Process Plant Layout & Piping Design

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PROCESS PLANT LAYOUT AND PIPING DESIGN PROCESS PLANT LAYOUT AND PIPING DESIGN Ed Bausbacher Roger Hunt PTR Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifs, New Jersey 07632 bray of Geng Caloingit-Nbleon aa sche, peas Pin ao an piping een Ed sae, eps Inthe de ators hema pan Design and contrston 2 at ao 5. Cue plnsPping Hus ope ager W) Tae oisssass 35 ose som ‘oral production: bokwots egsre edcr: By Su Cove designer Lundgren Gey La age ay saa Mecarny 2 195 by PTR Pence Ie BEE «simon Schnee Company Peglorecd Cis Ne jee 7832 ‘he pulser ef dma on his ook when rere in bu quis. For more oman, conc expe sep 13 Sen Avene ‘gewood ils, 9 07632 Phone 215922855 Poco 220 ‘lig set No ar of hs ook may be repre, nary for orb ay me ‘thou peso a wing rom he place ‘rote ine Unted Ses of ere wo987654321 o-na-236L29-8 rac il trata (UR) Lies London Frente Hl of Auras Po Lime Sod Prete al ana ln. Tororo Freel paneamerena $., Meco Free of na rte iid, Se Ea Prentice Hl fn, ne, To ‘Son Samer Ai Re, ads Sgepore ‘hrs Pewee do Bl, ay ee Jao "othe mos tmpora people in my if, wom ove toy much: ny claro, Petr, avin, and Lids EF, Basmaes To the memory of my robe, Wan RW. Hus Foreword Preface xi 1 the Basics of Plant Layout Design ‘he Plan Layour Designer eject Inpat Dasa Bie Layout Philesophy ‘brevtions, Standards, and Termlacogy 2 Plant Layout Specification ‘The Gamponens of Specification » 3. Plot Plans “Te lo Plan nthe Frocess Unie Definition Pht Plan Development ‘pes of Pl Plans quent Leon pe Racks Rds, Access Ways, and Paving Bangs Equipment Spacing ‘Semple Plo Plan Arangemene 4 compressors ‘ella Equipment ‘eral Compressors: Nome Onions ‘pes af Compressor Dees Lube Ol Stem Sea Ol Sjacm Stace Condens nd Ary Equpmene ‘Savpreser taneonce ‘ompresor Arangement ad Lior Brains of Machines, z Py 3 3 a “ “ “« 31 Contents Iner and ter oolers Housing and Mor Requirements ‘General Compressor Layout 5_prums “ype of Brome Wea of brome None Loans arn rage Pig regent Drs inaroenion Fore Costes 7. Furnaces ate Operon and Pinay Fare ofa Fara “peso races Termincony omnes Combai Air rehcaing pes General Araagement of Puce Fiping tayo for» Farace Tal Ga none and Wise Hen Unt 8 Pumps ‘ump Terminology OSH Requirements 7 gen 25 5 1 vite oe 7 inp toons ts £2 serucares na Pee a = ap Pp Spon Seu ters = Seva Des = Seatimwore 2 D Reactors Medium Sized Setures 296 ss 3 eee = toms Option a 7 Des Crs eas mm Saks = enon afte ax Dal sows = ‘Support and Elevation 204 OPE poem a es a Dor reer © 13 vodergounany ore gras = Pring es % omg ca esol Seens x 10 Pr a % Towers Copa ae St wie o Sel 2 eee cd ‘Types of Towers BA Bice Wuer Sytem 325, (Design Consitlerasons for Towers 23 Underground Blecrical and instrument Ducts 337 ‘Tower Elevation and Support 23 Underground Details 37 ‘Nozzle Elevation and Orientation 32 Double Containment—Underground Systems. 340 Paior arenes me Danie oo To Pee 2 Galen angie iM ‘Tower Insruments 246 imo Fd 14 sastrumentation aera 36 Titres ee ts ‘Esablishirg Width, Bent Spacing, and “Miscellaneous: 357 ‘soma 2 senng te Vk canes | Mp —— oe Pec teabin Songs % 15» quid Sime comears Fy Coes epaos 38 oer Castres me Teil 2 ‘a Patapon ond ip ts Tres of Tans x0 Si Cotes xa Dee Aces 4s Sing Tank an Dies 383 Tt bale 1 ak oppor a 1G seeess Analysis tov pig Sees ~ re Ses Aah Wook ce 8 Inoue of acme Pipe Ses we ines of Pye Sees Es {ou Slt for Weg Ss 5 Layout Solos of Thermal Loads Layout Soltns fo Ober Sues 358 ato 17 Computer-Aided Design Basie CAD Aplications lovegrated Modeling Stems Sst Engering and Insrunent Design rsaroni ool Shes (CAD Benefis Sumnary Index as a9 419 en 2 Daring the 43 years of my career, was extremely -dimensional process flow diagram, c0 8 thrclimensinal, phy Sal proces ally thar comprises eerste networks ‘of process and piping equipment “This book as been arranged into 17 chapters The fin tee deal with general concep and piciles of pln lyout rom bas ecology ad net require {cnt to acl deliverables Pat ajoutspeie ve been inched for spacing, cleans and saley requirements leading 10 exbipment artangement Preface atin the process un pt pan. Chapters 4 through 1S deal wath specie ples of process equipment ‘components ofa plant such 2s pperads, Sucre, ‘Underground piping. instrumentation and thee most ficient layout La tbe overall plane design configu ‘on, Chapter 16 deals wih ese aay by step ap proach basic sess ani, whichis 2 must for ‘Sesgners and engineers. The a chap a dhs book ‘sdediozed wo the computation 15 that are now sealable to help plan yout and piping designers the exon of her work During he past decade oe to the way these designers learned tele ca a ‘hanged dramatic. Hisorialy, secondary school aswel as two-year echnical enlege graduates entered the profeson and spent many yeas earning the us: ‘nest. Noices were tained though sich manual ex creses 2 revsing. deawings, demi single ine Feometics, and. preparing, marl take shes cently they were gen an opportunity to do si ple design work. Today's computers vy ker this Tearing process One designer at eamputer graph ‘es terminal can route ie and extra the singe tine ‘omete which includes a complete bil of metal ‘Thi nfocration may then be electronically wane ted wa shop oe Bold faba. Such ap changes in echanlogy demand tha in dustry adapta more foal means of educting rte ‘designers, because new talons tay mut le a few shor years wht our mented predeoessrs spent lime learing by repented anal exercise Al ‘ough he sealable o te computer vay cates {he design of proces plans, te too! Kel des not confer the knowledge’ of fundamental princes of lant layout an piping design hat are the basis of a ‘edible for at sich design work The compute ‘eains at bes 2 tool for leaning an excoaton ‘splat you deer primary sled i ie valuable eal ate For example, the steam rap assembly show on te lefts commonly desgned in the engineering Oe This arngement fora hermodmame an tp fs spread out ver an aren f approximately 27a (0 "um) in enh. Albough ths area may not stem ex: ‘sive for one wap assembly, ean be s0ldrd com pletely by installing the rap and air en the vera leg ofthe piping. shown onthe right. An seitonat Aran may be eequled, bt thi rangement sould be considered 2s space saving aerate, The team tracing nanold in the lend sete ie another commen engineering ofc approach that wases val ble plat space. 2 vere! manifold hati => pone rom the columa 5 wsed addon pace fs {Nallalefor other piping ssems ce operator aness. “The chent most te wih the plane long er the engineerng and construction phases ae cet, The ‘pectoral be walang through te fit sch day andwilte continually ceminded of wha took he ine nd elon o plan the projet thoroughly, sr ey wl Trocens lant pont ad Fipg Bat -PEEEEEEE? Ws INA FITTING keep that in mind when the next expansion is planed ABBREVIATIONS, STANDARDS, AND. TERMINOLOGY. ‘his section defines and summarizes the abbresia tions, anda, and terminology used trophont ths bool. Abbreviations ‘The following abbeevaions ace sed in ext and ils + AG—Above ground + ANSI-—-Amencan National Standards Ins, + ASME—Americn Society of Mechanical Eagineers + BBP—ouom of baceplte + bh—Banery imi + centerline + tRt—Industil Rsk Insurers. + N Noth 10 + OD —Ouside dameter + —Dameer. 1 NFPA-Nauona Fire Protection Asoction + SISH—Net postive suction head. + OsttA—OperatonalSafey and Hea Ac. + BRD— Process How diagram, + P81D—Piping and insrumentaton cag + B0S—Point of sppar + tangent ine, + TOS—Top of steel + pial + UG —tiergroun. Codes snd Standards ‘This boo refers tothe following codes nd sandr, svch eve the sated area + ANSUASME BB1-3—Chemicl plant and peroleum Fefine piping + ANSU/ASME B51-4—Petroeum pipeline. + ANSV/ISME B31-8—Gas wansmision ppelne + NFPA 39—Tanke wore + NFPA Liquefied pezoleum gs storge ad han: ting + NFPA SOA—Liquefed natural gas storage and ha ing. + OSHA 910-24—Fine stars + Ostia 910-27 ladders ‘Terminology ‘The teminology used in texan lsat Is de fined in be folowing sesons| Process tow digram This document scenic howe all major equipment seme mihia lit and how the af linked oper by piping, dts. and Traces Pant Fact Ping Be coaseyors It shows equipment numbers, Now rts, Sad operating presses and temperate i sed to pepare the mechanical ow dagen (2, ping, an inswumentation diagrams). alo sed 0 oe pre conceptual an preliminary plot plas. Equipment lit An emized accounting tt by cass ‘oll equipment 0 he used on proj, thie doc ‘ment aves the equipment stern number nd descr tons and is generally omhe bythe cleo poet ‘engineering Piping and instrumentation digrams These doc rent schematically show al proces, ality, ad an Mary equipment 3 well piping, vane spesaly sem, nseromentaton snd insulin, and eat aig, requtremens. Piping specication This docunent iss the ype of _maerals wo be used for pipes, aes, and ings for eich commodiy in plant Tis listing i based on presure,emperarue andthe corrosive rte ofthe fw medium. tals deseribes ppe wall ichneses, how branch connecsons are mate nd temized soe des that are use or ordering materia. tine run_ This ithe physical route pipe takes be- tween any two poins 36 set by the plant your de sane: Planning stdy of layout drawing ‘This an oho saphic piping pln usally nota fred doc trem, no is dlverable 0 clei devin shows al equipment in a given area wo sale and Clhdes major procs and typing sens, ga Gant vag. and inrument kates eat ey ‘en let and comin ns. iain and ladder requirements, and any pipe spor in tht alec th desin of equipment or sets by cher dsiplines Ebi 19s pal example of panning sty u See aan et i a is of Plt Tent Bs Heat tacing_in many processes, equipment inst ‘mens, ad piping sens requice externally plied heat Ts es ay be applied by electrical acing leads atached wo the tem or line or through a sll bore pipe or ubing that eres team or otberheating media (eg. hot ol). An example ofa seam-razd ine [shown i Exh 110 Inline This term eersto component that placed ‘ther ine or between 2p anges a8 cpposed {to one aached wo a pce of pipe or equpmet AN ‘example fain insrumentationf shown inExhiie Header locke valves These valves Iolite branch lines da are not usually provided nih pesmanent acces for plan operations persoane. ‘Header This lin isthe primary source of cmos dry used ty numerous pleces of equipment orserce ‘Traces lant ajo and Pg Bai ‘Sean cal ne Poin na plan. an example ofa header arrangement Is showa in Exit 112, ‘Branch The india! piping leads berween hea ers and users ae alo ilstate in Ext 1-12 Maintenance Equipment and ts components «€- ule routine materance for continued relly and fe operation. plant yout designer mist peo. ide unsruced space for service equipment and etsonne to aces aod remove components without ‘emeing unrelited equipment aod piping Operation Vales, Inseuments, and many ses of fesipment require fequent ater for operation. “These ems mist be scessble without inptring the safety of plat personnel Safety The layout of any fciity mast enable plane personnel o ext potently hazardous ate without Bae Be eA Zia z es ee 5 Hepce2 ete Vee ch Meter apie | ae Injury, Manning forsale includes deg eaays 19 rovde aces for re ighers and equipment sat. ‘kal placing ice detector and yar around the rest une adn sult adders td airways Sttaaures 1o meet OSHA requirements cng For ‘aces wi red burners any fom pot sources of gas leaks, and sng the height ar location of ‘ets opreient injury 10 cperating pesonnel Leascenectve Developing the most inexpensive (ou aay not wandate io the mos cow efecive de sign for the Ife of he pan A cosetlecve design s on Hebe, the result of a balanced consideration of iil cs, ‘sey and the longterm eles ofa design on oper ns and maeenance "an example of costelectvencss& the lyr of steansdeven gas compressors. Akough 4 grade ‘mounted insallation i tilly less expense 1 Sal, minenance on such arangenent ofen re ures the dismaling ofall major pping stems “his can prolong plant downime and translates so Test revenue forthe chen Carel consideration shouldbe gen tol faorsbfore the inital Jo ‘estcos solon chosen, Fae aata of Panay Ba P71 BOUBITIS Gov ow fe seb. Negeeery ber iceTion Gravity tow When pockers must be sided in a ven ping stem, the linet abe “ravi Ho” ‘on the ppingand insumentaton diagram. Ts en resus loetig equipment in elered stores insead oft grade, as shown So Ext 113 ‘Open sysems An cpen system sone in which the ‘conten line are discharged and not rere ramplesof his includes rele vv dichargng ito ‘he atnorpere and steam tap clichasping emo the round or no an open desi Closed systems A closed tem is one la ich he tents relic stein or eam ap comes fre reopered. Examples of open aad led ses fue shown In Ext 14, recs lt joa and Pig Dot Brn eeu’ Hew peelanl ‘exibity Every piping arrangement mst bes cently exile alow each net thermal expand or contac without ovesressing the pipe or equp- mene Beit 1:15 ilstrates several method 0 est this Nei requirement, cdg: + Relocating equlpment to build Desi into the inerent design ofthe line + Adin an expansion oop, + Audi an expansion jit (but onl loop wil nt sutice), + Reducing the schedule (ie, wal thickness) of the Pie i posse ‘The designer should thoroughly review all posible ie Ras o Pan Tayo Dats solutions wih the project stress engncer before peo een Pith any ofthese methods Ppesupports these sel members are atached oa Pipe to held iin place during operation Suppor ce salable in many shapes and sizes and range from ‘hove thathold aie fm enough pesmi mone ment 9 thse dat alow movernent i any distin Some 9ptal pipe support are shown in Ext 116 snd ince 1+ ipe shies —These insted lines are usualy sp Drea on shoes faekated frm sutra shapes (eg, Tseaions o- wide Manges) Astana shoe hele 4 (100 mm) ‘recs Pt lyon ad Ping DS ‘Pann 16 ‘ype Ppe Spo * Spring suppors—these lines move athe point of suppor as esl of thermal expansion or contac tion and are generally supposed by sings DE- signe for specie pipe loads and movement, they ‘mainainasuppor under aline thoughout range ofmovement + Trunnons and dummy legs—These supports are ted for many aplicatons and are weed to he ‘outside ofthe pipe without cating 3 hole no + Braces This 9pe af suppor ay be welded 10 stroctral members or cern pieces of eulpmen lemay hve eantilever design or knee bracing for supporting heavy los Lines may be Uboked, {ules or hung by od hangers rom the brake tay ret cn shoes ‘A pant layout designer should make ery effort to ‘now and undersand the pipe support equiremens of he azea being worked 6 0 Ut an ptm hy ‘ut Yom piping and a pipe support poo ew can be developed Contractility Spending sdlonal tinea efot drag te enguncering pase of projects ae is Fed ees inal consrvcton sal tine of de «rene the penta for cosy rework on piping a ‘us Two examples of construct ste swe in Exit 117. The suction plpngaf pump isaranged feazg co fang and doesnot allow the contraction conaces any way to make an ajusent to 3 as aligonen: berveen the cetein the wes andthe ump. Altiough the piping eoigratin Is basially Cote, ignores the constrociliy ofthe overall layout Adding + spool pece ta pup B permis any djsement the construction tay rece "The Hungeo iting rangement a he ai cooler toler header poses a similar problem Insalsion of lage air coolers oten makes impose for + pe febrcaed piping confguraion to be bolted 10 the ozs, unless 3 spool pece of reasonable length include in the layout Heat maybe applied the problem branch lines so they can be ecetered on the nozes. The fingto‘iting congurtion does not permit this Meni wo the constuctoe, Once again the consractbily foe should be considered. Ti Bais of Pa Lot Bis ‘Sproicaton as wed in industrial teemialogy, means ‘he conarsns under which a component should be delgned and manuaured Almost eveything thats purchased, constructed, or designed is governed by ‘Speieaions. Specticatons encourage unfornty and improve quality throughout al indies, For the pla yout designer, spetcaion i an essential to fie ead Ignorance fr flue emp wih the fuldelines set in the prowl speciision could be ‘oly and could alec dhe ua ofthe cesgn Speci ‘ans set the requirement or pnt equipment a ‘argement, opeaton, maintenance, and say th the process pln layout and deal the requirement for onpllaice wih taonal codes and repultions ‘THE COMPONENTS OF SPECIFICATION ‘Ths chapter defines whats included inthe speci "on. The plane layout designer must be aware ofall the specication components and how work ee tel) wth the specication, Modifications Any revisions exceptions of aden whe speiia on should be highlighted in the poet document tion. Excepe for small skd-mourted unis, all cle ances and acases or operon and matnance 0a ‘Seripment forse 6 equa profs propitay ppadage should bein accordance with We require fans ofthe specication Toms ‘Operator access i the space required teen com ovens of ais of components t perm walking, Pperatng wkes, viewing nsiramens bing Tt es or ars, and safely exling the und in an emer sexy. ‘Misenance aces isthe space requted a serce CHAPTER Plant Layout Specification equipment in place oto remove the uni equipment ‘or portions of equipment or offsite reps. Egulpment includes every component ssc wah the process plant (eg. pumps owes, eat e ‘hanger and compressors) Equipment Arrangement General plan arrangement mus be consist ith premaling amospheric and ste condos 5 wel = ‘th oe codes and regulations Euipme must be frouped win common process areas 1 st inde Pendent operation and shutdown. Egurpment wiia proces and offsite areas must be aang 0300 ‘ode operaiorl and malnenance 2ce apd 10 ‘eet the safer requirements iste it xiuba21 Un Jes required for common operator sey, ui. -mentisto be located in process equenceto miainize irerconnecing piping Process unis, bullings, and grops of fst arexs (eg nk ars) ae serviced by allay roads for malntenance and fie ightng.Eauipment loesion ‘must falta place maintenance by mobile equ ‘ment Process equipment must be encesed in sheers ‘nly when required by extome cline condiions ‘lent preferences In general, piping, power, and insrument cables sre tobe caried on oreread pipe rads ia process ‘Unis and uy plant and in rade seper nf te Equipment Elevations ‘Bguipeent should generly be elevated & minimum beige from grade t Su process, prac, and ‘maintenance reqiremens Horiantl rms, shell 2nd tube exchangers and furnaces mst be supported from grade by concrete pers Versa veel (eg towers and rescor thatched ers) and baseplate ‘equipment with pumps shuld be suppaned Bade by eonerete fountains Bw fs 1 29a Wy era 8S ‘cos cea ay a esis | ISIS Prete steta Seems f Seseeeevee ib stk belt Sees chal, =o ceee ee finlesho ete ete fe eae atte te Bese Be sees cia Be bat istebtssiotatekatet oie fet 21 Mahi te recent ey dee, beeen ent aed oy ea Faecal pe by chem gece ny oe 4 English Measurement large acwum or crude towers with swageed bor ‘oo sections and compeesor tht ae vo be eat for operional needs must be supporied fm com crete snotures Bguipmen: tt mst be elevated fr prone sequen (eg sel ap ibe mere condenses) must be supported in stucures When praca ai coolers should also be supevted rom ‘recs Pant avon ad Png Da overhead pipe racks. Equipment eewatons mst be in ‘accordance with Exit 22 Roads, Paving, and Railronds Process pli ret be service by roads acer 0 process unis, uly plans, materials tending a KIUBIT 24 Equipment Spacing (Gon 21 Git tiesetae ie 1s Ere ais ala eee ae pelvis ra fababeatete leading areas, and groups of offsite equlpment that require acces for maintenance and fe ging Aa ahi road network and packing tcl shoul be ‘ovrded st administration balding, he ain plan ‘ore rcom, Rrehowes, and warehouses. Acces ‘ss or secondary roads must be provid within pro ‘5 uns 2nd uty plans so that equpment can be removed fr offunit rept and cherkals and cat Tyas can be loaded and unleaded Reads must Be ‘anped over piping at inerseaions wih grade level slepers Pring within process unt and uty plants should ap encompass equines, ui come 00m fe and the aes bene the min pipe rac Unless required for mantenance reson, ping need not ‘een airy roads. ‘Ofte area paving mus be provided x groups of uipment Ce, pump shbs and metering sats) bu not a ark arms, inside ded ress, der pipe ‘as, of acess alongside roads, except hen fe ‘uired for maintenance These urpated ares ae 8 Surtaced Unpaved ass within the tery ns of rooss unis and uty plants mst be geided anc Surface ih cused stone oa sir rei ep for floes in coeco and sche lig ll Indoor and ouldoor paring mus be sped ordain "Cubs ana walls re tate wes n process unis an ality plans 10 comin splls fom equipment ving, ‘id and other dangerous chen Eanhen dies peaton 22. Ean eee tem sero ntrece aoe ePemin oso rme Cone pt to 190 wee 1090 iar So “Gina ee SS veal ws mcthocsnger OG Hnmo en e re ton ve wage sore qgtonn nosed emai 0 ae Spence! pues pee ern Serine seein ng ein ie en ieorerd oe Feo ops a ee 22 = ver ie Mama iegt Fm sweats Mpgiemertmmd ym Memmi ramet eet op Pigmented aenteee FB Cp ato ane eae Sen Ssh ts n(n) ea are pa fae ‘must be ballin ote ares to retain spl from storage unk. Dikes, curbs, and walls used to contain tank spl must be abe accommodate the volume ffvhe bigest tank i the ara When esleaingthe Se of enlosure, he cesgner must corde the ds plbcement volume ofall otber tanks (he othe height ‘fe ike) as well a an allowance for fret ‘Process Plant yon and png Bi aloud tems that ae designed foe i pln op ‘ation an that nese o form prot main ne Se to conform with sancarde an pracices of the ‘mainline ralrad oe append pos Ings and ralroad dmensons and clearances hod be sp acordance wi the minimum dmesions shown in Exh 23 Daseaen EMR am Rows Pol aad singin casein Pas ‘ten 2 Ge ae en Pri Pum fomowiecpeteaireen vere £1 pan atom nets fo 2 om Scie diacreensenaes Ste “Si po cTaninpcued sa onerbemderreed ppegmana ORD 9 ‘oa conse Platforms, Ladders, and Stairs Paforms are wo be provided tal eleva equipmen. ad at contol that are beyond ceach rom grade for ‘maval operation and maintenance ‘Shirways must be provided to lead to service Ievels snstrucures, bling, compressor hose decks and faraces that require frequen access by plant oper ‘ens personnel Storage tanks lager han 15 (4500 ‘min) tn diameter and higher than 20 (6009 em) alo requie sas for acces. Ladders must be pro ‘le foe vessel parm, secondary servic levels a Stracres, and furaces and at sorage ark with the inensions previously menloned Eeape ladders ‘aust also be provide from senace levels 0 tha nd penton 2 platform i horizontally moe dan 78 (2500 en in wang disance from 3 main oe So Cndary ext Side ext ladders are prefered Hare ack need only be provided with 3 ge continuose lade for up ispection and acess tobe op mace ‘ance platform. Handa should be isalled on open Ses of al platform areas and stairways Laer that fezend more than 20 (6000 mum) abore grade mus. hae safety cages Selling gates at aider openings onal plavorms are aso require Verical vessels (eg, towers oF textos) should _gereraly have ciel laors sapere by back. from the sde ofthe vessel. Plato, ladder, and Sway dimensions and clearances ul be tna ‘ance with those shown in xb 24, (Unies feise noted, dimensions shown are einimuts) Sapte enor ‘so eat eres wat on imu eg oe ens i t E i | i : i 5 Oo wa 24. Maintenance Adee cearance must be provided adacet wo of Sround aglpment and controls tit require mplsce Serisngae tht fequize removal fom the Ried Op ‘ational locaton for pa TWequpment is oced within sheers, suinbe sis (eg, woley beans or wali canes) must be protided to lit and relate the heaviest stems. Drop areas must ens wan shchers tht we Fred hanna, There should alo be drop re for vera equipmenc thet most be lowered te grade ‘There aus be adequae ax a all sell aad tube cechanger for odin tbe bundle errand a fumacesfor cl removal Exhibit 25 highlights some ofthe pincal maintenance acetes and handing evces sociated wah 2 conventions) operating plane Plant Operation ‘There must be cea aces at grade and a lerated lator so that operation ofthe pan ean proceed in Safe and uncestricted manner Vales ae instr ents ao be place so that tey ean be opeated ot ‘ened bt do no impede acces at grade 2nd ele sted els ‘Operating aes that cnnoe conveleny be lo- ceed beow a cemerlne elevation of 6 9 i (2050, sm) fron grade o pare must have cain oper 126, exeastn stems or motor operators Beep fo tater int valves al une olaton valves must be loca grade Exit 2 highlights the minim ‘equremens for operator aces to contol Above-Ground Piping Wid the exception of pipeline pumping salons Senex, and most cooing water stems pine gen rally above grade im process plans Wher locsted belowground process piping that has protect he Ing ort eequires ingestion and servicing should ‘a Pi ayo ad Pp Dt be locate i ences In proces unis and sy plans, ping 0 equp- ment mast ron overhead meet opeator and mane hance clesrnces Short rons of piping (€8. pUDp ‘scons, however, nay can 2 gras, where hey fot obmruct acess mays Piping i such afte ares {stairs mst run apconimatly 1B in 450 mm) Abore pre ard must provide adequate acess 0 con- trols and maintenance areas by waleover sles. Of ‘Seppe aks musrbe led adjacent to storage tank es hun died aes piping ust run by the most ‘iret route unless limites by sb 2d ak et thament ping Serving a ak or tanks lea common rea mus not run trough aining dike areas. "AI ised ping hac passes through dikes and al piping psig under roads or ealloads must be fenclowed in meal pipe sees, Uninsulated piping rsing through ies should be eased and wrapped ‘ut not sleeved, ping ters mast te the r= moval of equipnent witout emonng the sociated Piping and controls Poke stems ae 9 be arranged with sulficent Axil to reduce any excessive aresses and, when posable, accommodate expansion wabout using expansion bellows. Line spacing should be base on Soticpated ine movements under regule opening ‘condons “The top of tacks and coaiawousy opening vets that discharge hazardous rapors mst De pstoned t leas 10 (30 men) above any plaorm win 2 orion ads of 70f (21,000 mim) fom the vert for sack Inrmitent vents tat dacharpe hazardous ‘por ino te amosphere are o be lead a min ‘mum of 10 (3,000 mim above any plaor within a ‘orion rds of35 ft (1000 an) Kom the vent "The verti disance may be reduced foe vents and sauce decargng int the srcephere by the same ‘stance tht platform i ouside the sey ads from the vent cr stick, 2loseated in Exit 27 Nonhazardous vapors (eg air or steam) must be ected away from personnel = = ee =a —— pee Soo eGov ora tin Savane meg Se =o | Saucy == ere Seeeceeitam tte eente shag “Bevan = seagate ate coum TBOUBIT 26 Opesor Acc Conca RUG 27 Ameren Ven Sine omer | 6 to ya es ve te ‘es Sd et we Teper ens 1. ve ‘The plot plan is one ofthe key documents produced dg the engineering phase In any processing fel fy eis used 10 locate equipment and supporting i frxtrctre and to esablish the sequnce of maor fengoceriag snd constion ates Pot plan ate ‘ed by almost every engineering group winxp ‘cafe from esinating an sceehling though oustaction The pls pla fe developed by the pt layout designer, usualy a the poposd sige ofthe oj and reins the responsibly the designer Yhroughoutconsrucion, Similar proces unis eng wed for 0 lens may lok vastly diferent for vavous cestns inclading aalble rel estat, sci 2nd climate condone, and client piso on op ‘rs, maintenance, and safety. Fr these reasons standirdzavon of process unt plot pls aia Neverteless, a ost operating flies use common ‘equips (eg, shell nd tube heat arrangers, pe sare estes pumps and compressors), ts passe Co apply afew base rues that su mest cents and processes an that ele the plant yt designer 0 Spyroach the task of aranging the equipment snd ‘pponng flies in an ordely manne. ‘THE PLOT PLAN IN THE PROCESS UNIT ‘Ths chaper highligh the general requirements fr process unt plo plan arrangement. tints the fnfrmation required to loeteopersting equipment and supporiag ites wo st perso and mate funce acess construct, proces operon, ‘aly, and east fecve desig DEFINITION tha highligs he equipment and supporing fies (4. piperadis and builngs) These are equiced for a gren process imegraed within 2 common banery CHAPTER Plot Plans area, usually designe for independent operation a shutdown. The fal plot plan identifies all be fomponens by designated numbers and shows, (0 scale the bk shapes ofthe esuipment and support. ng flies, eating dens in both the veal a the hotional planes. Generally. the arrangement shown inthe plan with elevated vw uraished ony for arty (eg, in the verily sesrired pan) Plot plans developed wit tree dmensional CAD model Ing have the advange of producing mukiple plans, cleans, and isometric views mith no addon fort The pec plan used forte funeons discussed in the folowing Secon. Piping destgn The ple plans used wo produce cequlpment arrangement studies tht fact thei terconneaton of above. and below-ground process ad uly piping tems and racsumate piping mate al ques Cit engncering The plot plan used to develop grading and deainage plans, holding ponds, died 3 i, foundation se sacral designs, and all bulk ‘mater etinates ect enginecing_ The ple plans used to pro ‘duce ares clssewion deeming, to lost switchgear and the incoming substation and mexoe contol se {ert route cables, and o ema bul materials Instrument engineering The lo plans used 0 l- ‘te analyer hoes net able tras at a helo. {on ofthe main corset house, and ema Dubna ‘evade stems engcering The plo plan i used to ‘ae hdrale desi, ne zing tty lock Howe sejemen Scheduling The pot pla is used to schedule the ‘orderly completion of engineering actvies. a CConstvcion The plot pln is ured to sched the eeaton sequence ofall plant equipment, which in ‘des ging studies fr lage is, consti reviews, marshaling, and lapdown ares throughout ‘he ene constuction phase ximating The plot pln is sed to estate the ‘veal cst ofthe plas. Client use ‘The pot plan used foe safe, oper, and matsenance eviews and to develop an bt ‘eeotd ofthe plant serangement PLOT PLAN DEVELOPMENT Developing plot plans not an exc science acne the arrangement af he plant mst best he bein ring ofthe projet before all equipment requirements and coniguratons are fnalized an before al ol the ‘mechanic problems associated with he Gesgn ae Solved. Pex plan arangement i rfletion of the esgner ably to andcpate mechan problems and provide the necessary gece for oper ad ‘maintenance as wells the designers general exper fence wih plant layout requirements The ended ‘eal Bc produce a se, eoteffectve opetinal lan which wil probably remain in use fon east 25 Yeats Therefore, Is Iporane Bat any errs in “Pree Fa Lona Pipi Dp rangement be recognized and eliminated dure ‘lx plan development phase