35:54] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Bedroom seems alright. I didn't find anything.
[18:36:07] * Malakai Collins takes the cushions off the couch briefly, checking
under them. Kai repeats the same searching process for the other couch. He'd places
the cushions back in place after done.
[18:36:09] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kenneth Ward says: 280 David Sam's 98.
[18:36:15] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: David 282's 98.
[18:36:16] Erick Rodriguez says: House is clean.
[18:36:17] Malakai Collins says: Okay, thanks.
[18:36:22] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Erik Alves says: Alves to control pop 305.
[18:36:25] * anything in the living room? (( Malakai Collins ))*
[18:36:31] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Stephen Wagner: Sheriff's OSS David 1 for Fire. **
[18:36:42] Audrey Rabinowicz says (to Erick Rodriguez): How's the outside treating
you, anyhow? Are you having any trouble?
[18:36:44] * Clean. (( Erick Rodriguez ))*
[18:36:47] Erick Rodriguez says: Nah, I'm good.
[18:36:54] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Rico Marshall: Fire Metro go for. **
[18:37:03] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Kevin Read says: I'll clear out, we got enough
people here.
[18:37:03] Malakai Collins says: So, bedroom and bathroom searched inside?
[18:37:05] [HQ] Detective Wyatt Kolchin has gone on duty under 806D3!
[18:37:09] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I did the bedroom. It's clean.
[18:37:12] Malakai Collins says: Cool, cool.
[18:37:13] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] William Thompson says: 10-4.
[18:37:17] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kevin Read says: 280 George 14, 10-98.
[18:37:18] Malakai Collins says: Where is your other car, Rodriguez?
[18:37:22] Malakai Collins says: The Albany.
[18:37:28] Erick Rodriguez says: Dont really know.
[18:37:32] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Stephen Wagner: Sheriff's, reach out to me at
68470672. **
[18:37:32] Erick Rodriguez says: Havent driven it much.
[18:37:40] (( (401) Erick Rodriguez: just spawned it in there if u want me to go
find it ))
[18:37:48] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Rico Marshall: Fire Metro, that's received. **
[18:38:05] (( (354) Malakai Collins: Nah, that's all good. ))
[18:38:07] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[18:38:11] Malakai Collins says: Well.
[18:38:28] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, 10-28 on a Dave
Pierce, please.
[18:38:34] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Antonio Ruiz says: OSS George 3, radio check?
[18:38:35] Malakai Collins says: Expect from us another visit when the urine
results is out. We will either call you or fine you like we did today.
[18:38:41] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Antonio Ruiz says: 2.
[18:38:46] Malakai Collins says: Thank you for your cooperation, next time less
attitude, please.
[18:38:49] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: )) ))
[18:38:54] Erick Rodriguez says: Have a good day.
[18:38:54] Malakai Collins says: We are doing our job making sure you fit out
there, man.
[18:38:56] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Before we go - do you mind texting the number I
gave you, real quick?
[18:39:02] Erick Rodriguez says: Yeah yeah.
[18:39:06] (( PM from (401) Erick Rodriguez: waht was it again ))
[18:39:08] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alina Merrick says: 60 Boy Sam, 98 and 10-15 with
one, en-route to Davis Station, starting mileage 6726.
[18:39:11] * Malakai Collins eyes Ponosta.
[18:39:12] ___ MY PHONES ___
[18:39:12] 1. Tenshun Universe B52 - 96842660 [ON] [CONTRACT | ACTIVE] [MAIN]
[18:39:17] Malakai Collins says: You got anything to add before we go?
[18:39:17] (( PM to (401) Erick Rodriguez: 96842660 ))
[18:39:18] * Erick Rodriguez takes out his second phone, going through the
[18:39:26] [HQ] Detective Esther Cohen has gone off duty!
[18:39:27] Bruno Ponosta says: Nah, I'm good— Just, how's work Rodriguez?
[18:39:32] (( (372) Lieutenant Jonathan Carter: salerno crashed, hes coming ))
[18:39:38] Bruno Ponosta says: All good on that front?
[18:39:38] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno has gone on duty!
[18:39:43] [PHONE] You can disable sound notifications, or change the volume of
them using /phonevolume command.
[18:39:45] Erick Rodriguez says: All good yeah.
[18:39:50] Bruno Ponosta says: Okay, good.
[18:39:54] Erick Rodriguez says: I sent a message to that number.
[18:40:06] * Audrey Rabinowicz's phone buzzes in her pocket. She pulls it out.
[18:40:08] Use F2 to re-enable the chat and use F3 to activate the cursor.
[18:40:25] (( (369) Sergeant Kennedy Hauser: dude wtf ))
[18:40:36] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Lovely, thank you!
[18:40:42] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: OSS David 1 for SEB.
[18:40:50] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Kennedy Hauser says: 246 Sam's by.
[18:40:56] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: I have an active trace on
the HRAW, he's with two more in a Buffalo, I'll update you and we'll work with
[18:41:00] Malakai Collins says: Alright, keep your life together man. And drive
more safe, please.
[18:41:01] The ID of Carter Young is 154
[18:41:01] The ID of Carter Cook is 307
[18:41:01] The ID of Jayce Carter is 317
[18:41:01] The ID of Jonathan Carter is 372
[18:41:01] The ID of Wu Carter is 481
[18:41:10] Malakai Collins says: Alright, guess we are wrapped up here.
[18:41:12] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Kennedy Hauser says: 246 Sam, roger. We have two
by executioners on standby.
[18:41:15] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales has gone on duty under 61!
[18:41:18] Erick Rodriguez says: Bye bye.
[18:41:18] Bruno Ponosta says: Goodbye.
[18:41:19] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: 10-4. Standby.
[18:41:22] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Take care of yourself, mister Rodriguez.
[18:41:26] Erick Rodriguez says: You too, ma'am.
[18:41:28] * Audrey Rabinowicz smiles at him a moment, before leaving.
[18:41:31] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: They're currently at Davis
LTD on Grove.
[18:41:31] Erick Rodriguez says: GYAT!
[18:41:35] [INFO]: [04/JUN/2023] There would be no sign of forced entry.
[18:41:40] Malakai Collins says: Scrap-yard.
[18:41:43] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: California Highway Patrol is
recruiting. ))
[18:41:44] Erick Rodriguez says: Car keys!
[18:41:51] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: PM me on Discordo. ))
[18:41:53] Audrey Rabinowicz shouts: He says he needs his keys!
[18:41:53] Erick Rodriguez says: My car.
[18:42:01] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Kennedy Hauser says: 246 Sam, roger. Our tactical
plan is a hard-stop one the vehicle you identify.
[18:42:01] Malakai Collins says: Ponosta, the keys, yeah.
[18:42:03] Bruno Ponosta says: Oh.
[18:42:04] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: Moving down Grove now.
[18:42:06] Malakai Collins says: We will give you a ride back anyway.
[18:42:09] Erick Rodriguez says: Thanks.
[18:42:09] Malakai Collins says: If you want it.
[18:42:11] (( (566) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: 10-4 ))
[18:42:11] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: Alright.
[18:42:12] * Bruno Ponosta fishes out Erick's keys, he hands them to him.
[18:42:22] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Kennedy Hauser says: 246 Sam, hey, we'll take the
front, you guys take the rear.
[18:42:25] * Erick Rodriguez grabs the Buffalo Scat pack v8 engine keys.
[18:42:26] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Antonio Ruiz says: Executioners lead.
[18:42:26] Bruno Ponosta says: Let's go, we'll give you a ride as they said.
[18:42:27] Erick Rodriguez says: Thanks.
[18:42:38] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: They're mobile, northbound
on Brogue last.
[18:42:43] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: Standby.
[18:42:45] The ID of Carter Young is 154
[18:42:45] The ID of Johnathan Young is 427
[18:42:47] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 306, use /radioshow to see
the music player.
[18:42:53] Malakai Collins says [low]: Thanks, you are a great GPS navigator.
[18:42:55] Bruno Ponosta says: Conquistador cross Bay City.
[18:42:56] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: Alleyway to the left of the
Rebla ahead of you, black Buffalo's the suspect car.
[18:42:57] Malakai Collins says [low]: You in the wrong business.
[18:43:05] Bruno Ponosta says [low]: Should've been a Dispatcher.
[18:43:23] Malakai Collins says [low]: For real.
[18:43:29] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Bruno Ponosta says: Boy 2 Paul Adam, show us 10-
98 from Vespucci Boulevard and 10-6 to Conquistador.
[18:43:32] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: Static, likely indoors,
[18:43:32] > Bruno Ponosta has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[18:43:35] > Bruno Ponosta has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[18:43:42] [Property Alarm] Address: 2122 East Mirror Park Drive.
[18:43:42] A waypoint for the property alarm has been marked on your map!
[18:43:42] Waypoint set on the GPS by Bruno Ponosta.
[18:43:42] Waypoint set on the GPS by Bruno Ponosta.
[18:43:48] Waypoint set on the GPS by Bruno Ponosta.
[18:43:54] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Kennedy Hauser says: He have a residence on that
[18:43:55] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: yo, who's the handle on this
traffic stop ))
[18:44:00] (( (506) Deputy Sheriff Cristina Abellan: me ))
[18:44:03] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: i gotta leave, urgent irl
shit, all good? ))
[18:44:07] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Stephen Wagner says: OSS David 1, let's take
LTAC-1, we have GET units involved.
[18:44:12] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: Davis 282, enroute to the
latest property alarm.
[18:44:15] (( (424) Custody Assistant Jesus Capmany: denied ))
[18:44:18] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Stephen Wagner says: OSS David 1- the suspect car
just passed me.
[18:44:21] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: capmany long time no see ))
[18:44:22] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: anyways ))
[18:44:24] (( (231) Deputy Sheriff William Thompson: cya guys ))
[18:44:25] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Stephen Wagner says: Eastbound on Carson.
[18:44:30] (( (506) Deputy Sheriff Cristina Abellan: chea ))
[18:44:32] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: the camper ))
[18:44:35] [HQ] Sergeant Kenneth Ward has gone off duty!
[18:44:35] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Stephen Wagner says: U-turn and westbound, black
Buffalo, three deep.
[18:44:39] (( (424) Custody Assistant Jesus Capmany: adios :D ))
[18:44:40] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Kennedy Hauser says: 246 Sam, hey, we want to
code 9 this in atac?
[18:44:43] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone on duty!
[18:44:46] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Stephen Wagner says: 10-4.
[18:44:59] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 61 is code.
[18:45:00] Erick Rodriguez says: Thanks.
[18:45:00] Bruno Ponosta says: Here you go man.
[18:45:08] * Erick Rodriguez enters the scat pack.
[18:45:14] Malakai Collins says: We are 10-6 to Paleto.
[18:45:20] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[18:45:25] (( (483) Detective Adam Callejo: Bro doin the dash ))
[18:45:25] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Abellan says: Paleto 65, 10-28 on last
name Wells, first name Owen.
[18:45:26] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: Davis 282, '97 on scene.
[18:45:28] (( (483) Detective Adam Callejo: Go get him biscuit ))
[18:45:30] Bruno Ponosta says: Ten four.
[18:45:30] (( (483) Detective Adam Callejo: Go go ))
[18:45:31] (( (483) Detective Adam Callejo: LOL ))
[18:45:34] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: ?? ))
[18:45:38] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: did the guy actually just changechar
again ))
[18:45:38] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Maria Robinson has gone off duty!
[18:45:46] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: send the biscuit after them ))
[18:45:47] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Bruno Ponosta says: Boy 2 Paul Adam, show us 10-
98 and 10-6 to the Paleto Station.
[18:45:57] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Martin Salerno says: Shut the gate, shut it!
[18:46:00] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Donovan Barton says: Paleto 66, let me get a 10-
28 on Peter, Sutherland. Traditional spelling.
[18:46:00] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Adam Callejo says: It's shut!!
[18:46:08] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: they have a limited time to play every
day, they won't be roleplaying something they dont enjoy. ))
[18:46:10] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: phenominal play ))
[18:46:12] (( (369) Sergeant Kennedy Hauser: im dead ))
[18:46:41] (( (165) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Maria Robinson: I don't enjoy rping
with Sonia, but here we r ))
[18:46:53] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: you dont even have the right rank
maria robinson dont talk to me ))
[18:47:15] (( (165) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Maria Robinson: need someone to
adjust it :shrug: ))
[18:47:27] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: imagine needing ranks ))
[18:47:32] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Jonathan Carter says: 241 Lincoln, let's stack up.
[18:47:33] (( (369) Sergeant Kennedy Hauser: does this guy just change char?? ))
[18:47:39] (( (474) Deputy Sheriff Audrey Rabinowicz: how much can sonia kavanagh
lift asking for a friend ))
[18:47:45] (( (165) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Maria Robinson: 2kg ))
[18:47:53] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: also simon can you discharge me
again i need to shoot them forum drive fools while you fill out my removal ))
[18:47:55] (( (33) Deputy Sheriff Sebastian Krause: htf do you stop a house
alarm ))
[18:48:01] (( (483) Detective Adam Callejo: /stopalarm ))
[18:48:03] (( (474) Deputy Sheriff Audrey Rabinowicz: /stopalarm ))
[18:48:03] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: twice her weight ))
[18:48:06] (( (33) Deputy Sheriff Sebastian Krause: thank you ))
[18:48:07] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: heavy lifter ))
[18:48:14] ********** LS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT LANDLINE **********
[18:48:14] * Phone Number: 1055 (Ilya Kalashov)
[18:48:14] * Message: Found guilty in a court case.
[18:48:17] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: Good. ))
[18:48:18] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[18:48:18] * Log Number: 23-146315
[18:48:18] * Phone Number: 4955 (Madison Avery)
[18:48:18] * Location: There's a man who's being /super/ aggressive to my friends
and some homeless guy, for no reason... near the Ciao Cafe.
[18:48:18] * Situation: He's being violent... verbally and threatening them.
[18:48:24] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: Davis 282, SCC, please
contact the company in charge of the security alarm and turn it off. Scene's clear.
[18:48:37] ** [S: 6 | CH: SD TOW] Austin Levitt says: Sheriff's 287 for any
available contractors.
[18:48:41] Malakai Collins says: We might need to handle the last landline.
[18:48:43] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Benjamin Palmer says: 61 Boy 1, 10-98.
[18:48:47] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 61, what was the
final of ATAC1 and do you guys still need radio cars?
[18:48:52] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: Davis 282, '98.
[18:48:58] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Adam Callejo says: Final's, uh... Davis Station.
[18:49:05] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Malakai Collins says: Boy 2 Paul Adam, forward
the landline call to my radio car, please SCC.
[18:49:06] [HQ] Custody Assistant Jesus Capmany has gone on duty!
[18:49:12] ** [LSSD -> LSGOV] Austin Levitt: Sheriff's 287 for Public Works. **
[18:49:26] Malakai Collins says (cellphone): Good evening.
