Corriculum Vitae

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Name: Carol María Hernandez Villarreal

Birthday: March 31 2006 ,16 years’ old
Address: 3 closed extension Morelos N°#5 San Miguel Topilejo Postal code:14500
Nationality: Mexicana
Phone Number: 5518334011
Email Address:
School Attendant:
Kindergarden; Mainoel (3 años)
Primary; Próceres de la Reforma (6 años)
Secondary; EST 72 Manuel María Contreras (3años)
High School; Conalep Secofi and Conalep Xochimilco (6 Semestres)
Collage Attendant: Nationality Polytechnic Institute
Qualifications: In English
Work Experiencie: Motorcycle Mechanic Shop
Interest and Activities: K-pop Music
Rodrigo Emmanuel Hernandez Villarreal 5540915213
María Isabel Villarreal Velázquez 5532528940
Patricia Villarreal Velázquez 5563179557
Ramón Villarreal Velázquez 5543264489

Day:28 Month:November

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