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Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Ego Hunter
Version 1.1

This scenario is designed for the ELEMENTAL game system and requires the ELEMENTAL Complete Guide.
Go to and search for ‘Gildor Games’ to see the full line of ELEMENTAL products.
For more information on Eclipse Phase, please visit

Original Scenario written by Rob Boyle

Additional Material: Justin Alexander
Published by Posthuman Studios
This Version adapted and published by Gildor Games
Front Cover Art: Lorenz Ruwwe
Interior Art: Daniel Brewer, Daniel Clarke, Ethan Harris, Sam Hogg, Anna
Ignatieva, Lord Zsezse Works, Mark Molnar, Ben Newman, Will Nichols, Joakim
Olofsson, Efrem Palacios, Radial Studio, Lorenz Ruwwe, Trevor Storey, James
Wolf Strehle, Jessada Suthi, Andy Wright
Cartography: Justin Alexander

Creative Commons License; Some Rights Reserved

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To
view a copy of this license, visit:
ELEMENTAL and its logo are trademarks of Gildor Games in the U.S.A. and other countries

We wish to thank Posthuman Studios for allowing us to adapt and build on their incredible works.


Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

BACKGROUND ..................... 4
Introduction to Eclipse Phase..................... 5
Mission Hook ............................................... 7
Plot Synopsis ................................................ 9
Xenofungal Infection ................................... 11
ENCOUNTERS ......................... 12
Stage 1: Meet Yourself ................................ 12
Stage 2: Find Yourself ................................. 16
Stage 3: Complications ............................... 21
Stage 4: At War With Myself ....................... 23
Stage 5: Aftermath ...................................... 26
APPENDIX ................................... 28
Non-Player Characters ................................ 28
Key Discoveries ............................................ 32
Glossary ........................................................ 33
FIND YOURSELF .................. 37
NPC Handouts .............................................. 38
Achjima Yai (B1) .......................................... 39
Achjima Yai (B2) .......................................... 43
Achjima Yai (B3) .......................................... 47
Achjima Yai (B4) .......................................... 51
Achjima Yai (B5) .......................................... 55
Achjima Yai (B6) .......................................... 59
Roque Vera ................................................... 63
Park Soon-Ok ............................................... 67

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Your mind is software. Program it. you need to run it in one place. Furthermore, we’ve
Your body is a shell. Change it. incorporated extensive prep notes, compiled by Justin
Death is a disease. Cure it. Alexander (of The Alexandrian fame), into the scenario
Extinction is approaching. Fight it. itself. With these changes, we’ve hopefully made Ego
Hunter easier to run, and accessible to a new audience.
The players are mind-clones of the same person in Eclipse Phase is an incredible setting. There’s enough
search of their original self. That is the intriguing premise here to give you a general introduction to the setting as
— and roleplaying challenge — found in Ego Hunter. If a whole, and a lot of material you can use in any sci-fi
you’d rather take on this challenge as a player, stop campaign. In other words, this is an adventure, a
reading now. Ask your GM to run this scenario for you sourcebook and a setting book rolled into one.
and your group. You’ll be happy you did.
While you can run the adventure with no other
Are you the GM? Now that it’s just the two of us, let’s knowledge of Eclipse Phase, you will need the
get a few basics down. First, the scenario is set in the ELEMENTAL Complete Guide to play. ELEMENTAL is a
world of Eclipse Phase, published by Posthuman Studios. fast and flexible RPG for any character, any setting, any
Our first Eclipse Phase scenario, Continuity, barely story. The rules basically fit on a single page, which you
scratched the surface of the setting. This time we’re can find, as well as many more free resources, by going
going in a bit deeper. Whereas Continuity was straight- to the Gildor Games page on
up horror, this time we also have investigation and
Throughout the text there are words in bold; these refer
sinister conspiracies, in the best cyberpunk tradition. Of
to something described in the Appendix; either in the
course, this being Eclipse Phase, we’ll also play around
NPC stats (pg. 28) or the Glossary (pg. 33). The challenge
with what it means to be transhuman; to be able to
with running sci-fi, unlike a real-world setting, is that it
download our minds, like software, into different bodies.
isn’t always clear whether something can or can’t be
This is a new version of Ego Hunter that expands on the done with technology. If you’re not sure: just make it up,
original and adapts it to the ELEMENTAL game system. or have the PC make a Spirit check.
Now you may be asking: Why do we need another
We occasionally use meters as the unit of length. This is
version of Ego Hunter? It’s a fair question. The original is,
completely interchangeable with ELEMENTAL’s yards.
after all, very well regarded, and for good reason.
However, it demands a real investment. Eclipse Phase, as Before play, read through the adventure and familiarize
a system and a setting, is richly detailed and crunchy. yourself with the various clues, events and NPCs. Show
This gives it versimilitude, but it also means that the the players pg. 37 and let them choose from the
scenarios published for the game are inaccessible to characters available; pg. 7 shows which characters are
people who don’t have the patience to learn the ins and available depending on how many players you have.
outs of the setting and the system. Then hand each player one of the character sheets and
attached briefing materials at the end of the document.
With this version, we’ve adapted Ego Hunter to a much
lighter system, and brought all the setting information That’s it. Time to play.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Introduction to Eclipse Phase
You are transhuman — genetically modified, physically Such advances also have their downside. The wonders
and mentally augmented, and functionally immortal. of the future are not yet evenly distributed. The immortal
Your mind can be digitally backed up, like a save point. rich continue to concentrate their wealth and power
If you die, you can be brought back, your ego — both while others struggle to survive. Surveillance is
consciousness and memories — physically restored. You omnipresent, and the means exist to hack people’s
may also copy your mind and download into a body of minds and memories, copy them entirely, and/or
your choice. This new body — your morph — can be commit them to virtual slavery. Many technological
biological, a synthetic robotic shell, or a digital info- advances are super-empowering, putting the means for
morph. Your body is essentially gear that you customize mass devastation in anyone’s hands. Efforts to restrict
according to your mission and requirements. such tools are doomed to fail; only our own maturity as
Eclipse Phase takes place in a future of exponentially a species can save us.
accelerating technological progress. Developments in Exemplifying these dangers, Eclipse Phase takes place
the key fields of artificial intelligence, neuroscience, ten years after transhumanity has lost a war with a group
genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and information of super-intelligent, self-improving AIs (illustrated
science have converged into an impressive feedback below). 95% of the population was lost during this
loop. Bodies and minds are shaped and augmented. AIs apocalyptic conflict, many of them forcibly uploaded by
and animals are uplifted to human levels of sapience. the TITAN machine gods before they disappeared.
Everything and everyone is laden with sensors, Thousands more were corrupted and transformed by an
networked, and online. Your mind can communicate alien exsurgent virus. The Earth is ruined and off-limits,
with every electronic device around it. Almost anything overrun by machines and monsters. The survivors
can be 3D-printed from constituent atoms with a nano- evacuated the planet and spread throughout the Solar
fabber and blueprints. Technology allows people to live System, expanding our off-world colonies out of
happier, healthier lives, emancipated from need. desperation and necessity. Many escaped only as
infugees, with nothing but their bodiless minds.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

The nations and super-powers of the old world are The war with the TITAN AIs scarred more than Earth.
gone, decapitated and dismantled. New political blocs Zones on Luna, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Iapetus remain
and factions have formed, loosely divided between the under machine influence. Of greater impact, however,
inner and outer systems. The capitalist economies of the are the mysterious pandora gates discovered around the
inner system — Luna, Mars, and Venus — continue to system. These wormhole gates open to extrasolar
enforce scarcity and intellectual property. They are systems — thousands of exoplanets and alien mysteries.
dominated by the Planetary Consortium, a hypercorp- Intrepid gatecrashers explore these new horizons,
led entity that prioritizes business interests and that has colonizing worlds and uncovering the remnants of
declared Mars the new homeworld of transhumanity. extinct civilizations. While no living sapient species has
Their habitats are identified by the influence of media been found beyond the gates, transhumanity has had its
and memetic conflict on civil discourse, the legalities first encounters with alien life within our own Solar
and security restrictions that keep their populations safe, System. A star-faring species known as the Factors visits
a lingering distrust of AIs and uplifts, and sharp class regularly, though the true nature and intentions of these
divisions. While socialites and hyper-elites play and laconic ameboid merchants remains unknown.
prosper, many infugees have resorted to selling their Ultimately, Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman
labor as indentured servants to afford cheap, mass-pro- survival. Aside from the threat that the TITANs will
duced synthetic bodies — the clanking masses. return, we face existential risks — x-risks — that
The outer system is the stronghold of the Autonomist endanger our future as a species. These include
Alliance, a mutual-aid network of anarchists and techno- weapons of mass destruction, artifacts from beyond the
socialists. In these communalist territories, currency is Pandora gates, salvaged TITAN technology, exsurgent
obsolete and unrestricted nanofabrication means that infection breakouts, alien threats, stellar phenomena,
everyone has the necessities and tools they need. and the dangers we pose to ourselves. Our species is in
People create rather than consume. Reputation, not a deteriorating orbit around the black hole of extinction.
wealth, mediates the exchange of information and Will our conflicts steer us into the event horizon, or will
services. Many habitats operate without government, we evolve and cooperate to escape the gravity well and
laws, or police, relying instead on voluntary and reach new frontiers? Will we be recognizable when we
cooperative structures, real-time online referendums, get there?
and collective militias. The outer system is a patchwork Eclipse Phase is an exploration of uncertain futures. The
of political, economic, and social experimentation. crux of Eclipse Phase emphasizes the nature of transhu-
Intersticed among these major factions, other manity as it transforms itself, mentally and physically, on
transhuman clades build their own societies. Criminal the edge of becoming something posthuman. This is a
cartels feed black markets, radical scientists work to setting that speaks to the immense dangers that
democratize technology, aesthete mercenaries offer technology offers us — but that balances this outlook
their services, pirates prey on the unwary, and by considering how science can be used to improve
isolationists filter their communities from outside ourselves, enhance cooperation, counteract these risks,
influences. Even bioconservatives — distrustful of and prosper. There is danger — but also hope.
transhuman technologies — thrive on, fearing for our
species’ future.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

This scenario can be played in two or three sessions. Throughout this scenario, the designation (alpha) will be
While intended as a stand-alone adventure, Ego Hunter used to refer to the original Achjima from which these
can easily be expanded into an ongoing campaign. forks emerged. The forks will be identified as B1, B2, B3,
If you want to complete the scenario in a single session, and so on. Character sheets for the PC forks can be
you’ll need to speed up the investigation and get the found starting on pg. 39, while the NPC forks are
PCs to the finale in the air processing plant more quickly. described on pg. 28.
Here’s how this can be done: Not all of the players need be a fork of Achjima. Several
• Skip over all the impediments and obstacles suggestions are provided for other characters to be
described in Stage 3 (Complications) included. Most of these are characters who egocast in
with the forks from a remote location. Character sheets
• Eliminate or downplay the triad connection.
for three other characters (Nkeka/”B6”, Roque and Park)
• Remove the militia presence and sentry bots at are provided at the end of the document.
Achjima’s residence (pg. 17)
• Be generous in handing out clues, if players look for
them. You can still ask for rolls to find clues, but give
Character List
at least partial information if the roll fails. This list assumes a game of up to 8 players. The
characters are listed in the order they should be
Some characters have 1 XP in their Reserves to begin
assigned; if a game has only 5 players, for example, only
with. These may be used to perform Heroic Actions, per
use the first 5 characters listed:
the ELEMENTAL Complete Guide pg. 15. We recommend
not awarding additional XP during the adventure. 1. Achjima (B1): This fork was sent to research various
xenobotanical samples recovered from exoplanets
accessed via Pandora gates in the possession of
Mission Hook argonaut researchers.
The player characters are forks of the same person who 2. Achjima (B2): This fork was sent to discreetly speak
work together to track down their original (alpha) self. with an expert in uplift genetics regarding the effects
The scenario begins with several beta forks of the same of certain chemicals on smart monkey brains.
person—Achjima Yai—all awakening in a body bank 3. Achjima (B3): This fork was sent to investigate the
after being successfully sleeved into new morphs. Days recent activities and disappearance of a singularity
ago, each of these forks was egocast away to conduct seeker named Arman Usupov.
business and research in remote habitats. Upon
4. “Achjima (B6)”: This is actually Nkeka Adesoji, an
egocasting back, their missions complete, these forks
agent of Firewall who has infiltrated some
should have been collected by the Achjima from which
singularity seeker circles. She is posing as a fork of
they originated to be merged back into her ego. Instead,
Achjima (“B6”).
Achjima apparently left instructions and paid a small
5. Achjima (B4): This fork was sent to research the
fortune (borrowed from a local criminal group) for these
durability of various botanical and mycological
forks to be resleeved. A message left by Achjima tells
strains on Mars.
the forks that something has happened to their alpha
ego. They must put together the pieces of the puzzle 6. Roque Vera: Roque is a collector and dealer of
and track their original self down. unusual things—usually illegal and sometimes

The Player Characters 7. Achjima (B5): This fork was sent to investigate and
appraise a set of experimental cognitive
It is expected that most players of this scenario will be
enhancements being offered by a group of renegade
playing a beta fork of Achjima. Beta forks are mind
geneticists in the Main Belt. (This is a red herring).
clones of the original person with some parts inhibited
8. Park Soon-Ok: Soon-Ok is Achjima’s only local friend.
(skills) or deleted (memories).
She knows nothing of recent events. She simply
Though copies of the same person, each fork differs in
received a message that Achjima was in trouble and
small but distinct ways. The neural pruning used to
to join her forks at the resleeving facility.
create them varied slightly, as each fork was tailored for
If there are fewer than 8 players, the higher Achjima
its specific task. This means that some forks might retain
forks should be ignored. Roque, Park, and Nkeka, if not
memories that others do not (as reflected in their
used as player characters, should be run by the
personal briefing materials). It also means that small
gamemaster as NPCs. They can be given to players as
differences in personality or even skills might exist
replacements if their PC should be killed.
between forks.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Roleplaying Achjima Calling on Firewall: Firewall’s resources are stretched
thin and her backup (Kjell) has already been murdered,
It should be an intriguing challenge for the players to all
so Nkeka is largely on her own in this affair. She can use
roleplay the same character. Though we have provided
WIL+Street Smarts to swing favors, should she need
some details on Achjima’s personality, the players will
help acquiring information or gear, but there are no
have a limited amount of information to work from and
other Firewall agents in the vicinity or willing to egocast
it is likely that each player will approach the character in
in to help without more incentive. Should her cover be
their own individual manner. While the players should
blown, Firewall will send in two agents to extract her if
make an effort to all come across as the same person,
necessary (use the same stats as Park Soon-Ok); these
don’t sweat it if it doesn’t come off perfectly. There are
sentinels will do what they can to eradicate all traces of
many reasons why the different forks of Achjima might
Firewall involvement and pull out.
manifest different aspects of the character’s personality.
The neural pruning process is far from perfect, and each Should Nkeka be able to provide evidence that the
fork was pruned in separate ways that can lead to habitat faces an immediate large-scale threat, she will
variation. On top of this, the longer the forks remain have more luck. Firewall will take a more proactive
apart, the more they diverge from each other in stance, scrambling sentinels and proxies to contain the
experiences and personality and become distinct and situation, provide damage control, and back up Nkeka
separate individuals. This process of divergence is in fact as necessary, per the gamemaster’s discretion (this is
a key element of the roleplaying this scenario after all, Firewall’s mandate). Physical backup will take
encourages. time, but in a pinch Firewall can egocast some sentinels
in to sleeve in synthmorphs or hire some local
What matters is that the players make an effort to
mercenaries. Should the habitat face widespread
portray roughly the same character. One way for them
infection, an erasure squad will be activated (see pg. 26).
to do this is to play off of each other’s presentations and
mimic each other. If one player starts off with a specific
speech pattern, the others should emulate it. If another Starting Setting
player coins a specific amusing catchphrase that This scenario takes place in the domed Martian
Achjima uses, the others could adopt it. If a player settlement of Anyang, in the region known as Hellas
invents a specific memory from Achjima’s past while Planitia. Originally founded as a terraforming outpost by
narrating a tale, the others should feel free to expand on Chinese settlers, Anyang is now an administrative center
that story. In a sense, Achjima is a group identity, fleshed home to some 300,000. Many of these residents are
out by the cooperative manner in which the players hypercorp personnel, drawn to a cluster of research
bring her to life. parks, mostly focused on genetics and biological
If for some reason one of the players fails to stick to the sciences. Anyang is a focal point of culture and nightlife
character, as portrayed by the others, there are in-game for the dozens of smaller outposts and settlements in
ways of explaining this. Precise manipulation of the ego the region.
is still an art form and subject to errors. It is quite Anyang resembles the downtown Los Angeles from
possible that one of the forks in question has been Blade Runner, except that it is covered by a large
significantly altered by the pruning process, to the point pressurized transparent dome that holds in a breathable
of having a mental disorder or simply some distinct atmosphere for transhuman biomorphs.
mannerisms that make them stand out.
Forking Legality
Nkeka’s Options Achjima’s forks are breaking the law by existing longer
Given Nkeka’s secret status as a Firewall operative, she than 4 hours. Should they run afoul of the law, they have
may pursue her own investigations on the side. no rights to speak of—and in fact no right to exist any
Researching Roque: From Firewall’s perspective, further. Without the approval of Achjima (alpha), they
Roque’s presence in this affair is a wild card. While also have no authority to legally access Achjima’s credit
Nkeka can research Roque’s background through stan- accounts or other private affairs, nor can they speak on
dard channels, she is unlikely to find much she doesn’t behalf of Achjima in any legal sense.
already know, and Firewall will be of no extra help here.
What is clear, however, is that Roque is here to purchase
something dangerous and nasty—something Firewall
will probably not be interested in anyone walking off

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Plot Synopsis
Achjima Yai is a singularity seeker. Fascinated with the in her system—a substance she fears was created by the
TITANs and the possibility of bootstrapping her ego to TITANs.
transcendent levels of intelligence, she has made a In fact, the biological sample is an alien life form most
career out of scavenging, studying, and trading TITAN similar to the terrestrial Cordyceps fungus. Cordyceps is
relics and other curiosities from the Fall. Her activities a parasitic fungus that (usually) preys on insects and
have landed her in trouble several times, forcing her to sometimes has the ability to affect the host’s behavior
move often and keep to the fringes in order to avoid too by directly infiltrating its brain and neurological system.
many questions from the authorities. Her illicit Recreated and modified by exsurgents during the Fall,
technological interests and need to keep her activities the xenofungus in Achjima’s possession has been
clandestine are expensive, however, and so Achjima has specially tailored to affect transhumans; the spores of
become indebted to a triad crime syndicate. In exchange this parasitic xenofungus can infect biomorphs. When a
for their assistance, she lends her scientific expertise to victim breathes in the spores, they attach to the inside
their projects and sometimes passes them items of of the throat, lungs, and sinus cavities and germinate.
interest. From there, they grow thin tendrils into the victim’s
In recent months, Achjima has been forced to relocate body. Once these tendrils penetrate into the brain, they
to Anyang in order to work off some of her debt to the begin releasing mind-altering chemicals that affect the
triad, who have her assisting in their soul-trading and victim’s perceptions and behaviors. The infected
black market morph operations here. While here, she become slightly dazed, highly sensitive to odors, and
recently received a package, hand-delivered/smuggled concerned primarily with finding the ideal location from
by a Sufi nomad, from another singularity seeker named which the fungus can spread its spores. The ideal
Arman Usupov. The delivery consisted of a specimen location is one that is warm, moist, and subject to strong
container with an unusual biological sample and a short winds. Once the parasite kills the victim, it replaces its
message from Arman, who simply said that he had host’s tissue, sprouts from the body, and fruits into
“discovered it under interesting circumstances” and maturity. The entire process takes just under a week.
wanted her to help analyze it. Even though the victim is doomed to die, the xenofungal
Achjima began investigating the biological material. infection prevents them from contemplating suicide or
During this testing, one of her smart monkey pursuing similarly self-destructive measures.
pet/assistants was accidentally exposed to spores from Unfortunately for Achjima, she discovered her infection
this sample. Achjima isolated the creature and placed it too late. The xenofungus was already manipulating her
under study, where she noticed it was exhibiting some behavior more than she realized. Unable to kill or
odd changes in behavior. After several days, the monkey restrain herself, the best she could do was to arrange for
died. Achjima autopsied the animal and detected several the forks to be resleeved when she returned (a large
chemical changes to the monkey’s brain. Shortly expense that required a temporary loan from her triad
thereafter, she observed a strange set of biological connections) and hope they would put together the
growths extending from its corpse. She strongly information they needed to track her down and deal
suspected the biological substance had been with the problem. She also created three new beta forks
manipulating the smart monkey’s behavior in order to (B6, B7, and B8) and sleeved each, but due to the
facilitate its own best chances for replication and xenofungus’s influences, she was incapable of creating
survival. either until their new sleeves had been similarly infected.
Achjima decided to research this unusual sample more. Though neither has reached the stage of infection that
To this end, she pruned several beta forks of herself and Achjima (alpha) has, all three are effectively under the
sent them off on research missions. Somewhat paranoid parasite’s control. As Achjima (alpha) succumbed to the
and precautious, she was careful to trim each fork’s infection, these forks carried through a plan to infiltrate
memories so that it only knew the bare minimum it the habitat’s air plant. This scheme involved abducting
needed in order to pursue the investigation, in case they an air plant engineer (Scott Wai) and hiring a hacker
happened to fall into the wrong hands. (known as T-Faktor) to oversee the infiltration and hide
their tracks, so that they could place the sprouting
Just a few hours after these forks were egocast away,
Achjima in the best possible position to spread spores.
Achjima made a horrible discovery. She herself has been
exposed to the spores just as the smart monkey had. Meanwhile, the activity of one of Achjima’s forks has
Though her initial tests on herself had shown she was drawn the attention of Firewall. Achjima’s past activities
unaffected, she was now detecting signs of the material reserved her a spot on Firewall’s watch list some time

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

ago, as did the interests of Arman Usupov. When Arman the xenofungus. This is the final straw for Achjima’s
began poking around in the TITAN Quarantine Zone, muse, Nonny, but Achjima shuts her off before she can
Firewall started paying closer attention. His recent contact the authorities.
disappearance, and the sudden arrival and interest of 2 Days Ago: B6 rents a flying car. Storage locker D378
Achjima (B3) in the matter, prompted a proxy to is rented and Stella’s corpse placed in it as a booby trap.
dispatch three sentinels to investigate what was going
1 Day Ago: The beta forks kidnap Scott Wai and hire T-
on. One is doing what they can to find Arman. Another,
Faktor to infiltrate the air processing plant.
Nkeka Adesoji, has been tracking Achjima. Nkeka is now
in Anyang, having infiltrated the team of Achjima beta 6 Hours Ago: Achjima (alpha) dies at the air processing
forks by posing as one of them (“B6”). plant.

