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Group Investigation Effects on Achievement, Motivation, and Perceptions of Students in

Author(s): Ivy Geok Chin Tan, Shlomo Sharan and Christine Kim Eng Lee
Source: The Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 100, No. 3 (Jan. - Feb., 2007), pp. 142-154
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/27548173
Accessed: 16-08-2018 06:37 UTC

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The Journal of Educational Research

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Group Investigation Effects on
Achievement, Motivation, and
Perceptions of Students in Singapore
National Institute of Education, National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Tel-Aviv University, Israel

ABSTRACT In an experiment conducted in 7 eighth-grade That experience could take the form of project work or
(Ages 13-14) classes in Singapore, the authors evaluated the open-ended assignments requiring independent study and
effects of the group investigation method of cooperative an oral project report (Ministry of Education, 1998).
learning versus the effects of the traditional whole*class Another recommendation was that teachers should reduce
method of instruction on students' academic achievement
and on their motivation to learn. The authors also investi highly structured and teacher-centered teaching by 20% to
gated students' perceptions of group investigation. Students provide more time for learner-centered activities that
in group investigation and in whole-class instruction involve interaction between students and teachers and
advanced to the same extent over the course of the experi with other students in cooperative efforts. Project Work
ment. Neither method was more effective academically than
has been implemented in schools in Singapore since 1999
the other method. As expected, the high-achieving students
had significantly higher academic achievement than did the
and became an entrance requirement to local universities
low-achieving students. The group investigation method did in 2005. Given the present scenario in Singapore schools
not have differential effects on the 2 groups of high and low in the era of education reform, our goal was to assess the
achievers. Group investigation affected high achievers' moti effects of classroom organization on the basis of coopera
vation to learn on the Criteria subscale only.
tive-learning groups in Singapore's cultural and education
Key words: achievement, motivation, and perceptions; al environment.
cooperative learning; group investigation Cooperative learning is a general title for a set of classroom
teaching methods in which students work in small groups
to help one another study academic subject matter (Slavin,
This experimental study took place at the begin 1991). The need to cooperate as members in a small group
ning of a new century, when Singapore was is the cornerstone of cooperative learning. Researchers
changing its education system to ensure econom have documented the positive effects of cooperative learn
ic success in the new globalized and knowledge-based econ ing; various cooperative-learning methods overlap, but
omy. In 1996, the Ministry of Education commissioned an they are not equivalent in terms of theory, procedures, and
external review team to examine the prevailing school cur goals (Sharan, 2002). Several researchers have noted dif
riculum and to make recommendations for education ferences between some of the methods (Brody & Davidson,
reform in the light of future economic, technological, and 1998; Kagan, 1985; Sharan, 1980, 2002; Slavin, 1990,
social changes. In the review report, the external review 1991; Tan, 2004).
team stated that, Extensive reviews and meta-analyses of research have
[Singapore] students must be Learners, Creators and Com demonstrated that cooperative learning leads to higher
municators to meet the demands of the next century? achievement at various grade levels and in different subject
Learners in the sense that they must view education as a life areas than the traditional form of whole-class teaching
long process and develop a passion for continuous learning; (Johnson & Johnson, 1985; Johnson, Johnson, & Maruya
Creators who not only have the measure of discipline found
ma, 1983; Johnson, Maruyama, Johnson, Nelson, & Skon,
in our current workforce but display independent and inno
vative thinking; and Communicators who are effective team
1981; Qin, Johnson, 6k Johnson, 1995; Slavin, 1980, 1983,
players, able to articulate their ideas confidently. (Ministry
of Education, 1998)
Address correspondence to Ivy Geok Chin Tan, National Institute
One of the recommendations of the review team was of Education, Singapore. (E-mail: ivy.tan@nie.edu.sg)
that all students should experience self-directed learning. Copyright ? 2007 I.G.C.Tan,S. Sharan, andC.K.E. Lee

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January/February 2007 [Vol. 100 (No. 3)] 143