ofthe projet Decne {hey ean be conly ta correctonce te plate in opera Pot plans are generally develope in stages, om the ina oneep tothe fully dmersoned document the construction sue sage ‘The proposal plot plan, shown in Behbit 31, is dreloped during the estimate phase of the project and s sed wo estate bulk materia I ao in ‘led inthe propasl asa represent of the unit rangement 1 the prospective let. The propa ot pln based on limited informations ene ally indeates oaly the pcp tems of erupment, ‘mai supporting facies, an overall nensions ‘Aer contract ava, the proposal plot plan i up dled 1 sus he latest formation and i reviewed and approved by the cent. This document becomes the bas for te plane layout phase of he pret ac 1 called the planing plee pan. A sample planing, lot pln is shown in ExibH 32. On completion of the plant your phase—when ll tbe equips as been sted and is inte est psiion to suk the pop fc cequiremens and when al aces rods bung, and pipe racks have been load the pic plan Sally sued for constuction. This stated in Exhibit 33 ashe eonsrton ple plan "To develop a plot plan, the designer est semble the formation scused inthe fling sections + "TER Etna es ‘The equipment ist Thls document lissall the tems ofequlpment and buldiags by number and dese ‘an to be tela within the en ery line sample equipment list i gen a tube 34 ‘Te process dow diagram The proces flow igri) Isone ofthe most imporant doeumens eequied by the designer io postion equipment. i indcaes Now "is, emperaures, and pressres and how the var (ous peces of equipment are imexconncied The pr 5 Bow dagam generally does 10. show uty ‘euipment (ep eves, surface condensers ad ine tion pacages) These can be obaned fo he eat tment ls. The process ow diagram doesnot avats Show the eve representation of ie equipment. shell andtube exchanger shown asa sage en could urn ‘rt be to ox more shel fora reload Ea 35 shows a proces fw dagram the corporates the tems in he sample equipment ks a ‘\ otofuoe oo. Acces Wh ‘The block low diagram The block flow diagram stk al primary interconnecting ines Berscea p> xssunits uly plans and trae alien Akhogh ot absouely essential 2 well document fot ‘equipment locaton, Specifications Simla 1 the plant lout spec: ton acs in Chapter 2th document thls ‘maintenance, operaoe aces, clesances, leap ‘ment space Process design dita_The proces design daa ges ste iformaton ona map or an ever existing plot Plan. The exising plo plan, o ste map, hows such feographic deals as roa aoa, vers or se. Shore; and contours, an inhabited areas, eal in. ‘esthe loction and extent of el ete wale for the new aly o° expansion Te proces design dts Indices weather conditions (eg, erage seston a0 i | j 3 : g ‘Fross Plant apo al Pipng D = Soom s Eeaoro Sete ee EEetre, Big Eten a Rema = Eee SS SEE ee = BS renee 2 Soe, so Seeat i Ssosm So ae sa Stee ‘erperaures, anil cords and pevaling wind). eal ges the plant elevaion datum and reference ‘coordinates for plant lean equipment sies A this phase of the projec, the equipment sizes for the plant are fumihed bythe supporang groups ca the bas of preliminary infor. ‘maton and exver such general ems 25 for space requiemens (eg. fo 4 pun of knowa size) oF + Shell nd be exsange th onthe tobe camer aed length given, As the project progress, equp- ‘ment configurations and sie become fim andthe ot plan is updated accordingly, Exhibit 3-6 iss sam le information ha must be supe. Materials of construction A materials specialist, ‘mars up proces fw dagram eating Special ot ‘ital piping materials (eg, allo and large ery ‘all piping). The diagram tsi the plane lyour de signe in optimizing equipment locations to su the ‘most economic piping fut ‘TYPES OF PLOT PLANS Plot plans are ofen refer wo by thee proces (eg, am armonia plato hroerne ut) ater han the ype of configuration ofthe equipment yout In terms of equipment arrangement, process unt pt ‘plans can basally be divided in two confgurtons {he gade mounted horizontal inline arangement seen in most refinery cies, and the srvcure ‘mounted verealaangement fund in may chem calls ‘The Grade-Mounted Horizontal Inline Arrangement “The hornet line unite woually Hoe within Fegangular aces, with equipment placed on etter side of enzal pipe ack served by airy rads NAPATWA HypeeTeeaTER Heep excuses wrapper RHEE 56 owe ec Ses —— Sa wwe dnoismn) — mA46i em) ime Dacoam — NGHOoeD we Daacsam —DHGhomm oe Aintanam Nebo Ew EOI akcasDomd fata) apionm — etenomm Weed) — Sombie) NAMM te @aosem —Tiatuoren) io Sonny aveimen) a ‘tor ieceomem issu an) ine Ak(Laatam heim) yr ei ‘he peincpal advange of hs arrangement sha the equipment is general locsed rade ohich makes ‘hi tpe of pln ever to const and more ses befor maintenance and operation. The Ssdvantages ae the amount of tel este required and the lng fun of cabling tly, led, an prod piping re (qured to service the unit Exit 37 shows apical ozo sine ple plan arrangement ‘The Structure-Mounted Vertical Arrangement ‘The sewcturemounted vertical areagement has spent located ina rectangular mullevel see or ‘concrete srvctre The sure canbe several oye long and ear opens or fly enone. 10s ‘eter cliem preerence or climate conditions. ing and cabling usually exter and ex the strscure at one evel and juin aces to each floor by ches ot are Supports from the ouside members Operator su aly gun accesso cach evel by sas or by elentor Equipment: maintenance ss salyaccomplahed {rough the we of hitch ois, oly beams, a fling canes. An adequate area must be provided sound each item along with a lear dep 2006 at fade for equipment removal The seutoe & ser eed by acest rode ‘he avanages ofthis pe of arrangement are the sal amount of real esate vequied foe the plan sn {he aby to house the fast sk proces equ: ‘mentor climate condions. The dkaanages the operator and maintenance acess and inthe con suction ofthe pln. Exhibit 38 shows a yplal ra turemouoted vera ple plan aangement EQUIPMENT LOCATION ‘irious requirements diate the location of eau ‘ment and supporting cies within the cones operating plan, and maay for ste considered sien the desies i locing equipment. They ste Cdscused in he flloming sectors. Plant Layout Specification ‘This document highs spacing cequiemens for cequlpmentand ccess wits and lesion deaances {oe operaoe and mastenance aces. A pc pant layout speieaion can be found in Chapter 2 The sample specfanion shown in Ext 3.9 highlghs {he alee spacing equiements around a proces Economie Piping ‘Te major portion of dhe piping within mos process uns i use interconnect equpment and pp. ‘contosberween equipment. To minimize the coxa ths bulk material, equipment should be lose in rocest sequence and close encigh to sot sey ees ces equtements sd piping Healy. The sequent nterconneron f the un shown on the proces fw dagram. The fw sep fo em the Alloy or beay wall piping, The dag shoud! then be subdnided ino smaller group of provseltes ‘eqipmer: These groups should conn sn asembly ‘recs lt apo aml png DR of related equipment and contals dha uncon a 4 Subsystem within te main proces uni. The compo. ‘ent within the suber should be ranged to Suk ‘he most economic piping runs andthe whole asem: Diy should be posttoned within the lor te or ‘ide the mos ecoaome nerconnecuon betwee led process. subsystems. Exhibit 310. shows proces Now diagram dvd imo subsystems, an t= 36. EXHIBIT I-10" Poming Png 1 Subdlvided Process Flow Diagram Subsystem Arrangement “rece Plt joa ad Pig Dai ga aeaviry FEED ‘pout > ‘ypwal Gay Fed Arrangement Lg— ragement ofa subsystem, and the icreoaneton of 2 oup of susitems Process Requirements Bxipment fen mast be located in speci posion ‘o appa the plant's process operation for pre sure drop line pocketing and rai fed) The plane Fayut designer mus be familar withthe proces be ce the process how diagram rarely nets tht Information. es recommended ar the designer ds fe these cequiements with the proces engined: bebe procesing with the plant arrxgement. ibe 311 sons the elec of an aragaen wh 3 arty Feed proces requirement Common Operation Bexipment hat requlres continuous operator ate toe or stares common uly and aistenance fal ties shouldbe loeated in the same area. For ena, compressors generaly require 2hour operator 2 tenon. Compressors with condensing team turbine aes offen share the sme surface condenser anid are lected in compressor house sing commen Fixed handing facay (eg, an overhead tealing cane) AlLough this rangement is fen moreespesie in termsof piping componcns the use of Omran ices (eg, the surtce endeaser, bung, ad equ rmenceling facies) makes up the illerence I 0 Exhibit 3.12 shows a pil compresior area a rangement Real Estate Availability Genel most new process uns ae bul win an exiting ay in whch a pece ond is dened to the new expansion. Older process uns, which have Uundergooe many expansions often fee 3 les shan desirable piece of rel esate forthe next i fa. This can bea problem for iain horn stage ments buts less $0 for vera srosuce ara ‘mens, hich requle less ground space When si line arrangement i constructed, recommend) that pas ofthe unt he Iced in elevated srettcs with related equipment located adacet 16 I the process permis For an alreadycleated plat ada ‘ens canbe made inthe overl sae of the re and eta lors can beaded. Care must be ake © aust ual plane configurations to sit minimum Space equemenssothat the pla sotto felt {0 mann. Exhibie 3.13 shows an arangerent be fore and ae ithas Been adused ou iia space requlements Equipment Sizes, ae all he een ypes of equipment within che proces wit would be the same ie This rire oe fr, however, and the plan layout designer often reser ie 8 ee er hie-t] i aa itt Retene* 4 fore Minimum Space Adjustment . After Minimum Space Adjustment Frac Plant tant and Pipa Pt BOMB 34 Fd Gas Cvkng Ut Pt Par sires to place lage, cumbersome piece ofequip mer imo a area while rang the sextet of the unk Generally, mos plans are dominated by conven ion recanguar and cela equipment reson. able sue. Some proceses, however, rere mach larger and more aviwardly shaped tens (eg, an lontiow converter and expander ain na Mid cata Iicracking nit a dslaed in Eshibe 3142 ce ‘emer furnace In an ammonia un, of = waste heat reece sstem in 2 large cogeneraion plat) 18 ‘hs stations the designer should place teze Rem frst and plan the reminder of the unit round them. ‘Whediethe planed plan is aniline rangement for housed in a siete, the pln jour designer rst ake provisions foe operator and maintenance sccess. The designer must review the tes of equip ‘ment that are inctded inthe proces and plan foe ‘hele operaion and aainenance requirement For trample towers mast let pte alin focthe removal of mera, reactors require space for cult loading and unlondng, shell sod tbe ex: ‘hangers require space fr bundle remoral, nd tm ‘pat Rowe greet a2 ae ing ements fr ead cig All these aspects ofthe equipment design 2d 1 the or space requiements ofthe plant Equpment hac requres serving ding regular operation or land shtdown periods should be accesible ftom the aulary roads oe sternal access ways, Fram the project spectain, the plat avout designe should ‘determine operator access requirements td he de ‘is tobe used for servicing Before procecing with {he pln arrangement. Ex 5.15 shows cl 3 ces requrement laa veral arrangement, sd abit 36 aspiys an inline rangement. Underg-ound Facilities ‘There are variety of underground faces could alfea the posiloning of equipment. Depend on ‘races Pat ajant and Pipa Da Peony sal condions, the foundations or the equipment are ‘ther pled or spreas footings, Spend ong found tions equi more spac than led appar, ad care should be tken to locate equlpmer so da ‘enough space ext Berwcen equipment fre fun ‘dons of larger tems In cern cases, equipment Can be supported on 3 common foundation Depend ing onthe projec specication, iasrument and cle. ‘eal cabling canbe located above or bow grade If Toc below grade adequate space shouldbe desig re uring the plot plan development sage, Unde. ‘round ppg sanater factor tht the designer mist onsier when locating equipment Mas proces unis fare serviced by an underground oily ater semen, Storm sewer, and fire water sem and 2 chemi ‘rsmige stom i egies. aon. the unt col {ng stem could be postioned teow ground. Al of these facies requte plot space, andi reo ‘mended thatthe lant layout designe vestigate what Baltes ae to be postioned below ground before ceeding with the equipment arrangement. Exhibit 517 shows 4 ypical elewauon dough 2 unt below pound (Climate Conditions ‘Weather condsons could Inuence te locaton of cqipment tn 2 severly cold dmae, equipment ‘ould be howied, this can be done by eneasing the whole un, as dep in Ehsic 3:18, by aly housing sroups of equipment (econ ‘reso or pumps) a lated in Extibe 349. For Inca! housing. consceraion must be phen 10 Tecxtng equipment ot of proces sequence min! ‘The wind can influence the Heaton of such eau: ment as furnaces, compress, convo houes 03 flowers, an sacks Fumaces or oer Heed eau rent should he located 0 not allow ammable ‘posto constant det Snake fom sack pore tel Caerpount sages Gages amas mae a: byes from cooing wes shoul! not ben the ie path of mam oeratingaeas (eg, compresior houses, con rol rooms, and smut). PIPE RACKS General, most inline plant arrangements ae fr ished wth a cental pipe rac system that a the ‘ain arery ofthe une supporting process ineron rection, fed, predc and uly ppg, estrament and elecical cables, and, sometimes, ar cooler ac ums, ually, the pipe ack is made of src stel iter snge level or mulevelc su the mith sd apcty ofthe unites servi The plpe Fak bays ace usualy spaced at 204 (000mm) centers The at seman by sich factors the ust Piping and cabling to be carci on the iain ron of the pipe rac (wth an allowance for funte expan ‘rac Plat apo amd ing sion), the equpment and access way lost beneath the pipe ric, or the equipment: (I any) supponed bore the pipe rack The layout at ress nthe most economical design shouldbe chosen. [A the estimate sage, when as plo plans are develope, the pipe rack with is speed on the bas of limited information; process How digrams ssualy are not avalible wo aceuey work ut the frat requirements Using the proces ow dram, the designer cn prepare ine rosting diagram on 3 print ofthe preiniary pl play salar to hein Struaions glen in Chapter 1. Ths exablshes the ‘ain proces lines supported in the pipe cack for ‘utpmentnterconnetion, ec, and produto, An allowance of 20% of the man ies should be aed to the taal for unknowns. The pipe race with ci be adequtlyszed on the bss Of spot he ‘Suing, iy piping, and isulion rerement by the process system engines, cable require 8 ‘euewvai stoanse | =] exer 319 ised eS] Be come $01 the oF T Pat seuts mets by the elec and instrument engineers; and 279% fue piping allowance. Most pal nis que atworevel pipe rac nth a with of 205000 un) t 40 fe (1200 mm) If the ttl requuemens fenced 80 (24.000 mm), an ene ler shawls be levoduced, er esabshing the pipe rack wid to sai the pling and cable requirement, the designer mst ‘heck the design forthe accomodation of a cooler Ssuppect. if speaied, and pumps and acess ways be ‘ath the pipe rack The ale cooler peed by tube bse lng ans esublshed arte site sage afin proje. Ie can orerbang te ack ih equally neither sie An air cooler ith» 404 (12000-03) "ube bundle length can be adequately sport on 8 ppp ea hat 35 (10300 mm) wie Pump oy Be locred beneath pipe racks on ei sie of an 2s ay tat 108 (3,000 mm) ide “The boom suppor elevation ofthe main pipe race ‘s dated bythe malenance ad piping Cearonce beneath pipe rack, th ational levels paced t Sf Cano) inenals. On propess wi very large dlameter pling, increasing this dimension to st tleaance sequen shold be consigercd whe pipe eiecion i changed, Emerzal dearanees (ep rer main roads oF esectons wah ote pipe ‘cks) ned clase tention Exhibt 3.20 shows a pipe rack elevation pe ack coniguraions ae diated bythe equp- ‘ment ayut, ste condtions, client eee cd plant economy. The Ideal siuaton would bes Suaghtough arangement, with proces feeds an “ules entering one end athe uni and produce an Sisposls ein the other end The Bal ayo the Pie rack to meet the specie requirements of the rajet could resol na sary of configurations eg HTT 320 ‘ppl Pipe Rack sPiapbet 7, oFU shape), as shown in Exhibit 321. Changes ‘of dgetn in pipe ace mast be accoocated by ‘anges elevation and are usually eal spared about the midpoint ofthe main pipe machen © Sui requred cesances, Pipe acs wan versely structured o housed ‘aces rane be define! easily afr ilies rangement, because he equipment fst oad fn sever levels The vera uns are ual fd by conventional pipe racks at established elevations en tering the sirdcture ata desgated area Once Inigo the stucure, piping shouldbe roted In an odes manner iccoding Yo economic, construc, and Suppoc equremens, Exib 322 cps» pc ROADS, ACCESS WAYS, AND PAVING For mairtenance and sey, he pina aces 10 dom jv ne sy soy os ay te untae km shoul be psn 30 sont tom cone oe man pt roads Ths lows ade space for ich age td fetiging it ond roe hati ts sien sth tes het excnge e bansre eve Arse wh prs soul ep Sided wi er cs oem at eee seo compen a equ ea tor ote rout Cee trendy poet spefiaton sould e pod ner al Ses es was for mobile equipment access, Mest cients equ thatthe equipment atex, the ares beneath the pipe rade and the areae sound buildings be ‘ved with concrete for housekeeping. Exhibit 323 seas piel proces ont road and ping ae rangement BUILDINGS ‘Apa rom buldags that house equipment (com res houses), ts ofen neceay to pon a ‘wo hoses, subsanons ane houses and operator sheers witun te proces ei ater inks Ami Iseauon buldings and warehouses are generally 1 ‘ted away from process un aes, Corl houses tn subaaons are usally Iced athe edge ofthe lu adjacent a plane tend, $0 (15,000 me) from the operaung equipment As seen in Exhiba 32, on Iyzer houses and oper seers shoul be located next 10 the equipment at they serie EQUIPMENT SPACING ‘he previous sections have outing the information required o lose equipment and the general conten, ofthe piel proces un ths sage the plan fy fut destgner should prepare a sketch ofthe ut cm Figucaon and 2 ln ean to conf thatthe eae ment 1 pastloned forthe most fone piping Imerconneaion, The bine run cn be prepared By da FEIT 321 pe Rak Congurtons Baiinrr 322 pial Fpe takin Versa Amangencat al Le suares. aif amin the principal pce piping, shown on the Proce fw igram, ono pin of she plc plas rangement kesh The Binal ep in the plot pin arangement isto Space equipmentandsipponing xis for operate 2d maintenance access, sales, ping Nes 3 Suppor, and paocming equiemens. A hs sage tne out aesigner must rely on expen Pcs ‘he Seal formation ie aoe waable forces. [TT {BOUGHT $25 Typos ces Une Bond ma Pong Arenson ly eat dsances Berscenequipmens or solving nfo: Seen mectantal problems. Te spacing ofthe compo ‘nents sia the unit i an impart exercise rales real esate reqiremenss forthe Fay ad S519 e plelng of he pat lo ed Be basi for he plant yout design ‘Before spacing tne equipmens, ihe yout ésigner ‘races Pt aoa ad Pipe Bo should review the sketched arangement ofthe unto Confirm the met requizements needed for safe and ‘orderly operation ofthe plant. Conlon with po ‘essengineers recommended to aba genera ine Stang Fequremes toe cont spacing lowances At this sage, de designer shouldbe completely iar ‘th the projec spetication requirement for ley i wag ant for operator and maintenance acces na ypc tower ares, depicted in Ei 3.25, the toner and such relted equipment as drums and heat ‘exchangers are loed adjacent othe man pipe rack, ‘eis maintenance acces from the atlary foud The ‘seciated pumps are located beneath of afacet 10 the pie atk and are serced bya cena aces wy. Sell and be heat exchanger can be bested ss {le toms or in pats If the process permis, hey ean be supported vertically or located ia siucures to mec geaiy feed requirements. Vera rebolrs ‘should be supported fom their elneduowers. Mt ple sell heat exchanger operating in series oF Pale ay be sacked tree high if se permis np beneath the pipe rack may, if ss permis, be pe in each bay Compressors and thelr ested equipment re us ally lost i one aes for common operon and Servicing adjacent the mai pipe rack andthe al fay rod. The suaion drum forthe machine should be postioned fr flexibility inthe piping and 1 2 commode orice run requirements Ifthe compres Sor is driven y a condensing urine, sire con denser and condenste pumps are required. Tt Servicing one mache, the condenser ay be located bbeneat the tutbine ft services two oF more, the condenser mst be located acento the machines Senvces. In both eases, space must be provided for Condenser ube bond renova "Te condensate pumps are usually vera pumps ‘Daun 325 ‘ype Tower Ares sone ube Remou Toute peop AeA | tee < | = ai tat wae fects sae e T <2 HR ei conse Puurs etctiipoo Woe TNS RSE fone! Sone 'Ip DiaMereR excHANeR FLANses+i6Y/ 460 Bc) 2.400 Te lola! tooo fh Cam Onmerees+ Al-ol/\2o0 it ORM DIAMETER + a EXCHANGER OUMETER Paloijeg Vopenared Acero B-1919 Foe C1 mG Ano contmoes Moist Foe FLEXIBILITY ANGERS Pions #consreors and should e located as clase wo the condeser as _compeessr and ston dom Adee space should Pessible 0 suit fxbliy inthe piping and erteal__ be provided around the compresto and turbine for removal pace. The lube oil console should belocaed the installation of plavorm and saiese Ifthe fi as close © the comprestor as possible wih cnere_Ay housed, a drop area mus be rove’ Exbe Sccess onal sles of the skid wih Space to emawe 3 26ilustaes pra compressr area arangement the cole tube bundle fiers and pumps. Inrange Air cooks, shown in Exhibit 327, ae Beneally ‘coolers, needed, should be located aac othe _suppored rm the central pipe sak acer o ett Ta rand ae Ke nina le o'/thco G0" \Boo MmiMuM 2x6 + 184/50 sce esulpmen and are servic platforms atthe Trader bones and beneath thea coces for motor rainerance. Care should be taken postion ait ‘roe allow flexi for inrerenanesting piping -Apootly postioned overhead condenser could result ‘alsin age cna ameter pine and exe ‘Sve soppons. nes frase wih fe Hee ater ‘fray, pumps containing, tnlcctbons and operat ing higher tan soit condos should ox be ry Eslevunper eemoat + i2"/soo Be located directly beneath ar coolers. Space sould be salable on the plot plan for malenance aces BF ‘mobile eranes for removal ofa cooler be bundles Pornacs should be led ta safe dance and pin fom unclated equipment containing ho- ‘rons. Steam droms or deaeratr an be fost 36 Fequled for operon and maintenance. Reaors an be located caer 1 frnaces than ther equip containing hydrocarbons as longs adequate sce 5 [MINT 529. Subsea Win the Pnes How Dagan MOUTHA tos Eee pemiaee: leenctoe supsystem NAPUTHA dypaeree sree provides for cals loading and vnloaing Ext 5528 shows a pial frace ar, SAMPLE PLOT PLAN ARRANGEMENT. ‘The following illstrted examples show the various sacs in arranging 3 naphtha hydeotezer unt and idem the prooes sebotems within the proces flow ciara (Eehbe 329), the Ital rangement es etch ofthe unit (Exit 330), the ine run check (Exhibe 331), and the fina pox plan arrangement (exh 330) “This chapter has highlghed Some ofthe principal fesures involved in the arangement of process equipment with regard 10 operation, maintenance, ‘onsructbiliy, safety, and economies Subsequent ‘Supers deal mith the needs ofeach eauipmene tem In more dell, thesebyclfering gree insight to Proper equipment location on plot plan ora ‘roe Plt yan ip Do [BUMBIT 3-52 fst Px Pan Arangenne Pidy Above Ly a = came wee] oe ae gouge gee] ye arin roeanenare Fu awnun Plot PLAN ‘roca lt ayo and png Sompeessoc machines ae se oleate the pres- sure of gas by mechanically rehcing ts volume thins ease Ars mos requersy empress ut satcal gas, oxygen, and nkrogen are alo. com: pressed. oxkive placement, cen fal and ax Compressors ae the tree mest common Hes used rn proces ties and pipelie satons. They cn ane lage vlumes of gs in relately small equ iment and ay fave a variety of des (eg, electric ‘sors ad steam or utes). “This chapter focuses on the wo mos common pes of compresors—ceiligl nd postive ds placement lo known a5 eeiprocaing, Cena hachines can be siagle sage’ or mulistage. High ‘peed ipl incease the netic eee he, Omer this energy ito higher presses 2 ‘ergent ult passige called a fiser. Large volumes {gs are compressed to moderate presses in ce ‘rigs! machines. Posie dsplacemay, o-receo. ‘xing. compressors can aso be single sage ot mul ‘age They are usually ofthe eiprocing piston pe tnd are the only compressors tha can compres gt ‘ouemely high pressures. Cenfugal and reiproca. CHAPTER Compressors ing compressors ae avalible in many snes phys Calconfguraions These machines which can be wed wid a varesy of sunlany equipment, are usualy Aven by seam orgs uebines or by eect motors hie 1 shows a surface condenser mounted lve below the turbine. This arrangement i used when the condenser is designed to service on one ‘team turbine. The arangement shown n exhib #2 Isgenerally used when several tubes ae existing limo one condenser. Exhibit 43 shows the marcus compressor stems and te reciprocals ‘AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Ceneritgland reciprocating compresons and thie ives require avai of asia equipmest 0 sup ‘or thei operon. The equipment fr these com pressor is desebed inthe folowing sections be ol consoles Compressor bearings seeie i Dean ol from the lube ol console (Exh 44, ‘These consoles may ether stand alone or be mounted | Grade-Mounted Centrifugal Compressor ‘with Electric Metor Drive Pa. | ais ». Grade-Moumted Cenwitigal Compressor ‘with Gas Turbine Drive recy cot the compressor frame. Seal ol consoles ‘The tale seals fost atthe jute en af he compressor sha, cee cl mn the sea ol consle (Exhibit #5). The veal ol ip. ‘eat mit be coafgured asa console or maybe de signe individual pecs of equipment Surface condensers Surface condensers (Extibit 45) reduce gas or vapor ta lguld by reovig est ‘Once suleient heat eliminate, lagen oxcurs Foes Pant ayo and ing De Condensate pump The condensate pump (Exhibit ‘which s usualy vere emoves the condensate from the hot wel inthe surface condenser. conden sate foems during iquefaction i the condensers xl inthe hs well Alr blowers Usaly motor den these central fan machines (Exhibit 48) deve tes alr ool he ‘eternally housed elec motors Alu ths ai delivered to the motor through cts, exh may ‘be set ect fo the compressor house ort the Z Hlevated Centrifugal Cor wide Gas Turbine Drive ‘and Waste rapressor ‘Heat Recovery System pulemaspopees — coMeasreee ere wee, — ge. if galdd | 4 Recirvcting Compresior with Hlecre Motor Driv: snpresior ‘Outdoor installation «. Reciprocating Comprestor with Electric Motor Deve: {indoor lastallation ‘paar 63 syems Cond ‘Procen Plt ayo ding ‘outset ina cts Not al electric motors win hove require hs cooing act Ine ir ters Gas turbines require lage amounts ‘of can filtered ai for operation The ers (Exhic 445) canbe extremely large. When postioning 3 ga tuctne- driven compress, the plant ypu designee Should be avare of the posible variations in oie tionofthe isletand outer doting as shown in Exhibit a0 ‘The opimom ile ducting arrangement shown in xhbi 410s a parallel plane withthe gs bine, ‘which 6a posnt Ain the exhibit Someties, how fe the avilable space adjacent 0 the gas tubine Andale filer doesnot permis dhs opium arange- ten, and aermane jus must be cosired Rt dina ars and lenght he ner doing ean de ‘rade he machine's efficiency and oveal eanomncs Wosher ar ink duc schemes (eg. B,C, D, oF £) in Exhibie 410 are considered, + brief say shoul! be ‘oadused to obain an agreement by all principals, including the equipment engiees, the engneeting ‘manager the vendor, and the cen. The extaus 2s duct asa theoretical 190 cecargeorenaion range Dutis usually star he le op, origi, shown as FG, and Hin xh 410 ‘Waste heat system Waste hese systems (Exh 411) ‘ake hoc exhaus gas from gas trbines and put hi outlet temperatures, ranging from 80° 0 1200" F (426° 650°C, ose in various a, Thro con vecton,k maybe use to enerste seam oe 0 est Ol which maybe wed ass hesing mad. Compressor suction drumnackout pot Because compressors require dey gas tuts fee offre Compronon ‘races lt ajo ad ig Bt a ices, es necessary o pas the ink gas hough a Sason drom or knockout pe (Exhibit 12) This ‘el removes mostute and panicles fom the gas by fing through a demiaer sree, wich bead It below the outlet moze Fsation dampenervolume bottles The sgpaie fects of vation on the feof reioeating com rssors and asocted piping ca be minimized by the we of paleion dampeners (Eno 413). The pulsation dampeners ar sted by the compressor ver ‘or and ae mounted dey ont the apace ao dle Higher pressure on the oulet side, hich i sub jen greaterpultaon and baton, sus onthe Pattom ofthe oyinder. can be hell down more erly bocate fis locked clove 1 grade. Volume Ines ace alo used to reduce vibion, They ae leoed downstream ofthe discharge palssion dap ‘rer and are sna to snubber bt donot hve sich ‘eras 3 afl or choke ees. CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS: NOZZLE ORIENTATIONS Horizontal Spli-Case Compressors ‘The selecin of single stage ce mlsage horzonal selcase compressor may depend on the design of fe compressor oc preference ofthe roze location ‘o sulla paral: lau If gradenounted cor pwsor i planned the ideo ap onexation ay be eced, whereas the bottom connenos ae gener: Aly wed foe elevated compressors. During ane tance, the top hal ofthe compressor cs is emoved Dylitigs versal and away from the botom ase Bye This configuration is ied for chemi pero ‘Semicl ndunial nd proces a bigot and [nghsolune and lwo medium presi gas service seplcaions. Exhibit 414 shows the wtauons of 2 ono spicae compressor. sete | jimi ‘Vertical Spli-Case Compressors Ext 415 ilsrates how this appliewion can come wh op oF botom creations on the nozaes. Tayou preference ditates the slozion, Removal the coor asembly & through the oat end of te feampeesor, aay fom the diver the compressor ‘ete sopplies the ema dstance ode plant ‘ur designer This design sed for Gali reo: ing, 8 conversion and represuraing, proces crocs, refrigeration, and highest, low-volume ‘rhigh-oume, low-pressure ga ericespcasons. More than one comresor case my be hooked wn tandem ce Exide 426). ‘TYPES OF COMPRESSOR DRIVES. letie motor From a layout standpoint, elec motors eqie the lest aout sformation 10 ‘roc Pant apo and in Dv [BRB 615 Versa Spe Ge Compras suppor a comprehensive design adequashy Informs Aon s needed regarding the motors peal dimen Sor, lrgest component, weight 1 be maintained, andspectl cooling equicement a Exon 17 Shove a ypla