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Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF TERESA Province of Rizal CERTIFICATION ON APPROPRIATIONS, FUNDS AND OBLIGATION OF ALLOTMENT [Obigation Nor __- 29 76 — 42-2021-100] Roquost: For Cash advance of Registration Fee In connecion wth Philippine Counciors League-Rizal Federation YearEnd Actives on Dee.16, 2021 Certification: JOSE M. MANLANGIT I hereby certify as tothe existence of Fu ent Clam | Eapenve appropriations forthe expencitures inthe : pecarst Coie |_Amount || amount specified herein: ‘Training a Saminat "Total Amount Requested Php 9,000.00 | Cartification: Amount: “ye THREE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY | hereby certfy as to the availablity of funds for a gr aC ICT the expensing amount spected C oec27 att | ites de alba Requesting Official: (O1C-Municipal Treasurer sass its. asacas Cortneaton: ipal Vice Mayor Date hereby certify that the allotments are available| igption in the amount specified herein: Munidipal Account#nt ate Subsidiary Ledger ‘Obligation increase Particulars/Reference (Decrease) Liquiatons | san + pyreoat122704 vraense AURELIO G, SELIBIO, JR ‘THREE THOUSAND a C- Municipal Treasurer ‘Minkipal Wice Mayor 162 et1e | og 2 1 930 t ‘esa080) eeu venta (hse swoaepnin) souaajaueieraied ona 4296727 Aaeipreans J0hoy cox JA {woo Suysonbon, [AWNO SOS3d GNYSNOHL S3RHL stow THEY NOWLVOITEC eT perso 22uro1d us —— ] | wee | oe | wonres sor ind iat wiclomet pans ss ene a meee ype a 204 venaBOny BDI PD PH INAWLOTIY 40 o aNy SANA SNOLIVTESONEAY NO NOLLVOFSNHEO ‘orp pee wopeuzeyu 04 “souai9j0140) ultsap yanoe 2180 Kdoo 851 pasopus -wiooz ti 1207 ‘91 soquiaaeg uo asuodsoy ajuepund gE-a1Aa? Bunomnbuans, squonar peviun fic saINTBY POOR vONBIDGAY fag aNDOoT TO Stated on Pow tom sonzsopad Teed (od) Mert sone sme a ssumauy szatans ‘ONa-WVaA NOLLVugadLd TVZRH-ANDVIT SYOUONNOD ANIMATHIA aanwzonoo suatiio nv any ‘so091w/9‘savan aaisia ‘suaaWaW NVAVA GNV GOsoNN INVA SDNVINNDDNVS SMOAVWZDIA SHOAVHTVADINOW QNV ALD 11V e0t'9 soqussea WaNvUoWsN, aenetiew sF1383A0BV aDIAMAs STand. vonteopea zr apa "13d ee a “eno én 24 erate aquony 04 suo sSuopEN oud mo yy Soon we | USK “TO OH JO THE Pow TAH! EN ‘ranges pees Sopp po Sena en sf ‘ayy Ho opts sen 2 apioa oot jo oo sue qu Joe aun or tapos, so zammest ap loan ed! a) 80 [RADE so4ID sok Suny “IM wooT OM 1ZOE “oquaseq 91 00 Sey Pose, Tod 20 PO Ob ROU ONREPES ea TO ‘Pupp aang 2 20 memo RYT AG PPUtAGL ‘TAMINGGANVTTV Oy rE 1207 PA209q 94 3,900.00 ANTHONY 5. DAMASO nee: i . font a eal , Gaara Vl, sa OM se C= Municipal Treasurer unlelpal view Mayor wopayns60 om aan aa Door ua auewa | qgectunarctucs | stoneonen | soacwenones 0 496p07 Aveipisans assy peyeds wnawe wu UB; 0) egejone ve sqourore ou 8 AID Kqr04 | 80 smo Soneonbo AANOSOSS4 GNYSNOHL TRML ovate wasey pombeds rows ‘ou. seunspuedie 900) sueneudoiede 2 eoumo ac 68 Aves Feaseut ‘woneoynie9 sewed | motos || uct, vmoay | oi, | mrormemw | mena TSO Baa oqeoneting| NOU! ANGHLOTIV 40 /OYIdO GNV SANA 'SNOMLVINAOWEEY NO NOLOISLL GD T rr GENERAL FUND Bios eae ants im 5119 o70E -7a8604 VIGTORIUS JOSHUA T. SAN JOSE ‘THREE THOUSAND MORTAR E C : a pec 17% yl, OPM: . JANETTE, BARES: 108E, yD. VILLEGRS: OC Municipal Treasurer * Mayor esr EnyemesCth Adan my, Capen sd rity pti ds ate te pape ‘etl preps ded : dt per, Aq Jez fo. JOS ‘SD. VILLEGAS & ANETTES BARES aaa Pane ‘Head of Treasury Department! Office I | Tapped For Ferment T cx apn (20791 ane ve PNY POA ee FES a i WH HEHINS MP] LIEN JON Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF TERESA Province of