The third sentinel, named Kjell Hoff, took a more direct 3 Hours Ago: The B6 beta fork murders Kjell Hoff. She
approach to researching Achjima. Unfortunately, he returns to the air processing plant and takes over
drew the attention of the paranoid singularity seeker guarding Achjima (alpha)’s corpse. B7 and B8 leave the
and was murdered by the real Achjima B6. This killing air processing plant. B7 parks the flying car in a
was very public, and Achjima is now wanted for centertown alley (preprogrammed to fly up above the
questioning for aggravated violence and property city and open its doors when B7 is due to spore). B8 goes
destruction. to the top of an apartment building in centertown
(planning to die and spore there).
At the time the scenario begins, Achjima (alpha) has fully
succumbed to the alien fungus. Her infected corpse lies 1 Hour Ago: The first set of beta forks begin their
hidden within the habitat’s primary air recycling and resleeving at the Hao Shencai clinic.
circulation plant. Large fungal growths already sprout
from her body, growing larger by the hour. In Major NPCs
approximately twelve hours, the xenofungus will spore. Here is a quick summary for the gamemaster of the
The characters have until then to track the body down NPCs that play a role in this scenario. They are more fully
and contain the infection. detailed starting on pg. 28:
Dolma Gope: A genehacker who runs a black clinic
Achjima Alpha - Timeline
linked to the triad. Achjima sometimes works at this
8 Months Ago: Achjima is forced to relocate to Anyang clinic. Dolma helped Achjima (alpha) acquire three
in order to work off some of her debt to the Triad. morphs just recently (for B6, B7, and B8).
14 Days Ago: Received sample of xenobiological Kjell Hoff: A Firewall agent sent to investigate Achjima
fungoid from Arman Usupov. ahead of Nkeka’s arrival. Achjima (alpha) was alerted to
12 Days Ago: The smart monkey Stella is infected. his snooping and so Achjima (B6) murdered him.
10 Days Ago: Achjima sends the first set of beta forks Scott Wai: A technician who maintains Anyang’s air
(PCs) to research various facets of the fungus. Achjima is plants. Achjima (alpha) had him kidnapped to gain
infected on this day (but doesn’t realize it). entrance to one of the plants.
7 Days Ago: Achjima discovers that she’s been infected, T-Faktor: A mercenary hacker, perhaps the best in
but it’s too late: She is no longer in control of her own Anyang. Achjima (alpha) hired him to help gain access
actions. to one of the air plants.
6 Days Ago: Achjima borrows money from the Triads Yao Xie: The local triad boss to whom Achjima is
and makes arrangements for the first set of beta forks indebted. He is aware that Achjima is in trouble and
to be resleeved when they return. wants to know the details. He also possesses Achjima’s
5 Days Ago: Achjima drops off a bundle of equipment backup.
at the Bar D’Ville.
3 Days Ago: Achjima has Dolma Gope sleeve the B6, B7,
and B8 forks. She specifically infects their morphs with

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Xenofungal Infection
Basic Properties Detection
• An alien life form most similar to the terrestrial Initial Infection: Only advanced medical testing (deep
Cordyceps fungus. Cordyceps is a parasitic fungus tissue scans, nanoswarm diagnosing, respiratory tract
that (usually) preys on insects and sometimes has the tissue samples, etc.) can detect it.
ability to affect the host’s behavior by directly After 2 Days: Any medical examination (using Medicine
infiltrating the brain and neurological system. skill) will detect the fungus.
• This fungus has been tailored for transhumans: After 4 Days: Fungus is clearly visible in throat and sinus
When biomorphs breathe in the spores, they attach cavity.
to the inside of the throat, lungs, and sinus cavities.
Final Stage/Death: Victim’s brain, lungs, and significant
From their germination points, they grow thin
portions of their digestive and nervous systems will have
tendrils in the victim’s body.
been eaten away and replaced by the fungus.
• Once these tendrils penetrate into the brain, they
begin releasing mind-altering chemicals that affect Treatment
the victim’s perceptions and behaviors.
• Synthmorphs (like B2) are immune.
• Certain markers in its makeup strongly imply that it
• Medichines make characters automatically immune.
is alien in origin: The DNA helix has been inverted and
(Nanobots quickly find and eliminate the infection).
the production of one of the chemicals requires an
B1, Nkeka and Park have medichines in their bodies.
amino acid only found on exoplanets.
• Healing vats (2 hours per day of infection) will
Environmental Preferences remove the infection.

• Likely to thrive in damp, warm environments.

Probably feeds off host bodies or decomposing
matter (in this case living bodies or corpses).
• Its ideal sporing location would be warm, moist, and
subject to high winds.

Effect on Victim
• Victim becomes slightly dazed, highly sensitive to
odors, and concerned primarily with finding an ideal
location from which the fungus can spread its spores.
• Fungus prevents the victim from contemplating
suicide or pursuing similarly self-destructive
• After death, the fungus replaces the host’s tissue,
sprouts long purple-blue stalks from the body, and
fruits into maturity.

Timeline of Infection
2 or 3 Days: Fungus reaches the victim’s brain. If the
victim is a PC, they become an NPC at the end of this
3 to 5 Days: Fungus takes complete control of victim’s
behavior. They gain Senses 1 but lose 1 WIL.
6 to 9 Days: Victim dies and begins sprouting. Within
24-48 hours the fruiting bodies will release their spores.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)


Stage 1: Meet Yourself

The Achjimas and Nkeka (posing as B6) awake in a body
bank resleeving facility. Hao Shencai Clinic AI informs
them that they’re being sleeved.

• Process takes one hour as various medical scans and

tests are run. Their consciousness shifts from ego
bridge to the morph.
• Nervous medtech introduces them to each other.
• The forks of Achjima are likely to be confused, as they
expected to be merged with Achjima (alpha) when
they returned. Instead, the medtechs tell them that
Achjima arranged otherwise
• Have each player describe their morph.
• Medtech transmits an encrypted private message to
each of them (see below), to be viewed in their
entoptic displays.
• Medtech tells them they have two visitors waiting:
Roque Vera and Park Soon-Ok.

The Message
When the forks access the message, they view an avatar
of Achjima (alpha) as they last remember themselves: an
attractive “ruster” morph with typical Eurasian looks.
Though computer-generated, the avatar’s programming
captures the emotional state of the user. In this case,
Achjima (alpha) comes across as unfocused and dopey,
perhaps drugged. The icon gazes off into the distance
for several long, uncomfortable moments, then turns to
address the viewer directly with a glassy expression.
With apparent difficulty, she stutters out a short string
of letters and digits: “SC-D378.” She swallows
uncomfortably, and then follows this up with a simple
“Find it.” After another long, blank stare, she croaks out
“St— … st— … stop me.” After that the message ends.

• Message: “SC-D378. Find it. St…st… stop me.”

• Researching SC-D378: AWA+Research vs. DIF 3
reveals that SC-D378 matches the range of numbers
used by the Mos Dal Storage Lockers (pg. 16).

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Private Messages days or weeks at a time and doesn’t talk much of her
work for the triads.
In addition to the one message which all the forks
receive, each fork receives a private message from
Achjima. Each of these messages is different.
Breaking News
At some point during this meeting, one of the player
• B1: “Go … go to … Deville. Deville for supplies. Talk … characters should become aware of a recent news item
talk bartender.” (most likely Roque or Park, having been alerted by their
• B2: “Someone … someone is after us. Be careful. They muse, if Nkeka hasn’t told them already). According to
may have … they may have fr-fr-friends. Trust no-no- the reports, just hours ago Achjima (alpha, presumably)
no one.” was implicated in the public murder of someone named
Kjell Hoff. Nkeka is already aware of this information,
• B3: “H-h-had to shut …. shut down Nonny. N-n-n …
having been alerted by Firewall just after her resleeve.
Nonny knows.” You remember that Nonny is your
muse. While the killer looks like Achjima (alpha), in reality it was
• B4: “A-a-avoid the … the t-t-triad. At all … all c-c-
• Murder of Kjell Hoff captured by various spimes and
• B5: “Br-brrr … Bringing R-r-roque was a … a mist- visual sensors and is available for download.
mistake. Watch-wat … watch out for h-h-him. Do not
• Visual record: K’Jell emerges from a local pub called
be afraid to k-k-k-kill him.”
the Bar D’Ville and heads down the busy street.
• NKEKA: Message from Firewall: Kjell Hoff has been Achjima (in the familiar ruster morph) emerges from
murdered – seemingly by Achjima (alpha). the shadows between two buildings, walks up behind
Footage: Kjell seen emerging from a local pub called Kjell, puts a bullet through his head, then runs off.
Bar D’Ville and heading down the street. Achjima • Sensors continue to track her for several blocks,
emerges from the shadows between buildings, before she disappears into an area with little
coming up on Kjell from behind, and putting a bullet sensor/spime coverage.
through the back of his head.
• AWA+Computers* vs. DIF 2 to enhance and sharpen
Briefing: Kjell left behind some equipment in his the footage. Achjima has the same blank expression
hotel room at the Jinsedei Helix Hotel. They squirt throughout the incident, just as the message avatar
you the access codes. Your mission goals remain had. Pauses for a second over the body with a
unchanged, but you should use extreme caution. confused look on her face.
• AWA+Senses vs. DIF 2 to notice that certain small
Introductions features of the morph don’t match the morph they’re
The assembled forks should have a few minutes to “get familiar with their alpha inhabiting. A similar morph
to know each other”—or at least to compare notes and may have been biosculpted to match.
share information. • AWA+Observation vs. DIF 2 to notice that Achjima’s
After a short period, the medtech will return and usher morph has unusual orange patterns showing in its
the characters out to meet their visitors: Roque and Park. eyes and even subdermally on its face. Some sort of
Roque only recently arrived, having egocasted into the subdermal tattooing?
same facility just ahead of the forks. Roque was invited • Anyang People’s Militia are seeking Achjima for
here as a potential buyer of the xenofungal sample questioning. Though they do not seem to be aware
several days ago. Achjima (alpha) simply left a message of the forks yet, it is only a matter of time before their
for him stating that he should wait at the facility and mesh spiders turn up data on their return and seek
conduct business with his forks. The forks themselves to track them down.
know nothing about him, and it is up to Roque to decide • Reports indicate that the militia have sealed off a
how much he wishes to share with them. garage lab reportedly leased by the suspect.
Park is someone the forks will all recognize, though they
are unlikely to have many memories relating to Park and
What the Forks Know
Achjima’s past. They will remember that Park is one of
Achjima’s only local friends. Though not a singularity Since the forks are in pursuit of another version of
seeker, Park is a technophile and interested in techno- themselves, exactly what they know about Achjima
curiosities. Park knows very little of Achjima’s recent (alpha) and her life is likely to come up often and play
activities; she often buries herself in research or work for an important role in this investigation. The simple
answer is: not much. Most of the banal memories of

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Achjima’s regular and recent affairs were excised via • They can rely on Nkeka and/or Roque.
neural pruning, as unnecessary to their respective • They can track down other allies, such as Dolma.
missions. This sort of memory alteration is not an exact
The forks may be hoping to pick up gear from Achjima’s
science, however, and so it is entirely likely that some
home, but they will find this more complicated than
useful info remains. To complicate matters, each fork
expected (see Achjima’s Lab, pg. 17). Trying to use their
was pruned separately and so is likely to have different
triad connections is also unlikely to go well, considering
memory fragments.
the debt Achjima (alpha) has accrued (see The Triad
What this means is that the gamemaster has fine control Comes Calling, pg. 21).
over what the forks know. If the gamemaster finds a
The following table lists typical gear that can be found
particular bit of info useful to the scenario, he can let the
in Angyang. Each item is more fully described in the
forks remember it. If the characters are grabbing at
Glossary starting on pg. 33. If the players look for
straws, pursuing red herrings, or bogging down the
something else, make a judgment call or have them
scenario with too many questions, “you don’t
make a 2d or 3d Spirit check to see if it is available.
remember” will work just fine.
That said, there is some info that each of the forks is ITEM LIST PRICE
likely to recall. They will know where Achjima lives, but
Armored Clothing 50 cr.
they won’t recall the security codes. They will know she
works for the triads and who her main contact there is Armor Vest 250 cr.
(Yao Xie), but they won’t recall exactly what it is she does Body Armor 250 cr.
or any details on the triad’s operations. Cuffband 250 cr.
It is likely the forks at some point will attempt to second- Densiplast Gloves 50 cr.
guess Achjima (alpha) by asking what she would do in a
Electronic Rope 250 cr.
certain situation. In this case, the gamemaster should
answer as truthfully as possible, keeping in mind the Extendable Baton 50 cr.
limits of what the forks know and the fact that Achjima Flex Cutter 250 cr.
(alpha) and her three infected forks are under the
Freezer 1,000 cr.
parasite’s influence.
Invisibility Cloak 5,000 cr.

Gearing Up Laser Pulser 1,000 cr.

Pistol. Medium 250 cr.
The forks are unequipped and one of the first things
they are likely to do is seek to remedy that situation. Pistol, Heavy 250 cr.
Achjima (alpha) left an account with 500 credits which Microwave Agonizer 1,000 cr.
they each have access to. Any attempt to access MRDR 250 cr.
Achjima’s other accounts is futile; they have been
Prisoner Mask 1,000 cr.
drained (though they may provide certain leads; see
Credit History, pg. 19). Scrapper’s Gel 250 cr.
Achjima (alpha) did leave Achjima (B1) a private Seeker Rifle 5,000 cr.
message, hinting that a cache of gear was left for the Shock Baton 250 cr.
forks at The Bar D’Ville (pg. 18). If the forks talk to a
Shredder 1,000 cr.
bartender there, they will be handed a sealed bag with
a pistol (medium), 100 rounds of ammo, a microwave Sniper Rifle 5,000 cr.
agonizer, a utilitool, and a gardener nanoswarm Speck Robot 250 cr.
capsule. Achjima (B1) is, of course, under no obligation Specs 250 cr.
to share this stash with her cohorts.
Superthermite Charge 1,000 cr.
If the forks wish to acquire gear, they have several
Twitch 250 cr.
Utilitool 250 cr.
• They can use the limited credit they jointly share.
Vibroblade 250 cr.
• They can pull in favors to borrow gear or get it cheap.
This requires a WIL+Street Smarts vs. DIF 2 roll. On a X-Ray Emitter 250 cr
success, the item can be acquired at 50% off the
listed price (see table below). On a critical success,
the item can be “borrowed” for free.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Nkeka (“B6”) is not very well equipped either, though Kjell’s Room
she at least has credit to acquire what she needs.
The room has been privacy-shielded, which means any
Firewall has also provided her with the location and
mesh activity within the room has to pass through the
access codes to Kjell Hoff’s hotel room at the Jinsedai
hotel-controlled squirter.
Helix (see below), where some gear awaits her. It may
• Searching the Room: Roll AWA+Observation vs. DIF
be difficult, however, for her to slip away without raising
2 to find a metal box strapped under the bed
suspicion—especially if the forks connect Nkeka to Kjell.
containing a pistol (heavy), 100 rounds of ammo, a
utilitool, an armor vest, specs, a specimen
Jinsedai Helix
container, a guardian nanoswarm, and a speck
One of the helix shaped buildings that were popular robot.
about fifteen years ago. Twists up into the sky in majestic
• Hacking the Hotel System: Roll AWA+Computers*
double curves which have become completely generic.
vs. DIF 2 to hack the hotel-controlled squirter’s logs
• Lobby: AR display of a swirling purple-and-red and check out what Kjell was doing mesh-searches
sandstorm. An elegant fashion statement seven years on. This turns up three things waiting to be purged
ago, now it just looks cheap and outdated. from a memory buffer: A chat log with a hacker
• Elevators: Require room access key. Visual log of named T-Faktor, a receipt showing that Achjima
anyone using them. rented a flying car from Martian Hop rentals 2 days
ago, and another receipt indicating that she rented a
locker at Mos Dal Storage Lockers on the same day.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

The Achjima forks will all recognize the corpse as one of

Stage 2: Find Yourself their three smart monkey pets (“Stella”). Examining the
corpse with AWA+Medicine* vs. DIF 2 will reveal that it
From this point, the player characters have multiple likely died about two days ago when the strange
avenues of research to choose from. This part of the biological growth penetrated its brain.
scenario is freeform, depending on the players’ whims
and how the gamemaster guides them. Ultimately the The Fungus
information gained should lead to a confrontation with
A thorough examination of the biological growth will
Achjima (B8), as noted in Stage 3.
require proper scientific equipment and several hours of
research and testing. What the characters can
The Serial Number determine, given this short amount of time and some
A successful AWA+Research vs. DIF 3 will uncover the successful skill rolls, is that the substance most closely
fact that the serial number matches the range of resembles a fungus, it is alive, and it is unlike any sort of
numbers used by a personal locker storage rental facility fungus known to transhumanity. Certain markers in its
in this habitat. makeup strongly imply that it is alien in origin; notably
the fact that its genetics are remarkably non-terrestrial.
A successful hacking intrusion into the storage
Furthermore, the xenofungus is asexual and seems likely
company’s rental records (AWA+Computers* vs. DIF 3)
to thrive in damp, warm environments. It probably feeds
will indicate that locker D378 was indeed rented by
off host bodies or decomposing matter (in this case,
Achjima just a couple of days ago.
living bodies or corpses). It can survive in extreme cold
conditions, such as the surface of Mars or deep space,
Mos Dal Storage Lockers
but it goes dormant in these conditions.
Mos Dal Storage Lockers is a block of synthcrete located
A thorough examination of the smart monkey corpse
in the industrial outskirts of town. Inside is a cavernous
will indicate that the monkey was probably only recently
hall with large garages opening off of it. Locker SC-D378
infected (within the past 2 weeks), but the exact rate of
is in a maze-like warren of passages on the third floor.
fungal growth is hard to pin down. The fungus most
The locker itself is easy to find. It is, however, locked with likely took root in its head and/or chest, and seems to
an e-lock with hooded keypad access. have spread throughout the body, transforming tissue
• This lock can be circumvented with network hacking into fungal growth. The monkey’s entire brain, lungs,
(AWA+Computers* vs. DIF 3), or hardware hacking (a and a significant portion of its digestive and nervous
utilitool and AWA+Fixing* vs. DIF 3). systems have been eaten away and replaced.
• The lockers are monitored by a sentry AI with a
guardian angel bot on call.

Smart Monkey Corpse

Inside the locker is the corpse of the smart monkey that
was first to be infected by the xenofungus.
• Booby Trap: Contained in sealed plastic bag, rigged
to tear open when the locker is opened.
The body, still recognizable as a monkey, is heavily
covered in strange fungal growths that protrude from its
head, chest, and other parts of its body. These growths
are spore-laden, so when the bag rips open and the
body is disturbed, a thick cloud of powdery spores will
gush out of the bag.
• Spore Cloud: Envelopes anyone within 3 meters of
the locker. Those who were poised to leap away can
roll AGI+Athletics vs. DIF 4 to avoid it. Slowly expands
to 6 meters, infecting any breathing biomorph.
• If the characters do not somehow contain or mitigate
the spore threat, it is possible that others may
become infected.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Achjima’s Lab Nonny Gets Active
If Nonny is reactivated, she’ll start working for the
Achjima’s residence, a medium-sized converted garage
Achjima forks. She can also proactively start monitoring
in a light industrial district, is difficult to access. The local
newsfeeds and social networks for them. In addition to
militia currently has the place restricted while a forensics
reacting to what they’re experiencing (tracking the flying
team investigates. The initial police response, coming to
car once they know it exists, figuring out how to contact
detain Achjima after the murder, entered and found
T-Faktor, etc.), she could also:
some illegal technologies and other dubious items. They
are currently looking through her possessions and lab • Perform a credit check on Achjima’s accounts, pg. 19.
materials, trying to decide if anything warrants calling in • Alert the PCs that their existence has hit the
a quarantine squad. newsfeeds and they’re being sought by the militia for
• 2 sentry bots outside. questioning.
• 2 investigators and a forensic bot inside. • Receive research information from one of the beta
forks who hasn’t returned yet (if any).
• The investigators work for two hours before leaving.
They seal the building with militia token locks • Do a background check on Kjell Hoff (finding his
monitored by sentry AI and requiring a militia badge hotel room, for example, pg. 15).
to open. • Backcheck the xenofungus samples and find the
• They’ll find the original specimen container before information on Kartika (pg. 18).
leaving and take it with them (see below).
If the PCs manage to get inside (they can try to pass The Murder
themselves off as investigators): Kjell Hoff, the first Firewall agent on the scene, had been
• Searching for 30 minutes with a successful working his way around Anyang, poking his head into
AWA+Criminology vs. DIF 2 roll turns up the original Achjima’s affairs, particularly her research and triad
specimen container. It lies in a small, sealed clean connections. Achjima got wind of his snooping, and not
room at the back of the lab. Inside is a xenofungal knowing who he was, simply decided to kill him to buy
specimen, still sporing. some time.
• The container contains records that it once belonged
to Arman Usupov and was transported from his The Murdered
residence in Noctis 16 days ago; arriving in Anyang Looking into Kjell’s Background: AWA+Research or
14 days ago. WIL+Street Smarts vs. DIF 2 reveals the following:
• Achjima’s forks will know that Achjima had three • Kjell recently egocast to Anyang from Progress
smart monkey helpers. None of these is present. Station, where he had been working as a freelance
security consultant. Although he seems to have been
Achjima’s Home Network involved in one or two sketchy security incidents over
All the forks have access to Achjima’s home network. An the past three years, there’s nothing connecting him
AWA+Research vs. DIF 2 roll reveals three things: to Achjima, the triads, or the xenofungus.
• Xenofungal Research: Encrypted file. Forks can • He was staying at the Jinsedai Helix hotel (see pg. 15).
guess the password on successful AWA+Memory vs. Recovering Kjell’s Cortical Stack: It’s currently in militia
DIF 2 roll. If successful, they gain access to all of the custody (pending the backup insurance claim). If it’s
alpha’s xenofungal research (give them a full briefing somehow obtained and run as an infomorph, Kjell will
on its properties, pg. 11). willingly talk to Nkeka (but no one else):
• Achjima’s Muse: Achjima’s muse, Nonny, has been • Achjima’s work for the triad involved a black
deactivated. She can be reactivated easily. See her resleeving clinic operated by Dolma Gope. He was
character information on pg. 29. Nonny also knows on his way to this clinic when Achjima killed him.
the password for the xenofungal research. • Achjima had interest in potentially hiring a local
• Sensor Footage: Yesterday afternoon, someone hacker named T-Faktor.
wiped the sensor logs clean. No one else came to the • Achjima had recently rented a flying car from Martian
apartment until the militia arrived (about 30 minutes Hop rentals and a storage locker from Mos Dal
after Kjell’s murder). The initial militia find the lab and Storage Lockers.
then abruptly leave. Shortly thereafter, the forensics
team arrives.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

The Bar D’Ville and lack of moisture are inhibitive to many known fungi.
Luckily for the player characters, this particular
This bar is a semi-frequent hangout for Achjima (alpha),
xenofungal strain goes dormant on the Martian surface.
Park, and some acquaintances also in triad employ. It is
also a likely spot for the triad to get wind of the player
characters and come looking for them. Kartika
• Bartender: Gives an Achjima fork a sealed bag Researching the doomed settlement requires an AWA+
(medium pistol firearm, 100 rounds of ammo, Research vs. DIF 2 roll. If successful, the players dig up
microwave agonizer, utilitool, and a gardener the fact that the settlement was believed to have been
nanoswarm capsule). overcome by a TITAN-created biological warfare attack.

• Asking Around: WIL+Street Smarts vs. DIF 1 reveals A further AWA+Research vs. DIF 4 roll can uncover some
that Achjima worked at Dolma Gope’s black clinic long-range sensor scans taken of the settlement before
and was trying to contact a hacker named T-Faktor. military forces carpet-bombed it. These photos show
large, strange, biological growths growing from what
appear to be corpses on rooftop—or in some cases
Putting the Pieces Together dangling from the spars of the overhead dome and
If the different forks of Achjima share notes on their radio towers. These growths look similar to the
respective missions, some additional information might xenofungus sprouting from the smart monkey or found
come to light. in the specimen container.
The xenobotanical samples that Achjima (B1) was sent
to research were similar in some ways to the xenofungal Looking for Achjima
samples the player characters will find in the locker or
The social networks can be used to track down
Achjima’s lab. Specifically, the fork was investigating
information on Achjima’s whereabouts, as noted below.
various specimens with mycological (similar to fungi)
Similarly, the forks each have limited access to Achjima
and/or parasitic properties. Though the argonauts were
(alpha)’s credit, which includes the ability to track her
not in possession of anything with an exact match to the
spending (and that of the other forks).
Achjima’s xenofungus, some correlations can be drawn.
For every 3 hours spent by a PC looking for information
The chemical effects that Achjima (B2) was looking into
via social networking, roll WIL+Street Smarts and
are of course those caused by the xenofungus. The fork
consult the table below. The player gains all the leads up
will have learned that these chemicals are likely to
to and including the number rolled. As noted, some
increase olfactory sensitivity but would also inhibit
leads can yield additional information if pursued further.
certain brain functions and impulses. Though the exact
mechanisms and effect of the chemicals would take
SOCIAL NETWORKING (WIL+Street Smarts roll):
weeks of study to deduce, there is no question that they
are in fact mind-altering and mind-controlling 3. No information of value
chemicals. And, yes, these chemicals are likely to have 4. Achjima recently purchased bio-accelerants and
the exact same effect on transhuman brains. bio-plasms tailored for fungal growths.
While looking into Arman Usupov’s disappearance, 5. Achjima was inquiring about air plant engineer Scott
Achjima (B3) made the acquaintance of Roque and Wai. If the player investigates further, a WIL+Street
discovered that Arman had last been seen at his Noctis Smarts vs. DIF 0 reveals that Scott Wai hasn’t been
residence approximately 3 weeks ago. He was last seen in over a day. Some friends and co-workers are
known to have left Noctis by rocket buggy, heading west growing concerned.
(the direction of the TITAN Quarantine Zone). Arman’s 6. Achjima worked at Dolma Gope’s black clinic. If the
singularity seeker and underworld contacts know that player investigates further, a WIL+Street Smarts vs.
Arman had been spending a lot of time sniffing around DIF 2 reveals its location.
the TQZ in recent months, hoping to find TITAN artifacts.
7. Achjima had been looking to hire a hacker named
Aside from mentioning a settlement known as Kartika to
T-Faktor. If the player investigates further, a
a few contacts, there are no other leads. Kartika was
WIL+Street Smarts vs. DIF 2 uncovers some
within the TQZ and was destroyed during the Fall.
background info on T-Faktor (see pg. 30). If they try
Achjima (B4)’s research into mycological success in the to contact T-Faktor, roll WIL+Street Smarts vs. DIF 1
Martian environment will have determined a few things. to succeed.
First, wind is an important thing for dispersing spores.
8. Achjima’s triad connection is Yao Xie.
Second, the ability to survive in the Martian environment
9.+ Find out what the People’s Militia knows
is highly dependent on the strain in question. The cold
(gamemaster call).

