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Student’s Name :Hanun Rifda Arabella………………………Number: 0402129098……………….

Course ID and Title: POL 101 – Introduction to Political Science Date: 29/11/2020
Instructor : Dr. Feyzullah Yılmaz
Exam Type : Midterm ✘ Final Final Make-up SIGNATURE:
Score : In Numbers: …………….. In Writing:……………………..

TOTAL: 100 Points


1. Keeping in mind that modern politics has first emerged in Europe, and then spread to the rest of
the world, can we say that there is a crisis in politics today? In your answer, please chose a
side (Yes, or No), and support your answer (argument) accordingly. In addition to the 20 th
chapter of Andrew Heywood’s Politics book, use five more chapters from the book in
supporting and discussing your answer.

While organizing your paper, please pay attention to the following. Your paper will be evaluated
according to these criteria:

Evaluation Criteria:

a. The main problematic of the paper is written. (5 points)

b. Two alternative views about the main problem is written and explained. (2x5 = 10
c. The main argument is written. (5 points)
d. The main argument is supported by using ideas, concepts, examples, events, statistics,
etc. from five chapters of the book – in addition to the chapter 20. (5x12 = 60 points)
e. There is a conclusion part. (5 points)
f. Using a clear, simple and understandable language throughout the paper, and paying
attention to other rules of academic writing (citing, no plagiarization, etc.). (10 points)
g. Paying attention to the format: Title, name-surname, student ID, Times New Roman,
12punto, 1,5space. No need for a separate cover page. (5 points)

Other Rules:

h. The paper should be minimum 1200 words. There is no maximum limit.

i. Papers will be submitted through TurnItIn software. You can upload your paper to
TurnItIn more than one time; however, in every 24 hours, you can only upload one
j. Class ID: 27256705 & Enrollment Key: pol101intro


k. Deadline for the submission is 29.11.2020, 23:59. Late submission will NOT be
accepted. Please, plan your time accordingly.

Political Crisis Nowadays

A crisis in politics, is there any political crisis nowadays? No. There are no political crisis nowadays .
In the first chapter explain aboout the definition of politic, what is the defining of politic are? Aristotle
said that politic is ‘science’ that human beings through the activities nothing less to improve their lives
and good society. Politics is about all. Thats social activity do in the emergence society. Politics is
broads sense that activity through which people make, and to amend the rules under which they live.
On the other hand people recognize that they should work together to upheld the rules, Hannah
Aredent’s defined that poltics is political power in ‘acting in concert’. However politics is broad sense
of better through to search conflict resolution. The Meaning of politics, nevertheless is must
accordiang by two meaing, the first is mass of associations or ‘loaded’ term. Samuel Johnson said that
politics as ‘ nothing more than rising the world’ and while in the nineteenth century US historian
Henry Adams summed up politics as ‘the systematic organization of hatreds. The second definition of
Politic is about exercise the power, science of government, manipulation, and allocation of scarce
resource. Politics always practiced in all social context and institutions, or in great ones.

For the example is politics action of the rise Women’s Liberation in the nineteenth century on the
campaign for female suffrage. Protest has challange to rise of ‘feminity’ took place. In 1968 and 1969
in America there are demonstrators raising the feminism and brought the writen of symbol of
oppression into ‘freedom traschan’ demonstrators claimed that a great deal of publicity and also
acquired a false reputation. In this phenomena explain that womans also have to get the influental
feature of political position not just about public politics but also the personal this prespective
women are going challenging patriarchy opperetion. The contrasting stereotypes of ‘masculanity’ and
‘feminity’ should be take take within family which encourage men to domination women to accept the
subordination.(chapter 1 pg.11)

Political economy and Globalization, politics are affect in every variety of ways in economy, politics
are ability to upheld the government to regulate the economy. The important way is politic are affect
political outcomes like tackle provety, reduce inflation, increase economy growth and so on. Marxist
are indeed that politics is ‘superstructure’ determined or conditioned by economic base. Political
process being nothing more than reflection of the class system. Politics are approaches to political
economy which focused of economic factors affect political decision making political economies are
studied between states and market. Encompasses a variety of approaches as a method political


economy are developed analyse politics, and includes rational – choice, public choice, social choice
and games theories.

