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Volume: 12
Pages: 540-553
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1081
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8260695
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-17-8
Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Challenges Encountered by Post-COVID 19 Clients

Marilou O. Torio*, Alyssa Ashley R. Diego
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study determined the challenges encountered by post-COVID-19 clients in the isolation facility.
It dealt on the personal profile of the respondents which include their age, gender, civil status,
highest educational attainment, occupation and monthly family income. It dealt on the challenges
encountered by the post COVID-19 clients in Asingan, Pangasinan in the year 2020-2022 along
mental, physical, emotional, social, financial, and spiritual aspects. Descriptive research design was
used in the study utilizing the different statistical tools like frequency and percentage, t-test, weighted
mean, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The respondents were young and middle adults, males,
married, elementary graduates, unemployed and earning a monthly income of below P10,000. The
challenges encountered by the respondents with COVID-19 while in the isolation facility was high
on emotional, and mental health. Male and female COVID-19 clients have comparable level of
challenges encountered. Their civil status did not cause any variation on the level of challenges they
have encountered during their treatment stage. Elementary graduates and high school graduates have
encountered higher level of challenges as compared to the college graduates. unemployed and
employed COVID-19. The unemployed clients have encountered higher level of challenges along the
physical aspect as compared to the employed clients. Clients earning P10,000 and below have
encountered higher level of challenges as compared to those who earn P10,001-P20,000 monthly
income. The lower the monthly family income and educational attainment of the client, the higher the
level of challenges they have encountered along mental and emotional health.

Keywords: challenges encountered by Post-COVID-19 clients

Introduction psychological effects of quarantine, during the SARS

outbreak. The median duration of quarantine, was ten
days. They found a high prevalence of psychological
Quarantine is one of the unpleasant experiences for distress symptoms. Twenty-nine percent of
those victims of COVID-19 who undergo it. Since it participants reported symptoms of post-traumatic
separates them from their loved ones, friends, and stress, and 31 percent of respondents reported
social activities, loss of rights, confusion about the symptoms of depression. The participants in this study
disease status, and boredom can have drastic effects. It described a sense of isolation and were particularly
has the possibility of psychological, physical, affected by the lack of social and physical contact with
emotional, financial, spiritual, and mental problems family members.
increases in this period. Aside from vaccination,
quarantine, and isolation are measures that can According to Jardine (2020), the COVID-19 situation
prevent, or at least minimize, the impact of infectious is particularly stressful because it is hard to predict
disease outbreaks like COVID-19. In public health how things will develop, and our circumstances are
practice, "Quarantine" means separating and restricting changing rapidly. This leaves us feeling powerless,
the movement of people who were exposed to a and no longer in control of our lives. As is the case in
contagious disease to see if they become sick, and many aspects of our lives, there are things we cannot
Isolation, means separating sick people with a control in this situation. These include the actions and
contagious disease from people who are not sick. reactions of other people, how long the situation will
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). last, and what might happen in the future.
To contain the diffusion of the COVID-19 virus, the
Philippine Government, and others, have enforced it Post-COVID-19, clients encountered challenges and
on the population. The previous experience of the problems during and after their quarantine and
SARS outbreak showed the efficacy of timely isolation days. According to Brooks (2020),
quarantine, and isolation measures. The benefits of Quarantine, is an unpleasant experience for those who
mandatory quarantine need to be scrutinized against encounter it. Separation from loved ones, losing
the possible long-term adverse effects on the freedom over the disease status, and boredom create
cardiovascular risk burden. unpleasant effects. Suicide has been reported, anger
generated, and lawsuits, brought the imposition of
A study by Hawryluck (2014), examined the quarantine, in outbreaks. The potential benefits of