[18:49:34] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Lorena Gonzales says: Still need the extra radio
car? I'm coming from Paleto so it's a long trip right now.
[18:49:36] [HQ] Detective Peak. has gone off duty!
[18:49:37] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: lmk when you want the removal posted
fr ))
[18:49:38] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: Davis 282, enroute to the
last call for service.
[18:49:40] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Adam Callejo says: Probably not.
[18:49:46] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: preferably rn im camping
forum ))
[18:49:46] Malakai Collins says (cellphone): Hi, Deputy Collins with the Sheriff's
Department. Court Services Bureau.
[18:49:48] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: send it ))
[18:50:00] (( (372) Lieutenant Jonathan Carter: why did u all dip? ))
[18:50:01] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: it says unauthorized access for ACP ))
[18:50:03] (( (372) Lieutenant Jonathan Carter: theres an admin here ))
[18:50:03] Malakai Collins says (cellphone): You just called our landline, stating
that you were found guilty?
[18:50:05] ** [S: 6 | CH: SD TOW] Austin Levitt says: Sheriff's 287 for available
[18:50:06] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: btw i deadass dropped 2 guys
while u were discharging me LOL ))
[18:50:08] (( (372) Lieutenant Jonathan Carter: wagner, come back ))
[18:50:12] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: yh i saw ))
[18:50:20] (( (501) Detective Ray Kostoplis: atac-1 code-9 termination at davis
station is admin scene ))
[18:50:39] Malakai Collins says (cellphone): Okay, can you head to Paleto Bay
Sheriff's Station to discuss the situation? Or gives me an address and I will make
my way to you.
[18:50:40] ** [LSGOV -> LSSD] Emmie Vaughan: City Enforcement 63240 to Sheriff's
287, go for. **
[18:50:52] ** [LSSD -> LSGOV] Austin Levitt: Sheriff's 287, hey, do you have any
tows available? **
[18:50:53] Malakai Collins says (cellphone): That won't be necessary whatsoever.
[18:51:00] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: Davis 282, '97 on scene of
latest service call.
[18:51:01] Malakai Collins says (cellphone): You can either head to our station or
we will come to you.
[18:51:03] Malakai Collins says (cellphone): Whatever suits you.
[18:51:17] * Malakai Collins puts the call on speaker and tosses the phone gently
on the dashboard.
[18:51:19] ** [LSGOV -> LSSD] Emmie Vaughan: Enforcement 63240, affirm. We do have
one available. **
[18:51:47] Ilya Kalashov says (loudspeaker): It is better if you could come to me
instead. Eh, I am at not an address but a business, Bannik Banya it should come up
if you use eh, google maps.
[18:51:47] Ilya Kalashov says (loudspeaker): It is better if you could come to me
instead. Eh, I am at not an address but a business, Bannik Banya it should come up
if you use eh, google maps.
[18:51:54] ** [LSSD -> LSGOV] Austin Levitt: Sheriff's 287, that's great. Can you
come down to Innocence Boulevard? Near the tracks. I've got one black sedan here
that needs towing. **
[18:52:06] Waypoint set on the GPS by Bruno Ponosta.
[18:52:06] Waypoint set on the GPS by Bruno Ponosta.
[18:52:09] Malakai Collins says (cellphone): I hear you, okay. We will be there
within the next 15 minutes.
[18:52:14] * Bruno Ponosta fishes out his main cell.
[18:52:18] Malakai Collins says (cellphone): I will be in touch.
[18:52:23] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sonia Kavanagh says: 60 Canine Sam, show me code
6 with a body on Lindsay and Palomino, in the LTD's lot.
[18:52:26] * Bruno Ponosta goes straight to Google Maps, he search the given
[18:52:31] Ilya Kalashov says (loudspeaker): Ok.
[18:52:31] Ilya Kalashov says (loudspeaker): Ok.
[18:52:33] Malakai Collins says: We gotta change first, that's not a Parole job so
we change to uniforms and take marked.
[18:52:36] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Donovan Barton says: Paleto 66, 10-98.
[18:52:37] Malakai Collins says: Thank you, see you soon.
[18:52:38] Audrey Rabinowicz says: What's that guy's name? I'm gonna' run him on my
[18:52:39] [DISPATCH] Attention all units, possible FA. 301 call recieved - an
Pfister Astron is on fire at Rancho, dispatch sending location.
[18:52:46] Bruno Ponosta says: Vespucci. Where we've just been.
[18:52:46] ** [LSSD -> LSGOV] Austin Levitt: Sherrif's 287 for Enforcement 63240,
nearest cross is gonna be Calais Avenue. **
[18:52:46] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Abellan says: Paleto 65's 10-15 with
one, enroute to Davis Station.
[18:52:52] ** [LSGOV -> LSSD] Emmie Vaughan: Enforcement 287, copy that. The
flatbed will be dispatched shortly. ETA 5 minutes. **
[18:52:53] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[18:52:59] Waypoint set on the GPS by Bruno Ponosta.
[18:52:59] Waypoint set on the GPS by Bruno Ponosta.
[18:53:06] Malakai Collins says: Their name iiiis...Ilya Kalashov.
[18:53:21] * Audrey Rabinowicz prods at her work phone in the back seat, looking
down into her lap.
[18:53:41] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Alrighty. So ah - this guy has like, eighty-
seven guns registered to him. Keep an eye out when we approach him, he might be
[18:53:44] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: he searches*** ))
[18:53:46] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Velasquez says: Davis 283, 10-98.
[18:53:54] Bruno Ponosta says: What did they find him guilty on?
[18:54:05] Malakai Collins says: Actually, screw it. Let's head there and ask for a
Patrol unit to transport.
[18:54:16] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, '98.
[18:54:19] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Shaft code violation. Felony evasion. Drug
[18:54:29] Bruno Ponosta says: Damn.
[18:54:32] Malakai Collins says: Jesus.
[18:54:34] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sonia Kavanagh says: 60 Canine Sam, ma'am, I need
you to call down a coroners van, one juvenile, male white, expired, most likely OD.
[18:54:37] Audrey Rabinowicz says: So, the guy's a runner. He could be armed.
[18:54:38] Malakai Collins says: No wonder he was found guilty.
[18:54:42] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[18:55:20] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Donovan Barton has gone off duty!
[18:55:30] (( (169) Deputy Sheriff Cristina Velasquez: lmao ))
[18:55:35] (( (372) Lieutenant Jonathan Carter: dont bother responding in /b
boys ))
[18:55:35] Malakai Collins says: Ponosta, ask SCC to send us a Patrol unit to the
[18:55:40] (( (372) Lieutenant Jonathan Carter: hes wearing clucking bell hoodie ))
[18:55:49] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: LMFAO ))
[18:55:51] Bruno Ponosta says: Alright.
[18:55:52] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: whats wrong with it bro hes got
drip. ))
[18:55:59] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: dont hate him cuz hes beatiful.
[18:56:00] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: literal clown outfit ))
[18:56:00] ** [LSSD -> DMEC] Sonia Kavanagh: Sheriff's 60 Canine Sam, I need a
coroners van down to the LTD's lot on Lindsay and Palomino, one juvenile male
expired, no visible injuries. **
[18:56:08] (( (369) Sergeant Kennedy Hauser: clucking bell limited time bape collab
[18:56:11] * Bruno Ponosta handles the in-car radio.
[18:56:16] (( (430) Deputy Sheriff Kevin Read: i think i saw that same hoodie at
the Spring 2023 menswear fashion show ))
[18:56:19] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: u guys are just jealous ))
[18:56:23] ** [LSPD -> ALL] Amellis: (( The fire alert from a torched vehicle on
Roy Lowenstein is voided. They accidentally torched the wrong vehicle... )) **
[18:56:30] (( (33) Deputy Sheriff Sebastian Krause: beautiful ))
[18:56:37] (( (474) Deputy Sheriff Audrey Rabinowicz: i remember we stopped this
guy on a bike w mods he had a yellow burgershot hoodie on with some funny brown
sweatpants and he was like 'ayo can i change clothes i probably look stupid af for
y'all' ))
[18:56:38] (( (28) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno: LOL ))
[18:56:52] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sonia Kavanagh says: 60 Canine Sam, I'm 10-98.
[18:57:04] (( (432) Deputy Sheriff Benjamin Palmer: lmao that was the dude that
escaped us like 5 times right ))
[18:57:08] (( (474) Deputy Sheriff Audrey Rabinowicz: yea ))
[18:57:19] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Bruno Ponosta says: Boy 2 Paul Adam, SCC, can we
get a marked unit routine to Bannik Bayna, Aguja cross Bay City Avenue?
[18:57:30] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: real ones are unintentional
police impersonators tho ))
[18:57:31] (( (474) Deputy Sheriff Audrey Rabinowicz: he kept driving down the
sidewalk in vespucci canals and nobody could pursue him ))
[18:57:38] (( (430) Deputy Sheriff Kevin Read: ah nah bro got caught red handed ))
[18:57:42] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66 is routine.
[18:58:25] Bruno Ponosta says: That should be the place.
[18:58:29] Malakai Collins says: Let's wait for the backup in case this is an
[18:59:23] [HQ] Sergeant Biscuit has gone off duty!
[18:59:29] Bruno Ponosta says: There they are.
[18:59:35] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Malakai Collins says: Boy 2 Paul Adam, 10-97 on
Bay City Avenue cross Aguja in regards of the latest landline.
[18:59:36] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: Sergeant Biskit ))
[18:59:45] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: bisqueet ))
[18:59:45] > Bruno Ponosta has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[18:59:46] > Bruno Ponosta has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[18:59:48] Malakai Collins says: Okay, let's do it.
[18:59:53] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[18:59:53] * Log Number: 23-146316
[18:59:53] * Phone Number: 23290240 (Jamal Dickerson)
[18:59:53] * Location: I'm on Elgin Avenue.
[18:59:53] * Situation: Guy with a gun follow me! In Forum Drive.
[18:59:58] Malakai Collins says: Possibly armed, heads up.
[19:00:02] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66, show me 10-97 at
Bay City n Aguja.
[19:00:07] * Audrey Rabinowicz hefts a palm Lorenaward.
[19:00:19] Lorena Gonzales says: Who's the guy we're looking for though?
[19:00:23] Bruno Ponosta says: Where the heck is the entrance?
[19:00:32] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Ilya Kalashov.
[19:00:32] Lorena Gonzales says: You got a description or something?
[19:00:35] Malakai Collins says: He lost his court case, will take him in.
[19:00:38] Malakai Collins says: Nah.
[19:00:47] (( (585) Detective Wyatt Kolchin: Is the MDC bugged for jailing
people? ))
[19:00:52] Audrey Rabinowicz says: His MDC photo is a white guy. Kind of a pug-like
face. Glasses. Black hair.
[19:00:54] Bruno Ponosta says: This is Beluga, The Rockpool and Beach Blonde
[19:00:56] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: wdym ))
[19:01:02] (( (585) Detective Wyatt Kolchin: I can't add time. ))
[19:01:05] Bruno Ponosta says: So not our Bannik Banya.
[19:01:06] (( (585) Detective Wyatt Kolchin: Onto someones sentence. ))
[19:01:08] Malakai Collins says: Uuh, so, wrong place?
[19:01:09] [GPS] Calculating route to Bannik Banya & Tea. Please wait!
[19:01:10] Malakai Collins says: Odd.
[19:01:12] [GPS] Route to Bannik Banya & Tea has been found. Navigation has
[19:01:14] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: thats not done through the mdc
though ))
[19:01:16] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I think it's on the south end.
[19:01:16] Lorena Gonzales says: Maybe it's on the Aguja side?
[19:01:18] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Oscar Cooper has gone on duty!
[19:01:20] Lorena Gonzales says: Yeah, probably.
[19:01:25] (( (585) Detective Wyatt Kolchin: But it can be. ))
[19:01:29] Malakai Collins says: Let me call him out!
[19:01:31] * Bruno Ponosta reads the sign.
[19:01:33] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: first time i hear abt that ))
[19:01:35] Bruno Ponosta shouts: Here!
[19:01:43] Malakai Collins says: Nice.
[19:01:47] Malakai Collins says: Let's go.
[19:01:49] The door is locked.
[19:01:50] The door is locked.
[19:01:51] (( (430) Deputy Sheriff Kevin Read: i really wanna hit a cool backflip
rn ))
[19:01:52] * Audrey Rabinowicz knocks on the door.
[19:01:53] * Bruno Ponosta tries the door.
[19:01:54] * Audrey Rabinowicz knocks on the door.
[19:01:56] * Malakai Collins bangs on the door.
[19:02:00] * Malakai Collins knocks on the door.
[19:02:00] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: kevin read is not kill? ))
[19:02:04] Bruno Ponosta says: Screams seventy-seven.
[19:02:12] (( (430) Deputy Sheriff Kevin Read: gonna land on my neck and die ))
[19:02:19] Audrey Rabinowicz says: There he is.
[19:02:19] Malakai Collins says: Hello.
[19:02:20] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: ingame of course ))
[19:02:22] Ilya Kalashov says: Hello.
[19:02:34] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Ilya Kalashov?
[19:02:45] * Ilya Kalashov gives a nod over to Rabinowicz.
[19:02:46] Malakai Collins says: Deputy Collins with Parole Compliance Team, Court
Services Bureau and my colleagues from the Sheriff's Department.
[19:02:52] Malakai Collins says: Great.
[19:02:57] Malakai Collins says: Do you have anything on you, sir?
[19:03:05] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: Davis 282, SCC, I require
immediate assistance on the corner of Hawick and San Vitus. Multiple brawls have
[19:03:06] Ilya Kalashov says: Eh— cigarettes and a phone.
[19:03:07] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Why don't we take this over in front of that
Scout, right there? The black n' white.
[19:03:15] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, 10-98.
[19:03:17] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Velasquez says: Davis 283, show me en
route to 282.
[19:03:22] * Malakai Collins bops his head, agreeing with Audrey.
[19:03:26] Malakai Collins says: Like she said, sir.
[19:03:30] Audrey Rabinowicz says: If you'll go along with the deputy there, mister
[19:03:48] * Audrey Rabinowicz peels a pair of gloves on from he back pocket.
[19:03:58] (( (585) Detective Wyatt Kolchin: So the jail feature keeps on telling
me that I need to fill in the fields, yet they are filled in? ))
[19:04:01] [INFO]: Kim Kahale (M) is requesting to be released from TTCF, use
/release to release them.
[19:04:04] Bruno Ponosta says (to Ilya Kalashov): Anyone else inside?
[19:04:06] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Go'head n' face the hood. Put your hands on it.
Spread your legs.
[19:04:10] Ilya Kalashov says: No.
[19:04:16] Bruno Ponosta says: I'll go N check real quick.