elec motor. Stem turbine There are wo kinds of atm cue bins—back pressure ae condensing. ick pressure turbines are den by high-pressure steam and do not equie surface condensers Condensing turbines ate ‘ually den by low-pressure seam Steam ines are surreally popular because they can conver ge amount of heat energy ino mechanic ork very ‘ficently, The propulsion fore is applied del the aang clement and not throigh a series of Uns sand ams. The eam turbine also ts aw vibration Teel and few moving pars that requie eamtenance. Fil, the turbines range of speed i ery wide som: vendoe turbines ate ted from 10 100000 hhonepower: Noncondersng turbines are physically smal than comparable condensing unis because fewer tunes are need o let down seam tha ae = Jone hea drop. A ype seam turbines shown she 418 Gas turbine_ Selection of gas bins like anyother dive sytem, based on economics, The sally of gas m such remo aeas as desens and ofsioe lars makes ia prime source of power fn these Tocaions Gas turbines are weed In vnous apples ‘ios ieluding gs transmission, gsi gud pam Ing, gi reinection, and proces compressors At compresed inthe gas turbine by the cet coe ombustr in which lis wjaced through nosis ‘The wanton dct iets the ox sno gs ene stor urine, whic in tum dees the compresior The hot as ducted ito a power turbine and csharged through an exhaust difuser The exist ga, which generally ranges beeen 800" and 1.200" F 2620 ‘50°C, soem wed for stesm genestion an for Noe oil sens, Exhibe 419 shows 2 yp 3s bine LUBE OM. SYSTEM ‘The primary function of the Ibe oil cone & 10 supply cna, ool beeing ito the bering of the ‘compres ands deve. The console i pata of ‘ulpme, which Is supplied bythe compresor ven dor and usually acades anol sero, to puss (a prinary and a spare), Hers or iter eemenss Ina dopleeype atangement, cooler and sociated conto. pial abe ol console is ehawninExhbit 4420: When placing a lube oil console around con presto, the designer must adhere to cleaner ‘urement fr operation and malaennce of the uni. Fit. thee shouldbe sficen om tn rere he baler tbe Bundle Second, the space required to pall he fier elements must be considered there fan be mp physical obstruction over the Aes that, “cs Pa aoa and Pg i night resus thee removal. Third, whe the wit wil be exposed to severely cold temperatures, 2 hein coil placed below the tank ht rele te ‘nce and must be pulled dear ofthe tank xc {£21 shows a pial le ol console piping and in ‘erumenztion dram, and Exe 42 dass 9 type drain ine routing fom the compressor to the lube oll esenoir ake SEAL OM. SYSTEM ‘The sea oil system supple ol tothe bya sels ofthe compressor, which are osted at the outer ends ofthe sha aa constane temperature and presse ‘The ol escping the low-pressure side ofthe sea turns tothe reso and is recirslted. Oi escaping Through the highpressure side passes trough soot fl aps to the seal oil degassing tank ‘There are Wo pes elo Sem: gravity and pressuried The grave-eed seal ol sem reservaie Is mounted above and in view ofthe compressor, ‘shot elation i st by te compressor vendor The sour ll tps canbe imageal wah the label conse Shido laced on a sepante sl The presuried {eal ol tem i 3 pumparcund falty whose com fears are Iingal tothe Ibe cil convclesled or ‘mounted ona separate skid If component a ‘mounted ona separate ski, plement st accor rmodate seal console operation and maitenance, ‘panterr cz [be Of Drain Rousing tanieo> oe eT [GUT 425. Sel OU Teak Ecsion te 25 with fhe lube oll console, On seme compressor Systems, a wland condenser i equtes it shuld be Iceaed dose othe compresor. yer: eagering supplies Information reguriag the elena and ‘ber teculrements of seal oop. Salo hellites fare not required for eecprocaing compres. ‘rece lant jon and in Di bit 4.25 shows sal lank location, a Exhibit 4424 hows a gence piping snd inramentaton die ‘gram of Sal al console ‘SURFACE CONDENSERS AND ‘AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Ssurfice condensers are usd in conjuction wit con Gensing steam turbines tha deve lage cena feompresiors As depiced in Eahiba 425th exist steam enters the tp of the condenser and pases "hough the tell which elle with tubes Cold we ter is pumped through the mbes while hot exhaast condense ess and cols in the bot well the bbatom ofthe condense. Exh 425 shows piping arrangement spall TERRY 36 Slice Condenser and ‘caixy Eup found around surace condensers. The condensate that coll ia the hot wells pup ut anus a the peneraion ofstam elsewhere inthe punt evel contol, whlch & mounted onthe side ofthe hot ‘wel acts the conrl valve downsteam of the ‘pump wren the condensate aches a specie! the hot wall A wet por vert sta Ce the pay ‘sing bck othe condenser shell tobe gai. line conmcied othe exhaust seem let vented © "roc Pant ayo and Piping Do the aumospere trough a safe valve, Condensate s piped downstream ofthe valve and creates water Seal on the valve to maintain the vac presue the stem Besar pul addtional wet vapor fon the condenser, As sem If ino the end of he etn, the low-pressure et vapor i sent to the nceaiet tunwenses, wheve aol Ijueaeon tes place through convection with cold water When the steam ‘wap sled with condense, ic opens andthe higher essere onthe iter fer condenser sends the con ‘Sans ack tothe ot wel in the sortie condenser Equipment Location and Elevation ibe 427 tstrtes how primary peccess consider ‘atbes govern tbe elevation of the surice condenser del some oft aula equipment Bese 2 pump {eyed to remove the condensate rom the bt wel, the pump ne postive suction head (NPS) mst be ‘ised to operate sso. Venkl pumps are feerally Usd inthis application becuse the NPS egirement calculate fom the bat of the Toner unpelerfor vera pumps, compared wah the ‘énerine ofthe ile aozle for horsontl puns. Seting the elevation af the ser afer eondense, ws aly located wo de ide ofthe sure condenser, can ‘be done wan fewer restrictions. Te boom of the Incrafer condenser sell mast ot emote han 3 ft ‘G20 ma) below the condenste rrr nozzle on he Sie ofthe hoe well The plant aout designer is then fet Sethe elevation 3 hgh as neces. ‘COMPRESSOR MAINTENANCE Conipessorinsalnons and most oder equpment ray be led ees In open ares ofthe pat or in sExictures tht ave rot only acuain wal or are ‘ompletely enced. For the pant you designe, ‘lent preference and climate coins ae the tw Primary considerations tha determine ce inclusion ‘leompeessoe sheers The fc tat miclnes may be tether eleated or grade mounted crests a vary of ‘tintenance problems forthe plan out designe. Compressor Maintenance Versus ‘economies though operation and sles ae impr and must ‘be Incorpraed inthe design of any iy, sie ance a economle fctors mist abo be cosiered ‘sen in compressc are plan. When dealing with 2 Tocaonalspliccaecenefugl compressor, he plant designer mist determine wether the compeese Should be elevaed or grade mounted. Alough = fracemeunted machine sis on 2 relate ow con (ete pd wih iste oi console dose by, ts 2 rangement abo has ts price Suton and discharge Ping exer and exts te compeesoe ese fom the {op which meane tae piping most be removed to pevorm penealainenanceon orion piese Facies When «condensing trbin used a he tive or sucha machin, the exaspping, hh tlso rum overhead, must be remove The Suppon Stel vei for tp connected compressors ge craly more eens, and K must be placed 4 at ‘aitenance ofthe machine noc hindered Toran elevated compressor wilh condensing te bine deve, the conpresion scion an dictarge (th snge sage or usage) and the exhaust or leton the whine remain in place during general antenance Alhough an eletated sroctre requires 2 eae inital capa expendaure, the on seeam fine over the life ofthe plan wil be greater because ‘fshoner maintenance umaround ashore daw Maintenance Impact on Shelter or Structure Size Exh 428 lusts how compresor manenance fects the sae ofthe sheer or seucure AsOURY ‘operon aces alten determines Door space © (alremens, the eight of 2 comprestor house 1 Sits finctlon of maintence. Coasequedyte siz ofthe maiouenance area mus permit the pest "tne em to pas nostrud fm ane end of te Dulko the her and should be seta lose the ‘peraing levels psle The eerie elevation of the fol ha allows all ems to pass thogh the Imainenance aren mat be se. ThE hook elation a ls the maximum ite fad determines he depth of theteolley beam. The eleaion ofthe buildings eave |sthen se by allowing suficin space forthe vein cane o traverse the length ofthe bung a well 35 forts rotine malnenance. Maintenance Considerations for ‘No shelter ‘when developing a compress layour tat doesnot requitea seucure or shelter, the designer mus allow 24st room for mobile handing equpment ot Sn tom, rae clear al obsrucions (naan re cant montors, and ight pes), andback aay or sig ito where canbe placed on anther vehicle Euhb 429 ilusraes « grademountel cusp coapesior with no sheer. This Insllation i usualy dhe easiest 19 malin beause all dhe eomponens maybe removed th role equipment If posible, the engine Co. Baus «29 te Conroe er I trscor should be informed of the ype of motile equipment the dient wil use, 38 wel a6 ing “agai, © develop the opium compresor yout For tp-coneced horaaal specae compressors, break Manges must be provided i he piping ello the removal of the 19 fal ofthe compressor cae “he isan in Exhibit 430 i 88 ope side survtre wah a oot Component esl maybe a Compiished by mobile equipment ors eavelng cane Adequate room mest be planned for removing the largest component bo in the level I (gia ‘mounted and level elevated) nso. “The compressor arangement in Exhibit 431 & ‘rain wall srucure wah four ses, open lor the ‘Operating level to heght of 8 & (2400 em) This rangement is often found in cemperte climates Maintenance is accomplished wih teeing crane ‘The drop zone for the equpet maybe wn ‘ouside the shee if the drop zope i ouside the she, emorable panes mst be furnishes and ise tie or the tout drawings. "The arrangement In Exhibit 432 is an oven le ‘sted instalation, Component removal my be com ple with mobile equipment oe 3 taveling gary ‘ohh ies on two ralls slong ele side othe ma Chine. Astrcture must be pended to eazy be ras bt to the equipment drop zane Trace la apo and Pipa TEx 40 vated Consiga Compre Opened Scere ‘The arrangement lusrated n Esibi4 28 for an tented. mulicompressor stucure it can be equipped wth curain wall oc tolly closed. ‘rar aes ous he planed ery th et ge permitany machin tobe mantaind without tc Ing the ibn or component ofthe other compres sexs. The maintenance sequence fra mulcompres- ‘Baumer so arrangemeat & shown in Exhibit 433 and is ¢ The tem i lowered w grade, where malcerance ‘ented follows: smay be performed, or Seton 2 fabed tuck for ‘emo See egos ee Fase tough the cles maintenance ee ae on mae te a oes + is brovate to the drop 2one above be cperating Foor ewe Ifthe cet prefers to maitain he component onthe Comprar ‘recent ao al ir Bs ET 433 Wancmnee Soperce 1 cet te mine ee an pe gh we 1 en og he op oe Be 1 epee gon seh em ‘Secon emp i, oH rc) ‘Some ed cor a operating deck level, an adequate area must be po "ded and he srucurlengineers mst be pied oF the sie and weigh othe ages et tha wil be st ‘ont the deck Maintennce of reoprucaing campresiys for ‘open and enclosed inealltion Is shen En {S50 Alu fi common 4 tse permanene an ding faces (eg wneling cates) fo eclne allaions, another option asl, we roca tengincersprorde removable pants in theron ro The equpment maybe used aiatecompancat remo “othe import eau exuding reciprocating compeesor maintenance shown i hi 435.8 eat area must be prowded in ie wth ech con resorajinder to permit elder remoral the mainenance cyte. The area between «6 ma chines mus be common for bth inde. ‘COMPRESSOR ARRANGEMENT. AND LOCATION No Shelter Because many accepable varasons of cena compressc azea are posible, the version presente in Fahubt 436 most be explained. Bre the arcs Includes three cena machines wit separate lube ol consoles (ten by condensing steam to. Dies) ew0 inter coolers three scion drums, i ‘ce condenser, and two vertical condensate pups ‘Because there are the condensing steam tries ‘operating at low seum pressure, minimizing the Teng ofthe exhaust ine t0 the surface condenser should be one of theft goals 2 layout designe en ‘ders The suice condenser located ps othe South ofthe eompressr operat pation The be Ol console for compresot 1s lected to ie Wes: of the surtace condense, which penis the ren Ene to dein tothe ol reservoir without cbxracion Con Sequel the area det east ofthe sutace con Comprosors ‘maar ce secre Cropresor Op ‘ra a aa ad Pi Ds Tear 436 engl Conger ‘denser can be ws to ll the tbe bundle. “The vera condensate pumps ae located ust 0 tte south ofthe condenser and shoul sacle the ‘nterline ofthe ot well oer ale. The dance Derween the condenser ad the pumps i dicated by pump operaion and msinteance reqiremens 33 ‘well as piping lex "The Suction dems fr compressor and 2 are lected along the equipment line justo the west of ‘he operating plavorm Of, the out Une ofthe ‘ston drum to the compresor con nozzle re (ques w meter with sraght run ler upstream {id downseam, This rangement permits he Pa ‘al configuration ofthe ine to sts he eter ow Feyurement. "The imexconler fer compresioe 1 6 located at sae below the phaorm, mith cle acces 10 the south fore removal The lube ol console for com pres 2 lose just to the east ofthe compeeson 3 ‘rade love below the operating platform, I there Ineuficent room wo maintain the console, removable ‘ating must be provided atthe operaing lator Tevel which profiis any chor use foe ths Se ‘Compressor 3 has an intercooler mounted recy below the machine, whieh s supplied by the vendoe ‘Aaa, ample acess must be peowed for tate re ‘oral The lube oil console for compres 3 is o- ‘ted jus outside and clea ofthe operating plaform tothe eas Again, fee desing ol eur new the onsale mast be povided The con dram for om presor 31 onthe equipment line te east of he ‘peratingplator ‘Access othe operating plaorm isby vo slays sopposte ead ofthe ar allowing emerge ex Gomaresors ‘Baur 637 econ Cmprenoe hes: Toahy "ach mactne asa cont panel ht placed along the north edge of the operating plaorm Beawse tec no sheker over this pacar ae ll major rtrnenance fs handled by mi equipment Enclosed Structure The arrangement shown in Exhbit 437 cons of ttvce dlearie motor-den recprocaing compres sors aswel as ae blowers, ston des mt ook fs, conte! panels and ne lobe al console. Bcsse the comprasrs are 0 ferent scm, the cet Imozrs hae been lined upto permithe Romer sipoly Conduit w ran strug eas and wes, reqarle of ‘Praca Plat yon and Piping DR ‘whether irons dre below the operating platform or below grace Compressor 1 has three liners with 2 separate lube oil console dha Toate dey 1 the noth, below the operating platform. A removable secon of the pharm should be provided for maintenance shove te unit This area must be kept clear of a0) ‘bstrssion Compeesiors 2 and 3 are tential fourcinder machines aha integral ube ol cones outed rey on the compensa Fach comprar has a conte pane! loca long the noth wa. ‘area along the north compressor wal is ce serve foe the valve stems, which ae located below the Moor and exend oa dance of approninatey 3 (1.000 am) above the patoem Noor sleeper hans ‘estand west outside the noc wall forall compressor in which bates great deal beats of rcp {ag compresior operon and therelore must be ru a dle w gaade as posible. Ihe operating ‘ates ae loca ouside the Budo, 4 clk stould be provided wo allow acces urn operation ‘he sucion drums. and intercoole ae Hoested acs rom the leper aes Inacoully encased bldg all compressor aia ‘erence is handled by eaveling cane. The operating oor stops one bay before the es wall which alone foc drop zone for mintenance, Mable equipment stb rough otis re om the south oe eas Rol-up doors are generally provided fxs purpose Eich of the three cleric motors requis fom the ouside cool the maior. lee mets win boldings do sot always require this typeof cooling Acces othe operating area of ths Sutures 6- complished by sairway and doors alg the aonh ‘wall boh athe west end and close othe east end and ‘nthe souh walla he west end. An atonal si ‘ya the est end permits operators or msiateoance ‘one o enter the drop zone oc to ances the area ‘nfer the operating oor ELEVATIONS OF MACHINES ‘Ths secon deals wath the problems tat most Be dese when the elevation ofboth england Feoprocaing compeesiors ae set Wen separate Ibe oll eonsles ae used, 3 fee drainng line rom ‘he machine to the lube oll sero mus be man. ‘aed Ceneeifagal Compressors The ype of driver and associated equipment tems 36 ‘wel a he righ run requirements ofthe compres sor ne piping are de major Eos that the a levation ofthe machines Eibes 38 and 439 ds. trae te following + Arangement A shows batom mounted naz, + Arrangement B shows top mused noes + Avtangement shows a surice condenser mounted ect blow te turbine wich common when foal one wrbine is beng sensed + Arrangement D shows atop sozle dt alows the ‘ehasst steam line to run to 4 surface condenser Servicing multiple turbines 2 shown in Exhibit 2 By seleing compressor arangemeat Aor 8 and placing is mach ine again the webine mach ine Srrangement C or D, a designer can review the go" ering err for seting machine elerations (se Ex ‘iit 44) In addtion, consideration must be given 2 miscellaneous equipment (eg, 28 shown in arange tent dof Ext 438) Reciprocating Compressors Reciprocating machines ae located as close to grade 2 posible Because of the extreme worn fn the pling system. Tis xnimum elevation is esublchad by the allowing steps that desrbe Exhibic 44 1, Sleeper—Usuly stat 121018 (30020450) hove grade, 2, Header sae—Bsublshed on the piping aint ‘mention diagram, 3. Minimum distance required 10 eer the healer with the largest line and rom the compressor. 4: The pulston dampener—Designed bythe com presor vendor. 5 Minimum clearance required berween the amp. fener and oor ee 6 Maximum depth of Door stele by the sr. tual engine = ross Pt oat od Pipa es Srpencae _Arangnent caval by "panbrr 440 ret for Seting at rae mur rages ‘gure og mt ‘panier ea Sting Heaton of Koc 7 Dimesion fom the centerline ofthe denen 1 the face ofthe nozale—Se by vendor |. Bortom of the compresor baseplate 1 te cen ‘erineof the compressor shaft by the vendo. INTER: AND AFTER-COOLERS Imercookes Coolers ate primarily sed o ceduce the operaing temperate within 9 comme et fy whic allows the se of salle tachie ath fewer cyners. These cooles may rary in soe and ‘ype eg, shell and ube a cooler, std Usute) and ‘roses Pat eat and PS Fr shold be leas close tothe compressor as pic tia In some reciprocating compreso arrangements, the coolers may be mounted on and direct over the compeesor by the enor, bat they are usually Io. ‘ate! by the engineering canvacr tose 1 the ma ‘hine or sage suction drum. Exhibit 442 shows & cena compressor wi ts iner cooler and iter. connecting ping between sages a spied by the ‘vendor. BEM 4 shows a reciprocation comes Ser wih al componente inciting the ner cone, Supplied seprataly by the conescor, Further refer nee © ts can be seen in Exhibit 436, where the Imercooler to compressor 1 mounted separately at fnde, parle w the compressor shat. The iter {ole to compressor 3 is mounted a sade perpen bela to the ceeelne of he sta ed sipped bythe vendor Atercoolers Atercoolers are sed w reduce the ‘operating temperature of the fs when leaves the fonpeesior, whether i comlnues tough addons Drees equipment oc enters 2 pipeline in which i nus have specs temperate Arcos may Be located farther away om the compressor dan shown Jn she 437 becuse the prmary piping does not enento the cooler. Exhibit 4-4 show pal fr fol piping and istumenaion gam. HOUSING AND PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS \Wten a compeesor is covered—partly 0 tty endosed by a seler or srucure—many elements Seermine how the lout mast be apached. The facore to consider a * operation ~The plant operons pesonne need ‘om wo walk safely around the machi. They aus. Fave acess ales, ches, and gauges and must beable to sce all gauge, lighs, and Gils on the conic! panel + naintenance—All principal companens 10 be re moved during maor maiienance must be ale to te lied by the traveling crane, surg ler 0 the clear aea (desiguted in Exhibit #33), and ee ‘moved from te bul + Cate condons—Insaladon in temper ci sates may ete only roof tht prondes Led Rotection fom the element In warmer mates, 2 Fan wal rset right pesion 8 ‘in wall has complet root and feds Oa «te pen fom the operating eel to shegt of 8 (G00 mm). The roa blocks the sun ems ofthe [BUUBIT $42 Gonna Congesor wih Inve Cooter and png Berecen pes Reeth. ANTE2coolez (ecveuner) ay whl allowing cooler breezes wo passthrough the structure. Ti nsallaion may also be wed in eas with significant rainfall Tol enclosed src ‘ares ae usualy provided in severly cold cartes + Safey—The housing musth easy access throvgh ‘ut, ample venation as protection from poten Gangerous gas lea, an a suficent sumber of oors and Seva in the ext ofan emergeny + Bconomice—The are side the busing shouldbe large enough 10 sais all other factors ad 90 larger, unless specifically requested by a cles 10 accommodate foure equipment within te Stu Esti 445 shows how to sz a bing, regard Jess ofwhst ype of machine used the example or FSRIRE (48 4 ston mprmr A cena gas compresoe. The elemens tobe sed de dscused in the following sections Foot elevation The operating oor elevation i lablhed by making ll andar allowances around and abore equipment and providing the usa head oom below all hoon ppg rns ad ond, 28 shown by blocks E and F and Exiba 45. ullding width The width ofthe building exab lished by Fis lowing space fr the age compre sor tain There mst be adequate room hereen the Seam rine. lube oll dean piping. a any mle resus png tat may be sranged song the adres sll at shown by block Cn Exit 448 Ae com Trees Plant pot ing Bo |EGUBIT 444 Ater Cole png a lsramenaton Dla lf foa__ set | | 30 aa eeaeeeal resor end there must be suifcient coom forthe ‘Operators and any routine eienance, as shown in ‘block although te operator most have acesto the front of he corto panel, may aso be necessary 10 allow accesso the Fear othe pane for maintenance, Shown 8 clesranceD. Bulking elevation ‘The elevation ofthe busing farther exablished by dering the se fhe clea maintenance area (shown a8 X By) This rea must accommodate the ares single pec toe mained 24 minim eleetion show all operating Noor ‘quirements, shown 2s deatace & The aterm rratenance area may be used if ths area lest Uhroughout the lng ofthe basing ook centerline eeraion The lyout designe de termines the centerline cletion ofthe Hook. The ‘maximum ied lo mus be supplied to the sue tural engineer iting contro sf ths ore traveling crane: The eae cleation fen set fom the bass of te clearance ofthe ene slot ‘Baus 5 GENERAL COMPRESSOR LAYOUT “Ts secon highlights addtional euro conser inthe design ofa centrifugal o reciprocating com reso lsyout There are many ways to develop 3 fempeesor yout, but certain aspects of these a ‘kes dicate how best to approach a ces ts opt sars operation, maintenance and safer whl adr ing to economi equiements ‘Centrifagal Compressors: Inlet Piping ‘Wah higher compressor veloties and suing seeds, the plant tjout designer mu give preter ‘onsderation othe compresor inlet Ine. The ASME over et code requires «minimus of tee dame- tes of sraight run piping beeen the elbow and the Ink nazale Often, however, such aos as gas velo es, molecular weigh, and temperature must be com ‘ceed forthe optimum yu AD equipment eng ner should be consulted atthe oust 10 develop 2 Tre cave fy equiement. The preliered design ‘one in which the horzoatal runs prael othe com ‘pressor sha a shone sn avngemert A of Exhibie 2456 (in hese examples, tis assumed that the com ‘reso inlet sie le 12 In and the the required imension for ths particular gs compressor Is for ‘ameers) The compressor elevaion can be affected bythe vanous ayous. Ashe fate that could nf ‘ice Selgh ran requirements tbe need 1 ine sesh ster int the pas rear lean campeeson blades, as show in Exh 47 ‘Suction Line Strainers Compress suction lines must be fc of an fran panicles ht could damage the internal ofthe ma: hie. Staines ae inal in the ines ine bere the block vate andthe compressor inlet acale Aer the unit as been on seam for seme time, the san are normaly removed. Shou the sane be the pemanent pe, 2 deanout connecion ‘must be Ed 10 remove sy rapped foreign mater ding # Shuxdown ofthe compres. Exhbie 48 tusvaes to such pplicaons Break-Out Flanges Al lines 0 compressor that must be cemoved for ‘maintenance ofthe compresor OF Stine removal ‘must havea of fages inthe ine in akon the See atthe compressor noe. Ext 49 saws one line wah 2 bliin ena set of anges 3 the Shut salve and another line for which flanges mut be Ikled besause there are ao oer flanges nes the compressor case 86 wWiceo & fee Us Elites gp execu’ lemcavnays lemoeavee! Flat ont and Pig Besa Miscellaneous Piping Connections ‘Te plan layout designer must review both the eng neering contractor and the vendor piping and st ‘ovation dlagrams to ensure tat all connections Tune been piped up by one ar the othe Primary opemting valve accesibilty All gprs sate oc the operating platform around the machine aes that are pysaly oo of reach my be made 87 ‘Bauer o7 ‘Sater jection sccesible through extension stems or cain oper (ors EXhb 450 shows Some ofthese virions High-Pressure Steam Inlet Piping To streamline the high-resure, hightemperatse steam alt piping othe turbine, the plant aout de tiene should review the compressor outing dawn, to cate the neutal axis A this pointe turbine anchored to the sel frxme AS depicted in Exe TBOMBIT £50 Oparaing Vave Acces ‘race Mad Layout and Pigs ea 451 locating the line ance coset this point en bles the designer to generate a layout witha min ‘um amount of leg, hereby sang the sess and Aexbltyrequremens i ths particle sem. Straightening Vanes ‘when the sight un onthe in piping is ess han desired. 1 sraghtening vane. may be Inglled © Sstoat he flows and inrove the compesso peroe ‘mance These vanes mus bein acordance mith ASME Sc American Gas Association andarde use a anes can be tolerated, she lng for any arrangement (as Hisar in Bib 446) can be died by fur Reciprocating Compressor Piping Poorly designed reciprocating. compressor piping ‘causes polation thar can ede machine copay and Irerease horseponer requirements Line design sould be simple and rus 3 low to grade posible to faite soppoc. Once the compressor Dip has bun designed, the propored cairo i sub fected 10 a analog study that ay be done by the vndor or an independent esting laboratory. Simo aed by eleaical ecu this analog sudy ies patently damaging aecousie or passion problems ‘ering the devan phase of the pre, eliminating Inger repalr and redesign coms ther die Line Branches [Albranches should be located clase te line support ‘sneneter posible Any sich connections sould be Teas 452 located on the top ofthe piping 0 mininize any po ‘ental Nquid carr-aver. EShIDE 452 shows pel braeh connestions Compressor Pipe Supports Ebi 458 lasras howto minimize the wansmis son of damaging erations hy tlrng th ines ors from aljaent compressor or bulking found Hons, operating foo see, or bling Faring Drain Piping Ample dan piping must be provided on scion and charge piping 10 avoid iid cary over im the ‘lindas On mulistage machines, care must ken ‘st thedeata header system os pips pa low ‘resure dain ino a highest header Doing $0 forces te higher pressure quis i the lover pres. sure lndes. Compressors have sal aunts 2 eaoge tthe sling box, which ual picked Up inthe dizance piece beween the gine! andthe cankeae. Gait datance pieces are used for such ‘mars materials as hydrogen The piping and in “Paces Pt Laon od Piping De -srumenation dlagram should be caefly reviewed to ensure tht all ens and dens are propery de ened. "Tis chapter tas gen tbe plan aout designee a sari of possible solitons to successfully develop 3 ‘comprehensive compressor jou. Maximizing ef ‘fency while minimising gia pal expendiures nd angoing msitenance coms is 4 demanding ask ‘The dove eoordinaion and cooperaion cf equipment and sstom engineers, an understanding the he's reed and preferences, and desire cenit ae all ‘necessary elements wo achieve ths geal Ceverally, drums ae ini hollow sel vesels {Gd in proces plans sitermediate sonaines hat ‘ete gid ron distilaion and condensing equ ros. Drums also collec liquid fom vapor circus 228 pump it 19 other proaess groups, spas, of ‘dtc sore. They ae ao ued for ces nd ays storage, eam generation. and desertion of Daler fed water This chapter highs the general ‘elements Fr dram plan. ayut al proves in formation equited wo love soz, struments, ing, and conerols fo plore and opera and ‘TYPES OF DRUMS “The drums discussed in ths chaper ae process unit aay ie Spoue ae sipoue: couceere Frpek Fanwes a ingreucroges se 144/355 nanan % vp, HEIDE exoubh an /sesummn ‘Bauer 5 ile erp = rec Plant Layout and Ping Dep ae 35 BAHT 5.13 Types! Pocon Vauel Sech or cent Dan shown in Ekibi $10. Horizontal duns ae usualy Supported by saddles from concrete ale or see! frames if eleeaed wahin a srocre, a str a Exiba 511 Legsoppored drums shoud nor be we Inceiprocaing compressor cuits ‘The fs ep in de aout sting the helt of the drum. Todo this he lant boot designer e- ‘qures the following Inox: + brum dimensions + ype of heads + Ssppon details 1 PSH requirements of pump. + tom aut ize + Neiman clearances + baton ‘The cemterine elevation ofthe dum as iusrated In behbi 5:12, asset using the ellowag se infor maton (eis recommended tha a frechandsetch be Sed for ths exersie) + Drum dimensions 48 (1220) diameter by 10 41G,050enm lng, + Sopportdeails—Sadles and concrete pets 1+ 9951-96 (2700 ma. + Brom outlet 4 in + lacaion Freestanding + Mnimum clearance—7 f (2100 mm). NOZZLE LOCATIONS Drum cinensons, noe sizes. and required ner ‘alsa shown onthe process vse sesh ised by proces engineering and included inthe proces release package. Exhibit 5:13 shows apical process vessel ska fora horgoial dru, The flowing Infomation is required in arder to poskon drum sozes + Process vessel sketch, + eromene veel sketch + Pping and instrumentation gran + Plane tyut specication + Nozale summary, Insubsion requirement, «+ Por plan Exhic 534 depios the prefered noe loons for Doron drums. The prefered location for level troments sama fiom he turbulence a the guid otter nomi though the vessel provided with vortex breaker, itruments should beset i the ult one ofthe ‘siel—for example, on te oppo side ote weit ‘ortule oe near the rapor outlet end Proves