Rizal CERTIFICATION ON APPROPRIATIONS, FUNDS AND OBLIGATION OF ALLOTMENT [Obtiga tbe No: 2021-100] Request: For Cash Advance of Registration Fee in connecion with [Approved Amount: Php ‘3,000.00 Philippine Councilors Leegue-Rizal Federation Year-End ‘Activ on Dec. 16, 2021 Certification: Payoo: —_ VICTORIUS JOSHUA T. SAN JOSE hereby cerify as to the existence of Allotment Class Funetion s02tceciaio | 4, ae Training & Seminar ‘appropriations for the expenditures in the ‘amount specjfed herein: En s0202.010 Earle ‘Total Amount Requested! Requesting Official: Yor JOSE s finicipal Vice Mayor ‘Amount in Words: THREE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY Certification: Php Thereby cerity as to the availabilty of funds for the expenditures in the amount specified rwen Teed ites dt ‘Treasurer Certification: | hereby certify that the allotments are available for obligation in the amount specified herein: Subsidiary Ledger bate PucaieeRateonce | timeatons | mgateninaese Teale Jc pec 1 7/2021 1 we a 1412-1000-75 Dviom21i227e7 7agaes Dacember 14, 2027 CRIS J. FRANCISCO 3,000.00 THREE THOUSAND PESOS AND 00 / 100 ONLY a aN r I { DEC 1 2021 ra ER po] 2112 a pet + 320m lags ——~SPS 2. PRancrsco aronne.275.1z201-100 aporsbiiy Cer oat -- | For Cash Advance of Registration Fee in connection with Philippine Councilors 3,000.00 League-Rizal Federation Year-End Activities on December 16,2021 amounting to . . . Jona P ads Expenses'Cath Advances nese, und ava forthe purrs, sali groper awl and ince a. jon) JANETTE A. BANES selon orcs Soatcanbewearons Payment fs Coat F888 SGAS Bask Name: _VEP Vie Mayor Dae fa DeTai Signature Over Pined Nar Poston ‘oeal Cie Excetive Parca ‘Account Cade Dae Cet [Training & Seminar 5-02-02-010 3,000.00 | [ = [Cash in Bank-Local Currency Current Account 3,000.00, TOTAL 3,000.06 [Prepared by: [Certified Correct: rani FRANCISCO “Accoutling Personnel Republic of the Philippi Province of Rizal ines MUNICIPALITY OF TERESA CERTIFICATION ON APPROPRIATIONS, FUNDS AND OBLIGATION OF ALLOTMENT fObligationNo:_- 2979 12-2027-100] For Cash Advance of Registration Fee In connecian with [Approved Amount. Phy 000.00 Philippine Councilors League-Rizal Federation Year-End Activities on Dee.18, 2021 Cortfication: Payoo: CRIS J. FRANCISCO Bxponse Code Punetion Allotment Claas Training & Seminar | 5.02-02.010 ‘Total Amount Requested Php. ‘Amount in Words! THREE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY Requesting Official: | hereby certify as to the existence of ropriations for the expenditures in the amount specified herei ft pb. Beal lunicipal Budget Officer Date Cortificati Thereby certity as to the availablity of funds for the expenditures in the amount specified ner ‘eat JETTE A. BANES ‘O1G-Municipal Treasurer Date JOSE si t ‘Vice Mayor ' Lone 17 2021 ‘) Certification: | hereby certity that the allotments are availabie| for obligation in the amount specified herein: ‘Subsidiary Ledger Particulars/Reference Uuidations ‘Obigation increase iSecvael Balance _ c—— i#12-1000-73 . Dacomber 14, 2021 DviOn2TZ2709 7aBa97 - . i 3,090.90 — JERRIE YONN F, BERTIZ ° JANETTE, Ol cc ( pec i178 O1G:- Municipal Treasurer THREE THOUSAND PESOS AND 00 / 100 ONLY Mun ré1paLity oF TeResa, RIZAL. TH ==, GENER EURD 7 "ERRIE VONN F. BERTIZ ExpenscyCash Advancc mcenny, ‘al proper lel and income For Cash Advance of Registration Fee in connection with Philippine Councilors League-Rizal Federation Year-End Activities on December 16,2021 amounting 10 "Ponds valle fr the pope. 3,000.00 under my dct super = iu) 0. fond JOSE, SD. VILLEGAS (ETTE