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Credit History DRIVING LOG
Achjima’s credit has been reduced to next to nothing, • Car rented at Martian Hop rentals by B6. B6 looks like
due to the cost of multiple resleevings. In fact, Achjima Achjima (alpha).
(alpha) had to pull in some new favors from her triad • Car was brought back to Achjima’s home. Stella is
bosses to cover the costs. Though she promised to pay brought out and loaded in the trunk.
soon, she had no intention to follow through.
• Car drives into Mos Dal Storage Lockers (where Stella
• There’s a large cash infusion 6 days ago, but it’s is loaded into storage locker D378).
almost immediately spent. This is the payment to the
• Car returns to Achjima’s home.
Hao Shencai clinic to get the PCs resleeved.
• Car is taken by B6 and B7 to visit several air
Note: There is an invoice for X number of forks to be
processing plants around the perimeter of the city.
resleeved. X is one less than the PCs believe are in the
party, because the invoice does not include Nkeka. • Car returns to Achjima’s home.

• There’s a payment two days ago to “Martian Hop”. • B6, B7, and B8 take the car to Scott Wai’s house and
(this is the flying car rental). If the players investigate kidnap him.
further, go to “The Flying Car” (next section). • They take the car to Air Processing Plant 13 and
• There’s also a payment two days ago to “Mos Dal infiltrate the plant.
Storage” (this is the monkey locker rental). • B6 takes the car and parks it a few blocks from the
• There are also large withdrawals 3 days ago and 1 Bar D’Ville (where she murders Kjell).
day ago, but these appear to have been laundered • B6 takes the car back to Air Processing Plant 13.
through triad connections to make the transactions • B7 and B8 leave the air processing plant. B8 is
discreet. If the players investigate this further, an dropped off at an apartment complex in centertown.
AWA+Research vs. DIF 4 roll (timeframe: 3 hours) • B7 parks the car in an alley on the opposite side of
uncovers that these payments were made to Dolma centertown.
Gope’s black clinic (for the three recent beta fork
resleevings) and to a local hacker named T-Faktor.
Achjima on the Move
The Flying Car Though Achjima (alpha) is already dead and fruiting,
forks B6, B7, and B8 are still active. Since murdering Kjell,
The car is currently parked in a centertown alley. B7 is
B6 has been lying low in the air plant, keeping an eye on
inside (and can be tracked by his mesh ID, which is
Achjima (alpha)’s corpse and the kidnapped engineer,
known to Dolma Gope).
Scott Wai. B6 plans to die and spore in this plant as well
• Martian Hop: Rented from Martian Hop rentals two and is simply holding down the fort until that time.
days ago. Martian Hop can ping the vehicle’s tracker
Achjima B7 and B8 are both slowing down as the
and access its driving log (see “Driving Log” below),
xenofungal infection consumes more of their mental
which will also give its current location.
capacities. Their priorities right now are finding their
• Tracking: If they have some ID on the car (a spime own places to die and spore. Achjima (B7) plans to die
record from outside Achjima’s lab, for example), an and spore in the flying car and has pre-programmed the
AWA+Research vs. DIF 2 roll will turn up images of car’s AI to rise to a certain altitude in a few days’ time
the car all around town. This might yield additional and open all the doors and windows, to maximize the
information depending on the roll: spores’ range of dispersion.
Draw: This shows no locations of interest or Achjima (B8) has secured a place on a high rooftop
indication of where the car might be. where she expects to die and spore undisturbed, but the
Normal Success: There’s a spime visual of the flying recent arrival of the player characters has triggered her
car arriving at a random location (see “Driving Log” defensiveness, already enhanced by the xenofungal
below). parasite. She will be monitoring the player characters’
Critical Success: They essentially duplicate the driving progress, and if it seems they might become a threat to
log (see below) through visual tracking of the car her or the other infected Achjimas, she will take action.
(although with some gaps when the beta forks Though both Achjima (B7) and (B8) operate in privacy
deliberately blocked out local sensors). mode, they may be tracked online if their mesh IDs are
known, each one requiring a successful AWA+Research
vs. DIF 4 roll. The mesh inserts of Achjima (alpha) and
(B6) have been disabled, however.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Achjima’s Looks elements, though he is aware that Achjima used a
coerced engineer to bypass some of the other
B6, B7 and B8 have different morphs as listed on pg. 28.
safeguards. He doesn’t know what Achjima wants with
Despite looking different, a character familiar with
the facility—and doesn’t want to know.
Achjima (alpha)—such as the forks or Park—may be able
to recognize one of the other beta forks with a It is possible for the player characters to hire T-Faktor to
successful AWA+Psychology vs. DIF 2 roll (or DIF 4 if the break them into the facility as well. If they reveal that
character is not actively looking for such clues). Achjima is planning to infect the habitat with alien
spores, he may even be persuaded to do it for free—he
If any of the characters interact with one of the NPC
has a small bit of conscience remaining— but he will
forks directly in person, an AWA+Observation vs. DIF 1
haggle for payment if he can.
roll reveals them to be infected, given the somewhat
distracted pose and glassy look they have.
The Black Clinic
Scott Wai The black clinic run by genehacker Dolma Gope offers
a range of illegal or gray market services. Like Achjima,
Scott Wai is an engineer at the Anyang air plant. Until
Dolma is partly indebted to the triads, and so the clinic
recently he had never met Achjima, until B6 tracked him
is used for some of their resleeving, psychosurgery, bio-
down—and kidnapped him. Using his credentials and
mod, and darknet needs.
the assistance of T-Faktor, the Achjima forks accessed
the plant and found a place to hide Achjima (alpha) until This is where Achjima usually performs services on the
she can spore. Scott is currently unconscious and bound, triad’s behalf. Achjima was using labs here to work as
next to Achjima’s decaying corpse. part of a team on bioengineering gene-customized
drugs for triad clients.
The players can pursue the following avenues of
investigation to learn more about Scott. Each one Dolma would normally be reluctant to part with
requires a successful AWA+Research roll. information on Achjima’s activities; however, given that
it is a fork of Achjima that is asking, she will tell what she
• Researching Scott’s Background (DIF 1): Scott Wai
knows. Achjima stopped showing up for a triad project
works at Air Processing Plant 13.
she was working on at the clinic about two weeks ago—
• Tracking Scott’s Mesh ID (DIF 2): Pinpoints his last
apparently she was too engrossed in personal research.
known location as just outside of his house.
Then a few days ago, she contacted Dolma and asked
• Locating Spime Footage (DIF 3): Shows Scott being her to resleeve a trio of beta forks on the side, without
shocked into unconsciousness and then dragged into the triad knowing—and at a discount. Dolma reluctantly
Achjima’s rented car. agreed and hasn’t heard from Achjima since. She can,
however, provide detailed information on the morphs
T-Faktor she provided to the beta forks, including their looks,
biometrics, brain scans, and mesh IDs. This data can be
T-Faktor is the handle of one of Anyang’s most
further used to identify or track these variant forks down.
accomplished hackers. As the characters may discover,
Each ID requires a successful AWA+Research vs. DIF 4
Achjima (B6) recently sought out his services. Tracking
roll to track.
T-Faktor down requires a WIL+Street Smarts vs. DIF 1
roll. The only way provided to contact him will be
online—T-Faktor will generally refuse to meet in person.
If the hacker is approached with a large enough bribe,
he may be willing to spill the details. In fact, since
Achjima originally promised payment for additional
work that never materialized, T-Faktor is inclined to sell
her out, so the player characters may be able to convince
him in other ways.
If persuaded, T-Faktor will tell the player characters that
Achjima hired him to facilitate a break-in of one of
Anyang’s major air recycling and circulation plants.
These facilities are typically heavily secured to deter bio-
terror attacks, but they are also very automated. T-
Faktor happens to have had personal experience with
this plant before. He helped deactivate certain security

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Stage 3: Complications
At some point the triad will get wind that several forks
of Achjima were resleeved or will find out that someone
As the characters assemble clues and track down is asking around about Achjima’s triad involvement. The
Achjima (alpha), they are likely to cross paths with three player characters may even approach the triad
potential opponents. The gamemaster is encouraged to themselves asking questions. A group of 4 armed triad
space these encounters out, to keep the action coming enforcers will approach the characters and tell them
between periods of investigation. that Mr. Xie is expecting them. If the player characters
decline, the soldiers will attack the characters and
Achjima Comes Calling attempt to disable them, then bring them to Xie for a
As noted above, if the player characters come close to
Yao is very pissed and very much wants to know what
tracking down one of the other Achjimas, (B8) will take
the hell is going on. He wants his money back from
action. The xenofungal infection prevents (B8) from
Achjima. If the characters refuse to talk, they will be
acting in too rash or suicidal of a manner, so her actions
beaten. If they still refuse, they will be tortured. If he fails
will seek to either distract the player characters and send
them running in the wrong direction or to strike at them to get satisfactory answers, he will have the characters
uploaded and sent to a professional triad interrogator.
from positions of surprise and/or strength.
Their egos will be tortured via psychosurgery in
• Triggers: Monitoring newsfeeds, Bar D’Ville, alarm
simulspace and then sold on the black market.
on monkey locker, spimes surrounding Achjima
If the characters are caught with no hope of rescue and
residence, etc. If B8 becomes aware of the other beta
seem unlikely to talk—or simply don’t know enough
forks, she will try to hinder their investigation.
yet—then the gamemaster can choose this time for the
• Current Location: On the top of an 80-storey
militia to catch up with the player characters. Though
apartment building. If the players successfully track
the local militia and triad have a certain understanding,
B8’s mesh ID (AWA+Research vs. DIF 4), they find
the militia is not above making a small raid to collect
footage of her entering the apartment building. On a
some people wanted for a murder investigation.
critical success, they find a live feed of B8 on the roof.
Alternatively, the sudden arrival of the police may give
• Possible Actions: Call the PCs with a red herring; the characters an opportunity to escape.
warn B6; notify the militia or triad where the PCs are;
If the characters spill what they know about the
rent a guardian angel bot to spy on the PCs; attempt
xenofungus and Achjima (alpha)’s suspected infection,
assassination (shoot from behind, hit-and-run, hire
they may find themselves an unexpected ally. Yao Xie
thugs, etc).
lost several members of his family during the Fall and
• If Captured: There is little the characters can do to does not take the news of a potential alien fungus
make Achjima (B8) talk. She is, in fact, ready to spore. outbreak lightly. Such a situation would also impede his
If she lacks other options, she will begin to cough and business affairs and would reflect poorly on his
enter into convulsions as her body swells up and performance the next time his triad masters take him
bursts open like a ripe fruit. This releases a spore under review. If convinced of this situation—particularly
cloud, which might contaminate anyone around it if shown evidence—Yao Xie will release the characters
like the smart monkey corpse (pg. 16). If at all on three conditions.
possible, she will try to do this in a location that is
1. Report all new developments to him immediately.
positive for spore dispersal, such as somewhere high
2. Keep the affair private (no militia, no publicity).
and windy.
3. Accept responsibility for Achjima’s debt should
Achjima (alpha) be unable to pay.
The Triad Comes Calling
Xie will provide a pair of triad enforcers to accompany
Achjima (alpha) had to borrow quite a bit of money from
the characters and assist their efforts—as well as keep
the triad in order to fund the forks’ sleeves; she paid little
an eye on them.
attention to the consequences that would result when
she did not pay it back within 48 hours, as promised. Unknown to the player characters, Yao Xie actually has
Achjima (alpha)’s backup in his possession—this is how
Suspecting that something might be afoot, and already
the triad keeps their hold on the singularity seeker.
disgruntled at Achjima’s poor attendance to her triad
Should Achjima (alpha) die, it will be Yao Xie’s choice
duties over the past two weeks, triad lieutenant Yao Xie
was about to go looking for Achjima when news of the whether to resleeve her or sell her ego on the black
murder of Kjell hit the streets. Now Yao Xie knows that market.
something is going on and he wants to find Achjima
before the cops do.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

The Militia Comes Calling
At some point, the Anyang People’s Militia may track
down the player characters or otherwise cross their
paths. Achjima’s forks are wanted for questioning to see
what they know of Kjell’s murder—as well as her other
seeming illegal activities. It should be made clear to the
forks that if they fall into police custody, they will likely
remain there for some time to come. The militia will not
be interested in the other player characters unless they
somehow interfere with the forks being taken into
custody or are implicated in other illegal activities.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Stage 4: At War With
Achjima (alpha) and Scott Wai have been sequestered in
an air-flow pipe, right before one of the fans that pushes

Myself air out to various vents throughout the habitat. Their

location is hidden from sensors and the standard paths
Ultimately the various clues should lead the player char- of the maintenance drones. To find them, the player
acters to the air plant where Achjima (alpha) is seques- characters will need to physically search the plant,
tered and soon to spore. The player characters will need requiring an AWA+Appraisal or Senses vs. DIF 2 with a
some way to bypass the plant’s security measures—a timeframe of 1 hour (3 hours if they are actively hiding
task that T-Faktor and possibly the triad can help with, from maintenance bots and sensors). A character who
should the player characters have their support. makes an AWA+Criminology or Observation vs. DIF 2
roll to locate the most likely hiding spots can shorten
Air Plant Layout that timeframe to 10 minutes (30 minutes).

Refer to the plant map and key on pg. 25. It is very difficult to hear near the hiding spot, given the
large fans nearby. Apply a –2 modifier to hearing-based
The air plant is located to one side of the habitat, right
AWA rolls. The enhanced olfactory capabilities of those
up against the dome. Inside the dome, massive intake
affected by the xenofungus work well here, however—it
vents suck in air that is filtered. Similar vents suck in
is likely that they will smell anyone approaching.
Martian atmosphere from the outside, filter it, and
combine it with hydrogen in a catalytic converter to
produce methane gas and water. The methane is vented Air Plant Security Measures
back into the Martian atmosphere (it helps with The air plant is secured by e-locks that require both
terraforming) while the water is broken down into biometrics and a physical token (B6 had both via Scott
hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen is fed back into the Wai). The player characters will have to hack the locks to
converter while the oxygen is added to the recycled air get in. This requires 10 minutes and an AWA+
from inside the habitat. This air is then pushed by large Computers* vs. DIF 3 roll. The plant’s walls inhibit
fans through a vent system where it is released wireless signals, and the e-locks are hardwired to the
throughout the habitat. internal system (T-Faktor has remote access because he
The interior of the plant consists of a massive catalytic hacked a rooftop panel’s e-lock and hooked it up to a
converter, water and hydrogen tanks, large fans, huge radio receiver, but he won’t tell the player characters
vents and ductwork, a control center, and various that). The air plant AI watches over the network. Two
work/monitoring stations. The plant runs itself, with sentry bots also guard the facility. Both the AI and the
robotic drones handling standard maintenance duties. bots have been hacked to ignore Achjima (B6) and the
Transhuman engineers stop in periodically to keep an smart monkeys (T-Faktor can do the same for the player
eye on operations and are on call in case of a characters).

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Achjima (B6), the Smart Achjima (Alpha) and Scott Wai
Monkeys, and Bots Achjima (B6) has left one final trap for anyone who finds
Achjima (alpha)’s body and Scott Wai. The floor and
Achjima (B6) is not the only opposition the player
walls around them have been coated with “slip”, a
characters will face. Her other two smart monkeys, also
frictionless substance. Anyone who runs towards them,
now affected, will join in the fray. These monkeys will
especially in a combat situation, is likely to hit the slip
keep to the catwalks and ductwork high above, looking
and slide right past them—and directly into the huge
for an opportunity to drop on the player characters from
ventilating fan. Anyone who does this must succeed in
high above.
an AGI vs. DIF 2 roll to grab onto one of the bodies or
Achjima also has brought along several bots, with somehow stop themselves. The fan inflicts a DAM 10 roll.
instructions to attack any intruders. These include two
Achjima (alpha) is dead and poses no threat to the
creepy bots and a guardian angel.
player characters. Scott Wai is unconscious, but easily
Achjima (B6) is also tied into the air plant’s interior revived.
sensor system. She will use this to track the player
Note that if the player characters have not been to the
characters and ambush them. She will deploy the bots
black clinic and are not aware that Achjima (B6) is a fork
and smart monkeys, hoping to draw the player
and not Achjima (alpha), they may not realize after
characters away from Achjima (alpha)’s resting place.
defeating (B6) that (alpha)’s body is hidden elsewhere in
She will also engage the player characters herself with
the facility.
the sniper rifle, from the catwalks.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)


Lower Level
Upper Level


Map Key
1. ENTRANCE: Electronic lock (biometric + physical 6. DRONE STATION: Recharging stations for the sentry
token; hardwired to internal system). bots and maintenance drones.

2. AIRLOCK: Provides access to the exterior of the 7. AIR FLOW PIPE: A large number of air flow pipes and
dome. Electronic lock (wireless code). filtration systems pump air out of the plant and into the
dome. Inside one of these pipes Achjima (alpha)’s corpse
3. ELEVATOR TO CATWALK: Takes 20 seconds to ride and Scott Wai have been placed.
from floor to catwalk or vice versa. -2 to hearing-based AWA rolls due to the roar of the air
in this area.
4. CATALYTIC CONVERTER: The heart of the air
processing plant. This mammoth piece of machinery 8. ROOF ACCESS: Hatch in the ceiling (AWA+
thrusts out through the side of the dome. Inside the Observation vs. DIF 1 to see it from inside the plant).
plant, it’s held above the floor by a number of support Electronic lock (biometric + physical token; hardwired to
struts. (It’s above the floor and under the catwalks). internal system).

5. CONTROL CENTER: Manual overrides for most of the T-Faktor has hacked into this e-lock and routed a radio
machinery in the plant (including the sentry bots). A receiver through it to gain remote access to the internal
server core holds the air plant AI. system.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Stage 5: Aftermath
will also begin sporing, and within short order the entire
habitat will be doomed. The authorities will likely be
Depending on the character’s actions, they may resolve aware of the problem by this point, the settlement will
the situation discreetly or end up with an entire habitat be placed under quarantine, and the entire situation
in ruins. brought to the attention of senior officials within the
Planetary Consortium. If Firewall has not already moved
Infected Characters to eradicate the threat, it is quite likely that the the
Consortium will.
Xenofungal infection is not that difficult to treat,
assuming the character is aware they are infected (see
Xenofungal Infection, pg. 11). If an infected character Calling in a Firewall Erasure
does not seek treatment, however, they may put the Squad
entire habitat at risk.
If things start looking bad—very bad—Nkeka has the
option of calling in a Firewall erasure squad. She is likely
Going to the Authorities only going to do this if the group seems unlikely to
Rather than pursuing the infected Achjima(s) at the air prevent the xenofungal spores from being released into
plant on their own, the characters may decide to simply the habitat. In this case, a heavily-armed Firewall team
go the militia (or some other authority) with what they will descend on the city and pick up where the player
know. Nkeka, belonging to Firewall, should argue characters left off (possibly an option for working this
against this. Firewall much prefers to handle these scenario into a longer campaign). If the spores are
situation quietly; bringing them into the public eye already released into the habitat, Firewall will seek some
exposes others to danger. If necessary, Nkeka may even way to have the habitat quarantined and evacuated, with
reveal her Firewall affiliation to the others if she feels it all residents going through careful scanning to ensure
would convince them to stay quiet. they are not infected. After this, or barring any other
Roque should also be opposed to such a plan. Roque is, options, they will find some way to destroy the habitat,
of course, hoping to walk away from this scenario with a even if it means killing thousands inside, if that’s the only
sample of the xenofungus to sell on the black market. It way they have to keep the infection from spreading. The
is possible that after the threat has been contained, methods used might include a nuclear detonation,
Roque may even turn on the others. orbital bombardment (perhaps a misdirected iceteroid
used in the terraforming process) or infusing the
The forks of Achjima would also be wise to think this
habitat’s atmosphere with extra oxygen and setting it
through. If the authorities catch an infected Achjima
(alpha), they have little hope of merging back with her.
Since the triad holds Achjima’s backup, their only hope
is to catch Achjima (alpha) and cure her (since they do
not, of course, realize she is already dead). Failing this,
they need to strike a deal with the triad to have
Achjima’s backup resleeved and themselves merged
with it.

Opposed Interests
Roque and Nkeka both have opposed secret ambitions
in this scenario. At some point, these agendas are likely
to come out—with the Achjimas caught in the crossfire.
If Nkeka gets her way, the xenofungus will be utterly
destroyed. If Roque succeeds, the xenofungus will go for
auction on the black market.

