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By: Azlan Magsi, Zavyan Jatoi, Ameera Mufti,

Ranya Mirza, Zoya Shahbazker and Sana
Inputs-Fertilizers require sulphur phosphate and gypsum-Zavyan Jatoi
Nitrogen based fertilizers:
Natural gas is used in a contemporary facility to create nitrogen fertilizer. Natural
gas, which is primarily methane, is improved by combining it with nitrogen from
the air to create nitrogen fertilizer over the course of multiple transformation
One of the most popular forms of fertilizers used to manufacture nitrogen so
that plants can thrive and grow strongly is nitrogen fertilizer. Ammonium
nitrates, urea, tetra amines, sodium nitrate, and chloride are typical sources of
plant-based nitrogen.
Inputs continuation-Zavyan Jatoi

Potassium based fertilizers:

Potassium sulfate can be extracted from the mineral langbeinite or it can be synthetized by
treating potassium chloride with sulfuric acid at high temperature. By adding magnesium
salts to potassium sulfate, a granular potassium-magnesium compound fertilizer can also
be produced.

The third important nutrient in commercial fertilizers is potassium. It has a significant

function in boosting agricultural yields and improving crop quality overall while aiding in
strengthening plants' disease resistance. Additionally, potassium shields the plant from
harm during cold or dry spells by bolstering its root system and preventing wilting.
Inputs continuation-Zavyan Jatoi

Phosphate Based Fertilizers:

From mined ores, phosphorus-based fertilizers are made. A variety of phosphate

fertilizers are made by first treating phosphate rock with sulphuric acid to create
phosphoric acid, which is then concentrated or combined with ammonia.

Put phosphorus fertilizer close to the seed when sowing it. In low-phosphorus
soils, this works really well because you only need half as much phosphorus as
when you scatter the fertilizer. Increase the pH of your soil by adding lime, which
will also decrease the amount of aluminum that is available in the soil.
Processes-Zavyan Jatoi

1)Raw Material Selection: The first step is to select the raw materials for the fertilizer production. Common raw
materials include nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium.

2)Mixing and Blending: The selected raw materials are then mixed and blended in specific proportions to create
a uniform fertilizer mixture. This ensures that the final product contains the desired nutrient content.

3)Granulation: The blended mixture is often converted into granules to improve handling, storage, and

4)Drying: The newly formed granules or pellets may contain moisture, which needs to be removed to prevent
clumping and improve shelf life. Drying is typically achieved through heat treatment.

5)Cooling: After drying, the fertilizer granules are cooled to room temperature to prevent them from sticking
Processes Continuation-Zavyan jatoi
6)Screening and Sizing: The granules are screened to separate them into different size fractions.
This helps achieve uniformity in nutrient distribution.

7)Quality Control: Rigorous quality control measures are taken to ensure that the fertilizer meets
the desired specifications for nutrient content, particle size, and other parameters.

8)Coating and Additives: Some fertilizers may undergo additional processes such as coating with
protective materials or the addition of micronutrients to enhance their performance.

9)Packaging: The final fertilizer product is packaged into bags, containers, or bulk shipments for
distribution to agricultural suppliers and farmers.

10)Distribution and Application: Fertilizers are distributed to agricultural markets and applied to soil
or plants to provide essential nutrients for crop growth
When referring to industries, the term ‘Output’ refers to the goods, products, or services produced
by that industry. Output can take various forms depending on the type of industry.

Production of Fertilizers: Pakistan has a significant fertilizer

industry that produces urea, DAP (diammonium phosphate),
MAP (monoammonium phosphate), and many other types of

Urea Production: Urea is the most widely used fertilizers in

Pakistan. The country has several urea manufacturing
plants, with production capacities distributed across
different provinces. It contains a high percentage of
nitrogen and is commonly applied to crops like wheat, rice,
and maize to enhance their growth and yield. Urea is a
crucial input for nitrogen supplementation in agriculture.
Outputs continuation
● ORGANIC FERTILIZERS: While chemical fertilizers dominate the market,
there is also a growing interest in organic and bio-fertilizers in Pakistan.
These products are derived from organic sources, such as compost,
manure, and microbial inoculants, and are used to improve soil health and
promote sustainable agriculture practices.

● CUSTOMIZED FERTILIZERS: Some companies offer customized fertilizer

blends based on soil testing and crop nutrient requirements. These tailored
formulations aim to optimize nutrient application for specific farms or

Outputs continuation

DAP and MAP Production: DAP and MAP are also essential fertilizers in Pakistan. These
are typically imported to meet the domestic demand, but some domestic production also

Potassium fertilizers: such as sulfate of potash (SOP) and muriate of potash (MOP), are
used to address potassium deficiencies in soils. Pakistan imports these fertilizers to
fulfill its agricultural requirements.

Export and Import: Pakistan may export surplus fertilizers to neighboring countries, and it
also imports fertilizers when domestic production is insufficient to meet the demands

● .

Contribution of Industry to Pakistan:

Fertilizers play a very important role in Pakistans agricultural prospects.

● Fertilizers are an essential industry for pakistans development; three quarters of
fertilizer is used up on wheat, cotton & rice.