[19:04:19] ___Description of Ilya Kalashov___
[19:04:19] Age range: 42 to 52
[19:04:19] A 5'8 man with a fading Ukrainian accent and in mediocre shape,
physically unimposing, yet his tone of speech is powerful and of confidence. Slight
grey streaks developing in his hair. On his body and arms he has scattered classic
and specific Russian, Jewish, and poetic tattoos, accompanied with bullet scars
across his chest. He is always wearing prescription glasses, a silver Star of David
necklace and a diamond Rolex. He often smells of cigarettes and having rough hands
like a physical worker
[19:04:19] [INFO] Use /tattoos to check their tattoos description!
[19:04:24] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone off duty!
[19:04:24] Ilya Kalashov says: Door is locked.
[19:04:24] Malakai Collins says: Will go with you.
[19:04:28] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Velasquez says: Davis 283, 10-97 with
Davis 282.
[19:04:33] Malakai Collins says: It's fine, Ponosta.
[19:04:36] Bruno Ponosta says: Alright.
[19:04:40] [HQ] Sergeant Kenneth Ward has gone on duty!
[19:04:40] Malakai Collins says: I don't think he will lock somebody inside.
[19:04:49] * Ilya Kalashov puts his hands onto the hood of the car, spreading his
legs slightly as instructed.
[19:04:59] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: why is cruzita here ))
[19:04:59] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Cristina Abellan has gone off duty!
[19:04:59] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Erik Alves says: Alves to Capmany you handling
[19:05:05] * Audrey Rabinowicz gives Ilya a thorough searching once he's by the
hood. She begins by patting down his torso, down his arms, his belly and around the
waist. Then each pantleg. She maneuvers the contents of his pockets around before
actually going into them.
[19:05:07] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: listneing to drama ))
[19:05:25] (( (369) Sergeant Kennedy Hauser: peak really just went all in on this
dude ))
[19:05:27] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Jesus Capmany says: Capmany to Alves, yes I can
once I'm done with Bernardi, two minutes.
[19:05:33] * Audrey Rabinowicz lays the contents of his pockets out onto the hood
of the scout. His pack of smokes, his wallet, his phone.
[19:05:35] (( (430) Deputy Sheriff Kevin Read: idk but she did funny anims ))
[19:05:35] Audrey Rabinowicz says: He's clean.
[19:05:38] [HQ] Sergeant Kenneth Ward has gone off duty!
[19:05:39] * Malakai Collins nods.
[19:05:42] Malakai Collins says: Get his ID, for me?
[19:05:46] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone on duty!
[19:05:50] * Audrey Rabinowicz opens up the wallet. She fishes through to look for
his driver's license.
[19:05:55] Malakai Collins says: What's your case number, sir?
[19:05:56] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: mans name is coffee ))
[19:05:59] *** Driver Licenses from Ilya Kalashov ***
[19:05:59] - Age: 46
[19:05:59] - Status: VALID
[19:05:59] - Expire date: 10/4/2032 1:47:51 AM
[19:06:05] (( (634) Deputy Sheriff Oscar Cooper: ANYBODY WANT SOME CAWHFEE ))
[19:06:07] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: mans has a shit bucket ))
[19:06:07] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Joshua Campos has gone on duty under 60K93!
[19:06:09] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: anybody want a cup of coffee ))
[19:06:16] * Audrey Rabinowicz pulls out his ID and reads it off, then forks it to
over to Kai.
[19:06:21] (( (385) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt: i just made a fresh pot
a coffee, does anyone want some coffee!?!? ))
[19:06:27] (( (169) Deputy Sheriff Cristina Velasquez: me ))
[19:06:32] * Malakai Collins stretches his right arm and takes it from Audrey.
[19:06:38] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, 10-28 on a
Terrance Blackburn, thank you.
[19:06:41] Ilya Kalashov says: Case number? I do not remember.
[19:07:00] * Malakai Collins holds the ID with his thumb and index, squinting at
the ID as he brings it closer from his line of sight to read the ID's content.
[19:07:03] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[19:07:05] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I'll look it up internally.
[19:07:07] * Malakai Collins eyes Ponosta.
[19:07:20] * Audrey Rabinowicz peels her gloves off and fishes for her phone.
[19:07:27] Malakai Collins says: Do me a favor, go through the State's Judicial
Branch data base and look for the man's case.
[19:07:33] Bruno Ponosta says: Rabino's got it.
[19:07:35] Bruno Ponosta says: I guess.
[19:07:35] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Erik Alves says: I'll handle it if you're busy.
[19:07:42] Bruno Ponosta says: She's handy with the phone today.
[19:07:49] Malakai Collins says: Hah, yeah.
[19:07:54] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Jesus Capmany says: Capmany to Alves, go for it.
[19:07:55] * Malakai Collins eyes Lorena.
[19:07:57] (( (307) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Andrew Brooks: wagwan shaggers ))
[19:08:00] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I think I've got it. Court file comes out tooooo
— 23GJCR00238.
[19:08:00] Malakai Collins says: You are good to detain him, thanks.
[19:08:01] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: sup ))
[19:08:02] * Lorena Gonzales has a busted lip that's slowly healing up.
[19:08:11] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sonia Kavanagh says: 60 Canine Sam, show me code
6 on a t-stop, Spanish Avenue west from the cross with San Vitus, car's a white
Coquette indexed 'EQD284' under San Andreas.
[19:08:20] * Lorena Gonzales reaches around her back, she fishes out a handcuff
from her belt.
[19:08:22] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Felony evasion. SHAFT violation. Drug
[19:08:28] Malakai Collins says: Okay okay, what charges? Okay.
[19:08:33] * Lorena Gonzales slaps the cuffs on Ilya's wrists.
[19:08:36] * Any resistance? (( Lorena Gonzales ))*
[19:08:37] (( (424) Custody Assistant Jesus Capmany: ill go on my jail char ))
[19:08:37] Ilya Kalashov says: Drug possession was dismissed from me.
[19:08:39] Malakai Collins says: Is he good for Parole after serving half his time?
[19:08:39] * None. (( Ilya Kalashov ))*
[19:08:44] * Malakai Collins eyes Ilya.
[19:08:47] (( (236) Deputy Sheriff Joshua Campos: sae ))
[19:08:49] (( (236) Deputy Sheriff Joshua Campos: same ))
[19:08:53] (( (424) Custody Assistant Jesus Capmany: ah nvm, no mexians.. ))
[19:08:56] * Lorena Gonzales gets a hold of Ilya's arm, she walks him to the rear
of the cruiser.
[19:08:58] Malakai Collins says: Uuh, then how does it state that on your court?
[19:09:01] (( (236) Deputy Sheriff Joshua Campos: messicans ))
[19:09:12] * Bruno Ponosta adjusts his parole vest, he keeps his eyes peeled on
[19:09:15] Malakai Collins says: It's okay, we'll figure it out. Don't worry.
[19:09:18] Ilya Kalashov says: Shouldn't, judge took it off. Other guy in my car
was guilty for it.
[19:09:21] Audrey Rabinowicz says: It doesn't say.
[19:09:21] * Lorena Gonzales slowly leads Ilya inside, then she shuts the door once
he goes in.
[19:09:32] Audrey Rabinowicz says: - the drug charge -did- get dismissed.
[19:09:39] Malakai Collins says: Excellent, okay.
[19:09:50] Lorena Gonzales says: I'll meet you three in Davis.
[19:09:53] Audrey Rabinowicz says: He was found guilty on the evasion n' SHAFT
charge. Fine of five bands n' jail time.
[19:09:57] * Malakai Collins eyes Lorena.
[19:10:04] Malakai Collins says: Okay, thank you. We will be right behind you.
[19:10:07] * Bruno Ponosta shoots a thumbs up at Lorena.
[19:10:14] Bruno Ponosta says: Thank you for coming Gonzales, appreciate it.
[19:10:20] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Velasquez says: Davis 283, 10-28 on a
Keshawn Jones, please. Common spelling.
[19:10:26] Bruno Ponosta says: It ain't busting a kilo of cocaine but it's honest
[19:10:31] Bruno Ponosta says: Yeah, she hates us.
[19:10:32] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66, 10-15 with one.
[19:10:39] Audrey Rabinowicz says: No parole mention, so how do we determine that?
[19:10:57] Malakai Collins says: If court doesn't mention Parole, then he doesn't
get parole.
[19:11:02] ERROR: You can't send messages that fast.
[19:11:02] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Alright.
[19:11:07] Malakai Collins says: Unless he applies for it himself, after he serves
half of his time.
[19:11:15] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Gotcha'.
[19:11:17] Malakai Collins says: Then he goes under Investigation with Operation
Safe Jails.
[19:11:24] Malakai Collins says: If they deem him good to go on Parole, they give
him to us.
[19:11:27] Malakai Collins says: And we go from there.
[19:11:35] Audrey Rabinowicz says: His fine's already been issued.
[19:11:35] Malakai Collins says: So, what are the charges again?
[19:11:41] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[19:11:41] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Felony evasion n' SHAFT violation.
[19:11:47] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[19:11:52] Malakai Collins says: Let's go process him then.
[19:12:01] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 306, use /radioshow to see
the music player.
[19:12:09] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: I'll have to go off now ))
[19:12:09] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[19:12:16] ** [S: 8 | CH: SEB-DD] Joshua Campos says: Control, show Campos under
Frank 8.
[19:12:17] (( Malakai Collins [ID: 354]: Okay, good RP today man. ))
[19:12:21] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Joshua Campos says: Control, show Campos under
Frank 8.
[19:12:27] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Andrew Brooks has gone on duty under F8!
[19:12:28] (( Audrey Rabinowicz [ID: 474]: i enjoyed this ))
[19:12:29] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: Davis 282 to SCC, I need a
unit from OSS to my scene on the corner of Hawick 'n San Vitus.
[19:12:30] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Bruno Ponosta says: Boy 2 Paul Adam, show us 10-
98 from Aguja and 10-6 to DVS.
[19:12:32] (( Malakai Collins [ID: 354]: Same, same. ))
[19:12:33] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66, let me have Boy
2 Paul Adam 10-31 LTAC1.
[19:12:34] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: yahoo ))
[19:12:38] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: I'll log off at DVS ))
[19:12:40] Bruno Ponosta says: I'll take care of that.
[19:12:42] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sonia Kavanagh says: 60 Canine Sam, I'm 10-98.
[19:12:42] (( Malakai Collins [ID: 354]: Gotcha ))
[19:12:46] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[19:12:46] * Log Number: 23-146317
[19:12:46] * Phone Number: 310-562-002 (payphone)
[19:12:46] * Location: Grove Street.
[19:12:46] * Situation: Bunch of armed dudes with a body on the road.
[19:12:47] * Bruno Ponosta adjusts the frequency on the in-car.
[19:12:52] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Bruno Ponosta says: Boy 2 Paul Adam's by.
[19:12:55] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Andrew Brooks says: Brooks, Control; I'm 10-8.
[19:12:57] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66, hey. Don't
bother coming to Davis. SEB's got a car hardstopped right in the station entrance.
[19:13:06] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Lorena Gonzales says: I'll meet you guys in TTCF
[19:13:07] Malakai Collins says: Yikes.
[19:13:13] Audrey Rabinowicz says: We can go straight to the Towers.
[19:13:14] Bruno Ponosta says: We're going to TTCF.
[19:13:20] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[19:13:20] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Bruno Ponosta says: 10-4, that's good.
[19:13:25] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[19:13:29] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: drop me off by dvs ))
[19:13:32] (( Malakai Collins [ID: 354]: Sure ))
[19:13:40] (( Audrey Rabinowicz [ID: 474]: do the hoj since there's an active scene
[19:13:42] (( Audrey Rabinowicz [ID: 474]: right outfront ))
[19:13:45] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: yeah ))
[19:13:51] Waypoint set on the GPS by Bruno Ponosta.
[19:13:51] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno has gone on duty!
[19:13:55] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[19:13:55] Waypoint set on the GPS by Malakai Collins.
[19:13:56] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: i marked hoj for you, ty ))
[19:14:03] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Velasquez says: Davis 283, show me 10-
[19:14:08] (( Malakai Collins [ID: 354]: No, thank YOU ))
[19:14:15] (( Malakai Collins [ID: 354]: u doing all the hard work with the GPS
lool ))
[19:14:19] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: hahaha ))
[19:14:35] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, code 6 on San
Vitus and Hawick.
[19:15:12] [HQ] Detective Maria Robinson has gone on duty under 806D4!
[19:15:18] (( Bruno Ponosta [ID: 289]: see yaaaaaaaaaaa ))
[19:15:20] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: congrats ))
[19:15:20] (( Audrey Rabinowicz [ID: 474]: cu ))
[19:15:20] (( Malakai Collins [ID: 354]: here you go, bubba. See ya ))
[19:15:30] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 306, use /radioshow to see
the music player.
[19:17:02] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Benjamin Palmer has gone off duty!
[19:17:16] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: did you guys know 3 dogs survived the
titanic sinking ))
[19:17:25] (( (369) Sergeant Kennedy Hauser: thanks simon really appreciate the fun
fact ))
[19:17:27] (( (169) Deputy Sheriff Cristina Velasquez: shame a submarine can't ))
[19:17:27] [Faction Chat] Sergeant Kennedy Hauser has turned the faction chat off!
[19:17:36] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: :HUH: ))
[19:17:56] (( PM to (369) Kennedy Hauser: cap'n crunch is my favorite cereal ))
[19:18:00] (( PM from (369) Kennedy Hauser: smae ))
[19:18:07] (( PM from (369) Kennedy Hauser: or reeces puffs ))
[19:18:10] > Malakai Collins has typed something on their Mobile Data Computer.
[19:18:19] (( PM to (369) Kennedy Hauser: that was a submersible joke but those are
both good cereals ))
[19:18:38] * Malakai Collins taps gently on the window.
[19:19:04] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, do we have any
George unit available? Need one down here on Hawick cross San Vitus.
[19:19:06] (( (446) Ilya Kalashov: someone knocked at her door irl, she's afk ))
[19:19:12] (( (354) Malakai Collins: Ah, okay ))
[19:19:17] (( (493) Lorena Gonzales: sorry had to go answer the door ))
[19:19:23] (( (354) Malakai Collins: np np, wb ))
[19:19:35] (( (446) Ilya Kalashov: i shoulda ran while i had the chance lmfao ))
[19:19:41] Malakai Collins says [low]: Hey, if you want to take his arrest to add
the bust on your record, let me know. You did the transport for it and all.
[19:19:59] Lorena Gonzales says [low]: Nah, can be all yours.
[19:20:02] Lorena Gonzales says [low]: You found the guy, not me.
[19:20:12] Malakai Collins says [low]: Okay.
[19:20:17] Lorena Gonzales says [low]: I'll park up inside.
[19:20:19] Lorena Gonzales says [low]: Meet you there.
[19:20:21] Malakai Collins says: Sure.
[19:20:43] You can now press K to unfreeze yourself. Do not hold W while doing so.
[19:20:51] [INFO]: [27/APR/2023] No firearms beyond this point.
[19:21:03] * Audrey Rabinowicz withdraws her sidearm and leaves it in the locker.
