Oct 9

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Fr. Peter Proulx, Pastor Fr. Ryan Holly, Associate Pastor Deacon Don Smith 331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396 Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6 Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663
Web Site: http://sfxrenfrew.wordpress.com/ E mail: sfx.parish@on.aibn.com

St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.



PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: We pray for our loved ones who have died recently. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND SHUT-IN: Let us raise up in prayer those who seek Gods healing love, those at the hospital, hospice and at home especially Pat Preen, John Albert, Joan Faye Prince and Gladys McNulty. May your struggle be consoled by Christs love.

ON OUR WAY WITH JESUS: Our annual program to assist parents in the preparation of their children for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist is about to begin. Registration forms are available at the parish office. We would ask that parents make every effort to register as soon as possible.

Our first family meeting is on Monday, Oct. 24th at 7:30 p.m. in the church. INTRODUCTION OF NEW SUNG MASS SETTING - REVISED ROMAN MISSAL
REVISION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL Attached to this weekend's bulletin is a copy of the revised texts of the people's parts in the revised Roman Missal. Please take the time to review and pray over these texts which we will start using November 26/27. Next weekend we will begin using the new sung Mass setting of the revised Roman Missal. Between now and then you can familiarize yourself with the music by listening to it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=RCqyIdtTFmg "And With Your Spirit"

In the new translation of The Roman Missal, one of the most noticeable changes comes in the short dialogue repeated four times during Mass: The Lord be with you. / And with your spirit. The peoples response is a more accurate translation of the Latin Et cum spiritu tuo. This translation also help us to see the dialogues roots in scripture. For example, in the letter to the Galatians, Saint Paul writes, The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters (6:18, NRSV; see also Philippians 4:23 and Philemon 25). Saint Paul is speaking of the special gifts of the Holy Spirit poured out upon them. In the liturgy, this dialogue is only used when an ordained minister presides. Some of the early Church Fathers interpreted this as an allusion to the gift of the Spirit given by Christ in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. At the beginning of Mass, at the reading of the Gospel, at the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer, and just before the blessing and dismissal, priest and people exchange this dialogue of prayer, seeking the Lords presence in our midst. OCTOBER IS WORLD MISSION MONTH orld Mission Sunday is on October 23rd this year. This is a world wide collection for the missionary church that provides emergency aid when disasters strike, cares for refugees in war torn nations, and provides rural health clinics and transportation for priests, catechists, religious and lay pastoral workers. It provides financial support for the daily needs of all missionaries. Please pray for the missions and be generous on World Mission Sunday.

BEREAVEMENT GROUP will not meet this week due to Thanksgiving.


What is Women of Bethany? - The Women of Bethany exists in order to offer women a place of hope, refreshment and renewal. This is done through the ministries of prayer, music, hospitality and teaching. This year our theme is: John 19:27 Behold Your Mother. The Music Ministry Tour Music Director Julie Larocque is once again touring several parishes in the Ottawa region to promote the upcoming retreat weekend. She will sing a half hour of Praise & Worship music before Mass that would be typically sung at our retreat. Julie will be at St. Francis Xavier Parish on SATURDAY, OCT. 15 TH at 4:30 p.m. and SUNDAY, OCT. 16 th at 10:30 a.m. Come early and enjoy!


Please carefully note the times of the daily Liturgies
MON Oct. 10 TUE Oct. 11 9:30 a.m. WED Oct. 12 4:15 p.m. THUR Oct. 13 10:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. FRI Oct. 14 8:00 a.m. SAT Oct. 15 5:00 p.m. SUN Oct. 16 10:30 a.m. NO PARISH LITURGY Peter Adamchick Dorothy Recoskie Joyce Lavigne Harold & Barbara Gallagher BONNECHERE MANOR: Patrick John Gregg Est. of Beverley Gregg Bertha Beninger Don & Sheila Letts & Family Sunday Genevieve Stashick Isobelle Anderson offering: Stan Nighbor Wife, Rose OCTOber 2ND Pat Pouliot Her Friends Intentions of the Parishioners Father Proulx $4,985.35

29 Sunday in Ordinary Time
SATURDAY EVENING MASS - 5:00 p.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD C. Walters; J. Lemay MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY S. McCanna; M. Maloney; M. & V. Proulx MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST D. Mooney; K. & V. Windle; B. Brown; G. Harper SERVERS M. Brumm; R. Droppo CANTOR: C. Slight