nodes should be lost «minim rom the wget ne Steim.ou connections shold be loeated a he ed ‘poste the maimenance aces and Yen in the bot ‘referred Nove Wawelvaree ws uzeenarive ‘ross ant Dayoan Pipe Bo eae a vom secon ofthe drum. Pessre nstrumeris should bloated ayahese sn the vapor space, prefers a thetop sean of the drum Temperature itunes shouldbe laced anywhere inthe gd space, pre. ‘erably a the bouom section of the drum The vent ‘connection should be leted nine top seaion othe trum athe end oppose the sean out connection ‘The da should be located nthe Boom sc of the dru, “To factiate specie elention requirements for Joel nstrumens or posionings maintenance sees, nozzles maybe located of the mala ata. These noe es are generally vefervod tots hile nales A ‘yp hillside note i shown in Ext 5.15. Tall vertical drum nozles shouldbe elented and oieted sing the tomer subject a guide, should Be note, however, tht nozzle locations ace at rested by loreal components, a sth cate forthe elation tower. More information on eral drums rslabe In chaper 10, Towers ‘The nozles shoo in Exhibit 5.16 were posoned Sane Sil ee cio [J aeatet ‘oabee lung the gudnes dscussed inthis casera ellos + Pipag an Insrumenition Diagram (PID }-E le information contained inthis book The for. bit 528 tnaon eequired can be lted 3 flows + Nozlesummary—Esubi 513 + Mant layout specfston — Chapter 2 + frocess veel sketch Exh 513, + Insulason —No requires + tnsrument vessel sacha $2. Pls plans 5, ALTERNATIVE Chapeau q ‘Banat 57 PLATFORM ARRANGEMENTS Paforms ae required at drums for act to ves, Insrumens, blinds, snd mainenance acess, Be [it 17 lsrates platform sreangemens ata hot oval dram, and Bdubt $18 dipape the sang tent for verti um, "Fecal jon a Ping BE Foe wl verti ums pfs ae usually cre tar and suppored by brackets tached w the shel of the cram Patoens at horental drums ae usally ecangular andl are supported by brackets tached 12 the concrete pers supporting the drum or trunnions tached othe shell ofthe de. or by scturl ee supposed rom grade. Dram locued instructors ‘Sze perms use the stare Noor for acest trols. Top head patos on horizontal ad este lnsallaions are supported by tunis tached (0 the vesel head. Generally, acess to feesanding drum platforms is by lade. Type dram porn arrangements are shown in Exhibit 59. Porm elevations for drums a set by the tems tha equi operaion and maintenance. Onl ver ‘al and high elevated heezontal deus, the patorm lention are determined by 2 mami lade run (0f30 (8150 men). Exo 5.20 iusates hori Gum plafoem and der elevation cepremens Pam floorspace oer ae sed By op feator acess 10 contol, lnstumens, and rine ‘ance accesses, Euubis $21 and 5 22 show pi foe space requiem for orzonta and vertical 2 vereeteo tow [surmemra etort /supoeseo eee! Teuwsions | Horizontal Drum Platform Supports }—~s2enesp exxtmeors = a = ARS | -4 i i j4 oral 4. Common Platform 100 Gep-raouen eee LI Mainrepance sidbetlot ais to 68 Larcee un Soto" NTEeMeOULTE paTreeM Suir Manan Enpoe@ eum Tear 520 Pserm nd ade ‘tation Requzements ie 196 os covesere 2] Man Tewance SPN access. ave, bunt Eire eae, er ¥ Insallsto3s. For ul wera drums, plaorms should De arranging the tower sujet a guide thi is comer in Chapter 10, Exhbit5.28 depios a horizon rum plato ar angement that nas designed ung the guidlines Io this cher. Tis saformation can be fund slows + Proce vessel sketch — Exhibit 5:13, + Deum derstion—Exhibie $12 + Pls plans 54, + Type ofsuppoet—Sadles and concrete pies PIPING ARRANGEMENTS pings deums should be atcinged in conjunction swith nome locations, pladbem aerangetnees ad he ‘races Plant apo aad Pig drums ocaon to related equipment. Piping should bbe pastioned vo facia the ination of suppor, ‘wid sufcient Dexbily 10 absorb any exeese stresses during operation Pping tal vel deus shouldbe arange in accordance wath the goielines ‘gven in Chaser 10 TY requied, piping st horizontal frestanding ‘gums should be supported fom the shell of the frum, te plafoem tel, othe concrete piers sup poring the drum. Piping ascited with drums o> ‘ated within structures should be spore ro the Structural steel Exhipe 5-24 shows pal pipe sop ports at a hoizontl rum, and Exhibit 5:25 shows 4 ‘yp pump soon acangemet Relic vale tat are open to the atmosphere on low elevated horizontal ae vera drums should be paskoned allow the discharge pag be outed 101 lela 7 anor ee 1 PRtpuGe wpreawenT Hi Mow ce I HT pees we Sey eee od E FE 7 a a taper | /muutesance cess Vera Drom Paton oor Spice Are EXIT 523” Heol Den Pao Aegon Wnsatacs ya eer ee fo \ supper Feo CONCRETE PEE ‘rece Pan Lao ad Ping Ds 103 UIBIT 526 Ree Vahe ems ee seems twa convenient, safe locaton. Glsed sytem rele ‘thes should be located a conveniertlatorm aj ‘ceato the drum above the cele valve header Rell ‘ake iat piping more than 20 (600 a) Fg sil be checked bythe stems engitecring gro

stows a exchanger wt sw oe nthe ube side and one onthe shell se "The sel of most heat exchangers constructed seamless pipe for small dimetes and shaped welded tel pte for the age sins Tube bundle ‘Hees ca ay fom 810 95 (20 0240) in Glameter an fom 61 50 (1.00 am 0 15000 en) fn leg The ens of the shell cn be designed 0 accommodate welded, dished, or Magee shell cosers 2 wells flange or welded heads. Both the abe de Gnd the sell side ofthe exchangers have ines and ‘ules nazles passione o pride the require! fos through the exchanges. The uit is supported a the Shell by atached saddles foe boron isalations ed by lgs for vera rangement. Tube bundles fre made up of many smalllameter rues tha re expanded into tube sheets teach end ofthe bundle ‘One end i usualy Seed the ote allowed 0 fos for expansion. For the more sinplfied Ube ar rangement, onl one abe shee used, which lt emt with thc cha! Hea Habe 6 m9 {shel and tube exchanger ening the key Kem of constuction. Wah many shells, sell covers, and hed ceners uz [Babi 63 Typical hel ma Tube Baan Arangerm 8 Utube ‘rea Pl ay and Ping BR salable, exchangers can be arranged in arous co binont to provide a wide ange of servis, The U ‘ube, xed tube, and hetle arrangements ae ls tented in Ext 65. Plate Exchangers Plae exchangers, shown in Eat 66, ae generally ted in Tonepreste,low-temperatoe applic tnd are made up of end covers, crying bas let, and ude nore, pats, and gases. The exchanger lies have spacing berwees them for uid ow A ashy, st ito dane on the perpry of each lite dies and contains the qui ow distribution Fonts for net and outlet of ath ie and cok guise are stamped nto the comers of each plate, When Sllgned. they foe Four dltrbuon headers through the plate pack, Duarouson of et ad cald ig thetnate plate low channels is achieved by the gasket Ing pater around each por. When the liquids tends to low tagh othe net plate, he gasket Tet amact around the por. Alignments acheved by top an stom carrying bars and ls a each plate ‘When complete antmbled, the plate pack and ge ess ae compressed by bois berwoen the 0 covers Supports provided bythe fed end cover and carry Ing br. Te plate exchanger requies less instalation el servicing space han shell and tube arene: ‘ments of equalent surface Spiral Heat Exchangers Spiral eat exchangers are generally used in chemical Planta are of dela consrsson, costing ofan assembly of wo lng rips of plate wrapped form a Dai of concen spr passages. erate edges of the passages ae cased, that gu Noms trough fontinuous channels Removable covers ae ited 1 teach side ete spl assembly access othe spiral Plate As shown in Exe 67. the inlet and oes hozaes ae neal the ple housing and te cov. 85. The unt sipped eps tached the plate Texan ee Pate Recanger housing for horizontal insalsions and by hs for vera installations Sima tothe plate excange, the spiral exchange is conga and reques es i salation and servic space than conventional ex ‘anges of equvalen sare Double Pipe Exchangers ‘Te double pipe orf tbe, exchanger used when ‘one liquid asa reser resistance to heat fw than another or when the surface af small, In eich ‘ses, the additon of is othe inner pipe evens ot the estance to heat Now afte roids Ae shown in Exh 6, he double pipe exchange consists of bipe wihin 2 Pipe; Bath pipes havea seturn bend a ‘ne end The inner pipe i ited with ins the outer pe ans a he oe The shell nosis art mtd ‘etal from the outer pipe, and the tobe nares te decay welded othe nee pipe ends The uns tue generally suppor horizontally by brackets at ug BELPPE Tauge ime pum Ean 6 ae oa le ie tan qweroer | susie eve! mee ba Teast 69 ae 1 Cokes Eachanger tached a foundation oF othe side of cer elp- ‘ment swopons Air Cooler Exchangers [cooler nts are euely diferent trom he pre fusiy mentioned arrangements in thatthe caling agent ud is clang instead ofa igud AS seen in Eahite 69, an air cooler unit coasts ofa eube ‘bundleswith a header box atache to each ed Sop pond bodzonaly by a see! fae or stuure For the singlepass arrangement, the inlet noes are ‘mounted on the top of the header box, te cult nozdles are atthe oppose end and mount onthe Donn ode taker ta Por the Goble pss 2 rangement, the Out no2zes ae lot tte same fdas fhe inlet nozzlex, For adonal suse are, tore pisses can be added or ado nis an be ‘ren Plt ay and Pig Bo inslled and located sie by side ‘ii tele by multblade propeler ype fans that peonde fxced or induced dats. Fans ean be ‘uppliesth ether ada speed orvarabl pies Dldes. The fan blade ch can be changed ovary he sieflow rae to compensate foe sing cling it temperatures. lr coolers supped wth moliple fms nay be operated wah some of the fans shut down. Dampers baffles, and bypass can ako be used 10 fuer consol quid outer temperature, For eleted Indllaons, plaisir generally fumated for ae cesta header bones and motors EXCHANGER LOCATION AND SUPPORT Neat exchangers are located within the conventional proces unit plot area cose 9 related equipment, us Ten eeemgee ta mmr Nd no aS / Exoensees, ama 71 tear ‘GouneT REMOVAL Torry Tpawan en See Exar Tule eumpee eMouAL AREA ' Neceee WAY Tower, 6. ERUBH C12 Spc see ae cher alis 64¢ Spc Scare somies te PP SF Biba ‘ asuuaey gear 2 wanreciaces TBOUBET G13 Pua! an Ses changer \ i ae ie i i | = : a suppor: economic pipe runs, ely, proces re ‘Quements, and operator and munienance aces. Support ofthe equipment (eg. fair coolers or ver cal rebar) can aso sluence heat exchange oc ‘Son Exh 10 depis «mpl plot plan with s- cal heat exchange aplcatons Horton shell td lube exchangers should be possioned 50 that the ‘hannel end faces the aula road or maitenance cess Way fe ube bundle removal ah sdeqete Space prod ac the ont endl ofthe exchanger foe bonnet moval. This exchanger arent shown { Eshibe 61 Exchangers can be laced sage ems, in pairs (asi the mow common insalion), or in larger _rcape when no intermediate contol required Be Teen the shell and tube seams. The single apd Paired installon fs shomm in Exhibit 12. Pale ex ‘hangers may operate in series, parallel or dial Senne groped exchangersaperae ony inser Parallel Exh 613 shows samples of pall and series exchange instalation, Pale or grouped exchanges should be space to uu [BGM G15, SochodFachanger sane [EGUBIT 616 Typist Horton Fachage Sapp patie — ‘eames a shogsaaines ‘low a minimum of 18 in 450 mm) beoween the ‘sie of adjacent channel or bonnet Ranges Tae access 1 flange bois for muntenance Space Should be provided on ete ie f pated exchang fe and at bath ends of grouped exchanges fo em twol and operator acess. Eeubi 614 tusees a ‘Hrucure mounted naalion ad is required acces Horizontal exchangers may be sacked toa pre: ferred mazimun tp shell centerline clontion of 1 (G0 em) om grade or plaorm, se pice in Exhibit 615. tacking of exchangers above ths eight ‘may require plaorming for aces to channel and Donne anges an xe handling devices ‘orzonal shel and tube exchangers may be Io- xed at grade or lead in sel of conrete ss. "ures when process requirement or space avalbility ica Suppor of horaontl exchanger, 3 shown in Exhble 616s by saddles ausched to concrete pts for gradcosourted snsaltions and by sales a. tached to tel frames in elevated stallions, When possible, supports shoud be ialine for common oun. ‘Sion design Tf proces requirement perm, allan tbe ex changers can als be mounted n'a vertcl poston, supported by lgs and tower somes in 2 wwer sup. ported isalaion (as sown in Exist 617), win onerete sel sauces (shown in Exhibi 18), snd by concrete pier (a8 shown in Exit 699). The Same considerations for maintenance, contol, nd ‘rar access shoul be given for vert lalla $e for horizontal nsalsion. ‘an imporantFenure 1 remember when working sth ower supported vertical bolts, ae springs i highlghed a xh 617%, 1 The layout designer must st the rebole sp om lug elevation TI 028 above the plo 2 Before maintenance, the 14.025 gap wll be stummed thereby enabling the role load to rs er eee ne nee Team oa | Tues more Sensed eels EMoVaL AEA Mosinee AoVizeo, oo) le - I abo'boo Maxine a _Pustroas a vol) gt00 mamas Maso Wintour euaTrogt es BcT/ae0 MasnMune Pr be cae bythe platform ec uring mae ance vamaround 3. The nol and channel ange wil be unboked and the change ection remened 4 The ube bundle then ready to Be removes Spiel and pte exchangers can ope'ate in sexes ot Jarl but Because athe contpration and mal. TEnenace requirement, itis prefeable to postion them as single tems, Space proved bh a. rangement for con and opertar acces, with ‘enough room alowed athe sia exchanger swig the ever plates open, s show in xh 20 and at the plate exchange to remove the nd pes as sho in Exhibit 62, Ar eooers are located adacent to the equipment tt they serve fr piping len and aienance ‘They canbe supported rm grade, tthe top level of ssructres, or above pipe eal, which is the ms fommon lasallion, The tbe bundle bank can be 20, ‘muust 619 Tuee BUNDLE REMOVAL AZEA Mins BLoY/\200 | i2!o¥/3600 maxon Without PuAToeM FoY 900 Munintom =a Creenyoe keseog Conta ot Operate ‘een in Spa ‘rangement coves Pure ‘Swi AREA (2) contace SPRCE (ve) ‘races Pt apo ad Ping By Gh Ee (Canzland Oper conte | __seace (rye) Wouceo BEART Ag conver oir artgesee wekver Box PueTeoRe vansressaNee Lappe Puscpeean a bpprrena PuTeoes Popes eo Hl Lousee Twas 122. —_—_—_— Fowceo OaarT "Bani 62 ia coer ‘pte tg Suppo conte rangement * z sueroet Moree 7 see 2 Ye¥/2}00_ wow A Spkehron neces 3 aR supported by tee es fom the sr cooler enor of by eendig the pipe ricer suet columesto the underside of the bank Generally the ar cool ven ‘dor Furniss header box and motor acess plasm. Ladders a= provided forex © grade to sus mat ‘mum ladder rans and sly cecremenis Fae 22 through 625 show various ar cooler rope an pla¥orm ciguaios, which ince column 9 one, lepsupponed, fixed plform, and tmvling ‘recs Plt apo and ing Ds laf arangemens. ‘When designing the ir cooler configuration, the plant your designer mus consider the source of the Supporting column. As seen in Exhibit 626, ange ment A, developed by the contrac, allows changes tr plarming ant pip pending en peo fet without alec the alr cools vendor's scheduled elvery dts wo the fb ste tp arangerent Bary suck le changes would ese the ai oor vendor 23 Ee SEE ereeeeeee "pani 2 AT over trang wove ro forces Puartoew Ge) lesen Geox prec to gence vr) 7a Nowe ve) yo 1 or TH | el eesence | vawrenance / [me-cooee eouuMNS == PLATFORM ‘Suprogt Beau Bs FoEeED CRAFT "AT 625 NE eooLer “ing atom stae-onr PLaTEOaM BAVELING ae lly eee — Sl EN to edesgn the suppoe eps oF platforming, casing ‘dels in delivery and ears costs, NOZZLE ORIENTATION Nose orientation and ocaion can af the piping ‘corfgurations at mos exchange arrangements Ade fesba by the piping designer wo reloate the ex tanger nozles can fen produce a mat and co ffflvearangement hough the png desenet foes aoc have the freedom to independently relocate fexcimger nozzles. sugpested alee nose loc tors can be made the exchanger engineerin the Interest of emprovng enema ppg aangemens— forsrample,atermae Bin Bb 6 27hghighs an ‘Barr 626 ‘Conerson (ConuncrrSupted = ‘Storie Slr Pca lnproved arangement by relocating exchanger noe ‘es hie 628 shows allowable acl configs ‘ors "Elbow or gooseneck aces are expecially wef In reducing the height of are tacked exchangers Exhibit 629 highligh the eles fusing elbow no ales on sacked exchanges “Air cooler notte Ieations can also alfexpiping configuntions. A single pase arrangement can make the rum piping on a overhead condense vey fon and ean alo increase the height of the aie coler Reacting the ai ene making the wnt» do be-pse arrangement an mprore the lng confi ‘aloes. Exibt 630 shows aerate nozzle conf. Faton for a ook ping, ry 226, ‘Banner 627 ve encgee AvreewaTive AurecuaTive ‘8 ANGLE pees SHELL OUPAE pose SHELL : q----¥4 Asie sriitrow sie povele eplt-rlow ale som PNG LEA paee SHELL Parke pees ell Sn am lV P ema “We perils i Z "pant 625 ‘nsec Brchoges tt C.D) Be i OO ALTE«NwATIVE ‘A ALTeRNaTive ‘a! "Ean 630, magtucine eer Dovtue aie evtiar sue cacao EXCHANGER PIPING changer piping mst be routed in sacha manner thu itmees economy, tently, suppr and oper tin and malatenance access requ. PIG a shell and tbe exchanges i pastione tallow ae ‘gate space for remeval of channel hexls and shell fiver. The fee space atthe sie of harizotl shells {be used for places of conole Piping ls le ‘red a minimum dance fom grade 2 pation 0 poride operor headroom clesances 1 ofr ese ‘Sf support, and 10 meet designated pe rack ceva ‘ons. Large-dlmeer oc more expensive ppg cn pot be seo accommodate smaller ot less expensive Ding. Piping conneced to channel Head nozzles Should be furnished wats break anges alte he Femeoal ofthe anne head Piping a pal and plate exchangers sao po one allo the opening uf ners de eval ‘of ples. Controls 3 the spiral excunger are located ‘on the ends ofthe unt clear of the cover pie sing area, and atthe froat 28d on ne side fo the ple ManTenance Access exchange. Piping is elevated in 2 faslon silat to ener ten ar fans and howl be kept eae of the sell and tube arrangemen's Phung ataced to the designated space for motor mntenance: Exhibits "he cover plate nome ofthe spiral unis i umshed 631 tough 6:4 show various piping configurations swith break flanges Piping 2 at coolers isnot roted for het exchanges, ‘recs Plant jon ad ing Di roe GuTTEEELy ey car VALVE ZauDEMS ATE BGT Sei or reecess @uovtions 12" Auioy [EXHIBIT 635 Suppor fr Ppng Anangemen weer Be aise Sees, mee ‘Poca Pant jon and Pig Di TExHInIT Economy Arangenent eal eNb cagpon sree io auoy | \ cosmerrectve: ‘AEGANGEMENT TBOHIBIT 636 Piping Amangemen fr Henson | srwmerca er Hiatt FLexiuiry MPECATUR AUSy Fem Peowine seem ‘Suppoet at cevree EXCUAsGER Gaol exp uty a Hele. i acteenarive ‘A’ Attewatwe 8 cost EFFECTNE Pang Arsene fo ‘paar 610 ‘Spr ache Traces lant jon ad Piping ign ELEVATION TBOMDIT 642A Gols Fping Coegsone va TD SYMMeTsIche Ake, wee Ui wan ff Ne. ecousk suPReRT a Stet = newer \ Sie “ Suey Une te Pow Te Peis Tee/ee SD CMC apassitereaes) WithooT Ime 6 ATE Toweg, ace eS a ae DHE PIPE hee cotares Die A coouna sections Souk Be suacumntey ‘Aup Tui _STEEL Expewpeo 2 Wie oes Pan ayo an Fig Dn ————— =a eres | on sees PIRTFORM STEEL FROM PLATFORM caress = a | EXCHANGER MAINTENANCE Lite an automobile raitor the intel of hea ex changers require period cleaning ard repr ts Srporant for exchangers snd elated component be portioned to altate access to tetera pars For the sell and tue hese exchangers, the foes andthe interior ofthe sel can be cleaned in pace tith high pressure steam of water an roxing Ge “aes. the design ofthe exchanger emis, there bande can alo be removed fo repar or deaning ‘ube bundles and head ane shell cow can be re ‘moved by buiin fixed bundling devs (eg ds, ich pois, pling poss) fied sucnes wih ol Jey beams and traveling gantry cranes or by mabe ‘cuipment (ef canes ad yea undle eae to). xhbis 6-45 throggh 648 promce eampes of fe han ema ripen Consiterabe sing fon be achieved i the plan Is servid By male ccupment ‘i cooler unis are not funshed wih ie han lng dence for removal of tube bundles Minor e pars (eg ube plugging) are usualy accomplished ‘th the air cooler in place; for major repairs, aie fooler sexton are rerpoved by mobile canes. ‘Shown in xh 649, Irn sercng a plate ex ‘hangers canbe done manual Inthe ever: of ube allure, indies are closed by neering apo ‘heough the end ofthe header bax and hammeseg in place, shown sn Exube 650 “Tease of tobe unl exactrs eliminates the nee for permanent re bundle removal sroces ‘oath considerable sting © the plant These mechs isms weigh seven tons tnd ae capable of pl forces [rene than S000 Ibs. The enact fed fo Postion by crane and clamped to ie shel Mange of the exchanger, which srpped for bane eral Held in postion by te crane and balanced by the ‘euracors eveling cdl: he bundle pulled ox of ie shell wth prod atch hae drale fovce The mhote un isthen ered to prade and ean evel oo auc or of ste vepat or Gann ‘roses Plant joa and PD rous {EXUBIT 649 Removal of A Coker Sector wit» Tube baby Game HIRT 648 Remote fe) == Pia oat ad Pig os WYORAWIC TUeE BUNDLE ExTeAcTOR Tear 652 140 {RIUBIT 653 Tower Mounted Ae Coker Exubic 651 hstrates a cles exchanger ith the ceactor and crane in postion foe bundle emer Exhibie 652 provides details of» hyaulic aeba dle exeseor ‘This Capter has highlighted the principal layout requirements forthe heat exchanger coalitions Traces Plant aon ad Png BO OHBIT G4 Sein ever ‘mos comment wed in process plans A wide range Of tems, however can be ent! shea exchange ‘equipment for specific sitions. General these lems have design fetes sma 0 thoee fr com ‘mon aplicaons Cae shouldbe kent arange the ‘equipment sothat he base rlesfreachanger layout src lowed. Exhibts 653 and 84 show examples of ‘more unusual hea exchanger equipment. Famaces, als refereed to as heaters, ae one of he min pieces of equipment ina proces comple. A fomace may case the temperature of 235 or hydro ‘bon quid to mee specie processing nee on the cise cf pyrolysis and reformer fraces. case 2 ‘rmical or ysl change othe medi, Acieulat ‘orbos ype configuration spray wed variations torach design are covered Uroaghoxe is cape In dition because othe various Wes olfernaces this ctupter covers some bases of fermace dig an dis ‘uses how to aporeach a piping aout relates to ‘marenance, operon, and sy [BASIC OPERATION AND PRIMARY PARTS OF A FURNACE sbi 7.1 astra the base makeup of furnace AS shcwn in this ea the ase pas of frac i late +The atin secon —Houses roms of trian or verve bes that carry the produc to be heated + Burners—These are pial Fie by io asad se lone inthe radian section. +The convection section-—Locted above or down seam fom the redane sation. houses rms of horizontal tubes that ae hested by the Bor fe se, + Toe stack This usual lead abows the comer tom section and cares the Hue gases the amo sphere + Tsulation—Lines dhe walled surfaces of the ant snd convecon sections ‘The furnace operates inthe following manne, Fuel {sfedio the burners located alog the fumace flor I {sthen ignite 2 ie go ie artes in he Barner. ‘Thecombuston a Now i equated by asset of the air egies. For proper operation within a fur ace, patra rat mst be maintained As the eh. CHAPTER Furnaces perature increases, the hor De gi ses Ou of the Sack and begins to exer 3 negaive pressure wits, ‘he radiant and conection secon or optimum op. ‘craton, thee should be a peesre of sppronimaely 035 in of water columns jus inside dhe a reget ofthe burner. Tere shouldbe 3 presure of “02 in ‘ot water columns athe fumace for, with fare rap to ~05 ina the op ofthe radian secon, ad =07 in atthe base of the sack. Malesining these levels ensures adequate air ow to the Bure: Peep ‘doors are povided along the radiant walls «allow plant operaions perionel © view the bumers while aking ful aden ‘A produc is iococed ino the radian tubes and Is heed to the maximum opering tempera I then ex the furae, Stam enters the conection Section tubes and is asd oa superheated tempers tuce by the hoe Me gases. ‘The damper, which suse wo control the dat in the furnace, is located in the sacle Adgating he anper canuok the pressure balince win the ue nace The stack beig i dteemined bythe dra re quirements ofthe race by maybe ached. Dra Bruges are used to check pressure level should be undesiood te there ate many var sles this descrpion Bumecs maybe located the ide walls or 00 the rd section tnsulation ‘maybe refractory brick, ceramic Roser, of 4 minetal ‘wool blanket The produc may fo inti the come tn sean tubes, ex that seton through excsoner piping and flow through de adant seston Malle Fnac maybe testo ont common sack by bree. ng ‘TYPES OF FURNACES ‘he pring pes ol funce reba, cia. o> iss and elormer Box-ype Exhibit 7.2 shows box ype farace that houses rows af orzo or verte usin the ad a ee z STEAM IN eg —_LLeoarereitl unt 7 2 Se p+ on = 4 i k p Ir 4 ee oth | fd oe ay = @nzarrause ‘races Pan Tayo od Pina ann ise Formic Operation 443 UBT? Tyykat Bowype Ferman srt sealon. The convection section is bested down Stream trom the raat section where five gas my Das nan upward or downward flow Ras af burners Se located in he cada set, his the priy Source of produc eating Coca Ee 7 3 lseaes a cece furnace that Foes toes mounted verily or helical sn the Sud smaller duties as sarep heaters or rebar Inlet and cet connecions ae usually ocated athe ‘oor the botam ofthe rane ection, depending 00 [BRUBIE 73 “Typial Gree Forace the prodoat belng heated, and are lose tone ent ofthe convection section Pyrolysis Exc 74 ikstates a pyohalsfumace ‘whose product tubes are pce ia the cetera the ‘aan Section because of ele short residence time, high hear tanser re, and ned for even tom Decaure dsb inthe tubes An itera wae Fat acory ecm that cmplys the wc of eam drum and a waterline exchanger (TX) i aso shown, Steam decoking is equied wo lean the ner. ral was of the proces tubes ug, Reformer In a sefocmer furnace, shown in Exhibit 75, preted process Tid lows through aly fled tutes, which ace usually lead in he center of the ada section Ths ype of furnace may hive sn fe or multiple comparmens; burners maybe ‘ountdin the rok, nal or lao. Hest eco sj tems may ao be employed through the wee ate ‘eat bles othe convection sections team ener ‘TERMINOLOGY ‘The flloming sections ts conon furnace ers, Blowdown stim Slowdonn scum i Se fr tbe cleaning oe remeval of res fm the ne ii inthe eet of he Blowdown system Ablowdown system ithe pp, ‘roc Plt aya and Png Do ‘ype Prt rrnace system used 0 cary waste 38a fom piping tes foe ape Brecchingtrecching refers to the duct work hse collet fue gases song the Force Box oe for transmission othe stack ‘burners Supplied wath ale and fuck acesary for combussion, Humes heat the product nthe tubes i the racant seaion of he frnace. The mos ominon Iypes of burners are gas sr and gs air and oll ot 1s and ol, whi requires a, a and amin Burner management package Tis devie is de signe cont sich burner operations as mano: filo ame, main Hane apd heater conden, Lit ing devices are hut io the package ta shutdown the furce if usafe operating conditions ase, 1s Can-ou access doors Acces is provided tthe in ter ofthe firme for muntenance pecan CCensection section This compurment houses ome ‘of primary horizon tubes lcsed downsrean rem the e2dlan sein that are wed for addon Jheiag ia 2 proces unk. Passing the hot Pe pases ‘ver these tes can prove ado dy. am. le ncude preheating proces streams seam sop. heating, and addeional seam generaion. Provisions ss be made to emove these tubes fe inspection, pao replacetent “crosover piping. This ping intercomeets the ra anand contecson sections and i wuly fused bythe face vendor Damper Located inthe stack or duc hi dence is used to contol dks in the fence Dampers ae ‘Ban 75 sully ar plates that rate on sh resting o pil low blocks sein the steel shell silt a baste vale Decoking. The coke bul up in many hytracarbon fumace res during pecaton is removed by inet ing tea and at into te tbes. Draft gauge This insrument is wed 0 check pres sure a fomace [Explosion dooes In the event ofan explosion in & furnace, dors specifely designed to blow cut and protec agains a major ruc aire are prvices ‘hey ake safety ae opis sisters Header A header 36 the fing that connects 80 tubes in & ow pater, 17 Header boxes Mos ends of tbs ar cont by ends that make inspection dficule Merfoe, pe al return figs wth phages connections ae pro ‘Weal da emt nepetion and cleaning, Hecate morale pgs are sbjet to leak, all heads ‘mus be complete enclosed in ewer boxes. Sul Ing team eed to sppres re in ths aren. Peep doors Small doors ae proves inthe wall o oor of he dant Secon to permit val especton ofburners during arc oe operation Pils Smaltbore Alexie piping coaiguations anne the radio tubes the ne nd tt head. fa laste In Ex. adancsection The man companmes ofa umace Isthe radant sean, tn whuch proces Seams ae Fratelli erica, by het rm bares ‘mounted in the wal, ro, oF Root Raactory_ The refractory 6 mae up of nslting ‘els capable of htc high tener faces Sot blowers Soot blowers are mechanical devices tha cea ese uid wp onthe exter o ofthe com vestion tubes They are usally fumed when 0 Frsd burners are wed Suck_tncated downsream from the cnwection sec Hem the wack dene cary Me pre cleety 0 the smorpete ort den tem hea scandy ‘dass to an at preheating sytem. Stack sleatons are ‘sully esablahed a firmace deiner to epeste Con paul drat. the height the tacks incensed 10 su ley condos fan mist beaded er Son probes ae needed ia sick, ladders and pat foc are ade as rece, Sufng seam This seam tat need ino the ‘omburion chambers or header box of face 10 suppres a fee ‘Tansee the oul ofthe proces es ae ed too piping header called a waterline, which fed the main proces tower “Tubes Piping within the race carries the medium tobe heed. A pal ria cl shown in Exh BURNERS Furnace suucute and heareease requirements ate the determining fares in the selection of the corres Durer design Burners are fred by a wide range of fscous and liquid fel, and 3 vale of congur Hons are used thoughout the indus. I is recom tended dat the designer tke fll advange ofa tomer dis arable from vendors to gin preter Usdersanding ofthe operason and maintenance re ‘girerents ofeach des ‘he combination oil an gas burner & shows in Exnic 78 Some of the fees of this burner In clude + Tes designe to fie hosizotaly overtly + Ol spillage inthe rant semion cannot cause burner png 148 [EUURIT 7.9 Mastcmnce Ae fr 4 Combntin OF os zany oll har can be pumped, 13 burs an fuel gas safely and uly “All pans of the burner can be inspected osely le ee burner i in cperation Ext 79 shows the martnance ares tt mast be prosded when developing a ajut for a combina Steam othe ol gun the of pacing ase can be changed while the ewer sn operate ‘The mindproot gs ures, soma ia Ext 7-10, ‘roe Pant apt and Pip Dvn HIRT 70 Windproot Gar rer ‘Seayto light and fies many poston. requires no ombusion controls to maintain maximo eficency. ‘Te burmer may be salto L-shaped, scordng layout requrement ‘Bumers may be arranged in singe or mule and lene inthe roo wall of loc, 2 show Im Exhibe 7-11. Many burners are operated and con tolled though the use of burner management ‘COMBUSTION AIR PREHEATING SYSTEMS The overall hema eficieney of nace mproved burners i preheated, Economic ses are pe. focrned earyina projet determine the fealty of sucha sytem. The two most common preheating 5 ee "pou 7a ‘Spl Bene Loctons [ewe fies tens are regenerative stems and reciperaive ‘pica regenerative tem is shown in Exhibit 7A Hot ve gas ening the conection section is Adnened trough a duct oa heat exctagerelled an sirpreheater Incoming fresh ai head and ent by {fered dat an to the bumer plenum, where Ken {ex the burner though the ar register for combus tion An iced dra fan raw the Te ie Eoah the preheuter and sends the cooled gas back ito the mosphere trough the sack 's consendonalrecyperative (closedloop) syem ‘ilusted in Fahd 713. Oil's ceusted rough "heconvection sein tubes ested, ne set through ‘einer duet where i eleases ts hex The hoc t thn eners the burner fr combustion, the hoo is eieulted oa storage tank fr feeling, From 2 layout sandpoie, the ho ol system wah 2 storage ‘tank and pump is far les comple than the regen te item GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF FURNACES ‘Tis seson deserves the general rangement tous ypes of frnaces and dicusees how epertion nd matrenace ale furace eleva, how o plan ll necessary acces, and platorm requirement, 80 ‘net equpmenn, and sack design, Ext 714 shoms 2 pial arrangement ofa cea race Setuing Furiace Elevation, ‘The locaton of burners and the posse ace for sr reheaing dacs are mo primary frst be cons 150. "races Pt oat ad Pig sg 151 a § ELEVATION, ‘4 hen the eleraion of func is exalted. 