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

mandatory quarantine, must be sifted through against and anger. Having inadequate basic supplies (e.g.,
the possible psychological costs. Successful use of food, water) during quarantine, was a source of
quarantine, as a public health measure reduces the frustration and continued to be associated with anxiety
adverse effects, associated with it. According to Smith and anger for months following release. Due to anxiety
(2020), COVI D-19 victims had an adverse about future food shortages, it is plausible that people
psychological effects, including post-traumatic stress will purchase packaged and long-life food rather than
symptoms, confusion, and anger. Stressors included fresh food. It leads to weight gain and to a reduced
longer quarantine duration, infection fears, frustration, intake of antioxidants. Oxidative stress and mild
boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate information, chronic vascular inflammation are part of the
financial loss, and stigma. When quarantine is needed, pathophysiology of hypertension and atherosclerosis.
officials must quarantine individuals, provide a clear Diets rich in antioxidant food are vascular protective.
rationale for quarantine, provide information about Diet is associated with a reduction in incidence,
protocols, and ensure sufficient supplies are provided. prevalence, and mortality from coronary artery
disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and in all-
Dagnino (2020) cited that quarantine, or social causes mortality, including cancer.
isolation disrupts people's jobs, and lives immensely,
and hence, it may have important implications for their Pak et al. (2020) mentioned that as the spread of the
health and well-being. These measures lead the general virus is likely to continue disrupting economic activity
population to a high level of stress, psychological and negatively impact manufacturing and service
problems, fear of contagion, illness, and fear of industries, especially in developed countries, we
financial loss. Separation from loved ones, loss of expect that financial markets will continue to be
freedom, losing direct social contact, employment, volatile. There is still a question as to whether this
recreation, privileges, boredom, uncertainty over the unfolding crisis will have a lasting structural impact on
disease status, contribute to widespread emotional the global economy or essentially short-term financial,
distress. Indeed, the well-being implications of and economic consequences. In either case, infectious
quarantine were evident in previous outbreaks such as diseases such as COVID-19 have the potential to
SARS or MERS. After quarantine, hospital staff inflict severe economic and financial costs on regional
showed more acute stress disorders, and post-traumatic and global economies. Because of high transportation
symptoms. Among the population, anger and anxiety connectivity, globalization, and economic
were predominant, because of economic concerns with interconnectedness, it has been challenging, and costly
an increase in suicides. to contain the virus and mitigate the importation risks
once the disease spread in multiple locations. This
The results of the study of Escobar (2020), have shown warrants collective action, and global investment in
that there has been an increase in negative emotions vaccine development, distribution, preventive
during lockdowns, such as anxiety and depression, and measures, including capacity building in surveillance,
a decrease in life satisfaction. After a month of and the development of contact tracing at the national,
confinement, those who stopped working reported and international levels.
worse mental health, and distress. Because of the long-
lasting effects, it is highly relevant to enquire the COVID-19 is not only a global pandemic and public
actual psychological impact, and future concerns health crisis; it has also severely affected the global
during pandemic quarantine. Pandemics like economy and financial markets. Significant reductions
COVID-19, have a massive impact on the mental in income, a rise in unemployment, and disruptions in
health of people, including different feelings, and the transportation, service, and manufacturing
future concerns. Identifying these is very important in industries are among the consequences of the disease
taking measures, prevent or treat the psychological mitigation measures implemented in many countries. It
impact. has becom e clear that most go v ern m en ts
underestimated the risks of rapid COVID-19 spread
According to Mattioli (2020), the main consequence of and were mostly reactive in their crisis response. As
quarantine is a change in lifestyle and nutritional disease outbreaks are not likely to disappear soon,
habits. Nutritional habits will change due to reduced proactive international actions are required to not only
availability of goods, limited access to food caused by save lives but also protect economic prosperity (Pak et
restricted store opening hours, and to a switch to al. 2020).
unhealthy food. The psychological impact of
quarantine, reported adverse psychological effects, During the COVID-19 pandemic, people and families
including post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, experienced a new and sudden situation that forced