1991). Studies also show that cooperative learning exerts achievement than does the traditional whole-class
positive effects on a wide range of social-affective out method of instruction.
comes, including improved peer and cross-ethnic relations, Hypothesis 2: The group investigation method will have
increased self-esteem, improved attitudes toward school, a more positive effect on the success of lower achieving
and subject matter and learning (Johnson et al., 1981; students than of higher achieving students as compared
Johnson ck Johnson, 2002; Nastasi ck Clements, 1991; with the traditional whole-class method of instruction.
Shachar ck Sharan, 1994; Sharan, 1980; Sharan ?k Hypothesis 3: The group investigation method will exert
Shachar, 1988; Slavin, 1991, 1995). However, few a more positive effect on students' intrinsic motivation to
researchers have used empirical studies to assess directly the learn as compared with the traditional whole-class method
effects of cooperative learning on motivation to learn. of instruction.
Enhanced motivation was usually deduced indirectly from Hypothesis 4: The group investigation method will exert
students' improved achievement scores (Slavin, 1983, a more positive effect on the intrinsic motivation of lower
1991, 1995; Sharan ck Shaulov, 1990). achieving students than of higher achieving students.
In addition to the dependent variables discussed in the Hypothesis 5: Students will express a more positive per
previous paragraph, another topic has caught the attention ception of group investigation as an instructional strategy
of some researchers, namely, how students perceive and than they will of the whole-class method of instruction.
evaluate cooperative learning. What do students think
about these alternative ways of teaching and learning, and
what do they have to say about it? The researchers fre Group Investigation
quently gathered information from students after the con
Group investigation (Sharan & Sharan, 1992, 1999)
clusion of an experiment or intervention that lasted for 2
requires students to form small interest groups, plan and
or 4 weeks, or sometimes as long as 2 or 3 months.
implement their investigation, synthesize the findings of
Researchers interviewed students (Ahuja, 1994; Jackson,
group members, and present their findings to the class. The
1994; Mulryan, 1994), asked them to respond to question teacher uses minimal direct instruction to introduce the
naires (McManus & Gettinger, 1996; Slesinski, 1998;
general topic of study and to provide a variety of resources
Whicker, Bol, ck Nunnery, 1997), or asked them to write
to help students conduct their investigations. With group
open-ended comments or self-evaluations about the expe
investigation, external rewards are deemphasized and stu
riences that they had while participating in cooperative
dents are responsible for their own learning. Students are
learning activities (Mueller ck Fleming, 2001).
also fully involved so that they experience a great deal of
Most of the research on the effectiveness of cooperative
intrinsic motivation to pursue their study. Implementation
learning involved the use of cooperative methods that help
of group investigation proceeds through a sequence of six
students master well-defined skills or information (Slavin,
stages, or phases, that serve as general guidelines for teach
1995). Researchers need to assess the effectiveness of pro
ers to manage the process (Sharan & Sharan, 1992).
ject-based cooperative-learning methods such as group
investigation (Sharan & Sharan, 1992) and complex Stage I?The teachers present a multifaceted problem to the
instruction (Cohen, 1994), which involve distinct changes whole class. The problem is often derived from the curricu
in the entire approach to instruction compared with the lum. Presentation of the problem that will be investigated
whole-class method. Much work has yet to be done before can be supported by a display of various resource materials
researchers understand the conditions necessary for success like books, pictures, videos, and newspapers to arouse stu
in project-based cooperative learning (Slavin, 1995). dents' curiosity and stimulate their interest in inquiry. Stu
We evaluated the effects of a relatively complex, project dents then generate questions on the basis of the general
based form of cooperative learning, namely, group investi problem. The questions are categorized into subtopics that
gation, and its implementation at the secondary school can be investigated by separate groups. The students then
level (Grade 8, Ages 13-14). Our main objective was to sign up to be members of the small groups that will investi
determine whether the use of group investigation, com gate the subtopic in which they are interested.
pared with whole-class instruction, would result in higher Stage 2?Groups plan their investigations. Students in their
levels of academic achievement and intrinsic motivation to respective research groups cooperatively plan their investi
learn for Singapore students. Group investigation includes gations. From the list of questions generated by the class,
a large measure of self-directed learning and emphasizes they choose those questions that are related to the subtopic
intrinsic motivation, so it was appropriate that we assessed and add a few more questions for their investigations.
its effects on students' motivation to learn. We also assessed Group members determine the resources that they need,
students' perceptions of the new method of learning. and, depending on the nature of the topic, they may divide
Specifically, we posed the following hypotheses: the study tasks among themselves. They also may set out a
work plan to direct their activities over a period of time.
Hypothesis 1: The group investigation method will Stage 3?Groups carry out their investigations. Students
have a more positive effect on students' academic implement their plan by locating information from a vari

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144 The Journal of Educational Research

ety of sources, organizing and recording data, then report The workshops were conducted by Dr. Hanna Shachar, who
ing their findings to their group mates. Together they dis has published several research studies on group investigation
cuss, analyze, interpret, and integrate their findings in and has many years of experience with the workshops.
preparation for creating a product that will reflect their
efforts. Independent and Dependent Variables
Stage 4?Groups plan their presentations. Groups plan
the way that they will present to, or teach, their class The two independent variables in the study were (a)
mates the information that they have learned from their group investigation and whole-class instruction and (b)
investigations. The groups decide which of their findings students' academic status (high achievers vs. low achiev
they will share with the class and how best to present ers). The dependent variables were (a) academic achieve
them. The emphasis is on students presenting their main ment, (b) intrinsic motivation to learn, and (c) student
ideas and on the conclusion of their investigations. The perception.
presentation can assume many forms, such as an exhibit, We measured student academic achievement by two tests,
skit, role play, construction of a model, demonstration one on pollution and the other on climate change, given at
experiment, written report, posters, or even a PowerPoint the end of each curricular unit in the experiment. Each
slide production. Innumerable possibilities extend beyond achievement test consisted of three free-response essay ques
students giving a verbal presentation to the class, which tions that were not the regular factual-level, multiple-choice,
would likely be far less interesting than such a presenta or short-structured questions used frequently in student
tion by the teacher. assessments. The first question tested students' comprehen
Stage 5?Groups make their presentations. Each group pre sion of certain concepts, and the next two open-ended ques
sents one aspect of the general problem that they have tions required students to apply their knowledge and under
investigated. Each group learns about different facets of the standing. Both achievement tests had a maximum of 20
same problem from the other groups. marks. We consulted four judges from the National Institute
Stage 6?Teachers and students evaluate the projects. The of Education and Queensland Technological University to
students and teachers evaluate each group's contribution establish the content validity of the items on the achieve
during the presentation. The evaluation takes into consid ment test. The team of judges had 100% agreement on the
eration (a) the final product of the group, (b) the knowl content validity of the two achievement tests.
edge that the students acquired during the course of the The first author designed the criteria for scoring and the
investigation, (c) how well the investigation process was marking scheme in consultation with a geography educa
carried out by the group, and (d) the experiences of the stu
tor from the National Institute of Education and the
dents during the process. senior geography teacher. The tests were scored by two
geography teachers who were not directly involved in the
study and were not informed of the nature of the study.
Method The first author and the scorers discussed the scoring cri
teria, as well as the importance of interrater reliability.
Both scorers believed that they would have greater inter
We conducted the experiment in 7 eighth-grade (Ages rater reliability if they marked the tests separately, then
13-14) geography classes in two schools in Singapore. The met to reach agreement on a common score in cases in
which their marks differed.
schools were comparable in terms of their being co-educa
tional and having the high-achieving stream and low We assessed the pre- and posttests of students' intrinsic
motivation to learn with the scale of intrinsic versus extrin
achieving stream within a school. All the secondary stu
dents in Singapore were streamed into either the sic orientation in the classroom (Harter, 1980, 1981). The
high-achieving or low-achieving streams on the basis of a following five subscales, each with six items, are defined by
Ministry of Education examination at the end of sixth an intrinsic and an extrinsic pole.
grade (Ages 11-12). The participants included 241 stu
Challenge: preference for challenge versus preference for
dents who were taught in either the traditional whole-class
easy work;
method (n = 103) or the group investigation method (n =
Mastery: independent mastery attempts versus depen
138). Students in all seven classes studied two curricular
dence on the teacher;
units on environmental issues in geography (pollution and
Curiosity: curiosity or interest versus teacher approval;
climate change) over 6 weeks.
Judgment: independent judgment versus reliance on
Three geography teachers from the two schools partici
teacher judgment; and
pated in the experiment. The teachers were accustomed to Criteria: internal versus external criteria for success or
the regular whole-class method of teaching and had only failure.
limited exposure to cooperative learning. The teachers par
ticipated in six 3-hr workshops devoted to group investiga We implemented the first pilot test in a secondary school
tion 4 months before the implementation of the experiment. to ensure that the words in the questionnaire were appro