4 shown in Exhibit 7.5, the turers are Hoot ‘nounte he eleation shal best high enugh Gung But not neces under al the burner Pine The preferred kxation of the bumer opening ‘raeas Plant joa ad Ppog De ‘Ban 718 pe Acta C valves i onthe Fig lator at the peep Sos ck beneath the furnace When walbmountedbutnes re se the eleation ofthe Rrace ca be homes be Fequcemes beneath the furnace o be adresied Access for operation and maitenance i 9 moe consierace inthe development of funace layout ‘Aces requirements are eeviewed fo ube sem ‘sontblower, damper conta, beades bones, burners an bummer management si and consol panels Because furnace cubes must be periodically re ped, clear ares are provides dirty in ne with theres. The removal mechanism may be a woley beam located on the sac of 2 cecuar furnace, 3 ‘eae. ov a cherry picker If only ane re aes Feuire remo afbe exractoesmilt othe SPE ‘sd for exacting sell and be exchanger bundles, my be wsed. A can be Seen in Exhibt 716, aan, 153 ‘Seti Frmce tube removal in circa armace accomplices by paling the rbes trough an access dooe located in ‘he tp ofthe radiant secon Ti s performed by ‘og hols atached othe cecil ole beam on top ofthe sack. Once the tubes ae Med out of the radiant compartment, they are pled ay fom the ‘mace and lowered io gre. The convecon secon tubes are removed ia 4 manne sila the ce shown fr the bore fre in Exe 717 Here ‘uae the access ares must allow the tbes 1 be piled clear ofthe furnace, permiing the crane 10 ‘ren lt ap nd Ping DO 155 ‘email —ea ‘rac Pa Lent and Pings TDRHIBIE7.21 Burner Mangere Cone! Pel, sted operaoes ate les commonly used for dae adjusens, which ae routinely made during ta up ‘when the proper pressure balance win the fumace ‘st be obained, Header bores 38 shown in Exhibit 719, ae cor wing aay and lower the bes rade ‘Soot blowers have dlferent access requirements, epending on te pe used. One ype fixed 1 the ‘omcton section wall nd occupies a eave small, ten unlike te reracable ype, which furished ‘with horizontal suppor beam ta enables the mech {om inser the lance daring operation ‘Dangers les inthe sack ae sual regulated by a device lected at grade. 25 depicted Exit 78, Cables sing, Urough uices fed to the arnper and astment lever, oF contol hale, my be locked into varlous postions a dei. pac sures around the fitings that connert 80 fbes. The flog, called headers, are furnited with plogged ‘ennecsons fo ean, The header bones ar sled from the inside of the furnace by an insulted tbe sheet, ad, because tis area 2 posible source of fire fing steam conection Is provided or Bie sppression A dain connection I alo provided oe leak deen, Gear access mus be provided sound ‘he heaser bax to pent npeation and ube clening for repacenent Bumer aces i quire for ignition on sactup, sic Now control taro eine adjsment control handles, and oll gun maintenance. Access also ce guid fo allow routine operator inspection foray Sgn of leas, pariclariy when enble hoses are ed, Burner management sjstems are vendor supped packages enssting ofall primacy ving at ‘mention necessary to sit up, operte, and shut ‘down all burners of famace under rela or emer. ency condions. pel burner management sis Shon in xt 720 anda burner management co {eo panels showin Exit 7.21 Puce requirement for furnaces aren dierent 158. Teena 722 Seguremene Le a eete onl {rom ay cher large plece of equipment at needs ‘opera’ and maintenance stenion, Bese each eaters designe o meet spect paces reeds, sy See wah ciferetfoels and requ a peeteatng tc Devers, and is subject olen ces ech ot "gn shuld be approached asa unique aes, follow ing base guidelines. Treen la ap Pi Di Bo igi sae! yp eae A cela furnace platform layout shown in Ex Iu 722. The fing lator, wich sual 2 fll Yoel, can be teaches by a vary of sey configurations and ladders, sMsrated onthe lower plano hse ach scene shown ty Best Accommodate the lyou a required. Saisay wari tions shown here are + Suieway A—Ferpendicula, whlch cn beset 10 6: ther side ofthe landing + Sairway B Rada 4 Siaieway C—Targental ‘cess o al ter plafoems on ths pe of fuemace s Dy lander, sical onthe ex as flows + ackersD and E—Limited08 304 (9150) ma mum ladder run per Occupational Say and Health ‘minstation (OSHA) an strmedte plaorn required + Laker Fables plane personne gain acess 10 Dot sides of the upper furnace by te convection section platform, Adina! plaoem requcemens—for example, fo: aczess to Son blowers or interconnecting Pa. forms beeween groups of similar heaes are shown ia ae 723. Caras ae planned forthe fri plac and top ofthe radiant section for operator “APWobs urace, shown n Exh 24, has both wala hor muted burners, The wal suc bemer piping an be operate rom te fi plac Taam 720 Bt ace ar egarements {orm and viewed from he peep door onthe end wall ‘The foocmouned bumers cn be opeated fern grade athe ee of the race o fom an optional omer fring plaorm, Adon! platforming © quired for access wo deal gauges, peep doors an the ‘omection section Becsse the primny opertor level atthe burners, salrens are use fo aces and ladders are provid forall hs levels "A reformer frmace, shown in Exh 7-25, has 2 pendouse and roofouned buroers. i adian 0 plaoems and a aia for regula maintenance and ‘peration, ides ae provided In ese of 3 ere ‘eng Other platforms are fr acces o pep doors, alt gauges, and piping 3 equired Ausilary Equipment ‘A soot blower mechasicaly cleans sot buldup on comecion sexton tues in iclafied ewees A $00 blower esenlly consis ofa lane (Le, pipe) [pe dlemed anda connection forthe blowing medium, ‘hich is seam oc aie There ae two apes oF blowers: Fixed and revucable CONVECTION ‘Trees Pla aj and ing Ds 4 fixed soot blower, shown ia Exhibit 726, is -mcunted cet on the convection ston wall an Fpiped 3s shown, erable sootblower, ils ‘raed in Exibe 727, allows the lance be removed from the coavecion secon doring operon, Some fhe principal component are the ufpor chanel, the gear deven catrage, dhe poppet ake (wed 10 contol the flow of the ceanag medium), and the lage with nozles bt 7-28 dep soc blower Ineperaion asthe lance enters the heer, the blow Ingmedium cuts apa trough the depts ual the lance reaches ls apex. The lance then -eerses cot ‘andi indexed! so that on the rection path ‘deans srfices not covered on lnsenton The reversed ‘ution and indexing alow the sot blower f peel and spall epost efiiemy and mith ee chance of heer tube ere, ‘a ndced draft fn ay be equi fr furnace ‘operon, 2 shown ontop ofthe cnvecon section Sout Blower in Operation In Bebe 729. Maforms designed specially fr, ‘ach an coniguration shou be desu for mate ‘nee and operation ofthe deve and fan mechan, "xhbie 730 shows a ypicl arrangement of sn leone peaks fumace wath an itera wae bet System, which requires a seam ds 3 heat ex ‘hangs often calle a tases line eachange). Be (ase the preheat and dtng on an aterage sine ‘combustion ai preheating tom te some age, the plant ayoue designer should pay ens atenton to {he amount of space hat rally used foe ths equ. ‘ment Aer enc room i alloted or maintenance {ind operon ofthe fore and induced dat fs nd ‘lowers, he cance fom the outer ede othe pe heater tthe centerline ofthe furnace oul be Rep {0 mim, shown in Exit 231 ‘Whenever fumaces are arranged io roups on a pr plan. the plan layour desgher should consider sing 2 common sick, as depicted in Exhibit 732 ‘rea Plt ajo a ig Ds feet omerscnt "To MiNi 164 "Foes ant yo Piping 165 Tpauner 734 Png aut Innrmencaon Digan Economic consrais usualy determin the fessley of tus design feature, ll nace configurations can tue this Brechin concept. PIPING LAYOUT FOR A FURNACE Tis section deals the piping layout cf circular a beep furnaces lbough such spec ears snufing seam are actualy equired for both heaters ‘ty ar explained for ane spicmion oy Grenlar Famace Piping ibis 733 and 7.34 present simple piping and Inseumeniaion dgeans foe crea furnace” Te ‘nace has 6 inlet and att ines, with cont saves, combination Parmer and oot lowers he ‘onveaton section Thefurae pln ad leat or the upper level of ts fumace ee show ia Fah 1'3sand 736 eespechely. The tack hown in Exh 7-36 equipped witha trolley bears an opto fe cure) ht pls the radiant nabe bones during rin tenance. The ned for plavorms depends onthe in strument requirements. The damper sclng ‘regulated rom grate by a cibleopersed cts supplied by te force vendo In the éonmecton secon, three saonary soot bowers ae fe by 15nd oon the fie sea header located below them This piping i ep one tothe convecuon seaion walt maximize the wal thie work ares for plant personnel The fou in Product ine les Have manal contol valves and local ow adios eset be vile whe perso el ae gperiting the valves. Tey ae loca a he ‘Freca Pt apont and ips B 167 \ bit [taza recur 757 "upper plaform far economic ressons—placing them 3 grade would require runing four Idi nes Upithe enre force The snling steam lines are ‘ouped together for common suppor unl they ‘each the tp ofthe radiane section. The ine to the ‘healer box onthe paste sie run radially ound ‘he eater Bending smal ins generally nota prob- Jem and sve ftings and welds. Ploms ae de- signed io permi plant operasons and maintenance Detsnel lea aces tall vale, struments, and “Te lower level ofthe cular force shonin Ecubis 737 trough 7.39. lathe radiant secon, all Piping shoul be grouped gees fr eomman sup Trace Pant jon and Pps ‘ot when practical, s show in Exhibie 7-8, ‘Srofing stam, whic used to supe a fire in {he header box inthe conection or mint seco, ‘is sopplied through ll and remote manolds The emote manifold should be no closer than 50 (15000 mm) fom the furnace In Exh 737, the local manifold is located trade, next to the interme tie pipe suppor column fhe ea area unreach be ian emergeney, seam would be supplied fom ‘he verote maifola The inlet and oe contol Non are eet along the pipe ack acento the Furnace. This patie furace uses manually con trolled vals foreach burner The burner pay headers™fuel gas, fie steam, and fuel oare un 2 ree Pog Dts adialy ver one anes to keep te ade close 0 the farrace wal This pontonig lo allows thei ‘tua tamer piping leds um agacet tte peep Sows, eating accesso the valves during cpeation, as shown in Exhibit 739. The pl gas ve located below he fornce, providing opersor aces arng, Ignite It should be need that lug est new farce insaltions use burner managemen jes this design approach is accopable st manu contol td igalion i cece “The fuel fuel gas, and ple gas contol vas ace cued athe pie rock The fuel gas run 5 Imeedly 1 provide an even as few to ee burnee ‘Thissysem mustbe kept dey by the eimiatin flow points where condensate may collec. The header ‘ren Plant ayo aed eg Det should have 4 drip leg to remove any condensite bulb piping te the Rare sytem. Te re sear lie that stomaes sea mum be eon and insted ‘wh the fel line o decrease el vscosty. Am ing seam is jected io the burner with che fe robin efecve combustion. “The header box drain mnt have 4 seal loop and clean. pig for nspecton jst above te ran ub (see Eslube 737). Removal Of this plug perms in specson fr small lesks inthe tobe headers inthe Header box The 360 lng platform alow fl acess around the radiant Seton to the bumer sales the peep tors) and isruments Te inetd plains Fumhed ro meet OSHA requirement, which see Uhatany single der run must not exceed 304 (9,50 ‘nm The pln layout designer must ena hat tbe ‘empral areas eran cleat ofan cbc. Box-Type Furnace Piping Exhbit 740 i 2 sample piping and insrumentaion saga fr a bonsype face. This heer has 0 roduc inlet and ouet leads, a swing el wed for ‘ecokng 2 contection seu cl, rl bes ma 2genent sistem. xi 741 provides an oneal view ft furnace inthis example and indica the major Pars of the rumace. bit 7-42 shows the decking operation. rot Inkling shown nthe eecoking mos, an net 8 1 "eat 7 Swipe Farace {se for regular operon With he swing el bod to the seam and a line the we caring poses ray begin. Each col desing and Bown ou ih steam. Header plug are cemne—the rem Feadecbox panes te lusuated in Fuab 743.8 leaning tool fused to eemne coke depots the inner wall of each tube Once this complete, the plugs are replaced and de burners are fed Steam i inroduced to remove a remaining coke eposts. The seam flow rate must be slicent to prevent overheating ofthe tu: wally ai then {ded to bur fay remaining coke depots Steam And air discharge to the stack above the Samper ‘through the vest le. Sean is eoduced oe al ‘ume to Fah the tes lean ll doing Honea 1 IBaURIT a2 Decoing Operon fr 4 Ror Npe race wns, phete sections Sees Ge ybgei Se ese ae gcc tah 5 ‘mist avoid blocking acest the header boxes when developing the piping yout in tis area of the fmace Convection Section Piping ‘btu 7.4 illstrstes the convection section seam cal piping along wih some misellncous soc ‘alls The seam ine line can be run toronto {helt noznles heease the elevations above eat. ‘om. The superheated steam oulet piping can be ‘ested below the platorm 50 that wll ot pose 8 ‘exer 46 ‘hazard eo plant operations and maintenance person ‘el The suc Tenure highlighted here ite ab Sence of handeals to permit aces othe deoking Piping, The plan lout designer mst sy the ace Yendor of dus vequrement ona markup othe Place arrangement ding Bummer Management System Piping Exhbic 745 i sample piping nd insromenation clageam ofa burner management een supplied By the burner vendor The engage oneie sup us [BOURIT #7 Trance ne Layo lies he ue gs to the burner sid and mat be x "ole on the uel gas an pls gas to thei Uh burrs Txhibt 746 i plan at grade ofthe burner man agement ane contol panel in relation tthe fu face ané burners Te sii located dct inline ith the famace centerline to pride the mox direct Piping che ind burners. The burner manage ‘ene cool pane! remotely located at a mmm € 2013600 mun) from the furnace Pan: oper tions enonnel may ignite the barers orm his panel by sonang a spark to the igniter located at the ple ‘sup win the burner and acvating the wlenoid ‘ales on the st ‘Transfer Line Piping | furnace tans line isthe primary produc outlet header fom a heater or furnace 4 process mee A ‘gpl acum tower transfer line layout som Esubi 47 Becnuse many rans lines ent coke, the lengh of the line should be hep io minimum, ‘Quench injection nea the face ut sano means deducing line coking, as shown i the Trace Plant joa and Piping ee L rm axmjessacte bi, de wansfer tine should run Hoezonally ap a the mest divert coute possible t sy all stress and exdbiliy requirements The addon of line Manges should be planaed to facta ceaning if coking De “hpi steam generation dhemesiphon cuts shown in Exit 7-48 Brey hs carat the dle. ‘noe ofthe water seam mitre andthe ste head the downcomer that ainsi fd celina Ing the team dru atthe tp ofthe furnace prowites the sac head and collects the steam being generated ‘Stim reruns to the op poron of the drum, wile the water ines come of te Baton. Laops and pock {ce mus be avoid when ying oat the downer, fc riser pping and any horizon ines mst slope toward the ate eat ole or convection eo When [pumps are use ince, tale eed ec ton ‘Transfer line exchanger piping shown in Exhibit 749. Tals exanple shows how the hese product, ‘tet of profs fice used to generate sea, ‘The main Consderston is the downcomer a see piping Denween the stam deur abd wansler line ex ‘Gangers. Lines should be run wit a pronounced Slope io avoid undesirable slug flow, which tends © ‘occur in horizontal piping uns. Vera expansion Toons cin be essly spring soppored fen the ise ture. The waner ne exchanger Is supported by two igs os above the boom channel Mange, anda wok ley beam is provid a remone the top hed fe main tenance in th stem, the product line enters the [RIB 749 Traner tne Fachanger ng ‘comecton sein, ets the coll ni the rostover piping, a then eners the radian tubes through the top ofthe hear The hested proc ont rom the ‘we eows of aan tubes enters the taser line x ‘Gonger tnt me Dotom, tarstering exe eat energy to the Sears piping. and ete athe top athe exchanger TAIL GAS INCINERATOR AND WASTE HEAT UNIT ‘Wase gases containing liquids that mis be dspsed be directed the dare sym are burned nal gas Incinerator, shown in Exhibit 750, The borizontal in ws. Tear 750 Tl Tal Ga Inder © Weegee © GE ‘inert is bod deal wo the sack The waste Prosct ters the vp inlet and daposed of by a ‘burner fang dre note camber Piping sly _sssocited wid this equipment ncdes fe gi ple {B,stean,nezogen, and hgud din ult ote Inthe sce ‘The nase heat recovery uni, lasted in Exit 1751, ses the wae gases of WN 0 LID Ft {07 C) fom a gas turbine o generate high xd lo reste steam for plant ue. Ae i be seen hs ‘exhibit, uct burmes located in the ine ofthat an be wed ithe mine is shut down, posing ‘acs Pat Epo ad ip i DeocteF lexrayar [2eeocher REE ve @ | BXHIRET 9.5 High Prwre Rear EN A [BUUBIE 94. Paral Pot Pan ors Hysrrener Une “tes 2 a = Ha ome a Lh Ye 10'-12'/ 250-205 ld azdss da | wane T rr Resetee | Ste pS) sees, 1 U sass eek 206. uo atone covenare a Epis er «Ring Gieder Supported 4. Skirt Supported (Table Top) Trae Pant ajo and ip Ds 207 Muna to suit Pe suproat VAP oe Low-Pomr Dean (eg, tick unloating). Exhibit 98 depes nina lesion sequiemsnts and Exkiba 99m deer EXMIBIT 99 Dect Unt roma Reacor to Uunhading moa tuck Tosetthe eka of reactor, TSK the plant aout desiger requires the loming ifr. ype of heads + Suppor des + tenor oe ie + Lakading noe ie. wag * chet peerenc for cats handing 3h he NOZZLE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS Nazis ae lost to sit process operation and ‘marsenance requirements and 0 falta af Recess. euavaTion cea nomic an ocd erconnesion of ping between the ree and relied equipment. Te flowing in mati be requie 6 Toate and cheat react + trace veel seth, * tosromene veel seth, + Piping ind isteamentation dag, Ming Ine st Nase summary + Plane out speci, + Insaaion reuiremens ‘The perce ins ase at the op el oF the eat long wih maigenince acess Nhl bse for ca ding On smal ameter reac space fie the ne mean eel wah fea rangement a The proces ule and the cal unhaadig nv ‘roca Pt aoa aed Pig ‘eorex onthe hotom el of te reactor. I the reador is si spewed, the eet ange lke tower atts cet fsuppore yao ringer te ze vert onthe een the nese he terminates atthe nozle anges The ‘fy unkaing re angle from the ox nad to clr dhe skirt adi pstioned between te ers ag supported reas ad below the table top on eng gder-sappored reactors. Exh 9.11 depicts pial hoon ead arungements In ena ‘nes especully wh sacked reactor cata unk. Ingnvales ae ote inte se sl he recto, shown in Exhibit 12 Tempercuee Wtrunens are usally quiet reas they ae red 0 mesure the eniperatoe at Aileen eels ofthe elt bed. These Instant fn be india ables loca t varus ves on the shel a the rear o, to minimis mukiple com tor, ether on an val nozle oF the the Imacenane acest Ineramentresuienents for re cara xt 9. us wozzie NLenDIIG rangement ‘aaaeree nozzLe Saint yt ourset ox, WA || 3 ae! Te exeyetion LEG surpoerep coy are uly highlgved ona ves instrument ‘keh that furnisted bythe snseument engine nib $13 Ukstrates sie shell mousted temper tur inseument td Eid 9:14 sho the op ead veel arcangemen Sample probe connesins, which ze somesimes specie, are usualy located the ie sll ofthe ‘eel as shown in Exhibit 5, PLATFORM ARRANGEMENTS Pao ace required at eats fr aces 1 lie, iruments, binds malonenanee ese, 30 co Ips Toing as well a at sacked eaters For al unloading atform eletons re terme by the {ems tha eequre operation and maine; ol reactions platform eeetons are se to accnsousde 8 macmim ladder eun length of 30 f (9150). Extuba 916 show ptr and ler elevation re auiremenss Reactors eller dun 30 (9,150) should be trened much lke tomers (ee Chapter 10 for pit Foam requirements except tha, ar resco, tne cla platform and ladders are reuied only ft 3. fos to tempenture inerument orple pra ‘aalys unlning noes sacked ves, and mus lum fer runs. Because of the exons of pl fom bracket welling o cle preference, howe, reacors mu somtimes be surounded ysl 10 [ERURIT 912 Se Se Moweed Caps Unoaing dows Hoeaonras yozaue Bot FBHIRT913_ Soe Set -Nowee Temper rr werioeawat, Seace Se, strutres with irs oe opertor and tence access On Feat share thin 30 (9150), 2 tophead platform nee. Exhibit 917 seh 921 show pie reactor plonm aringenens PIPING ARRANGEMENTS Reactor piping must be arrange for eae of suppor nd postion 0 si interconnection it ved ‘rca Plat apo and iD wrrupenwas See x SENSING |W \ fonts M14} | wi [BRETT 945 Sunple Pate Gonecton 2u a TAGTE Ghar Townace erg mt eave canysr i te fo Le tol wasuana FEES TT ase eMpeeaTuze J itaonderst Scat br Lannee oe patra ae soumone / | FG cnet aaaone Pose te Soet \ See woentone Leone Genpe 28 Prarrotet Bz, eel EXHIB D7 Veueiupponc) Pasorm Arangenen EXHIBIT 919 Strep Pac 4 alee EN TE emscee et ene ol ore ae ) Tee Nesp Puatroms lever Jee esp euatremn Levee [DOUBT 9.18 Sagi Pater Aangemene zs £ eLevaTion! wi Treas Pat jon al pg Ds Lesa Ueprree fe ea Fa he Goo oO ‘oes Flt ayo and Pipes 25 — Tania ‘in Opra vate a | Pe < Tua Remotely Operate Valve eave. Rec acre ten ope a vey Igtenpetscs ppg mse sme wh Ci Benito ses econ ere sa opening don Ping eco er sina cat oper tment cin be rere nln grat ‘tonne tin dann Io fore eps awn she fo aan Eat Sn nlesearsrangent ohh hn cena to uence be fen, pow be routed direcy bere related equipment st ‘concisely, and supports, s shown la Ex hibit 922 ifthe fay operates in sel he piping system is designed wo acommodte rene of cast in one reactor while the otber i sll on Stream, sown in EXD 9.25. To do ths, the sy {em sfumihe lth one ae erence patos For ene of operation, the valve manifolds for rope !tion should be located a grade, these ales are conclled ema, however, the overhead anil U6. RUBE S35 Devt Arngemoe eauer vawves Preece ‘am be fated 2 the topead platform, as shawn a Exhibit 924, eit valves ae wally fried 38 par of the rear ppg em ad should Be Foe in accor thance way the arangenents show so Chapters 5 {Drums} and 10 (Tees). MAINTENANCE Handing such remenabe tems ri vals and vale des for oft repai an tas ong can be achieved by fixed handling deves or by nadie squipmers, Fed handling devices can i so forstrucuremountedrenors tley hea xb 925 depts apical vit aang and Fai 926 show 3 oly hex erangement ats are loaded trough the op ead ane: snes ae ofthe ea afer renal oe Aang recta ot supped na ae ra Inga screen assembly, which sould be abated ‘Process Plt jon ad Pipe Di [EXIBIT 9-26 Trtey Beam Araneae ener vaives Lonomse _Nezie seouey Beane po HNtoaping AZEA ith he veel the irs sep stood the tom hea fn! unload the nue wth inert mer The ner ‘atrad could ese pellets rautinabll, wich are sual larger than the exp a soppoet the ‘alt bel. THe Inert sterial s then covered th {he houom Noting screen The cay Bs seve {thr amen erento remone heer prices. Ie ‘then loaded into a bucket or sock and kowercd Aheough the mainerance acces, where is anally ‘Astute in tyes unl the reactor i led to he quired capaci. The tp and orto yer of ea tare usualy larger mesh thon the main hed. The top ating sreen then inal and eoweed th addon ayer of ert mater hut sed hol owen the screen sssembiy darn, generation sd limites nk ga urulence ding operation, ‘The caus removed sfiequendy. Removal i accompli ding namin alr ct by Allowing the carat w ext through the boom Toading nozle after removal af the Bnge cover on 217 Fxep GeaTNG decency urbe Nezzue Gyan) the unloading nara, the cals can be allowed 1 fre ll © 2 temporary continmen area or be ce mmesed using Indi wacwin, oF semporiry ‘ale may be used to contol the unaaling ees hibts9.27 dough 930 are examples olen common recor arrangements The dimensions, clearance, and tines hi ee aa ad ‘Baur 927 {hers Recor MAINTENANCE Receos FLOMTING. ‘seamen earaey eT eéTaLy ST Derour NozzLe outer lighue sn this chapter are examples of rexto a rangemens. The plant lout dover, howe, ‘hole familie sith company nd ellen andar before proceeding wi reacor hye and should e edna this fle wah such sopping geo fesse sptems, proces, chi and insu eer 218. ‘BaUBIT929 Secs Racin oft earasyor Nozze swer oe Rezee een BONBIT9.30. Wotabed Recor Bs Mane womzues estate leaps caruiyet_2ey VA Ceapme soeace ‘roc Pan aot and Pig Dass Yi Crea) » ger weasiey Towers ako referred to 35 columns, ae one ofthe principal pce of equipment of any procssing lt ty. Towers are onal steel vessele ht a wed for dtling ea mates in the production of soch rodacsas gasoline, diesel 2nd heating ol. The plant layout designe must undestand the interrlseuctare ‘of a wer and ow operates to produc sic tory design, ‘This chapter highligs the general requirements for tower pla layout design descebes he interal workings of towers and provides the infomation re oie Yo orient sozzes, lose Insunen, ppg and contol; and provide pasos and adders for ‘pecaor and maintenance acces ‘THE DISTILLATION PROCESS ‘Ceue of af ite commercial us; wher separated ‘or broken down, however oll becomes ont ofthe ‘os aluable commodies inthe word. rade ols 3 ‘muauze of hyikocirbon compounds wth wide ‘ange of boing pots rm 10 F (8° C)eo 140" F ac). Sentation, or dilition,& 2 proces > which liga mute is panily vaporized. The vapors are then condensed, Separsing the indvical compo: nentsofthe micure asthe temperature of sre le ‘ale the Intl Boling point (DP) Is ached. Ae boar contves, the temperature ries. The lightest ‘mata, butane is produced fst, 2 TBF, pst blow 100" F35Chthe heavier materi are produced be low 800° F G27" C), The residue includes eveything abe 80" (27 ©) Exhibit 101 shows the diba- tion athe diferent pod 3 the varus tempers ture anges “Te evelution of dstilaion towers is bes ex: lala in ree base sep 1+ The batch shel sil process. + The continuous sel sil proses. CHAPTER Towers 1 The factional simon proces Batch Shell Inthe batch tell sl process the sl pani fled ‘win a set fed ale hc The feed then heated Wo the temperaure required to produce 9 specie prodvat fam the oretead vapor This proces Fepeated each tine for each proustui he batch ‘teaches the maximum temperature forthe range of Drodocts specified. The feed remaining inthe sil then purped out and thes walled o oot Is then refilled and the whole proves epee. Sot ‘onl isths proces tine consuming, but the produc ot always of high quay. Exh 102 shows the tach shell sl process, which was one of te eal se for gud tre separation, ‘Continuous Shell Inthe continous sell sl process, sever sel sls are linkedin seres wo forma ater. Fresh feed con ‘anuously eters the fist lw kept low ‘sttemperaure forthe ihe overteal produ. The tbotoms Hom the fs sil ae fed to the sccond al ‘which Kept the temperature fo he next highest bring overhead prove and so on. Te namie of sails requed depends oa the somber of produce ‘edd, I the fee and the tempensture of ech sl remain consant, the fished reduc 8 of satisictors ual, Exhibit 103 depics the continous she Process which a mpronement ve the bath hell Sul operation, Fractional Distillation Similar te continuous shel she factional ds tilladon process is mace op of several ils linked together in series, The mas diferene eth ll the liguid condensate i reused othe uptea sill As the fed i partly vapored inthe fs sl. he aD FBURTY 102 ach Shel Sul Duston Process — a rene Receiver em— ieee a I contol ma! el AE UL ULEL, «temae i A be || be fee] Tas Geo Uap Liasip PRoDuer FE z or ri tel trough the overhead ine, and come lnm cortc with the lui inthe second stil Beaune the temperature of the liquid i ese ail wer tan he ineoming vapors rom te el the ‘apors pty condense A the same tine ig From the secon sill enters near dhe top athe fs ‘ren Plt aon md i Di sl, As apors sein the Brat il they eet the in ‘oming guid from the second stil This ces poe ten ofthe incoming lilt fom teen il nd condensation af he ring vapors in the sil ‘he Same reat takes place in al the dowasteam sols Ts proces proves on previous operations ESMIMIT 105 Frcionnor Tower alN=‘g | ee Sara terms of quanti, quali, and a redcton inthe en- fey seeded to ew the caw material Exibi 104 ‘seas the multinational dislaton proces. Al tree proces arangemens are sstactry OP ‘erions and play an imporant partic the develop ‘nee ofthe modern distillation tower. The fal tp ‘conning these operations ito one ingle campo. rei achieved by Sacking the sls ca top of each ‘er and nsaling an eral device between each ‘aloallow the gud to low dom and te spor 2 ie. This means dat the single unt ean uncon a2 sy sil tote mish uct or les eapal ad oferta cost. Exhibit 105 shows a sgl raion. 