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

them to stay indoors for an extended period. In this

context, many people and their families experienced Research Questions
situations of significant discomfort, stress, and fear
related not only to the fear of contagion but also to the This study determined the challenges encountered by
economic difficulties for those who saw their income post-COVID-19 client in the Municipality of Asingan,
reduced due to the closure of production activities or Pangasinan for 2020-2021. Specifically, this study will
who experienced situations of loneliness, isolation or answer the following questions:
conflicts within the home. The pandemic has
profoundly changed the way of life in society, starting 1. What are the profile variables of respondents in
from the need for "social distancing" even among terms of:
close relatives. (Cappola, 2021). 1.1 Sex;
1.2 Civil Status;
In this context, it is exciting to investigate if and how 1.3 Highest Educational Attainment; and
spirituality has been a form of emotional and 1.4 Occupation?
psychological support helpful in dealing with the loss 2. What is the level of challenges encountered by post-
and anguish of critical moments in life like this. This COVID-19 clients:
appears particularly dramatic for the families of those 2.1 Mental Health;
who died in the hospital without having their loved 2.2 Physical Health;
ones near them and without the latter being able to 2.3 Emotional Health;
celebrate the funeral rites. This showed that during 2.4 Social Aspect;
lockdown, those who count on essential forms of 2.5 Financial Aspect; and
religiosity, and spirituality drew mental well-being 2.6 Spiritual Aspect?
from these beliefs. Spirituality helped them to make 3. Are there significant differences between the
sense of what was happening and not to feel lost in the challenges encountered by the post-COVID-19 clients
face of the radical change in the way of living and across their profile variables?
conducting social relationships (Rania, 2021). Loss, 4. Are there significant relationships in the level of
grief, mental health, and spiritual well-being emerge as challenges encountered the COVID-19 clients and
familiar themes in the lives of many individuals, their profile variables?
families, and communities in different contexts. 5. What proposed post-Covid-19 recovery program
can be proposed to minimize the challenges
According to Zhai and Du (2020), recognizing these
encountered by post-COVID-19 clients?
individual experiences can enable healthcare
professionals to develop personalized strategies to
facilitate better adaptation to the situation and Methodology
therefore promote mental health. If looked at from the
point of view of clinical practice, it can be seen that
dealing with spirituality becomes fundamental; in fact, Research Design
this aspect needs to be considered to provide adequate
support to individuals, especially those who manifest The study utilized the descriptive method of research,
themselves as solid. In this regard, the consideration of description of data, and characteristics of a population.
spiritual needs is necessary to provide a holistic and The goal was to acquire factual, accurate, and
people-centered intervention. By spiritual needs, it systematic data that can be used in averages,
refers to the need to find meaning, value in one's life, frequencies, and similar statistical calculations to
peace, and a sense of connection. These needs are not answer the problems in this study. This study
necessarily religious, even those without religious determined the level of challenges encountered by
faith, still refer to belief systems, that provide feelings post- COVID-19 clients. The research employed this
of meaning. COVID-19 pandemic assume a role, and method to gain more realistic, and valid information
deeper meaning to the bewilderment that people are regarding the level of challenges encountered by the
confronted in the face of a pervasive, disruptive event post-COVID-19 clients. The research employed this
creating fragility, fear, and daily uncertainties. This method to gain more realistic, and valid information
study determined the challenges encountered by post- regarding the level of challenges encountered by the
COVID-19 clients in the Municipality of Asingan, post-COVID-19 clients.
Pangasinan, along with mental, physical, emotional,
The descriptive survey method is a method that
social, financial, and spiritual aspects of COVID-19
clients who underwent isolation.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

