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Volume: 12
Pages: 809-815
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1102
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8274923
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-22-8
Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 809-815, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1102, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8274923, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

A Teacher’s Ideal Instructional Supervisor

Josephine A. Maghuyop*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The purpose of this research paper is to explore the perceptions of teachers regarding their ideal
instructional supervisors. Data were collected from a qualitative study of ten teachers from the
different schools in the Division of Pagadian City. The data were collected through semi-structured
interviews and analyzed using a thematic analysis. The results of the study indicated that teachers
perceived their ideal instructional supervisors as somebody who can manage, develop and implement
instructional activities and programs, set and maintain clear goals, understand, be sensitive and aware,
communicate clearly, appropriately, communicate in a timely manner, and communicate to listen.
The results of this study suggest that instructional supervisors should have a strong intellectual
presence, a highly sensitive presence and a rich communicative presence.

Keywords: instructional supervisors, teacher perceptions, instructional supervision

Introduction effectiveness of teachers relies on the support and

guidance provided by instructional supervisors. It is
the responsibility of an instructional supervisor to
Instructional supervision is a continuous and support and guide teachers, evaluate their instruction,
cooperative process aimed at enhancing the quality of and offer feedback and resources. To fulfill these roles
instruction. Guided instruction involves providing successfully, instructional supervisors should be aware
guidance, assistance, and ideas sharing to support of the qualities that teachers seek in their ideal
teachers in improving the classroom learning supervisors. Therefore, this study aims to facilitate
environment and the quality of learning (WCSAT - supervisors' understanding of the qualities that are
Instructional Supervision, 2022). In a professional considered effective and acceptable by teachers, and
learning community, instructional leaders with what is expected of them in their role as managers and
superior knowledge and skills collaborate to support guides.
their colleagues' professional growth within the school
setting. In this research paper, it aims to explore teachers'
perceptions of their ideal instructional supervisors. The
Given its significance in schools, especially among purpose of this study is to investigate and identify the
teachers, instructional supervision deserves greater qualities deemed essential for an ideal instructional
attention and emphasis. Despite possessing extensive supervisor as perceived by teachers. By examining
teaching experience and quality teaching skills, some teachers' experiences with supervision, it is hoped to
teachers may still benefit from the expertise and uncover the qualities that instructional supervisors
guidance of an instructional supervisor. However, it is need to possess and what approaches work best for
essential to acknowledge that instructional supervision teachers in their pursuit of professional growth and
is just one of many responsibilities that school heads excellence. Understanding these perspectives will not
or principals handle. Juggling numerous tasks can only benefit instructional supervisors but also
hinder instructional leaders from fulfilling their duties, contribute to the overall improvement of the teaching
including providing adequate support to teachers. As a and learning process in educational institutions.
result, observation and guidance during instructional
supervision might become rushed and compromised, Research Questions
only touching the surface of the teacher's performance.
The researcher believes that at most points in life,
Nonetheless, there are instructional supervisors who people love to generate ideas. There are people who
go beyond their obligations to ensure that teachers like to make lists of their ideal homes, ideal husbands,
consistently deliver quality instruction. These ideal schools, ideal careers, and even their ideal resting
dedicated supervisors actively support their teachers, places. Thus, people love to set standards for things in
understanding the crucial role they play in facilitating o r d e r to g a u g e t h e i r e x p e c t a t i o n s or
the success of the educators in their charge.The progress. Therefore, the researcher is interested in

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 809-815, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1102, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8274923, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

finding out what the ideal instructional supervisors are Chen's (2018) claims that instructional supervision
for the selected teachers in the Division of Pagadian aims to: (1) provide objective feedback to teachers; (2)
City based on the number of years they have been diagnose and solve teaching problems; (3) help
under the supervision of different supervisors. This teachers develop strategies and skills; (4) evaluate
study is intended to provide answers to the following teachers for promotion or appointment; and (5) assist
questions. teachers in maintaining a positive attitude.

