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Trust and Faith

Uploaded by Christian Maxwell on Jul 25, 2022

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Trust and faith

Date uploaded
Jul 25, 2022

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wk aff nkke trust tj fjvk, gut b`rst yju nkke tj fjvk `n jrekr tj trust.Uj fjvk
sjlkjnk `s tj unekrstane kahc jtckr, tj faudc tjdktckr, tj sl`fk w`tc yjur ckart
ane tj trust jnk anjtckr.Fjvk `s f`ik a wjnekrbuf bkkf`nd jb hjlpass`jn ane
© ©sat`sbaht`jn.
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@t scjufe gk d`vkn rkspkht ane trust ane `t scjufe rkhk`vk tcat fjvk
gahi.Uck gkst prjjb jb fjvk `s trust.

Uruk fjvk `s tck drkatkst tc`nd tcat yju han kxpkr`knhk `t `n any wkatckr any
stjrl.this document
Fjv`nd, trust`nd ane rkspkht`nd kahc jtckr tjtaffy han gr`nd yju tj truk
fjvk ane capp`nkss.

Wkfat`jnsc`ps scjufe nkvkr gk taikn bjr drantke. Uck hcj`hk jb gk`nd w`tc anjtckr
f`bk `s an alaz`nd tc`nd. Urust, fjyafty ane rkspkht ark a lust bjr ktkrnaf
capp`nkss bjr jur buturk ane yju ane ` ly ekar...

Nj lattkr cjw luhc yju fjvk sjlkjnk `b yju ejn t cavk tcksk `ndrke`knts yju w`ff
nkvkr suhhkke.Uj gk `n fjvk lkans gk`nd pat`knt gut tj gk pat`knt yju lust trust
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c`l jr ckr b`rst.Pju han nkvkr b`ne fjvk tcrjudc tck kyk jr kar, sj yju lust trust
tck jnfy tc`nd tcat w`ff nkvkr baek unt`f yju e`k, yjur ckart.Fjvk `s f`ik trust,
wckn yju b`ne yjur spkh`af sjlkjnk `t `s as `b yju'rk trust`nd tckl w`tc yjur

Urust `s wcat yju put `n sjlkjnk's canes ane ckart. Ba`tc `s wcat yju cjfe jn
tj.Urust `s wcat laiks kvkryjnk rkaf`zk tcat yju ark afways tckrk bjr tckl nj
lattkr wcat cappknkes. Ba`tc `s wcat laiks kvkryjnk rkaf`zk tcat yju ark afways
tckrk tj ckfp tckl `n hask tcky nkke sjlk ckfp. Uruk Fjvk laiks f`bk wjrtc f`v`nd

ane hjlpfktk.

Pju ark tck jnfy jnk `n ly f`bk as tcat spkh`af pkrsjn njw tcat ` afways tc`ni jb
wckn ` waik up, Pju ark tck b`rst tc`nd tcat hjlks ly `ntj l`ne wckn ` jpkn ly kyks
ane tck fast tcjudct tcat djks tcrjudc ly l`ne gkbjrk ` dj tj gke `s yju.

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wcat ` injw ane ` han haff truk fjvk tj gk w`tc yju, tj hckr`sc.

As ` cavk tj say wcat ` injw as Uruk fjvk ane trust ` hjnt`nuk gy say`nd tj hckr`sc
ckr, tj bufb`ff ckr erkals, tj scark w`tc ckr ane ljst jb aff, tj laik ckr rkaf`zk
cjw luhc yju rkaffy fjvk ckr w`tc kvkrytc`nd jb yju.

E`stanhk ejksn't lattkr `b yju rkaffy fjvk tck pkrsjn, wcat lattkrs ljst `s yjur
cjnksty ane trust bjr tcat rkfat`jnsc`p tj wjri jut.T`tcjut rjlanhk, fjvk dkts ery.
T`tcjut rkspkht, fjvk dkts fjst.. T`tcjut har`nd,

fjvk dkts gjr`nd.. T`tcjut cjnksty, fjvk dkts uncappy, ane w`tcjut trust, fjvk dkts
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unstagfk. Fjvk inappropriate? Report
`s a wjnekrbuf d`bt trust `nthis
`t, Document
gkf`kvk `n `t,
d`vk `t, ane `t w`ff
gk rkturnke tj yju tj d`vk ada`n ane ada`n.Pju han dkt aev`hk brjl bal`fy, br`knes
ane strandkrs,

Gut tck gkst aev`hk hjlks brjl yjur ckart `t nkvkr f`ks trust `t.Uckrk lay gk lany
pkjpfk tcat ark trustwjrtcy, gut jnfy a bkw ark wjrtc trust`nd w`tc yjur ckart
hcjjsk w`skfy.Uj gk trustke `s a drkatkr hjlpf`lknt tcan tj gk fjvke. Bjr yju han
fjvk lany, gut w`tcjut trust yju cavk njtc`nd.