surveys, describes, and interprets what is; and reveals a School and advanced Studies of UCU, the concerned
condition of relationship that exists or does not exist, Municipal Health Officer, and the respondents. The
practices that prevail or do not prevail, beliefs or researcher personally distributed, and administered the
points of view. The word survey indicates the data questionnaires to all respondents in Asingan,
gathering from place to place, and from group to Pangasinan.
group. Information is sought on current conditions,
communities, agencies and institutions. It also refers to Likewise, the researcher personally retrieved the same
the characteristics, status, or practices of individuals or questionnaires. The data obtained were kept
a particular group, Calmorin (1995).The descriptive confidential to ensure the highest degree of objectivity
method of research was used in the study. Good and of responses. The respondents were informed, and
Scates (1991) defined the descriptive method of oriented by the researchers regarding the purpose of
research as a method for gathering evidence relating the study.
the current or present conditions concerning the nature
of a group of persons, several subjects, or a class of Treatment of Data
events and may involve the procedure of introduction
an aly si s, c l a r i f i c a t io n , en u m er at io n of The following statistical tools were used to answer the
measurement. Gay (1976) defined descriptive research specific problems of the study. To determine the
as involving the collection of data to answer questions profile of the respondents, namely: age, sex, civil
concerning the current status of the subject of the status, highest educational attainment, occupation, and
study. health diseases, frequency counts, and percentages
were used.
Population and Locale of the Study
To determine the challenges encountered by the post-
The subjects of this study are the COVID-19 clients COVID-19 clients, weighted mean was used. The
who had undergone quarantine/isolation in the responses were categorized into five-point scale with
Municipality of Asingan, Pangasinan, from April 2020 corresponding numerical categories.
to June 2021 are the respondents in this study. The
researcher chose all 63 COVID-19 clients as Weighted Mean Transmuted Rating:
respondents in this study.
5 Highly Encountered
Data Gathering Tool 4 Encountered
3 Moderately Encountered
The research used a questionnaire checklist instrument 2 Slightly Encountered
specifically made explicitly for the study based on the 1 Not Encountered
constructed problems, writer's experiences, and
To answer specific problem number 3, on determining
observations as a medical front liner. It reinforced by
the difference between profile variables, the ANOVA
readings, informal interviews, and people’s
or t-test was used.
conversations. The questionnaire checklist was
evaluated by her adviser, Staff Nurse, and Medical
To answer specific problem number 4, on determining
Doctor. The suggestions were incorporated in the final
the relationship between the challenges encountered by
draft. The questionnaires were then finalized after their
post-COVID-19 clients, and their profile variables,
approval by the examination committee.The main
Analysis of Variance was used.
objective of the validation is to ascertain that every
question is clearly understood, and within the
experience of the actual respondents of the study. The Results and Discussion
questionnaire was validated by the Municipal Health
Officer and Public Health Nurse. This ensured that the
respondents did not find difficult in answering the Respondents’ Profile
questionnaire, and the data gathered would be valid
and reliable. Table 1 shows the profile of the respondents in terms
of their personal information, namely: age, sex, civil
Data Gathering Procedures status, highest educational attainment, occupation, and
monthly family income with the corresponding
Before administering the research instrument, frequency count (f), and percentage equivalent (%) of
permission was secured from the Dean of Graduate each bracket.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Age. It can be gleaned from the table that of most of 42.1%, college graduates, with 28, or 29.5%, and high
the respondents are in the age bracket of 18-59 years school graduates, with 25, or 26.3%. It implies that
old, with a frequency of 75, or 78.9%, followed by the most of them did not pursue their secondary education.
age bracket respondents are a combination of young, It is related to hardships in their lives, and they were
and middle adults. According to Ericson, those 60, and not able to continue it.
above, with a frequency of 13, or 13.7%, implies
young adulthood happens between eighteen, and forty Occupation. Most of the respondents were not
while middle adulthood starts at forty, and ends at employed, with a frequency of 49, or 51.6%. It is
sixty-five. followed by those employed with a frequency of 46 or
48.4%. It revealed that more than half had been
Sex. Most respondents are males, with a frequency of working.
56, or 58.9%, compared to females with a frequency of
39, or 41.1%. It implies that the male population was Monthly Family Income. It revealed the findings that
more affected by COVID-19. the most of the respondents are earning below P10,000
a month, with a frequency of 61, or 62.4%, while 14
Civil Status. Most of the respondents were married, had an income of P21,001-P30,000, with a frequency
with a frequency of 59. or 62.1%, and singles, with a of 14, or 14.7%, and P10,001-P20,000, with 12, or
frequency of 30, or 31.6%. It revealed the respondents 12.6%. It implies that most respondents earn way
were dominated with marital obligations. below the poverty line.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents in terms of their Level of Challenges Encountered by COVID-19

Profile Variables n=95 Clients Along Mental and Emotional Health.

Table 2 presents the Level of Challenges Encountered

by the COVID-19 Clients’ along Mental and
Emotional Health. As gleaned from the table, almost
all the indicators were experienced by the respondents,
with the highest on items 1, 2, and 6, "too much stress,
"boredom while in the isolation area," and "concerns
in my health condition," with a weighted mean of 3.77,
3.78, and 3.79, or encountered. It revealed how
challenging their conditions in the health facility.
There was the stigma when a person has COVID-19
disease, they are isolated from other people, which
make them worry about their conditions. The findings
are similar to the study in that problems are
encountered when clients are in an isolation facility.
The possibility of psychological, physical, emotional,
financial, spiritual, and mental problems increases in
this period. Aside from vaccination, quarantine, and
isolation are measures that prevent, or minimize, the
impact of infectious disease outbreaks like COVID-19
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019).

The lowest items are numbers 9, and 10, "having

psychotic behavior and delirium," with a weighted
mean of 2.93, and 3.01, or moderately encountered. It
showed that the respondents did not reach this stage in
their affection with COVID-19 since this is already
considered a severe problem to those with the disease.
Overall, the challenges encountered by the respondents
Highest educational attainment. Most respondents regarding emotional, and mental health, got an average
weighted mean of 3.53, or encountered. It revealed
were elementary graduates, with a frequency of 40, or
that having COVID-19 disease causes so many
problems due to isolation from their families, which
added more emotionally, and mentally.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

indicators were moderately encountered by the

respondents, particularly items numbers 9, and 10,
A study by Hawryluck (2014), was similar to the study "Heart problems during my isolation period," and
since clients are emotional, while in the isolation "Diseases like allergies and others," with a weighted
facility. He examined the psychological effects of mean of 2.96, and 2.92, or moderately encountered. It
quarantine during the SARS outbreak. The median showed that the respondents did not suffer from
duration of quarantine was ten days, and found a high problems with the heart or have drug reactions
prevalence of psychological distress symptoms.
Table 3. Level of Challenges Encountered by the
Table 2. Level of Challenges Encountered by the
COVID-19 Clients along Physical Health n=95
COVID-19 Clients along Mental and Emotional
Health n=95