Grand Tour Question: What are the ideal instructional Role of Instructional Supervisors
supervisors for teachers?
Probing questions: Nebor (2022) argues that instructional leadership is an
important role of supervisors. In his study, he
1. What are the ideal qualities or characters an advocated that supervisors lead other teachers in
instructional supervisor should possess? instruction so that they may be as effective as possible.
2. What are the characteristics or qualities that teachers Additionally, they should assist teachers in developing
dislike in an instructional supervisor? and implementing an effective instructional plan. It is
true that the complexity of teaching requires more
assistance from supervisors, which increases the
Literature Review complexity of the leadership role. However,
supervisors must adapt their leadership style to meet
Instructional Supervision the needs of their teachers and the particular
environment rather than practicing a normative
A recent pilot study conducted by Chen (2018) approach. In addition, they must develop solutions for
examined the possibilities of the principal's each individual problem as it arises rather than using
instructional supervision through a classroom "prefabricated" solutions. As part of the school's
walkthrough (CWT) and classroom lesson observation. instructional program, supervisors are expected to
In order to demonstrate the principal's emphasis on actively evaluate the program and work with teachers
curriculum and teaching, the CWT and classroom so that the best results can be achieved for students.
observations are useful tools for quick and systematic The instructional leader contributes to the
data collection. In his study, the benefits of CWT and improvement of the quality of instruction by fostering
classroom observation are indicated as follows: (1) an professional development for all teachers. In addition
instructional supervisor become more familiar with the to maintaining a good working relationship with their
teachers’ pedagogical practices; (2) a team atmosphere employees, supervisors should be flexible enough to
develops as teachers and the instructional supervisor deal with situations as they arise. They should, for
examine instruction and student motivation and example, take into account teacher input; assist
achievement; (3) these instructional supervisors teachers in their job; listen to and empathize with
establish themselves as campus leaders and teachers regarding their problems; facilitate
instructional mentors, influencing teaching, learning, communication; and alleviate anxiety among teachers.
and ongoing school renewal; and (4) students see that Ideally, good supervisors are original, popular,
both the school head, being the instructional sociable, capable of making good judgments, have a
supervisor, and the teachers value and observe sense of humor, have a cooperative attitude, and have
instruction and learning. the ability to inspire trust; however, the primary
objective should be to improve instruction (Nebor,
According to Chen's (2018) study, principals' 2022).
instructional supervision focuses primarily on
encouraging teachers to reflect on their actions and
promoting school improvement through professional
development. Teachers' professional development and
improvement of teaching processes are supervised by A major objective of this chapter is to present the
school-based supervisors (principals, administrators, relevant literature and studies the researcher
master teachers, and observers) in order to provide considered when preparing the claim and significance
supervision, support, and continuity assessments. The of the present study.
reason for this is that instructional supervision
enhances teachers' professional knowledge and Research Design
facilitates the effective delivery of classroom
instruction. As this study would like to highlight To analyze the experiences and perceptions of the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 809-815, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1102, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8274923, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