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January/February 2007 [Vol. 100 (No. 3)] 145

priate for the students in Singapore. As a result, we modi The written statements yielded large quantities of
fied words that were used infrequently in the local context. mation. We performed data reduction, the process of sel
For example, we removed the word "pretty" (pretty hard focusing, and simplifying the raw data (Bak
and pretty easy) in three of the statements and changed Gottman, 1986; Miles & Huberman, 1984, 1994). Th
"turn in assignment" to "hand in assignment." author and another university lecturer independently
In the second pilot test, we analyzed the reliability of the fied key words and phrases in the written statement
instrument. Those participants included 113 students from al key words and phrases occurred frequently; these w
3 eighth-grade (Ages 13-14) classes from another school. tered together to form a category. The first author
The second pilot test resulted in our removing one item university lecturer reached 913% agreement after ext
from each subscale that had a low correlation with the the key words, phrases, and statements from a sampl
other items of the scale. As a result, each subscale had five dent responses. The first author computed the reliabi
items. Table 1 shows a summary of the number of items and degree of agreement by dividing the number of agreem
the Cronbach alpha coefficients for the five subscales of the total number of agreements plus disagreements (Bak
motivation questionnaire. Gottman; Miles & Huberman, 1984, 1994).
We performed a correlational analysis to determine the
degree to which the items in the intrinsic motivation ques Procedure
tionnaire were related. Table 2 shows the Pearson correla
tions between the subscales of the intrinsic motivation We designed six workshops to train 16 humanities teach
questionnaire. Moderately high correlations indicated a ers from the two schools to develop skills for small-group
distinct relationship between the scales, demonstrating cooperative learning through group investigation. The
that they all related to a common domain of information. teachers acquired the skills to manage and conduct small
At the end of the experimental period, the students group learning through experiential education (Kolb & Fry,
completed a questionnaire that consisted of an open-ended 1975; Sharan & Sharan, 1992) and received first-hand
question asking students to write about their experiences experience working and learning in small groups. At the
and feelings toward the group investigation method. The end of each session, the teachers reflected on the process
written statements reflected the students' own impressions. and product of the groups, as well as on the nature of the
The teachers did not express their views to the students interaction and behavior within and between groups.
about group investigation or the whole-class approach to After the workshops, the first author worked closely with
teaching and learning. the 3 secondary geography teachers who were directly
involved in the experiment. The teachers helped to make
decisions regarding the selection of the geography topic for
TABLE 1. Number of Items and Cronbach Alpha group investigations. They chose "Humans' Negative Impact
Coefficient of the Subscales of the Intrinsic Motivation
on the Environment" because it was an extensive topic that
the students in both schools planned to study for 6 weeks.
Furthermore, the topic could be taught as two separate units:
Subscale Number of items a
pollution and climate change. Two rounds of shorter investi
gations enabled the students to experience group investiga
Challenge 5 .76 tion twice to affect their learning. The teachers held addi
Mastery 5 .67
tional discussions on the curriculum to reach an agreement
Curiosity 5 .65
Judgment 5 .58 on the content coverage and resources for each unit. The
Criteria 5 .74 discussions were essential to ensure that the control and
Total intrinsic motivation 25 .82 experimental classes studied the same curriculum within the
same duration of time with comparable resources.