[19:21:05] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, '98.
[19:21:11] ********** LS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT LANDLINE **********
[19:21:11] * Phone Number: 63033321 (Garth Krieger)
[19:21:11] * Message: TTCF visitation.
[19:21:11] * Malakai Collins unhooks the holster off the duty belt and puts it
inside along with the gun.
[19:21:20] List of online inmates:
[19:21:20] Cody Hewitt (Cell: 210).
[19:21:20] Max Penny (Cell: 205).
[19:21:20] Brent Eckert (Cell: 231).
[19:21:20] William Tanser (Cell: 209).
[19:21:20] Joel Cruz (Cell: 204).
[19:21:22] On Duty Guards list:
[19:21:22] Erik Alves
[19:21:22] Jesus Capmany
[19:21:22] Joshua Campos
[19:21:22] Andrew Brooks
[19:21:22] [ON DUTY] Taxi: 10, Mechanic: 160, Coroners: 0, Hospital: 1, Public
Works: 1, Buses: 0
[19:21:26] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Kennedy Hauser says: 246 Sam, Dave, go ahead and
[19:21:39] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] David Plumley says: 246 David, copy. Stepping out.
[19:21:41] [INFO]: [27/APR/2023] No firearms beyond this point.
[19:21:42] You unlocked the door. This door will automatically close in 10 seconds.
[19:21:45] (( (493) Lorena Gonzales: broken shit ))
[19:21:58] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Malakai Collins says: Boy 2 Paul Adam; SCC, can
you contact Twin Tower's Control and inform them to send a Custody Assistant to
Sally port for inmate procession?
[19:22:14] * Malakai Collins opens the back door for Ilya to step out.
[19:22:26] * Ilya Kalashov makes his way from out of the police vehicle.
[19:22:43] [HQ] Detective Wyatt Kolchin has gone off duty!
[19:22:53] Malakai Collins says: Alrighty.
[19:23:11] Malakai Collins says: We will take you inside, a Custody Assistant will
be with you shortly to process you.
[19:23:12] You unlocked the door. This door will automatically close in 10 seconds.
[19:23:13] [INFO]: [27/APR/2023] No firearms beyond this point.
[19:23:22] Admin Popcorn Bug admin jailed Suzar Ilyumz for the reason: [Powergaming
escaping custody. Parkour'd over a compound and took a 'car' out for a test while
cuffed. Look over the rules while you're in jail.] for 30 minutes
[19:23:27] Ilya Kalashov says: Ok.
[19:23:29] Malakai Collins says: Let's walk inside.
[19:23:34] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Jonathan Carter says: 241 Lincoln, I'll move my car
and leave that last suspect for the two of you.
[19:23:56] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I checked his record out. Paperwork's all done
on it already, back when he was first arrested.
[19:24:05] Malakai Collins says: Okay.
[19:24:27] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Jonathan Carter says: Moving slowly, get ready.
[19:24:31] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Gerald Colburn has gone on duty!
[19:24:43] Malakai Collins says: Rabinowicz. Put him in a holding cell inside until
the CA is here.
[19:25:21] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I don't mind processing, if they're busy.
[19:25:30] Malakai Collins says: We'll see. We give them something to do.
[19:25:42] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I saw one walk by. Lemme' see if I can catch up
with him.
[19:25:48] Malakai Collins says: He's busy.
[19:25:52] Malakai Collins says: With a visitation.
[19:25:57] ** [LSPD -> LSSD] Simon Mah: Police 36 David for Sheriff's
Communications. **
[19:25:58] Malakai Collins says: Another one is coming, SCC just informed me.
[19:26:09] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Right. Okay. C'mere then, mister Kalashov.
[19:26:16] Malakai Collins says: Here we go.
[19:26:18] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Oh, that works.
[19:26:19] ** [LSSD -> LSPD] Sonia Kavanagh: Sheriff's 60 Canine Sam, go. **
[19:26:21] ** [LSPD -> LSSD] Simon Mah: Police 36 David, do you have any available
airships? **
[19:26:27] * Malakai Collins flicks a chin to Erik.
[19:26:29] You are too far away.
[19:26:32] ___Description of Erik Alves___
[19:26:32] Age range: 22 to 24
[19:26:32] A man standing at six foot one, he appears to be of a decent build. He
wears a uniform of a Deputy Sheriff, his name plate says 'ALVES'
[19:26:35] Erik Alves says: Hey there.
[19:26:43] Erik Alves says: Parole violation?
[19:26:46] Malakai Collins says: Hey man, he's going in for SHAFT violation and
felony evading a peace officer.
[19:26:53] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sonia Kavanagh says: Sheriff's 60 Canine Sam,
check on Aero desk for any available airships.
[19:26:55] Malakai Collins says: Court ruled against him.
[19:27:04] ** [LSSD -> LSPD] Sonia Kavanagh: Stand by, I'll check on that for you.
[19:28:00] Employment information: You've already worked 14 hours this week, for a
contract of 20 hours.
[19:28:07] * Ilya Kalashov shakes his head feintly at Collins' mention of the
court, seemingly out of annoyance.
[19:28:11] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: Erik was the lawyer for Ilya's case,
what are the odds. We are doing it. ))
[19:28:20] Erik Alves says: Alright I'll handle the paperwork and get the cell
ready for him, he need to got PC or anything?
[19:28:32] Malakai Collins says: Nah, normal POD.
[19:28:39] Malakai Collins says: Nothing that the court has mentioned, anyway.
[19:28:51] Erik Alves says: OK, I'll let Capmany know when he's done from this vist
I'll send him this way.
[19:28:56] Erik Alves says: Thanks guys.
[19:29:05] Malakai Collins says: Okay, no problem.
[19:29:10] Malakai Collins says: Follow me, sir.
[19:29:22] You unlocked the door. This door will automatically close in 10 seconds.
[19:29:24] [HQ] Detective Maria Robinson has gone on duty under 806D4!
[19:29:45] Malakai Collins says: So, where is your friend?
[19:29:50] Ilya Kalashov says: My friend?
[19:30:01] Malakai Collins says: You said that your friend had a drug charge pinned
on him?
[19:30:09] Ilya Kalashov says: He plead guilty, already done.
[19:30:16] * Audrey Rabinowicz makes her way inside. She parks on the far end of
the room and begins to prepare the printing for the necessary bands.
[19:30:16] ** [LSSD -> LSPD] Sonia Kavanagh: Negative on Aero, Police 36 David. **
[19:30:17] * Lorena Gonzales sticks her head in.
[19:30:17] Malakai Collins says: I see.
[19:30:22] Lorena Gonzales says: Y'all still need me?
[19:30:25] * Malakai Collins looks at Lorena.
[19:30:32] Malakai Collins says: Nope, thank you a lot for the backup, appreciate
[19:30:41] Lorena Gonzales says: Alright, enjoy the paperwork.
[19:31:18] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66, 10-98.
[19:31:20] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Antonio Ruiz says: 280 George 3, assistance to
Davis station, heavy 923s and suspects on the run.
[19:31:26] * Audrey Rabinowicz moves towards the clothing piles, nextly. She
prepares a set of shoes, trousers and a shirt. They're all piled up together,
alongside a toothbrush and cup.
[19:31:38] Malakai Collins says: You can go in there, sir.
[19:31:54] * Malakai Collins puts in the passcode of the door, unlocking it. Kai
opens the door of the holding cell to let Ilya in.
[19:32:14] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Oscar Cooper: Sheriff's 280 George 14 for Fire
Metro--! **
[19:32:17] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[19:32:17] * Log Number: 23-146318
[19:32:17] * Phone Number: 73803740 (unregistered)
[19:32:17] * Location: Im getting robbed!!
[19:32:17] * Situation: Getting robbed at skin head motel!!
[19:32:21] (( (354) Malakai Collins: can't enter? ))
[19:32:34] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro. **
[19:32:58] (( PM to (354) Malakai Collins: i have to go make dinner r u good to
finish this? His jail time is a month 3 days. Fine is issued. Arrest is already on
his record. ))
[19:33:01] You unlocked the door. This door will automatically close in 10 seconds.
[19:33:03] You locked the door lock.
[19:33:08] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Oscar Cooper: Sheriff's 280 George 14, we need
multiple fire metro unit's to the apartment block just opposite the Davis Sheriff's
Station- right now! Multiple people suffering from GSW's! **
[19:33:12] * Location: Big red parking garage by the La Puerta Freeway in Pillbox
[19:33:12] * Situation: Uh.. I think I drove over some bullet casing a-and... I— I
see blood!
[19:33:12] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[19:33:12] * Log Number: 23-146319
[19:33:12] * Phone Number: 46599471 (unregistered)
[19:33:13] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: Lovely, the paper work report as well?
[19:33:32] * Audrey Rabinowicz exits the back room. She sets the clothing pile
down, alongside the jail necessities and the appropriate wrist/armbands.
[19:33:34] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] David Plumley says: 280 William Sam, start me a
902 Robert just in-front of the Davis Station. We have a Deputy suffering from a
GSW, urgent.
[19:33:48] (( PM to (354) Malakai Collins: Do we need to log anything else? I've
never done an arrest post-court session. ))
[19:33:49] ********** LS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT LANDLINE **********
[19:33:49] * Phone Number: 50666356 (unregistered)
[19:33:49] * Message: Ya. It's Lucas Webb. Heard I got warrants or sum crazy shit,
tryna turn myself in. Call me back...
[19:33:49] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] David Plumley: Sheriff's 280 William Sam for Fire
Metro, urgent. **
[19:33:57] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro! Can you get me a count of
individuals? **
[19:34:00] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: Nah, literally just process him, yeah.
[19:34:08] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: If the AR on his file then we are good
to go. ))
[19:34:16] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro to Sheriff's 280 William Sam,
go. **
[19:34:18] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Oscar Cooper: Gonna be uh- four at this time- no, five
at this time! **
[19:34:23] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: We specifically needed to process him
since it was court order and we are court deps, so yeah ))
[19:34:32] (( PM to (354) Malakai Collins: ite then he's good yeah. month 3 days.
rest is done. printed / dna'd ))
[19:34:52] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro... Roger... Standby. **
[19:34:58] (( PM to (354) Malakai Collins: u don't have to wait up on me idk how
long i'll be ))
[19:34:59] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: Amazing, enjoy your dinner then. We
continue the RP after you come back...if Audrey got questions and all ))
[19:35:08] (( PM from (354) Malakai Collins: Okay, lemme know when u are back
then ))
[19:35:19] (( PM to (354) Malakai Collins: sure thing ))
[19:35:24] You unlocked the door. This door will automatically close in 10 seconds.
[19:35:25] You locked the door lock.
[19:35:27] You unlocked the door. This door will automatically close in 10 seconds.
[19:35:32] You unlocked the door. This door will automatically close in 10 seconds.
[19:36:05] [HQ] Sergeant Jacob Avila has gone on duty!
[19:36:15] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera has gone on duty!
[19:37:12] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro, I have Rescue 99, 98, and 97
en route, ETA three. **
[19:37:56] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Gerald Colburn says: Davis 287, need assistance
to Rancho, Roy Lowenstein boulevard for scene containment.
[19:38:19] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[19:38:19] * Log Number: 23-146320
[19:38:19] * Phone Number: 46599471 (unregistered)
[19:38:19] * Location: Big red garage by the license branch, third floor leading
upto the fourth.
[19:38:19] * Situation: i see bullet casings and blood on the ground... but I
haven't seen a body. There was a black car and some guy came and got it.
[19:38:19] The Fire Department has also been alerted of this call!
[19:38:54] [HQ] Sergeant Kennedy Hauser has gone off duty!
[19:39:32] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Jesus Capmany says: Capmany to Brooks, I finally
have Krieger, two minutes and we'll be ready.
[19:39:43] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Sebastian Krause says: Davis 282's '98.
[19:39:44] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Andrew Brooks says: 10-4, let me know when to bring
[19:40:57] (( (544) Gabriel Parera: test ))
[19:42:42] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Albany Landstalker G Closest Street: Vinewood Boulevard
[19:42:59] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[19:42:59] * Log Number: 23-146321
[19:42:59] * Phone Number: 68034512 (Arturo Pareja)
[19:42:59] * Location: Bennys motor work garage.
[19:42:59] * Situation: Some fool threatened to chop my car because of some
comments I made about him, he ended up spraying my car with lots of cinnamon and
put old smells in here, this shop is corrupt and I need to talk to someone.
[19:43:14] [HQ] Detective Wyatt Kolchin has gone on duty under 806D3!
[19:43:24] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Jesus Capmany says: Capmany to Brooks, we're ready
now, for a non contact visit.
[19:43:34] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[19:43:34] * Log Number: 23-146322
[19:43:34] * Phone Number: 9878 (Betty Buckley)
[19:43:34] * Location: In front of Vinewood Casino.
[19:43:34] * Situation: Someone shot a guy dead.
[19:43:38] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Andrew Brooks says: Brooks, 10-4, we'll bring him
[19:43:39] [Faction Chat] Sergeant Kennedy Hauser has turned the faction chat on!
[19:43:44] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: 1984 ))
[19:43:45] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: "old smells" ))
[19:44:12] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: 923 Forum.
[19:44:24] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[19:44:24] * Log Number: 23-146323
[19:44:24] * Phone Number: 59187440 (Malcolm Harrelson)
[19:44:24] * Location: Vinewood Casino.
[19:44:24] * Situation: Off Duty Ranger 112799, shots fired.
[19:44:24] The Fire Department has also been alerted of this call!
[19:45:13] [HQ] Detective Maria Robinson has gone off duty!
[19:45:55] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[19:45:55] * Log Number: 23-146324
[19:45:55] * Phone Number: 66258399 (Marquis Chambers)
[19:45:55] * Location: Benny Automotive.
[19:45:55] * Situation: They chopped my car and ran me over! Help please helpppppp!
[19:45:56] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Declasse Vigero R Closest Street: Vinewood Boulevard
[19:46:11] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66, I got two down
at the complex on north Forum Drive- I also got two males running, get me backup n
a George unit here.
[19:46:30] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: I'll be on the complex at
North Forum cross Carson.
[19:46:54] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno has gone on duty!
[19:47:07] (( (626) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno: awh man ))
[19:47:11] (( (626) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno: I missed the fun.. ))
[19:47:20] (( (354) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Malakai Collins: u missed double
fun ))
[19:47:25] (( (354) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Malakai Collins: 1 fun for Parole 1
fun for SEB ))
[19:47:27] ** [LSSD -> DMEC] Austin Levitt: Sheriff's 287 for DMEC. **
[19:47:34] (( (626) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno: didn't the parole
thing get cancelled ))
[19:47:40] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Andrew Brooks says: Brooks; Control. Non contact
visitation underway in the 1000 Lobby visitation bay.
[19:47:44] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Andrew Brooks says: With inmate Penny.