Level of Challenges Encountered by the COVID-19

Clients along Physical Health
Overall, the challenges encountered by the respondents
Table 3 presents the Challenges Encountered by along with physical health, got an average weighted
COVID-19 Clients in Physical Health. As gleaned mean of 3.29, or moderately encountered. It revealed
from the table, the highest encountered by the that having COVID-19 disease affects their overall
respondents are items 1, 3, and 4, "Separation anxiety well-being but not on a greater extent.
being away from my loved ones," "Having no appetite
in eating," and "Insufficient rest due to overthinking of Level of Challenges Encountered by the COVID-19
my situation," with a weighted mean of 3.51, 3.54, and Clients along Social Aspect
3.64, or encountered. It revealed that being away from
their families greatly affected them, aside from having Table 4 presents the Challenges Encountered by
no appetite in taking food. They have no rest because COVID-19 Clients Along the social aspect. As gleaned
of overthinking their situation since, during this time, from the table, most indicators were rated moderately
many patients with COVID-19 died. encountered except for item number 1, "Loneliness,
and isolation from my family," with a weighted mean
According to Mattioli (2020), the main consequence of of 3.50, or encountered. It revealed that the
quarantine is change in lifestyle, and nutritional habits. respondents experienced sadness being in the isolation
Nutritional habits will change due to reduced facility. Filipinos are known to have close family ties,
availability of goods, limited access to foods, caused and not with family members creates an incomplete
by restricted store opening hours, and switch to environment.
unhealthy food. This finding is related to my study,
where the clients are affected physically while in The finding is also similar to the study that social post-
isolation due to the COVID-19 disease. The remaining COVID-19 patients are affected. Post-COVID-19

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Level of Challenges Encountered by the post-

clients encountered challenges, and problems during COVID-19 Clients along Financial Aspect
quarantine, and isolation days. According to Brooks
Table 5 presents the Level of Challenges Encountered
(2020), quarantine is an unpleasant experience for
by COVID-19 Clients along the financial aspect. As
those who undergo separation from loved ones, losing
freedom, uncertainty over disease status, and boredom. gleaned from the table, all indicators were rated
The remaining nine indicators were moderately moderately encountered except for item 2, "Not
encountered by the respondents, with the lowest item buying nutritious foods," with a weighted mean of
number 6, "Lack of support from other people," with a 3.33, or moderately encountered. It revealed that the
weighted mean of 3.21, or moderately encountered. respondents perceived that they lacked the necessary
This revealed that this is the lowest rating because foods to take in the isolation facility. This is related to
healthcare workers attending them give their utmost the income they have, where it is not enough to buy for
concern to them. their needs.

Table 4. Level of Challenges Encountered by the post- Pak et al. (2020) mentioned that as the spread of the
virus is likely to continue disrupting economic activity
COVID-19 Clients along Social Aspect n=95
and negative impact on manufacturing and service
industries, expect that financial markets will continue
to be volatile. Significant reductions in income, a rise
in u n em p lo y m en t, and d isru p tio n s in the
transportation, service, and manufacturing industries
are among the consequences of the disease. This has
relation to the present study, where during the
pandemic, there were problems with the supply of
essential commodities. The remaining nine indicators
were moderately encountered by the respondents, with
the lowest item number 4, "Not paying my electric,
and water bills," with a weighted mean of 3.14. It
implies that the respondents did not focus on their bills
while in the facility, for them to recover from the

Table 5. Level of Challenges Encountered by the Post-

COVID-19 Clients along Financial Aspect n=95

Overall, the challenges encountered by the

respondents, along with social health, got an average
weighted mean of 3.39, or moderately encountered. It
revealed that having COVID-19 disease lightly affects
the respondents in the social aspects. This is related to
the fact that family members give their full support to
their family members.

Dagnino (2020) cited that quarantine or social

isolation disrupts people's jobs, and lives immensely,
and hence, it has implications for their health, and
well-being. The findings corroborated with the study
on social health of post-COVID-19 clients.
Overall, the challenges encountered by the respondents
along the financial aspect got an average weighted

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 6. Level of Challenges Encountered by the Post-

mean of 3.22, or moderately encountered. It revealed COVID-19 Clients along Spiritual Aspect n=95
that having COVID-19 disease as perceived by the
respondents, is not that serious since they know that
they are in a government facility and complimentary
services are given, provided they have Philhealth.

