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Table of Contents GML ee) Temperate Deciduous Biome (Mediterranean) 30 aeaeepeevceru ners : Tropical Deciduous Biome (Monsoon Climate) 30 . savanna of Tropical Wet and Dry Biome. 30 eae Tropical Rainforest Biome a faeces Desen Biome. 1.4. Components of an Ecosystem, 62. Aquatic Ecosystems. 2:1. _ Levels of Organizations in Ecology... 563. Natural conystem Services and Goods. Se oresirreak crs 7 ‘Quantifying the Economic Value of Natural Ecosystems..34 ine 7 ‘The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB)....34 seac 8 Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES). 3a neon 8 Ecosystem Services by Seagrass. 35 ntl Selection ‘ Econtem Sees by Seaweed ae ee 2 eee 9 Differences Between Wetlands and Lakes es 7.2. _ Estuarine Wetland Ecosystem. ey f Ecosystem — Succession & Homeostasis ..10| Differences between Lagoon and Estuary Ecological Succession ececa ease Primary Succession rr Estuarine Vegetation eee eerie n Indian Estuarine Ecosystem ee eee n “Threats Faced by the Estuarine Ecosystem. succession in Plants. z i ies, eae Succession in Water. eee 2 ‘Adaptive Mechanism of Mangrores Homeostasis in Ecosystem a Mangroves in Inia, Global Status of Mangrove Cover. PIE ee eager SRE PERGTOTES Food Chain. ‘Threats to Mangroves. Grazing food chain. a Importance of Wetlands aa Detritus food chain — 4 Reasons for the Depletion of Wetlands. a4 42. Food Web. Mitigation of Wetland Destruction 44 Types of Biotic Interactions in a FOOd Web evn 15 Measures to Protect Wetlands of INdIa vrinnnnn 44 43. Ecological Pyramids... “17 National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems 4 Pyramid of Numbers 2 saety Wetlands (Conservation- Management) Rules 2010 ....45, Pyramid of Biomass. ‘ 7 Wetlands (Conservation- Management) Rules 2017....5, Pyramid of Energy z 18 7.7, Measures to Protect Global Wetlands. a5 LUmitations of Ecological Pyramids... oe Ramsar Convention on Wetland nS Biomagnification - Pollutants and Trophic Level... 18 Ramsar Sie. a7 cara 2098, _ Biodiversity and Loss of Biodiversity... rm ‘Types of Nutrient Cycles. -nimmm20 8.4, Terms Related to Biodiversity . 52, carbon Cle (Gaseous Ce) 20 Biodiversity. a 5.3. _ Nitrogen Cycle (Gaseous Cycle) “2 Genetic Diversity. 5.4. Methane Cycle (Gaseous Cycle). 24 Species Diversity Natural Sources of Methane Emissions 24 Ecological Diversity Human Sources of Methane EmissI0NS nsnnsnnnn 25 Endemism Methane Sink... 28 Species Type. 55. Phosphorus Cycle (Sedimentary cycle). Bioprospecting BiopIBCY nnn 5.6. Sulphur Cycle (Mostly Sedi le). . ba RE ae an 8.2. Biodiversity Of INIA. nnn Realms 6.1. Terrestrial Ecosystems oF BiomeS unnronennne2B Blomes, igeographic Zones and Provinces. ‘Major Biomes 23-83. Biodiversity Hot Spots. rt Tundra Biome. 29 Biodiversity Hotspot in india 29-84. Loss of Biodiversity Taiga or Boreal Biome Temperate Deciduous Biome. 29 ‘The Extent of Biodiversity Loss as per IPBES Repor....53 Temperate Rainforest BIOME.nrnnennnrnnsnnnn 29 Living Planet Report 2022 Sub-Tropical Deciduous Biome. 29 ‘The State of the World's Birds ‘Steppe or Temperate Grassland Biome. 298.5. Causes Behind Biodiversity Loss. Habitat Loss and Fragmentat PMF IAS ~ Learn Smart PMEIAS Environment Second Edition i ‘Alien Species invasions. 35 Over- Exploitation, 56 Species Extinction 56 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). 56 Trade in Wildlife 37 Pollution and Climate Change 8.6. Consequences of Loss of Biodiversity Affects Livelihood Human-animal Conflict... 2 Increased Zoonoses due t Habitat Loss... 59 Adverse Changes to Biotic Interactions. 89 DEM a 9.1. Insitu conservation. 60 Reserved and Protected Forests, 60 Wildife Sanctuaries or Wildlife Refuges. 