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FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNAIR PROUDLY PRESENT ere Universitas Airlangga ke-69 69 Topik, 69 Pembicara dan Puluhan Topik bidang Spesialis Minggu, ~~ liveo i . e, ive On 15 Oktober 2023 © 08.007;20:00,WiB} ‘ais Zoom FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNAIR PROUDLY PRESENT PUTT Coico eM rol Cio lol) accel] Universitas Airlangga ke - 69 Webinar “Update in Clinical Practice: From Head to Toe” 69 Topik, 69 Pembicara dan Puluhan Topik Bidang Spesialis (08.00 ~ 08.10 : OPENING REMARKS. © 08.10 - 09.00 (Session 1: Basie Science) 1. Fat Burning Exercise? - Prof. Orr Bambang Purwanto M.Kes, 2. Danger & Warring: Sleep Disorders of Health Core Workers = Handi Suyono, cr, MiKed 3. Prenatal Diagnosis - dr. Eve Diah Setijowat, MS Med. {In Vitro Fertiizction (VF): What You Need to Know ~ ot Lia Natalia Hinting, MSc 5. Drug-drug interaction: How to Deal with ¢?~ dr Danti Nur Inciastuti, M ket © 0900 - 09.40 (Session 2: Anesthesia) |. Rational Selection of Analgesics - dr Ratri Dwi Indtioni, Sp, FIP, IPP 2 Difficult Vascular Access In Emmergency: Intraossesus Highlight ~ dr Sti Puspitasari Span 3. Oxygen Therapy in Daily Practice = di. Imam Suyuth, Sp.An 4, Drowning ~ dt. Arinlych Permanasari, Sp. An 1@ 0940 - 10.10 (Session 3: Clinical Diagnostic Support) 1. Sample Preparation for Sereening of Congenital Hypothyroidism in Newborn ~ Diah Puspita ini, de, Sp PKIK) 2 Histerocalpharaphy or Sonohisterography To Evaluate Fallopian Tube Patency in Making A Diignosi of infertility ~ of M, Ares Bucl Purwito, Sp. Reel 3. Principles of Diagnosis and Management of Scoliosis in Medical Rehabilitation Perepective ~ dd. Mira Saraswita Kumala SpKFR © 10.10 -10.30 (Session 4: Obstetric & Gynecology) 1. Holding Hand to Handle Stunting - dr Yustinasari $o06 2. Pre-eclampsia dr Rodiyah, SpOS © 10,30 - 10.50 (Session 5: Forensies & General Surgery) |. Rik Management, Effort to Reduce Legal Claims for Clinical Services ~ ek Galh Endaslita SBF 2. Appendicitis, An Overview - dt. Pamungkas Galh Prakoso, SpB © 1050 - 11.20 (Session 6: Digestive Surgery) |.Hemia at A Glance a. Hod Winote, Sp.B-KBD 2 All about Cholelthiasis ~ dr. Agung Buci Lermucl, Sp.8-KBD 3, Hemorchoide: How to Hnlle ~ ot Luciana Wardoyo, Sp.B-K8D Scon Here, sity WebinerDestatanreonaer | wage fil] Q coronene an Pon (RD Kul oN FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNAIR PROUDLY PRESENT Dies Natalis Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga ke - 69 Webinar “Update in Clinical Practice: From Head to Toe” 69 Topik, 69 Pembicara dan Puluhan Topik Bidang Spesialis © 11.20 - 11.40 (Session 7: Surgical Oncology) 1. Overview Hormoncl Therapy: It One Fit For All~ dr. Azril Okta Archiansyeh, SpB, SubSpOnk ik), FINACS 2. Vaccum Assisted Breast Excision: Minimally Invasive Procedure for Benign Breast Tumor Removal - dt Jacobus Octovienus, §p8, MCh, FICS © 11.40 - 12:10 (Session 8: Plastic Surgery) 1 Menagement Bur: An Update - d. Lynda Heriani, ce, Sp. B-REIK) 2.Chellopalate schiza- dt ipit Hendi Yani Sp. BP-RE 3. Modern Weund Care Treatment - a: Priscila, SoBPRE 12.10 - 12.20: BREAK © 12.20 - 13.00 (Session 9: Orthopedic Surgery) 1. Knee Osteoarthitis: How to Deol With and Current Treatment - AKBP dr Fidelis Hu Wicaksono, SpOT ik) 2. Basic Principles of Treating Sports Inures - ck. Ferdicnsi, cr, SoOT Ik) 3 Tigger Finger, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & De Quervain Tenosynevitis ~ de Anthoni Yusbido, SpOT 4 Osteoporosis: How to Diagnose and Current Management = The Etfencl ct, SPOT (K) © 13.00 - 13.30 (Session 10: Urology Surgery) 1. Current Treatment in Uroihiass - de Fencik Setiowan, Sp.U 2 Urinary Retention - dt. Anton Hermawain, SEU 3. Eniorgement of Prostate: Benign or Malignant? - ck: Tau Indrawon, Sp. U (© 13.30 - 14,50 (Session TI: Pediatrics) 1. Basic Principal in Peciatric Shock - lr Dwi Putri Lester SpA (K) 2.Febrie Seizure: The Essentials ~ dr. Dew Astasari Sp A 3. Diagnosis and Management of ron Deficiency Anemia - dr. Enny Zura, SpA 4 Risk Foctors and Early Detection of Stunting ~ dl. Divi Retro Wulancri, MKed. Kin, SpA 5, Breostfeeding: Effective Way to Prevent Stunting = dr. Ari Setycnvat, SpA 6. Acute Diarrhea in Children = ck Luh Ayu Ast Wijan. SpA 7. Dengve Vaccine: Innovative Prevention in Ginical Practice ~ dr: Meitza Madonai Sp A 8 An Overview of Diagnosis and Management of Urinary rect Infection in Children db Octavianus Eka saputra, SpA © 14,50 - 15.10 (Session 12: Neurosurgery) 1. Parkinson's Disease: Diagnose and Treatments - Dr. dr Achmad Fahmi Sp.8S (Kl, FINPS, IFAANS 2. Trigeminal Neuralgia: How To Diagnose and Recent Therapy = dr. Moh, Nurkholis Roufi Sp BS Occ ae oon aman (Kul on FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNAIR PROUDLY PRESENT Dies Natalis Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga ke - 69 Webinar “Update in Clinical Practice: From Head to Toe” 69 Topik, 69 Pembicara dan Puluhan Topik Bidang Spesialis © 15.10 - 15.40 (Session 13: Neurology) 1-Inttavenous Thrombolysis in Hyperacute Ischaemic Stroke - dr. Meryene, MiKes, Sp.N 2-Low Back Pain ~ dr. Nita Kuriawat, Sp. N 3.BPFV [Benign Peroxismal Positional Vertigo) - ck Yudityarini Priyanto, SpN © 15.40 - 16.20 (Session 14: Ophtaimology) 1. Eotly Detection of fye Health - dr. Lisanti Romadeno, SM 2. Acute Glaucoma - dr Martin Sondakh, SoM 3, Sudden Vieual Loss: Peers and Pitfalls - ck. Saul Ari Wijjo, SpM(K), PhO 4 Early Detection in Pediatrie Ophthalmology ~ dr. Niken Indah Noerdiyani Sp. M 16.20 - 16.30 : BREAK © 16.30 ~ 16.50 (Session 15: ENT - Head & Neck Surgery) 1. Eotly Detection of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma ~ dr. Denny Rizal SpTHT-EKL 2. Management of Tonlitis~ de Fire Soft, SpTHT-BKL © 16.50 - 1730 (Session 16: Internal Medicine) 1. Workup Anemia in Clinical Practice ~ dr. Muhammed Noor Diansyaih, Sp PD-KHOM- FINASIM 2.The Role of Endoscopy in Upper Gl Bleesing - a Alda Avisiena, Se.PD- FINASIM 3.Role of Insulin in T2DM? - Ach Syiful Lf, Sp.PD, FINASIM 4 Hyperglycemia Crsle Management - at Teguh Reha, Se.PD- KEMD-FINASIM 1730 ~ 12.40 : BREAK © 1740 - 18.10 (Session 16: Internal Medicine) 5. Clinical Management of Hyponatremict - dr. Prettysun Ang Mellow, Sp.PD-FINASIM 6, Diagnostic Approach of Rheumatic Diseases - dr. Ardyerini Dyah Savitri, Sp.PD-FINASIM 7. Gout Arthits Management - a. Ari Christy Mullone, Sp.PD-FINASIM © 18.10 - 18.50 (Session 17: Pulmonology) 1 Management of Asthma - df Titin Sholinah Agustina, Sp 2 Laten tuberculosis infection (LTB) - dt Sokinatus Syerifah, SBP 3. Screening for Lung Cancer - dt Deden Permana, Sp-P., Subse. OnkiK) 4 Ar Potion Ist Dangerous for Our Lung? - dr. Tsasongko Buclsetio , SpP Occ ae oon aman (Kul on FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNAIR PROUDLY PRESENT PUTT Coico eM rol Cio lol) accel] Universitas Airlangga ke - 69 Webinar “Update in Clinical Practice: From Head to Toe” 69 Topik, 69 Pembicara dan Puluhan Topik Bidang Spesialis © 18,50 - 1940 (Session 18: Cardiology & Vascular Medicine) |Limprovernent of Suvival in The Management of Acute Heart Failure ~ de Dwi Aryant, Sp. JP 2 Update on Acute Coronary Syndrome ~ ck. Luluk Dwi Yur, Sp, FA 3. Management of Acute Limb Ischemia ~ dk. Widyanion Piyo Pratomo SpuP-FIHA 4 Management of Deep Vein Thrombrs = dt. Nyoman Sukamiartadana, Sp, FMA 5. Management of Chranie Coronary Syndrome - dr. Ahmad Fazal Ami, SpJP © 1940 - 20.10 (Session 19: Dermatology & Venereology) 1 Combination Therapy of Adapolene, Benzoy/ Peroxide (BPO), ancl Azelaie Acid in Acne Vulgeris ~ ‘GrAnggraeni Noviandlni, Sp.OV, FINSDV 2. The Role of Moisturizer in Management of Dermatitis ~ c.Linda Astar, SpDVE. Subsp.DT, FINSDY, FAADV 3 Sunscreen: Myths vs Facts - dr Ratna Widyan), SpOVE 20.10 - 20.20 : CLOSING REMARKS. EEIEEED 2 Werrcienanrananes | aay fal Q coronene an Pon (RD Kul oN

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