Summary Tasks For The Administrator: June 1st To Sept 24th

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Tasks for the Administrator June 1st to Sept 24th:

June Wrote Done. Useful mainly for the Admin change it if necessary. Board can read/criIque/modify it if they want to. Asked about the members == name / e-mail / pics / phone# / July -- Board members only want: name + cloaked e-mail. - Done. Aug Members diTo - Done. they like cloaked e-mail as well. only 1 person was taken o the list. Aug-Sept Learn about Google AnalyIcs - Done. Supplied through (our site) by Google. Add About Us StaIsIcs; very nice, useful I think. # of Visit / Unique Visitors, In-Page (show the front-page with % of arIcles/sub-menu), Demographics by country. Sept - Gail President Report in the fall Done. - Lecture NoIce: Avoiding Fraud at the SRAE meeIng Done. I need: Each month new NewsleTer !! 2 weeks early I accept text/pdf/doc, 1 week before SRAE meeIng for publishing on the web. Future Our goal to be like other good stroke site, e.g.: Toronto West - good arIcles, newsleTer, photos SRAManitoba - good arIcles, newsleTer, photos SRA of B.C. - excellent graphics (but so-so arIcles ) SRA of Calgary - no pics/no graphics (and so-so arIcles ) Changed News/ArIcles To Just one of many possibility waiIng for Gail for advice WaiIng approx. 6 months from hTp:// change to no response can Gail remind him to update his site? !!


Edmonton & News InternaIonal

SRAE Sta1s1c (for a month): 11 Country 93 Unique Visitors 38 Ci1es 413 Visits 6 Provinces in Canada / 10 States in USA

. weekend

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