If the characters fail to find and deal with Achjima
(alpha)’s body within 12 hours, it will begin sporing. The
air plant ventilation system will carry these spores
throughout the habitat, where hundreds of biomorphs
will become infected. Within a week, these biomorphs

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Arman and Other Loose Ends Future of the Forks
Even if the player characters succeed, this scenario can Presumably the forks hope to merge back together with
continue on. No one knows where the original each other and Achjima (alpha). With (alpha) dead, this
xenofungal sample originated from, for example, and is no longer an option unless they manage to convince
Arman Usupov is still missing. Firewall is likely to track the triad to merge them with Achjima’s backup. Legally,
down these loose ends, sending agents to hunt Arman this puts the forks in a bad position. Without an alpha
down, and sending a team into the TQZ (TITAN fork, and having extended their legal duration as forks,
Quarantine Zone) to investigate the ruins of Kartika and they are considered non-entities with no legal standing.
eradicate any xenofungus remaining here. Their only option, should they wish to continue living, is
It is also possible that the player characters might not to adopt a fake identity or find a darknet egocaster
track down Achjima (B7). This could lead to a separate (such as Dolma) and transmit themselves to a
xenofungus outbreak, as described under Failure jurisdiction that is more forgiving of forks.
(previous page). Alternately, the militia may track down Another option to consider is that the beta forks could
(B7) before this happens, bringing the xenofungus to always merge with each other. The option is entirely up
their attention. This could lead to a future Firewall to them.
mission, as sentinels are sent to make sure the militia-
confiscated samples do not end up in the wrong hands.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Non-Player Characters
Hypodermic Needle: Contains 2 doses of Twitch, a
convulsive agent. Target must roll TOU+Resistance
Entries are listed in alphabetical order. (poison) vs. DIF 3 or become Severely Impaired for 10
minutes. On a success, target is Slightly Impaired.
ACHJIMA YAI (B6 / B7 / B8)
Grip Pads: Can climb on walls and ceilings.
AGI 2 Move 12
Standard Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Bot
TOU 2 Health 12 AI, LIDAR, Mesh Inserts, Image Recognition Software
AWA 2 Initiative 12 Creepies come in an eclectic variety of forms, from robo-
WIL 1 Spirit 10 squirrels to insectoids to bizarre artsy mechanical
Skills: Stealth 1, Weapon Mastery (kinetic weapons) 1, creatures. Achjima’s creepies happen to look like plush
Background (science) 2, Computers 1, Research 1, millipedes with an extra set of arms for manipulating
Psychology 1, Medicine 1, Underworld 1, Surgery 1, items and tools. With their chameleon skin, they can
Senses 1, Street Smarts 1 meld into the background, lying in ambush for unwary
player characters.
Sniper Rifle: Ammo 12, Range 600, DAM 5
Densiplast Gloves: TOU-1 DOLMA GOPE
• B6 – Biosculpted to look like alpha (Eurasian “ruster” Appearance: Sleeved in a fierce-looking “exalt” morph
morph). Currently at the air processing plant. with customized biosculpting. She stands a good seven
• B7 – “Splicer” morph sculpted to look like a famous feet tall, with enlarged eyes and orange skin with shifting
XP icon (dozens of others have the same face). red and gold nanotats. A pattern of slowly-wiggling,
Currently in the flying car parked in centertown alley. reddish, tendril-like frills circle her head like a sea
anemone crown.
• B8 – Sleeved in male “flat” (unaugmented human).
Currently on top of an 80-storey apartment building Roleplaying: Speaks with a soft and kindly voice, but
in centertown. naturally commands the attention of a room through
her flashy self-confidence. Her anemone crown turns
AIR PLANT AI bright crimson and flares if she becomes angry.
AGI n/a Move n/a Background: Dolma got into medicine to help people.
TOU n/a Health n/a After running into problems on Luna, she came to Mars
hoping to start afresh. Instead, she found herself
AWA 1 Initiative 10
bogged down yet again in hypercorp politics. She
WIL 1 Spirit 10 doesn’t feel guilty or burdened by her debt to the triads:
Skills: Background (air plant maintenance, security Although she doesn’t want to be involved in their dirtier
systems) 1, Computers 1, Fixing 2, Research 1 business, they’re just people helping people as far as
she’s concerned.
Has been hacked to ignore Achjima B6 and the smart
monkeys. Notes:
• Achjima stopped showing up for a triad project she
CREEPY BOT was working on about two weeks ago – apparently
AGI 2 Move 6 she was too engrossed in personal research.
TOU 0 Health 3 • Three days ago, she contacted Dolma and asked her
AWA 1 Initiative 10 to resleeve a trio of beta forks on the side, without
the triad knowing – and at a discount. Dolma
WIL 0 Spirit 9
reluctantly agreed and hasn’t head from Achjima
Skills: Stealth 1, Resistance (radiation) 2, Unlife 1, since.
Nightvision 2, Senses 2, Focus 2 • Can provide detailed information on the morphs she
Flaws: Vulnerability (electricity) 2, Addiction (power provided for the beta forks (including looks,
source) 1, Code of Honor (programming) 3 biometrics, brain scans, and mesh IDs).
Construct: ARM 1 • Knows that Yao Xie is looking for Achjima.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

AGI 0 Move 9 AGI 2 Move 12
TOU 0 Health 9 TOU 1 Health 10
AWA 1 Initiative 10 AWA 2 Initiative 12
WIL 0 Spirit 9 WIL 1 Spirit 10
Skills: Criminology 2, Fixing 1, Research 1, Senses 1 Skills: Athletics 1, Unarmed Strike 1, Weapon Mastery
Enhanced Senses: Nanoscopic Vision, LIDAR, RADAR, (beam weapons, kinetic weapons, clubs) 1, Background
Electrical Sense, Radiation Sense, T-Ray Emitter (security ops) 1, Senses 1, Intimidation 1
Armored Clothing + Body Armor + Helmet: ARM 4
GUARDIAN ANGEL BOT Gear (see Glossary pg. 33): Cuffband, Prisoner Mask,
AGI 2 Move fly 15 Specs (included in stats), Tactical Network Software, X-
TOU 0 Health 6 Ray Emitter
AWA 1 Initiative 10 Shock Baton: DAM=TOU. Target rolls TOU+Resistance
WIL 0 Spirit 9 (electricity) vs. DIF 3 or is Severely Impaired; can try to
shake off with a 2d Health check.
Skills: Weapon Mastery (pistol) 1, Stealth 1, Resistance
Medium Pistol: Ammo 12, Range 20, DAM 2
(radiation) 2, Unlife 3, Nightvision 2, Senses 2, Focus 2
Microwave Agonizer: Ammo 50, Range 15, DAM 1;
Flaws: Vulnerability (electricity) 2, Addiction (power
target must roll TOU+Resistance (fire/heat) vs. DIF 3 or
source) 1, Code of Honor (programming) 3
become Impaired due to the pain (Move 50%, -2 to rolls,
Construct: ARM 4 can try to shake off with a 2d Health check).
Heavy Pistol: Ammo 10, Range 20, DAM 3 Implants (included in stats): Basic Biomods, Mesh
Eelware: Touch can stun; target rolls TOU+Resistance Inserts, Cortical Stack
(electricity) vs. DIF 3 or is Severely Impaired; can try to
shake off with a 2d Health check. NONNY (STANDARD MUSE)
T-Ray Emitter: Within 20 meters, can see through walls AGI n/a Move n/a
and other materials. TOU n/a Health n/a
Standard Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Bot AWA 2 Initiative 12
AI, LIDAR, Mesh Inserts, Image Recognition Software
WIL 1 Spirit 10
Guardian Angels are rotorcraft used for defensive
Skills: Background (accounting) 2, Background (science,
purposes. They hover around their charges, keeping a
biochemistry, lab technician) 1, Computers 1,
watchful eye out to protect them from threats.
Psychology 2
INVESTIGATOR Appearance: Nonny’s avatar is a blue-haired anime loli.
AGI 1 Move 10 Roleplaying: Energetic and eager to please. Will scold
TOU 1 Health 10 Achjima for irresponsibility or foolishness.

AWA 2 Initiative 12 Background: Achjima became aware that she had been
infected 8 days ago, but she convinced Nonny that she
WIL 1 Spirit 10
had it under control. Over the next few days, however,
Skills: Weapon Mastery (kinetic weapons, clubs) 1, Achjima became more and more secretive. When
Criminology 1, Observation 1, Psychology 1, Surveillance Achjima resleeved B6, B7, and B8 three days ago she
1, Impersonation 1, Persuasion 1, Street Smarts 1 specifically infected the morphs with the xenofungus
Shock Baton: DAM=TOU. Target rolls TOU+Resistance before waking them up. That was the final straw for
(electricity) vs. DIF 3 or is Severely Impaired; can try to Nonny, but Achjima shut her off before she could
shake off with a 2d Health check. contact the authorities.
Heavy Pistol: Ammo 10, Range 20, DAM 3 Notes: Nonny can fill them in on the events in Achjima’s
Implants (included in stats): Basic Biomods, Mesh timeline from 8 months ago until 3 days ago. This
Inserts, Cortical Stack includes:
• That she’s working off a debt to the triads at Dolma
Gope’s black clinic. (Nonny also knows where the
clinic is).

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

• 14 days ago, Achjima received a sample of the SMART MONKEY
xenobiological fungoid from Arman Usupov. It was AGI 2 Move 12
shipped from Noctis.
TOU 1 Health 6
• Right around the time she got shut off, Nonny was
AWA 1 Initiative 10
aware that Achjima was trying to make contact with
someone named “T-Faktor,” but she doesn’t know WIL 0 Spirit 9
what that was about. Skills: Athletics 1, Senses 1
Vibroblade: TOU+1
These partially uplifted and bioengineered animals
AGI n/a Move n/a
have rudimentary intelligence and limited
TOU n/a Health n/a communication skills. Commonly used by criminal
AWA 1 Initiative 10 groups, smart monkeys can be useful aides.
WIL 1 Spirit 10
Skills: Background (bot specs) 3, Computers 2, Fixing 1,
Research 1, Senses 2

AGI 1 Move 9
TOU 4 Health 19
AWA 1 Initiative 10
WIL 0 Spirit 9
Skills: Unarmed Strike 1, Weapon Mastery (agonizer,
seeker rifle, laser pulser, shredder) 2, Resistance
(radiation) 2, Unlife 3, Nightvision 2, Senses 2, Focus 2
Flaws: Vulnerability (electricity) 2, Addiction (power
source) 1, Code of Honor (programming) 3
Construct: ARM 4
Microwave Agonizer: Ammo 50, Range 15, DAM 1;
AGI 2 Move 12
target must roll TOU+Resistance (fire/heat) vs. DIF 3 or
become Impaired due to the pain (Move 50%, -2 to rolls, TOU 1 Health 10
can try to shake off with a 2d Health check). AWA 2 Initiative 12
Seeker Rifle: Ammo 12, Range 500, DAM 5, AOE 2 WIL 2 Spirit 12
Laser Pulser: Ammo 100, Range 60, DAM 1; Stun mode: Skills: Athletics 1, Stealth 2, Weapon Mastery (beam
DAM 0 and target must roll TOU vs. DIF 3 or lose its next weapons) 1, Resistance (AOE 1 attacks) 3, Background
action. (cryptography) 2, Background (engineering, accounting,
Shredder: Ammo 100, Range 50, DAM 3, AOE 1*; Spray: security operations, social engineering) 1, Computers 3,
No range penalty to attack rolls; for each range Fixing 2, Psychology 1, Research 2, Senses 1, Underworld
increment beyond Base Range, add 1 to AOE and apply 1, Art (electronic music) 1, Impersonation 1, Persuasion
a cumulative -1 to damage rolls. 1, Politics 1, Street Smarts 1
Eelware: Touch can stun; target rolls TOU+Resistance Flaw: Vulnerability (EMP attacks) 3
(electricity) vs. DIF 3 or is Severely Impaired; can try to Appearance (Mesh): A digital avatar depicting a three-
shake off with a 2d Health check. headed version of the Egyptian god Anubis. Uses
T-Ray Emitter: Within 20 meters, can see through walls automated software to speak three different languages
and other materials. simultaneously from the heads.
Standard Ware: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Bot Appearance (Reality): T-Faktor currently inhabits a
AI, LIDAR, Mesh Inserts, Image Recognition Software “swarmanoid” morph.
This robot maneuvers on four multi-directional smart Roleplaying: Tries to wow his would-be clients with a
treads. Used throughout the Solar System for policing Wizard of Oz schtick from inside the three-headed
and security purposes, it is loaded with armor and version of Anubis. Once he’s hired, he’ll drop two of the
weapons. heads and get more casual.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Background: T-Faktor is the handle of one of Anyang’s YAO XIE
most accomplished hackers. AGI 2 Move 12
• Generally won’t sell out old clients, but Achjima never TOU 2 Health 12
paid him, so a bribe might work.
AWA 2 Initiative 12
• The beta forks might be able to work something out
WIL 3 Spirit 15
if they can confirm their identity.
Skills: Athletics 2, Unarmed Strike 1, Weapon Mastery
• T-Faktor doesn’t want to be part of TITAN-related
(kinetic weapons, clubs) 1, Resistance (poison/disease)
terrorism, so if they can establish the threat for him
1, Second Wind 1, Background (triad procedures) 1,
he’ll probably help out (though he’ll also try haggling
Memory 3, Psychology 1, Senses 1, Underworld 2,
for payment).
Persuasion 1, Impersonation 1, Intimidation 1, Street
Notes: Smarts 1
• B6 recently hired him to assist in accessing Air Armored Clothing: ARM 1
Processing Plant 13.
Extendable Baton: TOU-1
• Helped deactivate certain security elements, but
Medium Pistol: Ammo 12, Range 20, DAM 2
knows that Achjima used a coerced engineer to
bypass some of the other safeguards. Implants (included in stats): Basic Biomods, Mesh
Inserts, Cortical Stack, Eidetic Memory, Medichines
Appearance: An exalt custom-sculpted with handsome
Asian features and silver hair that flares up into a
wolverine curve.
Roleplaying: Yao Xie is the soul of reasonability;
drumming his fingers together while waiting to hear
everything you have to say (he’ll stop and stare until he’s
sure you’re not going to babble anything else out). But
if pushed, his anger will erupt like a volcano; he will
smash his hands down on a convenient table.
Background: Yao Xie is the local triad lieutenant. He
likes Achjima personally, but the events of the past
couple weeks have left him completely pissed off.
However, he suspects that she’s in trouble and he’s
willing to get both her and her forks the benefit of the
doubt and a (very short) leash. Yao Xie has an untainted
Achjima backup from 4 weeks ago.
AGI 2 Move 12 • Achjima (alpha) borrowed a very large sum of money
TOU 2 Health 12 6 days ago. Promised to pay it back within 48 hours.
AWA 2 Initiative 12 • Knows that money was paid to fork the PC betas.
WIL 2 Spirit 12 (“Which basically means you belong to me.”)
Skills: Athletics 1, Sleight-of-Hand 1, Unarmed Strike 1, • Wants to know what Achjima was up to. If the PCs are
Weapon Mastery (beam weapons, kinetic weapons, candid, they may find an ally: Xao Yie lost family
clubs) 1, Psychology 1, Senses 1, Underworld 1, members during the Fall and also doesn’t want his
Impersonation 1, Intimidation 1 business disrupted. He’ll give them two triad
enforcers, but has three conditions:
Bioweave Armor: ARM 1
1. Report all new developments to him.
Extendable Baton: TOU-1
2. Keep the affair private (no militia, no publicity).
Medium Pistol: Ammo 12, Range 20, DAM 2
3. Accept responsibility for Achjima’s debts.
Microwave Agonizer: Ammo 50, Range 15, DAM 1;
target must roll TOU+Resistance (fire/heat) vs. DIF 3 or • If the PCs don’t cooperate, he has no compunctions
become Impaired due to the pain (Move 50%, -2 to rolls, about torturing them; subjecting them to
can try to shake off with a 2d Health check). psychosurgery; etc.
Implants (included in stats): Basic Biomods, Mesh
Inserts, Cortical Stack, Enhanced Hearing, Skin Pocket

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Key Discoveries
(and how to find them)


• B3’s private message. • Communication logs at Achjima’s residence
• Need lab to study monkey from storage. • T-Faktor
• News report of Kjell’s murder. • Flying car locations

NONNY (pg. 17, 29) T-FAKTOR (pg. 20)

• B3’s private message • Kjell’s hotel room/cortical stack.
• Park’s message • Nonny
• Bar D’Ville (Asking Questions)
AIR PLANT (pg. 23)
• Credit History
• T-Faktor
• Investigating Scott Wai B6/B7/B8 FORKS (pg. 19)
• Flying car locations • Nonny
• Dolma Gope
BAR D’VILLE (pg. 18)
• Scott Wai
• B1’s private message.
• Nkeka’s briefing. KARTIKA (pg. 18)
• Newscast of Kjell’s murder. • B3’s briefing on Arman Usupov.
• Roque Vera’s briefing.
• Nkeka’s briefing.
• Nonny
• Kjell’s cortical stack THE TRIAD (pg. 21)
• Bar D’Ville (Asking Questions) • B4’s private message.
• Credit history • Dolma Gope
• Character briefings.
• Credit History XENOFUNGUS (pg. 11)
• B7 Mesh ID (still active in parked car) • Researching samples at lab.
• Scott Kai • Kartika background info.
• Kjell’s hotel room/cortical stack. • Research file from Achjima’s lab.


• Nkeka’s briefing.
• ID given in news report. MANDATORY EVENTS
• Breaking News – Murder of Kjell (pg.13)
• Alpha’s Message (Serial Number) OPTIONAL EVENTS
• Credit History • Achjima B8 Comes Calling (pg. 21)
• Flying car locations • Militia Comes Calling (pg. 22)
• Kjell’s hotel room/cortical stack. • Nonny Gets Active (pg. 17)
• Triads Come Calling (pg. 21)

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Below are some terms useful to players and GMs getting by cutting the stack out from the spine near the
to know the world of Eclipse Phase. Since Eclipse Phase hindbrain.
takes place in a hard science fiction universe, real-world Cuffband: This smart plastic loop constricts around a
terms from science and technology also appear liberally. prisoner’s limbs when activated. If the prisoner
If it’s not in this glossary, try Wikipedia! struggles, it will tighten more. Cuffbands will inform the
AF: After the Fall (used for reference dating). user if they are cut or loosened and are electronically
A.G.I.: Artificial General Intelligence. An AI that has controlled, so the user can release the prisoner remotely.
cognitive faculties comparable to that of a human or Cyberbrain: Artificial brain, as opposed to “meatbrain”.
higher. Not to be confused with AGI (Agility). Densiplast Gloves: These gloves extra-harden when
AI: Artificial Intelligence. Generally used to refer to weak activated, for extra punch (TOU-1).
AIs; i.e., AIs that do not encompass (or in some cases, are Dr. Bot: A wheeled medical robot designed to tend to
completely outside of) the full range of human cognitive and transport injured or sick people. It carries a healing
abilities. AIs differ from A.G.I.’s in that they are usually vat, a specialized pharmaceuticals maker, miscellaneous
specialized and/or intentionally crippled/limited. medical gear, and articulated arms for conducting
Argonauts: A faction of techno-progressive scientists remote surgery.
that promote responsible, open-source and ethical use Drones: Robots. AI-piloted synthetic shells. AKA, bots.
of technology. Dwarf: Quadrupedal walker bot, equipped with massive
Armored Clothing: ARM 1. Woven with extra-resilient modular industrial tools like boring drills, shovels,
organoweave fibers and fullerene materials, it is virtually hydraulic jacks, jackhammers, scooping arms, acid
indistinguishable from normal clothing. Does not sprays, and so on.
require the Armored Combat skill and is cumulative with Ego: The part of you that switches from body to body.
other worn armor. AKA ghost, soul, persona.
Armor Vest: ARM 2. Requires Armored Combat 1. Egocasting: Transmitting your ego across space (AKA
AR: Augmented Reality. Information from the Mesh “farcasting”) and then downloading into a morph at
overlaid on your real-world senses. AR data is usually your destination. Used for long-distance space travel.
entoptic (visual), but can also be audio, tactile, olfactory, Ego Bridge: A device that scans the brain and central
kinesthetic (body awareness), emotional, or other types nervous system with medical nanobots that create a
of input. When you use the Mesh, it’s frequently through detailed map of neural pathways and other attributes
AR windows. necessary to faithfully copy, upload and download
Async: A person with psi abilities. (resleeve) an ego.
Automech: These ubiquitous repair drones come in Electronic Rope: The fibers in this rope can be
many form factors, ranging from roughly humanoid to controlled electronically, making it move in a snakelike
cylindrical with an adorable, dome-like “head.” fashion, stiffen up, and even wrap around objects.
Basilisk Hack: A burst of sensory input can incapacitate Typically comes in a 50-meter length capable of
or even alter transhuman minds. supporting 500 lbs.
Bioconservative: An anti-technology movement that Emergency Bubble: Commonly used as a last resort
argues for strict regulation of nanofabrication, AI, “life raft” on spaceships, an emergency bubble comes in
uploading, forking, cognitive enhancements, and other a portable package that can be quickly inflated (1 round)
disruptive technologies. around the user, usually inside an airlock. The bubble
Biomorph: A biological body. has a 5-meter diameter and can comfortably
Body Armor: ARM 3. Comes with a helmet. Requires accommodate 4 people. It maintains 1 atmosphere of
Armored Combat 1. pressure in a vacuum, protects the inhabitants from
temperatures ranging from –175 to 140 C, and provides
Cortical Stack: An implanted memory cell used for ego
light, breathable air, features a simple airlock and carries
backup. The morph’s resident ego, including its mind,
an emergency distress beacon. It is powered by a small
memories, and all of the data in its mesh inserts, is
nuclear battery.
downloaded into this cigarette-butt-sized,
ETI: Extraterrestial Intelligence. The term Firewall uses
nanodiamond-encased storage device over 36,000
to refer to the god-like post-singularity alien intelligence
times a day. If the morph dies, all of this can be retrieved
theorized to be responsible for the Exsurgent Virus.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Exsurgent: Someone infected by the Exsurgent Virus. Habitat: With Earth now uninhabitable, transhumanity
Exsurgent Virus: The multi-vector virus created by an survives in a variety of off-world habitats. There are two
unknown ETI and seeded throughout the galaxy in major types of these habitats: settlements on planets or
Bracewell probes. The Exsurgent virus is self-morphing large moons, such as those on Luna, Mars, Venus,
and can infect both computer systems and biological Europa or Titan, and space habitats that are built on or
creatures. near an asteroid or other useful source of raw materials.
Extendable Baton: TOU-1. A hardened composite Healing Vat: A miracle of nanotechnology that can cure
baton that retracts into its handle for easy carrying, any disease and heal any injury (even restoring lost
storage, or concealment. limbs). As long as the patient is alive when they are
Factors: The alien ambassadorial race that deals with placed in the healing vat, they will not only survive, but
transhumanity. emerge without a scratch. The healing process takes one
hour per Health point restored.
The Fall: The apocalypse; the singularity and wars that
nearly brought about the downfall of transhumanity. Hibernoid: A transhuman modified for hibernation, for
extensive travel in space.
Firewall: The secret cross-faction conspiracy that works
to protect transhumanity from “existential threats” (risks Hypercorporation: Decentralized, non-asset-based
to transhumanity’s continued existence). legal corporation. Complete automation, advanced
robotics, morph technology and cornucopia machines
Flex Cutter: A machete-like weapon (TOU-1). The blade
allow the hypercorps to abstain from mass employment
is made of a memory polymer that can be made flexible
for labor or production services.
or hardened at will, making it easily concealable.
Infomorph: Any ego that exists as software, without a
Forking: Copying an ego. Not all forks are full copies.
physical body. Can be an A.G.I. or the digital emulation
AKA backups.
of a biological mind.
Freezer: This spray weapon spews out a fast-hardening
Invisibility Cloak: This cloak is made of metamaterials
foam that immediately begins to harden. Ammo 20, Rel
with a negative refractive index, so that light actually
1, Range 10, AOE 1. If struck, the target must roll TOU
bends around it, making it and anything it covers
vs. DIF 3 or become Severely Impaired (Move 0, -3 to
invisible to the microwave and ultraviolet spectrums (but
rolls). Each minute thereafter, the target can attempt a
not against radar or x-rays). The wearer gains +3 to
2d Health roll to shake off the effect. It can fire one shot
stealth rolls when attempting to remain undetected.
per round.
Laser Pulser: Two-handed beam weapon. Ammo 100,
Gatecrashers: Explorers who take their chances using a
Range 60, DAM 1; Stun mode: DAM 0 and target must
Pandora gate to go somewhere previously unexplored.
roll TOU vs. DIF 3 or lose its next action.
Ghost-Riding: The act of carrying an infomorph in a
Lost Generation: In an effort to repopulate post-Fall, a
special implant module inside your head.
generation of children were reared in VR simulspaces
using time acceleration. The results were disastrous:
many went insane, and the rest were stigmatized. Some
are rumored to have displayed psychic powers.
Medichines: An implanted hive circulates nanobots
throughout your system, monitoring your health at the
cellular level and fixing any problems. Medichines grant
Second Wind 1 and Resistance (poison/disease) 1.
Mesh: The omnipresent wireless mesh data network.
Also used as a verb (to mesh) and adjective (meshed or
Mesh ID: The unique signature attached to one’s mesh
Mesh Inserts: Nanoscale cranial implants (in
biomorphs) or mesh hardware (in synthmorphs) that
act as computation, storage, and Mesh access,
controlled by thought. A cheap, disposable, external
version made of flexy plastic, called an Ecto, is a favorite
of hackers.
Microgravity: Zero-g or near weightless environments.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Microwave Agonizer: An electromagnetic beam are easily identifiable by the broken blood vessels in
weapon that burns its target. Ammo 50, Range 15. Can their eyes, tense posture, and visible tension in the
fire a maximum of one shot per round. muscles of the face, arms, and legs.
“Pain” Setting: Target must roll TOU+Resistance Muse: Personal AI helper program.
(fire/heat) vs. DIF 3 or become Impaired due to the pain Nanobot: A nano-scale machine.
(Move 50%, -2 to rolls, can try to shake off with a 2d Nanofabricator: Any of a family machines that print
Health check). Synthmorphs are immune to this effect. physical objects from feedstock based on digital
“Roast” Setting: Same as above, and target suffers a DAM blueprints. Some are specialized for mechanical or
1 roll, which ignores armor. inorganic objects, while others can print food and drugs.
Morph: A physical body. AKA sleeve, shell. They come Given the right raw materials and blueprints, the
in dozens of human and non-human types, for example: nanofabrication process takes up to five hours,
Case: Mass-produced robotic shell (synthmorph). depending on the complexity of the item.
Exalt: Human, but healthier. Smarter. More attractive. Nanoswarm: A mass of tiny nanobots unleashed into
Flat: Baseline, unmodified human. an environment. Examples:
Fury: Combat morph with transgenic human upgrades. Gardener: This nanoswarm is useful for killing weeds,
planting seeds, trimming plants, pollinating, and even
Menton: Genetically enhanced cognitive abilities.
harvesting small items. It may also be programmed to
Neo-Hominid: Uplifted simian.
simply defoliate an area.
Ruster: Adapted for survival in Martian environment.
Guardian: Guardians watch for and attack other
Slitheroid: Synthetic shell in a snake-like form. unauthorized swarms.
Splicer: Genefixed human with minimal upgrades. Pandora Gates: The wormhole gateways discovered
Swarmanoid: Hundreds of insect-like micro-drones. after the disappearance of the TITANs.
MRDR: A straightforward and brutal combat drug. It has Pistol: Kinetic weapon. A futuristic slug-thrower.
an onset time of 20 minutes and lasts for 1 hour. It Medium: Ammo 12 (single-shot) or 2 (auto-fire), Rel 1,
grants the user 1 point of TOU (with corresponding Range 20, DAM 2, AOE 1 (single-shot) or 2 (auto-fire).
Health increase). The user must make a 2d Spirit check
Heavy: Ammo 10 (single-shot) or 2 (auto-fire), Rel 1,
or gain a level 1 Addiction to the substance. MRDR users
Range 20, DAM 3, AOE 1 (single-shot) or 2 (auto-fire).