p a r ti c i p a n t s in this stu d y , a q u alita tiv e appointments in order to avoid conflicts and to arrange
phenomenological research design was used. In order their schedules according to their free time. 14 A
to make sense of the experiences of the participants, questionnaire was prepared and designed as part of this
the researcher decided to employ a phenomenological study. The researcher conducted an interview after
research design. This design assumes that people use a preparing the questionnaire and selecting the
universal structure or essence in order to make sense participants. These teachers were very willing to share
of their experiences. Participants' feelings, perceptions, their perceptions and experiences in regards to their
and beliefs are analyzed in order to clarify the essence ideal instructional supervisor. Following the collection
of the phenomenon being investigated (Delve, 2022). of data, the researcher had the opportunity to convert it
Research using a phenomenological design requires into a more meaningful form that could be analyzed
that the researcher bracket any assumptions they may further. Using a phenomenological methodology, the
have about the experience or phenomenon at hand. study describes the participants' lived experiences and
The purpose of phenomenological research designs, perceptions as they describe their ideal instructional
according to Delve (2022), is to discover the universal supervisors, both negative and positive.
nature of a phenomenon by exploring the perspectives
of those who have experienced it. An approach such as Explicitation of the Data
this is popularly used to study lived experience, better
understand how humans think, and expand a This study aims to identify the perceptions and
researcher's knowledge about a topic. Considering that experiences of ten teachers regarding their ideal
this study strives to achieve an understanding of what instructional supervisor. Based on their collective
a teacher's ideal instructional supervisor is, experiences, this study aims to gain a deeper
phenomenological design is a more feasible and understanding of how they describe, picture, and enjoy
effective method. 13 the supposed positive and negative qualities,
characteristics, and even skills of their ideal
Research Locale and Participants instructional supervisors. An audio recording and field
notes were taken during the interview. Field notes are
This study was conducted using a select group of crucial to qualitative research, because they require
teachers incoming from the Division of Pagadian City, discipline and comprehensive documentation after
Zamboanga del Sur. All of these teachers come from each interview (Groenwald, 2019). This first step in
different schools. It is significant to note that some of analyzing the data has been completed by bracketing
these teachers have worked under one or two similar and phenomenologically reducing the data collected
instructional supervisors. This is due to the fact that from the participants. In order to gain a comprehensive
the Division of Pagadian City rotates its instructional understanding of the participants' experiences and
supervisors every three years. There is a diversity of perceptions, the researcher read the memos and
age group, gender, teaching grade level, and teaching listened to the audio recordings repeatedly. In order to
experience among these teachers as well. delineate the meaning units, the researcher identifies
them. At this stage, researchers make substantial
Research Instruments
judgments while consciously 15 bracketing their
presuppositions. During the process of extracting
The ten teachers selected for this study were from
relevant meaning from each interview, a carefully
different schools in the Division of Pagadian City.
scrutinized list of units of meaning is produced
After obtaining permission from the school's Division
(Moustakas, 1994). To accomplish this, the researcher
Superintendent, the researcher personally visited and
examines the literal content, the frequency with which
interviewed the participants. After speaking with them
meanings are mentioned, and the manner in which
for more than an hour, the researcher ensured that all
they are expressed. The researcher groups non-
the necessary information was gathered for the study.
redundant meaning units into themes after identifying
Data Gathering Procedure non-redundant meaning units. A cluster of themes is
generally formed by grouping units of meaning
The researcher requested an interview with these ten together. As soon as the researcher has identified
teachers participants through a letter to the significant topics, also known as significance
Superintendent of the Division of Pagadian City. The (Cresswell, 1998), the researcher discovered
researcher prepared the necessary materials for data significant topics. The researcher summarized,
collection after receiving approval from the SDS. In validated, and modified each interview at the
addition, participants were informed of their scheduled conclusion of the research process.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 809-815, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1102, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8274923, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Ethical Considerations point to note is that the participants are coded as

"Teacher A, B, C, etc". Most of the questions asked to
A number of ethical considerations were taken into these teachers relate to their idea of a perfect and
account during the conduct of this study. The process standard instructional supervisor. This is accompanied
included considerations of anonymity, confidentiality, by a small amount of preparation and a certain degree
and informed consent. During the course of the of outcome. 17 From the experiences and perceptions
research, the researcher did not collect any information of these teachers, three presences were derived.
that could be used to identify an individual participant.
In the absence of names, addresses, emails, or other First Presence: “A Strong Intellectual Presence”
identifying information of the participants, the
researcher is unable to link individual responses to Teachers' responses usually revolve around the
specific participants. Finally, the researcher ensured creation of this theme, where they emphasize that a
that no one was forced to participate in the study. The knowledgeable instructional supervisor is a person
participants were informed in advance that they were who "manages the instruction and learning process"
free to participate in this study if they provided full that takes place in an educational setting. This
details about the implications of participating and their individual is "in charge of developing and
consent was obtained. For the purpose of implementing instructional strategies and activities,
distinguishing between these ten teachers, teachers A, evaluating student learning, and providing professional
B, C, and so on were used. The order of the interviews development for teachers and staff". The supervisor is
was determined by the order in which they were also responsible for “setting clear expectations and
conducted. providing support to ensure high standards of
education for all students".

