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Training Day 4

Started with Review

What are the basic qualifications for a loan?
Play Role with all the info learned from day 1-3

Finance Sales: Process

Once you have transferred the client, You are to update the client’s Account in DPP as Follows:

1. Change the Stage into Finance:

Status: App Sent / Pending App Submission

2. Change the secondary assignment for the following:

a. Assign a Lender
b. Assign the account to your name under “Finance”
c. Assign any Negotiations Facilitators, then click Update Assignments.
d. Document the account under the “Notes” Tab with the prefilled Note Template.

Finally, Add the submission date by clicking on “Edit Contact”, choose “Finance” then “Finance Submissions”,
and enter today’s date where it shows “ 1st Date Submitted to Lender”. Click Save and Exit .

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