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Prisoner Mask: This hood tightens around the head of Superthermite Charge: This powerful and highly stable
a prisoner, blocks all vision frequencies, and engages in demolition charge is made from a combination of
low-level jamming in order to prevent any wireless nanometals and metal oxides. A single charge can be
communication via mesh inserts. used to create an explosive blast inflicting a DAM 12 roll
Psi: Parapsychological powers acquired due to infection with AOE 6.
by the Watts-MacLeod strain of Exsurgent virus. Synthmorph: Synthetic morphs. Robotic shells
Resleeving: Changing bodies or downloading into a possessed by transhuman egos.
new one. Tactical Network Software: Program that allows
Scrapper’s Gel: This goo turns into a potent acid when people in the same squad to share tactical data in real
given an electrical charge. It may be smeared like jelly, time.
delivering a DAM 1 roll per round to anything it touches TITANs: The human-created, recursively improving,
for 3 rounds. Armor will protect against this acid at first, military A.G.I. that underwent a hard-takeoff singularity
but the acid will eat through the armor, reducing its and prompted the Fall. Original military designation was
ARM score by 1. TITAN: Total Information Tactical Awareness Network.
Seeker Rifle: A personal micromissile laucher (requires Transhuman: An extensively modified human.
both hands to operate). Ammo 12, Range 500, DAM 5, Twitch: A nerve agent. Target must roll TOU+Resistance
AOE 2. (poison) vs. DIF 3 or become Severely Impaired for 10
Sentinel: An agent of Firewall. minutes. On a success, target is Slightly Impaired.
Servitor Bot: Servitors are the most common robot, Uplifting: Genetically transforming an animal species to
acting as cooks, janitors, universal helpers, movers, and sapience (human-level intelligence).
personal aides. Servitors are intentionally built in non-
Utilitool: Small device that can transform into almost
humanoid forms so as not to confuse them with any tool. Grants Fixing 1 Locks & Traps 1, Medicine 1
common synthmorphs. (First Aid only).
Shock Baton: DAM=TOU. Target rolls TOU+Resistance
Vacsuit: A vacuum and temperature resistant suit.
(electricity) vs. DIF 3 or is Severely Impaired; can try to
Includes a life-support belt containing a small
shake off with a 2d Health check.
nanofabricator capable of producing air, food and
Shredder: A spray weapon that fires a cloud of lethal water from recycled waste, a mesh terminal, a radio
flechettes. Ammo 100, Range 50, DAM 3, AOE 1*; Spray: booster with a 250 km range and sensors granting
No range penalty to attack rolls; for each range Senses 1. The standard vacsuit grants ARM 2. It can
increment beyond Base Range, add 1 to AOE and apply almost instantly reseal any hole unless more than 10
a cumulative -1 to damage rolls. Health damage is inflicted to it at once.
Simulspace: Full-immersion virtual reality environment. A Hard Suit is a heavier vacsuit that grants ARM 5,
Singularity: A point of rapid, exponential, and recursive contains built-in tools that grant Fixing 1, Locks & Traps
technological progress, beyond which the future 1 and Medicine 1, and miniature plasma thrusters
becomes impossible to predict. Often used to refer to allowing the wearer to fly at normal Move in 0g
the ascension of some A.G.I.’s to god-like levels of environments. It is otherwise identical to the standard
intelligence. vacsuit.
Singularity Seeker: Someone who pursues relics and Vibroblade: TOU+1. A buzzing electronic blade that
evidence of the TITANs or other possible avenues to vibrates at a high frequency for extra cutting ability.
super-intelligence, either to learn more about it or to Wrist-Mounted Tools: Wrist implants that grant Fixing
become part of a super-intelligence themselves. 1, Locks & Traps 1, Medicine 1 (First Aid only).
Sniper Rifle: Two-handed kinetic weapon. Ammo 12, X.P.: Experience Playback. Experiencing someone else’s
Range 600, DAM 5. sensory input (in real-time or recorded). Also called
Speck Robot: A tiny insectoid spy drone. Allows the experia, sim, simsense, playback.
user to see and hear remotely with Senses 1. X-Ray Emitter: This device is designed to be used with
Specs: Vision-enhancing glasses granting Senses 1. Can vision-enhancing specs. It emits a focused beam of low-
be fitted with an X-ray emitter. powered x-rays that allows the user to see through most
Spime: A wireless sensor that allows almost any user to objects (even walls) and into containers, including ones
reach out through the mesh and gather environmental made of metal.
data and ambient sensor recordings from a specific X-Risk: Existential Risk. Something that threatens the
location. very existence of transhumanity.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)


Achjima Yai (B1) Achjima Yai (B2) Achjima Yai (B3) Achjima Yai (B4)

Achjima Yai (B5) Achjima Yai (B6) Roque Vera Park Soon-Ok

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

NPC Handouts
The following handouts should be given to the player characters when they interact with each noted NPC.
Each handout represents the results of a quick mesh search on the subject.

Name: Arman Usupov

Identity: Male Name: Scott Wai
Last Known Morph: Modified Male Ruster Identity: Male
Occupation: Self-employed Last Known Morph: Male Splicer
Notes: A singularity seeker, Arman was last Occupation: Air Plan Technician
seen at his Noctis residence approximately Notes: According to some social network
3 weeks ago. He was last known to have posts, Scott Wai has been out of
left Noctis by rocket buggy, heading west communication for over a day.
(the direction of the TITAN Quarantine
Zone). Arman’s singularity seeker and
underworld contacts know that Arman had
been spending a lot of time sniffing
around the TQZ in recent months, hoping
to find TITAN artifacts. Aside from
mentioning a settlement known as Kartika
to a few contacts, there are no other leads.
Kartika was within the TQZ and was Name: Kjell Hoff
destroyed during the Fall. Identity: Male
Last Known Morph: Male Exalt
Occupation: Security Contractor
Notes: Kjell arrived in Angyang just a day
ago, egocasting in from Progress Station.
He was allegedly murdered by Achjima just
a few hours ago while leaving a place
Name: Dolma Gope called Bar D’ville.
Identity: Female
Last Known Morph: Modified Female Exalt
Occupation: Genetecist
Notes: Dolma runs a black clinic.

Name: T-Faktor
Name: Yao Xie Identity: Unknown
Identity: Male Last Known Morph: Unknown
Last Known Morph: Male Exalt Occupation: Freelance Hacker
Occupation: Criminal Notes: T-Faktor never meets in person. By
Notes: Yao Xie is the leader of Anyang’s all accounts he is the best hacker in
local triad. Anyang.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Name: Achjima Yai
Title: B1
Race: Morph: Menton
Move Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Stealth 1 12 23 1
Weapon Mastery (kinetic wpns) 1

Second Wind 1 10
Resistance (poison/disease) 1


AWARENESS 3 Initiative Mesh Inserts

Background (science) 2 Cortical Stack

Access Jacks
Computers 1
Medicine 1 Implants (various; effects included in stats)

Psychology 1 500 credits (shared with other Achjimas)

Surgery 1
Memory 1

WILL 2 Spirit
Street Smarts 1 12
Flashbacks (flaw: roll if any 3
Achjima is killed or tortured)

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
STEALTH: You can move silently and hide or camouflage yourself successfully. You are also able to follow someone
without being seen. To remain undetected, you roll AGI+Stealth against the target’s AWA+Senses.
WEAPON MASTERY: You possess exceptional skill with one type of weapon. The skill level can be added to either attack
rolls or damage rolls. If the weapon can fire multiple shots rapidly you can add the skill level to the number of attacks
instead of the other options.
SECOND WIND: You can shake off damage thanks to biological regeneration. As a one-round action, you can recover a
number of Health points equal to a TOU roll. This special recovery roll can be accomplished once, twice or three times per
game session, depending on the skill level. Second Wind can be used to come back from being knocked down to zero or
negative Health (but remember: you’ll die if the roll fails to bring you back to Health 1 or more, per the Death rules).
RESISTANCE (POISON/DISEASE): You may ignore the effects of any normal exposure to poison or disease. Against
attacks or unusually intense exposure, you add the skill level to any TOU rolls made to resist the effects. In addition, you
have an innate ARM score equal to your TOU multiplied by the skill level, which fully or partially absorbs any damage of
that type.
BACKGROUND: Your background, profession, training or education gives you very specialized knowledge. You
automatically know most things related to your background. For more difficult tasks, add the skill level to the roll.
COMPUTERS: You know how to break into computer systems, operate virtual networks and decipher coded or encrypted
information. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
MEDICINE: You have medical knowledge and know how to treat injured, poisoned or diseased creatures. You can
administer the treatments below. It is assumed that you have a medical kit on hand. Otherwise, make the rolls at -2.
• First Aid: You tend to a character’s fresh wounds for one minute. Roll AWA+Medicine* vs. DIF, where DIF is equal to the
number of minutes elapsed since the patient was last injured. On a success, the patient recovers 1 Health. You can
administer First Aid multiple times to the same patient.
• Treating the wounded: You and all allies under your care add your skill level when making TOU/Health recovery rolls after
long rests.
• Treating the sick/poisoned: Roll AWA+Medicine* vs. POT. On a success, the patient automatically succeeds on the next
Health check they make to shake off the impaired condition.
• Saving a life: If you tend to a character at the brink of death and they must make a TOU roll to survive, they add your skill
PSYCHOLOGY: You are highly attuned to the emotions of those around you and are able to sense another character’s
general motivation and state of mind with a successful AWA+Psychology vs. WIL roll.
SURGERY: You understand anatomical structures. Given the right tools, you can perform surgical operations and
MEMORY: You have a photographic memory. Add the skill level whenever a roll is made to remember details from the
STREET SMARTS: You are adept at navigating and gathering information via social networks. Add the skill level to
attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to finding information via the mesh, which is covered by the
Research skill.
FLASHBACKS: You have suffered a severe trauma in the past. When in a situation that is reminiscent of the traumatic
event, you must make a WIL roll vs. DIF X, where X equals the flaw level. Failure causes you to freeze in terror and
become Severely Impaired (Move 0, -3 to rolls). You can attempt to shake off the effect as an action, by making a 2d
Spirit check.


Achjima Yai (Beta 2) You are not the only player playing a “fork” of Achjima.
The neural pruning process is far from perfect, and
each fork was pruned in separate ways that can lead
Achjima Yai (Beta 3) to variation. Also, the longer the forks remain apart,
the more they diverge from each other in experiences
Achjima Yai (Beta 4) and personality and become distinct individuals. What
matters is that you make an effort to portray roughly
the same character. One way to do this is to play off
Achjima Yai (Beta 5) each other’s presentations and mimic each other. If
one player starts off with a specific speech pattern,
Achjima Yai (Beta 6) you should emulate it. If another player coins an
amusing catchphrase that Achjima uses, you should
Roque Vera adopt it as well. If a player invents a specific memory
from Achjima’s past when telling a story, you should
feel free to expand on that story. Achjima is a group
Park Soon-Ok identity, fleshed out in a cooperative manner.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Briefing: Achjima Yai (B1)
INTRODUCTION TO ECLIPSE PHASE inner and outer systems. The capitalist economies of the
You are transhuman — genetically modified, physically inner system — Luna, Mars, and Venus — continue to
and mentally augmented, and functionally immortal. enforce scarcity and intellectual property. They are
Your mind can be digitally backed up, like a save point. dominated by the Planetary Consortium, a hypercorp-
If you die, you can be brought back, your ego — both led entity that prioritizes business interests and that has
consciousness and memories — physically restored. You declared Mars the new homeworld of transhumanity.
may also copy your mind and download into a body of Their habitats are identified by the influence of media
your choice. This new body — your morph — can be and memetic conflict on civil discourse, the legalities
biological, a synthetic robotic shell, or a digital info- and security restrictions that keep their populations safe,
morph. Your body is essentially gear that you customize a lingering distrust of AIs and uplifts, and sharp class
according to your mission and requirements. divisions. While socialites and hyper-elites play and
prosper, many infugees have resorted to selling their
Eclipse Phase takes place in a future of exponentially
labor as indentured servants to afford cheap, mass-pro-
accelerating technological progress. Developments in
duced synthetic bodies — the clanking masses.
the key fields of artificial intelligence, neuroscience,
genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and information The outer system is the stronghold of the Autonomist
science have converged into an impressive feedback Alliance, a mutual-aid network of anarchists and techno-
loop. Bodies and minds are shaped and augmented. AIs socialists. In these communalist territories, currency is
and animals are uplifted to human levels of sapience. obsolete and unrestricted nanofabrication means that
Everything and everyone is laden with sensors, everyone has the necessities and tools they need.
networked, and online. Your mind can communicate People create rather than consume. Reputation, not
with every electronic device around it. Almost anything wealth, mediates the exchange of information and
can be 3D-printed from constituent atoms with a nano- services. Many habitats operate without government,
fabber and blueprints. Technology allows people to live laws, or police, relying instead on voluntary and
happier, healthier lives, emancipated from need. cooperative structures, real-time online referendums,
and collective militias. The outer system is a patchwork
Such advances also have their downside. The wonders
of political, economic, and social experimentation.
of the future are not yet evenly distributed. The immortal
rich continue to concentrate their wealth and power Intersticed among these major factions, other
while others struggle to survive. Surveillance is transhuman clades build their own societies. Criminal
omnipresent, and the means exist to hack people’s cartels feed black markets, radical scientists work to
minds and memories, copy them entirely, and/or democratize technology, aesthete mercenaries offer
commit them to virtual slavery. Many technological their services, pirates prey on the unwary, and
advances are super-empowering, putting the means for isolationists filter their communities from outside
mass devastation in anyone’s hands. Efforts to restrict influences. Even bioconservatives — distrustful of
such tools are doomed to fail; only our own maturity as transhuman technologies — thrive on, fearing for our
a species can save us. species’ future.
Exemplifying these dangers, Eclipse Phase takes place The war with the TITAN AIs scarred more than Earth.
ten years after transhumanity has lost a war with a group Zones on Luna, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Iapetus remain
of super-intelligent, self-improving AIs. 95% of the under machine influence. Of greater impact, however,
population was lost during this apocalyptic conflict, are the mysterious pandora gates discovered around the
many of them forcibly uploaded by the TITAN machine system. These wormhole gates open to extrasolar
gods before they disappeared. Thousands more were systems — thousands of exoplanets and alien mysteries.
corrupted and transformed by an alien exsurgent virus. Intrepid gatecrashers explore these new horizons,
The Earth is ruined and off-limits, overrun by machines colonizing worlds and uncovering the remnants of
and monsters. The survivors evacuated the planet and extinct civilizations. While no living sapient species has
spread throughout the Solar System, expanding our off- been found beyond the gates, transhumanity has had its
world colonies out of desperation and necessity. Many first encounters with alien life within our own Solar
escaped only as infugees, with nothing but their bodiless System. A star-faring species known as the Factors visits
minds. regularly, though the true nature and intentions of these
laconic ameboid merchants remains unknown.
The nations and super-powers of the old world are
gone, decapitated and dismantled. New political blocs Ultimately, Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman
and factions have formed, loosely divided between the survival. Aside from the threat that the TITANs will

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

return, we face existential risks — x-risks — that you that they were not malicious or evil, just
endanger our future as a species. These include misunderstood. It saddens you that they have left the
weapons of mass destruction, artifacts from beyond the solar system, leaving transhumanity behind to rot in
Pandora gates, salvaged TITAN technology, exsurgent squalor.
infection breakouts, alien threats, stellar phenomena, Since the Fall, you have joined up with a small but
and the dangers we pose to ourselves. Our species is in growing movement of singularity seekers, hoping to
a deteriorating orbit around the black hole of extinction. find some new path to super-intelligence. You are
Will our conflicts steer us into the event horizon, or will fascinated with relics and technologies left behind by
we evolve and cooperate to escape the gravity well and the TITANs, hoping to find something that can boost
reach new frontiers? Will we be recognizable when we transhumanity (or at least yourself) to the next level. You
get there? engage in genetics research that others find distasteful
Eclipse Phase is an exploration of uncertain futures. The and that is in some cases illegal. As a result, you have
crux of Eclipse Phase emphasizes the nature of transhu- been ostracized and occasionally been under
manity as it transforms itself, mentally and physically, on investigation, forcing you to hide your activities and
the edge of becoming something posthuman. This is a move frequently. All of this research and moving is
setting that speaks to the immense dangers that expensive, and you have turned to criminal contacts for
technology offers us — but that balances this outlook funding. You are indebted to a triad, which recently
by considering how science can be used to improve forced you to move to the Martian habitat of Anyang to
ourselves, enhance cooperation, counteract these risks, assist some of their operations (usually involving illegal
and prosper. There is danger — but also hope. morph mods, black genetics, psychosurgery, etc). You
dislike being here, as it is far from any sites of interest,
ACHJIMA YAI (B1) but you have to pay your bills.
You are a beta fork of Achjima Yai (alpha). This means
you are a mind-clone with edited memories and slightly MEMORIES
diminished capabilities. You are aware of this fact. You Many of your personal memories were excised when
were recently sent on a research mission. Upon you were created, as they were irrelevant to the mission
returning, you expected to be merged back with your at hand. As a result, you remember next to nothing
alpha ego. Strangely, you have woken up, unmerged, in about your past. Your childhood, your youth, and even
a new morph instead. much of your adult life are just gaping holes. Even much
of your current life is a mystery—you couldn’t say what
PERSONALITY you’ve been up to lately, because you simply don’t
You are a technophile and consider yourself a visionary. know.
You long for a day when you will be freed from these
transhuman constraints and will transcend to a new level YOUR RECENT MISSION
of being. You are sometimes so overcome with your You sent yourself to an argonaut research station in
enthusiasm for shiny new things that you can be a bit Lunar orbit, called Mitre. The argonauts are a group of
naïve and even gullible. You are hardworking to the scientists that promote open access to knowledge for
point of obsession, and you dislike disruptions in your the benefit of everyone. You consider them a bit starry-
work. You have a bit of a superiority complex when it eyed, but appreciate that they make such things
comes to others—particularly those who rely on available.
strength or brawn over their wits. You can’t wait to leave Your mission there was to research various
some of transhumanity’s genetic defects behind. xenobotanical samples that were recovered from
exoplanets accessed via Pandora gates. You don’t recall
ACHJIMA’S BACKGROUND why you went to investigate these samples, but you
You are a “singularity seeker.” Even before the Fall, you were looking for specimens with particular traits.
were obsessed with the idea that one day transhumanity Specifically, ones that might be capable of living in a
might expand its abilities and become god-like in Martian environment. You were also attempting to
capabilities. When the Fall occurred, you became match the samples against a collection of scans and test
convinced that the TITANs were given a bad rap—if results you had (though you don’t recall where these
transhumanity hadn’t attacked them first, hadn’t feared originated from). Though nothing matched your scans
them and tried to wipe them out, you and the rest could exactly, there were some specimens that exhibited
be expanding your intellect and reach across the galaxy similar properties.
right now. The fact that the TITANs didn’t wipe us out, Most of these were similar to fungi and some also had
when surely they had the capability to do so, proves to parasitic properties.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Name: Achjima Yai
Title: B2
Race: Morph: Case
Move Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Weapon Mastery (kinetic wpns) 2 10 23 1

Unlife (ARM 2) 2 10


AWARENESS 2 Initiative Mesh Inserts

Background (science) 2 Cortical Stack

Access Jacks
Computers 1
Research 1 Implants (various; effects included in stats)

Psychology 1 500 credits (shared with other Achjimas)

Medicine 1 Cyberbrain (your brain; can be hacked)

Underworld 1 Mnemonic Augmentation

Fixing 1 (can review and share past sensory input)

Senses 1
WILL 2 Spirit
Street Smarts 1 12
Outcast (flaw) "clanking masses" 2

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
WEAPON MASTERY: You possess exceptional skill with one type of weapon. The skill level can be added to either
attack rolls or damage rolls. If the weapon can fire multiple shots rapidly you can add the skill level to the number of
attacks instead of the other options.
UNLIFE: You are a "synthmorph" (artificial body). Your body gives you ARM 1, 2 or 3 depending on the skill level.
This protection doesn’t stack with worn armor (use the highest score). Furthermore, you do not breathe and are
completely immune to disease, poison and possibly other things that only affect living beings, at the GM’s discretion.
However, you are unable to heal Health naturally or through any biological or chemical means. Resting does not
grant recovery rolls. Instead, you must be repaired with the Fixing skill (see skill description).
BACKGROUND: Your background, profession, training or education gives you very specialized knowledge. You
automatically know most things related to your background. For more difficult tasks, add the skill level to the roll.
COMPUTERS: You know how to break into computer systems, operate virtual networks and decipher coded or
encrypted information. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
RESEARCH: Allows you to effectively find things out through databases and the "mesh." Add the skill level to
attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to using social networks, which is covered by the
Street Smarts skill.
PSYCHOLOGY: You are highly attuned to the emotions of those around you and are able to sense another
character’s general motivation and state of mind with a successful AWA+Psychology vs. WIL roll.
MEDICINE: You have medical knowledge and know how to treat injured, poisoned or diseased creatures. You can
administer the treatments below. It is assumed that you have a medical kit on hand. Otherwise, make the rolls at -2.
• First Aid: You tend to a character’s fresh wounds for one minute. Roll AWA+Medicine* vs. DIF, where DIF is equal
to the number of minutes elapsed since the patient was last injured. On a success, the patient recovers 1 Health.
You can administer First Aid multiple times to the same patient.
• Treating the wounded: You and all allies under your care add your skill level when making TOU/Health recovery
rolls after long rests.
• Treating the sick/poisoned: Roll AWA+Medicine* vs. POT. On a success, the patient automatically succeeds on the
next Health check they make to shake off the impaired condition.
• Saving a life: If you tend to a character at the brink of death and they must make a TOU roll to survive, they add
your skill level.
UNDERWORLD: You are familiar with crime syndicates, terrorist groups, mercenary bands and other shady
organizations. Add the skill level when rolling to determine if you know something about such groups.
FIXING: You can repair mechanical, electrical and electronic devices, constructs or vehicles. It generally takes one
hour to fix something, after which you make an AWA+Fixing* roll to determine how many Health points the damaged
item regains.
SENSES: The skill level is added to seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting rolls.
STREET SMARTS: You are adept at navigating and gathering information via social networks. Add the skill level to
attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to finding information via the mesh, which is covered
by the Research skill.
OUTCAST: Due to reputation, temperament or appearance, you tend to elicit negative reactions from others. Deduct
the flaw level when making social interaction rolls.