TABLE 2. Pearson Correlations Between Subscales of the Intrinsic Motivation Questionnaire

Subscale Mastery Curiosity Judgment Criteria

Challenge .43** .50** .18 .24*

Mastery .32** .26** .20*
Curiosity .22* .30*'
Judgment .16
*p< .05. **p< .01.

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146 The Journal of Educational Research

In the experimental classes, the teachers implemented 23.85, p < .001; the high-achieving groups scored signifi
the six steps of group investigation; each pupil was a mem cantly higher than did the low-achieving groups. There was
ber of a 4- to 5-person group. The students composed the no significant effect for method and no significant Method
groups according to interests and friendships. The control x Achievement Level interaction effect. That finding is not
classes studied the same subject matter as the experimental consistent with Hypotheses 1 and 2; group investigation was
classes, but in a traditional whole-class instructional set not more effective than was the whole-class method. Both
ting. The teachers taught by using the whole-class method, instructional methods produced student achievement
which was the regular presentation-recitation approach in results at almost the same level, indicating that, despite the
which all students received similar information and study fact that group investigation was a completely new and rad
tasks. The teachers taught the two units with the available ically different approach to teaching and learning, the
textbook and workbook. The main interaction in the con method did not yield significantly lower scores than did the
trol classes was mainly teacher talk, and, occasionally, well-practiced and well-known whole-class method.
bilateral communication between the teacher and students.
Classroom observations confirmed that the implementa Intrinsic Motivation
tion was carried out according to plan.
Table 5 shows the data that we obtained with intrinsic
Results motivation by method and achievement level and com
pared by ANCOVA. Table 6 shows ANCOVA results of
the posttest intrinsic motivation scores with pretest scores
Table 3 shows the means and standard deviations of the as the covariate.
achievement tests by method and achievement level For We found no significant main effects for method or
the analysis of achievement data, we performed a two-way achievement level for any of the five subscales or for the
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with the summative total intrinsic motivation score. There were no significant
scores of two class tests before the experiment as a covari differences in intrinsic motivation scores between students
ate. (See ANCOVA results in Table 4.) in the two instructional methods and two achievement lev
Comparison of the means with ANCOVA showed a sig els. However, we found a significant Method x Achievement
nificant main effect for achievement level, F(l, 237) = Level interaction effect for the Criteria subscale for intrinsic

TABLE 3. Means and Standard Deviations of Achievement Test Scores, by Method and

Group investigation Whole-class instruction

Low- High Low High

achieving achieving Total achieving achieving Total
Test score (n = 60) (n = 78) (n = 138) (n = 64) (n = 39) (n = 103)

Total achievement
(max 40 marks)
M 13.82 19.94 17.28 16.20 21.49 18.20
SD 4.65 4.54 5.49 6.70 4.83 6.56

TABLE 4. Analysis of Covariance (2 X 2?Methods X Achievement Levels) of Students'

Achievement Scores, With the Pretest Class Score as Covariate

Source df MS

Method 1 63.01 2.65 .105

Achievement Level 1 567.64 23.85 .000*'
Method x
Achievement Level 1 3.56 0.15 .699
Error 236 23.80
Total 241

"*p< .001.

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January/February 2007 [Vol. 100 (No. 3)]

TABLE 5. Means and Standard Deviations of Students* Scores on Five Subscales of Motivation

Group investigation Whole-class instruction

Low- High- Low- High

achieving achieving Total achieving achieving Total
Motivation score (n = 60) (n = 78) (n = 138) (n = 64) (n = 39) (n = 103)

M 12.48 13.42 13.01 12.95 13.64 13.21
SD 2.83 2.81 2.85 2.45 3.02 2.69
M 12.47 13.72 13.17 12.95 13.05 12.99
SD 3.18 3.01 3.14 2.07 3.07 2.48
M 13.02 14.05 13.60 13.00 14.00 13.38
SD 2.63 2.16 2.42 2.48 2.33 2.46
M 12.83 14.05 13.52 13.38 13.87 13.56
SD 2.73 2.35 2.58 2.13 2.13 2.13
M 13.25 13.18 13.21 13.03 12.97 13.01
SD 2.10 2.37 2.25 2.16 2.38 2.23
M 13.52 13.23 13.36 12.95 13.31 13.09
SD 2.43 2.62 2.54 1.90 2.82 2.28
M 13.10 13.91 13.56 12.94 14.08 13.37
SD 2.44 1.89 2.18 2.54 2.25 2.49
M 12.80 14.04 13.50 13.34 13.87 13.54
SD 2.75 2.59 2.72 2.50 2.36 2.45
M 11.98 13.45 12.81 12.83 13.26 12.99
SD 3.47 2.79 3.18 3.19 2.92 3.08
M 11.80 13.87 12.97 13.06 13.03 13.05
SD 3.90 3.10 3.61 3.24 3.05 3.15
M 63.83 68.01 66.20 64.75 67.95 65.96
SD 7.48 7.87 7.95 7.42 6.53 7.23
M 63.42 68.91 66.52 65.69 67.13 66.23
SD 9.75 9.10 9.74 6.46 8.78 7.41

motivation, F(l, 237) = 4.00, p > .05. The high-achieving from pre- to posttest and declined slightly for low-achieving
students in the experimental group experienced an increase students in the group investigation classes. For low-achiev
in the criteria score, whereas their peers in the control group ing students in group investigation classes, therefore, crite
recorded a decline (see Figure 1). The reverse occurred for ria for judging their success or failure became more depen
the low-achieving group: students in the experimental group dent on external information, and they were less able to
registered a decline in the criteria score, whereas the score make that judgement.
for the control group increased. A high score in the Criteria We found opposite results for high-achieving students,
subscale indicated that a student knew when he or she had however. Their scores in the group investigation classes rose
succeeded or failed without the need for the teacher's feed significantly, whereas the scores for high-achieving students
back, grades, or marks. A low score on the Criteria subscale in the traditional classes declined only slightly. Conse
indicated that the student was dependent on external quently, group investigation helped high-achieving students
sources of evaluation of success or failure from the teacher. make more independent judgments of their success or fail
Figure 1 shows that scores on the Criteria subscale rose ure over the course of this experiment, whereas students'
slightly for low-achieving students in the traditional classes feeling about their ability to make such judgments declined