For example market reform in China china economic succes since the introduction of market reforms
in late 1970 has remarkable by standarts. Growth consistenely around 10 per cent per year for over 30
years. China have the good economy and sat as second largest economy in the world. After USA
China is second largest economy after USA. If its consistantly growth, by 2020 China will be largest
Economy trade in the World. China has engage selective in the globalization, they take the advantage
of expansion of global Market which is keeping currency cheap in relations to the US dollar. And also
Chinese government invest heavily infrastucture projects and gears its foreign policy towards the goal
achieving resource security, in paticular by guaranteeing supplies of oil, iron, alumunium, and other
industrial materials. And the key souces of China is about since the mid-2000 there have been signs of
wage inflations in China. This is suggest the cheap labour undercut manufacturing globalization in

Media, democracy and governance. The impact of Media in democracy is one of the most debated
aspect of the relationship between Media and politics, why it can be debate? The media has
traditionally been said promote in two ways : by fostering debate,and political engagement and by
public as watchdog. To check the power of politics. Media is use to show how politics are considered
in the public, how are capacity enrolled the serious meaningful of democracy, and Media in a sense
had ensure that public is take place by scrutinizing activities government. New media also increasingly
revolution of techology. Since 1990, when cable telivision mobile phones, and digital technology
transformed the media society in e – politics the most common claim that Media helped the
government and political elites to public at large. For the example : online voting ( e – voting ) in
elections referendums, online petitions ( e – petitions) organized by government or other bodies and
use the mobile phones and social media to organized popular protest and demonstrations. And use
interactive television or social networking.

For the example is WikiLeaks was launched in 2006 as project of the sunshine Press Wikileaks has
published a massive quantity of document on issues ranging from War killing detention to supersion of
free speech and free press and also climate change. Making News in the technology era made
Wikileaks being responsible for the biggest leak of secret history. Wiki had the two concerned position
about positive and negative side. The positive side that WiliLeaks has announced to the public about
the unethical behavior and public showed the freedom underpains democracy. That can allow citizen
to make up their own minds, having all informations from all sources not only marely officials. But the
negative side is WiiLeaks had attrached critism from the US. ( pg. 184)

Social movements has been revived by the emergence called ‘new’ social movements science the
1960, social movement are giving example like women movement, green movement, the
environmental movement, and peace movement. Which campaigned to growing working clas, the
social movement can be traced back to early nineteenth century. In the young generations social


movements has a new movement style in the society it shifted views about nature significace. The
emergence of social movement from the mass society prespective, social movement reflect a ‘flight
from freedom to achieve security, society and identity to fanatical commitment to a cause and
obedience to leader. The environmental movement has brought similiar politico – cultural. This
example for this movement is group campaign like greenpeace, to create the green Worldwide. Social
movement is collective body in which there is high level commitment and political activism.

Public policy and the Bureaucracy. Policy is the big aspect in the politics that concerns most people. It
reflect impact of government and also society. Because it could be ability to make better things. Policy
process are relates to the mechanism trough which public policy is made. There are two ways first is
involve a link series of actions, and second is process of distinguish act of the government. It focuses
on the way in which policy is made. Making the decisions are designed in the policy process like
rationalism and incrementalims. Intermentalism is usually portrayed as the principal alternative to
rational decision.

Organization of the bureauracy is important for two reason first is affect the degree public accountable
and political control. And the second is way organization basis of purpose or function. For example is
in Japan, in 1950 Japan’s GDP was roughy equal that Euthopia and Somailia and during the 1950 and
1960 Japan called by ‘Miracle economy’ by the 1980 Japans export oriented growth was increasingly
in East Asia. It is because bureaucratic was played in the process of political economy for growth by
identified Japan. This is because the leader of Japan had a high status and compromised Japan
transition. Gradually, Japan seen long – term popular in the economy. Especially in the grade
Globalizaton.( pg 372)

For the conclusion is there any political crisis or No? As the reading from the book, politics are
making society through better in the public, politic are helped the society aimed higher democracy and
freedom of think. In addition if there is some accident like corruptions and the mess government it
depend by the personality itself. As we know that politics are always defnitly use in all of aspect in the
life. And purpose to getting better way.

References :

The Palgrave Macmillan POLITICS fourth editions (ANDREW HEYWOOD)


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