Achjima Yai (Beta 1) You are not the only player playing a “fork” of Achjima.
The neural pruning process is far from perfect, and
each fork was pruned in separate ways that can lead
Achjima Yai (Beta 3) to variation. Also, the longer the forks remain apart,
the more they diverge from each other in experiences
Achjima Yai (Beta 4) and personality and become distinct individuals. What
matters is that you make an effort to portray roughly
the same character. One way to do this is to play off
Achjima Yai (Beta 5) each other’s presentations and mimic each other. If
one player starts off with a specific speech pattern,
Achjima Yai (Beta 6) you should emulate it. If another player coins an
amusing catchphrase that Achjima uses, you should
Roque Vera adopt it as well. If a player invents a specific memory
from Achjima’s past when telling a story, you should
feel free to expand on that story. Achjima is a group
Park Soon-Ok identity, fleshed out in a cooperative manner.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Briefing: Achjima Yai (B2)
INTRODUCTION TO ECLIPSE PHASE inner and outer systems. The capitalist economies of the
You are transhuman — genetically modified, physically inner system — Luna, Mars, and Venus — continue to
and mentally augmented, and functionally immortal. enforce scarcity and intellectual property. They are
Your mind can be digitally backed up, like a save point. dominated by the Planetary Consortium, a hypercorp-
If you die, you can be brought back, your ego — both led entity that prioritizes business interests and that has
consciousness and memories — physically restored. You declared Mars the new homeworld of transhumanity.
may also copy your mind and download into a body of Their habitats are identified by the influence of media
your choice. This new body — your morph — can be and memetic conflict on civil discourse, the legalities
biological, a synthetic robotic shell, or a digital info- and security restrictions that keep their populations safe,
morph. Your body is essentially gear that you customize a lingering distrust of AIs and uplifts, and sharp class
according to your mission and requirements. divisions. While socialites and hyper-elites play and
prosper, many infugees have resorted to selling their
Eclipse Phase takes place in a future of exponentially
labor as indentured servants to afford cheap, mass-pro-
accelerating technological progress. Developments in
duced synthetic bodies — the clanking masses.
the key fields of artificial intelligence, neuroscience,
genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and information The outer system is the stronghold of the Autonomist
science have converged into an impressive feedback Alliance, a mutual-aid network of anarchists and techno-
loop. Bodies and minds are shaped and augmented. AIs socialists. In these communalist territories, currency is
and animals are uplifted to human levels of sapience. obsolete and unrestricted nanofabrication means that
Everything and everyone is laden with sensors, everyone has the necessities and tools they need.
networked, and online. Your mind can communicate People create rather than consume. Reputation, not
with every electronic device around it. Almost anything wealth, mediates the exchange of information and
can be 3D-printed from constituent atoms with a nano- services. Many habitats operate without government,
fabber and blueprints. Technology allows people to live laws, or police, relying instead on voluntary and
happier, healthier lives, emancipated from need. cooperative structures, real-time online referendums,
and collective militias. The outer system is a patchwork
Such advances also have their downside. The wonders
of political, economic, and social experimentation.
of the future are not yet evenly distributed. The immortal
rich continue to concentrate their wealth and power Intersticed among these major factions, other
while others struggle to survive. Surveillance is transhuman clades build their own societies. Criminal
omnipresent, and the means exist to hack people’s cartels feed black markets, radical scientists work to
minds and memories, copy them entirely, and/or democratize technology, aesthete mercenaries offer
commit them to virtual slavery. Many technological their services, pirates prey on the unwary, and
advances are super-empowering, putting the means for isolationists filter their communities from outside
mass devastation in anyone’s hands. Efforts to restrict influences. Even bioconservatives — distrustful of
such tools are doomed to fail; only our own maturity as transhuman technologies — thrive on, fearing for our
a species can save us. species’ future.
Exemplifying these dangers, Eclipse Phase takes place The war with the TITAN AIs scarred more than Earth.
ten years after transhumanity has lost a war with a group Zones on Luna, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Iapetus remain
of super-intelligent, self-improving AIs. 95% of the under machine influence. Of greater impact, however,
population was lost during this apocalyptic conflict, are the mysterious pandora gates discovered around the
many of them forcibly uploaded by the TITAN machine system. These wormhole gates open to extrasolar
gods before they disappeared. Thousands more were systems — thousands of exoplanets and alien mysteries.
corrupted and transformed by an alien exsurgent virus. Intrepid gatecrashers explore these new horizons,
The Earth is ruined and off-limits, overrun by machines colonizing worlds and uncovering the remnants of
and monsters. The survivors evacuated the planet and extinct civilizations. While no living sapient species has
spread throughout the Solar System, expanding our off- been found beyond the gates, transhumanity has had its
world colonies out of desperation and necessity. Many first encounters with alien life within our own Solar
escaped only as infugees, with nothing but their bodiless System. A star-faring species known as the Factors visits
minds. regularly, though the true nature and intentions of these
laconic ameboid merchants remains unknown.
The nations and super-powers of the old world are
gone, decapitated and dismantled. New political blocs Ultimately, Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman
and factions have formed, loosely divided between the survival. Aside from the threat that the TITANs will

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

return, we face existential risks — x-risks — that right now. The fact that the TITANs didn’t wipe us out,
endanger our future as a species. These include when surely they had the capability to do so, proves to
weapons of mass destruction, artifacts from beyond the you that they were not malicious or evil, just
Pandora gates, salvaged TITAN technology, exsurgent misunderstood. It saddens you that they have left the
infection breakouts, alien threats, stellar phenomena, solar system, leaving transhumanity behind to rot in
and the dangers we pose to ourselves. Our species is in squalor.
a deteriorating orbit around the black hole of extinction. Since the Fall, you have joined up with a small but
Will our conflicts steer us into the event horizon, or will growing movement of singularity seekers, hoping to
we evolve and cooperate to escape the gravity well and find some new path to super-intelligence. You are
reach new frontiers? Will we be recognizable when we fascinated with relics and technologies left behind by
get there? the TITANs, hoping to find something that can boost
Eclipse Phase is an exploration of uncertain futures. The transhumanity (or at least yourself) to the next level. You
crux of Eclipse Phase emphasizes the nature of transhu- engage in genetics research that others find distasteful
manity as it transforms itself, mentally and physically, on and that is in some cases illegal. As a result, you have
the edge of becoming something posthuman. This is a been ostracized and occasionally been under
setting that speaks to the immense dangers that investigation, forcing you to hide your activities and
technology offers us — but that balances this outlook move frequently. All of this research and moving is
by considering how science can be used to improve expensive, and you have turned to criminal contacts for
ourselves, enhance cooperation, counteract these risks, funding. You are indebted to a triad, which recently
and prosper. There is danger — but also hope. forced you to move to the Martian habitat of Anyang to
assist some of their operations (usually involving illegal
ACHJIMA YAI (B2) morph mods, black genetics, psychosurgery, etc). You
You are a beta fork of Achjima Yai (alpha). This means dislike being here, as it is far from any sites of interest,
you are a mind-clone with edited memories and slightly but you have to pay your bills.
diminished capabilities. You are aware of this fact. You
were recently sent on a research mission. Upon MEMORIES
returning, you expected to be merged back with your Many of your personal memories were excised when
alpha ego. Strangely, you have woken up, unmerged, in you were created, as they were irrelevant to the mission
a new morph instead. at hand. As a result, you remember next to nothing
about your past. Your childhood, your youth, and even
PERSONALITY much of your adult life are just gaping holes. Even much
You are a technophile and consider yourself a visionary. of your current life is a mystery—you couldn’t say what
You long for a day when you will be freed from these you’ve been up to lately, because you simply don’t
transhuman constraints and will transcend to a new level know.
of being. You are sometimes so overcome with your
enthusiasm for shiny new things that you can be a bit YOUR RECENT MISSION
naïve and even gullible. You are hardworking to the You sent yourself to Arcadia, a Venusian aerostat
point of obsession, and you dislike disruptions in your habitat. There you had an online meeting with Credeiki,
work. You have a bit of a superiority complex when it an expert in uplift genetics. You had some questions
comes to others—particularly those who rely on regarding the effects of certain chemicals on smart
strength or brawn over their wits. You can’t wait to leave monkey brains. You do not recall where you got the
some of transhumanity’s genetic defects behind. information on these chemicals, but you are aware that
you desired to keep these questions confidential.
ACHJIMA’S BACKGROUND What you learned was that the chemicals are likely to
You are a “singularity seeker.” Even before the Fall, you increase olfactory sensitivity but would also inhibit
were obsessed with the idea that one day transhumanity certain brain functions and impulses. Though the exact
might expand its abilities and become god-like in mechanisms and effect of the chemicals would take
capabilities. When the Fall occurred, you became weeks of study to deduce, there is no question that they
convinced that the TITANs were given a bad rap—if are in fact mind-altering and mindcontrolling chemicals.
transhumanity hadn’t attacked them first, hadn’t feared And, yes, these chemicals are likely to have the exact
them and tried to wipe them out, you and the rest could same effect on transhuman brains.
be expanding your intellect and reach across the galaxy

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Name: Achjima Yai
Title: B3
Race: Morph: Splicer
Move Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Stealth 1 12 23 1
Weapon Mastery (kinetic wpns) 1



AWARENESS 2 Initiative Mesh Inserts

Background (science) 2 Cortical Stack

Access Jacks
Computers 1
Research 1 Implants (various; effects included in stats)

Psychology 1 500 credits (shared with other Achjimas)

Medicine 1 Cyberbrain (your brain; can be hacked)

Underworld 1 Mnemonic Augmentation

Surgery 1 (can review and share past sensory input)

Senses 1
WILL 2 Spirit
Street Smarts 1 12

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
STEALTH: You can move silently and hide or camouflage yourself successfully. You are also able to follow
someone without being seen. To remain undetected, you roll AGI+Stealth against the target’s AWA
WEAPON MASTERY: You possess exceptional skill with one type of weapon. The skill level can be added
to either attack rolls or damage rolls. If the weapon can fire multiple shots rapidly you can add the skill level
to the number of attacks instead of the other options.
BACKGROUND: Your background, profession, training or education gives you very specialized knowledge.
You automatically know most things related to your background. For more difficult tasks, add the skill level
to the roll.
COMPUTERS: You know how to break into computer systems, operate virtual networks and decipher
coded or encrypted information. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
RESEARCH: Allows you to effectively find things out through databases and the "mesh." Add the skill level
to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to using social networks, which is covered
by the Street Smarts skill.
PSYCHOLOGY: You are highly attuned to the emotions of those around you and are able to sense another
character’s general motivation and state of mind with a successful AWA+Psychology vs. WIL roll.
MEDICINE: You have medical knowledge and know how to treat injured, poisoned or diseased creatures.
You can administer the treatments below. It is assumed that you have a medical kit on hand. Otherwise,
make the rolls at -2.
• First Aid: You tend to a character’s fresh wounds for one minute. Roll AWA+Medicine* vs. DIF, where DIF
is equal to the number of minutes elapsed since the patient was last injured. On a success, the patient
recovers 1 Health. You can administer First Aid multiple times to the same patient.
• Treating the wounded: You and all allies under your care add your skill level when making TOU/Health
recovery rolls after long rests.
• Treating the sick/poisoned: Roll AWA+Medicine* vs. POT. On a success, the patient automatically
succeeds on the next Health check they make to shake off the impaired condition.
• Saving a life: If you tend to a character at the brink of death and they must make a TOU roll to survive,
they add your skill level.
UNDERWORLD: You are familiar with crime syndicates, terrorist groups, mercenary bands and other
shady organizations. Add the skill level when rolling to determine if you know something about such
SURGERY: You understand anatomical structures. Given the right tools, you can perform surgical
operations and autopsies.
SENSES: The skill level is added to seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting rolls.
STREET SMARTS: You are adept at navigating and gathering information via social networks. Add the skill
level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to finding information via the mesh,
which is covered by the Research skill.


Achjima Yai (Beta 1) You are not the only player playing a “fork” of Achjima.
The neural pruning process is far from perfect, and
each fork was pruned in separate ways that can lead
Achjima Yai (Beta 2) to variation. Also, the longer the forks remain apart,
the more they diverge from each other in experiences
Achjima Yai (Beta 4) and personality and become distinct individuals. What
matters is that you make an effort to portray roughly
the same character. One way to do this is to play off
Achjima Yai (Beta 5) each other’s presentations and mimic each other. If
one player starts off with a specific speech pattern,
Achjima Yai (Beta 6) you should emulate it. If another player coins an
amusing catchphrase that Achjima uses, you should
Roque Vera adopt it as well. If a player invents a specific memory
from Achjima’s past when telling a story, you should
feel free to expand on that story. Achjima is a group
Park Soon-Ok identity, fleshed out in a cooperative manner.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Briefing: Achjima Yai (B3)
INTRODUCTION TO ECLIPSE PHASE inner and outer systems. The capitalist economies of the
You are transhuman — genetically modified, physically inner system — Luna, Mars, and Venus — continue to
and mentally augmented, and functionally immortal. enforce scarcity and intellectual property. They are
Your mind can be digitally backed up, like a save point. dominated by the Planetary Consortium, a hypercorp-
If you die, you can be brought back, your ego — both led entity that prioritizes business interests and that has
consciousness and memories — physically restored. You declared Mars the new homeworld of transhumanity.
may also copy your mind and download into a body of Their habitats are identified by the influence of media
your choice. This new body — your morph — can be and memetic conflict on civil discourse, the legalities
biological, a synthetic robotic shell, or a digital info- and security restrictions that keep their populations safe,
morph. Your body is essentially gear that you customize a lingering distrust of AIs and uplifts, and sharp class
according to your mission and requirements. divisions. While socialites and hyper-elites play and
prosper, many infugees have resorted to selling their
Eclipse Phase takes place in a future of exponentially
labor as indentured servants to afford cheap, mass-pro-
accelerating technological progress. Developments in
duced synthetic bodies — the clanking masses.
the key fields of artificial intelligence, neuroscience,
genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and information The outer system is the stronghold of the Autonomist
science have converged into an impressive feedback Alliance, a mutual-aid network of anarchists and techno-
loop. Bodies and minds are shaped and augmented. AIs socialists. In these communalist territories, currency is
and animals are uplifted to human levels of sapience. obsolete and unrestricted nanofabrication means that
Everything and everyone is laden with sensors, everyone has the necessities and tools they need.
networked, and online. Your mind can communicate People create rather than consume. Reputation, not
with every electronic device around it. Almost anything wealth, mediates the exchange of information and
can be 3D-printed from constituent atoms with a nano- services. Many habitats operate without government,
fabber and blueprints. Technology allows people to live laws, or police, relying instead on voluntary and
happier, healthier lives, emancipated from need. cooperative structures, real-time online referendums,
and collective militias. The outer system is a patchwork
Such advances also have their downside. The wonders
of political, economic, and social experimentation.
of the future are not yet evenly distributed. The immortal
rich continue to concentrate their wealth and power Intersticed among these major factions, other
while others struggle to survive. Surveillance is transhuman clades build their own societies. Criminal
omnipresent, and the means exist to hack people’s cartels feed black markets, radical scientists work to
minds and memories, copy them entirely, and/or democratize technology, aesthete mercenaries offer
commit them to virtual slavery. Many technological their services, pirates prey on the unwary, and
advances are super-empowering, putting the means for isolationists filter their communities from outside
mass devastation in anyone’s hands. Efforts to restrict influences. Even bioconservatives — distrustful of
such tools are doomed to fail; only our own maturity as transhuman technologies — thrive on, fearing for our
a species can save us. species’ future.
Exemplifying these dangers, Eclipse Phase takes place The war with the TITAN AIs scarred more than Earth.
ten years after transhumanity has lost a war with a group Zones on Luna, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Iapetus remain
of super-intelligent, self-improving AIs. 95% of the under machine influence. Of greater impact, however,
population was lost during this apocalyptic conflict, are the mysterious pandora gates discovered around the
many of them forcibly uploaded by the TITAN machine system. These wormhole gates open to extrasolar
gods before they disappeared. Thousands more were systems — thousands of exoplanets and alien mysteries.
corrupted and transformed by an alien exsurgent virus. Intrepid gatecrashers explore these new horizons,
The Earth is ruined and off-limits, overrun by machines colonizing worlds and uncovering the remnants of
and monsters. The survivors evacuated the planet and extinct civilizations. While no living sapient species has
spread throughout the Solar System, expanding our off- been found beyond the gates, transhumanity has had its
world colonies out of desperation and necessity. Many first encounters with alien life within our own Solar
escaped only as infugees, with nothing but their bodiless System. A star-faring species known as the Factors visits
minds. regularly, though the true nature and intentions of these
laconic ameboid merchants remains unknown.
The nations and super-powers of the old world are
gone, decapitated and dismantled. New political blocs Ultimately, Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman
and factions have formed, loosely divided between the survival. Aside from the threat that the TITANs will

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

return, we face existential risks — x-risks — that when surely they had the capability to do so, proves to
endanger our future as a species. These include you that they were not malicious or evil, just
weapons of mass destruction, artifacts from beyond the misunderstood. It saddens you that they have left the
Pandora gates, salvaged TITAN technology, exsurgent solar system, leaving transhumanity behind to rot in
infection breakouts, alien threats, stellar phenomena, squalor.
and the dangers we pose to ourselves. Our species is in Since the Fall, you have joined up with a small but
a deteriorating orbit around the black hole of extinction. growing movement of singularity seekers, hoping to
Will our conflicts steer us into the event horizon, or will find some new path to super-intelligence. You are
we evolve and cooperate to escape the gravity well and fascinated with relics and technologies left behind by
reach new frontiers? Will we be recognizable when we the TITANs, hoping to find something that can boost
get there? transhumanity (or at least yourself) to the next level. You
Eclipse Phase is an exploration of uncertain futures. The engage in genetics research that others find distasteful
crux of Eclipse Phase emphasizes the nature of transhu- and that is in some cases illegal. As a result, you have
manity as it transforms itself, mentally and physically, on been ostracized and occasionally been under
the edge of becoming something posthuman. This is a investigation, forcing you to hide your activities and
setting that speaks to the immense dangers that move frequently. All of this research and moving is
technology offers us — but that balances this outlook expensive, and you have turned to criminal contacts for
by considering how science can be used to improve funding. You are indebted to a triad, which recently
ourselves, enhance cooperation, counteract these risks, forced you to move to the Martian habitat of Anyang to
and prosper. There is danger — but also hope. assist some of their operations (usually involving illegal
morph mods, black genetics, psychosurgery, etc) . You
ACHJIMA YAI (B3) dislike being here, as it is far from any sites of interest,
You are a beta fork of Achjima Yai (alpha). This means but you have to pay your bills.
you are a mind-clone with edited memories and slightly
diminished capabilities. You are aware of this fact. You MEMORIES
were recently sent on a research mission. Upon Many of your personal memories were excised when
returning, you expected to be merged back with your you were created, as they were irrelevant to the mission
alpha ego. Strangely, you have woken up, unmerged, in at hand. As a result, you remember next to nothing
a new morph instead. about your past. Your childhood, your youth, and even
much of your adult life are just gaping holes. Even much
PERSONALITY of your current life is a mystery—you couldn’t say what
You are a technophile and consider yourself a visionary. you’ve been up to lately, because you simply don’t
You long for a day when you will be freed from these know.
transhuman constraints and will transcend to a new level
of being. You are sometimes so overcome with your YOUR RECENT MISSION
enthusiasm for shiny new things that you can be a bit You sent yourself to the Martian habitat of Noctis to visit
naïve and even gullible. You are hardworking to the an old singularity seeker friend named Arman Usupov.
point of obsession, and you dislike disruptions in your You had been having trouble reaching him and were
work. You have a bit of a superiority complex when it concerned about his well-being. As it turns out, he has
comes to others—particularly those who rely on been missing for about 3 weeks. He was last known to
strength or brawn over their wits. You can’t wait to leave have left Noctis by rocket buggy, heading west (the
some of transhumanity’s genetic defects behind. direction of the TITAN Quarantine Zone). Checking with
contacts in various social networks, you made
ACHJIMA’S BACKGROUND acquaintance with another singularity seeker named
You are a “singularity seeker.” Even before the Fall, you Roque. Roque tells you that Arman has been spending
were obsessed with the idea that one day transhumanity a lot of time in recent months sniffing around the TQZ
might expand its abilities and become god-like in hoping to find TITAN artifacts. Roque is equally
capabilities. When the Fall occurred, you became disturbed at his absence. Aside from Arman mentioning
convinced that the TITANs were given a bad rap—if a settlement known as Kartika to a few contacts, there
transhumanity hadn’t attacked them first, hadn’t feared are no other leads. Kartika was within the TQZ and was
them and tried to wipe them out, you and the rest could destroyed during the Fall.
be expanding your intellect and reach across the galaxy Roque opted to egocast back with you, in order to
right now. The fact that the TITANs didn’t wipe us out, discuss the matter with your alpha self.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Name: Achjima Yai
Title: B4
Race: Morph: Neo-Hominid
Move Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Stealth 1 12 23 1
Athletics 2



AWARENESS 2 Initiative Mesh Inserts

Background (science) 2 Cortical Stack

Access Jacks
Computers 1
Research 1 Implants (various; effects included in stats)

Psychology 1 500 credits (shared with other Achjimas)

Medicine 1 Prehensile feet

Underworld 1 (can climb or swing at full Move)

Surgery 1
Senses 1
WILL 1 Spirit
Street Smarts 1 10

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
STEALTH: You can move silently and hide or camouflage yourself successfully. You are also able to follow
someone without being seen. To remain undetected, you roll AGI+Stealth against the target’s AWA+Senses.
ATHLETICS: You are skilled at jumping, climbing, dodging, escaping restraints, breaking falls, performing
various physical stunts and feats of balance. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
You can also use the skill to tumble and dodge in combat. This allows you to add the skill level to defense rolls
against physical attacks, however it is an active measure so you must forfeit your attacks (and most other
actions) while doing so.
BACKGROUND: Your background, profession, training or education gives you very specialized knowledge.
You automatically know most things related to your background. For more difficult tasks, add the skill level to
the roll.
COMPUTERS: You know how to break into computer systems, operate virtual networks and decipher coded
or encrypted information. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
RESEARCH: Allows you to effectively find things out through databases and the "mesh." Add the skill level to
attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to using social networks, which is covered by
the Street Smarts skill.
PSYCHOLOGY: You are highly attuned to the emotions of those around you and are able to sense another
character’s general motivation and state of mind with a successful AWA+Psychology vs. WIL roll.
MEDICINE: You have medical knowledge and know how to treat injured, poisoned or diseased creatures. You
can administer the treatments below. It is assumed that you have a medical kit on hand. Otherwise, make the
rolls at -2.
• First Aid: You tend to a character’s fresh wounds for one minute. Roll AWA+Medicine* vs. DIF, where DIF is
equal to the number of minutes elapsed since the patient was last injured. On a success, the patient recovers
1 Health. You can administer First Aid multiple times to the same patient.
• Treating the wounded: You and all allies under your care add your skill level when making TOU/Health
recovery rolls after long rests.
• Treating the sick/poisoned: Roll AWA+Medicine* vs. POT. On a success, the patient automatically succeeds
on the next Health check they make to shake off the impaired condition.
• Saving a life: If you tend to a character at the brink of death and they must make a TOU roll to survive, they
add your skill level.
UNDERWORLD: You are familiar with crime syndicates, terrorist groups, mercenary bands and other shady
organizations. Add the skill level when rolling to determine if you know something about such groups.
SURGERY: You understand anatomical structures. Given the right tools, you can perform surgical operations
and autopsies.
SENSES: The skill level is added to seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting rolls.
STREET SMARTS: You are adept at navigating and gathering information via social networks. Add the skill
level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to finding information via the mesh,
which is covered by the Research skill.