Results and Discussion Manage. Teachers in this study all agree that their
ideal instructional supervisor is someone who is
As a result of the in-depth interviews conducted knowledgeable and intellectual at managing the
between ten teachers from various schools within the instruction and learning process that takes place in
Division of Pagadian City, this chapter presents a educational settings. The following are their
summary of the findings and analyses as a result of the statements:
interviews. In order to gain a more in-depth
“In my opinion, an instructional supervisor must
understanding of their experiences during the study,
possess the knowledge necessary to manage,
this chapter provides a brief summary of the findings
and analyses. recognize, and address any instructional challenges
that may arise. Though it may seem ideal, which is the
The study was able to generate three themes, which are purpose of this study, he or she needs to know how we
considered “The Presence”. These three themes were can bridge curriculum gaps and classroom 18
derived from the responses of those who participated resources. This is especially true since we just
in the study. The following are noted as, First recovered from a pandemic.”. (Teacher A)
Presence: "A Strong Intellectual Presence"; Second
Presence: "A Highly Sensitive Presence"; and Third “My ideal instructional supervisor would manage and
Presence: “A Rich Communicative Presence”. collaborate with us teachers and staff to develop
strategies to deal with school issues. Problemsolving
From the generalization of the teachers' narratives skills are essential, not somebody who's in it for the
based on their experiences and perceptions of their money.” (Teacher E)
ideal instructional supervisors, the results of the theme
of "The Presence" were generated. “As a teacher, my ideal instructional supervisor would
be skilled at managing and refining wrong
The researcher applied a phenomenological approach instructional practices so that we are really effective at
to unravel the depth of the experiences and perceptions meeting the needs of all students. Besides that, they
of ten teachers regarding their ideal instructional should provide us with MOOE materials to help us
supervisors. In order to illustrate the experiences and become effective teachers.” (Teacher I)
perceptions of the participants, direct quotes from the
interview transcripts are provided throughout the “The ideal instructional supervisor is someone who
study. This quote is relevant to the occurrence of the knows how to manage and set clear expectations so
phenomenon that is the subject of the study. A key that learners get a quality education.” (Teacher J)

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 809-815, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1102, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8274923, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Develop and implement. The ideal instructional knowledgeable. In order to establish a sense of
supervisor is someone who is able to develop and structure, he or she should be able to set and maintain
implement different activities in order to solve the clear expectations. Someone who knows how to
underlying problems in the classroom. The following respect and organize should be the one.” (Teacher H)
are the responses from the teachers.
Second Presence: “A Highly Sensitive Presence”
“As far as I'm concerned, an ideal instructional
supervisor is someone who's familiar with all kinds of It is imperative for instructional supervisors to pay
theories and practices, so he or she can himself or close attention to the needs of teachers for a variety of
herself come up with programs and activities that are reasons. The participants in this study agreed that
timely and needed by students, teachers, and the instructional supervisors are responsible for ensuring
school.”. (Teacher B) that teachers are teaching the curriculum in a manner
that meets the standards and expectations set by the
"I'd like a supervisor who knows a lot about school and the organization (which is the Department
technology and differentiated instruction. Her of Education for most of the participants). To achieve
knowledge then goes into developing teachers this, instructional supervisors must "understand" the
professionally and personally... and she implements teachers' needs in order to provide them with the
instructional strategies and activities that help us appropriate possible support, as well as recognize and
teachers assess the student's progress better.” (Teacher be "sensitive" to their needs and “aware” of the school
F) environment.

Set and maintain. Any successful educational setting Understand. There is no doubt that teachers have a
requires a knowledgeable instructional supervisor. As unique and often challenging job. In addition to
a teacher, it is essential to set and maintain clear teaching students new materials that are interesting
expectations for both students and staff. Students feel and motivating, teachers are also responsible for
more secure and understand their responsibilities when managing classrooms, disciplining students, and
they are provided with clear expectations in the ensuring a safe learning environment. Instructional
classroom. Moreover, they provide a sense of supervisors should recognize the stress and overwhelm
accountability for both students and teachers, enabling this can cause for their teachers and be really
both to take responsibility for their own learning and understanding to them. It is extremely crucial that
performance. instructional supervisors recognize the workload of
teachers and provide additional resources and
“To begin with, a supervisor who fully understands assistance when necessary. The following are the
how to set clear expectations would assist in resolving sentiments of the teachers:
or avoiding school problems by clarifying what is
expected and accepted within the school and “Nowadays, teaching is no longer the sole
maintaining school peace. This will make students and responsibility of a teacher. It's crazy how much work
teachers less confused. The ideal instructional we have now. Because of all the reports, we have
supervisor knows how to deal with teachers and become office workers. Besides that, we teach and
students in general.” (Teacher C) make lessons fun. It would be great to have an
understanding instructional supervisor, one who
“Also, I'd like a supervisor who can set clear understands a teacher's job and can be a little loose
expectations and hold students and teachers with little things.” (Teacher G)
accountable. I've had this supervisor before and he's
set high standards for academics and behavior. That “I've been in the service for quite a while now, and I've
way, everyone knows what's expected of them. noticed that understanding instructional supervisors
Maintaining our performance keeps us on track with can support not just teachers, but the whole school.
the organization's goals.” (Teacher D) They can easily tell which teachers are under a lot of
pressure, whether it's personal or home problems.
“It's ideal if this supervisor sets clear expectations Instructional supervisors can uplift struggling teachers
every time, so that disruption among teachers is if they see beyond and deeply”. (Teacher I)
minimized. It also helps us teachers be organized and
on time. Our previous instructional supervisor didn't “I'd like to work with a supervisor who understands.
know enough, it was a mess.” (Teacher G) Leaders who are understanding can really create a
positive work environment. It's because when an
“I want an instructional supervisor who's instructional supervisor is understanding, he or she can