Many people and their families experienced situations

of great discomfort, stress, and fear related not only to
the fear of contagion but also to the economic
difficulties for those who saw their income reduced
due to the closure of production activities, or who
experienced situations of loneliness, isolation or
conflicts within the home. The pandemic has
profoundly changed the way of life in society, starting
from the need for "social distancing," even among
close relatives (Cappola, 2021). The findings also
relate to the present study that clients incur economic
difficulties during the pandemic.

Level of Challenges Encountered by the COVID-19

Clients along Spiritual Aspect

Table 6 presents the Level of Challenges Encountered

by COVID-19 Clients along the spiritual aspect. As Overall, the challenges encountered by the respondents
gleaned from the table, eight indicators were rated along the spiritual aspect, got an average weighted
moderately encountered, and the highest item is mean of 2.64 or moderately encountered. It revealed
number 5, and 7, "Not watching live religious the respondents were not focused on spirituality, since
services," and "Not reading passages in the scripture or they were concerned with their recoveries.
a faith leader for guidance," with a weighted mean of
2.87, and 2.92 or moderately encountered. It revealed The findings of Zhai and Du (2020) are related to the
that the respondents were not into religious activities, study. They mentioned that dealing with spirituality
since they were in an isolation facility, and their becomes fundamental. This aspect must be considered
concern is to recover from the disease. to provide adequate support to individuals, especially
those who manifest themselves as solid. Consideration
During lockdown, those who count on essential forms of spiritual needs is necessary to provide a holistic and
of religiosity, and spirituality drew mental well-being people-centered intervention. These needs are not
from these beliefs. Spirituality helped them to realize necessarily exclusively religious; even, those with no
what was happening in the face of radical change in religious faith still refer to belief systems that provide
life, and conducting social relationships (Rania, 2021). feelings of meaning, and purpose during COVID-19
This also relates to the study that spirituality is pandemic.
affected when a client is in distress, when patients die
of COVID-19 disease. Level of Challenges Encountered by the COVID-19
The remaining two indicators were slightly
encountered by the respondents with the lowest item Table 7 presents the level of challenges encountered
numbers 1 and 2, "loss of faith practices with God," by the COVID-19 clients. It showed that the mental
and "Not praying religiously," with a weighted mean and emotional health aspects got the highest, with a
of 2.34, and 2.40. It implies that the respondents had a weighted mean of 3.53 or encountered. It implies that
slight challenge experienced along spiritual aspect. this area commonly affected the clients while they had
There were cases among COVID-19 patients that the disease, and were isolated in the health facility.
sometimes they lose their faith in God, and ask According to Smith (2020), COVID-19 victims had an
questions like "Why me of all people." adverse psychological effects, including post-traumatic
stress symptoms, confusion, and anger. Stressors
included longer quarantine duration, infection fears,
frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 8. ANOVA Results on the Difference in the Level

of Challenges Encountered by the COVID-19 Clients
across Age
information, financial loss, and stigma. The finding is
similar to the study since clients are emotionally
affected in the isolation facility.

The remaining areas are all categorized as moderately

encountered. However, the lowest area that affected
the clients was the spiritual aspect, with a weighted
mean of 2.64. It revealed that the clients were not that
challenged in their spirituality.

Table 7. Level of Challenges Encountered by the Post-

COVID-19 Clients n=95

t-Test Results on the Difference in the Level of

Challenges Encountered by Post- COVID-19
Clients across Sex.

Table 9 displays the difference in the level of

challenges encountered by the

COVID-19 clients across sex. The computed t-values

Overall, the level of challenge experienced by the generated significance values higher than the set .05
clients got an overall weighted mean of 3.21, or level of significance, indicating that the results are not
significant. It goes to show that both genders
moderately encountered. It implies that while they
experienced the same feelings when affected by
were isolated in the health facility, the respondents
COVID-19 disease. With the high incidence of
were affected. The results of the study by Escobar
mortality of the disease, most clients also felt for their
(2020), have shown an increase in negative emotions
life. This leads to the acceptance of the null hypothesis
during lockdowns due to COVID-19, such as anxiety
that there exist no significant differences in the level of
and depression, and a decrease in life satisfaction. The
challenges encountered by clients along mental,
finding relates to the study, since clients are affected
emotional, physical health, social, financial, and
emotionally in the isolation facility.
spiritual aspects across sex. This implies that male and
female COVID-19 clients have comparable levels of
ANOVA Results on the Difference in the Level of
challenges encountered. This occurs for the reason that
Challenges Encountered by the Post- COVID 19 both males and females:
Clients across Age
Table 9. t-Test Results on the Difference in the Level of
Table 8 presents the difference in the level of Challenges Encountered by the COVID-19 Clients
challenges encountered by the COVID-19 clients across Sex
across ages. Based on the computed F-values, which
are higher than the set .05 level of significance, the
differences are not significant. This means that the
level of challenges the respondents encountered along
mental, emotional, physical health, social, financial,
and spiritual aspects do not vary significantly with age.
The respondents of different age groups share the same
level of challenges encountered along the enumerated
aspects. It shows that the respondents encountered
challenges regardless of their profile variables.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