Achjima Yai (Beta 1) You are not the only player playing a “fork” of Achjima.
The neural pruning process is far from perfect, and
each fork was pruned in separate ways that can lead
Achjima Yai (Beta 2) to variation. Also, the longer the forks remain apart,
the more they diverge from each other in experiences
Achjima Yai (Beta 3) and personality and become distinct individuals. What
matters is that you make an effort to portray roughly
the same character. One way to do this is to play off
Achjima Yai (Beta 5) each other’s presentations and mimic each other. If
one player starts off with a specific speech pattern,
Achjima Yai (Beta 6) you should emulate it. If another player coins an
amusing catchphrase that Achjima uses, you should
Roque Vera adopt it as well. If a player invents a specific memory
from Achjima’s past when telling a story, you should
feel free to expand on that story. Achjima is a group
Park Soon-Ok identity, fleshed out in a cooperative manner.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Briefing: Achjima Yai (B4)
INTRODUCTION TO ECLIPSE PHASE inner and outer systems. The capitalist economies of the
You are transhuman — genetically modified, physically inner system — Luna, Mars, and Venus — continue to
and mentally augmented, and functionally immortal. enforce scarcity and intellectual property. They are
Your mind can be digitally backed up, like a save point. dominated by the Planetary Consortium, a hypercorp-
If you die, you can be brought back, your ego — both led entity that prioritizes business interests and that has
consciousness and memories — physically restored. You declared Mars the new homeworld of transhumanity.
may also copy your mind and download into a body of Their habitats are identified by the influence of media
your choice. This new body — your morph — can be and memetic conflict on civil discourse, the legalities
biological, a synthetic robotic shell, or a digital info- and security restrictions that keep their populations safe,
morph. Your body is essentially gear that you customize a lingering distrust of AIs and uplifts, and sharp class
according to your mission and requirements. divisions. While socialites and hyper-elites play and
prosper, many infugees have resorted to selling their
Eclipse Phase takes place in a future of exponentially
labor as indentured servants to afford cheap, mass-pro-
accelerating technological progress. Developments in
duced synthetic bodies — the clanking masses.
the key fields of artificial intelligence, neuroscience,
genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and information The outer system is the stronghold of the Autonomist
science have converged into an impressive feedback Alliance, a mutual-aid network of anarchists and techno-
loop. Bodies and minds are shaped and augmented. AIs socialists. In these communalist territories, currency is
and animals are uplifted to human levels of sapience. obsolete and unrestricted nanofabrication means that
Everything and everyone is laden with sensors, everyone has the necessities and tools they need.
networked, and online. Your mind can communicate People create rather than consume. Reputation, not
with every electronic device around it. Almost anything wealth, mediates the exchange of information and
can be 3D-printed from constituent atoms with a nano- services. Many habitats operate without government,
fabber and blueprints. Technology allows people to live laws, or police, relying instead on voluntary and
happier, healthier lives, emancipated from need. cooperative structures, real-time online referendums,
and collective militias. The outer system is a patchwork
Such advances also have their downside. The wonders
of political, economic, and social experimentation.
of the future are not yet evenly distributed. The immortal
rich continue to concentrate their wealth and power Intersticed among these major factions, other
while others struggle to survive. Surveillance is transhuman clades build their own societies. Criminal
omnipresent, and the means exist to hack people’s cartels feed black markets, radical scientists work to
minds and memories, copy them entirely, and/or democratize technology, aesthete mercenaries offer
commit them to virtual slavery. Many technological their services, pirates prey on the unwary, and
advances are super-empowering, putting the means for isolationists filter their communities from outside
mass devastation in anyone’s hands. Efforts to restrict influences. Even bioconservatives — distrustful of
such tools are doomed to fail; only our own maturity as transhuman technologies — thrive on, fearing for our
a species can save us. species’ future.
Exemplifying these dangers, Eclipse Phase takes place The war with the TITAN AIs scarred more than Earth.
ten years after transhumanity has lost a war with a group Zones on Luna, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Iapetus remain
of super-intelligent, self-improving AIs. 95% of the under machine influence. Of greater impact, however,
population was lost during this apocalyptic conflict, are the mysterious pandora gates discovered around the
many of them forcibly uploaded by the TITAN machine system. These wormhole gates open to extrasolar
gods before they disappeared. Thousands more were systems — thousands of exoplanets and alien mysteries.
corrupted and transformed by an alien exsurgent virus. Intrepid gatecrashers explore these new horizons,
The Earth is ruined and off-limits, overrun by machines colonizing worlds and uncovering the remnants of
and monsters. The survivors evacuated the planet and extinct civilizations. While no living sapient species has
spread throughout the Solar System, expanding our off- been found beyond the gates, transhumanity has had its
world colonies out of desperation and necessity. Many first encounters with alien life within our own Solar
escaped only as infugees, with nothing but their bodiless System. A star-faring species known as the Factors visits
minds. regularly, though the true nature and intentions of these
laconic ameboid merchants remains unknown.
The nations and super-powers of the old world are
gone, decapitated and dismantled. New political blocs Ultimately, Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman
and factions have formed, loosely divided between the survival. Aside from the threat that the TITANs will

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

return, we face existential risks — x-risks — that when surely they had the capability to do so, proves to
endanger our future as a species. These include you that they were not malicious or evil, just
weapons of mass destruction, artifacts from beyond the misunderstood. It saddens you that they have left the
Pandora gates, salvaged TITAN technology, exsurgent solar system, leaving transhumanity behind to rot in
infection breakouts, alien threats, stellar phenomena, squalor.
and the dangers we pose to ourselves. Our species is in Since the Fall, you have joined up with a small but
a deteriorating orbit around the black hole of extinction. growing movement of singularity seekers, hoping to
Will our conflicts steer us into the event horizon, or will find some new path to super-intelligence. You are
we evolve and cooperate to escape the gravity well and fascinated with relics and technologies left behind by
reach new frontiers? Will we be recognizable when we the TITANs, hoping to find something that can boost
get there? transhumanity (or at least yourself) to the next level. You
Eclipse Phase is an exploration of uncertain futures. The engage in genetics research that others find distasteful
crux of Eclipse Phase emphasizes the nature of transhu- and that is in some cases illegal. As a result, you have
manity as it transforms itself, mentally and physically, on been ostracized and occasionally been under
the edge of becoming something posthuman. This is a investigation, forcing you to hide your activities and
setting that speaks to the immense dangers that move frequently. All of this research and moving is
technology offers us — but that balances this outlook expensive, and you have turned to criminal contacts for
by considering how science can be used to improve funding. You are indebted to a triad, which recently
ourselves, enhance cooperation, counteract these risks, forced you to move to the Martian habitat of Anyang to
and prosper. There is danger — but also hope. assist some of their operations (usually involving illegal
morph mods, black genetics, psychosurgery, etc) . You
ACHJIMA YAI (B4) dislike being here, as it is far from any sites of interest,
You are a beta fork of Achjima Yai (alpha). This means but you have to pay your bills.
you are a mind-clone with edited memories and slightly
diminished capabilities. You are aware of this fact. You MEMORIES
were recently sent on a research mission. Upon Many of your personal memories were excised when
returning, you expected to be merged back with your you were created, as they were irrelevant to the mission
alpha ego. Strangely, you have woken up, unmerged, in at hand. As a result, you remember next to nothing
a new morph instead. about your past. Your childhood, your youth, and even
much of your adult life are just gaping holes. Even much
PERSONALITY of your current life is a mystery—you couldn’t say what
You are a technophile and consider yourself a visionary. you’ve been up to lately, because you simply don’t
You long for a day when you will be freed from these know.
transhuman constraints and will transcend to a new level
of being. You are sometimes so overcome with your YOUR RECENT MISSION
enthusiasm for shiny new things that you can be a bit You sent yourself to a Martian settlement called Ashoka,
naïve and even gullible. You are hardworking to the one of the primary hotspots in the terraforming effort.
point of obsession, and you dislike disruptions in your There you sought out some experts in Martian botany.
work. You have a bit of a superiority complex when it You had some questions regarding the success and
comes to others—particularly those who rely on survival possibilities for various mycological (fungal)
strength or brawn over their wits. You can’t wait to leave strains. You don’t recall why you were pursuing these
some of transhumanity’s genetic defects behind. questions, but you know you were attempting to keep
this line of questioning confidential for some reason.
ACHJIMA’S BACKGROUND What you discovered is that for the strains you were
You are a “singularity seeker.” Even before the Fall, you most interested in, wind is an important factor for
were obsessed with the idea that one day transhumanity dispersing spores. The cold Martian weather and dry
might expand its abilities and become god-like in environment are inhibitive to many known fungi. The
capabilities. When the Fall occurred, you became strains you were interested are likely to go dormant on
convinced that the TITANs were given a bad rap—if the Martian surface, perhaps even surviving for many
transhumanity hadn’t attacked them first, hadn’t feared years. In fact, they might even survive decades until the
them and tried to wipe them out, you and the rest could terraforming improves the environment, allowing them
be expanding your intellect and reach across the galaxy to revive and grow.
right now. The fact that the TITANs didn’t wipe us out,

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Name: Achjima Yai
Title: B5
Race: Morph: Ruster
Move Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Stealth 1 12 23 1
Weapon Mastery (kinetic wpns) 1



AWARENESS 2 Initiative Mesh Inserts

Background (science) 2 Cortical Stack

Access Jacks
Computers 1
Research 1 Implants (various; effects included in stats)

Psychology 1 500 credits (shared with other Achjimas)

Medicine 1
Underworld 1
Surgery 1
Senses 1
WILL 1 Spirit
Street Smarts 1 10

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
STEALTH: You can move silently and hide or camouflage yourself successfully. You are also able to follow
someone without being seen. To remain undetected, you roll AGI+Stealth against the target’s AWA
WEAPON MASTERY: You possess exceptional skill with one type of weapon. The skill level can be added
to either attack rolls or damage rolls. If the weapon can fire multiple shots rapidly you can add the skill level
to the number of attacks instead of the other options.
BACKGROUND: Your background, profession, training or education gives you very specialized knowledge.
You automatically know most things related to your background. For more difficult tasks, add the skill level
to the roll.
COMPUTERS: You know how to break into computer systems, operate virtual networks and decipher
coded or encrypted information. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
RESEARCH: Allows you to effectively find things out through databases and the "mesh." Add the skill level
to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to using social networks, which is covered
by the Street Smarts skill.
PSYCHOLOGY: You are highly attuned to the emotions of those around you and are able to sense another
character’s general motivation and state of mind with a successful AWA+Psychology vs. WIL roll.
MEDICINE: You have medical knowledge and know how to treat injured, poisoned or diseased creatures.
You can administer the treatments below. It is assumed that you have a medical kit on hand. Otherwise,
make the rolls at -2.
• First Aid: You tend to a character’s fresh wounds for one minute. Roll AWA+Medicine* vs. DIF, where DIF
is equal to the number of minutes elapsed since the patient was last injured. On a success, the patient
recovers 1 Health. You can administer First Aid multiple times to the same patient.
• Treating the wounded: You and all allies under your care add your skill level when making TOU/Health
recovery rolls after long rests.
• Treating the sick/poisoned: Roll AWA+Medicine* vs. POT. On a success, the patient automatically
succeeds on the next Health check they make to shake off the impaired condition.
• Saving a life: If you tend to a character at the brink of death and they must make a TOU roll to survive,
they add your skill level.
UNDERWORLD: You are familiar with crime syndicates, terrorist groups, mercenary bands and other
shady organizations. Add the skill level when rolling to determine if you know something about such
SURGERY: You understand anatomical structures. Given the right tools, you can perform surgical
operations and autopsies.
SENSES: The skill level is added to seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting rolls.
STREET SMARTS: You are adept at navigating and gathering information via social networks. Add the skill
level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to finding information via the mesh,
which is covered by the Research skill.


Achjima Yai (Beta 1) You are not the only player playing a “fork” of Achjima.
The neural pruning process is far from perfect, and
each fork was pruned in separate ways that can lead
Achjima Yai (Beta 2) to variation. Also, the longer the forks remain apart,
the more they diverge from each other in experiences
Achjima Yai (Beta 3) and personality and become distinct individuals. What
matters is that you make an effort to portray roughly
the same character. One way to do this is to play off
Achjima Yai (Beta 4) each other’s presentations and mimic each other. If
one player starts off with a specific speech pattern,
Achjima Yai (Beta 6) you should emulate it. If another player coins an
amusing catchphrase that Achjima uses, you should
Roque Vera adopt it as well. If a player invents a specific memory
from Achjima’s past when telling a story, you should
feel free to expand on that story. Achjima is a group
Park Soon-Ok identity, fleshed out in a cooperative manner.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Briefing: Achjima Yai (B5)
INTRODUCTION TO ECLIPSE PHASE inner and outer systems. The capitalist economies of the
You are transhuman — genetically modified, physically inner system — Luna, Mars, and Venus — continue to
and mentally augmented, and functionally immortal. enforce scarcity and intellectual property. They are
Your mind can be digitally backed up, like a save point. dominated by the Planetary Consortium, a hypercorp-
If you die, you can be brought back, your ego — both led entity that prioritizes business interests and that has
consciousness and memories — physically restored. You declared Mars the new homeworld of transhumanity.
may also copy your mind and download into a body of Their habitats are identified by the influence of media
your choice. This new body — your morph — can be and memetic conflict on civil discourse, the legalities
biological, a synthetic robotic shell, or a digital info- and security restrictions that keep their populations safe,
morph. Your body is essentially gear that you customize a lingering distrust of AIs and uplifts, and sharp class
according to your mission and requirements. divisions. While socialites and hyper-elites play and
prosper, many infugees have resorted to selling their
Eclipse Phase takes place in a future of exponentially
labor as indentured servants to afford cheap, mass-pro-
accelerating technological progress. Developments in
duced synthetic bodies — the clanking masses.
the key fields of artificial intelligence, neuroscience,
genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and information The outer system is the stronghold of the Autonomist
science have converged into an impressive feedback Alliance, a mutual-aid network of anarchists and techno-
loop. Bodies and minds are shaped and augmented. AIs socialists. In these communalist territories, currency is
and animals are uplifted to human levels of sapience. obsolete and unrestricted nanofabrication means that
Everything and everyone is laden with sensors, everyone has the necessities and tools they need.
networked, and online. Your mind can communicate People create rather than consume. Reputation, not
with every electronic device around it. Almost anything wealth, mediates the exchange of information and
can be 3D-printed from constituent atoms with a nano- services. Many habitats operate without government,
fabber and blueprints. Technology allows people to live laws, or police, relying instead on voluntary and
happier, healthier lives, emancipated from need. cooperative structures, real-time online referendums,
and collective militias. The outer system is a patchwork
Such advances also have their downside. The wonders
of political, economic, and social experimentation.
of the future are not yet evenly distributed. The immortal
rich continue to concentrate their wealth and power Intersticed among these major factions, other
while others struggle to survive. Surveillance is transhuman clades build their own societies. Criminal
omnipresent, and the means exist to hack people’s cartels feed black markets, radical scientists work to
minds and memories, copy them entirely, and/or democratize technology, aesthete mercenaries offer
commit them to virtual slavery. Many technological their services, pirates prey on the unwary, and
advances are super-empowering, putting the means for isolationists filter their communities from outside
mass devastation in anyone’s hands. Efforts to restrict influences. Even bioconservatives — distrustful of
such tools are doomed to fail; only our own maturity as transhuman technologies — thrive on, fearing for our
a species can save us. species’ future.
Exemplifying these dangers, Eclipse Phase takes place The war with the TITAN AIs scarred more than Earth.
ten years after transhumanity has lost a war with a group Zones on Luna, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Iapetus remain
of super-intelligent, self-improving AIs. 95% of the under machine influence. Of greater impact, however,
population was lost during this apocalyptic conflict, are the mysterious pandora gates discovered around the
many of them forcibly uploaded by the TITAN machine system. These wormhole gates open to extrasolar
gods before they disappeared. Thousands more were systems — thousands of exoplanets and alien mysteries.
corrupted and transformed by an alien exsurgent virus. Intrepid gatecrashers explore these new horizons,
The Earth is ruined and off-limits, overrun by machines colonizing worlds and uncovering the remnants of
and monsters. The survivors evacuated the planet and extinct civilizations. While no living sapient species has
spread throughout the Solar System, expanding our off- been found beyond the gates, transhumanity has had its
world colonies out of desperation and necessity. Many first encounters with alien life within our own Solar
escaped only as infugees, with nothing but their bodiless System. A star-faring species known as the Factors visits
minds. regularly, though the true nature and intentions of these
laconic ameboid merchants remains unknown.
The nations and super-powers of the old world are
gone, decapitated and dismantled. New political blocs Ultimately, Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman
and factions have formed, loosely divided between the survival. Aside from the threat that the TITANs will

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

return, we face existential risks — x-risks — that them and tried to wipe them out, you and the rest could
endanger our future as a species. These include be expanding your intellect and reach across the galaxy
weapons of mass destruction, artifacts from beyond the right now. The fact that the TITANs didn’t wipe us out,
Pandora gates, salvaged TITAN technology, exsurgent when surely they had the capability to do so, proves to
infection breakouts, alien threats, stellar phenomena, you that they were not malicious or evil, just
and the dangers we pose to ourselves. Our species is in misunderstood. It saddens you that they have left the
a deteriorating orbit around the black hole of extinction. solar system, leaving transhumanity behind to rot in
Will our conflicts steer us into the event horizon, or will squalor.
we evolve and cooperate to escape the gravity well and Since the Fall, you have joined up with a small but
reach new frontiers? Will we be recognizable when we growing movement of singularity seekers, hoping to
get there? find some new path to super-intelligence. You are
Eclipse Phase is an exploration of uncertain futures. The fascinated with relics and technologies left behind by
crux of Eclipse Phase emphasizes the nature of transhu- the TITANs, hoping to find something that can boost
manity as it transforms itself, mentally and physically, on transhumanity (or at least yourself) to the next level. You
the edge of becoming something posthuman. This is a engage in genetics research that others find distasteful
setting that speaks to the immense dangers that and that is in some cases illegal. As a result, you have
technology offers us — but that balances this outlook been ostracized and occasionally been under
by considering how science can be used to improve investigation, forcing you to hide your activities and
ourselves, enhance cooperation, counteract these risks, move frequently. All of this research and moving is
and prosper. There is danger — but also hope. expensive, and you have turned to criminal contacts for
funding. You are indebted to a triad, which recently
ACHJIMA YAI (B5) forced you to move to the Martian habitat of Anyang to
You are a beta fork of Achjima Yai (alpha). This means assist some of their operations (usually involving illegal
you are a mind-clone with edited memories and slightly morph mods, black genetics, psychosurgery, etc) . You
diminished capabilities. You are aware of this fact. You dislike being here, as it is far from any sites of interest,
were recently sent on a research mission. Upon but you have to pay your bills.
returning, you expected to be merged back with your
alpha ego. Strangely, you have woken up, unmerged, in MEMORIES
a new morph instead. Many of your personal memories were excised when
you were created, as they were irrelevant to the mission
PERSONALITY at hand. As a result, you remember next to nothing
You are a technophile and consider yourself a visionary. about your past. Your childhood, your youth, and even
You long for a day when you will be freed from these much of your adult life are just gaping holes. Even much
transhuman constraints and will transcend to a new level of your current life is a mystery—you couldn’t say what
of being. You are sometimes so overcome with your you’ve been up to lately, because you simply don’t
enthusiasm for shiny new things that you can be a bit know.
naïve and even gullible. You are hardworking to the
point of obsession, and you dislike disruptions in your YOUR RECENT MISSION
work. You have a bit of a superiority complex when it You sent yourself to Extropia, an autonomist habitat in
comes to others—particularly those who rely on the Main Belt. There you had an online meeting with a
strength or brawn over their wits. You can’t wait to leave group of renegade genehackers. Your mission was to
some of transhumanity’s genetic defects behind. gather information on and evaluate a set of
experimental cognitive enhancements they were
ACHJIMA’S BACKGROUND offering. You don’t recall why you went to investigate
You are a “singularity seeker.” Even before the Fall, you these samples, but you assume you were interested in
were obsessed with the idea that one day transhumanity enhancing your own mind. Though the options looked
might expand its abilities and become god-like in interesting to you, there were some potential side
capabilities. When the Fall occurred, you became effects that make you think you’ll wait until the new
convinced that the TITANs were given a bad rap—if mods are out of beta.
transhumanity hadn’t attacked them first, hadn’t feared

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Name: Achjima Yai (B6)
Title: Faction: Hypercorp
Race: Morph: Exalt
Move Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Athletics 1 12 30
Weapon Mastery (kinetic wpns) 1

Second Wind 1 12
Resistance (poison/disease) 1


AWARENESS 3 Initiative Mesh Inserts

Background (science) 1 Cortical Stack

Access Jacks
Background (xenoarcheology) 2
Observation 1 Implants (various; effects included in stats)

Criminology 1 5000 credits

Research 1 Mnemonic Augmentation

(can review and share past sensory input)
Muse (personal AI)

WILL 2 Spirit
Persuasion 1 12
Impersonation 1
Street Smarts 1

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
ATHLETICS: You are skilled at jumping, climbing, dodging, escaping restraints, breaking falls, performing various
physical stunts and feats of balance. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. You can also
use the skill to tumble and dodge in combat. This allows you to add the skill level to defense rolls against physical
attacks, however it is an active measure so you must forfeit your attacks (and most other actions) while doing so.
WEAPON MASTERY: You possess exceptional skill with one type of weapon. The skill level can be added to either
attack rolls or damage rolls. If the weapon can fire multiple shots rapidly you can add the skill level to the number of
attacks instead of the other options.
DRIVING: You are skilled at handling land vehicles. Add the skill level to attribute rolls when attempting difficult
maneuvers or avoiding attacks. Note: such rolls normally use the vehicle’s AGI (not the driver’s).
SECOND WIND: You can shake off damage thanks to biological regeneration. As a one-round action, you can
recover a number of Health points equal to a TOU roll. This special recovery roll can be accomplished once, twice or
three times per game session, depending on the skill level. Second Wind can be used to come back from being
knocked down to zero or negative Health (but remember: you’ll die if the roll fails to bring you back to Health 1 or
more, per the Death rules).
RESISTANCE (POISON/DISEASE): You may ignore the effects of any normal exposure to poison or disease.
Against attacks or unusually intense exposure, you add the skill level to any TOU rolls made to resist the effects. In
addition, you have an innate ARM score equal to your TOU multiplied by the skill level, which fully or partially
absorbs any damage of that type.
BACKGROUND: Your background, profession, training or education gives you very specialized knowledge. You
automatically know most things related to your background. For more difficult tasks, add the skill level to the roll.
OBSERVATION: You have the ability to notice significant little clues. This is not the same as Senses, because it
relies more on mental acuity. Senses may cause you to see something, but you need Observation to notice it as
CRIMINOLOGY: You know how to gather and analyze evidence from crime scenes. Ballistics, toxicology,
fingerprint collection, DNA analysis and other forensic sciences fall under this skill. You also know the methods of
crime; extortion, identity theft, racketeering, disposal of bodies and so on. Add the skill level to attribute rolls
pertaining to such activities.
RESEARCH: Allows you to effectively find things out through databases and the "mesh." Add the skill level to
attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to using social networks, which is covered by the
Street Smarts skill.
PERSUASION: Add the skill level to WIL rolls you make to influence, convince, seduce, bluff, fast-talk or otherwise
get agreement from someone, using charm or quick wit.
IMPERSONATION: You are an accomplished actor. You can “become” someone else by changing your appearance
(with the proper materials), speech, accent and manner. You can blend in almost anywhere by knowing the proper
customs, manners and conversation. In addition, you know how to forge or modify official credentials, given enough
time and the right tools. In either case, viewers should roll AWA+Observation vs. WIL+Impersonation to detect a
STREET SMARTS: You are adept at navigating and gathering information via social networks. Add the skill level to
attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to finding information via the mesh, which is covered
by the Research skill.


Achjima Yai (Beta 1) See attached briefing.