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 809-815, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1102, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8274923, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

see the teachers' struggles and successes. In addition, Third Presence: “A Rich Communicative Presence”
understanding can help these teachers feel appreciated An instructional supervisor must be able to
and respected, and I think that will have a positive communicate effectively. It is implied by the teacher
impact on student outcomes.”. (Teacher E) participants that good communication involves not
only being eloquent in their use of words, but also
“For me, I'd appreciate an understanding instructional “kno wing the app rop riate words to use”,
supervisor who can facilitate growth and development. “communicating in a timely manner”, and “listening
When they sit in the classroom, they should be able to beyond what is spoken”. When teachers are unable to
provide meaningful feedback to us teachers to improve express themselves verbally, an ideal instructional
our skills and competencies and not to downgrade us supervisor should be someone who is able to convey
even more. They should be understanding enough to meaning through actions or gestures. This results in a
know that we can turn our weaknesses to strengths”. rich communicative presence. The following are the
(Teacher F) noted narratives of some participants.

Sensitive and Aware. In addition to being Communicate clearly and appropriately. Participants
understanding, most of the participants noted that a who expressed commonality in response to this theme
sensitive instructional supervisor is one of their ideal agreed that the ability to communicate effectively is
characteristics. It can be deduced from their crucial.
experiences and narrative that a sensitive instructional
supervisor is someone who knows that each teachers “As far as I am concerned, another ideal characteristic
are different and has their own individual weaknesses of an ideal instructional supervisor is the ability to
and strengths. communicate effectively with us teachers. A lot of
instructional supervisors want to connect with their
“I really respect instructional supervisors who are teachers, but they can't. Why? They joke about things
sensitive enough to see teachers' emotional needs. that aren't appropriate. Most of the time, they make fun
Almost all the instructional supervisors I've worked of teachers' struggles and don't understand what they're
with are like this. Although I'm in a terrible financial trying to say. There can be a lot of misunderstandings
situation, I can't afford to buy expensive rewards and because of this. Relationships at work fail because of
motivational props during demonstrations, but they're misunderstandings”. (Teacher F)
understanding. Many of them offered help, and some
recognized the hard work I put in. It is really “In their role as instructional supervisors, they should
touching.” (Teacher B) be able to communicate their expectations clearly. It
would be great if they shared their goals with us so if
“I think instructional supervisors should be sensitive to there are challenges for us teachers, we can correct
teachers' needs. Like for example, they should them immediately, and if not, we can explain why it
recognize the teacher’s needs, be attentive to their can't be done.” (Teacher B)
working loads, and maybe empathize when a teacher
opens up something personal. Often, we find teachers “I think the ideal instructional supervisor should be
less motivated at work because they have a lot on their able to explain things clearly and in an appropriate
plate. Instead of scolding them, they should be more way, especially when it comes to new trends in
sympathizing.” (Teacher E) education. It's their job to relay the newest trends to us,
so they shouldn't sound condescending by saying we
“All of us know how important these instructional haven't been informed. Sometimes it's just how you
supervisors are in the education system since they are say things.” (Teacher H)
the leaders. Teachers have to be trained and supported
by instructional leaders as part of their job”. (Teacher Communicate in a timely manner. In discussions with
C) participants, some participants expressed the
importance of a supervisor's capability to
“My ideal instructional supervisor would be like us, communicate timely. Consequently, tasks should be
teachers. No matter what we're doing, we know what's relayed and feedback provided in a timely manner.
going on in the classroom. That's what an instructional
supervisor should be. They're sensitive and know “There are times when instructional supervisors assign
what's going on. The budget shouldn't be put at risk by tasks on the day of submission. Communicating late is
projects they know are hard to get. Definitely aware of something instructional supervisors should avoid.
what needs immediate help, is it the teachers, some They should send the memos to us teachers right away
DepEd programs…” (Teacher J) if they don't have time to read the memos. We can