ANOVA Results on the Difference in the Level of by COVID-19, it creates emotional disturbances related
Challenges Encountered by Post-COVID-19 to the disease that, affects them. Aside from that when
Clients across Civil Statuses they are in the hospital, their financial capabilities
will also be affected since they cannot earn for the
Table 10 shows the difference in the level of
challenges encountered by the COVID-19 clients
Table 11. ANOVA Results on the Difference in the
across civil statuses. The four computed F-values
Level of Challenges Encountered by the Post-
suggest insignificant results, as indicated in the
generated significance values, higher than the set .05 COVID-19 Clients across Highest Educational
level of significance. This means that the civil status of Attainment
the COVID-19 clients causes any variation in the
challenges they have encountered during their
treatment stage. The prevalence of COVID-19 is
vulnerable to all age groups regardless of their status.
The virus attacks anyone, significantly when the
immune system is lowered. Other reasons also include
the easy transmission of the virus. Mainly through the
respiratory system. The disease can be mistaken to be
a flu, and can be detected through laboratory
examinations of nasal discharges.

Table 10. ANOVA Results on the Difference in the

Level of Challenges Encountered by the COVID-19 Table 12 shows the results of the Scheffe Test on the
Clients across Civil Status significant difference; in the level of challenges
encountered by the COVID-19 clients across the
highest educational attainment. Along with mental
health, the significant positive mean difference; of
0.322, indicates that elementary graduates have
encountered higher level of challenges, compared to
the college graduates.

Table 12. Scheffe Test Results on the Significant

Difference in the Level of Challenges Encountered by
the Post-COVID-19 Clients across Highest
Educational Attainment

ANOVA Results on the Difference in the Level of

Challenges Encountered by the COVID-19 Clients
across Highest Educational Attainment

Table 11 reveals the difference in the challenges

encountered by Post-COVID-19 clients across the
highest educational attainment. The computed F-
Meanwhile, as to the financial aspect, the elementary
values along physical health, social aspect, and
graduates and high school graduates have claimed to
spiritual aspect generated significance values that are
have encountered higher level of challenges as
higher than the set .05 level of significance. Hence,
compared to the college graduates. It showed that the
there exists no significant difference in these aspects
respondents with lower level of education are more
across educational attainment. Significant results are
affected by the challenges of having the disease. This
detected in mental, and emotional health, and financial
might be related to the fact that their knowledge on the
aspects. To determine the specific groups which have
disease is limited and the more they encounter the
shown differences along each aspect,
Scheffe Test was done and presented in the following
table. It is a given fact that when a person is affected

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 14. ANOVA Results on the Difference in the

Level of Challenges Encountered by the Post-
COVID-19 Clients across Monthly Family Income
t-Test Results on the Difference in the Level of
Challenges Encountered by the Post-COVID-19
Clients across Occupation

Table 13 shows the results of the t-test to determine

the difference in the challenges encountered by the
COVID-19 clients across occupation.

Table 13. t-Test Results on the Difference in the Level

of Challenges Encountered by the Post- COVID-19
Clients across Occupation

Scheffe Test Results on the Significant Difference in

the Level of Challenges Encountered by the Post-
COVID-19 Clients across Monthly Family Income

Table 15 displays the results of the Scheffe Test on the

significant difference; in the level of challenges the
clients encounter along with mental, and physical

The computed F-values, along with mental, emotional Along with mental, and emotional health, clients
health, social, financial, and spiritual aspects, mean earning P10,000, and below claimed to have
that unemployed and employed COVID-19 clients encountered a higher levels of challenges than those
have shared the same challenges encountered. who earn P10,001-P20,000 monthly income.