[19:47:50] (( (354) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Malakai Collins: Nah, I pushed
another tag that we are doing a checkup on a Parolee ))
[19:48:10] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66, again, I need a
George unit down to the complex on north Forum Drive, I got two down after a
[19:48:40] ********** LS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT LANDLINE **********
[19:48:40] * Phone Number: 10016880 (Jimmy O'Connor)
[19:48:40] * Message: Hey, I'd like to visit my friend. He's in an inmate at Twin
Towers facility.
[19:50:01] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: why the fuck do i have someone
else's phone on me ))
[19:50:05] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: sry ))
[19:50:14] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: dont check the gallery ))
[19:50:18] (( (399) Detective Maria Robinson: O_O ))
[19:50:59] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66, I'll need three
coroner vans down to the complex on north Forum, lemme get a detective or a George
unit aswell.
[19:51:13] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Travis Miller has gone on duty!
[19:51:52] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, 10-98.
[19:52:51] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez has gone on duty!
[19:53:29] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: brb ))
[19:53:40] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66, can you please
send me a patrol unit down to north Forum Drive? I'll be at the alleyway on the
most southern side.
[19:54:30] Admin Popcorn Bug permanently Rockstar banned Jacquees Maxwell for
reason: [Playing bumpercars in South Central. Running people over, this isn't
[19:54:44] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, we're 10-97 with
Paleto 66.
[19:54:48] (( (626) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno: cringest 10 seconds of
my life.. ))
[19:54:51] (( (626) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno: sigh ))
[19:55:55] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff David Hoagland has gone on duty!
[19:55:56] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Gabriel Parera says: Parera, control. Let inmate
Cody Hewitt know he has a visitation.
[19:56:00] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: LMFAO man woke up and chose
violence ))
[19:58:05] (( (385) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt: tackling doesn't
work? ))
[19:58:10] (( (483) Detective Adam Callejo: not on other cops ))
[19:58:11] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: sometimes yes
sometimes no ))
[19:58:15] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Randall Graham has gone on duty under 240W1!
[19:59:26] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Clara Alvarez says: Paleto 64, code six on a t-
stop with a grey Buffalo, Boy Young Charlie 243, Panorama and Joshua.
[20:00:19] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno has gone on duty!
[20:02:11] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Steven Yeung has gone on duty under 280W4!
[20:05:50] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: wtf does he mean he was never cuffed
lol ))
[20:05:55] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: hes tripping ))
[20:06:09] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Andrew Brooks says: Brooks, Control; inmate Penny's
visitation is concluded.
[20:06:17] [INFO]: Nathan Harper is requesting to be released from TTCF, use
/release to release them.
[20:06:32] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Samuel Montero has gone on duty!
[20:06:37] (( (424) Custody Assistant Jesus Capmany: ill be back later ))
[20:06:39] [HQ] Custody Assistant Jesus Capmany has gone off duty!
[20:07:34] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Andrew Brooks says: Brooks, Control; I'm 10-7.
[20:07:37] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Andrew Brooks has gone off duty!
[20:07:42] [HQ] Sergeant Alan Woodfill has gone on duty under 806DS!
[20:07:59] [AFK CHECK] You're considered AFK, type /notafk to confirm that you're
[20:08:27] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66, can I have SSB
down to my 923 call in Forum Drive for a blood swab?
[20:08:45] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Jay Golant has gone on duty!
[20:09:03] (( (576) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Jay Golant: even antonio laughin too
WOW ))
[20:09:17] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera has gone on duty!
[20:09:38] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera has gone off duty!
[20:09:40] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera has gone on duty!
[20:09:57] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Clara Alvarez says: Paleto 64, I'm '98.
[20:11:23] [HQ] Lieutenant Jonathan Carter has gone off duty!
[20:11:37] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 66! Deputy in a foot
pursuit! Innocence n Power!
[20:11:55] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: brb ))
[20:12:19] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[20:12:19] * Log Number: 23-146325
[20:12:19] * Phone Number: 9250 (Katarine Greyan)
[20:12:19] * Location: Route 68 car dealership.
[20:12:19] * Situation: Uh - a guy on dirt bike appeared out of nowhere and ran
into me. He's on the floor.. we need ambo' and maybe cops for a roadblock.
[20:12:19] The Fire Department has also been alerted of this call!
[20:12:57] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Andrew Brooks has gone on duty!
[20:13:11] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Michael Weaver has gone on duty!
[20:13:19] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Steven Yeung says: 280 William 3, show me '97 at
the last foot pursuit— We're static on Innocence boulevard.
[20:13:19] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Jacob Kaczynski has gone on duty!
[20:13:37] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[20:13:37] * Log Number: 23-146326
[20:13:37] * Phone Number: 48030894 (Sean Asraf)
[20:13:37] * Location: Lagoon.
[20:13:37] * Situation: A guy is causing trouble in my business.
[20:14:02] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Clara Alvarez says: Paleto 64, I'm gunna' be '97
with tag 325 on Route 68, need a 902R.
[20:14:28] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Olivia Herrera has gone on duty!
[20:14:45] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: thanks alan_woodfill ))
[20:14:49] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: you just ran over his
motorbike ))
[20:14:56] (( (564) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: Not on my screen tho ))
[20:15:04] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: taking it ic too late ))
[20:15:06] (( (564) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: recorded. ))
[20:15:07] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Steven Yeung says: 280 William 3, show me '98.
[20:15:32] [HQ] Sergeant Christopher Grimm has gone on duty under 60S!
[20:16:01] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Clara Alvarez: Sheriff's 64, fire metro? **
[20:16:09] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: heard ulsa got cheerleader tryouts
today chris ))
[20:16:14] (( (399) Detective Maria Robinson: oooh ))
[20:16:15] (( (601) Sergeant Christopher Grimm: im omw ))
[20:16:16] (( (572) Lieutenant Felipe Ramirez: ayo? ))
[20:16:18] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: don't encourage him ))
[20:16:21] (( (601) Sergeant Christopher Grimm: why else would i be ig ))
[20:16:23] [HQ] Lieutenant Felipe Ramirez has gone on duty!
[20:16:27] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: im en-route code 3. ))
[20:16:32] (( (564) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: gonna need that bikini carwash ))
[20:16:36] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: GOING CODE NO WAY ))
[20:16:49] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: what no female attention does to a guy
[20:16:57] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: they get into
capybaras ))
[20:17:06] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: giant south american
rondent ))
[20:17:14] [HQ] Detective Wyatt Kolchin has gone off duty!
[20:18:10] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro. **
[20:18:28] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Clara Alvarez: Sheriff's 64, cancel that - a rescue
already arrived. **
[20:18:35] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro, cancelling. **
[20:18:42] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Kyle Adams has gone on duty!
[20:19:24] [INFO]: Eric Chung is requesting to be released from TTCF, use /release
to release them.
[20:19:48] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno has gone on duty!
[20:20:25] [HQ] Lieutenant Isaac Toh has gone on duty!
[20:20:46] [HQ] Detective Wyatt Kolchin has gone on duty under 806D3!
[20:21:33] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales has gone off duty!
[20:21:35] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales has gone on duty under 66!
[20:22:11] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Michael Weaver has gone off duty!
[20:22:44] (( (643) Lieutenant Isaac Toh: anyone in car 12424552 or 16683425? ))
[20:22:51] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Michael Weaver has gone on duty under
[20:22:57] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: yeah in 425 ))
[20:22:58] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: 12424552 is mine, u
can despawn it ))
[20:23:00] (( (385) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt: i think 166 is
abandoned on innocence ))
[20:23:03] (( (385) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt: oh nvm ))
[20:23:14] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: gimme a sec i'll
despawn it ))
[20:23:24] (( (715) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: Yooo, any DVS SGT/LT able to
pin me so I can get outta FTP ))
[20:23:31] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: no ))
[20:23:33] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: denied ))
[20:23:43] (( (643) Lieutenant Isaac Toh: ye 1 sec powell ))
[20:23:49] (( (715) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: ill deny u in a minute
parera ))
[20:23:52] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[20:23:52] * Log Number: 23-146327
[20:23:52] * Phone Number: 71000 (Latifah Iqbal)
[20:23:52] * Location: Outside of Vinewood casino.
[20:23:52] * Situation: White Coil Raiden Z being stolen.
[20:23:52] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: no ))
[20:23:53] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: haha stay in ftp ))
[20:24:03] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell has gone on duty!
[20:24:09] (( (643) Lieutenant Isaac Toh: ok parera, i did the maintenance on
12424552 ))
[20:24:16] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: thank you ))
[20:24:19] (( (643) Lieutenant Isaac Toh: np ))
[20:24:22] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Coil Raiden Z Closest Street: Vinewood Boulevard
[20:24:23] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: 425 despawned bossman
toh ))
[20:24:33] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Christopher Grimm says: Paleto 60 Sam, show me
out on Route 68 with a 929 incident. 902R on scene. Roll me a tom unit.
[20:24:50] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Albany V-STR Closest Street: Red Desert Avenue
[20:25:09] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam's 10-97 on
Vinewood Boulevard.
[20:25:20] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Michael Weaver says: 60 William 1, 10-97 on
[20:27:49] ** [LSSD -> LAW] Alan Woodfill: Sheriff's 806 David Sam, hold air for
crime broadcast. **
[20:28:00] Employment information: You've already worked 15 hours this week, for a
contract of 20 hours.
[20:28:14] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Christopher Grimm says: Paleto 60 Sam, SCC. 10-28
on a vehicle. S-A tags. XSL-515.
[20:28:38] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[20:28:38] * Log Number: 23-146328
[20:28:38] * Phone Number: 4411 (Neo Trudgill)
[20:28:38] * Location: Grapessed cafe.
[20:28:38] * Situation: Shootout.
[20:28:50] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone on duty!
[20:29:05] Current time: 05/JUL/2023 - 20:29:06
[20:29:05] ** [LSSD -> LAW] Alan Woodfill: Attempted G-T-A occurred on Vinewood
Boulevard at approximately ten minutes ago. It's gonna be a three times occupied
Buffalo STX, index Ocean, Frank, Tom, 726. Main suspect wears a grey hoodie, and
green-yellow cap. **
[20:29:09] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: thanks toh ))
[20:29:10] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Clara Alvarez says: Paleto 64, 10-28 on a Michael
Rogov, please.
[20:29:21] (( (715) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: has the tackle script been
properly fixed btw? ))
[20:29:31] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Wyatt Kolchin says: 806 David 3, code to that
service call; notify other 806 Callsigns.
[20:29:31] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone off duty!
[20:29:31] ** [LSSD -> LAW] Alan Woodfill: No further details, contact me if
suspects seen. Air is free. **
[20:29:32] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone on duty under 8281N!
[20:29:33] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Andy Caldera says: 61 Boy, show me responding
code to the last call for service.
[20:29:35] [HQ] Detective Adam Callejo has gone on duty under 828N1!
[20:29:36] You unlocked the door. This door will automatically close in 10 seconds.
[20:29:42] [HQ] Lieutenant Jonathan Carter has gone on duty!
[20:29:58] You unlocked the door. This door will automatically close in 10 seconds.
[20:30:02] You unlocked the door. This door will automatically close in 10 seconds.
[20:30:04] [INFO]: [27/APR/2023] No firearms beyond this point.
[20:30:38] [HQ] Sergeant Britney Gaia has gone on duty!
[20:30:48] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: how to refresh inventory ))
[20:30:50] (( (582) Detective Stephen Wagner: this shit aint loading ))
[20:30:51] You unlocked the door lock. This door will automatically close in 15
[20:31:02] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Christopher Grimm says: Paleto 60 Sam, 10-98.
Show me code to tag 328.
[20:31:20] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Declasse Granger 3600LX Closest Street: Strawberry Avenue
[20:31:26] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam's code in five.
[20:31:36] [HQ] Detective Stephen Wagner has gone off duty!
[20:32:02] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Wyatt Kolchin says: 806 David 3, keep units
rolling to the scene of that shooting; we've got a secondary scene down at Sandy
Shores by the hospital.
[20:32:04] [HQ] Sergeant Ira Southard has gone on duty!
[20:32:21] [HQ] Sergeant Jacob Avila has gone on duty under 244S!
[20:32:22] You unlocked the door lock. This door will automatically close in 15
[20:32:25] [INFO]: [09/AUG/2021] Only LSSD personnel would have access to this
property through the gate.
[20:32:31] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Christopher Grimm says: Paleto 60 Sam's 10-97.
[20:32:34] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Declasse Vigero Rumbler Closest Street: Adam's Apple Boulevard
[20:32:39] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Michael Weaver says: 60 William 1 10-97.
[20:32:41] You successfully parked your faction/business vehicle.
[20:32:49] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Andy Caldera says: 61 Boy, 10-97.
[20:32:51] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: wheres senora station interior
entrance, tuxedo asking ))
[20:32:57] You can now press K to unfreeze yourself. Do not hold W while doing so.
[20:32:57] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[20:32:57] * Log Number: 23-146329
[20:32:57] * Phone Number: 6906 (Barbara Beckenbauer)
[20:32:57] * Location: Pillbox Hill Andreas Ave
[20:32:57] * Situation: Dead body on the ground.
[20:33:02] (( (247) Sergeant Britney Gaia: at the entrance ))
[20:33:03] (( (247) Sergeant Britney Gaia: ? ))
[20:33:08] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: theres 3-4 interiors on the parking
spots outside ))
[20:33:14] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Adam Callejo says [low]: 828 Nora 1, hey, can we
get some patrol units for a search warrant? We'll be in the Davis Station briefing
[20:33:16] (( (221) Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh: no actual entrance yet, its being
mapped ))
[20:33:19] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: deputy mouser tuxedo ))
[20:33:26] Randall Graham says: Hey everyone.
[20:33:36] Jonathan Carter shouts: Graham, get your ass in gear, son.
[20:33:44] * Jay Golant greets Randall Graham with a nod.
[20:33:45] * Randall Graham pushes himself back up.
[20:33:47] Jonathan Carter says: We ain't waiting for your ass.
[20:33:55] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Alan Woodfill says: 806 David Sam's 10-97 on East
Joshua and Seaview.
[20:33:55] Sonia Kavanagh says: Lazy to hit the locker room, eh?
[20:33:57] Randall Graham says (to David Hoagland): C'mon Hoagland.
[20:33:58] * Cristina Velasquez drops herself down on a chair as she looks up.
[20:34:05] Randall Graham says: I'll be back in a minute.
[20:34:08] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Christopher Grimm says: Paleto 60 Sam, SCC. Roll
902 to Sandy's Retrocade. We've got one 929.
[20:34:13] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Christopher Grimm says: N' have units 10-31 to L-
TAC 1.
[20:34:24] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Christopher Grimm says: 60 Sam's by; how many do
we have down?
[20:34:31] * Sonia Kavanagh rests her palm on her belt.
[20:34:34] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[20:34:34] * Log Number: 23-146330
[20:34:34] * Phone Number: 5076 (Melissa Briggs)
[20:34:34] * Location: ULSAS
[20:34:34] * Situation: A brawl at ULSA.
