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Signals, Spectra and Signal Processing

Analog-to-Digital (Vice-versa)
.|.|.| . Sampling.|.|.| .

This is the conversion of a continuous-time signal into a

discrete time signal obtained by taking “samples’" of
the continuous-time signal at discrete-time instants.

.|.|.| . Quantization.|.|.| .

This is the conversion of a discrete-time continuous-

valued signal into a discrete-time, discrete-valued
(digital) signal. The value of each signal sample is
represented by a value selected from a finite set of
possible values. The difference between the
unquantized sample x(n) and the quantized output
xq(n) is called the quantization error.
Analog-to-Digital (Vice-versa)
.|.|.| . Coding.|.|.| .

In the coding process, each discrete value xq{n) is

represented by a 6-bit binary sequence.

Discrete – Time Signal
• .|.|.| . Discrete- Time Signal.|.|.| .
a discrete-time signal x{n) is a function of an
independent variable that is an integer.

Elementary Discrete – Time Signals
• .|.|.| . Unit Sample Sequence.|.|.| .
is denoted as φ(n) and is defined as:

This signal is sometimes referred to as a unit impulse.

Elementary Discrete – Time Signals
• .|.|.| . Unit Step Signal .|.|.| .
is denoted as u(n) and is defined as:

Elementary Discrete – Time Signals
• .|.|.| . Unit Ramp Signal .|.|.| .
is denoted as ur(n) and is defined as:

Elementary Discrete – Time Signals
• .|.|.| . Exponential Signal .|.|.| .
is a sequence of the form :

1. Periodic & Aperiodic Signals
.|.|.| . Periodicity .|.|.| .
A signal x(n) is PERIODIC with period N (N > 0) if and
only if:

Such that if

will lead to

It is periodic as long as


The smallest value of N is called the (fundamental)

period. If there is no value of N satisfies the condition
above, the signal is called NONPERIODIC or APERIODIC.
ECE107 9
2. Energy & Power Signals
.|.|.| . Energy Signal .|.|.| .

A signal x(n) is an energy signal if and only if its

energy E is FINITE: .
In other words, energy signals have values only in
the limited time duration.
For example, a signal having one square pulse is
an energy signal.
The average power of an energy signal is zero
Pave=0, because of dividing finite energy by
infinite time (length).
ECE107 10
.|.|.| . Power Signal .|.|.| .
A signal x(n) is a power signal if its average power
Pave is FINITE: .

The power signal is not limited in time. It always

exists from beginning to end and it never ends.

For example, a sine wave of infinite length is a

power signal.

The energy of a power signal is infinite , thus

we use power (energy per given time) instead for
power signals.
ECE107 11
Energy Average Power

3. Even-symmetric & Odd-symmetric Signals

.|.|.| . Even-symmetric Signal .|.|.| .

A real-valued signal x(n) is even-symmetric if:
x(-n) = x(n)
ECE107 12
.|.|.| . Odd-symmetric Signal .|.|.| .
A real-valued signal x(n) is odd-symmetric if:
x(-n) = - x(n)



ECE107 13
Block Diagram Representation of
Discrete-Time Systems
• .|.|.| . An Adder.|.|.| .

.|.|.| . A constant multiplier.|.|.| .

Block Diagram Representation of
Discrete-Time Systems
• .|.|.| . A Signal Multiplier.|.|.| .

.|.|.| . A Unit Delay Element.|.|.| .

Block Diagram Representation of
Discrete-Time Systems
• .|.|.| . A unit advance element.|.|.| .

Classification of Discrete-Time
• .|.|.| . Static versus dynamic systems.|.|.| .

A discrete-time system is called static or

memoryless if its output at any instant n depends
at most on the input sample at the same time, but
not on past or future samples of the input. In any
other case, the system is said to be dynamic or to
have memory. If the output of a system at time n is
completely determined by the input samples in the
interval from n - N to n(N > 0), the system is said to
have memory of duration N.

Classification of Discrete-Time
• .|.|.| . Time-invariant versus time-variant systems.|.|.| .

A system is called time-invariant if its input-output

characteristics do not change with time.

If a system contains a delay in the output it is said to

be time-variant system.

Classification of Discrete-Time
• .|.|.| . Linear versus nonlinear systems.|.|.| .

A linear system is one that satisfies the superposition


If the relaxed system does not satisfies the

superposition principle it is said to be nonlinear.

Classification of Discrete-Time
• .|.|.| . Causal versus noncausal systems.|.|.| .

A system is said to be causal if the output of the

system at any time depends only on present and
past inputs but does not depend on future input.

If a system does not satisfy this definition, it is called


Classification of Discrete-Time
• .|.|.| . Stable versus unstable systems.|.|.| .

A stable system satisfies the BIBO (Bounded Input for

Bounded Output) Bounded means finite in
amplitude. For a stable system, output should be
bounded or finite, for finite or bounded input, at
every instant of time.

Unstable systems do not satisfy the BIBO conditions.

Therefore, for a bounded input, we cannot expect a
bounded output in case of unstable systems.

End of Module


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