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148 The Journal of Educational Research

TABLE 6. Analysis of Covariance (2 x 2?Methods x Achievement Levels) of Intrinsic

Motivation Scores, With Pretest Intrinsic Motivation Scores as Covariate

Source df MS

Method 6.27 1.45 .229
Achievement Level 0.53 0.12 .725
Method X
Achievement Level 13.42 3.11 .079
Error 236
Total 24
Method 2.15 0.46 .497
Achievement Level 10.55 2.28 .133
Method X
Achievement Level 7.06 1.52 .218
Error 236
Total 24
Method 1.12 0.23 .629
Achievement Level 0.24 0.05 .823
Method X
Achievement Level 1.19 .276
Error 236
Total 24
Method 1.99 0.38 .540
Achievement Level 7.98 1.51 .220
Method X
Achievement Level 10.91 2.06 .152
Error 236
Total 24
Method 0.00 0.00 .985
Achievement Level 10.41 1.38 .242
Method x
Achievement Level 30.32 4.00 .047*
Error 236
Total 24
Total intrinsic motivation
Method 0.24 0.01 .942
Achievement Level 33.54 .75 .389
Method x
Achievement Level 157.68 3.50 .062
Error 236
Total 24

*p < .05.

over time in the traditional classes. Hence, an interaction tive effect on high-achieving students than on low-achiev
occurred between method and achievement level. ing students on the Criteria subscale of intrinsic motivation.
To summarize, the results do not support Hypothesis 3
because the group investigation method did not exert a more
positive effect on students' intrinsic motivation to learn as
compared with the whole-class method. Also, results do not The students wrote 955 statements providing informa
support Hypothesis 4 because group investigation did not tion from which we generated the data in Table 7; 68.2% of
exert a more positive effect on low-achieving students as the statements were positive, and 31.8% were negative.
compared with high-achieving students. An unanticipated High-achieving students wrote an average 8.1 statements
finding was that group investigation did exert a more posi per student (total of 651 statements), of which 69.1% were

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January/February 2007 [Vol. 100 (No. 3)] 149

Group Investigation
Whole Class
14.0 ?
13.5 ?

3 12-5-1
12.0 ?

11.5 ?
Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest
Low Achieving High Achieving

FIGURE 1. Two-way interaction on the Criteria subscale between method and achievement

positive and 30.9% were negative. Low-achieving students achieving students (11.2% of total statements) and low
averaged 4.9 statements per student (total of 304 state achieving students (10.9% of total statements) stated that
ments), of which 66.5% were positive and 33.5% were neg the group investigation method enabled them to "learn
ative. Most important, the high-achieving and low-achiev better" and to "learn new things." A typical example made
ing students made twice as many positive statements as by a student was that "... we learn more and deeply into
negative statements. A detailed description follows of the the topic as we find the information ourselves, and of
categories of students' positive, as well as negative, percep course after reading and understanding, we present it to the
tions of the group investigation method. class." The students reported that group investigation
helped them to increase their understanding and to expand
Positive Statements About Group Investigation their knowledge.
Both groups of students indicated that group investiga
For the students' positive responses to group investiga tion promoted better social relationships and friendship
tion, four main categories emerged as significant: (a) direct ties. They wrote that they learned more about cooperation
positive evaluations of group investigation; (b) positive and the spirit of teamwork. Teamwork and working as a
perceptions of the extent of achievement regarding team were among the terms that the students used fre
increased knowledge, understanding, and learning; (c) pos quently when asked about group investigation. One stu
itive perceptions of social relationships; and (d) positive dent commented that "... Teamwork is important in order
perceptions of learning skills and ability to pursue knowl to establish a good relationship between group members
edge stemming from group investigation. and to have satisfying results at the end of the investiga
The first category that emerged consisted of key words tion." Students' responses such as "helping each other,"
and statements that expressed students' direct positive working together," "increase friendship ties," and "learned
evaluations of group investigation. Students described the to cooperate" were all included in the positive aspects of
method as "fun," "interesting," "good," or "effective." Sev group investigation. The low-achieving students (16.8% of
eral students stated that they liked and enjoyed the new total statements) highlighted the benefits derived from
method of learning and that it was "much more effective their experiences with group investigation more than did
than the traditional way of teaching." That category the high-achieving students (11.2% of total statements).
formed the largest percentage of statements made by high The students also repeatedly mentioned acquiring learn
achieving students (21.2% of total number) and low ing skills during the investigation. Many students drew
achieving students (23.4% of total number). attention to their experience of independent learning
A second category that surfaced from the students' per (developing a sense of independence, investigating the
ceptions concerned the positive effects of group investiga topic), process of presentation (reviewing presentation
tion on their academic achievement and learning. High skills, gaining presentation), and information gathering