[20:34:36] Adam Callejo says (to Jonathan Carter): Let me know when all your guys
are here.
[20:34:40] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Christopher Grimm: Sheriff's Paleto 60 Sam, Fire
Metro! **
[20:34:56] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro. **
[20:35:02] (( (715) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: LOL ))
[20:35:06] (( (715) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: That ad. ))
[20:35:08] ERROR: Command not found.
[20:35:11] [ERROR] That animation was not found.
[20:35:37] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Christopher Grimm: Hey, we've got one vic down at
Sandy's Retrocade on East Joshua, still getting a headcount. Gunshot wound victim.
Need an ambulance. **
[20:35:49] * Randall Graham goes for a seat.
[20:35:59] Jonathan Carter says: Take it away, Sergeant— Detective.
[20:36:23] Adam Callejo says: Okay. We're here today for a search warrant
execution. This'll be taking place in the area of Mission Row, right on Fantastic.
[20:36:24] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Christopher Grimm: Deputy advised victim is critical.
Unconscious, not breathing. CPR to start. **
[20:36:36] * Adam Callejo steps back. He removes a pin from the board and reinserts
it onto Fantastic Place.
[20:36:42] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Clara Alvarez says: Paleto 64, Route 68 MVA is
code four.
[20:36:46] * Randall Graham takes mental notes.
[20:36:55] * Jay Golant watches the pin get reinserted into the board.
[20:36:57] * Jack Pescoluso darts his eyes around the deputies seated in the room.
[20:37:06] > Audrey Rabinowicz squints up at the front, trying to make it out from
the back.
[20:37:06] > Audrey Rabinowicz squints up at the front, trying to make it out from
the back.
[20:37:06] Adam Callejo says: The address is 28 Fantastic Place. Third floor, 12th
[20:37:11] [HQ] Detective Romy Estevez has gone on duty under D4A6!
[20:37:18] * Sonia Kavanagh eyes up the many holes that were put through that one
map hung over the white board, with Fantastic Pl. taking its turn.
[20:37:49] Adam Callejo says: Our owner N suspect is one Llewellyn Perkins. Perkins
is a validated member of a skinhead gang and is known to be violent. He was found
slinging methamphetamine right outside of the property. If he's there, he's going
to attack you.
[20:38:15] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro to Sheriff's Paleto 60 Sam,
dispatching you Engine One. Standby on a Rescue assignment. **
[20:38:22] [HQ] Detective Francis Ramirez has gone on duty!
[20:38:36] Adam Callejo says: The search warrant's goal is to find a narcotics
stash. Since the area's pretty safe N we have a police station around the corner,
there shouldn't be an ambush risk.
[20:38:53] [HQ] Detective Francis Ramirez has gone off duty!
[20:38:54] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Michael Weaver has gone on duty under
[20:39:11] [HQ] Detective Francis Ramirez has gone on duty!
[20:39:15] * Jay Golant nods along, as they are fed information.
[20:39:26] Adam Callejo says: Special Enforcement's gunna breach the property and
clear it out. Once they're done, we'll have a narcotics canine sent in.
[20:39:27] * Sonia Kavanagh perks up her eyebrows for a moment.
[20:39:37] Adam Callejo says: They'll do their work while everyone else holds
[20:39:40] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Christopher Grimm: 10-4. Advise Engine One that the
vic' is located in a field behind the business. **
[20:39:46] Adam Callejo says: Any questions?
[20:39:52] * Randall Graham shakes his head.
[20:40:09] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro, roger that. **
[20:40:13] Adam Callejo says: Alright, let's get out there. Special Enforcement can
lead the convoy.
[20:40:20] Jonathan Carter says: Hold on..
[20:40:21] * Jay Golant raises a meaty hand.
[20:40:40] Jonathan Carter says: Sergeant Avila here will be the T-L on SEB's side—
[20:40:40] Adam Callejo says: Yeah, go ahead.
[20:40:49] Jay Golant says: You need me to bring along my FED canine?
[20:40:55] * Jonathan Carter eyes Jacob.
[20:40:57] Adam Callejo says: Naw. It's just for narcotics.
[20:41:06] Jacob Avila says: Yeah. I'll confer with my team on the way over.
[20:41:07] * Jay Golant nods a few times, then puts his hand down.
[20:41:08] * Randall Graham looks over at Jay.
[20:41:11] > Jonathan Carter nods.
[20:41:19] Adam Callejo says: We all good, Lieutenant?
[20:41:20] * Randall Graham looks over his shoulder at Jay.
[20:41:27] (( FatCatTuxedo: You can now unlock/lock the gates at the new senora
station! ))
[20:41:28] Jonathan Carter says: We're good to mount up then.
[20:41:32] Adam Callejo says: Okay.
[20:41:33] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: ok ))
[20:41:33] * Steven Yeung pushes himself up.
[20:41:34] * David Hoagland glances at Jacob for a brief moment.
[20:41:35] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: ok ))
[20:41:37] (( (715) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: woohoo ))
[20:41:37] (( (380) Deputy Sheriff Jacob Kaczynski: ok ))
[20:41:37] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: ok ))
[20:41:38] * Randall Graham lifts himself up.
[20:41:41] * Cristina Velasquez pushes herself up.
[20:41:42] (( (333) Detective Peak.: How tf you do that warning shit ))
[20:41:43] Sonia Kavanagh says: Well, Jay.
[20:41:44] (( (333) Detective Peak.: Show me ))
[20:41:45] Sonia Kavanagh says: Sounds like it's all you.
[20:41:51] * David Hoagland slowly stands up from off the chair, holding his back.
[20:41:56] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Jacob Avila says: OK... 244 Sam.
[20:41:57] Jay Golant says: Looks like I'm gonna be on containment, sarge.
[20:41:58] (( (397) Deputy Mouser FatCatTuxedo: /afa ))
[20:42:02] Adam Callejo says: I'm gunna get us a van, Jack.
[20:42:02] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: thanks mouser ))
[20:42:06] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Jacob Avila says: I wunna have two BearCats. I want
three in each.
[20:42:23] Sonia Kavanagh says: Wonder who they're bringing for the sniff, then.
[20:42:35] Sonia Kavanagh says: Yeah, sounds like our only play.
[20:42:46] [INFO] To use the additional seats, use Shift + G
[20:42:46] [INFO] To switch seats inside the vehicle use Arrow Left or Arrow Right
[20:42:48] Jay Golant says: You wanna do the honors? Or you wanna leave it with me?
[20:43:04] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 82, use /radioshow to see the
music player.
[20:43:14] Jay Golant says: OK!
[20:43:26] [HQ] Sergeant Ira Southard has gone off duty!
[20:43:31] * Sonia Kavanagh gave Jacob a thumbsup while walking past the big
armored car.
[20:43:33] Waypoint set on the GPS by Jacob Avila.
[20:43:34] Waypoint set on the GPS by Jacob Avila.
[20:43:39] * Randall Graham rocks his plate carrier and helmet.
[20:43:39] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[20:43:39] * Log Number: 23-146331
[20:43:39] * Phone Number: 7358513 (Victoria Cavalcanti)
[20:43:39] * Location: Prestige Sessanta Nove.
[20:43:39] * Situation: We got a group trespassing in here.
[20:43:41] * Audrey Rabinowicz gears herself up in the back of the Bearcat. Her
vest is peeled on and done up, before her lid is buckled up.
[20:43:41] [INFO]: [02/OCT/2021] 280S
[20:43:46] Use /equipment db to not equip armor.
[20:43:48] [INFO]: [16/FEB/2023] Only LSSD personnel would have access to this
property through the gate.
[20:44:19] Jacob Avila says: Less go.
[20:44:30] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno has gone on duty!
[20:44:36] You have placed a Carbine Rifle Mk2 in the vehicle.
[20:44:37] You have taken a SMG from the vehicle.
[20:44:58] (( (144) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno: tf why do I have a
black screen ))
[20:45:04] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Michael Donahue has gone on duty!
[20:45:05] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: using reshade? ))
[20:45:08] (( (144) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno: no ))
[20:45:18] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 82, use /radioshow to see the
music player.
[20:45:20] (( (144) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno: ok nvm ))
[20:45:29] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Martin Salerno says: 246 Frank, where's the warrant
taking place?
[20:45:42] * Audrey Rabinowicz hops out of the back of the ARV with a loaded MP5 in
hand. She adjusts the strap on her way out.
[20:45:42] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Jacob Avila says: You're late, stay at the station.
[20:45:42] > Audrey Rabinowicz reaches for a weapon.
[20:45:48] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Jacob Avila says: Don't bother comin, we're already
[20:45:54] You have switched your weapon-mode to AUTO!
[20:45:58] You can now press K to unfreeze yourself. Do not hold W while doing so.
[20:46:14] Steven Yeung says: Three, twelve?
[20:46:17] Randall Graham says: Yeah.
[20:46:22] David Plumley says: Mhm.
[20:46:22] Gabriel Parera says: Thas right.
[20:46:25] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Jacob Avila says: OK guys... I'm gunna need a ram N
a camera. Floor 3 N room 12.
[20:46:26] * Randall Graham stacks up with his teammates.
[20:46:31] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I'll go grab the ram.
[20:46:44] > Audrey Rabinowicz opens the trunk of the car.
[20:46:58] * Audrey Rabinowicz makes her way out. She clambers up into the back of
the ARV and secures the ram. She hauls it out and lugs it inside.
[20:47:02] [HQ] Sergeant Sonia Kavanagh has gone off duty!
[20:47:06] You can now press K to unfreeze yourself. Do not hold W while doing so.
[20:47:15] ** [S: 7 | CH: SEB] Steven Yeung says: Hey— Pick it up, let's get this
done quick so the detectives can do their job.
[20:47:25] * Audrey Rabinowicz lugs the ram along with her.
[20:47:25] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[20:47:25] * Log Number: 23-146332
[20:47:25] * Phone Number: 59187440 (Malcolm Harrelson)
[20:47:25] * Location: Vinewood Casino.
[20:47:25] * Situation: Two masked individuals down by fire shots.
[20:47:25] The Fire Department has also been alerted of this call!
[20:47:28] Audrey Rabinowicz says: Who'm I passing this off to?
[20:47:38] David Hoagland says: The first guy, I guess.
[20:47:41] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Martin Salerno has gone off duty!
[20:47:44] Jacob Avila says: Up to Steve.
[20:47:57] * Audrey Rabinowicz passes the ram around the stack up towards Steven.
[20:47:59] Steven Yeung says: Graham on breach.
[20:48:03] Randall Graham says: Good.
[20:48:06] Gabriel Parera says: I got cam.
[20:48:07] * Randall Graham intercepts it.
[20:48:11] > Audrey Rabinowicz reaches for a weapon.
[20:48:12] Steven Yeung says: Parera, go ahead.
[20:48:22] [HQ] Supervising Dispatcher Chantelle Williams has gone on duty!
[20:48:23] ** [LSSD -> LAW] Kyle Adams: Sheriff's Air 20 is available for Air
support requests. **
[20:48:34] * Randall Graham gets the forty ready.
[20:48:43] * The team would climb their way to the third floor. (( Randall
Graham ))*
[20:48:49] (( (640) Deputy Sheriff Steven Medina: hello ))
[20:48:51] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Steven Medina has gone on duty under 280G13!
[20:49:06] * Randall Graham hits the door handle a couple of times with the forty.
[20:49:27] (( (448) Randall Graham: disregard my /me ))
[20:49:28] Steven Yeung says: Wait— Get the cam going.
[20:50:04] Steven Yeung says: Parera, let us know when the feed is live.
[20:50:05] * Gabriel Parera slides the camera under the 3rd room's door. He pushes
it a little bit with his hand. He shifts his gaze to the monitor, trying to get a
clear image.
[20:50:16] (( PM from (325) Jack Hall: whats the command ? ))
[20:50:31] (( (544) Gabriel Parera: bugged interior ))
[20:50:35] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Vapid Sandstorm Closest Street: Hillcrest Avenue
[20:50:50] (( (333) Peak.: Room 12? ))
[20:50:52] (( (544) Gabriel Parera: yeah ))
[20:50:53] You are too far away.
[20:50:53] (( (340) Steven Yeung: Yeah. ))
[20:50:57] The ID of Jäkko Miller is 14
[20:50:57] The ID of Alexander Miller is 31
[20:50:57] The ID of Ava Mille is 103
[20:50:57] The ID of Randall Allen is 108
[20:50:57] The ID of Adam Callejo is 217
[20:50:57] The ID of Chantelle Williams is 393
[20:50:57] The ID of Avis Miller is 407
[20:50:57] The ID of Llewelyn Mayfield is 419
[20:50:57] The ID of Noah Keller is 456
[20:50:57] The ID of Michelle Tran is 614
[20:50:57] The ID of Travis Miller is 646
[20:50:57] The ID of Alyssa Miller is 649
[20:50:58] [HQ] Detective Stephen Wagner has gone on duty under 280G1!
[20:51:08] (( (333) Peak.: Unlocked for SC. ))
[20:51:12] (( (544) Gabriel Parera: ty ))
[20:51:34] Randall Graham says: We all ready?
[20:51:37] Steven Yeung says: Wait.
[20:51:42] Steven Yeung says: The cam is still running.
[20:51:52] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Lorena Gonzales says: Paleto 64 is going to be
code-6 on a t-stop of a gray Primo, occupied twice at Senora Freeway by the Route
68 offramp. Index is AMW590.
[20:51:54] ** [LSSD -> LAW] Jacob Avila: Sheriff's Special Enforcement Bureau will
be making entry to a domicile on the 20 block of Fantastic. Ignore any alarms,
please. **
[20:52:06] Steven Yeung says: Plumley, point— We follow him in.
[20:52:09] * Gabriel Parera shows a thumb up behind him.
[20:52:11] David Plumley says: Y'all ready?
[20:52:13] Gabriel Parera says: Footage's up.
[20:52:14] Audrey Rabinowicz says: I'm set.
[20:52:15] David Hoagland says: Reaady!
[20:52:17] Steven Yeung says: Flood the room, clear any rooms— Make sure to have
someone else with you.
[20:52:21] Steven Yeung says: Tune into S-TAC.
[20:52:28] * Audrey Rabinowicz turns the knob on her radio.
[20:52:30] * Steven Yeung reaches back, turning the knob.
[20:52:32] * Jacob Avila turns a knob on his radio.
[20:52:36] Steven Yeung says: On you Dave.
[20:52:38] * David Plumley flicks a knob on his APX.
[20:52:38] * Gabriel Parera turns the knob on his radio.
[20:52:47] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: Paleto 64 you're code
six with a gray Primo occupied twice on the Senora Freeway adjacent to the Route 68
off-ramp. RO is a Bruce Kahler, no wants, no priors, valid license.
[20:52:47] Steven Yeung says: Whenever Graham breaks through the door.