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 809-815, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1102, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8274923, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

translate the tasks for them so we could submit timely. Communicative Presence".
It's really rampant in the system”. (Teacher E) Conclusion
“I've been under three instructional supervisors, and
one thing I've noticed is that those who communicate In conclusion, the purpose of this study is to convey
on time is better. We teachers get blamed because the message that ideal instructional supervisors may
some tasks aren't easy to make, and failing to relay exist. The ideal instructional supervisor is a standard
them on time impacts the school's performance.” that can be achieved through hard work, passion, and
(Teacher D) dedication. Thus, setting standards in the selection
process for instructional supervisors is of the utmost
“The ideal instructional supervisor would be someone importance. The goal is to ensure that only qualified
who could provide me with feedback on my classroom and productive candidates are hired, and that the
demonstrations in a timely manner. I get that some of quality of education, as well as the quality of teaching,
them are busy, but most instructional supervisors take will not be compromised. As outlined in this study, the
too long. It's important to get feedback on our ideal instructional supervisor demonstrates all of the
weaknesses so we can improve. I love hearing the positive values necessary for creating a positive
results of my work”. (Teacher A) learning environment for both students and staff. A
school can expect to have a culture of excellence and
Communicate to listen. Some participants noted that achievement if the ideal instructional supervisors are
expressing oneself verbally is not the only aspect of present.
communication that matters. As an instructional
supervisor, they should be able to listen beyond the
words that are being spoken. References

“I once had an instructional supervisor who was Chen, C.-C. (2018). Facilitation of Teachers’ Professional
checking my lesson plan demonstration. It turned out I Development through Principals’ Instructional Supervision and
Teachers’ Knowledge Management Behaviors. Contemporary
was using a method wrong. They didn’t criticize. They Pedagogies in Teacher Education and Development.
just listened intently and gave me suggestions right
away. Then they showed me an example of that lesson
Creswell, J. W. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design:
plan so I realized where I went wrong. Instead of
Choosing among five traditions. Sage Publications, Inc.
trampling over the work I put into making that, they
just offered help".”. (Teacher J) D e l v e , H. ( 2 0 2 2 , M a r c h 1 6 ) . D e l v e . Delve.
h t tp s :/ /d e lv et oo l .c o m/ bl og /phe n om e no l og y
“I want a supervisor who's communicative and listens Groenewald, T. (2019). A Phenomenological Research Design
to me. Our actions should be understood, whether Illustrated - Thomas Groenewald, 2004. International Journal of
we're mad, happy, or upset. Ideally, they'd be someone Qualitative Methods.
who could encourage and help their teachers. (Teacher
C) Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological Research Methods. SAGE
P u b l i c a t i o n s .
Reflecting on the entire writing process of this paper, it
becomes evident that the experiences and perceptions ods
of these ten teachers have shaped what they consider Nebor, J. N. (2022). The Role of the Supervisor as an Instructional
to be the ideal instructional supervisor. Some of the Leader.
results are based on comparisons between the
Waite, D. (2004). Rethinking instructional supervision: Notes on its
instructional supervisors they have worked with and language and culture. Routledge. WCSAT - Instructional
some are simply characteristics of what they would Supervision. (2022).
like to have as an instructional supervisor. The
majority of them used positive characteristics and WCSAT - Instructional Supervision. 31
qualities. There weren't many negative qualities supervision?pli=1
mentioned by the participants.
Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Therefore, an ideal supervisor should be felt in the
following presence: First Presence: "A Strong Josephine A. Maghuyop
Intellectual Presence"; Second Presence: "A Highly • Department of Education – Philippines
Sensitive Presence"; and Third Presence: "A Rich • Lasalle University Ozamiz - Philippines

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