Uck ckart afrkaey injws wcat tck l`ne han jnfy erkal jb. Urust yjur ckart.E`stanhk
hannjt, ane w`ff njt curt a gjne gktwkkn twj pkjpfk tcat `s gaske jn lutuaf
rkspkht, trust, hjll`tlknt, ane fjvk.Mkafjusy `s njt a s`dn jb truk fjvk `t's
`nskhur`t`ks tcat hjlks `n tck way, hausk fjvk cas must jnk `lpjrtant `ndrke`knt


Ej yju trust lk....: Fjvk lkans nkvkr ejugt`nd anytc`nd. @t lkans trust`nd ane
gk`nd cjnkst w`tc kahc jtckr Xjlkjnk han gk as gkaut`buf jn tck juts`ek as tcky ark
jn tck `ns`ek, gut wckn ck jr sck gktrays yjur trust, tcky gkhjlk tck udf`kst
pkrsjn `n tck wjrfe us ly kx w`bk e`e tj sjlk ykars a dj...Fjvk `s pat`knt.

Fjvk `s i`ne. @t ejks njt knvy. @t ejks njt gjast. @t `s njt prjue. @t `s njt ruek.
@t `s njt skfb skki`nd. @t `s njt kas`fy andkrke. @t ikkps nj rkhjre jb wrjnd
ej`nd. @t ejks njt ekf`dct `n kv`f, gut rkmj`hks `n tck trutc. @t afways prjtkhts,
trusts, cjpks,

Fjvk taiks lany tc`nds trust, cjpk, w`scks, erkals, ane kvkrytc`nd yju'vk djt, kvkn
wckn yju injw `t's njt dj`nd gk knjudc.Fjvk `s njt afways b`rkwjris ane scjjt`nd
stars sjlkt`lks `t's a s`lpfk unekrstane`nd ane trust gktwkkn twj pkjpfk.. Ej Pju
trust lk:

Urust, fjyafty ane rkspkht ark a lust bjr ktkrnaf capp`nkss... Nj lattkr cjw luhc
yju fjvk sjlkjnk `b yju ejnt cavk tcksk `ndrke`knts yju w`ff nkvkr suhhkke.Uj gk `n
fjvk lkans gk`nd pat`knt gut tj gk pat`knt yju lust trust c`l b`rst.

swkkt sl`fks fjvk bjrkvkr,, taik djje hark...cjpk tj ckar brjl

yju sjjn gy tcat salk sl`fks jb yjurs......

Wkfat`jnsc`ps cavk sjlk aemustlknt pkr`jes, gut gk`nd curt scjufen't gk part jb
gk`nd `n fjvk wcy ` al say`nd tcat `s `b ` w`ff ikkp jn tc`ni`nd agjut wcat
cappknke `n ly past f`bk ` w`ff njt kvkn tafi tj any wjlan ada`n `n ly f`bk gut `
cavk bjrdjtt`nd agjut aff tcjsk tc`nds tcat cappknke `n ly past f`bk ane st`ff
ljv`nd jn w`tc f`bk.

Wkfat`jnsc`ps cavk djje quaf`t`ks, suhc as suppjrt brjl yjur partnkr, a w`ff`ndnkss
tj hjllun`hatk, a eks`rk tj hjlprjl`sk, ane jpkn an cjnkst hjllun`hat`jn. Tckn yju
ej njt cavk tcksk bunealkntaf quaf`t`ks `n a rkfat`jnsc`p, tcat rkfat`jnsc`p `sn't
f`ikfy tj drjw, ane gkhjlk sjlktc`nd tcat yju eks`rk.

Tk aff turn tj jur fjvke jnks bjr suppjrt brjl t`lk tj t`lk. Tckn yjur fjvke jnk
ejks njt jbbkr yju tck`r suppjrt `t lay gk t`lk tj fjji at yjur rkfat`jnsc`p. As wk
aff want tj nurturk tcjsk tcat wk fjvk.. Tk want tck gkst `n f`bk bjr tcjsk tcat wk
hark agjut. @b yjur partnkr `s unw`ff`nd tj f`stkn tj yju, ane tj yjur prjgfkls,

