Langakh-Langkah Peerteaching

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Opening; Good morning everybody..... Once again, good morning every body ......

to be more
enthusiastic in this activity, I invite you to sing together, do you agree? Okee thanks you. The
title of the song is good morning how are you? Do you still remember the song; I already share
this song in whats App group, are you ready? During singing this song you must clap your hand
1, 2, 3, go …..
Pakai masker ; I suggest that you must use your masks, we must comply with government
regulations to be free from the corona virus, okke

Doa; okke everybody, before we start our main activity/ lesson today, let's start with a pray
together, and I invite you to pray according to our religions and allow me to lead this prayer in a
Catholic manner and for closing pray at the end of activity, chance given to Muslim
students,,,,okeee let start!

In the name of the Father….

Hail Mary….

Okke thank you,,,

And then I will check your attendance list;
Oke, thank you very much, everybody attend the class. Are you ready!
I will explain the learning objective, What we want to achieve of our teaching and learning
today, at the end of the lesson/class you can;
1. Students are able to identify the social function of descriptive text related to the
description of people
2. Students are able to identify The structure/ the generic structure of desriptive text
3. Language element of descriptive text related to the description of person
4. The students design the plan of project. What kind of project? That is a mini magazine

Main activity; Of course you have a character or person that you idolize, right? Mr. Gandung,
who is your favorite person, Miss Laely, who is the person you admire or you idolize. Why do
you idolize them, of course you have a reason, maybe because he is handsome or beautiful, or
maybe because he is smart, or because he is cute and so on?
I will show you a picture/ an artist picture
(The teacher shows the picture)
Look at the picture

 Who is he?
 Where he comes from?
 When was he born?
 What is the job?
 What are the physical characteristics?
 Is he handsome or not?
You can certainly guess what we will learn today, can anyone answer what we learned today?

Well that is what we want to discuss today, how to describe someone in the form of a simple text
called a description text.
And another picture (Agnes Monica )
Who is she?
I ask one of you to read this text. (siswa membaca )
Well everybody I will explain briefly about descriptive text
Descriptive text
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like.

Generic structure
• Identification or general statement. It introduces or identified specific object/person. For
example a descriptive text about an actress, the identification the introduction of actress
name, age and where is she or he comes from
• Descriptions; the parts of text describe object characteristic, appearances, personality,
habits or qualities. Description (explain about specific information) for example, the hair,
eyes, nose, what she or he wears and all about the characteristic of person who want to
• Focus on specific participants as the main character or has a certain object. For
examples; Basuki Thahaja Purnama, Agnes Monica, Christiano Ronaldo, etc
• The use of simple present tense. For examples; He has big house, Ahok lives in Jakarta,
• The use of the adjectives to clarify the noun/person: A beautiful girl, a famous singer
• The use of adverb of frequency; always, sometimes.
• The use of adverb of manner
Look at the picture
Who is she?

Fill the blank by choosing appropriate word.

1. She is ___________ (young/ old) girl.

2. She has __________ (short/ long) hair
3. She has ____________ (black/ blue) eyes
4. She is ____________ (slim/ fat)
5. She has _________ (flat/ pointed) nose
Menjelaskan ttg proyek yg akan dibuat
In learning descriptive about people, you are asked to make a simple project, namely a mini
magazine project. Anyone knows what is mini magazine?
 I will divide you into 3 groups and each group consists of 4 people. You will search for
images on the internet of the person you want to describe. And next meeting you will
present the result of your discussion, and also the name of your group. For the second and
third meeting you will create your project. And at the fourth or last meeting, each group will
present their project in front of the class and then the project results will be posted on the
class wall magazine.
 Equipment, tools, or materials related to the project that we will make are; class wall
magazine, markers, rulers, pens, pencils, glue, Manila paper, and also ribbons.
Menunjukan gambar2
You are ask to find the picture in internet and I show you some picture as a references for your
project if you like it
Anyone has a question, are you still confused?
If you don't have questions, you must answer my question.

What have you learned today?

What is descriptive text?
What is the social function of descriptive text?

Okay the time is over, our lesson for today has been completed, and I invite you to study
seriously at home and don’t forget to wear masks and take care of your health, let’s close our
activities with pray
I ask one of you to lead the prayer. Mrs Laely, please

Okkke every body, thank you for your participation for today, see you next meeting, bye-bye

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