[20:52:50] * Randall Graham hits the door handle with the ram a couple of times. He
hits it harder and harder to bang it open.
[20:52:55] Steven Yeung says: On you, Dave.
[20:52:56] * Peak. flips a coin and lands it on Tails ((COIN))
[20:53:00] Steven Yeung says: We're following you.
[20:53:03] * He does not succeed. (( Peak. ))*
[20:53:04] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 33, use /radioshow to see the
music player.
[20:53:05] ** [SANFIRE -> LSSD] Alex Jorgensen: San Fire for SCC. **
[20:53:16] (( (333) Peak.: Dw ))
[20:53:16] (( (340) Steven Yeung: GO back outside ))
[20:53:17] ** [LSSD -> SANFIRE] Chantelle Williams: Sheriff's Communications
Center, go ahead? **
[20:53:17] (( (333) Peak.: Go go go ))
[20:53:19] (( (333) Peak.: its fine ))
[20:53:20] (( (544) Gabriel Parera: ah ))
[20:53:26] Steven Yeung says: On me.
[20:53:29] Jacob Avila says: Bathroom's good!
[20:53:29] Gabriel Parera says: On you.
[20:53:31] Steven Yeung says: Clear.
[20:53:39] David Plumley shouts: Yo, yo, all clear!
[20:53:40] Randall Graham shouts: Living room's clear!
[20:53:45] [HQ] Sergeant Britney Gaia has gone on duty under 280DL!
[20:53:46] * Gabriel Parera pops the closet open, he aims with it rifle.
[20:53:49] ** [SANFIRE -> LSSD] Alex Jorgensen: Frank 2, incoming to TTCF's sally
port with one - Got any custody deputies you could spare? **
[20:53:54] Steven Yeung says: Uh— All clear, I'll notify detective.
[20:54:05] David Plumley says: Crazy ass flags they got goin.
[20:54:07] * Gabriel Parera watches under the bed, looking for someone hidden under
[20:54:08] * David Hoagland looks at the flags for a moment, perking a brow.
[20:54:09] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Steven Yeung says: 240 William 1, hey— The room
is clear. SEB's heading out, go ahead and send the dog.
[20:54:22] [INFO]: [05/JUL/2023] The door has been busted open over the site of the
[20:54:37] [INFO] To use the additional seats, use Shift + G
[20:54:37] [INFO] To switch seats inside the vehicle use Arrow Left or Arrow Right
[20:54:46] * Jacob Avila clips his Team Wendy to his vest.
[20:54:57] Admin Naeno permanently Rockstar banned Xavier Tejero for reason: [Dying
and then metagaming with friends to loot the corpse to return the weapon.]
[20:54:57] David Plumley says: Hey, have at it y'all. It's clear.
[20:54:59] * Randall Graham heaves out a deep sigh.
[20:55:00] * Jay Golant tugs on the canine's leash, then walks along at a quick
[20:55:01] Adam Callejo says: Dope.
[20:55:03] Francis Ramirez says: Thanks.
[20:55:07] David Plumley says: Mhm, anytime.
[20:55:07] * Audrey Rabinowicz pulls her lid off and hooks it to her carrier.
[20:55:09] * Steven Yeung unstraps his EXFIL, leaving it on the steps of the
[20:55:13] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Samuel Montero has gone off duty!
[20:55:18] * Randall Graham stores the ram in the back of the ARV.
[20:55:34] * Gabriel Parera places the camera back inside. He doesn't bother
closing the doors behind him.
[20:55:35] Audrey Rabinowicz whispers: Didja get that Canine girl's number at the
[20:55:43] Jacob Avila whispers: Yuuup.
[20:55:48] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: Frank 8, if you could
refer to the Mutual Aid frequency for SanFire.
[20:55:48] Audrey Rabinowicz whispers: Are y'all gonna bellyslap?
[20:55:56] Jacob Avila whispers: Prolly not.
[20:56:09] * David Hoagland lets go off the H&K, leaving it hanging off the sling.
[20:56:10] Audrey Rabinowicz whispers: Why not? Are you scared of women who can
dead-lift you?
[20:56:10] * Cristina Velasquez remains in place beside the complex entrance as she
looks up and down the street.
[20:56:32] Jacob Avila whispers: No, I jus don't mess with other Deputies. Iss
[20:56:47] The ID of Jacob Avila is 231
[20:56:48] (( PM to (231) Jacob Avila: cap ))
[20:56:55] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Erik Alves says: Frank 8, I'll handle, SCC.
[20:57:06] Admin Naeno admin jailed Christopher Monroe for the reason:
[Facilitating in the metagaming and looting of a friends corpse to return a
weapon.] for 60 minutes
[20:57:19] * Jack Pescoluso folds his arms around his chest area while waiting
[20:57:19] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Wyatt Kolchin says: 806 David 3, backup to Sandy
Shores Medical centre; Detective outnumbered; we've got three here in relation to
the shooting from down the road.
[20:57:27] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Andy Caldera says: 61 Boy, show me 10-98, code to
Sandy Medical.
[20:57:40] * Randall Graham mumbles to his colleagues.
[20:58:09] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Andy Caldera says: 61 Boy, 10-97.
[20:58:42] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: Attention Paleto units,
806 David 3 is requesting backup to Sandy Shores Medical Center for scene security.
Units to respond routine in five or less, identify?
[20:58:44] Audrey Rabinowicz whispers: What're you doing later?
[20:58:51] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Malakai Collins says: Boy 2 Paul Adam; code six
and 10-6 on Adam's Apple cross Fantastic, SCC.
[20:58:52] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Michael Weaver says: 60 William 1, SCC, I'll be
there in seconds.
[20:58:56] * David Hoagland chuckles lightly.
[20:58:57] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: my bad scc ))
[20:59:05] Jacob Avila whispers: I dunno. Few beers N an early night?
[20:59:07] * Jack Pescoluso glances over his shoulder.
[20:59:07] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Jay Golant says: 280 Canine 3, I'm present in the
property now. I'll advise when the search is complete.
[20:59:16] Jack Pescoluso says: Ey there.
[20:59:18] (( (354) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Malakai Collins: Ooof, didn't notice
SCC online, sorry. ))
[20:59:19] Olivia Herrera says: Evenin'.
[20:59:22] Malakai Collins says: Hello.
[20:59:29] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: yeah same sorry ))
[20:59:30] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Felipe Ramirez says: 60 David Lincoln in one.
[20:59:33] Adam Callejo says: Search warrant.
[20:59:35] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: scc? yeah we love them ))
[20:59:37] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 806 David 3, advise if
this is an assistance or backup request? You said you have three individuals
related to a shooting scene, are they ssupects?
[20:59:50] Olivia Herrera says: Yeah? Who is being searched?
[21:00:07] Adam Callejo says: Uh... why?
[21:00:15] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Felipe Ramirez says: 60 David Lincoln, 10-97 at
Sandy med.
[21:00:22] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Felipe Ramirez says: 60 David Lincoln, 10-97 at
Sandy Medical Center.
[21:00:28] Malakai Collins says: This could potentially be a subject of ours, from
[21:00:41] Adam Callejo says: Naw, it's a dude.
[21:00:44] * Malakai Collins gestures towards Olivia.
[21:00:49] Malakai Collins says: Okay, her place is next door.
[21:01:00] Malakai Collins says: Think we can uh..quietly sneak in to make sure if
she's home?
[21:01:06] Malakai Collins says: Like...over there.
[21:01:10] Adam Callejo says: Yeah, I don't care.
[21:01:12] Adam Callejo says: Go head.
[21:01:15] Malakai Collins says: Cool.
[21:01:27] (( (572) Lieutenant Felipe Ramirez: cant see anybody ))
[21:01:32] (( (223) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Michael Weaver: buggy interior lol ))
[21:01:33] (( (475) Deputy Sheriff Erik Alves: what about me ))
[21:01:37] [HQ] Sergeant (P) Araceli Escarra has gone on duty under 280S!
[21:01:40] Malakai Collins says: Please tell me it is not the door that SEB is
[21:01:59] * Jack Pescoluso looks down at his wristwatch occasionally.
[21:02:22] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt has gone off duty!
[21:02:23] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Travis Miller says: 280 George 14, SCC.
[21:02:25] Malakai Collins says: Hold on, wait.
[21:02:30] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 280 George 14, go ahead?
[21:02:31] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Austin Levitt has gone on duty under 287!
[21:02:37] > Steven Yeung puts on their headphones.
[21:02:39] > Steven Yeung pulls down their headphones.
[21:02:41] * Jack Pescoluso bops his head thrice.
[21:02:43] [Character kill] Wu Carter has been killed.
[21:02:50] > Steven Yeung puts on their headphones.
[21:03:04] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Travis Miller says: Got what seems to be a downed
male on Magellan cross Vitus, unconscious but breathing. Start an RA for me please.
We're also going to be Code 6.
[21:03:06] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: F Wu Carter that's what
happen when u help ppl shooting me ))
[21:03:14] (( (217) Detective Adam Callejo: we convicted him ))
[21:03:19] (( (333) Detective Peak.: He just did it to avoid jail time. ))
[21:03:22] (( (160) Detective Jack Pescoluso: prob hung himself in ))
[21:03:29] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: lmao did he? ))
[21:03:30] > Steven Yeung pulls down their headphones.
[21:03:31] (( (169) Deputy Sheriff Cristina Velasquez: lmao ))
[21:03:36] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 280 George 14, 10-4,
code six on Magallen and Vitus for a person down, requesting 902R.
[21:03:38] (( (217) Detective Adam Callejo: yea we put him in jail 15 mins ago ))
[21:03:41] (( (333) Detective Peak.: Peak development ))
[21:03:48] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Chantelle Williams: Sheriff's Communications Center
for Fire Metro? **
[21:03:58] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro. **
[21:04:01] (( (169) Deputy Sheriff Cristina Velasquez: that the Black Buffalo STX
from last night? ))
[21:04:12] (( (217) Detective Adam Callejo: yes ))
[21:04:29] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: yeah plpfct1n ))
[21:04:30] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Travis Miller says: 280 George 14 for SCC.
[21:04:31] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: yeah ))
[21:04:33] (( (508) Sergeant Britney Gaia: really understood that ))
[21:04:37] (( (448) Deputy Sheriff Randall Graham: yeah ))
[21:04:46] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera: someone is playing
csgo ))
[21:04:52] (( (700) Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Andy Caldera: plpfct1n was his
plate!! ))
[21:04:59] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Chantelle Williams: Hey, can you roll an RA to
Magellan Avenue and Vitus Street in Vespucci? Victim is going to have blunt
injuries, unresponsive but breathing. **
[21:05:20] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: Hold the air, unit with
emergent go for?
[21:05:34] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Steven Medina says: 280 George 10, SCC. Ma'am. I
need a '28 on a Dennis Vong. Either an F or a V. Thank you.
[21:05:39] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, assistance to
Grove Street! One at gun-point, may be armed!!!
[21:05:40] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 280 George 10, standby.
[21:06:02] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[21:06:02] * Log Number: 23-146333
[21:06:02] * Phone Number: 5076 (Melissa Briggs)
[21:06:02] * Location: ULSA
[21:06:02] * Situation: An illegally parked car owner is harassing me.
[21:06:06] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: Attention all units,
Davis 287 is requesting assistance for a 706 Man with a Gun on Grove Street, units
to respond emergent, one or less, identify?
[21:06:08] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro, standby. **
[21:06:44] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[21:06:44] * Log Number: 23-146334
[21:06:44] * Phone Number: 6161 (Alisa Bazhanova)
[21:06:44] * Location: Downtown, Las Lagunas boulevard and Del perry Freeway.
[21:06:44] * Situation: We've seen your colleagues being shot by a dark blue car!
An Automatic rifle for sure! Many shots!
[21:06:44] The Fire Department has also been alerted of this call!
[21:06:55] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: 287 bagged? ))
[21:07:00] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: dea ))
[21:07:02] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, 998! Grove!
[21:07:04] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: zamn. ))
[21:07:16] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 280 Sam, the patch has
been activated regarding a 998 on Grove Street.
[21:07:18] (( (508) Sergeant Britney Gaia: Oh wow ))
[21:07:41] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, hey!! We hav e
someone down on Grove behind the houses towards the south!
[21:07:42] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[21:07:42] * Log Number: 23-146335
[21:07:42] * Phone Number: 213555 (Tara Black)
[21:07:42] * Location: Hell on Hawick.
[21:07:42] * Situation: Someone's harassing me.
[21:07:49] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Kyle Adams says: Air 20. Suspect down, Grove
Circle behind a house on the southern side. Got a light over it. black sedan and
motorcycle in the driveway.
[21:07:55] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Chantelle Williams: Sheriff's Communications Center
for Fire Metro? **
[21:08:07] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Malakai Collins says: Boy 2 Paul Henry, 10-98
from Adam's Apple and code three to the 998 at Grove.
[21:08:13] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro, assembling units. **
[21:08:34] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[21:08:34] * Log Number: 23-146336
[21:08:34] * Phone Number: 909090 (Morrison Bradley)
[21:08:34] * Location: Hell on Hawick.
[21:08:34] * Situation: There's a guy harrasin' our staff and is refusin' to sleep,
already made harm to the property too.
[21:08:41] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Felipe Ramirez says: 60 David Lincoln?
[21:08:46] ** [LSSD -> LSFD] Chantelle Williams: Hey, get us an additional RA to
Grove Street for a male with gunshot wounds, unresponsive but breathing. It's
inside the circle on the southern side. **
[21:08:55] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 60 David Lincoln, go
[21:09:15] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Felipe Ramirez says: 60 David Lincoln, can you
get me any available K9 unit out to Sandy Medical? Preferably FED.
[21:09:26] Steven Yeung says [low] (cellphone): Alright, when will you know the
final results? Will you give me a call back or?
[21:09:37] Steven Yeung says [low] (cellphone): Yeah, sure. I'll swing by to check
it out.
[21:09:40] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 240 David, if you can
get any FED Canine to 10-31 to L-TAC-2 for 60 David Lincoln.
[21:09:52] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 60 David Lincoln, 10-31
to L-TAC-2 for further.
[21:09:52] * Franco Tigreal watches the scene.
[21:10:08] Franco Tigreal says: Damn, there's a raid, officers?!
[21:10:10] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Adam Callejo says: Hey, how's it going in there?
[21:10:16] * Jacob Avila looks over his shoulder.
[21:10:25] Jacob Avila says: Ey... keep it movin please, sir. You're in the
[21:10:26] ** [S: 4 | CH: LTAC-2] Felipe Ramirez says: 60 David Lincoln's by.
[21:10:28] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Jay Golant says: 280 Canine 3, nothing as of yet.
We're just workin our way through the kitchen.
[21:10:31] Franco Tigreal says: It's my neighbour!
[21:10:33] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Adam Callejo says: 10-4.