60 National Park 60 Biosphere RESEIVE nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 60 co-Senstive Zones (E525). on 6h Conservation Reserves ae Community Reserves. Sacred Groves.. 9.2. Ex Situ Conservatio 9.3, National intiatves.. Wildlife Mitigation Measures ~ Eco-Bridges. 62 Quarantine Centres to Check Invasive SpeCeS nnn 63 Preservation of the Western and Eastern Ghats wove 63 Historie Citizen Movements. 9.4. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefitsharing 65 Teeaty on Plant Genetic Resources (PGRFA) nnn 65 Aichi Biodiversity Targets nun 65, COP-15 of the UN CBD. 6 ?ost-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 95. Other International Effort = Global Partnership on Forest & Landscape Restoration 65 ‘World Forestry Congress and Seoul Declaration wna 67 Initiatives By The UN 68 Oe 4 10.1. Regulating Trade in Wildlife. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ‘of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). 9 19 Conference of the Parties to CITES (C0P19) 69 Monitoring te egal Kling of Elephants (MIKE) 70 ‘The Wildlife Trade Moritoring Network (TRAFFIC on 7 Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking (CAWT) sone 71 10.2, Policies/Laws Concerning CITES in Indi n Wildlife Protection) Act, 1972 n Policies Regulating Foreign Trade. Enforcement: Widlfe Crime Control urea. 10.3. Convention on Migratory Species (CMS). ‘The 13” Conference ofthe Parties to CMS (COPY3) on. 72 Central Asian Marnmas initiative 2 10.4, International Union for Conservation of Nature., 73, IUCN Red List or Red Data List or Red Book 2B Birdlife international (Bl) ww 3 10.5. Tiger Conservation and Project Tiger ” Challenges to Tiger Conservation 7” Measures Taken by GOl bE a Project Tiger (PT) mo 75, National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCAY. 75 10.6. 10.7. 10.8. 10.9. 10.10. 10.11. 10.12. 10.13. 10.14. 10.15. 10.16. Tiger Corridors 78 Core and Buffer Zones in Tiger Reserves. 76 Tiger Census 76 2018 Tiger Census Report (All-India Tiger Estimate)......77 ‘Snow Leopard Conservation... ‘The Global Tiger Initiative St.Petersburg Declaration “Tx2 and Tiger Conservation Excellence Award 79 Project Snow Leopard Reintroduction of Cheetahs in India ‘Cheetah vs Leopard vs Jaguar ‘Why Kuno NP? Conservation of Lions. Asiatic Lion Project Lion Conservation of Elephant: ‘Asian Elephant vs African Elephant and African Forest Elephant vs African Savanna (Bush) Elephant. Ecological importance of Elephants. Elephant Corridor Project Elephant. Other intitiatives.. Conservation of Great One-Horned Rhino Rhino Species Across the World... India’s Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros. India Rhino Vision (IRV) 2020. Conservation of the Indian Dolphins Indian Dolphin Species. : Ganges River Dolphin Conservation Measures Conservation of India Crocodile Species Crocodile vs Alligator vs Gharia.. Indian Crocodile Species Indian Crocodile Conservation Project.. Conservation of Turtles. Batagur Turtles Species.. Nisslonia Turtle Species. Sea Turtle Species Sea Turtle Conservation Project. Conservation of Indian Vultures Diclofenac and Indian Vulture Criss. India Vultures Species ‘Major Non-Indian Vulture Species. ‘Steps Taken by The Government Other National Efforts.. Project Hangul (Kashmiri Stag) Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats ‘Animal Welfare Board of Indi. National Wildlife Action Plan (NWAP) 2017-2031. National Action Plan for Conservation of Migratory Birds (2018-2023), 4 Green Good Deeds Initiative... 94 Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) . 95, International Effor 95 World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF)... 95 International Whaling Commission (IWC) ssn nnn 95 Ener ETE 96 Forest Survey of India (FSI) 96 114. 