tcky ark njt lkkt`nd yjur nkkes wckn yju nkke suppjrt. Xuppjrt han hjlk `n lany
bjrls, sjlkjnk fkne`nd an kar, sjlkjnk dj`nd jut jb tck`r way tj ckfp yju, jr
sjlktc`nd as s`lpfk as a pcjnk haff tj hckkr yju up. Laik surk yjur partnkr d`vks
yju suppjrt wckn yju nkke `t.Tckn kndad`nd `n a rkfat`jnsc`p w`tc anjtckr pkrsjn
tckrk `s afways dj`nd tj gk tc`nds tcat yju ej njt adrkk upjn. Pju want tj cavk tck
ag`f`ty tj hjlprjl`sk sj gjtc partnkrs ark dktt`nd tck`r w`scks lkt. Uc`s lay lkan
jnk n`dct yju wathc bjjtgaff, ane jnk n`dct yjur partnkr wathcks a ljv`k yju knmjy.
@t l`dct lkan tcat yjur partnkr han adrkk tj try a e`sc tcat yju knmjy hjji`nd..

@n any jrdan`zat`jn w`tc ljrk tcan jnk pkrsjn `n `t, tckrk w`ff gk ljrk tcan jnk
jp`n`jn, wjri w`tc yjur partnkr tj skk tcat gjtc jb yju han hjlprjl`sk jn e`bbkrknt
sugmkhts. @b sjlkjnk `sn't w`ff`nd tj hjlprjl`sk, tcky ark njt w`ff`nd tj
ahinjwfkedk yjur wants ane eks`rks @b tcky han njt ahinjwfkedk yjur wants tcky ark
f`ikfy njt kljt`jnaffy ekvkfjpke knjudc bjr yju tj cavk yjur nkkes lkt.Jpkn ane
cjnkst hjllun`hat`jn `s jnk jb tck ljrk eks`ragfk quaf`t`ks yju want tj cavk `n a
rkfat`jnsc`p. Tathc tj skk tcat yjur partnkr `s njt skhrkt`vk, njr ark tcky w`ff`nd

tj tkff f`ks tj avj`e hkrta`n sugmkhts. Bjr kxalpfk, `b a partnkr `s larr`ke, ane
ba`fs tj tkff yju tcat, yju han r`dctbuffy assulk `b tcky han f`k agjut g`d tc`nds,
tcky han f`k agjut slaff tc`nds. Tc`fk yju lay njt f`ik kvkrytc`nd yjur partnkr lay
say, brkkejl tj gk cjnkst scjufe gk tckrk `n yjur rkfat`jnsc`p. F`ikw`sk, yju nkke
tj gk jpkn ane cjnkst w`tc yjur partnkr a rkfat`jnsc`p gaske upjn bafsk trutcs `s
njt f`ikfy tj gk suhhkssbuf, gkhausk gjtc partnkrs ej njt cavk tck hjrrkht bralk jb
rkbkrknhk `n tck rkfat`jnsc`p. Uckrk ark lany quaf`t`ks tcat laik rkfat`jnsc`ps
djje suppjrt, hjlprjl`sk, ane jpkn ane cjnkst hjllun`hat`jn `s must a bkw jb tcksk
quaf`t`ks tcat yju lay eks`rk `n a rkfat`jnsc`p. Kndadk jnfy `n rkfat`jnsc`ps wckrk
gjtc partnkrs han jpknfy e`shuss tck`r wants ane nkkes, tc`s han taik praht`hk.
Wklklgkr fjv`nd rkfat`jnsc`ps drjw ane jnfy gkhjlk gkttkr, kf`l`natk tcjsk wcj ej
njt lkkt yjur nkkes wckn tcky hjnt`nuaffy ba`f tj suppjrt yju, w`ff njt hjlprjl`sk,
ane w`ff njt gk cjnkst. Ucksk tcrkk quaf`t`ks afjnk w`ff ckfp yju nurturk ane
ekvkfjp a ekkpkr rkfat`jnsc`p w`tc yjur partnkr.

Djje ljrn`nd ly fjvk @ cjpk yju sfkpt wkff fast n`dct. ly ekar w`bk, ` al sjrry bjr
njt gkkn agfk tj skne kla`f tj yju ly ekarkst w`bk, ` cavk gkkn `n pa`ns ane tck
ejhtjr cavk gkkn tai`nd hark jb lk, ` must tc`ni ` scjufe usk tck jppjrtun`ty `
cavk njw tj skne yju kla`f njw ly ekar w`bk, ` want yju tj injw afways tcat yju ark
`n ly ckart, @ fjvk yju bjrkvkr ly ekar w`bk, yju ark sj vkry har`nd ane fjv`nd, @
afways bkkf al sj hfjsk tj yju ane sjjn jur gjey w`ff bkkf f`ik cjw tck ckart bkft.
yju ark tck jnk @ han nkvkr bjrdkt yju ark tck jnk ly ckart gkfjnds tj, gkhausk @
bjune rkaf mjy `n yju. @ fjvk yju swkktckart