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150 The Journal of Educational Research

TABLE 7. Statements of High- and Low-Achieving Students About the Group Investigation

High-achieving Low-achieving
students students

Key words/statements n % n %

Positive statements
1. Direct positive evaluations of group
investigation (interesting, fun, good, ef
2. Achievement (increased knowledge and
understanding) 73 11.2 33 10.9
3. Social relations (teamwork, friendship,
cooperation) 73 11.2 51 16.8
4. Learning skills (independent learning,
presentation) 143 22.0 33 10.8
5. Others 23 3.5 14 4.6
Negative statements
1. Direct negative evaluations of group
investigation (not a good method, difficult,
causes confusion) 23 3.5 20 6.6
2. Want a teacher or a normal lesson (need
teacher to explain, prefer normal les
3. Concern with examinations/syllabus/textbook
(demands of examinations, syllabus cove
4. Time consuming (insufficient time, less time
for study) 20 3.1 8 2.6
5. Achievement (cannot learn much, only know
one topic) 38 5.8 10 3.3
6. Social relations (arguments, lack of cooperation) 10 1
7. Learning skills (presentation problems,
research problems) 43 6.7 12 3.9
8. Others 4 0.6 ?
Positive statements 450 69.1 202 66.5
Negative statements 201 30.9 102 33.5
Total 651 100 304 100

(finding information and retrieving it from the Internet Some students stated that the group investigation
and other sources). A student commented that, method was not good or that it was less effective or benefi
From my own group, we have gathered information on our cial to their studies than other methods because they had
chosen topic on the Internet as well as other references such to "study hard on our own," or "revise their work at home."
as books and encyclopedias. We had even made up an exper Some students stated that they were confused and that it
iment to show how smoke contributes to acid rain but the
experiment failed. From this, we learn from our mistakes and
was difficult or troublesome to study. Some of the low
we went to search for the correct answers. achieving students commented that they were "uncomfort
able to study like this" and did not like the method; low
More high-achieving students (22.0% of total statements)
achieving students expressed a higher percentage of
made positive statements about group investigation than
statements in this category. For the low-achieving students,
did low achievers (10.8% of total statements).
6.6% of their statements reflected negative statements
about group investigation, whereas 3.5% of the high
Negative Statements About Group Investigation
achieving students made similar comments. One student
Both groups of students also expressed negative percep reported that "To me, this method is not good for the stu
tions of the new method of learning. Although only one dents. It will not benefit the students as the students would
third of statements (304 of 955) made by the students were not pay attention when the other classmates present the
negative, they provide insights into the students' psychology work. As a result, they will not learn anything."
of classroom learning. High- and low-achieving students did The students also expressed their preference for "nor
not differ significantly regarding the percentages of negative mal" lessons or for their teachers to teach (i.e., instead of
statements (high achievers, 30.9%; low achievers, 33.5%). students investigating a topic). High- and low-achieving

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January/February 2007 [Vol. 100 (No. 3)] 151

students (5.5% and 5.9% of respective statements) provid argued with group mates. For example, one student said,
ed insights into the reasons for their preference for the "But one thing I don't like about this is when there are
"teacher teaching in class" or that they preferred the tradi some lazy people in the group who do not cooperate with
tional method. The students perceived that they learned us." Only 1.5% of the statements of the high-achieving stu
more from teachers and that teacher notes were better than dents emphasized that type of response.
their notes. The students also said that they did not trust Students from high-achieving groups (6.7% of their total
their peers to teach them because they perceived that their statements) and low-achieving groups (3.9% of their total
peers gave plain and stupid answers. In short, the students statements) identified problems that they encountered
stated that group investigation was not better than teacher while doing their research and about the presentations they
instruction. According to the students, teachers are more made. Some students had difficulty finding information
knowledgeable than they are, and teachers should teach because they did not know what to find or what to discuss.
first, then revise and summarize. They stated that only the Other students commented on the students' presentations.
teacher's instruction can raise their grades. They said that some presentations were too long or
A category of statements emerged that reflected the stu detailed, lacked information, or were unclear. The students
dents' concern for covering the syllabus, textbook, and complained that they could not obtain satisfactory answers
examinations. The students expressed their need to manage from those students who were making the presentations.
other subjects, and their lack of concentration when prepar To summarize, students had positive and negative per
ing for upcoming examinations. Some students reported ceptions of the group investigation method; they reported
that group investigation was unsuitable for studying for twice as many positive statements as negative statements.
examinations because they had to reread the textbook and The high-achieving students and the low-achieving stu
had less time to prepare. The high-achieving students made dents gave the same proportion of positive and negative
27 (4.2%) of the statements in this category, and the low statements?two thirds positive and one third negative.
achieving students made 8 (2.6%) of the statements in the However, there was likely a slight difference between the
category. A typical statement in this category was, perceptions of the two groups of students. The high-achiev
ing students were more concerned than were the low
I think this method could be used as a source for learning
something extra about the topic but not suitable for a achieving students with the learning skills involved in
method to be used for studying and then go for the school group investigation (i.e., the positive or negative sense).
exams. I could say that this method of learning may not The low-achieving students were more concerned about
work well for those who have the mentality of doing it for social relations than were the high-achieving students.
the sake of doing or for the marks. In conclusion, I would say
that I would do it as an extra source of method to get some
extra information, but not for studying to sit for the exam. Discussion
The students (3.1% of high-achievers' statements and We used three sets of data in this experiment regarding
2.6% of low-achievers' statements) emphasized that the students' (a) academic achievement, (b) intrinsic versus
new learning method was time-consuming because it was extrinsic motivation to learn, and (c) perceptions of the
difficult finding time for students to get together and they group investigation method. Our primary goals in this sec
had less time to study on their own. tion were to assess and explain the meaning of the results
In terms of negative effects on academic achievement, that we obtained, as well as to relate them to one another.
38 (5.8%) of the high-achieving students said that they We divided the explanations of the results into three per
were not able to learn with the group investigation spectives: (a) students' learning characteristics, (b) extent
method. Several high-achieving students stated that they of students' exposure to group investigation, and (c) school
were not able to absorb the information presented by other and classroom organizational norms.
groups of students and that they could understand only the
topic that they were presenting. Some low-achieving stu Student Learning Characteristics
dents (3.3% of their statements) commented that they did
not learn much because they did not understand some of The data regarding student achievement showed that
the presentations made by their peers. Several students the group investigation method was not more effective
expressed a lack of security when they researched only one than the whole-class method. However, group investiga
subtopic and had to depend on other groups of students for tion did not yield significantly lower scores than did the
information on other topics. familiar whole-class method. Most of the earlier studies on
Another category of statements related to students' group investigation (Lazarowitz & Karsenty, 1990; Shachar
social interaction with their peers while working in coop ck Sharan, 1994; Sharan ck Hertz-Lazarowitz, 1980; Sharan
erative groups. Low-achieving students in particular noted ck Shachar, 1988; Sharan ck Shaulov, 1990; Sharan et al.,
that they had difficulty working in groups. Those students 1985) yielded significant differences between the two
reported 8.6% of their total statements in this category, methods of classroom instructions. Although Sherman
which included statements implying that they quarrelled or (1988) reported that the group investigation class and the