112. 113, Major Terms/Definitions in ISFR 96 Status of India’s Forest Resources in 2021 s.r. 97 Forest and Tree Cover of india 37 Forest Cover. 37 Recorded Forest Area (RFA) * PME (AS ~ Learn Smart 135 ites cores 101 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) “Tress Outside Forests (TOF). 101 SAFAR System for Monitoring Ai Pollutants 136 Fre oneness 101 National air Quality index (AQ). 137 Manarove Cover 101 Measures to Control Ar Pollution in NCR, 137 ‘criticism of FSIs approach and SFR 101 Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) by Gujarat 4138 National Forest Inventory . Other Measures 138 Growing Stock 102 13.3. Regulating Ozone-Depleting Substance: 139 Bamboo Resources of the Country. 102 Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol 139 115. Forest Types of india, Kigali Amendment to Montreal Protocol 2016. 140 Carbon Stockin india's Forests 105 “The Oxone Depleting Substances (008) Rules 140 11.6. Global Forest Resources ASSessment 2020,..-105 EEA PUNTER OPN NTT TTRETT ESN eT Forest Area of Top 5 Countries in 2020. 106 ‘GFR and India 106 14.1, Water Pollution . 141 11.7. National Forest Policy 1988 "106 Measuring Pollation Load in Water 141 Other Aims and Objectives 10s 14.2, Causes of Water Pollution. 441 Draft Nationa Forest Policy 2018 Inds Waste 181 11.8, Afforestation Programmes nnn ‘Thermal and Radiation Pollution. al National Afforestation Programme (NAP). Mining. ~~ ‘Compensatory Afforestation (CA), rendre an inn Wt Comtartin 202 Green Credit Scheme. sewage Water ‘etal Seeding for Reforestation Aaa oer 1s Ieee rr) Pollution in River Ganga. 144 12.1. Pollution. Marine Pollution: il Spill and Plastic aaa Air Pollution. 110443. _ffects of Water Pollution Major Causes of ir Pollution. no Effects on the Human Healt Classification of Air Pollutants m Efron the Enron fects on Aquatic Ecosystem io eee Eutrophication and Ageing of Lakes. aneae een a Eutrophication and Algal Blooms oo an Eutrophication and Dead Zones. Nanoparticles (NPs) 13 curoohe Black Carbon (Soot) and Himalayan Glacier 14 3 Carbon Monoxide (C0), 14 Water Plton Corto Meare nn 27 ee oa a Riparian buffers for Mitigation of Eutrophication. 48 Stratospheric Ozone Depleting Substances (OD5)...116 race Saaieoee ness = rogen Oxides (Oxides of Nitrogen) (NO) 116 o-Tolets Miter nse aes NHoBEN NO AE 44.5, Water Poltion Contrl Measure nnn 151 Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) a0 as ie Conga ast olatile organic compounds (VOCS) wachh Bharat Mission ee 1 Ratonal Water Guay Montorig Programme. 353 ‘Minor aif Pollutants “11g 14.6. Measures to Curb Marine Pollution. 153 12.3. Radioactive Pollution Conetonon Dumping of Wastes at Si 3SB ‘Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants. 120 ite wb sats Cron an he a ee Safe Disposal of Nuclear Wastes, 120 a Non-onizing Radiation 120 International Martime Organization ((MO)... 154 fonksng Redistion SEMIN 15._ Plastic Pollution, Solid, Hazardous and E-Waste......155] MIME ETF] 15.1. Plastic Pollution paar 13.1. Effects of Air Pollution... Misopla Merobeads & Nanos. smog (Smoke + Fo ajo Pastis in Use. tea scson theese Wt (Ocean Acidification Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016. Aerosols and their impact on Monsoon Rana on 126, NIT Aayog's Report on Aernatives to Pastis Crone Depletion... 15.2. Solid Wastes. effets on Health Sources of Soil Wastes. 4132. Prevention and Control of Air Pllution.. Treatment & Disposal of Solid Waste Control of Industrial Polltion. 15.3, Measures to Manage Solid Waste. Polition Index to Control Industrial POIULON en 132 Solid Waste Management Rules (2016) Coal Gasification 133 Bio-Medical Waste Rules, 2016, Measures to Control Vehicular Pollution in Indi... 133 Other Measures: National Clean Air Program (NCAP) 135154, Hazardous Waste. 