10: tower withthe corresponding sill numbers and tenperaure ranges of the mulstll uit. The eax oun line contol the temperture othe Hi the upper portion ofthe ower. ‘Vopr and Liquid Flow ne ofthe mest common internal devices that allows Te sage vower to fincton similarly te the mols tut isthe tmp stated in Eshib 106. Sls and hades nie ways allow the vapor to riseand the ig 1 flow down Ring vapors sn che ower pass through sone bubble caps and come no contac with owing around the caps. Liquid flowing down fram ys ‘ore fl ough downcomers and over ad abu {he bubble caps enroute 1 the next dowmcomer In this manner, the igh Boling rains inthe down owing liquid are vapid by the ea from he. Ing vapors, and hese bling fractons i the vapor se condensed and ow down the ower. This proce ‘of vaporizing and condensing throughout the tower allow he feed o be separted ino the eure ba Ingeange rations, which are dawn of rom he side ‘ofthe tomer ac the appropiate locaton ‘TYPES OF TOWERS Towers are tamed forthe service or pe of unit hey axe associated wih For empl, x sttgpor ced to Sip ier marl rom the booms aman tone for vacuum tower Is generally wed in a vacwur ‘rude unt foe dstlig crude booms residue under 222 TEXHIRET 107 Varna Tower nd Srpper vacuums owes ‘vacuum pressure, Exhibit 10.7 shows pict vacuum tomer and tipper rom the ouside, tower configurations at: imiar In appearance, varying only in dimension: cme to shave swaged op apd betom sections. Te prin pal difeence among towers isthe ype and ayout of the mena camprment that contd the rp id “This chapter describes the intenal and enter plant yur eequement for he two most ermon ‘ypes oftomer the raped and packed arrangements Exhibit 108 depias 2 peal tryed tome wih some ‘roc Fant apo and Pig Dan OUR 108 Taped Tower pees Sane, ee) I] aes 5 Maneresance |} Se , onmee resp, cunmsty =] = fea, sens YY Lever [Owen memes of ts assoc components Ina packed ower instead of having was te units are paced with beds of met ings On emering he ‘ower, te liga pases though dette that, outes the ul evealy down through the packed beds of meal rings Ring por sing hough he beds come ino conc wa the descending gi. A manner sma wajed tower operon the igud ‘ely sported by the heat om he pare na the vapors ar condensed by the cooler hg, Exhibit 109 ihusates a ypical ga lige packed tower and ts pelacpal components (BONIT 109, Tacked Tomer eke curuer baw oer Picene. SR ep naser wancTeance one, Races mer Loves Weomets \ teu ourer DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR TOWERS ‘Towers are not 2 standalone operation: hey ae ally Joated win a proces ule adacent to related ‘equipment and ina suiable position foc operate and ‘martenance aces. A tower operates dave 10 such felied tems as pumps, epollrs, drums, and con ‘ersers and shoud be positioned 0 latte 30 ‘ety and economic interconnection benween sel anc that equipment, "Win de comenonal nine proces unt towers ad their relued tems ae located on ether sie of 3 ‘rural pipe rack, serviced by unl oad for man tenance access. In pins in which the related equ ‘ents housed the ower cin located dace to the building or sirucre containing the equpmene "xh 1010 shows process Now agra of tower adits eled equipment, api pln arrangement ‘ofthe same equipment ad the equipment in eve ‘TOWER ELEVATION AND SUPPORT “Tomer elton ithe dance fom grade tothe bot ‘om tangent ine ofthe vessel. Support the means by ‘hich the vessels retained atthe required elevation. [xhibe 1011 shows an example of eatin and op por. ‘Ahough tower elon mus ss. minimum [NPBH requirements, it can be sexy a combination af the following cnsrans—whichever produces the ‘niu argent ine elevation ‘+ nrsH exhib 10:2) + Operator access (Exhibit 1013) + Mainenance access (hibit 10-19) + Minimum clearance (Eshube 1015) + erica rebolr (Exhibit 1016). *+ Common aces (Exhibit 1017). ri the most quem used and ost sas factory means of suppor fr vertical vessels It a tached f coninuous welding to the Botom head of the vessel and i fornished wah base ring, which Scere 0 concrete foundation or sacral fame by means of anchor bos. In mos axes the sit 5 Straight, but on al, smaliameter towers the skit (ould De tare. Access openings ate required in ves: sel kits or inspection and. when pose, ould Be ‘rented toward the main acces ay. Exile 108 shows 2 ypc sit arrangement BORITIO4S Mimo Clarace Towne. Ly Paina | masa acer [ERHIRIT O16 Verdc Rooter ee Bower Zeon. rece Pint oat and Ppp Bee The fist step in ower aout stg the btm tangent ine elation. Tis step ass cl engineer ‘ng in Foundation desig, vesel engineering in sup or design, systems engicering in line ing. an Forating equipment engineering in pump selection, To ‘et the elevation of 3 tower the plane lyout designe Fequies the following information Tomer dimensions ype of heads. + Seppo deta. + NPSH requiemens + Bostam out sie + Reboier deals, + Foundaton dei + Minimum clearance, ‘ocexample.the tangent fine eleation ofthe tomer as shown In EAhib 1019 has been set sng the fol Toning information and the gldelines i this haper + Configuation—Exhible 1013 (opertor access) "+ Tower dimensions—4 8 (200 mm) in dameter by ettigh 3! 104125 Proce Vel Sketch Ts ‘yares. Iataotec| [ eeeane FEED. Fe iS ce Repocke Des ore al ose Wea cw eonee Reman Botrous PEP 60 818300 an in enn ‘Type heade—2: 1 lipid + Suppaet—Sealg shi with base ing + NPSH-—6# (1,00 mm) miei, + Bost ute size dase. + Foundation — Concrete point of spoet elevation of 101 & (100300 ma). + Opersor earance—7 (2100 mm) A freetand shee should be wed for this exercise Altugh the minimum NPSH equiemee ws 2 key fcr in eleaing the ower inthis example the height ws finally dicated by operator acess clea. ance, hich was the greater ofthe ro mansions If the corfquetion shown in Exhibe 10.12 (NSH) had bbe ued the angen line elevation would e 10858 (02600 i). roca Plt apo amd ip Des [TEM* T-100 ‘Tomer Internals Towers hive a varie of eral eves for vapor lig contac alee dsb ata exe sor Layout of the vesicl There is a wide range of ‘decgns or tas, which ae the principal itera comm nee ofthe rayed tower, The wo mast Fequenty ‘hed are the single-pass bubble cap tay and te dou blepass bubble cap tay. Other tays (ep, seve oF pedorated ways) ate sar in design to the bobble fap ray and do not alec the layout of the ower. Tray ‘onfiguetns and diaensons are fired by pro- ‘ces engineering al are included in the proce ese package Beit 10-2 llusates proces este sete, Exe 1027 shows the way deals and Bx ‘bic 1-2 depcs single ps and double pas rs. “Towers hae the same ay confguravon forthe hole length ofthe tower. Some rowers, however, ___-——> fi vee [= | accu 26 STwgousH 27 eae ‘at/o08 — Je Woes fompicomse SMEE ‘rea Pant ajo ad Pig ss 144— TBOWDIT 1026 Rebour Aragon! - Ph Wa F f ¥ lauxp ARH Peles es 1 Packed Red Section seca those with enlarged sections could change {rem siole pass to double pastry Configurations Bei 1023 shows apical arrangement at ater temstion secon The chimney tay, speed ser device that could change the tap configu. tin. The chimney tay is a solid plate wih a ceneal Ccumney secon and is usaly used at deaf Se tons of the tomer. Eeibi 1024 tenses » pic dumney tay arargerent "The plant yout desgner must coer the ways aleng wai the toner nozaes 10 sux the bet exerie arrangement. The rays canbe at any ange a long a the donncomerscieay oppose each she. Exh 1025 shows a nicl example of opposing down “wo main ems tht influence tay eletaon ace rinenance access ways and rebollers The proces sctis BNe, DisTeibuToe set ong tee ws Res eaeepgeertid «Packing Support Grid ves shech (EI 1020) shows tht the rebole rawoffnozle i located creel below the dow ‘comer of try 2, andthe plan arangement (Exon 1010) inicaes thatthe reboiler is lcxed onthe westside ofthe tomer and thn the mantenance oad |s south ofthe tower. Terfoe, because the tower eboler nozzle is generally on the sme side a the eboiler and the mainance access way best ‘axed on the maintenance side, the way are sora fllypostloned about a nontsouth centri. Ex hb 1025 lstrtesa plan view ofthe arrangement The pricipal diference between tayed and packed towers thatthe packed tomer use mea fing insead of tas for Vaportiqusd contact The neal igs are dumped o packed ino spect te tions ofthe wer, lea, ad sported by eros ‘ied bars spaced to prevent the ings rom ing Tear 1028 Pesrexame 7 SBR ti00 on TEnyep sowex through The suppoas are designed wo alow por to tise an liquid 0 flow down. Liquid fed ito the ‘sil atthe top of ea bed trough liquide ‘or Unlike the tryed ower there are no spi cone ‘sieratns for otenttion othe bs, the Gor, the packing suppors. Ext 10.27 shows hese thre picked tower componens. NOZZLE ELEVATION AND ‘ORIENTATION ozles must be elevated to mec tbe ineralrequce: ‘ments ofthe wwe and orened for maine “Faces Pant joa ad Ppt PheKeo Towee operational needs. The postion must als face ‘eonomic and orderly iterconnetion of piping be tween the tomer and felted equipment ‘\ malnenance aces is wal loited inte Boe tom tp, and interesante Secon of be ower and ‘ed to gala entry tothe tomer ding Shutdown for Iseral Inspection and component removal. Maine- ance aceses must 9ot be Hosted a dawncomee Sections ofthe tomer, Care must be taken at setons of ‘he ower hat contin internal pping to avd lode ing the wainenance aces entrance Est 1028 Shows ypc elevauon and onenadon reulremens (oe maintenance acess Feed connections wo tayed towers usally mus be wep caewtenon poms |) asia asx tena faces sitar —Z— | ‘ease 1029 ete Aeraie pomeowes | anowne | loated i a specie area on the tray by means of imeral piping, which can rere nozzle orientation ‘puons. The ventions are mininized by optional routing ofthe intemal piping to facie the mes economic exeior arrangement Ineral ed piping to packed towers pipe deci 1 the dstebutor and can be orented at any angle, eis 1029 {nd 1030 dhasteae several options for interna eed Pring TE specified, reboer connecions are usally lx ‘eda the Botom section ofthe toes, For the or luooally mounted thesmospton rebar, the daw: fff nazae i locate jst below the a ey Foe {he verily mounted ecrulatingthermsiphon re bolls, te draw-cff neal i octet the tom ead For both stems, the rer nls are ed Iustabowe the guid evel xh 105) shows bah of these arangemens “The vapor outlet usualy a vertical poz located fn the top head of the tower. usualy 2 single nozzle, but in eran cases (eg, towers sith very lage dames), more than one nol is specied On lage dameter vapor lines, he ese connection could be bur-velded ised of Ranged nation, the vent and reli! ve could be oeted on the top head instead of ached 19 te overhead piping, Ex hii 1032 shows a ypc wp head seangemen ‘The liquid outer eaten te bom head of the tower Ifthe tower suppomed hy si the nouie ts routed ouside thes AS wa te spor ‘tt, more tan one nazale may be speced. The ‘lematon of the az saat bythe costa scasse previously inthis chaser. The onetaton fan be at any ange. but generally iis dated by ump suction piping debi Exh 1033 shows + ‘ypc bono head arrangement. “Temperature and. pessoreinsrument connec tions are locted houghout the owe. The temper ‘ure prabe mist be loested in liquid spe, an te pressure conection in vapor space. Exit 1034 ‘hows the prefered Ication for bath connections ewes Lecations OT poems ones Vertical Rebotler 236, ou vesees veut TeeuaTVE VESSEL Vent Location ‘pair ae Top He fraagerese —SRLEF vave a | _streenarive wena Ee sauee ae : Lecestios ed « DAMETOR Ln’ ans vesset ‘tage Sse TANGENT Line torow — \ [see nese OeTLeT CIMENSIONS: ie. TO aYicensnmant sijerss || | log @apius eLBow pation | — aoe : a TT Fi apr ig ng 237 238. S| eauoeut We Bt aNiato Ape il/Bo0 a4 Baas | Baweree ‘Sauoay Earme EAM 3037 Files chy toot Note tents Seto oot, Infseo 300" Pusteows PENETRATIONS 2:1 eUeTienL FLANGED ¢ OUND Ft Denon ReaD Wea WwTeeuM aMers il \ a ~ — Lavelinsrument are loadin the liquid setion of the ower, usally athe Boom. The eleation oF the nozzles diate by the amount of liquid beg on tolled cr meisured and by standard congo and szuge gis legis. This information & funhed on the instrument vessel sketch Exh 1035 lsat level inseunene requicemens “hen nozaes, pec those with itera pip Ing, are postioned, the plane your designe est Allow aque clearance sty suogor ace Eat 1036 tsraesapproninate ay support bean stes Standouts shown sn Exh 1037 are measured from the iternal ameter ofthe veel to te fae of the "roca Pan ajo ad Pip Ds a ange. To et tops betiom ead nol elevations, the npe ofhead mast be specfed This information Pighlighed inthe process vessel data. The wo most ‘commonly used are flanged and-shed and Yelp. ‘leads Eahibie 1038 shows approximate dimen Sion for dese heads ‘Asan example, the nozle eleations shown in x Invi 1039 have been see using tbe following guide Hes + rocess ves ech Exhibit 120, + Tray dew (Exibt 1021) Type of heade—2.1 epic E ‘Bauer 1039 a rd ; 80532:0° (py aarectn Cee tror fh Temcinlat ay te al |, aei7el.ot tiaes Ui Stateoty, a 1 ato Waa Elamtsctet J ro FE ae 2 ey sue © sue bees tenia veo.75e "29.800 FACE OF Flint FacgBarT tin Tee, si Pont oF sutreer 240. + stom tangent line eration (xh 10:9) + Nozl summary Exhibit 1020) + Ingranent veel seth (shi 1058), + Ppngand insrumentation diagram (Ex 1056) + Pat liyouspecauon—Chaper 2 * Insulaion—Noneeequized PLATFORM ARRANGEMENTS afore are roquited om tomers Fr acest ales Inseument, blinds, and malenance access. Pla. foes ae ually Gel and suppor by brackets ‘roses Plt ayn aad Pig ached to the side of the tower. General, £3510 Plato by ladder, Exit 1040 depies a pil Plstorm arangemest Pfr elevations for towers are sex by the tems tha requ operon and maintenance andby ama ‘enum fader ru of 30 ft (@150 ma), Exh 10-1 ‘hom platoxm and ladder elevation quieren. Porm widths ae dicated by operator aces, For ‘iwemedite platforms with no contol equred and laos wh onto oete tothe ide rte ce ‘tthe plo, the widh mus be 2 minimum of 3 (O15 ums se Songer pifome wh corte > ‘xed cre the lator, the wid mst be aii (F358 O15 mm) plus the wih of the controls oF 241 Resprenents MammEnanced Los ee Lo saree 4, > ee pads vA ow Gene 242, RMBIT 042 Paton Wath Requrcnens se po FERWIBTT 1043. Naltemnce hess Argenta WMrgAMEDIATE. PLaTEoan rojecens. Exhibit 1042 shows these two srange ‘At mattenance acess platforms, adequate space mist be provided 10 sing the maateance acces ‘ower flange open for sorage sean he fe ofthe ‘ower, Top heal-mounted maintenance sceses “recs Plant pon and Mpg Bai, ust be fom dee sides. sbi 10.48 displays Cal maintenance acess arrangements. Top head pst. focms are required for aces 1 vent, struments, ad elit valves a are sopponed fom the head by trunnions Exhibit 10-4 shows pil top ead pat. foom arrangements. Acces betwen towers. Ijout permits 8 prorded by commen platforming, The lafocm eleraoas can be win 2 msm de fence of 9 in (230 mm) but must be connected by ‘mechanical jn. Bast 1045 shows a common op head plafoem arrangement. Brackets for sdemounted plafoems are evsly «sgaced around the tower and, when posible, trade ‘oth the main aes. Oddly angled rack can Be used for small plavoem exeioas 8 long a8 the bracket ellp docs aot inerfee wi the adacet sup or EX 1046 6 am approximate guide to bracket spacing, ‘When 2 common ladder serves wo oF mote plat forms he lade rungs must be level wth the plat focns they serve. The plaform etoations nut ben fren increments sul the standard T2in GOD-nm) Tader rung spacing Exhibit 1047 ists this —- RIB 10-44 Type Top Hone Pam Arangemenss “Fe wees Lue dotue meee Eee ‘4 Minimum Top Head Platform [DOUBT 10-45 Common Pateeme rose tL. “he Zz \ OP ‘qutement Ladders at omer tanstonsctions and Mae sis may be pes, requied 3 max angle of 15" from the veri Offbes in ladders Shaul be avoided. Eibt 1048 shows pc slop Ing lade arrangement ‘On very wide piorms or hose that ppt heary pone leads. knce bracing required in non © ‘heuSual platorm sel, Mra in Ebi 10.8 ‘he potential ebro inmedaey unter the knee brace must be hep in mind during pation desig . Multinozale Top Head Platform or example the platform elevations shown on the proces vessel stich ia Exhibit 1039 ate the min ‘umm requsemenis fo nsriment abe, snd ral ‘ance access. Exhibit 1050 asplays apnoea 1 fangemert fr the over using the Infomation th Exhibit 1039 and de guidelines a chis ape ‘TOWER PIPING “ower piping is located in conjunction wth, noe ze, and plato oieeaon When pase the pp ing is grouped foc ese of suppor and postoned 0 sccommodate interconnection with seated. equ ‘ent and the pipe rack Exhibit 1051 shows the pe ferred ares of division fr piping, plaormi. nd ladder. ‘Adequate space mut be provided betwen piping ancl ermeen th back of ping and he omer cal Gllne the isllason of pipe suppor which ae tached tothe ower ub 1052 daplys some ap Jel suppons foe tower piping TBXHIRET 1046 Backs Spans ‘Damar? ese Sepp aster tonsa ut 7 me! Lappe e, aps +144.$50 | | \, 1 q ure abo! [esl ea Watts BF i We ete (tela Bote Oo? | ge tute sib0_| | Wet a5-o" |aplae| seo eno _| Ni pt FBOUBITT047 Taster Rong pocng wusglet 080 2 vse _ Puasa etighot [ Ratio, T vostso _ Parrots Bhilai ‘Hoo Tn Fen apt ad Pig ass 246, {BOUGHT 1051 Tower Ares of me Rack, 7 7 noe “Tower piping should be arranged with auicient ‘exibiliy 0 accommodate ower growth and allow imercoenecdon o equipment daring reli opert- Ing coadiions.Eshibe 1053 and 10.54 shaw pel ‘rece vapor line and punp suction arrangements Tele valve systems that are open t0 the amo. sphere ar located athe top oF te ower cased ss. tems re locwed a minimum distance above the relief header. Exhibit 105 shows appeal arrangement for both stems. 'AS an cumple, he piping srangement sown in "xhbit 1057 has been designed using the flowing Informaion andthe guidelines in this chapter: + Proces veel kech (Bhi 1020), «Tray eas (Exhibit 1021) + Nozze elrations (Exit 1035), ‘+ instrument vesel skech (Exhibit 1058), + Ppingand instrumentation dagram (Eas 10.58) + Equipment arrangement (Exit 10106) Pn srangenene CED 1050) + Nozze summary (Exhibit 1020) + Plant yout speciation Chapter 2 ‘cas Plant pont ad Ping Dt | Aen conden 40F iearen eine pc ter p—vesset cur ann cue ‘TOWER INSTRUMENTS Level, pressure, and temperate instruments conco! the operon ofthe tower and mist be placed i a postion dat eaanee penton and msintenance ‘whut obstroctng operator acess. lnseument © (alemens fortmers are usualy highlighted on a0 {nsrumen vessel seth Firised bythe Instrument engineer hibit 10582 pla nsrumeat ves Sketch Livel controler, sitches, and gauges are elter located indvcualy oF grouped en a common bridle ‘or standpipe The contller most be operable om [rade ora parm, gnige and ewitches ay be oper tle from 3 ladder in platform is vase Exh 10659 lusts arangemens for level insures ke lve gases, emperature and presse inst ments cin be operable tom 3 nde i pao fot aralble atthe required elevation. Tey cin be read locally o¢ in the mala control room, Lally 247 248 } \_Barroem ‘Above Plans VIEW wee Pairs. x S “rece Pt jon nd Ping Da 249 — ALTE@uaTivE, Tear 1035 iweanost ee lve Stems Batace VA Peereceso rH sosep sysrem ceuiee wee Reuer Vay k Pee ecu HD @ i TBaUBTT 10538 BaISeD Pact my ‘bzw ‘mounced indicators ae avalable in ary f ses, ‘wh srg or swivel heads ha can be poston ft ‘eae dal vis. Fxtbk 1069 shows peal tem peniur and presure connections. ‘The instrument arrangement shown in Edit 10.6 fas been designed using the flloing informs ‘dn an the guidelines inthis chapte> + Nome elevations (Exhibit 1039), + Insunent vessel serch (Ebb 1058, ‘rec lant aout ad Peg Di AR + Plaorm arrangement (Exhibit 1050) + Piping rangement (Exhibit 1057) + Level instrument Icons (Exh 1035) ‘MAINTENANCE ‘Tower mainicnance ually Limited 2 removal of ‘emeroe tems (eg, elle o Congo valves) and inte for components (eas or packing rigs). Han Sunroom eu 82 coven SWAG AGED 4. Single Mounted Level Controller Lever suite Pipa veaee an ELEVATION >. Single Mounted Level Gauge and Switch lng ftnese msi achieved by fed devices (e¢, aves or trolley beams) or by mobile equipment (x, rae). When davis or Beams are used they are fo (ated a the wp ofthe tone, accesible frm 3 pl ie to a designated drop aca a grade hen able ceupment i sed, dea space must be provided a the back ofthe tower that accesible fom the plat sully oad Ext 1062 dpi a pial dav. ‘angemers. Eb 1063 shows pi tly bea srcangement, Exhibi 10-5 poraye a planned Grp 2one. and Fah 16S shee mobile nutpment In cerain ces, stfenng rings are specified 25 ‘xionalsrengeaig othe toner shel especially es ‘Bauarr ioe - tl ELevaTion Teast 105 Nobile Epment Mops ceane Necys Koay fox tomers in vacuum serce. Care mut be ae fn esoning the rings 10 allow adequate earance azles, pions, adders, and dips Awower section th sleing rings shown In Bxhoie 1066 Be ‘ate of sie, towers can be shop fabized in v0 oF ‘more cections for shipment nce pleceor in seons for fed welding Ae wth stlening ins, allowances for learaoes mt be made between Wid seas 2d ‘ached ftings. The vendor vse cao de {ngs show the locaton of weld seams; Exhibit 1057 ikserates pal wel seams ‘uly sations are requited at wwe laos that Ihave maltenance acess Steam and lee are the wo serves required and sus be postoned du Inge we out stage so tha adequate clip can be fami fr suppor. Bxhibe 10:68 shows ual st on requemens Such overs a demethanizens oy ‘rate under enemy cold condition and sometimes tare fg it Saas" ees “Sp "Paces Pt oat nd Pig ai [EXIINIT 1068 Uy Sion Reqerenens| hte require Increased stndowt dimensions for nozzles, laos, snd Inder to dear ext thie insolation and o presen est on supporting stelwork Pogue ane Insultrs are usually furised beeen tr ins and soppon Backes: Exhubt 1069 shows 9p Cl cokdscrvie ower requirements, ‘The dimensions, clearances, and guidelines high lighted in this chapter are an example of those 1 Be ‘wed for toner arangemen. The plan yout de ‘Signe, however, mst be familias with company and ‘lent tomer sandards before proceeding mith ower layout and should coordinate the efor wih such sp orig groups 2s vessel, tems, proces and ia ‘eat engineering, WSULATION Te sutarion Twewvess pipe rack s the main antery of 3 process nie femmes all equipment wth ins tha cae fon through adjacent areas. Because bested In the mile of mos plans, the pe rack mat be eceted fig, befoce i becomes obsctedby res fei mene The corresponding piping drawings are alo ‘ured carly fr the same vesion Pipe rics try Process and uly piping 2nd may also clude inst nent and elec cable ays as well as equipment mounted over of these This wil aren reguies ‘asdenble planing and coordina with other technology groups tepurding consrtion becase ccs ae 0 high. “his chapter expla what cequid wo ize the pipe rack wi, aumber of levels nd elevations, anu ent spacing and addresses pipe leila and es and maintenance conceras for cach em Io- ‘aed within the pipe rack area. The primary dts required forthe deed develop men ofa pipe rack eludes the flowing + Hot pin + ping and dnsumesation diagrams. + Han aout specication, + lent specication + conseuction materials + eeproofing equiemens ESTABLISHING WIDTH, BENT SPACING, AND ELEVATIONS ‘The frst sep inthe development of amy pipe rack the generation of 3 line routing digram, shown [Babe I-A ne sou cagram ies semat ep resataion of all proces piping systems drawn on 2 apy of the pee plan hough dasegarde act Toations,eetatons, or interferences, lwtes the nt congested piping beat inte pipe ack Usually the information svalabe on eas ppg ad ins CHAPTER Pipe Racks ‘mentation diagram issues covers oly commode ‘umber, an preliminary se Process Now diagrams prod nett operating temperatures and den tbe need fr inlon (Once the cout dagran complete, the develop tment of rack wah bens spacing and ners ef lewels and elevations mat procead. Bent Spacing A plpe Ben consis of verte oly or columas sual heron erocural member oe meres that Carry piping ster sul abe teaoom The Iipeses hat are stl in the rack eth the bent spacing Exhibit 1-2 63 ap pipe span cha sc shows haw fa parc line can span onthe bis of se, seule, lui or vapor and insult lorbare pipe ipe rack ae tloredto a specie plan, pie sizes in chemical pans are slr than those found in refinery unis fa pans requires» 164 (4900-mm) spacing the variaon in Exhat 113 a lows for a 321 (@70Dmm) spacing by adding iter mediate Dents supponed from spaniels, Sparel fe hodzonal stu members oct aang the longitdinal entertine tha are se fr sree st billy pipe suppor, o ined pine ents Do bling the columa spacing 2 shown i 28 of Exhibit 113 ay be required to eros ronseays or avo ut serground cbsrucions. The ei nd trocar en ees should be consulted o review the economics of the approach ‘Seng the with ofthe pipe rack my then po xed, With the routing diagram, dimensioned cross Scion 5 developed the bent that will carey the ‘most piping, which bert NO 12 in the example shown th She 11-4 Usual, pie rack cary pro. sins on the lamer level o leveled he iy Tins onthe top level laren and lee aye se negated te ii level space permits Ce fn aseparate level above al pipe level Any pe ack ‘kesanhould paosde for 208 fue rom When or 262, RUBIA rekong Dogar | 1 ‘rec Pant joa and Png DE [BUNT I? Baste pe Span Te iy sn op euwe eunen azeee ceawy eunss coon seeue rus: toe oa) fe euues coeux Boose 8.50E we 8 ensell wie: Tren Pant joa ad Ppp DO pe Hak Compose apageem! — “Wiegpeeme the lecrical conduit rays are located othe op eve and a row of mowor-drven pups lected benexth the rack at grade, a Gin (150mm) slo sould be pro ‘do alow dhe condult to run Ia we most eee runner and asd runing to the outs of the rack and bac o the pumps. This feared in Eb 15. Once future rack grout and conduit hae een allowed fete pla, he spacing maybe set withthe ie spacing cat in Esube 1-6. ‘When flanges o flanged valves ace reputed on 0 _acent ine, the Danges are ster depicted 0 ‘Exibit 117, Thermal expansion or ctacon must bbexccommodatd. as shown in Ee 1-8 When all the distances have been esablished besce al ines ‘reich level, elodng allowances fo ture rows ‘ndcondu the oly emaiung densi tobe sexs {he dszance rom the fs ine nthe rad othe ver ‘lcolumn centri, Cam ses ae Fumie by the cml srsctual engineers The last sep dp all the dinensions and roand oft the nent hoe number —erexarp 20 (6100 mm) eather dan 19 3a (5850 mm) To ‘use the pape equies a mich gener are the ac the dengner mould work wit ihe stra fengincrs to determine wheter the pipe rack shold beewo 30 (BSD) wide levels or three 206 (100mm) wide levels Ths decision flecsthe coxt ofthe seucture and pipe and mist be made arefly ‘Aer the bent spacig, rack wid, and nomber of levels re esablshed the elevation othe eves us be set As cscused in Chapter 2, te plate yout signer mus know dhe mrumum carsces 10st the elevations. Plant oad, ype of mode equpmeny, {nd equipment lose beneath te pipe ak cin ‘uence the pipe sick elevation, Usa, space I lowed below the pipe rac for equipment witha mi ‘mur clearance of 10 (050 re). “The next factor to consider ls the dimension be ween the boro of line in the rack and the et ta branch a1 Jeses the rack For example. 3 review ofthe largest lies in the ene pipe rack Indies that chete are Wo or tee lange diameter Tipe aa 2 FERMI T6 Une pacing Char Lae 1Bo* Faniee boot hana ae li Ti4l2le[ 4 Te [sficfielial olieleolaal t [ia] 2 |e] 4 be a lila | 14 vo io fae [aa] Sas store areata atetetetatelelel sta wal Saf alala le | fielre|iafigl sf il apafafafetioli [reli [isf elie} za) | Ae} eliely [a4] shel a) felotn [elmlis|e) pele RACEC CE tel ebelellrpole i alisha 1) v2 | te | nl asl eo) 15 | 14] vol IS fio} CT Tisheln|shelar al isin 2, fie |te|zo}ee| ea] 9! 