Abstrack Sonia

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Sonia. 2021. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Show and Tell
Keywords: Vocabulary, Show and Tell Method

The research aimed to find out improving students’ vocabulary mastery by

using show and tell (S&T) method. This research was conducted by using
experimental method. The subject of this research was grade X-ATP1 and X-ATP2
of Vocational high school SMK Negeri 1 Mentaya Hulu 2020/2021 academic year
which consisted of 50 students. 25 students of class X-ATP1 and class X-ATP2 as
many as 25 people. The object of this research was to improve the students’
vocabulary mastery through show and tell (S&T) method. This researcher was
conducted in two cycles which each consists’ of planning, acting, observing, and
reflecting. The data were gathered through quantitative data. The quantitative data
were obtained from the students’ vocabulary score of pre-test, and post-test. The
result of the data analysis showed that there was an improvement in the students’
speaking skill after the implementation of show and tell method. In the pre-test the
students mean was 58 and the students who passed the KKM were 6 students of 50
students or 15%. In the post-test I the students mean was 72 and the students who
passed KKM were 19 students of 50 students or 50%. And in the post-test II the
students mean was 83 and the students who passed KKM were 30 students of 50
students or 79 %. And based on the diary notes and documentation, the students
were active and enjoyin participation and responsesduring the teaching-learning
process. In the other words, the students’ speaking skill was improved by using
show and tell method.

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