135 MF IAS — Learn Smart National Air Quality Monitoring Programme PME IAS Environment Second Edition Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 15.5. Regulating Hazardous Waste... 163, Stocthelm Convention on POPS 163 Basel Convention on Hazardous Waste 163 Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent... 164 Joint meetings of Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions. 164 Hong Kong Convention on Recycling of Ships 164 15.6. Regulatory Measures by India. Recycling of Ships Act, 2019 Hazardous Wastes Fules, 2016, 165 Steel Scrap Recycling Policy 165 15.7. Heavy Metals. - 167 Lead 167 Mercury 167 Cadmium 168 Chromium, 168 Other Heavy Metals. 168 15.8. Electronic waste (E-Waste) nnn 169 E-Waste Generation and Recycling 169 15.9. E-Waste Management Rules, 2016 . 170 Mn ee 7 16.1. Highly Polluting Industries (HPIs) in India wn... 172 GGrossly Polluting Industries (GPs) an Industrial Emissions and Effluents Monitoring. a7 16.2. Pollutants From HPIS..wne 172 ‘Thermal Power Plants (TPP) sense an Iron and Stee! Industry. : a7 Cement Indust vn = 173 Copper Smelting Industry 173 Zinc/Lead Smelting industry... Sods Aluminium Smelting Industry 175 Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals. 176 Fertilizer Industry 176 Distileries e177 Paper and Pulp Industry. ATT CaUStIC $Od8 vsnorn : 7 Tannery i 2 77 Sugar Industry, 77 ern 17.1. Major Causes for Land Degradation. Deforestation Soll Salinity and Soil Alkalinity Desertification Waterlogging. Faulty Methods of Agriculture. Wind Erosion Water Erosion... Sea Erosion in india Desertification Setting in Across a Quarter Of India... 183 ‘Addressing Land Degradation. Soll Conservation... LUN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)...186 UNCCD Global Land Outlook Report. nensevsnennnae 87 Land Degradation Neutrality (LON) initiative nro 188 172. How do we know about past CC events? 189 Greenhouse effect. Greenhouse Gases (GHG)... Global Warming Potential & Lifetime of GHGs. 191 18.3. 18.4, 18. 18. 18.7. 18.8, 18. 19.1. 19. Carbon Dioxide. ozone. Water Vapour. Methane (CHa) Nitrous Oxide (NO) Black Carbon (Soot). Fluorinated Gases Carbon Monoxide. Carbon Footprint Carbon Footprint of various Sectors State Wise Carbon Emissions in India Climate Sensitivity .. Current State of Emissions . IBA World Energy Outlook 2021 Report Climate Change Performance index. Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Impact of Global Warming inereased Frequency and Severity of Heat Waves... 196 Urban Heat Islands. Marine Heat Waves. Increased incidence of Wildfires Shrinking Cryosphere. ‘Arctic (oF polar) Amplification (PA) Sea Level Change. Regional Sea Level Rise (SLR) ‘Tropical Cyclones are Becoming More Severe. Deterioration of Carbon sinks. Climate Migrants. Coral Bleaching or Coral Reef Bleaching... Corals and Zooxanthelie. Causes for Coral Bleaching ‘Australia's Great Barrier Reet. Biorock Technology for Coral Restoration, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.....208 IPCC Reports. eee IPCC Special Reports. iD IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in 3 Changing Climate (SROCC) 210 Climate Change Mitigation Measures. este Clean coal technology to reduce CO, Emissions ......211 Carbon Capture and Storage ee an Carbon Sink and Carbon Sequestration eee Geoengineering to Fight Climate Change. 212 Transition Away from Coal i 2a Climate Smart Cities. 214 Transition to Green Economy : 216 MMe ee eee UN Conference on the Human Environment ..n.218 Stockholm Declaration. 218 UN Environment Programme (UNEP) 218 Global Environment Facility (GEF) 218 UNCED/Earth Summit, Rio De Janeiro.. 219 The History of SDGs 220 Rio#10 (2002) or Earth Summit 2002 220 Rio#20 (2012) or Earth Summit 2012... 