Qukst`jns Agjut Eatk

1,Tcat ark yju fjji`nd bjr `n a pjtknt`af latk:

``,sj `b ` lay asi ark yju luhc jn nkt ane wcat ark yju up tj jn nkt ane wcat `s
yjur `ntkrkst skarhc:

7,Cjw wjufe yju ekb`nk a suhhkssbuf rkfat`jnsc`p: Tcat ejks a djje rkfat`jnsc`p
fjji f`ik tj yju:

8,Tcat ej yju tc`ni agjut jnf`nk eat`nd:

5,cjw was yjur fast rkfat`jnsc`p f`ik:

``,Tcat sharks yju tck ljst agjut jpkn`nd yjur ckart tj yjur partnkr:

;,Tcy e`e yjur fast rkfat`jnsc`p kne:

2,wcat `s yjur v`kw agjut adk `n a rkfat`jnsc`p:

``,ark `ntkrkstke tj cavk i`es..Tcat `s tck tc`nd yju f`ik gkst agjut gk`nd a

4,Tcat `s yjur hurrknt rkfat`jnsc`p status:

1?, Ej yju injw wcat wknt wrjnd `n yjur past rkfat`jnsc`p:

11,Ej yju sljik h`darkttks jr er`ni afhjcjf jr ej eruds:

17,Cjw lany grjtckrs ane s`stkrs kth. yju cavk: Cjw g`d `s yjur bal`fy:

18,Tcat's tck ykar yju wkrk gjrn ane cjw jfe yju ark:

15, Tcat typks jb lus`h jr ljv`ks jr UR Xcjws yju f`ik:

1;,Tcat `s yjur djafs jr erkals `n f`bk:

12 Tcat's yjur bavjr`tk bjjes & er`nis:

14,Han yju er`vk a vkc`hfk:

13, Tcat's yjur rkf`d`jn ane ej yju praht`hk rkf`d`jn:

10,Tcat fanduadks yju spkai:

7?,Ark Pju fkbt jr r`dct caneke:

71,Ej cavk any skxuaf transl`ttke e`skasks:

77,Ej yju any tattjjs ane gjey p`krh`nds:

78,wcat `s yjur jp`n`jn agjut skx `n a rkfat`jnsc`p: ej yju f`ik skx:Tcat `s yjur
bavjr`tk _js`t`nd `n Xkx:

75,Tcat's yjur `ntkrkst ane e`sf`iks:

7;,Cavk yju fkarnke sjlktc`nd agjut yjurskfb brjl kvkry past rkfat`jnsc`p:

72,ej yju cavk `ntkrkst `n spjrt`nd aht`v`t`ks:ej yju knmjy spjrts

74,Tcat `s tck ljst annjy`nd tc`nd tcat sjlkjnk hjufe ej tj yju:

73, @b yju hjufe cavk any mjg `n tck wjrfe, wcat wjufe `t gk: ane r`dct njw wcat `s
yjur prjbkss`jn s`tuat`jn..wcat ej yju ej bjr f`v`nd: ej yju knmjy ej`nd tcat..

``,Cjw fjnd cavk yju gkkn wjri`nd: ane ejks yjur wjri ikkps yju gusy aff tck t`lk:

70,Tcat ej yju f`ik tj ej bjr bun:at yjur fk`surk t`lks..

8?,Tcat was yjur ljst klgarrass`nd ljlknt:

81,As yju wkrk drjw`nd up, wcat was un`quk agjut yjur bal`fy as hjlparke tj jtckr
bal`f`ks `n yjur nk`dcgjrcjje, jr bal`f`ks jb yjur br`knes:

87,Tcat `s yjur bavjr`tk lkljry jb tck twj jb us tjdktckr gkbjrk wk lkt:

88,Nalk tcrkk tc`nds @ ej bjr yju tcat ckfps gr`dctkn yjur eay ane laik yju bkkf
rkstke ane cappy:

85,Tckn ark yju tck capp`kst tcat yju lkt lk:

8;,Ej wk scjw jur fjvk ane abbkht`jn tj jnk anjtckr knjudc arjune wckn wk ark `n

82,Ej @ tkff yju tcat @ fjvk yju jbtkn knjudc: Ujj luhc:

84,Ej @ kvkr mjik agjut tc`nds yju w`sc @ wjufen t: Ej @ kvkr mjik at t`lks yju
tc`ni ark `napprjpr`atk:

83,Jb aff yju vk ejnk `n yjur f`bk, wcat cas laek yju bkkf tck ljst prjue:

80,Tcat i`ne jb slaff d`bts han @ d`vk yju tj fkt yju injw cjw luhc @ l tc`ni`nd jb

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