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152 The Journal of Educational Research

control class obtained significantly higher posttest achieve who studied in classes taught with the whole-class
ment scores, he found no significant difference between the method. Group investigation offered students a signifi
two groups in academic achievement. Similarly, the cant degree of control over the method and goals of their
absence of such differences in the present study raises the study. They planned what they wanted to achieve with
question of why the anticipated results were not obtained their study project and how they intended to implement
here in contrast with most of the research reported earlier. it. Group investigation involved students in assessing
As expected, students in the high-achieving classes their work in terms of the criteria that they determined,
received significantly higher achievement scores than did so their responses to the Criteria scale on the motivation
those in the low-achieving classes, regardless of whether questionnaire were consistent with the nature of the study
they were in whole-class or group investigation classes. process that they used with group investigation. However,
What did not emerge that would have been consistent with that result occurred only for the high-achieving students.
the hypotheses was an effect for students' exposure to group The low-achieving group investigation students reported
investigation in the data gathered from either low- or high that their motivation to learn declined, the opposite of
achieving students. the findings from the high-achieving students. Group
The first factor that we examined here was the relevant investigation might pose difficulties for low-achieving
features or characteristics of the students, which could have students until they achieve a sense of familiarity with that
affected their approach to learning and their academic approach to classroom learning. Those students might
achievement in group investigation classes. The statements also require a more structured and teacher-directed form
written by the students regarding group investigation pro of instruction to progress confidently in their studies. The
vide some insights into their learning characteristics. low-achieving students were also less able to make judg
Students were accustomed to learning passively from ments and were more dependent on their teachers' evalu
teachers, taking notes, and preparing for tests and exami ation for assessing their success or failure than were the
nations. They were not accustomed to investigating a high-achieving students.
topic, acquiring information by themselves or from their
peers, or learning in groups. Students wanted teachers to Exposure to Group Investigation
present the academic material to them instead of being
asked to search for information. They commented that The data from this study regarding motivation also high
group investigation required more of their time than did light a factor that may have influenced students' motiva
traditional whole-class instruction. Students were con tion to learn. The 6-week duration of the experiment could
cerned that they had insufficient time to study for their have been a plausible reason why only one subscale on
other class tests and to revise for the forthcoming examina motivation registered a significant difference. Because stu
tions. Group investigation students were apprehensive dents' history of exposure to teaching and learning in
about not being as prepared for their examination as they school was highly uniform and they were accustomed
were in the traditional classroom. They also said that they exclusively to the whole-class method, 6 weeks may have
had difficulty learning about other topics that they did not been insufficient for group investigation to influence their
investigate. We especially noted that concern because motivation to learn. Students were exposed to group inves
group investigation required the students in different tigation only in geography. According to the mandated
groups (division of labor) to investigate one facet of the curriculum in both schools, geography was taught only in
topic. The students also encountered difficulty researching the second semester for 15 weeks before the start of final
topics because previously they did not have to conduct examinations. Hence, students' experience in group inves
research, but only record the material that teachers pre tigation was a mere "injection" of a new and different
sented (prepackaged knowledge). teaching method into a traditional classroom environment
Data regarding students' motivation revealed no signifi that remained unchanged in all areas except geography.
cant changes during the experiment except on the Criteria The time constraint imposed by the schools on this exper
subscale of the questionnaire, which assessed the degree of iment diluted the potential impact of group investigation
students' internal versus external criteria for success or fail on students' motivation to learn. The fact that students'
ure (locus of control in earlier research). The high-achiev motivation did not change could also be a reason that con
ing students in group investigation classes increased their tributes to the explanation of why student achievement did
Criteria scores, whereas their peers in the whole-class groups not improve in the group investigation classes.
experienced a decline in their scores. Conversely, the low Researchers have recognized that the amount of time
achieving students in group investigation classes experi devoted to the implementation of independent variables in
enced a decline in scores on the Criteria scale, whereas their an experiment affects students' cognitive and social-affec
peers in the control group increased their scores. tive functioning (Bossert, 1988; Nastasi & Clements, 1991;
The high-achieving students in group investigation Sharan, 2002; Slavin, 1995). However, the optimum dura
classes relied more on internal criteria for success or fail tion is not known for measuring the effects of group inves
ure after studying with that method than did their peers tigation or other methods of classroom teaching and learn

