Greece and Middle Eastern Mouasdassaas

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Memorandum of Understanding


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), represented by its

Secretary-General ,


The State of Qatar, hereinafter referred to as "Qatar,"

The Republic of Iraq, hereinafter referred to as "Iraq,"


Recognizing the ongoing crisis in the Middle East and the need for collective
security and stability in the region, the Parties hereby enter into this Memorandum
of Understanding under the leadership of Greece to promote peace and security
through cooperation, mutual defense, and the sharing of defense and weapon

Article 1: Leadership under Greece

1.1. Greece shall assume leadership within NATO for the purposes of this
Memorandum of Understanding, including strategic decisions related to the Middle

1.2. Greece shall coordinate and lead joint efforts in the Middle East, with the
support and cooperation of NATO and the Allied Countries.

Article 2: Accession to NATO

2.1. Qatar, and Iraq express their intent to join NATO as member states under the
leadership of Greece.
llective Defense

3.1. The Parties agree to invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which states that an
armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against all,
upon approval of NATO's governing bodies

3.2. In the event of an armed attack or threat of aggression in the Middle East,
NATO, under the leadership of Greece, and the Allied Countries pledge their full
support to defend Greece, Qatar, and Iraq as NATO member states.

Defense and Weapon Systems Sharing

4.1. The Parties agree to cooperate in the sharing of defense and weapon systems,
subject to the national security interests of each Party.

NATO, under the leadership of Greece, and the Allied Countries commit to providing
technical assistance, training, and resources to enhance the defense capabilities of
Greece, Qatar, and Iraq.

Crisis Resolution

5.1. The Parties commit to working together to contribute to the peaceful

resolution of the ongoing crisis in the Middle East and any security concerns in the

Amendments and Modifications

6.1. Any amendments or modifications to this Memorandum of Understanding shall

require the consent of all Parties, with Greece in a leadership role in the
decision-making process.

Amendments and Modifications

7.1. Any amendments or modifications to this Memorandum of Understanding shall
require the consent of all Parties, with Greece in a leadership role in the
decision-making process.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorized representatives of the

Parties, have executed this Memorandum of Understanding.

Done at [City], on [Date] in English, Arabic, Greek, and French languages, all texts

being equally authentic. In case of any divergence in interpretation, the English text

shall prevail.

For Greece:


For Qatar:


For Iraq:




Secretary-General of NATO

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