● Various raw materials e.g sulphur, phosphate and gypsum are used in the
process of making fertilizer. After the discovery of fertilizer, Natural Gas
became the most used raw material in Pakistan.

By: Ranya Mirza

Contribution of Industry to Pakistan:

● Agriculture is so important that the government supports the fertilizer industry

with tax breaks, and subsidies to farmers on each bag of fertilzer.
● The ferilizer sector in Pakistan has contributed significantly to the countries
GDP (gross domestic product)
● The ferilizer sector contributes 4.4% to the large scale manufacturing (LSM)
sector of Pakistan and 0.9% to the overall GDP. This makes the fertilizer sector
one of the largest contributors the the countries economy.

By: Ranya Mirza

Locations of fertiliser industries in Pakistan

The distribution of fertilizer industries in Pakistan is primarily influenced by various factors such as the availability of raw materials, demand for
fertilizers, and government policies.


● Punjab is the largest agricultural province in Pakistan, and it has the highest concentration of fertilizer industries.
● The availability of agricultural land and the high demand for fertilizers in this region contribute to the concentration of fertilizer
● Major cities like Lahore, Multan, and Faisalabad have a significant number of fertilizer manufacturing plants.
● Other locations where fertiliser industries are present are Daud Khel, Shekhupura, Jaranwala and Machigot.
● Major distributors of fertiliser like Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited have their headquarters in Rawalpindi.
● Sindh is another province with a substantial presence of fertilizer manufacturing units.
● Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, is home to several fertilizer companies. The proximity to the port in Karachi facilitates the import of
raw materials for fertilizer production.
● Other locations include Dharki and Sukkur where agriculture is the main source of income for a huge population.
● One of the major fertiliser companies, Engro has its headquarters in Karachi.

● KP also has a few fertilizer manufacturing plants, with Peshawar being a notable location as well as Haripur.
● The province's agricultural activities drive the demand for fertilizers.

● Balochistan has fewer fertilizer industries compared to Punjab and Sindh.
● Quetta is one of the cities where you can find some fertilizer manufacturing units.
● The lower population density and limited agricultural activity in parts of Balochistan contribute to this distribution.
● Despite harsh conditions, agriculture is the backbone of Balochistan's economy, hence they need a steady supply of fertiliser.
Fertiliser usage in Pakistan
Problems of the Fertiliser Industry:
Pakistan’s fertiliser industry has faced several problems and challenges over the
years. Some of the key issues include:
1. Price Fluctuations: Fertilizer prices are highly sensitive to global commodity prices,
leading to fluctuations that can affect farmers' affordability.
2. Subsidy Dependence: The industry heavily relies on government subsidies to keep
prices affordable for farmers. Changes in subsidy policies can disrupt the industry.
3. Energy Costs: Fertilizer production requires significant energy inputs, and Pakistan's
energy costs have been volatile, impacting production costs.
4. Imported Raw Materials: The industry relies on imports for raw materials like
phosphates and potash, making it vulnerable to currency fluctuations and
international supply disruptions.
Solutions to these problems:
1. Price Fluctuations: Implement Price Stabilization Mechanisms
Government Intervention: This can involve the creation of a price stabilization fund
that can be used to cushion the impact of sudden price spikes in raw materials,
especially natural gas for production.
Long-Term Supply Contracts: these contracts can provide stability in pricing by
locking in prices over an extended period, reducing vulnerability to short-term
Transparency: This can help build trust among stakeholders and provide them with
accurate information for decision-making.
2. Energy Costs: Promote Energy Efficiency and Diversification
Diversify Energy Sources: Reduce dependency on a single energy source, such as
natural gas. Promote the use of alternative and renewable energy sources, such as
solar, wind, or biomass, to power fertilizer production plants.
Research and Development: Invest in research and development to develop more
energy-efficient fertilizer production processes. Collaborate with research
institutions to find innovative solutions for reducing energy consumption in the
3. Imported Raw Materials: Enhance Domestic
Domestic Production: Encourage the domestic
production of key raw materials, such as
phosphates and sulfur, through mining or local
processing. This reduces reliance on imported raw
materials and provides greater control over supply.
4. Subsidy Dependence: Gradual Reduction of
Subsidies and Targeted Support
Farmer Education: Invest in farmer education and
extension services to help farmers make informed
decisions about fertilizer use, crop management,
and sustainable farming practices. Educated
farmers are more likely to use fertilizers efficiently
and effectively.-- could be by technology.
Market Liberalization: Gradually liberalize the
fertilizer market to encourage competition and
reduce dependence on government subsidies.
1. What is the most widely used chemical fertiliser in Pakistan?

1. Why are there less fertilizer industries located in Balochistan?

1. What is the largest fertiliser producer in Pakistan?

1. What is the most used raw material in pakistan and how is this related to ferilizer?
1. Urea
2. Lower population density and limited agricultural activity in parts of Balochistan
contribute to this distribution.
3. Fauji fertiliser company in Punjab
4. After the discovery of fertilizer, Natural Gas became the most used raw material in
Thank You
- HNS textbook

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