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January/February 2007 [Vol. 100 (No. 3)] 153

ing on students' cognitive and social-affective outcomes. One major impediment to the effective implementation
Experiments with various methods of cooperative learning of group investigation is that our results could not change
yielded positive results in terms of students' academic the prevailing norms regarding the schools' expectations of
achievement after implementation for a few days to 2 or students' academic behavior. Group investigation requires
more weeks (Johnson ck Johnson, 1985; Qin, Johnson, ck a set of norms and expectations for which the teachers and
Johnson, 1995; Sharan, 1980; Slavin, 1980, 1983, 1995). students in this study were completely unaccustomed.
Slavin (1995) stated that for cooperative learning to be Many of the students' written evaluations of group investi
effective, the duration of a study must be at least 4 weeks. gation reflected their years of exposure to the traditional
Therefore, a clear empirical basis existed for planning the norms of school behavior. Schools must convey to the stu
present study for a period of 6 weeks. The students in this dents a new set of academic norms that requires students to
study needed more time to adjust to the new method of seek information that the teachers do not provide. Some
learning cooperatively because they were entrenched in students in this study were confused by the new method of
the prevailing norms of teacher-centered teaching and learning. The students who took geography classes taught
individualistic learning. with group investigation also took subjects taught with the
Participants also had to adjust to a completely different traditional whole-class, presentation-recitation method.
set of conditions in terms of their psychological involve The students were still entrenched in the traditional school
ment in the learning process. They expressed their prefer and classroom norms. Those norms could be changed only
ence for direct instruction by the teachers who would pro by a relatively extensive school-change project.
vide them with the facts and notes. The students were not Elements of the instructional process in schools are con
prepared for a more encompassing emotional and intellec nected and affect one another. For example, the norms of
tual involvement in the learning process. evaluation in classes and schools affect many aspects of
Assessment of the value of an instructional method is classroom teaching and learning. While the students in the
affected by the social-psychological condition of the stu present experiment were conducting their investigation of
dents. The lack of positive findings about the effects of group their chosen topics, they were also mindful of the tests and
investigation on students' achievement and motivation in examinations for which they had to prepare. Those con
this study might be the result of insufficient time that the flicting issues were reflected in the students' written state
students had to adjust to this new form of classroom learning. ments at the end of the experiment.
By examining a synthesis of achievement and motiva
School and Classroom Organizational Norms tion data in this study, as well as student evaluations, we
concluded that attempts to improve student achievement
A third set of factors involves the social and organiza and motivation by implementing a new method of instruc
tional features of the school and the school system that tion will not likely succeed because limited changes are
directly and indirectly affect student learning in the class made to existing norms and behavioral regularities of the
room (Schmuck 6k Runkel, 1985; Schmuck 6k Schmuck, class. If the regularities of classroom teaching and learning
2001; Sharan, Shachar, 6k Levine, 1999). A study of the typical of whole-class instruction remain unchanged and
effects of a new teaching method on students is influenced are not adapted to the essential characteristics of group
by several schoolwide factors and prevailing schoolwide investigation, little improvement will occur (Sarason,
and classroom norms. That is particularly true when the 1990).
method being assessed is not part of the teachers' tradi Despite the inconsistency between group investigation
tional instructional repertoire. Hence, an interpretation of and traditional organization, expectations, and norms in
the findings reported here requires some discussion of the the classroom environment, the students expressed positive
complex issue of school organization and change (Elmore, attitudes about their experience with group investigation.
1987; Fullan ck Stiegelbauer, 1991; Goodlad, 1984; Sara Their positive evaluations provide evidence that the stu
son, 1990, 1996), even though the focus of this study was dents enjoyed the learning process, built stronger team spir
the assessment of classroom teaching methods. its, acquired research skills, and had a deeper understand
The behavior of teachers and students is often affected ing of the topic with group investigation.
by organizational and political factors operating in schools. Researchers should examine the impact exerted by group
Factors that exert powerful effects on the behavior of investigation and by other methods of cooperative learning
teachers and students include the broad schoolwide and on students and consider the new method of instruction as
even nationwide norms governing (a) the organization of part of a planned educational change effort in the school.
classrooms, (b) assignment of students to classes, (c) sched A primary change that researchers must consider is the
ules and frequency of examinations, (d) quantity of curric norms that exert a significant effect on teacher and student
ular material, and (e) students' long-standing attitudes and attitudes and behavior toward teaching and learning. If
expectations developed through years of exposure to tradi new instructional methods such as group investigation are
tional forms of schooling (Sarason, 1983, 1990, 1996; to be studied systematically, norms of classroom organiza
Schmuck ck Runkel, 1985). tion and especially student evaluation must be changed.

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154 The Journal of Educational Research

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