October 16th, 2011

SUNDAY MORNING MASS 10:30 a.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD R. Russell; T. Wall MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY S. & K. Limlaw; T. & P. Rousselle EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS A. Blackburn; T. Fiebig; A.M. Millar; D; Yemen; D. Yantha SERVERS R. & T. Blackburn; A. & D. Limlaw CANTOR: J. Slight

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23rd, 2011

SATURDAY EVENING MASS - 5:00 p.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD A. M. Slight; M. Mahusky MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY S. & S. Walker; A. Hoare; J. Mahusky MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST D. Mooney; K. Harris; R. Bresee; T. Lemenchick; L. Armstrong SERVERS C. & K. Dowdall; V. Slight CANTOR K. Dowdall SUNDAY MORNING MASS 10:30 a.m. MINISTERS OF THE WORD J. Valliquette; M. Timm MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY A. Agnew; L. Sammom; D & S. Letts EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS M. Campbell S. ONeil; D. Varrin; A. & R. A. Dicker SERVERS E. McIntyre; B. & H. & M. Mahusky CANTOR- T.B.A

MASS SERVERS: We welcome five new Mass servers to our team Emily Saumure, Kellie Dowdall, Landen Zohr, Emily Freamo and Savanna Brown. We will have another training session on Saturday, October 15th at 10:00 a.m. here at the church. All servers are invited to join in this gathering to show support to our new servers. If any new young people who have not yet been trained wish to do so, please contact the parish office and know that we will do all we can to help.

The St. Francis Xavier C.W.L. News:

General Meeting: Tues., Oct. 11, 7 p.m. in the Large Hall. All welcome. Program: Fr. Proulx will speak on "Living Justice". Let us explore how we live our gospel values by working for a more just world. Members encouraged to bring a non-perishable item for the Food Bank. TEA & TALENT SALE: Saturday, November 12th from 1 4 p.m. in S.F.X. Hall. We will gratefuly accept donations of crafts (centrepieces, wreaths, sewing, knitting, etc.), squares (for the Tea Room), baked goods, candies, carvings, jams, jellies, pickles, books (no encyclopedias or Readers Digests), jewellery & collectibles, small items suitable for stocking stuffers and monetary donations for the event. Everyone welcome to donate. Info: Joan @ 432-9161.

PUBLIC EDUCATION SEMINAR: Planning for a Healthy & Prosperous Future: A discussion about capacity as it relates to Finances and Health Matters and Powers of Attorney. WED., OCTOBER 19TH from 6 9 p.m. IN GEM HALL, GROVES PARK. No Cost. See posters.
DIOCESAN YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: Join young adults at St. Columbkille Cathedral parish hall from 6:30 8:30 on the following upcoming dates: Oct. 14th, Nov. 11th and Dec. 9th. C.W.L. of ST. COLUMBKILLES CATHEDRAL, PEM PEMBROKE invites all to a WINE & CHEESE GALA on Saturday, October 22nd from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Ave., at the K. of C. Hall, 170 Ellis Ave., Pembroke. Cost: $25 / person. See posters for more info.

EVA OLSSON: will be in Renfrew in November to speak to the school children. The Parish will host Eva for an evening presentation. It will be a privilege to welcome her to our community and to join with you in welcoming many invited guests at your inPARISH SUPPERS vitation and ours as well. Please follow our plans ST. CASIMIRS, ROUND LAKE Oct. 9th for Evas presentation in upcoming bulletins. ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, ARNPRIOR Oct. 16th

GALILEE CENTRE AUTUMN RETREAT: presented by Fr. PhD, Jim Clarke, PhD, author of Creating Rituals A New Way of Healing in Everyday Life. Topic: Bring Life to Faith and 613-623Faith to Life. Oct. 28 30th. Registration @ 613-623-4242, ext 21. See posters or go to http://www.galileecentre.com/

THE BONNECHERE MANOR AUXILIARY ANNUAL BRIDGE PARTY: will be held on Thursday, October 20th at 7:30 p.m. in the new auditorium Renfrew Rotary Hall. The cost is $20 per person and includes prizes and refreshments. To reserve a table of four please call Eleanor Donaldson at 613-432-4312. All funds raised go to benefit the Bonnechere Manor residents.

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