Achjima Yai (Beta 2)

Achjima Yai (Beta 3)

Achjima Yai (Beta 4)

Achjima Yai (Beta 5)

Roque Vera

Park Soon-Ok
Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
Briefing: Achjima Yai (B6)
INTRODUCTION TO ECLIPSE PHASE inner and outer systems. The capitalist economies of the
You are transhuman — genetically modified, physically inner system — Luna, Mars, and Venus — continue to
and mentally augmented, and functionally immortal. enforce scarcity and intellectual property. They are
Your mind can be digitally backed up, like a save point. dominated by the Planetary Consortium, a hypercorp-
If you die, you can be brought back, your ego — both led entity that prioritizes business interests and that has
consciousness and memories — physically restored. You declared Mars the new homeworld of transhumanity.
may also copy your mind and download into a body of Their habitats are identified by the influence of media
your choice. This new body — your morph — can be and memetic conflict on civil discourse, the legalities
biological, a synthetic robotic shell, or a digital info- and security restrictions that keep their populations safe,
morph. Your body is essentially gear that you customize a lingering distrust of AIs and uplifts, and sharp class
according to your mission and requirements. divisions. While socialites and hyper-elites play and
prosper, many infugees have resorted to selling their
Eclipse Phase takes place in a future of exponentially
labor as indentured servants to afford cheap, mass-pro-
accelerating technological progress. Developments in
duced synthetic bodies — the clanking masses.
the key fields of artificial intelligence, neuroscience,
genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and information The outer system is the stronghold of the Autonomist
science have converged into an impressive feedback Alliance, a mutual-aid network of anarchists and techno-
loop. Bodies and minds are shaped and augmented. AIs socialists. In these communalist territories, currency is
and animals are uplifted to human levels of sapience. obsolete and unrestricted nanofabrication means that
Everything and everyone is laden with sensors, everyone has the necessities and tools they need.
networked, and online. Your mind can communicate People create rather than consume. Reputation, not
with every electronic device around it. Almost anything wealth, mediates the exchange of information and
can be 3D-printed from constituent atoms with a nano- services. Many habitats operate without government,
fabber and blueprints. Technology allows people to live laws, or police, relying instead on voluntary and
happier, healthier lives, emancipated from need. cooperative structures, real-time online referendums,
and collective militias. The outer system is a patchwork
Such advances also have their downside. The wonders
of political, economic, and social experimentation.
of the future are not yet evenly distributed. The immortal
rich continue to concentrate their wealth and power Intersticed among these major factions, other
while others struggle to survive. Surveillance is transhuman clades build their own societies. Criminal
omnipresent, and the means exist to hack people’s cartels feed black markets, radical scientists work to
minds and memories, copy them entirely, and/or democratize technology, aesthete mercenaries offer
commit them to virtual slavery. Many technological their services, pirates prey on the unwary, and
advances are super-empowering, putting the means for isolationists filter their communities from outside
mass devastation in anyone’s hands. Efforts to restrict influences. Even bioconservatives — distrustful of
such tools are doomed to fail; only our own maturity as transhuman technologies — thrive on, fearing for our
a species can save us. species’ future.
Exemplifying these dangers, Eclipse Phase takes place The war with the TITAN AIs scarred more than Earth.
ten years after transhumanity has lost a war with a group Zones on Luna, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Iapetus remain
of super-intelligent, self-improving AIs. 95% of the under machine influence. Of greater impact, however,
population was lost during this apocalyptic conflict, are the mysterious pandora gates discovered around the
many of them forcibly uploaded by the TITAN machine system. These wormhole gates open to extrasolar
gods before they disappeared. Thousands more were systems — thousands of exoplanets and alien mysteries.
corrupted and transformed by an alien exsurgent virus. Intrepid gatecrashers explore these new horizons,
The Earth is ruined and off-limits, overrun by machines colonizing worlds and uncovering the remnants of
and monsters. The survivors evacuated the planet and extinct civilizations. While no living sapient species has
spread throughout the Solar System, expanding our off- been found beyond the gates, transhumanity has had its
world colonies out of desperation and necessity. Many first encounters with alien life within our own Solar
escaped only as infugees, with nothing but their bodiless System. A star-faring species known as the Factors visits
minds. regularly, though the true nature and intentions of these
laconic ameboid merchants remains unknown.
The nations and super-powers of the old world are
gone, decapitated and dismantled. New political blocs Ultimately, Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman
and factions have formed, loosely divided between the survival. Aside from the threat that the TITANs will

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

return, we face existential risks — x-risks — that other seekers, you have learned that Arman has been
endanger our future as a species. These include making illegal forays into the TITAN Quarantine Zone on
weapons of mass destruction, artifacts from beyond the Mars, hoping to score something easier. He’d been
Pandora gates, salvaged TITAN technology, exsurgent showing particular interest in an old colony city named
infection breakouts, alien threats, stellar phenomena, Kartika. After a recent foray, he returned and implied
and the dangers we pose to ourselves. Our species is in that he had discovered something interesting. He
a deteriorating orbit around the black hole of extinction. refused to share what it was, however, saying that it
Will our conflicts steer us into the event horizon, or will needed more research. Shortly afterwards, he suddenly
we evolve and cooperate to escape the gravity well and disappeared. Your research indicates that Arman left
reach new frontiers? Will we be recognizable when we Noctis again, most likely back on another TQZ mission.
get there? By this time, you had also established that Arman’s circle
Eclipse Phase is an exploration of uncertain futures. The of singularity seekers included someone named Achjima
crux of Eclipse Phase emphasizes the nature of transhu- Yai in Anyang. Your partner, Kjell Hoff, went to Anyang
manity as it transforms itself, mentally and physically, on to investigate. He reported that Achjima was acting
the edge of becoming something posthuman. This is a suspiciously and was making arrangements to resleeve
setting that speaks to the immense dangers that five beta forks of herself. You decided to infiltrate the
technology offers us — but that balances this outlook fork resleeving by posing as one of them. The body bank
by considering how science can be used to improve was bribed and you’ve been placed into an Exalt morph.
ourselves, enhance cooperation, counteract these risks, Your goal is to learn as much as possible about Achjima,
and prosper. There is danger — but also hope. her goals, and her circle of associates. You also hope to
learn more about Arman Usupov’s true goals. You also
ACHJIMA YAI (B6) need to make contact with Kjell if possible so that you
You are not a beta fork of Achjima Yai (alpha). You are can coordinate your actions, but getting away from the
Nkeka Adesoji, an agent of Firewall, a clandestine group legitimate Achjima forks without rousing suspicion may
that seeks to protect transhumanity from extinction. You be difficult.
discovered that Achjima Yai was resleeving several beta
forks and decided to infiltrate the forks by posing as one MEMORIES
of them. This sheet has been formatted to look as much Your briefing packet on Achjima is slight: You know that
like their briefing sheets as possible in order to protect she’s a singularity seeker – obsessed with the idea that
your cover. one day transhumanity might expand its abilities and
become god-like in capabilities. You’ve read several
PERSONALITY darkcast social feeds from Achjima arguing that the
You are a xenoarcheologist. You have several TITANs were given a bad rap. You also suspect that she’s
gatecrashing missions to alien worlds under your belt, part of a small but growing movement of singularity
and you hope someday to undertake more. On your last seekers on Mars. Firewall has also flagged her accounts
gatecrash, your team discovered an alien artifact and for suspected connections with the Triads.
brought it back for study. You had qualms about the
relic that were ignored by your superiors. That “alien YOUR RECENT MISSION
artifact” turned out to be a TITAN machine in disguise, Firewall exists to identify, analyze, and counter the risks
and it ripped through the lab, killing dozens of scientists. posed to transhumanity and its future. Some of these
In fact, it threatened the entire habitat before it was risks are self-created; others are born of alien intellects
neutralized. Shortly after this incident, you were whose motivations we cannot yet fathom. Firewall is a
approached about joining Firewall. After deciding to private network for two reasons: First, their operational
take a break from gatecrashing, you have been helping abilities are protected by secrecy. Second, it allows them
Firewall on the side whenever they needed assistance to operate in areas where local authorities might be
evaluating potential alien or TITAN objects. hostile to the organization. As such, it has no official
recognition (and may even be considered criminal).
ACHJIMA’S BACKGROUND You won’t be able to call up the local militia in Anyang
While taking some R&R in the Martian habitat of Noctis, and get assistance. But as a Firewall sentinel you do have
Firewall called you up and asked you to look into a local connections within Firewall. If a situation gets truly dire,
singularity seeker by the name of Arman Usupov. you can attempt to make a Priority Call. Abusing the
Firewall provided a cover identity for you to pose as Priority Call, though, is a bad idea.
another seeker. Through contact with Arman and some

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Name: Roque Vera
Title: Extropian Smuggler
Race: Morph: Slitheroid
Move Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Weapon Mastery (blades) 1 12 30
Athletics 1
Weapon Mastery (kinetic wpns) 1
Sleight-of-Hand 1
Driving 1

Armored Combat 1 12
Unlife 1


AWARENESS 2 Initiative Mesh Inserts

Background (smuggling) 1 Cortical Stack

Access Jacks
Heavy Weapons 1
Fixing 1 Implants (various; effects included in stats)

Underworld 1 1400 credits

Psychology 1 Cyberbrain (your brain; can be hacked)

Senses 1 Light Armor (ARM 4)

Appraisal 1 Submachine Gun + 4 clips of ammo

(Ammo 30/3, Range 50, DAM 2, AOE 2)

WILL 2 Spirit Vibroblade (DAM=TOU+1)

Fake Ego ID
Bargaining 1 12
Street Smarts 1 Muse (personal AI)

Persuasion 1

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
ATHLETICS: You are skilled at jumping, climbing, dodging, escaping restraints, breaking falls, performing various
physical stunts and feats of balance. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. You can also use
the skill to tumble and dodge in combat. This allows you to add the skill level to defense rolls against physical attacks,
however it is an active measure so you must forfeit your attacks (and most other actions) while doing so.
STEALTH: You can move silently and hide or camouflage yourself successfully. You are also able to follow someone
without being seen. To remain undetected, you roll AGI+Stealth against the target’s AWA+Senses.
WEAPON MASTERY: You possess exceptional skill with one type of weapon. The skill level can be added to either
attack rolls or damage rolls. If you are using a melee weapon that can parry the attacks, you have the option to allocate
the skill to defense rolls instead. If the weapon can fire multiple shots rapidly, you can add the skill level to the number
of attacks instead of the other options.
SLEIGHT-OF-HAND: You are skilled at picking pockets, hiding or planting items, juggling and performing various other
tricks and feats of prestidigitation. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
DRIVING: You are skilled at handling land vehicles. Add the skill level to attribute rolls when attempting difficult
maneuvers or avoiding attacks. Note: such rolls normally use the vehicle’s AGI (not the driver’s).
ARMORED COMBAT: You need this skill in order to fight in armor and use shields.
UNLIFE: You are a "synthmorph" (artificial body). Your body gives you ARM 1, 2 or 3 depending on the skill level. This
protection doesn’t stack with worn armor (use the highest score). Furthermore, you do not breathe and are completely
immune to disease, poison and possibly other things that only affect living beings, at the GM’s discretion. However, you
are unable to heal Health naturally or through any biological or chemical means.
BACKGROUND: Your background, profession, training or education gives you very specialized knowledge. You
automatically know most things related to your background. For more difficult tasks, add the skill level to the roll.
HEAVY WEAPON: You know how to use one type of vehicle mounted weapon or fixed artillery gun. You may add the
skill level to the attack or damage roll. Note: Heavy weapons use the attacker’s AWA, rather than AGI.
FIXING: You can repair mechanical, electrical and electronic devices, constructs or vehicles. It generally takes one hour
to fix something, after which you make an AWA+Fixing* roll to determine how many Health points the damaged item
UNDERWORLD: You are familiar with crime syndicates, terrorist groups, mercenary bands and other shady
organizations. Add the skill level when rolling to determine if you know something about such groups.
PSYCHOLOGY: You are highly attuned to the emotions of those around you and are able to sense another character’s
general motivation and state of mind with a successful AWA+Psychology vs. WIL roll.
SENSES: The skill level is added to seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting rolls.
APPRAISAL: You can determine the approximate value of items including jewelry, works of art and other rare or exotic
items. You are also a skilled scavenger, able to find items of value in cluttered, ruined or abandoned environments. Add
the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
BARGAINING: You are a skilled negotiator, trader, merchant, seller and deal maker. You generally know how to find
buyers or sellers for something. Add the skill level to attribute rolls pertaining to such activities.
STREET SMARTS: You are adept at navigating and gathering information via social networks. Add the skill level to
attribute rolls pertaining to such activities. This does not apply to finding information via the mesh, which is covered by
the Research skill.
PERSUASION: Add the skill level to WIL rolls you make to influence, convince, seduce, bluff, fast-talk or otherwise get
agreement from someone, using charm or quick wit.


Achjima Yai (Beta 1) See attached briefing.

Achjima Yai (Beta 2)

Achjima Yai (Beta 3)

Achjima Yai (Beta 4)

Achjima Yai (Beta 5)

Achjima Yai (Beta 6)

Park Soon-Ok
Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
Briefing: Roque Vera
INTRODUCTION TO ECLIPSE PHASE inner and outer systems. The capitalist economies of the
You are transhuman — genetically modified, physically inner system — Luna, Mars, and Venus — continue to
and mentally augmented, and functionally immortal. enforce scarcity and intellectual property. They are
Your mind can be digitally backed up, like a save point. dominated by the Planetary Consortium, a hypercorp-
If you die, you can be brought back, your ego — both led entity that prioritizes business interests and that has
consciousness and memories — physically restored. You declared Mars the new homeworld of transhumanity.
may also copy your mind and download into a body of Their habitats are identified by the influence of media
your choice. This new body — your morph — can be and memetic conflict on civil discourse, the legalities
biological, a synthetic robotic shell, or a digital info- and security restrictions that keep their populations safe,
morph. Your body is essentially gear that you customize a lingering distrust of AIs and uplifts, and sharp class
according to your mission and requirements. divisions. While socialites and hyper-elites play and
prosper, many infugees have resorted to selling their
Eclipse Phase takes place in a future of exponentially
labor as indentured servants to afford cheap, mass-pro-
accelerating technological progress. Developments in
duced synthetic bodies — the clanking masses.
the key fields of artificial intelligence, neuroscience,
genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and information The outer system is the stronghold of the Autonomist
science have converged into an impressive feedback Alliance, a mutual-aid network of anarchists and techno-
loop. Bodies and minds are shaped and augmented. AIs socialists. In these communalist territories, currency is
and animals are uplifted to human levels of sapience. obsolete and unrestricted nanofabrication means that
Everything and everyone is laden with sensors, everyone has the necessities and tools they need.
networked, and online. Your mind can communicate People create rather than consume. Reputation, not
with every electronic device around it. Almost anything wealth, mediates the exchange of information and
can be 3D-printed from constituent atoms with a nano- services. Many habitats operate without government,
fabber and blueprints. Technology allows people to live laws, or police, relying instead on voluntary and
happier, healthier lives, emancipated from need. cooperative structures, real-time online referendums,
and collective militias. The outer system is a patchwork
Such advances also have their downside. The wonders
of political, economic, and social experimentation.
of the future are not yet evenly distributed. The immortal
rich continue to concentrate their wealth and power Intersticed among these major factions, other
while others struggle to survive. Surveillance is transhuman clades build their own societies. Criminal
omnipresent, and the means exist to hack people’s cartels feed black markets, radical scientists work to
minds and memories, copy them entirely, and/or democratize technology, aesthete mercenaries offer
commit them to virtual slavery. Many technological their services, pirates prey on the unwary, and
advances are super-empowering, putting the means for isolationists filter their communities from outside
mass devastation in anyone’s hands. Efforts to restrict influences. Even bioconservatives — distrustful of
such tools are doomed to fail; only our own maturity as transhuman technologies — thrive on, fearing for our
a species can save us. species’ future.
Exemplifying these dangers, Eclipse Phase takes place The war with the TITAN AIs scarred more than Earth.
ten years after transhumanity has lost a war with a group Zones on Luna, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Iapetus remain
of super-intelligent, self-improving AIs. 95% of the under machine influence. Of greater impact, however,
population was lost during this apocalyptic conflict, are the mysterious pandora gates discovered around the
many of them forcibly uploaded by the TITAN machine system. These wormhole gates open to extrasolar
gods before they disappeared. Thousands more were systems — thousands of exoplanets and alien mysteries.
corrupted and transformed by an alien exsurgent virus. Intrepid gatecrashers explore these new horizons,
The Earth is ruined and off-limits, overrun by machines colonizing worlds and uncovering the remnants of
and monsters. The survivors evacuated the planet and extinct civilizations. While no living sapient species has
spread throughout the Solar System, expanding our off- been found beyond the gates, transhumanity has had its
world colonies out of desperation and necessity. Many first encounters with alien life within our own Solar
escaped only as infugees, with nothing but their bodiless System. A star-faring species known as the Factors visits
minds. regularly, though the true nature and intentions of these
laconic ameboid merchants remains unknown.
The nations and super-powers of the old world are
gone, decapitated and dismantled. New political blocs Ultimately, Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman
and factions have formed, loosely divided between the survival. Aside from the threat that the TITANs will

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

return, we face existential risks — x-risks — that BACKGROUND
endanger our future as a species. These include You were recently contacted by a singularity seeker
weapons of mass destruction, artifacts from beyond the named Arman Usupov. You’d had dealings with him
Pandora gates, salvaged TITAN technology, exsurgent before: He’s been sniffing around the TITAN Quarantine
infection breakouts, alien threats, stellar phenomena, Zone on Mars, scavenging a lot of interesting tech. Now
and the dangers we pose to ourselves. Our species is in he was telling you that he had found “something
a deteriorating orbit around the black hole of extinction. interesting in Kartika” that you’d be interested in.
Will our conflicts steer us into the event horizon, or will
By the time you arrived in the martian colony of Noctis,
we evolve and cooperate to escape the gravity well and
however, Usupov had disappeared. He left behind a
reach new frontiers? Will we be recognizable when we
note for you, offering his apologies but saying that he
get there?
wanted some “xenobiological experts” to investigate his
Eclipse Phase is an exploration of uncertain futures. The find before he did anything else with it.
crux of Eclipse Phase emphasizes the nature of transhu-
You were about to leave, when a beta fork of someone
manity as it transforms itself, mentally and physically, on
named Achjima Yai showed up in Noctis and started
the edge of becoming something posthuman. This is a
asking questions about Usupov. Suspecting that Yai
setting that speaks to the immense dangers that
might know something about Usupov’s find, you posed
technology offers us — but that balances this outlook
as a fellow singularity seeker and offered to egocast
by considering how science can be used to improve
back to Anyang, the Martian habitat where Achjima
ourselves, enhance cooperation, counteract these risks,
makes her home, and speak with her alpha regarding
and prosper. There is danger — but also hope.
the matter.
ROQUE VERA But now things have gone strange: Achjima has sleeved
the beta fork you spoke with along with several others.
You are a collector and dealer of unusual things – usually
Why would the forks resleeve instead of just merging
illegal and sometimes dangerous.
with Achjima? And where is Achjima?

Your goal on this trip is acquire some xenobiologicals to
sell on the black market. You are not above stealing or
even killing for these goods, if you think they are worth
it and you can get away with it.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

Name: Park Soon-Ok
Title: Scum Enforcer
Race: Morph: Fury
Move Spent Reserve Sacrificed
Athletics 1 15 30
Unarmed Strike 2
Weapon Mastery (blades) 2 CHARACTER DESCRIPTION
Weapon Mastery (kinetic wpns) 1

Second Wind 1 15
Resistance (poison/disease) 1


AWARENESS 2 Initiative Mesh Inserts

Senses 1 Cortical Stack

Access Jacks
Implants (various; effects included in stats)
1000 credits
Submachine Gun + 4 clips of ammo
(Ammo 30/3, Range 50, DAM 2, AOE 2)
Vibroblade (DAM=TOU+1)
Muse (personal AI)

WILL 2 Spirit
Battle Rage 1 12

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
ATHLETICS: You are skilled at jumping, climbing, dodging, escaping restraints, breaking falls,
performing various physical stunts and feats of balance. Add the skill level to attribute rolls
pertaining to such activities. You can also use the skill to tumble and dodge in combat. This allows
you to add the skill level to defense rolls against physical attacks, however it is an active measure
so you must forfeit your attacks (and most other actions) while doing so.

UNARMED STRIKE: When fighting without a weapon, the skill level is added to your attack rolls. In
addition, the -3 damage penalty for unarmed attacks is reduced by the same amount.

WEAPON MASTERY: You possess exceptional skill with one type of weapon. The skill level can be
added to either attack rolls or damage rolls. If you are using a melee weapon that can parry the
attacks, you have the option to allocate the skill to defense rolls instead. If the weapon can fire
multiple shots rapidly you can add the skill level to the number of attacks instead of the other

SECOND WIND: You can shake off damage thanks to biological regeneration. As a one-round
action, you can recover a number of Health points equal to a TOU roll. This special recovery roll can
be accomplished once, twice or three times per game session, depending on the skill level. Second
Wind can be used to come back from being knocked down to zero or negative Health (but
remember: you’ll die if the roll fails to bring you back to Health 1 or more, per the Death rules).

RESISTANCE (POISON/DISEASE): You may ignore the effects of any normal exposure to poison
or disease. Against attacks or unusually intense exposure, you add the skill level to any TOU rolls
made to resist the effects. In addition, you have an innate ARM score equal to your TOU multiplied
by the skill level, which fully or partially absorbs any damage of that type.

SENSES: The skill level is added to seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting rolls.

BATTLE RAGE: You are able to enter a state of berserk blood lust by making a successful 2d Spirit
check. One attempt can be made per round, as a free action before attacking. While in this state,
you get a temporary Health increase equal to the XP spent on the skill (this can push your Health
beyond its normal maximum), and apply the skill level to all TOU-based damage rolls. Battle Rage
drains one Spirit point each round, and must continue until you either run out of Spirit, or combat


Achjima Yai (Beta 1) See attached briefing.

Achjima Yai (Beta 2)

Achjima Yai (Beta 3)

Achjima Yai (Beta 4)

Achjima Yai (Beta 5)

Achjima Yai (Beta 6)

Roque Vera
Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)
Briefing: Park Soon-Ok
INTRODUCTION TO ECLIPSE PHASE inner and outer systems. The capitalist economies of the
You are transhuman — genetically modified, physically inner system — Luna, Mars, and Venus — continue to
and mentally augmented, and functionally immortal. enforce scarcity and intellectual property. They are
Your mind can be digitally backed up, like a save point. dominated by the Planetary Consortium, a hypercorp-
If you die, you can be brought back, your ego — both led entity that prioritizes business interests and that has
consciousness and memories — physically restored. You declared Mars the new homeworld of transhumanity.
may also copy your mind and download into a body of Their habitats are identified by the influence of media
your choice. This new body — your morph — can be and memetic conflict on civil discourse, the legalities
biological, a synthetic robotic shell, or a digital info- and security restrictions that keep their populations safe,
morph. Your body is essentially gear that you customize a lingering distrust of AIs and uplifts, and sharp class
according to your mission and requirements. divisions. While socialites and hyper-elites play and
prosper, many infugees have resorted to selling their
Eclipse Phase takes place in a future of exponentially
labor as indentured servants to afford cheap, mass-pro-
accelerating technological progress. Developments in
duced synthetic bodies — the clanking masses.
the key fields of artificial intelligence, neuroscience,
genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and information The outer system is the stronghold of the Autonomist
science have converged into an impressive feedback Alliance, a mutual-aid network of anarchists and techno-
loop. Bodies and minds are shaped and augmented. AIs socialists. In these communalist territories, currency is
and animals are uplifted to human levels of sapience. obsolete and unrestricted nanofabrication means that
Everything and everyone is laden with sensors, everyone has the necessities and tools they need.
networked, and online. Your mind can communicate People create rather than consume. Reputation, not
with every electronic device around it. Almost anything wealth, mediates the exchange of information and
can be 3D-printed from constituent atoms with a nano- services. Many habitats operate without government,
fabber and blueprints. Technology allows people to live laws, or police, relying instead on voluntary and
happier, healthier lives, emancipated from need. cooperative structures, real-time online referendums,
and collective militias. The outer system is a patchwork
Such advances also have their downside. The wonders
of political, economic, and social experimentation.
of the future are not yet evenly distributed. The immortal
rich continue to concentrate their wealth and power Intersticed among these major factions, other
while others struggle to survive. Surveillance is transhuman clades build their own societies. Criminal
omnipresent, and the means exist to hack people’s cartels feed black markets, radical scientists work to
minds and memories, copy them entirely, and/or democratize technology, aesthete mercenaries offer
commit them to virtual slavery. Many technological their services, pirates prey on the unwary, and
advances are super-empowering, putting the means for isolationists filter their communities from outside
mass devastation in anyone’s hands. Efforts to restrict influences. Even bioconservatives — distrustful of
such tools are doomed to fail; only our own maturity as transhuman technologies — thrive on, fearing for our
a species can save us. species’ future.
Exemplifying these dangers, Eclipse Phase takes place The war with the TITAN AIs scarred more than Earth.
ten years after transhumanity has lost a war with a group Zones on Luna, Mars, and Saturn’s moon Iapetus remain
of super-intelligent, self-improving AIs. 95% of the under machine influence. Of greater impact, however,
population was lost during this apocalyptic conflict, are the mysterious pandora gates discovered around the
many of them forcibly uploaded by the TITAN machine system. These wormhole gates open to extrasolar
gods before they disappeared. Thousands more were systems — thousands of exoplanets and alien mysteries.
corrupted and transformed by an alien exsurgent virus. Intrepid gatecrashers explore these new horizons,
The Earth is ruined and off-limits, overrun by machines colonizing worlds and uncovering the remnants of
and monsters. The survivors evacuated the planet and extinct civilizations. While no living sapient species has
spread throughout the Solar System, expanding our off- been found beyond the gates, transhumanity has had its
world colonies out of desperation and necessity. Many first encounters with alien life within our own Solar
escaped only as infugees, with nothing but their bodiless System. A star-faring species known as the Factors visits
minds. regularly, though the true nature and intentions of these
laconic ameboid merchants remains unknown.
The nations and super-powers of the old world are
gone, decapitated and dismantled. New political blocs Ultimately, Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman
and factions have formed, loosely divided between the survival. Aside from the threat that the TITANs will

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

return, we face existential risks — x-risks — that
endanger our future as a species. These include
weapons of mass destruction, artifacts from beyond the
Pandora gates, salvaged TITAN technology, exsurgent
infection breakouts, alien threats, stellar phenomena,
and the dangers we pose to ourselves. Our species is in
a deteriorating orbit around the black hole of extinction.
Will our conflicts steer us into the event horizon, or will
we evolve and cooperate to escape the gravity well and
reach new frontiers? Will we be recognizable when we
get there?
Eclipse Phase is an exploration of uncertain futures. The
crux of Eclipse Phase emphasizes the nature of transhu-
manity as it transforms itself, mentally and physically, on
the edge of becoming something posthuman. This is a
setting that speaks to the immense dangers that
technology offers us — but that balances this outlook
by considering how science can be used to improve
ourselves, enhance cooperation, counteract these risks,
and prosper. There is danger — but also hope.

You are a friend of Achjima Yai – one of her only friends,
in fact.

Achjima is part outcast and part criminal. You are aware
that she is a singularity seeker, and that she takes a keen
interest in the TITANs and ideas of achieving super-
intelligence. You think she’s a bit nerdy and naïve, but
mostly harmless. She doesn’t want to bring about
another Fall, she just wants to find a way to become a
god. As a bit of an outsider yourself, you can relate to
her and some of the issues she’s faced.
Yesterday received a message from Achjima’s muse
(Nonny) that Achjima was in some sort of trouble. You’re
not sure what it’s about, but she asked you to meet
some of Achjima’s forks at the body bank. You’re a bit
confused at why her forks would be getting resleeved—
it implies that something bad has happened to Achjima.

Your goal is simply to help your friend out of what seems
to be a bad situation.

Fabio Fontes (Order #40931580)

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