A significant difference exists in physical health. The On the other hand, clients earning below P10,000,
significant positive mean difference; indicates that have encountered higher level of challenges along
financial aspect than those earning between P20,000
unemployed clients have encountered higher
and P30,0000.
challenges along the physical aspect, than the
employed clients.
Table 15. Scheffe Test Results on the Significant
ANOVA Results on the Difference in the Level of Difference in the Level of Challenges Encountered by
Challenges Encountered by the Post-COVID-19 the Post-COVID-19 Clients across Monthly Family
Clients across Monthly Family Income

Table 14 presents the analysis of variance to detect the

difference; in the level of challenges encountered by
the respondents. The computed F-values in social,
financial, and spiritual aspects generated significance
values higher than the set .05 significance level. This
indicates insignificant results, Monthly family income Relationship Between the Level of Challenges
did not cause any variation in the level of challenges Encountered by the Post-COVID-19 Clients and
encountered by the clients in these aspects. their Profile Variables

Significant results exist in mental, emotional, and Table 16 shows the relationship between the
physical health. The results of the Scheffe test are challenges encountered by the Post-COVID-19 clients
shown in the following table. and their profile variables.

Along with mental and emotional health, a significant

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

relationship exists between the highest educational facts about COVID-19 for them to understand and
attainment, and monthly family income. The knowledgeable on the disease. They must attend to
significant negative R values indicate an inverse seminars/lectures in the health center about different
relationship. The lower the monthly family income, communicable diseases to be aware especially on the
and educational attainment, the higher the challenges transmission and prevention. (2)Health workers must
they have encountered in mental, and emotional interact with them and allay their fears and anxieties
and by updating them on the progress of their disease.
Along with physical health, a significant inverse They must be aware that their condition is
relationship exists between occupation, and monthly communicable therefore inform them that they will not
family income. This implies that for clients who are worry for faster recovery
not employed, the lower their monthly income, the
higher the level of challenges they have encountered in Physical Health: Separation anxiety; No appetite to
physical health. eat; and Insufficient rest due to overthinking of
Along the social aspect, no significant relationship
exists with any of the profile variables of the Activities: (1) Use of cellphones for them to talk to the
COVID-19 clients. As to the financial aspect, a family members. (2)Let family members buy them
significant inverse relationship exists between the
nutritious foods especially fruits for their Vit. C
highest educational attainment, and occupation. This
supply. (3) Provision of a quiet and conducive
means the lower the educational attainment, and
employment level of the client, the higher level of
environment. Putting off the lights when not needed\
challenges they have encountered in financial aspect. (4) Registration to TESDA and DSWD for livelihood
As to the spiritual aspect, a significant inverse programs fitted for them
relationship exists along the highest educational
attainment. The lower the educational attainment, the Social Health: Loneliness and isolation from the
higher level of challenges encountered, along family; Avoidance of my friends; and Loss of rights in
educational attainment. everything he wants

Table 16. Relationship Between the Level of Activities: (1)Interaction with the nurses or midwives
Challenges Encountered by the Post-COVID-19 (2) Use of cellphones if they can to reach out friends
Clients and their Profile Variables or anybody they want to talk to (3) Proper explanation
about their disease condition (4) Attendance to
socialization activities conducted by the barangay

Financial: Unable to buy nutritious foods and

Inadequate financial resources to sustain daily needs

Activities: (1) Letting relatives buy cheap but

nutritious foods (2) Find other support groups for
financial assistance (3) Connect with PCSO for
financial support
Proposed Covid-19 Recovery Program Of Activities
To Minimize The Challenges Of Post- Covid-19 Spiritual: Inadequate time for religious activities; Not
Clients watching live religious activities; and Not able to read
passages in the Scripture
Activities: (1) They can pray silently even when they
Mental/Emotional Health: Concern in the health are in the isolation facility (2) They can read the bible
condition; Boredom in the isolation facility; and Too if they have and able to do it while in the isolation
much stress
facility (3) They can listen to masses conducted
Activities: (1) The clients must be oriented on the through their cellphones (4) Visit religious institution
for enlightenment and guidance

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 540-553, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1081, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8260695, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Conclusion for any queries about the disease.Future studies can be

replicated using other variables in the perspective.

Based on the findings of the study, the following

conclusions are drawn. Most of the respondents were
young, and middle adults, males, married, elementary
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of below P10,000.00.
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The challenges encountered by the respondents with How to Reduce It.
COVID-19 while in the isolation facility were highest Calmorin, M. A. (1995). Research Methods and Thesis Writing
on emotional and mental health, and the lowest
encountered was on the spiritual aspect.The challenges Cappola, I. (2021). Spiritual Well Being and Mental Health During
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emotional, physical health, social aspect, financial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, (2019)
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with age. Male and female COVID-19 clients have
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variation in the challenges they encountered during Quaratine: An Exploratory Study

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