[21:11:05] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, SCC, put out an
IAB use of force pager for the 998 on Grove, as well as homicide.
[21:11:26] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 280 Sam, 10-4 ma'am.
[21:12:36] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, gonna need a 902R
down to Grove Street, got a male down with numerous gunshot wounds. No pulse.
[21:13:01] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Classique Broadway Closest Street: Melanoma Street
[21:13:03] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 280 Sam, 10-31 to L-TAC-
1 for your scene on Grove Street... 60 David Lincoln, you 10-31 to L-TAC-2 for your
incident, thank you.
[21:13:19] ** [S: 4 | CH: LTAC-2] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam.
[21:13:28] ** [LSFD -> LSSD] Sage Wagner: Fire Metro to SCC, apologies for the
delay Rescue 99 and 98 will be dispatched to both of your calls, ETA three. **
[21:13:38] ** [S: 4 | CH: LTAC-2] Felipe Ramirez says: 60 David Lincoln?
[21:13:50] ** [S: 4 | CH: LTAC-2] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, I'm by.
[21:14:07] Steven Yeung says [low]: Hey, L-T. Am I clear to leave? Gotta handle
some emergency personal issues.
[21:14:27] Steven Yeung says [low]: Alright.
[21:14:30] Steven Yeung says: Safe shift, boys.
[21:14:48] * Randall Graham checks his wristwatch.
[21:14:57] ** [S: 4 | CH: LTAC-2] Felipe Ramirez says: Uh, 10-4. What do you need
from me?
[21:15:05] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell has gone on duty!
[21:15:11] ** [S: 4 | CH: LTAC-2] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam... I don't need
[21:15:16] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Steven Yeung has gone off duty!
[21:15:24] ** [S: 4 | CH: LTAC-2] Felipe Ramirez says: 10-4. I think you're on the
wrong channel.
[21:15:33] * Jack Pescoluso sticks his hands into his pockets.
[21:15:41] ********** EMERGENCY CALL **********
[21:15:41] * Log Number: 23-146337
[21:15:41] * Phone Number: 07071694 (Ava Mille)
[21:15:41] * Location: Car alarm going off on Goma cross Magellan.
[21:15:41] * Situation: Car alarm going off on Goma cross Magellan.
[21:15:46] ** [S: 4 | CH: LTAC-2] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Uh... 10-4.
[21:15:50] (( (190) Sergeant (P) Araceli Escarra: 280 Sam** ))
[21:16:08] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, hey, can I have
this crime scene taped up until IAB is here?
[21:16:18] [HQ] Detective Esther Cohen has gone on duty under D5A1!
[21:16:30] Admin Naeno permanently Rockstar banned Briceson Armstrong for reason:
[Facilitating in the process of looting a friends firearm and then returning it.
Prior ajail for exact scenario.]
[21:16:35] [HQ] Detective John Porter has gone on duty!
[21:16:38] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Adam Callejo says: Update on the dog?
[21:16:56] Admin Naeno permanently Rockstar banned Christopher Monroe for reason:
[Facilitating in the process of looting a friends firearm and then returning it.
Metagaming ring.]
[21:17:04] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: naeno banning everyone ))
[21:17:04] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Jay Golant says: 280 Canine 3, we're now in the
livin area. Once again, nothin as of yet.
[21:17:13] (( (601) Sergeant Christopher Grimm: me next me next ))
[21:17:15] * Jack Pescoluso wafts his hand dismissively.
[21:17:17] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Adam Callejo says: About how long left?
[21:17:17] Jack Pescoluso shouts: Find another route!
[21:17:20] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: naeno doing what should've been
done years ago :pray: ))
[21:17:27] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell has gone off duty!
[21:17:36] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Jay Golant says: I'd say, another ten minutes or
[21:17:42] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Adam Callejo says: Alright.
[21:17:45] (( (474) Deputy Sheriff Audrey Rabinowicz: nah bro it took then 16 years
to build this case. the average report taking a month ))
[21:17:48] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] John Porter says: David 5 Adam 4 is 10-8 and
enroute to Grove street, reference pager 0-3-4-8-6.
[21:18:04] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, roll me a coroner
van down to Grove Street for three deceased males.
[21:18:25] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: Davis 287, 10-4.
[21:18:37] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] John Porter says: David 5 Adam 4, 10-97.
[21:18:37] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Felipe Ramirez says: 60 David Lincoln?
[21:18:44] (( (641) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: time to get me some hair back.
[21:19:00] (( (601) Sergeant Christopher Grimm: dont pg u have to let it grow back
over the course of 6 weeks ))
[21:19:07] ** [LSSD -> DMEC] Chantelle Williams: Sheriff's Communications Center,
get a coroner van to Grove Street for a deceased body, confirmed by fire. **
[21:19:12] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 60 David Lincoln, go
[21:19:14] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Felipe Ramirez says: 60 David Lincoln, any ETA on
that canine unit for Sandy Medical Center?
[21:19:22] (( (641) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: I wasn't about to go from bald
to afro, lmao. ))
[21:19:30] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: he just grew a mullet ))
[21:19:40] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 60 David Lincoln,
standby I'll put out a pager.
[21:19:40] (( (601) Sergeant Christopher Grimm: ill allow it. mullets are
pogchamp ))
[21:19:45] (( (641) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: LOL ))
[21:19:48] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: i know alexander in rp has weak hair
follicles, will take at least 12 weeks to grow ))
[21:20:10] (( (641) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: u never rped with me, now
who's pging ))
[21:20:19] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: im in your walls ))
[21:20:25] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Kyle Adams has gone off duty!
[21:20:25] (( (641) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: suffocating? ))
[21:20:50] ********** LS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT LANDLINE **********
[21:20:50] * Phone Number: 13053050 (unregistered)
[21:20:50] * Message: Uh, hi. I'm at Davis Sheriff's Station, I need'a' speak to a
deputy, in person, about gettin' my court ordered tag fitted. Can someone come
over? I'm at the front desk.
[21:21:02] (( (676) Deputy Sheriff David Hoagland: my character is addicted to
buying fishes, he can't resist going to a fish shop off duty and look at the fishes
for hours. He'll eventually keep wasting his money at all times. Anybody have a
same problem? ))
[21:21:14] (( (640) Deputy Sheriff Steven Medina: i like turtles ))
[21:21:22] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: im the same but with small frogs ))
[21:21:24] (( (641) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: i like turtle soup ))
[21:21:29] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Todd Webster has gone on duty!
[21:21:37] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Gerald Colburn has gone on duty!
[21:22:07] Jack Pescoluso says: I'll tag along.
[21:22:12] (( (233) Undersheriff Jonathan Medina: Hello ))
[21:22:15] (( (564) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: Lucky. ))
[21:22:16] (( (160) Detective Jack Pescoluso: hello boss ))
[21:22:17] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: hello joey ))
[21:22:17] (( (186) Detective Esther Cohen: yo ))
[21:22:23] (( (233) Undersheriff Jonathan Medina: Whats the word fellas ))
[21:22:27] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: 998 ))
[21:22:35] (( (601) Sergeant Christopher Grimm: kill me ))
[21:22:37] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus II) Travis Miller has gone off duty!
[21:22:39] (( (233) Undersheriff Jonathan Medina: MonkaS ))
[21:22:40] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff Oscar Cooper has gone off duty!
[21:22:41] [HQ] Undersheriff Jonathan Medina has gone on duty!
[21:23:19] [HQ] Detective Francis Ramirez has gone off duty!
[21:23:30] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Christopher Grimm says: Paleto 60 Sam.
[21:23:40] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: Paleto 60 Sam, go ahead.
[21:24:09] ** [LSPD -> LAW] Robert Evans: Police K9-13, crime broadcast on a black
Torrence, three deep. Wanted for double Capital Murder, last seen going Northbound
on Las Lagunas Boulevard, towards the Hawick Plaza. **
[21:24:20] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Christopher Grimm says: We're code four here on
Seaview N' East Joshua. Can you advise 61 Boy that the vic' was pronounced at 2123
[21:24:21] Jonathan Carter says: Plumley, get your fucking ass up before I make
[21:24:32] * David Plumley hobbles up off the bench with a yawn.
[21:24:44] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 10-4, code four on
Seaview and East Joshua.
[21:25:15] ** [S: 2 | CH: TTCF] Erik Alves says: Alves to control, pop 303.
[21:25:53] 911 | Security Firm | A customer's vehicle alarm was set off. Model:
Albany Landstalker G Closest Street: Vitus Street
[21:26:04] Jonathan Carter says: Detective.
[21:26:14] Adam Callejo says: Hey.
[21:26:14] * Jack Pescoluso ups his chin at Carter.
[21:26:15] Jack Pescoluso says: Hey.
[21:26:17] Jonathan Carter says: We have an armed pursuit in A-TAC— Will you manage
[21:26:26] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Jay Golant says: 280 Canine 3, we're comin down
now. Nothin has been detected in this property.
[21:26:29] Jack Pescoluso says: You gotta ask Callejo over there, he's the one in
[21:26:38] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 280 David Lincoln,
confirm he's armed?
[21:26:47] Jonathan Carter says: Detective, we'll be clearing off to the armed
pursuit in A-TAC.
[21:26:48] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 10-4, orange shirt, over
what ma'am?
[21:26:49] Adam Callejo says: Yup.
[21:26:54] (( (572) Lieutenant Felipe Ramirez: brb ))
[21:26:54] Jonathan Carter shouts: Mount up!
[21:26:55] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Adam Callejo says: 10-4.
[21:26:56] Jack Pescoluso says: Good luck, gentlemen.
[21:26:56] [INFO] To use the additional seats, use Shift + G
[21:26:56] [INFO] To switch seats inside the vehicle use Arrow Left or Arrow Right
[21:27:00] Randall Graham says: Take care bro!
[21:27:03] [XM Radio] You're now listening to station 82, use /radioshow to see the
music player.
[21:27:04] Jack Pescoluso says: Let's get going then.
[21:27:13] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Gabriel Parera has gone off duty!
[21:27:13] You have placed a SMG in the vehicle.
[21:27:14] You have taken a Carbine Rifle Mk2 from the vehicle.
[21:27:17] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Adam Callejo says: We're going 98, thanks for the
[21:27:33] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Cristina Velasquez says: Davis 283, 10-98.
[21:27:45] ** [LSSD -> LSPD] Isaac Toh: Sheriff's Davis 280 David Lincoln, Police?
[21:27:49] ** [S: 3 | CH: LTAC-1] Jay Golant says: No problem. Glad I could help.
[21:27:50] [HQ] Lieutenant Felipe Ramirez has gone off duty!
[21:27:52] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 10-4, patch closed at
21:27 for that pursuit.
[21:27:54] ** [LSPD -> LSSD] Claire Weiss: Police Robert Ten David, go ahead. **
[21:27:59] Employment information: You've already worked 16 hours this week, for a
contract of 20 hours.
[21:28:10] ** [LSFD -> LAW] Jacqueline Cooper: Lifeguard Rescue 10 fer LEOs, we got
numerous shots fired, north east of tower one. Can we get units here t' clear
before we move in? **
[21:28:37] ** [LSSD -> LSPD] Isaac Toh: Sheriff's Davis 280 David Lincoln... we
were in pursuit with a BMX that one of your officers were seen shooting at. They
were last seen in the area of Davis, behind the fire station. **
[21:28:49] ** [LSPD -> LSSD] Claire Weiss: Roger, I'll have units sweep. **
[21:28:53] You have placed a Carbine Rifle Mk2 in the vehicle.
[21:28:53] [HQ] Lieutenant Jonathan Carter has gone off duty!
[21:28:57] INFO: You need to open the trunk of the emergency vehicle first.
[21:28:58] The vehicle is locked.
[21:29:03] INFO: You need to open the trunk of the emergency vehicle first.
[21:29:04] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Jay Golant says: 280 Canine 3's 10-98.
[21:29:05] > Audrey Rabinowicz opens the trunk of the car.
[21:29:07] Abusing this command will get you severely punished. You must send an
emote about performing this action.
[21:29:07] INFO: You took your special helmet OFF.
[21:29:08] > Audrey Rabinowicz closes the trunk of the car.
[21:29:22] (( PM from (503) Antonio Ruiz: WOMAN SEB WOMAN SEB ))
[21:29:28] (( PM to (503) Antonio Ruiz: :) ))
[21:29:37] You can now press K to unfreeze yourself. Do not hold W while doing so.
[21:29:40] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Hector Zavala has gone on duty under
[21:29:41] You unlocked the door lock.
[21:29:42] You locked the door lock.
[21:29:49] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: who the fuck changed the radio on my
take home. You will be fed to a k9. ))
[21:29:55] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: i did. ))
[21:29:58] (( (680) Deputy Sheriff Clara Alvarez: I did, ))
[21:30:00] (( (641) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: no i did ))
[21:30:03] (( (493) Deputy Sheriff Lorena Gonzales: WE did. ))
[21:30:04] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: meet me grove circle. I'll take you all
on. ))
[21:30:05] (( (169) Deputy Sheriff Cristina Velasquez: I did that ))
[21:30:05] (( (564) Sergeant Alan Woodfill: Problem? ))
[21:30:08] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: Weak hair follicles and all. ))
[21:30:10] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Austin Levitt says: Davis 287, 923s at the Davis
[21:30:20] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Hector Zavala has gone off duty!
[21:30:22] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Hector Zavala has gone on duty under
[21:30:25] (( (641) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: lmao ))
[21:30:29] (( (544) Contractor Dominic Lim: hello ))
[21:30:36] (( (601) Sergeant Christopher Grimm: RIP gabby p ))
[21:30:39] (( (641) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: who u? ))
[21:30:51] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Christopher Grimm says: Paleto 60 Sam, 10-98.
[21:30:51] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: Davis 287 is reporting
923s at the Davis LTD, Davis 287 the patch has been activated for coordination,
units to respond code three one or less, identify?
[21:31:01] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Hector Zavala has gone off duty!
[21:31:05] [HQ] Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I) Hector Zavala has gone on duty under
[21:31:24] (( (640) Deputy Sheriff Steven Medina: hello who wanna patrol with me
type 123 (nobody) ))
[21:31:33] (( (641) Deputy Sheriff Alexander Powell: 321 ))
[21:31:44] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Araceli Escarra says: 280 Sam, SCC, cancel the
IAB pager, I'll file the UOF package, Homicide's already on scene.
[21:31:48] (( (640) Deputy Sheriff Steven Medina: oss logged off no wim lonely ))
[21:31:50] (( (544) Deputy Sheriff Dominic Lim: 69 ))
[21:31:52] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Chantelle Williams says: 280 Sam, 10-4 ma'am.
[21:32:00] (( (503) Detective Antonio Ruiz: oss did not log off ))
[21:32:02] ** [S: 1 | CH: DISP-5] Todd Webster says [low]: 283 Henry, SCC. Got a
black Buffalo pulled on Innocence near Strawberry. Plates WRJ-872. One head, left
the area of the last 923.

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