4] mI io fel fee SiS ie Hee aly one ie ea 24 1 |=} DIETER, smacince ip peoeD ON zamUy oF Pipe Te Hone + I//2te. “REEL Ine wens lose ones panera, pmo ao vee Une ze bese oP cenretnie Ceres Paeusion, It NONE, + adi] DUBUSAAL To SUT NALSTEN Macey, + clanae epecie wees pire mace al rae 2 LTD. + oluanENTD To 2PECNG RE TAEaL CREISION 22 CATT MUST Be Mare. me ‘race Pat oat and Ping Basi ats Ce ne =] ) B} QP saowat ! oF eouasee lecopos ggerce AL See cee lose 268 is — E LAMA AANA LALA an SH F| se matt a Ah t ‘recess Pant joa nd iD iss (eg. 18,20, of 2 a) and the emahing ines are 12m the en evel above and below theraccanbe3 015 mm) The dimension fom the end ofa 80° Durweld elbow tthe centerline of 129 line 18 {in 57 me) Exhbie 11.9 kstrtes howio bande the large diameter ines by using 245 elbow oc rimening anahow i a moc shallow angle Iie instrument Ss elec condut are installed cna separat evel, the estimated dimensons ofeach tay most be ab. ‘ued rom te instrument ad electri engineers to ‘ensure that adequate space is provided The design ofthe pipe ack now! complete wih the exception of insalling equipment over the rack SETTING LINE, VALVE, AND INSTRUMENT LOCATIONS Say factors must be considered when locating each lineal, and insure in ppe rack Exh 120 pe Rack Meter Rane lean example fs ppl nyu ‘Aconmmon arargement of sandard proces unit pipe rack sone in hich tbe proces lines ae on he Tower level or levels. The tly ppg son the top level, which aries piping Elen and insrument cable ray ar located onthe op Heel with te wl pig or on a separate level above the ually piping, ‘Sepending onthe een of cable ty aces required The plan yout designer must consul the eer and insrument engineers eal inthe pipe rack layout, to esablsh these requremens ‘When locating lines i the rack, te plant layout designer should tun the lagest lines near the ouside ‘where posse wo reduce the veal oad onthe sup orig beans eter rns should be isle directly esto the columns so dat acess avalabl by pra ble ladder or mule plalorm. as shown is Eb GIT Meter runs are focated in the pipe rack ony ‘sea absolutely necessary. any ei Readers must be located above the tp Pipraas GUBITIIAG sherane Pipe Rack Espoo level ofthe rack tallow the line to dain tothe bow down dum. The designer should avo lcs the line oe! the centerline ofthe clu for sup that he colons ean be exended or fare rack x pasion Exhibit 1-12 shows a suggesed lotion for the reli header that does not impede fate expan Shuto valves a tty headers ae located inside she ackares in the hocaontl pation, resi aboHe ‘he header oom permits Opersing ales hist De acesibl rom platforms o By chin operators. The Tecaioncf the vale must so permit the can 10 fll eee of dsructions that would hamper operon, An ‘edn 20% of space must be allowed fr fire ‘ie rack aot. An alecatve appar ah prston sthown in Exhibie 11-13. Beene space inthe pipe rack limited once the Aesgn i se eis important 19 route lines 801d ‘races Pnt yout and Piping Dat TBGHIBET 1-14 How Sion aa Pipe ack Colum 0 foe os ‘ead spc’. The designe can minimize runs in the ‘ack by cnsulg with the ajcent area designers © ‘enafy which ines can run wan the areas. Becase the development ofa pipe rack oeninclodes sp Ping lines, abies the designer Gra the lines Tigi un sasied with the design. Once the layout ‘Sopinized, the line defnon can be fialized 2 pipe tack compose is shown in Exhibit 15 ‘his view highligh femres mentioned previously and caries addaionalconsderasons. For example, ‘he with ofthe access way determined by the space eel 10 maintain the equipment lose a pad Below the pipe rack For proceso cat rexons shell and tbe exchangers maybe lowed under apie rack In cen proaas unis. Allowances must be made 2 a ‘mann Such unt (eg, provkcing ach point vee the channel end to act ts remoral, Once ai, itexremely important to know ex what kind Ince handling equipment the plan will we, The vera drop of nes ouside the ac, akhough sully 2 (610mm), isonce agin sty the aera lesen the un. the average line ef na in 300mm) deop maybe suicint. his view alo shows how the electra conduit can be ron det to he pump sane switch Exh TM shows 2 piel arrangement fora hose sation, Batery Ln ving for 9 single evel Pip ack I sbowe io Exhibit 1145. Te rales are Saggered on either side of te catwak and hand wheel extension stems are furised when necesiy {0 cite operation. Exh 11-16 ako displays 3 singeleel rack Here, however, an enon change 's required beeween the process unt a te of te rac This design has the Dock vale stale in the wera pardon ofthe line, which slows for ele tiene of operation Exhibit 1017 dusts a rwotere process unit Pips rack: the leraton change tothe case area fier above or below the proces Un pe race, PIPE FLEXIBILITY AND SUPPORTS Abou conducting the fina sues anal ther. Sponsbiliy of dhe mechanical or stress engineer, the Pipe rack designer makes preliminary calculations us Ingrlevan books and nomogeas erie that the ‘dexgn wl nat equi major rework ding the foe imal sees check Exhiba 11-18 highlgs the eps teelved in making 2 preliminary exbily check, ‘which are dscussed inthe following Seon [sublshing potent fexblty problens The lines that woula mest ikely equire expmsion loops should be defined Steam headers inthe top level of the pipe rack ate such examples. Pipes ‘ca Pa aot ad Pipa ‘race Plt ont ad Pg i easy ‘Check Sens —_——. Oo —_—————_8 Pipe Rack Anchor Bent Determining line growth The gromth o sch uy hears shou! be determined by mulip ing the 2. fies of expansion by the lent of he line The ‘oeficent of expansion fs bad on» pacar mate aleperating a spc emperarure Upset erp ‘aures ake precedence over operating temperatures Determining wheter one anchor point wil slice ‘Assuming thc an anchor i oe in the enter the various briches to detemine whether they have ‘ough Nexis to ase the header grt If 04, wo anchor points approximately one quae of he distance rom each ee of the header shoul be ee. Using the nomograms the designer ean cle he amount of expansion lg required to usa eb inrequrement. Arranging tines in proper sequence The line tit requires thelages leg mus be lcsted onthe utsie ‘ofthe lop. Fai the headers along one side ofthe Pipe ead allows the expansion loops to nt wih = Sigh ovetang along the adacent side of te pipe ‘ek xubie 1119 shows such an arate, As 3 Pipes ‘Seam ine Br Les Sd racceee Wwe. - weeG. TERHURIT L122 Incrmedine Poe Spor ou i bo any resul of imposing stop lads on a parce ben, bracing may be required 0 rade prota te atlan of any equipment im thst particule bay. A ‘means of remoring eondensate bull up mut be pro ‘ied on eter sie ofthe expansion loop. The most ‘commen way 1 aecompish this 0 ad de es and traps ar shown in Exhibit 11-20. Header gronth causes another problem at of ten nota ebrous. The line spacing cre nay have been vido se distances Berween ines, o ies may fave bean set lose column. Exit 114 reves thatthe mewemeat of lie must not be rested by roca Plt layout and Pipes Dei rope ie appon ctyaocee Late an adjacent lie o column, because wll at 3 ne ‘Stop and could cause a problem. Enough space must ber provided for dhe ine 1 mone as maximom dcance ard sill ave an ample clearance of 318 Osmm. Edubit 1.21 shows the crest way to suppon 8 line that has exconded tama span. Aceon, misake & to extend the 1 proces line over the ‘ack bent and eap when the line sbould have Been run aba suppor problem dd aot ext A salle ce of pipe or dummy leg could then be weed 0 the elbow for suppor (2 hoe should nee cutin the process line) Exhibit 122 shows how ager lines na ppe rack are wed to suppor a group of salle ines x ay ot be adequately suppored because ofthe bent pa: 15g The unimslned ie i U-boked othe supporting Sek the insulted line has 48 shoe welded tothe trsulted line is used for suppor the growth of the line athe proposed suppon poi must be checked 1s prom cook become resced by dis ype of suppom and i may be beter wo we archer line for the application. ‘STRUCTURAL CONSIDERATIONS os lines require support when leaving o entering pe rack Sutra members ald spinel ae the Inst common means of sasying this equiemec ‘Ae ll the lines have en un in the pack he ‘la layout designs must begin to lost the span dels necessary to suppor all of ese les. Exh 1123 shows how te requltement can ve handled. If the rvetural engineers require addtional spandres fox sili of the pape rack, they shoal being is eglvement to the atention ofthe plant lout Signer xtibit 1-24 shows some variation of span el des, ‘The plant yout designe shoul be mere that pre cat concrete pipe races req srucal members tht are much larger than moet designs Ex 1-25 Ukstres precast columa with an enbedded see! ‘member forthe spandtel suppor. The spundel also yas an embedded sel member that bled othe ‘column and evenly grote in An instalation se ‘quence for apreest pipe racks aso shown i Exh 1135, ‘och equipment as drums and deaerators is ofen located above pipe feck columns. To avd wasting ‘lable ac spe with he lage suppor columns the inside ice of the pipe rack eolurin mse line up ‘ith the nse fae ofthe equpment spor colin, 2s shown in Exhibit 1-26. Ths appteach also allows the feedwater out piping to run vertically down © the pump before te expansion lop Is added. reprooting of pipe rack columns i shown in Ex hibie 1127 1 hydeoeatbos ae preven, is com mon repoot the columns 1 level uz below the Tower rack support eam. If aie coolers or other ‘equipment i load above a pipe rack, the freproot ing i extended othe equipment suppor beam. This Ishue must be reviewed withthe len allowances may need tobe made for as muchas 449 (100 mm) of Frepronting| Pipes 278. Pipe OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Occisionally, a stuton ares in which 4 tein pipe ack maybe employed. Thelen hppees near ead.endstea where the poten for problems is ‘minimal AS shown it Exhibe11.28, he kine sequence ‘recs Plant jon nd ip Ds Tg fo the let side ofthe rack must remain conse = Jong aft tens ae sed ferent elo ange, 2 shown on the eg side ofthe diagram, ‘This approach ust he well ovghe out before i 8 The secondary pipe ack intersection f shown in stb 1-29. There fea rght and a wrong 0 Se ths locaton although s may seam mare uniform 1 ser the seondary rack drealy south of the main ‘ehisouth rack during the pox plan development ge, Ex 1-29 also eu shoms ny tis should bbeavoided. The lines heading north ofthe main eas set rack ret the lines fom the south foe en ‘eing this common area Therefore, the secondary ‘shook be sited et one bay to eliminate the poblem, Aerrane pipe rack expansion of tie india Jets can be accomplished by adding 2 canever ‘eam as required en the outsie of te cola, The ‘ny prblem with this appreach that planned fy, the vera risers commonly found ouside the pipe adeuse a considerable amount cf the space of the extension, s shown In Eb 111 pe rac addons ae shown io Shibie 11-30, ‘ea A shows a sandard twolevel pipe rack, 3s Plunne Because tis always pose forthe pipe rack to be expanded in the future, she atea orer de ‘ota must be kept re of piping ad edu. The fame expansion may include another ve level (B), naif cooler(C).0¢asres of shel and ube exchang ‘25 (D) Tne pected Socaon ot Fel nesdet Shove 3 pe race lst in Exe 1-12 ghting panes and welding eecepaces also must Fierce [ t .© Tear 1a amoene, ‘wei neepaces 2 oh TeoTe WAS roca Plant joa a Piping BE 283 ‘be planned for during te erly sages o's pipe rack layoat They are movnted drecly on pipe race ‘olin thei Tocton mst be recorded on the sp lable documents. Hlearical engines. designate ‘whee the regular and emergeny panel ae oeted: ‘omrucion personnel sles die prefered locaton foche welding recepatles (sce Shi '131) When Jocting piping, manifolds, control sons, ins ‘meas, and pull boxes alg the pipe ack coum, rae (pentoe Acces the designer should aol blackng access rom under the pipe rack 0 aacent equipment areas by leaving ‘lea space as listed in Exit 1132 ‘Onell pipe rack design must meet the current ‘needs fa esas wel a any expansion plans wit ‘ut making moe modiicaons to extn facies. ‘valible space Inte pipe rack must be considered valuable and used othe vamos atanage of pesene dnd fire nce Pipe maa Ssmuutes ae used in most indus betes to ‘cmmodateequpment and asia components 0 Sat spa pres, zal esate, climae,and cent repiremens A sac can be desired to suppot foe oc two pecs of equipment o an entice proces ‘ln and can be open ex enclosed. Te pina ob Fetes inte out of sructres are © eptimize ll Jralable space and to suppor safle, mamenance, ‘rertion, os, and consul. This chapee highlights the general requirement {oc structure layout covers the mos con soe tol deals and. discuses equipment plcemen, Ilmenance, and operational considerations, DESIGN FEATURES Many design feures most be considered before a suo Lyou i bagu,inclsing + Set or concrete design + Open or enclosed sure + Siding requirements. + type of fring + secess * raced orig ame + ueproofing requiremens. + Equipment maitenance ‘Type of oot Ake these base parameters hve been esablished, ths layout may proceed. Besides rea esate resi tens allomble pressure dp, gravy How cond tions and NPSH requremenss may requze equipment to be elevated, however, ech pies of equlpment ‘mim be st 8 close o grade as posse to minimize (Georeal beighcofthe esate hectare eto ‘be eloted the fllomng poins mast be adresse ‘+ Handeais are required around all operation and CHAPTER Structures rmsintenance platforms + Seuctres that contain equipment that does not faced dally opertor atenton can be serviced by tars + Equipment cequring regular operator atendance is sereed by starvays, + Service to large stracures may roquiee an elevator ‘oc eelng bel it + Because equipment may need to be removed for ‘major maintenance (eg. exchange bundles), suc {ura menbers or andes seoions may need wo be remorble + Monorals or hitch pins may be required oe mala. + in sreouses of concrete do ot use bracing but should be conseucied wih 2g fame design, + when Freproofe steel eosrscson i use, pipe suppor stl must be tnvalled belere the Sel columas, beams, and braces ae freprooted. Other ‘wae the freproting must be chipped away down {o the tel member. Tis chipping is easly and should be avoided STRUCTURAL TERMS ‘eens commonly used in sractre layout ae defined Jn the following semions ace ot tg frames The design of any eleated ‘srvcture must take vo acount the tea weit of the equipment 10 be supported and operation an Imaitenance requirements 26 well a Wind lad ahd ‘Sarge 20 consdertlons OF these points, op radon and maintenance play ge role in Geter Ing the need for a rigid o braced frame. rigid fame design requires no adoral horizontal o vet ‘ros bracing, pening maximum aces 10 equ ‘ent and pip. The pan yout designer mus ec ‘gnize frame requirements ery in the evelopment 385 “ype aber Dee yosioral, L [isin oa [BaWstr 22) Prevod Poston for ers Seiwa ta ange Troe Plant aoa ad ig Deis ‘fa structure and consol wih the structural engineer before proceeding wih the design Bquipment loud This & dhe weigh of equipment wi al dead load stachments. Dead load Dead load i the weight of all sracural ‘members wihin the srucue, cluding the freprooe ing. LUveload This comprissthesuperimpsed load on plaorms or ors as res of operation sd ain fenance is usually minimum of 50 Ih pe sare ‘oe ve lad doesnot nclade the welgh of esp ‘ment ping. oF sorage of materials ale) G Phpetoad_ Pipe load referstothe weigh ofall piping, ‘aes, etings and insulin, including the weight cf canes uring est or rel operation, whichever emer xthguake lad This ithe specie sim data fo patel ste, ‘Wind load Measured in miles per how, wind Hoa is the force applied wo a stare at a gen se changer bundle removal load Ths 1s tall the wight of there bundle ‘Tema expansion load_The cfs of themal ex fasion mst be accom by egeipment Sop Dar strucures and elements pe anchor load The force calcutta resist load lng in anchored plong stems, te pie anchor load 'Sieddd to the theral expansion loud of he eu DDymamic loading This the response of structures and their components 0 the qe leaing pro ‘ced by rating or reclpocning equipmen ‘STRUCTURAL DETAILS ‘Atypical Inder det shown in Exhibit 121 ad ers wih leans ofa maximum of 2 (6,100 mm) ‘Bove grade donot requ say cage. An in 2OD- ‘am) epen area behind the adder should be main tained for toe clearance. Any cbrocion wishin this dance 2 potent ipping hazard ‘he preferred postions fr ladders, srw nd ramps fre lotrated Ehbit 122. Ie rece ‘mended that adders be run verily o a mai Angle of 15% Stways should be limited 1 4 ma ‘mum angle of 50° off he horaanal plane, bu they Should aot be used for les than 215 ibe. Ramos Should be limited to 2 15" maximum inline. A Se. ‘way dimensional eal i shown in Exhibit 123. The BUBITIa-4 Taveling Be st “recs Pt pea and Piping ie location of he sep are wally set by the stra engines, Exhibit 12-4 shows a twveling bel Mt. Tis device consists ofan elects deve bel wah steps and hand fps Ie consaly in mosion a slow ae Te it Provides ap acces oa lege sructure wot the sed fora anda elevator ‘grating pao i depen Exhibit 125. When ths ype of plitform ig used the plaform opotseet ‘sieuton does not ncde the icess othe rang. overt pipe support lads ean be imposed a this ‘design, holes for piping shouldbe banded for re forcement. A deck plat platform i shown io Exhibit 1124 Thi commonly wed form of decking s Vin (10 ‘mn ick reproofed see i shown in Exhibit 127. The plant lay designer obtains the requ Fiepeoo fog tines for parclarsrucure atthe outset of the design, Fireproofing tikness usualy anes fom 2 (50 mi) 4 in (100 mm). Bracing strated in Txhiit 126, abescued from a vary of srucura shapes or piping Beonse these f te sex plates ‘artes widely al cimensional daa must be obane to hed for possible inerference Deween pig and steel uses. ‘A concrete plalorm is sated In Exhibit 129. ke see platorms, the concrete plafoem has an (dm) toe pie insaledarcund ts edge A con ‘ree pltorm for acid service is shown ip Echt 12-10 Acid reise ric is used when specially required, as shown in xhibic 121A cured afea i provided around the equipment mos ely 0 leak ‘uring operation and maintenance. Sheds are ro- ‘ded for flanges acid service outside the curbed xb 12412 illustrates seucurl sing Siding may be fabricated from liegt alumina or La (Ge. Sing ppt el shoul aever be we 9 Sup- or piping ping may penetrate the ing Uxough opening slightly larger han he pipe or sslaten, if pplicable ‘DuHIRIT 126 Bu 725 ‘roc Plant jon and Piping Dt Mora pst Exhibit 1243 provides tece variations of equip ‘mex suppor. Detail isa kee suppored on ig t Moor level the major portion ofthe eset Sts below the sypporing Noor. Beta luster an exchanger ‘supported by lugs below the floor, witha steel fame ‘hug above the equpmentto secure the required ‘losion, Det € shows a common method of up ting horizontal equipment In this aplicsion, te tin scr sel members aust be oced winder ‘esas. Adtional steel maybe required beeen the supporing beam and the sd to achiewe the ‘deed leva, othe exchanger sade mays realy on the rca beam. ‘Nmonorll layout i depiced in Exhibie 12:14 \Wten equipment requ fonsant maienance, 3 ncooral olen sed to see noe neces stright ine. len inputs required bore tie tore is adnd becure mete handing squpmert ‘may bean aerate os approach hen 3 mao ‘a iplanned the plant out cesar hghlights he Md load on the drawing 1 sgn he mam load 10 be maintained by te monoeal 's pipe cise, shown Un Exit 1215, is usually found wat 2 buldng oe srscie with concrete Alors The chase on each Noo sine up tree of ‘barucions and llonsuulty and proces piping 0 run Between all Docs with minimal changes in dae. ‘oa. ndivideal nes shoold pene the Roar he desired lotions and donot use 4 pipe hae ‘SMALL STRUCTURES Eubas 12.16 through 12.20 show iitions of sal structure design. The physical size of any stare Should be srl med tothe space require for ‘equipment operation and. maiatenance The fist salstrucare scheme, sn Exhibit 1216, sates 4 ‘commen approach, in which one pace of equipment |s set above another accommndae 4 grit flo system Although the deste appears reasonable here ‘maybe an aerate ta consider “Feces Pt Loa ond Pia a ‘panne a5 1p Bxhibie 1217, the exchanger i et above the eum asin the previo desig, batts supported ina completely diferent manner. By consuling wih the ‘ese engines, the plant yout designer my beable to suppor the exchanger and plaor rom the vessel Shell shown, with the drum supported fom cn crete ples Tis appiation sould be considered ‘whenever is economia practi ‘singleevel one-bay suet s shown in Exhibit {2:48 In this design, he elevation ofthe upper kev lam is determined by the following condos +The drum levion must adhere wo NPSH require. "he platform on top of the drum must allow ae ‘quate earoom for peratons personnel nd space Asingle evel, vo bay strocure i std in Bx Inbic1219.As pevously mentioned, equipment sa Stee Oneday ‘pane 9 Mgnt Teo ty des are oct main sracural beams shenever Possleo minimize the eed for aoa ee At sade, equipments Hine up along 2 regular equip nent in: however, quipren in traces ms Tow an equipment line tn accosiodtes the rain Soppon lotion, hich may vary. Remonable band ras mast be provided in fot of sell and ube x ‘hanger when tube Bundles must be remesed ‘Atwetese!suucuze i shown in Exhibit 1220. The ‘exchanger be bundle mantnance of lve 1s the foal pont ofthis exhib Tes ofthe excanger 10 hemtinained derermins the need for atuberemal strocureIfsucha erro requis hae 2 beam cretly oppaste the exchanger from which ‘he bundle can be plled. The structure must aso Fane auolley beam tos the top of the ue level and detiy over the exchangers If ie eal Structure oe used 3 trolly beam lated ey (rer the channel end of te exchanges on level 1 ‘races Plat jon ad Piping Basi ust projet out to allow mebile equipment to pick ‘p the bundle and lower ito grade, ‘MEDIUMSIZED STRUCTURES when designing 2 truce, x plant lyout designer ust fen Sy resis process conditions (8. ‘minizal pressure drop within a system). Eaubis 1221 and 12:22 show how one equpment arange- ‘ent tay satsy that requremers. Preferably, the Shell and tbe exchanges (1 dough En Best 1222) ae set weraly he structure, wich uss the leat amour of pstform and may sgl (ce the area needed forthe mainenance of thee ‘anges. long the ate bundle removal serie a geade i acs asolte minum. ‘ila in Exhibit 1222, the plaorm are for 238. el ‘eps eangement BR View. ‘he vera layout is sgl smaller than for the horizontal one. ta traveling crate fused ine Hor onal arrangement, a slighty Tiger eop tone i needed Vindwdual lly beam ae use ener cach exchanger the area required a grade i gnficany increseu and can become 3 cy eal ete prod. lem Solvng i requis the participation of te sue tural engneer and the exchanger engine TARGE STRUCTURES Many pores plans ne equipment located large strucure. The reason these staturs ave peered ‘over grace mounted iasalitions is that» signa, ‘umber af smal pieces of equpment ae use Many “rece Plant Lyon and Pigs ‘ray ow systems and 3 great del of smal piping eed the natal sopport that 2 nrge sruute can ‘ofr Exhbie 1228 lures lire rte Face that mst be considered during the evelopment oan equipment arrangement and piping layin a pro fees pl ince ished grade within a srctre should be ¥2 in {G00 mm) higher than grade outset aol dain. 8 peoblems.| 1 Pipe racks and electrical and instrument cable ts should be lod in the same general re, peter. by down the muddle of he sac + Freestanding process owers shouldbe loced ad ‘ent tothe srocure 1 fae operator access ftom the tower plaforms tote sree 320 ‘parr = + Adlearaccess way s needed for equipment mai ance or moval + Adequt clearance should be provided aund all equipment for operation, maintenance, and sae) + Adequtesairoays and escape lars are needed to mee: OSHA requirements pense and encosed structures fl unde der emt govening coves. ch ots and woe beams ate als eure 19 face mainenance. The lied kat tepurrment should e indicted onthe bout dawg (shown Inthe sctre erst econ n Exh 1225)0 show the maximum weighr be ied at tht pin forthe Trocens Plat ayaa ad Pipa ai suruauralenginee’ formation. Main pipe rowing levaons must be eablshed ery lx ping ths Should be used wih cation The use of pipe cases for ouped piping conigraton shoul be coi ered for srurures ta ave concrete Boost min tz nda oles tg the oe "When designing a age structure, the pln aout designer must observe ow ars pices of cau Inet are ered during coastsion. Exhib 125 Shows on sich sequence bk stuns erected track ran berween them The vessel broug into blo arc! ied of ther i then rset he ‘esred elevation. With the ouside bears yet fo be ae TI Le FIRE SESSA Iinsalled, dhe vessel i moved tray no place the bres ate then ised This one method fo Ying Lge or heavy equlpmeninstruces. STAIR STRUCTURES ‘Wh complex equipment (eg, convener and fac orator Hud caaliccracking uni) ese 2 ‘hough eleatrs are ofen used, client spproal mus be obtained before they ae included. The opium layer ncadesaranging the ves laos or easy cass fom the structure Clearance between the Wes Set and sracrepladorms mus sconmodite the ‘rom ofthe vessels, which should be culzed 1 SUA sly concen. This sruce eimites the need © route lines and soppot thers from thr spective towers. Te truce shouldbe looked a a2 ‘ert pipe rack and used ts maxim ‘0 allow suficient flexibly ithe piping stems between the saonarysidcure and the movable DRILL STRUCTURES xi 1227 asres wo variations ofthe atc ‘enerly found ina coker unk A ean be seen the min operating vale plaform i te only pao Sipponted from the elevated concrete dk in both Aarargement Ia one variation the operators pent house i suppored trom the top of the vee ong mith the ene dell structure above the penthouse This jou requires the eoke cums to be designed 0 "Pcs Pll yea Piaget 308 [BQUBITID26 Operon Socure y ay WY Uf Hi MASK SOW ‘race Pit on Pag suppor the penthouse and dil srucares 8 wel a the pining Lads ‘The alienate arrangement is one in which the cntie stucuce s sipped rom the elevated con cree deck: Although the vessel wal an be Winer ‘han in the fst arangement, dis design requires ‘more steel and greser atentlon fo pipe support and flexibly because the ower operation cle a a sul of deoking requirements The coke that bulls ‘op dirng operation emned ty bghpressre wa ‘er low Bough pine rope supported within he nl structure. Before exer ofthese rangement ‘sed an economic study mst be performed ade ew by the hint OPERATIONS PLATFORMS ‘Mos large verical vessels ave laos that re sup. ported deel from the vessel shell Some vessels Fave a gzear dal of ascites piping ad instruments. in; Exubi 122 sets how moch parm may be cequled for operation and maintenance. The 199 hea platform i neces for cat fading nl he ‘moneral used to holt the cats fom grade, AL eh level, the piping and insrumenation requ ments need constant operaoe atenton. Supporting lage platoons fom dhe vessels i often inpractca, and aSracure sich asthe one shown inthis exhib is Dest sted for Suppor. Underground piping applies any piping system ‘ated below grade. Buried or in Wwerches, under ‘grcund piping stems wihin a procesing complex Cons of gray Now drainage syns tery peo ‘5 waste spl rocabons tobe eclimed, 2d Sanur and storm water alongwith presutized water sysems for proces, fie, and doing to mee the Operaional eds ofthe tly This chaperighlghs the general sep by sep rccedutes to follos foreach stem when an under round piping layouts being develope Locl codes {nc regulations and specie ellen requrements pow fer the design of any underground ppg stem INDUSTRY STANDARDS ‘Thefllowing ist epresens the most commonly sed Inds standards for developing underground pip ing stems: + ASTM A74 Cas ion sopping ad ings: + ASTM_A120—Stel, black and. hotdpped, zinc ‘outed (galvanize), welded and seanies pipe, for ‘inary use + ASIM A7H6—Ducle ion aati sewer pp. + ASTM C425—Compression fons for vied ly ie and figs. + AST C700—Vifed ly pipe (era srength, san ard ster, and perforate) + AST DI785—Palinl chlocide (VC) pase pipe (eels 40, 80, zd 120. + ASTM 3034 —Type PSM PVC sewer pipe and fi te: +N 1230—clayware for sewersge snems. +95 14—Pipes of unplasicied plasic (poling ‘hloide) for potable water. +5 26—Cy pipes for ining seweye and wate. CHAPTER Underground Piping ‘TERMINOLOGY “Terms used in underground piping systems ate de fined in the following section, avert elevation This tem, usualy assoc with any underground line, refers to the elevation of the Inside Botom ofthe sever line 26 shown in Exhibit 15:1. Because ofthe wide ange of mates wed in rainage piping tems wh varying wal thickness, itis the constant ta is used 0 se the elevation on ‘oasiucon drawings Sower main. ‘This ste primary drain line in 358 tems separated inc sions fe safle reasons by sewer bose. laterals Late are dein lines colecting fom 80 ‘F more soblateras They dicharge Into the sewer man hough se Sublateris These cole branch lines and seed seer boxes io literal Branches Branches collet ll the various dein lms wha a plan (eg. om cach basing sn dein Fabs) and de io sblatrals {uf station This an underground struct (eg, 8 sump) wed w pomp effluent to 4 higher elevation, ‘which may be In a gray sewer stem, oF 10 the Tater Lin Catch basa Tis device & sed t collect suice nage, with an ore qu seal and sediment ap. Cleanout cleanout 2 ping connection in 3 sewer stem thats lcated grade level or inepes ‘ons o oe cleaning the sem, 305 ZERIMETT 1341 Ppe Berton Drain ub Uswaly 3 4in open pipe connection fo ced apcoximately 4 in (100 mm) above ade or pltfoemin concrete strcure, dein hub sed 0 ‘ole dis or effluent rom pumps, ping, o equip rent dans ‘Trench ‘hiss usally heeded concrete ough located ithe ground whee op dash wah rade ‘suse a hose piping systems below grade and may require beat racing o operstor access. Seer boxes Used in oily water sewer ase sever bes + Permitaces for inspection and cleaning the sewer 1 Allow 2 lateral 1 be sealed 26 ts exo 2 malo + Ave rewired 2 intersections and changes of tne Se newer mains every 200 (6 mn peoces unis and every 400 f (122 m) ino se areas + ze sod to permita worker to enter and inspect oe remove any ebsruction—They should havea mi ‘mum camer of 48 jn (1200 mm). 1 Do not require ladders spat of he desis + Mus fave sealed covers inal sewer syns, wth ‘he excpon a those i storm water semerlocted in pomazartous areas, whch may have open rat lng corers—Sewer boxes locate in hzarous 8 "rece Pant Layo and Pips DR ‘es must have an ven line ths charges tthe stmosphere at sale loction Al lines entering sewer boxes within a proces wit rust ve 2 619 (150.0n)minamum water seal For ‘Offs sewer bones, sraghtthough Raw fr sewer ins permite, previded that teas om other seas do fot enter the sewer box or mains. The inside {op ef the outlet ine is nal ole ta he leyation ofthe inside top ofthe lowest inlet line before sealing Seals. ‘These devices isolate the potential spread of Fre from one area of «plant to another i a sewer system, Angle of repose Concrete foundations mast remain on undisturbed soil and mas not be undermined by Underground pping or condu. tn Eeiba 132 the angle of repose extends down a 245 angle fom the tute extemsty of the foundation, nothing should be loced within this fea. Proj tha we piles under foundations do no ned 1 consider the angle of 1 ose because the piles are caving the load ofthe fends, as depicted in Exhibit 133, ‘TYPES OF SYSTEMS ‘his seaion focuses 0n the various pes of uae. round stems used in procesing plans Uncontaminated Storm Water This gstem generally cole al service wate frm process eqelpment ates, aces way, ad roadways leew 1 such equipment. This collection 5 Achieved through the use of area rans, eth ass, Toofleades, ditches or vale Spent proces wore Injected ino ths system i i pened oe fee hydeocrbon contamination. In tdi, the stem st be sae yo accommodate tain of fre Mae, a en oe ‘pousrr 132 ogee Repose wo PD Uwheever seater. a mos cases, the Ler wil gov rnd line sing cher, Contaminated Storm Water ‘Ths sytem cole surface dsinage fm areascon- tang, hydrocarbon bearing equipmen. This water ‘mot pas through a teamen ley before being dlctarged ino an uncontaminated sym o tural booy of water (eg ier or stream) Olly Water Sewer This sytem colleas waste, dips, and leaks from upnent and piping in ass thar eosin process ‘quent in noncorrsie serves. The plan yout ‘Sesgner most consuk ith the stems engaee 10 fad {aly iden al such equipment and provide a drain hb a exch em Chemical Sewers ‘This system recovers acd or chemical das from cequipnent and piping as well as suce dsinage sound soch equipment and pping through the use of Curbed areas and cain hubs This stem may De ‘outed 10-2 sump for dposal or may be pases hough neaalzaion fy and charged ino 30 oly wer stem. Combined Sewer Process ly wae sewers and orm water may be ed adergroand Po Sanitary Sewer This stem coll raw waste fom lavatories. If nt charged to the uni limi or hit ston for pos, Iris outed a septic anor leeching Held. Blowdown System ‘This sytem pies up drains around bos an seam rams axd is ron 8a separate sysem, refeaby 10 ‘he bamery lini his pers ose sno 1 seme box inthe oly water sewer system 35 log a5 located dawnsteam from ay sewer box that elles “rece Pat avon ad Piping Dest Aeanage fom 2 furnace, Tis sewer box hasan air tight cover and vente #0 the sumosphere i located ‘hina minimum dance of 50 (15 m) rom a fied este. Pump-Out System ‘This system is shown on the piping and iastument on diagrams Alough it does not need 4 slope, pockes mus be avoided. Berase kt cmon Pump out hos piping seme adequate meas most be prided to allow fo line expansion or pron. Altiough trenches are general used, buried pomp i ‘xt tnca are cones wi aun and and Yer multe Solvent Collection System Many solvents ate wsed to remove GOs fom gas sucans. These solvents are reamed in 4 separae esinage sys and ar alo show on he ping sd Inarumentaion grams, The ppe sully made of ‘cebon steel and is run fab underroand sump, ‘where i eventually pumped ov Cooling Water ‘Tas gstem supplies water to such proces equipment assurfice condensers cones, 2b pumps trough an ‘sderpround header sem. Fire Water ‘Ts system consis ofalop around frocess itor ‘cups wth branches a equired for rans of menor, o protest the ni incase offre Potable Water ‘Ths waters used for drinking, emergeny eyewash snd shower flies, (CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS aerial seetion is dhe responsibly ofthe pping specications engineer and depends on sevice, oper ‘ng. pressure and temperature, disbily 0- ‘omic, and aalbilty Some of the natrals and that ules commonly found in wndergound stems ‘dude + Catbon steel—For closed drain systems, cooing sad fire wer + Seanles se!