221 UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals....221 UNFCCC eee aaa) Conferences ofthe Parties (COP) to UNFCCC 223 Criticisms of the UNFCCC. 224 kyoto Protocol (COP 3; UNFCCC 1997) 224 Common but Differentiated Responsibilities ....nu0u.224 Doha Amendment to Kyoto ProtocOlnsnsnsnnnnsnnn225, PM IAS ~ Learn Smart Flexible Market Mechanisms, 226 Criticism of the Kyoto Protocol 227 Proposed: Carbon Tax as An Alternative 27 19.7. UNFCCC Summits Post Kyoto. 228 Summits Before 2015 Paris Summit 228 Summits Post 2015 Paris Summit. 229 19.8. Nationally Determined Contributions (NOC)....230 India’s INDC objectives 231 399, Pais CCC2015 COP 24; cP 12) DBL Pas Agreement 232 ‘limate Neutral Now. 232 China-US. Deal on Emission Cuts 232 Net Zero Emissions and Carbon Neutrality, 232 European Green New Deal 234 India's Objection to Net Zero. 234 UNEP Emissions Gap Report 235 19.10. COP 26. 235 The Glasgow Climate Pact 235 Carbon Markets 235 Major Outcomes of COP26. 236 India at cop26. 240 Leader's Declaration on Forests and Land Use. 240 LUFE (Lifestyle for Environment). 240 19.11. COPZ7 enn Global shield Against Climate Risks initiative 240 legal Wildlife Trade (IWT) and Climate Change... 241 {Long-Term Low-Emission Development Strategy... 241 Loss and Damage Fund zat Methane Ale and Response Sytem a) zat Carbon Border Tax 2a 19.12. Others . UN-REDD and REDDY. 22 Forest Carbon Partnership Facility 243 Climate and Clean Aie Coalition (CCAC) 243 20,_ National Envi 20.1. Pollution Related Law: 205, ‘The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974 and Amendment, 1988. 245 ‘The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981 and amendment, 1987 20.2. Environment (Protection) Act of 1986 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 20.3. Wild Life (Protection) Act of 1972. ‘Six Schedules for Species. f National Board for Wide (NW), Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Bill, 2022 20.4, Forest Rights and Forest Conservation... Indian Forest Act 1927 (IFA, 1927) Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 (FCA, 1980) Forest Rights Act, 2005 (FRA 2006) 2588 Critical Wildlife Habitats (CWH). 255 20.5. Biodiversity Act 2002 ... 256 Biological Diversity Amendment Bill 2021... 256 20.6. National Green Tribunal Act, 2010... Development vs Conservation. 20.7. Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Rules .. Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Rules 2011 CCRZ Rules 2019 Draft integrated Coastal Zone Management... 20.8, Rules for Hazardous Microorganisms 1989, 209, Protection Against Chemical Disasters. Strict vs Absolute Liability Principle PME IAS — Learn Smart 20.10. 20.11. Issue: Lack of Accountability and Burden of Proof on Viet. Pesticide Regulatory Regime in India. 262 262 Pesticides Management Bill 2020 262 ‘National Action Plan on Climate Change nnn. 263 National Solar Mission JNNSM). 268 National Mission for Enhanced Energy Effciency.....265 National Mission on Sustainable Habitat... 265 National Water Mission (NWM) Mission. 265 National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (waste, 266 National Missin for A Green India. 266 National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture, 267 National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate ‘change (NMSKCC) 267 MEL ee 2a. 21.2. 21.3. 21.4, 215. 22.2. 2.3. 224, Green Revolution.. India’s First Green Revolution. Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India (BGRE!) Second Green Revolution for Sustainability ‘The Concept of Sustainable Agriculture.. Sustainable Practses for Agriculture .. Nutrient Management. ‘Macronutrients for Plants. ‘Micronutrients for Pants Fertilizer Subsidies and Consequences Organic Farming... Bio-Fertilizers are a Key Aspect of Organic Farming.....274 ‘The Present Status of Organic Farming in Ina .on...u.275 Initiatives to promote Organic Farming in India osnn.27S Natural Farming. 