Less Plastic in Our Schools - Romania

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Less Plastic in our Schools

Pintilie Coroamă Maia Ștefana

Rotaru Rianna Elena
Nistor Denisa
Buta Ana Letiția
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents,
which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of
the information contained therein.
Main threat

We live in a time where pollution exists everywhere. Water, soil and

air pollution are terrible processes, but they all have a common factor
which is PLASTIC.
Throwing plastic and burning it causes many problems. Nature is the
best gift we have and it must be protected. If our planet is sick, we
will be too. We cannot be well if the environment is not.
 If we want to be healthy, we have to do something. The planet
is not indestructible and we have to understand that.
 If we do nothing, we will suffer more serious consequences
than the ones we already have. Everything we have achieved is
with the help of "Mother Nature" and we have the moral duty
to maintain it.
A significant step would be to use LESS PLASTIC IN OUR
SCHOOLS because education is the basis of every human
being. If we learn the harmfulness of plastic at school, we will
be much more careful as adults in using it. This action would
give us an increasingly healthy world.

In order to reduce the level of plastic in schools, we could use

some less known, but very effective methods. For example, we
could choose a day of the week and on that day everyone should
bring the things they no longer need and make a selection. Some
objects could be reused as something more special, some
ornaments for example.
Another option would be reuse centers, a method that would fit
perfectly with the previous one. On the same day, the selected
materials will be transported to a center, together with the others
from the rest of the schools.
There are a lot of ways on how we could improve all objects that can be
classified as threats. Such objects are easily recognizable, since they’re
common objects. For example: cars, busses, vehicles in general, plastic
bottles, plastic cutlery, plastic plates and just plastic overall.
How can those objects be improved? It’s quite simple! When buying a drink,
we can, instead of buying a drink from a plastic bottle, we can buy one from a
glass bottle. That way it would be way more appropriate. Same goes for plastic
cutlery and plates. We can buy wooden cutlery and biodegradable plates
instead. As for cars and other means of transport the best way would be
switching to electric cars and so on.
How can we prevent pollution in schools?
First of all we can avoid the use of plastic films in different
projects. Another very useful thing to stop polluting is to throw
all the waste in the trash can, too.
And last but not least we can donate bottle caps to different
institutions, to receive money in return, which we can use in
favor of the school and which we can also use to continue
preventing pollution.
Thank you for your attention!

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