A/BANES prt ame Poon ‘Signe Over io! Nemeenon ead of Tresuy Depart Oe [Dl Apprema For Papmca [Elam Parmee Paoment 5) Chen “FREBIA 5 ose hR ozs ak Name:_LEP (Final Vie: Mayor Date ialala ERT Stomture ver Ponto! Nore Foiion Tiaahed Over ep None on fs ‘Loca it Exentive Dae Percears ‘count Cae Do ‘Get [Training & Seminar 5-02-02-010 3,000.00 [Cash in Bank-Losal Currency Current Account 3,000.00 : TOTAL 00 3,000.00 [Prepared by: [Cenified Correct: PA FRANCISCO UL ‘Accounting Personnel Head, Accot|nting DivisionN nit mA ( DEC 17 2021 ' Republic of the Phuippine: Province of Rizal ss MUNICIPALITY OF TERESA CERTIFICATION ON APPROPRIATIONS, FUNDS AND OBLIGATION OF ALLOTMENT [Obigation Ni Requost: For cash Ad of Re I sh Advance of Repltration Fee in connocion with 7 Philippine Counetiors League-Rizal Federation Yer [Aeeroved Amount: Pp Aaiviies on Beo-10, 2021 Certication: Payoo: JERRIE VONN F. BERTIZ I hereby con as to pose “aibsimand Gh Bamene Amount ions for the expeniitures in the ‘amount specified herein: 1021Leptlatve Sentece” | 200] Training seminar | sozaz10] 3,000,001 one: Total Amount Requested Amount in Words: THREE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY Certification: "hereby cerlfy as to the availabilty of funds for the expenditures in the amount specified herein: _ a AES Requesting Official: cipal Treasurer Yow - JOSE, SD. VILLEGAS Certification: Date tonal | hereby certity that the allotments are available for obligajin in the amount specified herein ate Subsidiary Ledger Dete PaticulasReference Liguidations Balance Peers € DEC 1 7 2021 2 HOAWARD C, FRANCISCO THREE THOUSAND PESOS AND 00/109 ONLY — a 3,000.00 WM, Me JANETT! BANES sf 1. VILLEG RS Oe Muricgal Treasurer Veer GENERAL FUND 2112 2800 Dec 13.2001 ap ~ MUNICIPALITY OF TERESA, TT Pac HOA. adden WARD G FRANCISCO lcaFOA No-2978.12-2021-100 | : pony Comer oat 3,000.00 For Cash Advance of Registration Fee in connection with Philippine Councilors League-Rizal Federation Year-End Activities on December 16,2021 amounting to eee — = in saity een saint as = e — oe om [Training & Seminar '5-02-02-010 3,000.00 [Gadi in Bank Local Currency Current Account 3,000.00, t TOTAL, 3, 00, 3,000.00 uel Sa PAULI ‘RANCISCO LILYS} rn els Am JARI TE) eS rot LY Province of Rizal EE ¥ Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF TERESA CERTIFICATION ON APPROPRIATIONS, FUNDS AND OBLIGATION OF ALLOTMENT zs [Obiigation S78 12-2021-100 Quest: For Cash Advance of Registration Fee incomecion wih [Approved Amount; PhP 3,000.00 Phiipine Counctors League-Rial Federation Year-End ‘Activtios on Doe.16, 2024 Certification: ‘Payee: HOAWARD C. FRANCISCO | hereby cortty as to the existence of = Tipene appropriations for the expencitures in the Funeti Allotment Cl ‘ode Amount ‘amount specified herein: | sozrsapaane Traningt seni | sozaza%0] 3,000.00 : = — — R-I-al Municipal Sudget Officer Date ‘Total Amount Requested Php Certification: ‘ Amount in Words: THREE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY Unereby cory as to the availability of funds for the expenditures in the amount specified hein: _ = 4 dad ARIES jo Requesting Official: (O1¢-Municipal Treasurer Bate firiGipal Vice Mayor Date I hereby certity that the allotments are available Subsidiary Ledger ae Paricursretoence | umuaaions | om@nioniceee | Botnce so. 2800 PASiay en 17 22 '‘) 912-1000-73 DVIDH2T12-2801 FERNAND N, DELA CRUZ © ‘THREE THOUSAND PESOS &ND 00 / 100 ONLY . sate gr XM ny w/ (DEC i 720212) JANETTY A. BARES Sy Miutecas ONC ~ Municipal Treasure,

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