27 Benefits of Natural Farming. 277 Challenges of Natural Farming. 277 Zero-Budget Natural Farming (Z8NF).. a7 ‘Bharatiya Prakrtk Krishi Paddhat (BPKP) Scheme.....278 (Organic Farming vs. Natural Farming (2BNF) 278 ‘Modern Agricultural Practice 278 Precision Farming for Productivity and Sustainablit...278 Protected Cultivation of Horticulture Crops. 279 ‘Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). 281 Various Agricultural Activites and Revolutions in Agriculture 282 Conventional and Non-Conventional Cleaner (Alternative) Energy Sources. Calorific Value of Various Sources of Energy, 285 Total installed Power Capacity in India 285 Energy Outlook Report 2022... 286 Solar Energy. 287 International Solar Alliance (ISA).. 287 (One Sun One World One Grid (0SOWOG). 288 Steps taken by India to increase the share of Solar Energy 288 {ssues with Solar Power (in India) 289 Wind Energy. Wind vs Solar. Offshore Wind Energy, 291 Onshore vs Offshore... e 291 Wind Power: tsues and Challenges. 291 Biofuel... National Policy on Biofuels 2018... PMF IAS Environment Second Edition v aa vi Some important Biofuels 236 22.5. Hydrogen Economy 297 Current Status of Hydrogen Economy in india 298 Green Hydrogen ~ Futute of Hydrogen Economy «299 Hydrogen Fuel Cell 239 "National Hydrogen Mission 238 22.6. Challenges Faced by Renewable Energy. 300 Smart Grid to Address the Challenges 300 Critical Minerals ae the Key to Green Transition n.-30 22.7. Measures to Boost Renewable Energy. . 303, Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency 303 Green Bonds for Funding Renewables 303 Energy Conservation Measures . 303, Energy Conservation Act 2001 303 ‘The Energy Conservation (Amendment) ill 2022,...305 PER 23.1. Water Scarcity, Water stress and Water rs 23.2. India’s Water Situation. 23.3. Measures by the Government Central Ground Water Board (CGW8) Central Water Commission (CWC) NAMMP ‘al Bhujal Yojana (ATALAL) Ja Shakti Abhiyan Jal Jeevan Mision (1M) Jal, Jeevan, Marval Mission (HM). BIS — Drinking Water Standards. National Hydrology Project (NHP) Recommended Conservation Measures.. Measures Required for Water Conservation Droughts. Drought Management in India 235. Mammal ‘Mammals ~ Critically Endangered (CR). 313 ‘Mammals ~ Endangered (EN). 314 Mammals - Vulnerable (VU) 316 ‘Mammals - Nea Threatened (NT) 320 ‘Mammals ~ Least Concern (LC) 322 ‘Mammals ~ Miscellaneous (Misc) 326 24.2. Bird: Birds ~ Critically Endangered (CR). 327 Birds ~ Endangered (EN) 329 Birds - Vulnerable (VU) 330 Birds ~ Near Theeatened (NT) 331 Birds — Least Concern () 333 24.3. Fish. Fish — Others aa Others . Amphibians Reptiles Spiders Insects Plants. Invasive Species 24.4, een rea 25.1. National Parks of India... 25.2. Tiger Reserves of India... 25.3. Description of NPs, TRs and Major WLS. ‘Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Andhra Pradesh, ‘Arunachal Pradesh Assam. Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat. Haryana. 2 Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Ladakh sharkand, Karnataka... Kerala... = Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur. Meghalaya Mizoram. Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan. Sikkim Tamil Nadu. Telangana Tripura. Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal = Elephant Reserves of India Ramsar Sites of India. 25.7. 25.8. Tiger, Leopard & Elephant population by state .399 Visit PMF IAS Environment Downloads Page Every Month joad: nvironment PIMF IAS — Learn Smart

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