—tor close chemi dens. + cas icon (or grey iron)—Ofen used in handing ‘soem and ol water drain, Cast om wry ree ‘arto corrosion. The sb and pig design br. ‘ted in and 10s lengths which may be modified witha special couig to + Ducile won —Has a higher ses value than ast leon. Ii alo wed for hub and spigot 38 well proces water serie + Concrete pipe—Used or surface dainape and for {Sin and ager pipes. Akough 6 arable in smaller ies, economics may Lint ks we + Bberglas cenforced pipe—Used In corrosive se ‘ce Is limited to low pressure and low emper Ture ystems, When aries designed o meet. very spealie needs. For example, ema nee 9 Be able to withstand outdoor exposure oe burying may need ro be sun reardant or made 1 profs specie dimensions “+ PVC pipe—Commonly used for cers sev. + Vried clay pipe—Used in gravity drain ems that handle snr or sure drainage cane be subject any significant Toads eg, under bu ings, paved aes or rons). general has 9 ‘maximum operating temperate of 200 F (95°C). + Glass pipe—Used for flor deains in processing plants, expec fora service. OILY WATER AND STORM (WATER SYSTEMS ‘The inal lout of any aly o& storm water under round piping sytem usualy aes place afer the pe liminary plot plan generted. Eventhough some ‘equipment oaions maybe tentative the plant aout cch basin s 5500 sq (S10 sqm) for paved ras apd 3,50 5B (3255q for unpaved aes ‘Gackt lines are ran around each are od cae the high pun of paving or grade The dagoel ‘ke ns fom the comers of the ae othe xtc Dain mast slope ata rate of Lin er 120 in he riimum allowable drop shoud ot exceed 6 (150 fn). The maximum length of tis agora coche ‘aust not exceed 6 (1825 ms length and eleva tin ferences ealclte point 0 pale apd does ‘or account for sch cbstuctons a egipment foun sons In pve areas with a high oncenraton of equip mat, the allowable aea per cach base should not eed 3,000 5 (27 xm). When praca, these reas ace arranged to collect deine rom common, ‘Spent Cath bane are lcd se rue, po ‘ded dr he dference beeen the lang and the ‘het diagonal eis ines po grees than 2 10 1 ‘when possible, catch basis ae located ear the en ter of the daiage ae, peleably ne under ea ‘ways structures, euipmes. typi cazh basins usted n Eshbie135 andthe eet of tse aess {5 shown a Ebi 13-5 ‘tentative lostion nd invert elevation ofthe dein system is exablished 2 the ut bate Lt om the Se daa suplied bythe cent the informa Uunvalabe the end ofthe ni that the sytem exe should be cbaned from the cet The wes batery lumi and an iver elevation of 94 f 6 in (99850 mm) ‘5 used 2629 example. The neo sewer maine runing ‘es and wes through tbe uni ae ocd in the mest fect route possible, withthe depin ofall under ‘round obsucsons nthe may taken ino conde. ston The designer must tld locating ay tine below the angle of repose of fundaton Another concern 's posse interference athe pnt wih ay underground ines lnerect te may ot be obvions ‘what te exc leva ofeach gravy rain ie ‘he poi of itersection. The following cera deter. ne the nee for sew Bose. Tidogromd Pps a EQUBITI56 Por Subchied ino Drage Am © $e Pad it 17. Before the gravity drain sytem & outed he fo Towing basi ules must be api + Drain hubs should be provided a ll equipment xcepe that equipment whose cone ash ata ‘pherictemperatur o equipment cries water Dr highly cous mater Ce, hi). + Miscellaneous small bore dans hate wed ine ‘query do not require hubs, slong as here i Th wha 50 (15 m) and hey cin be serviced sri a se. + Salary ees should be used insené of erin freefloming sewers 10 eliminate the ned for 20 tonal ang ‘Paps mst tbe used + Provision shoul be made forthe rem foreign ‘maner that may bloc a sewer-—This is achieved by odin oe Busing. + in lines shouldbe coded or fused bereen sewer Bones. + Branch sewer lines that terminate a main sewers ‘maybe roid or fshed from the hub where they one + When the cumulative tal of bends in sewer le through which odin o ashing is performed ex coeds 160, an additonal cleanout must be po ‘ied, as shown in Exuba 138, + Cleanous for branch sewers should be located ‘more than 100 (30 m) spare + Connections wed fr cleanout oly are sive sf iergronnd Pne ue ‘poms 159) inl ne aceaCes leg [sia s! TERR nn ES Fo a a RCPS re ze aw = te [eel eoiaa === ey Be! aa oer aia E ze ee lows: hould be inslled withthe centerline of the pipe ~Casicon, concrete, and wre cyte must be ‘in, —Carton and sails tee and lined pe must be lesz wih a maximomt 3 tandems oftin For grand corer fo underground and gay Pip Ing stems, the following infomeon shouldbe used In conurcion withthe char in Exhibit 135 + Sewers. dain ystems, and proces water stems ‘suallyhave 2 minimum of 12 n (300 men) over, excep when foundations (ew. seat footings) ot taberchtrucion located in nntaic ares ciate therese + Proces and fire water piping. without extn, havea minimum cover a2 86 in (30 eum) + if cas iton, concrete, or cy’ ile pipe that pases under wads and oer ticking sess does ot ‘confor to minimum corer soqlrment fla! ing omttons, shown a Exh 139, the pipe mus De enced ina sumble prenectne housing 1 The fost line is considered when levaons In fecal climates ae esabshed + Contivously Domiog main water and sewer ines ‘rac Pant apo and ies load at or below he fost ine a indeed i the projec daa + Sagant tines (eg. ire water or cooling water aot ‘equipped wath an anuifeee bypass) and lines with Intermiane Now shouldbe istalled wath be op of the pipe located a or below the fos line, Branch ins in water service with 2 constant fw ‘maybe installed above the fest ne + Beach lines in sewer sec ae insalled wad the celine st or below the ros lin, with the excep ttn fins required only for housekeeping dans, ‘which may be isle! above theft ie Aa ex ample of housekeeping drain i ne in which the ‘let fom vee eve instruments collected ad outed toa dan hub at grade ‘The staring ver is set wth the equgment din located the greatest disunce away fom the oie pol of disposal hub A of Exibk 1310. Ths is Sex with 12in GOD) cove fom the 1w point of ving ote top ofthe pipe ‘Asa rule, the slope of sublaerals is se Min per foot (6mm per 300 mim) and eral ae set at in et fot (3 mm per 300). All iver sre ound to the nearest in (10 mm less than the cele 3 3 *§ ‘ae splayed in Ebi 13.1 Sefoe cleanout ae iol A ners enring he ips deger sou lee aly water Soweto seed dcinbirig heabore roan pgs st Olvor hemi ns show bere ove ting each iver clomtion and rowing stbaerai, tthe wp of pouble wae Hines Local phimbing codes ‘enk,and headers Each fing (eg, Y branes, Y= should be ised for acu reqltemente When oy beads and vabends) must be eed Headers andl proces stems dain to 4 sump cr sorage con Ines should be redoced, when posible, 0 4 Ja tment, the sore capac determined fom the Getegromnd eg us. {EUBIT 1511 Lacaland Send Deal eed terlstezal azes RN Num sno Lees Tan! 20V/e-loo GUN 24 eee 208 More DRAIN Wns om Mowe Ton 2o//tnlo0 aK! + ON LNE STE Inlet anc below, Under no conions should any sy tem un looded alee approved by the elie. Her tions fosewer stemsareshowm only atkey mersec ton, sener boxes and the sang a teminaion pois ines, ‘Wher all mans, laterals and subateas hive been routed, he line sing calculations can prose: The System most be checked for excessive quarties of hydrocfbons tha may suddenly discharge Inc the ‘ly oe tora water dain system 38 well a for 2 ‘eominucus discharge tat exceeds 100 gallos (3785 lets) per minute (gpm) (For simpli’ ke, the remain ofthis chapter deals only wah gallons) ‘These suas ae aed noe inesiing ale ons afd are furnished by the sptems engnect. If ‘ences dlscharges are expecied maybe ada seous 1 run a separate branch ine deal (9 the eres Sewer bor The outline of 3 sewer box ‘Seed bated on the woul effiset ito the sever box {com allsoures. ‘ren Plat apo and iin Ba Line Sizing ‘This seston oulines the err an formals are commonly use for developing ine sizing for oly and Som water sewer stems ‘Olly water ad stom water Sewers are sted 1 handle he callie rfl pas proces water din age or the fire water plus process Gaiage, whichever results in the greater quantity. Rainfall rates are ob tained fom the projet design daa, and proces water snage quantities ce obaied from the systems ineer. When cent input on fe water lars is tavaable, 2 decison is nade oxy by he syste and projec engineers. When specific consderions (eg deluge sem) are noc equized the fie water flowrate for each areas et 1,900 apn. The mt ‘mum re wae gored ino lineszingealeulions fo 2 process unis should not exceed 2000 gpm. Loc ‘alfa hart are reviewed before any line sizes are calculated "DUI 15-12 Ran nenty aad epeny Picea inte aah in inchs, 1 expect ental, he Sever ine mst be si! for 36am Dion of rainfall and fie wae. Sewers containing ‘combined rainfall and poses wer ae desgned 0 fun 75% ful, which allows addon cacy or shor but hey rails This amount let by mutiphig the acual sof rey afr of 11 Foe ceanpl, the aru run ete were 100 go hat figure would be mulled by 11 and the resaling 1.689 gpm would be wed inthe Line sing cela tion Sewers containing combined fire wet and pe est water ae designed 10 run fll The flowing co effets are used for src drainage anol + Ruiter, paved aea90% (09). + Raimater, unpaved area—50% (05) 1 Phe water, all areas—100% (10), Sewers runing atthe maximum flow rite are de gre with a manu veloc 09 (20 ma) per sectnd ada minimum velocity of (0 ram) pet Seccnd The sizeof pipe depend on the cetetent of oughness, when un ata given slope. nought preroble to saya the loner values of othe most ‘sonoma sings imporant to selec the prope rn vdue on the linestaing car Based on these pipe ‘pes the design ae ia los + clean, coated east Ko —0012 + Glen, uncoated cs ron—0013, + onerere—0015 + Punt seel—0013 1 Vin ye 0018 + Gaanized ron 0035, + Corrugated seei—0025 ‘Te runoff rae foreach are, a ly tine in Exhbic 135, may now be cued by using the mod. hed ranal forma Kia hese: ‘O° the rani ate in gpm (conering 0 cbc feet per second can be done by muliphing ‘pm by 000223) = th conversion consan (0.01059 for flow in em) 1 = rina intensity foe he sorm duration in Inches (oe decimals of an lac) per hous shown ia Exibie 15.12 the runoff eoeicient ‘As the area of suce 1 be deine in square feet For example, the runof rte for 3 paved area can be calelaea with the following da Area = 80% 75 8 (6000 9 8). + Roll = 5 in pe bout 1 re water = 1000 gpm + Process water = 150 gpm + Plpe matrial = 4 in 015 in ast on 18 in and lager, concree + Velocity = 3 105 per second ‘Therefore, K = 001038, 1 = 5 s per hour, € = 09 (dara was sopled), and A= 600 qf The rane ‘ten gpm (Q) is seule lows: 901059» § in 09% 6000 ~ 200 gyn ‘The tral ares cunol i the total proses water (150 ‘pm) pus the ol snl uno (290 gpm), or 43D Tiara Fong a = 318 8 ‘pauarrasi3 Mancing oem 25 x sseeee 2 SER ae ial At foe'-NE Use Ff Lefioo'=toS UNE 4 Ye ate Ne ae ‘ren Plant ayo an ing Be [DOUBT 54 Cactaion et spn To conver 480 gpm w cubic pe second (9), Fri malipled by 0.00223, yelng 09:9 c. To ealcuate the total amount of war hat would eau ithe pipes were runaing 75% il, 0959 cf ‘mckipled by 1, for resul of 105 of, The com ‘ied re water and process water i: 1000 gpm + 150 gpm = 1380 gpm, or 256 ef ‘The lager tol ofthe ro, 256, woul be used or sting Now that Bow rte of 255 of has been sb- luo the seal ine elelaons can be developed through the use of gaps based onthe Manning or ‘lost in Exhibit 15-13. Paine ts drawn across the chart rom eto righ atthe Now repre ‘ously clelated, 256 cl As can be sen onthe chart ever lin snes could handle the om nthe dese ‘eloty range of 3 10 5 f per second. A 124 line ‘would fw at 3 pee Second fhe slope were set at {42 per 100 5 0 line would Now a4 per Second a slope f 1 per 100 and an in tne ‘ould Row at 9 por Seed the slope were stat 21 per 100 Higher velocities are aainable but a ‘much prener slopes, wach may noe be praca ‘hereon, the acta ieieselecion must be made fn the salable slope within the sem (from the ‘ares cat basin the al vert elevason athe ‘ery imi) anon the desired fw vate must be remesbere ta, inthis example, the ow rate ca fot beset less han 3 pr second "The rif re clelted i each area ofthe wit must recorded ona chart similar tthe one shown fn Bb 15-14. Because each secon of sewer main ‘sed to handle the tol accumulation that could posnbly enter the line, es important that al fowatequanties are recorded not nl fr lne {ng but for we during a mechani check or aud of the sem Stang gravity Now drain sens is ie Sake snation. As the west bonery lit Is 3p proached, maybe necessary 1 reads some pre Susy sleced lie sizes, ow eats of slopes to aod 43h underground cbsvcton or other grey How “sin sysem within the unit Thece ae 9 sbsolus, Just many akematvs thst mas be explored before {he line sang of be lly and soem water dra sje isfnaized. [As the inert elevations ofthe main athe sewer hoxes are confirmed, the acual cleraions are ee corded. on the oaigraphic piping plan drawing, ‘which is shown in Exe 1-7 ‘hs the dale or each sewer box become aalble (egy mai alt ad cet ses ait levaas, usar inlet elevation, top and boro elevations, 2d de dameter, the tnformaton Is recorded Sewer box schedule depicted in Ee 1315.Tis eared Fie eee se] ose [4er|aan2 sour [ar] oT SrP fie] as Set [al oi rs Sue Informaton i used to requston the neces mate als and provide the construction contractor wh ‘abun ofl sewer boxes on the project As ote, the mininum inside ameter of sewer boxes #4 ‘The formula wed to size ewer bores depen on the Inlex line coniguration—a 7 ery and 24 erty ae shown in Exhibit 116 orth 90? entry sewer box the sum of oneal the lametee ofeach ofthe largest wo lines aducent to ‘each tv faded to 12 im Thi um is hen ml pled by and divided by (3.14165 used tere (Gin +6in+ 121094 SH6 For the 4" erry sewer bos, the sum of one hf he lamecer of each of the largest lines adicent 10 teach oter i added to 12 in. That su hen mal plied by and dad by w 406 wad Fer) mr 750+ zing 3116 36370 =rstia ‘recess lt pont ad Ping Do ‘Boustr 1335 ‘CHEMICAL AND PROCESS (CLOSED) SEWERS Many indus plans have mulipl proces or chem lel dain systems These systems ae designed tcl lee al corrosne ort chemical waste well a ‘sure drainage around the equipment bering these ‘materals. Exhibit 1317 displays apical pping and Insrumeaation dagam fora chen dein sem, Depiced on this fom agra are those pieces of ‘equipment bearing the materia to be coleed te cual sumber of drain & deermined bythe lm ont in each piping configuration Exhibit 1318 ‘Shows pln of he entire sytem ‘Becnise many ofthese stems are of PC, ecbon, sinless steel, or fibergis reiloreed pipe the ey letatons are set by working poi centerlies. With ‘he individual subarea o leads sloped tn pe foot the only working point ekeaions required fe this particular stem are athe Beginning or high pin a the change indirection st the en batery 321 wl % % v Pesewee poze dp Ceonaua eae) WY ne cower tent ze “et 90 eae 48 Bey [ERHIR 1347 Procos Brine Coed Sco lint and ache pont at whch the heacer enters the eee. pial sump is depicted in Exibi 1320. The sp Txhibie 1319 iuseates a gplcal cos section hl engineer sizes the sump onthe bass ofthe quan, Sf chat closed ox chemical etn sien cons OL Uy expected 0 be cole s supplied by thes ‘The rge ene ok te hub, or reouce,kszed 0 sk tem engineer. Te diharge of he samp pas the numberof dein leas entering te had The re- piped © an on-site sorage tank ort 2 tack thats Inder ofthe sptern fsa bythe stems engi rough in periodically emove the contents room Pi ‘Baus Bows i520 Set rn en Poble or drinking water i wed by pla personnel and ako is supplied to emergency ejemish and “he layout ofa comprehensive pressrized water sy flows some baie piles In seeing ct ‘aes, the centerline elertion ofa waterline sould not be set above the fra lie a determined by the rj ei must be kepe 3 minimum of 12 n 00 tm rom he ‘outside ofthe pipe diameter. Running thes £60 headers to se tgeter may flesh empcatre ater Pe ofthe coling water seply tne, which in urn uy tamper the ably 1 consol the tthe proces Sueam inthe exchanger. As presley fem the piping may rn as requlved a clea any gra ‘iy ows drain system ta roses pth, by pang hero under the observing line "kn example of process cooing water and potable vate layout shown in Esibit 1321, A wth mast Piping Tiyouts, the ines are run inthe most diet, Foute possible 1 each of the water wsers (chown Stated in the exhibit). The locations where the col ing and hox water lines ener ae lee the ie ae ‘sally sty the client or by the fcaon of any exis ing supply ae rerun headers. In tis ease, he west ‘baer init has ben selected. Both lines run tthe same elevation, as shown ia Exit 13-22. When ‘race lt peat and Pipag De Impeacical © 60 30 ‘Because the cooling wae lle nozale lose on 325 Bam 323 ‘pawarr 1326 (Contng Water 2 age eo ecinia wifes SUPA fon). the boom ofthe exchanger chan te inet header mat be locued directly under tis zz, a ls traed in Ex 13-23. ‘Thsatangere allows for the mos die hookup. The underground portion of ‘he fbicated pipe inode the Range tbe bolted to the block vale the Rec water our insu tem ‘nze 12 in 300 eam) above pad witha evel end. ‘The above ground piping kes over fem this poi. Ihe water users ate located in sacar, the underground portion ofthe lines sho: terminate svt bevel end 12 (300 mn) above grade Cooling {nd hot water headers tothe pumps are on under he ie fack,benwen the ows of pumps, ae Exe 15 24stoms A seltdainng bya va wed i the inaalaion iin 3 eenng ciate, ths del § ds led in tem 8 of Exhibit 1325 The pole waterline alo enters the uni a the west tery imi and run wo the emergency eve ‘wah and shower inalion. plea arangerent of {hc fy iluseated In Heber 13-2 The uncer ‘round porion ofthis ine shoul termite a3 post agreed wo by both the sbove ground sn the under ‘round plant lyou designers FIRE WATER SYSTEM very indus pln is protected by ice waters tem tha provides water to each pee of euipmen hrowgh yan, mone, or dele speay sens Each process uni has #8 bem underground piping loop sem, which s adequately abe wo protec the system fom fale in an par ofthe line or olan, because of maimenance Although each piece of ‘uipment mus be preted by one yan of mon tor, dent specications ofen vere ths rule aod require mo sources of fie mater lor each piece of ‘cqulpment Basie fre protection equipment consis of fie yeas, drat wth monte rade level and elevated moors, hose reels and deluge and Spray spss ‘Al deat and monitors an tele shutoff valves ‘ered Ping eee Be BOHIBITIS27 —Typiel Fee Hane "races Plt ajo and ii Bs ‘paneer 1s Emergency few and sn be locted & minim of 50 (15m) fom 3 oteual Source offence hydra isbowe fn Exhba 1327, Although the tydrane dimension sone rade is sandard, the dimension below grade varies, depending onthe prosimty of the ine to ve- hue wat and the poteal for freezing, In ld lina, de ceaterine of the ine ote deat mst ot be above the fot ine, which the lowest point below grade ac which water teczes. Exhbit 13.28 shows 3 ypia yao salaon Proper drainage ofthe ran barrel afer the hydrant ' dose Is esental io prevent ean i col cl mates Desinage i prod by ervshod soe sod the base ofthe yan and extending above the lower bel flange. The amount of crashed sone required fdepends on the nature of the sol Looe sandy sll recites a smaller drainage bed than cle so, which absorbs water very slowly. The projet cv ew ‘ghee shouldbe consulted before hs detail ee ‘sed the soil conditions poh the prope date 2g around the ydran, a ran othe nese clean ‘ter o° deanage dich must be proved sti 1329 ikstrates some addons eure thu the pnt yout designer should consider when Sclecing and planning the salon cre hyde 2x monitor nclodng + rotting he vale Bonet and exerion ste with _bufalo box, which sa piece of pipe fasts onthe ‘ae and extends approximnely 9 in (230 mm) above grade ‘men require, orieting the pumper connection torie ows the fie tcl asess Cyan are velaerable to damage, proving ned pons for protection + Coating and wrapping the Buried porion of the hy I ne specie bythe cient, yp hydeant as 2 ‘inlet ine sine wth reo 208m hove connections Hanne lonmions mus: permit ear aces ring 2 Fe and be no moce than 29 (25 2) fom where 3 pamper may be required oak wp 2 sucson hose In remote areas ofan Industral plant (eg, aod ‘poustr 1325 pan nation tank farms or truck loading areas), yeas are Lo cated every 30 f (905 m). "Bre monitors ae use det steams of water bbuming pecs of equipment ia plant Beoce mont tors are selected and oct, several ators ms be ‘considered. Bie moniors are lover operated, hate 3 full 36" range, and may be locked in any desired Postion, They uy be locxed at gad, approximately ‘{f (.200 mm) above the ground, elested to heghe 06 f 0 m) or more, or mounted on a hyeeant “The spray pater of Fire monkoes depends on water pressure and Now rie Ivendoe daa ex alae ‘when preliminary fie water lyouts are made, the {hart i Baht 1330 cam be we o determine the ‘elecve fire water montor ange This cha is bated ‘ona water pressure of 150 pst anda ow re athe ozae of 500 gpm, ‘ypicl montoes are shown in Exhbas 1331 hwough 133. The prade mounted manor shawn a Exhibit 13.31 fas the Block valve located above grade bout kc would be buried below grate in a freezing ate The method of sspponting aniston of his "ype is determined bythe cal engine. "A typi leated motor played in Exhibit 1332 when gridemoumted monitors cannot dec ‘water tall poses of process equipment becawse of ‘doer Pps ‘ies Pant aya and Ping Da 331 Heove Rike valine artes, ‘ESET 30 onto Rage Char [see Fetocsey vip vec riee YBa 131 Tp en eas BER Salas {ERBIT 1338 Typse Fie Hyams Nowtor roca Plt ajo and Pig Des ‘parton 132 ‘ype Mente Monsoe adrucions (eg. large traces), an elevated mons ‘ar maybe required Although nove canbe se 100 ‘40m above grade, the vendor shouldbe consulted before this designs fnalzed. The equipmen a0 angement drawing shown in Exhbie 13 34 isa ex ample of iowa large process srvcure locks the fie ‘water fom mentor I, which i dreced 3 the air cooker lated oer the pipe ack Therefore, motor 2. supposted fom the proces sre, may be de rected atthe air cooler and locked in postion, As lysate in Exhibit 1335, monitor 4 maybe equiced to cover ational alr cookers or very large proces ortors an hydrants are the moet commen nd ial Being =yorr rompaeete Tr le however, may reques tht 4 Iydeant and mentor ‘ombiaation be used as sawn in Ex 1329 and B38 i iN H A Deluge and Spray Systems Deluge and speay systems ae generally used when process uipment cannot be ceed by fire monk tors or reues a rest quanta of wer to pote from 2 fi ia the local area Typ deluge and spay systems te hown in Exhibit 1336 The scape bullet IS protect by ang header around the vse, with ‘spray nozles equally sjaced to provide aoeopite Coverage. Two forge sphere amangemers are ‘Sow inthe exhib One tas 40 open endl pipe ‘Trae Pan Lapa Ping DR ‘connection that fod the sphere in the eset of ee the her tas &horzonl 360 ng header and en cal leads that are approximately 6 (150 mm) fom the phere sel all th equally space spray nezles, This ype offre peoteion 6 een subeonracted © companies that special inthis pata service. Fire Water System Layout ‘he layout af fire water system ina proces ui is sully accomplished inte flowing way. Tea 1339 (Caren gs saretent Nah tend—caihend rate | SDT, Gigerates., ogame! gun wa MTT Seine Besa Ui : soem stan smcCombinaion Ya tpt +A repeatable copy of the plot plan i used p= pe he inal ayo, 25 depicted in Exhibit 1337 + Acompate loop is draw around the un, wth the line ran along the edge of te pla oud + To provide a margin of sein the ire water 3 tem, the fre ze oop se fom oppose sd of ‘he uni—Eaough block wakes ace pewec 10 et se the overall freghung capabilities of te se tem nf event of augtre inthe fie wate loop ‘The nue of valves placed inthe bear ssc uve anc is submited 10 the dit for appro The ete fre water range is then essbished ‘races Pat jon dip Dt ny Stary roe tapes rough vendo data othe cha in Ebb 13:30— Wa compas i set the maximum eect range, monte ean be poston shaming is fl cove. re ae, * Monitor 2s leated est of monitor 1 to cone all ‘equipment ne roe by monitor and monior 3s located wo cover equipment act peteted by ‘monitor 2 * Monitor 4 san cleted montor that tne on te alr cooler over the pe ak tbe age proces tower oe furnaces + Monts 5 and 7 adequately cover the remaining 337 "panne 3539 NY iE ‘Ca eo iting Con) Li canteen St Pe cepipment on the north al ofthe plo. + ontors 6 and 88 ae elevated and can coer the ai coolers over the pipe rack a wel a the pipe sk tele hough each plane mus confoem wo lca reg legals and regulations, lent inerpeetton of hase regulions can produce ay diferent fe wer sy tem layout, Early consolation with eich cent i ‘Stony suggested before a complete ses Eu s deloped UNDERGROUND FLECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENT DUCTS the outset os projet decision muse made on Wwhze the moe elecricl and instrument conduis ‘il an—abore ground io the pipe eatk o buried Tole goede ithe underground oe here, he pls out desgner mort confer with he eerie Ered isrumentengincers about the optimurn HOU fof tre ducts, where the conduits enter he uni 24, ‘where best locate the pul oxes (There may not be {bor pers, but tithe pot at whch the conduit ‘existe underground and serves ll eter users) is Imporsant that ts space be let Ke of ppl, eau ent or asocited maintenance aces. The condi in Exhibit 1538 encased in red concrete for prove ‘on and located under the main pipe ack, Dewees the ewo rons of pumps. Boh the elec and the instrument engioers are responsible for providing the emimated sie of the dic and the plat Ipout ‘designer sets the elevation to best si the gray Dow fran sstens thoughout the unt UNDERGROUND DETANS Variations of pipe ings, exch basins, sewer boxes, trenches, sums and lft sation are only asamp of ‘vata plane Lut designer encoun inthe devel ‘pment af an underround pipag sistem. avalable ‘Sendor daar itis, catch basins and seer oxes ‘ust be used asa reference. Typical eat rn ings seshowa i Exe 1339. The lis of bel for these ator Pp (Concrete pe "Baur iso i mie ‘ aya fe i SE ew =e wes. o744P- 7) a oY sb seme! 5 i sae pce, ‘eee a eapetl pean” Vea ‘paar 1s figs is dfeent fom tat wed for ings above rae ASO" change in ceection 00230" elbow bt carter bend, indicted 36 2 on © piping pan raving lea scaled 2 branch. onerete pipe, which commonly wedi oly and storm water sewer stems in es of 150 and Laer. {s thistated ia Exhibit 13-40. Use of cst ion pipe smile than 15 in dexermised by economics. Trench piping is shown in Extube 131. Occasion ass sting proces png mt rekon Ted lines A and By roning below graze 02 dan ‘anc Thetop of the rnc covered wth grating Dt ‘onl be covered ith deck pate o concrete slabs, depending on the ealficanicpaed in the area oe parce process concerns The with ofthe wench hou allow adequate cesrance 10 ves ae dans 's equied Miscellaneous deta re dpsed in x fai 13.25, Ape sewer box displayed in Exhibit 1542.4 mentioned previous all pernent iaoemation er tc sewer box must be recorded on the sewer box “hed, shown In Ex 1315, fo transmission to the constuction cotracor. Eshibl 1348 lusts a ‘aration wo the inlet piping ata sewer hax where Prowslons are mie 19 rod the ine next the Sewer Bos. Theaytems engincer shouldbe ensued a 10 wheter this feature I required oer Pi Se Boum Ext 15-4 shows one way 1 bun hot ine undergrad. The line should be backed with 3 ‘monte ual pars sand and veri ll tng for ahicknes ft eas 4 n (100mm) arin he centee ln. The line i anchored a reid by the stress expinee, through the wie of concree thet Bods. “his insulating more of sand and verti Ite allows the line to expand 2s necessary ‘ald area drain i sown in Exit 1245, Be cause des are designed to hold the cones of & ‘sore reel inthe vent ofa ripe, are deans ‘mustbekepe cles ral mes Adin valve operates Inst out the die wall 0 tha ple persoane can Se when the contents have been dined and the Valve mej be rectsea ‘When gravity flow drala stems are deve oped, it aye impractical 0 continue with the seid ‘recs ant joa and Pips Ba ‘pawstr ie ile Tomine Ping Slope or impossible 1 ie ito easing plant ies ‘ehou the isalatiem ofa pump in the system. i Station i shown in Exit 1346 I basicaly eonss ‘of a concrete sump (aed by systems engineering) anda veal pump. The discharge ine of he pump fu 35 deed Beease I now a pressure sytem, ‘DOUBLE CONTAINMENT— UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS ‘New and more sringent envionment ews through: fou most of the worl are impacting many operating proces plant underground sens Asan example it the Une Sates, dhe Evieonmens Protection Ageacy 1s promuleed several sandards applicable 1 the transfer of waste operations in eineres. The NESHAP ‘Bauer 1345 (sional Enision Standards for Hazarous Ae Po Faas) sanded for Benzene are likly 0 spact ray refineries. f determined 1 enced the allow able content of benzene in wastewater ems, ome form of change must oor inthe design of eluent ‘rocess drains normaly run below grade may be pressured 10 remote treatment fis through hoveground piping. Asher solution possibly © Aoxble-coeain the gravy Row drain yee ying the contaminant suggested al lc enronmet tal liv be thoroughly eiewed bythe erating com aw before ans decison fr made on tt vial ater. Shaulddouble-contanment be ti teed means of satisfying such regulations, the folowing exbes are sore sungested wars of dealing with the layout FABRICATION any shop fbsesors are capable of supplying pre fabricated components ofthese stems, However be ‘ase ofthe numerous materal combinations one nay be faced with, consideration shoul be given o wok Ing wth vendors who specialize n proniging thi se. ‘ce FR, ned, and VC pipe are et few exes ‘of avalible pretarscued double conginmen piping systems rary drain ins sometimes ald crit ies, come fly abiced with supports wih the Secondary pipe’ or conisinment line Ths sevice realy educes el inelation ne ta ea ware fa signa coe Exhbic 1347 ia camposte schematic sketch ofthe ‘arious containment extres covered inthe fllosting Tadeo Pe

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