Vol 50 2007

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Research and Development Station for Fruit Tree Growing

Abstract. Between 1999-2007, to Iassy Fruit Growing Research

-season ripening; Marina and George, with late ripening

dates. Among these, Maria is the first Romanian self-fertile cultivar.
Of the bitter cherry biotypes which was found till now on this area,
two new cultivars have approved, namely: Amar Maxut with black skin and
Amar Galata with half yellow and half red skin, both of them with superior
features of precocity, high yields, fruit qualities and good resistence to frost,
drought and diseases.
The new tart cherry cultivars, happily complete the assortments
with different ripening periods, from the early one till the late one (Timpuriu

canning industry for almost 53 days.

known as a good fruit bearing tree also on the lateral offshoots, Anica and
Ovidiu , knowns for the special qualities of the fruits, assure a diversified
assortments for the new orchards of walnut tree.

Rezumat. În anii 1999- -au omologat zece

românesc autofertil.

epoci diferite de maturare de la timpurie la foarte târzie (Timpuriu de Osoi,

industrializare pe

In the 30 years of existence of the Research-Development Station for Fruit growing

by new superior cultivars created in the Station or introduced from the world assortment.
These modifications of the assortment suppose a thorough knowledge from
the pomological, agro-biological and economic viewpoint as a result of the trial
of the new cultures in contest cultures.
In the 4th and 7th volumes of the Romanian Pomology, an important section
is destined to the main cultivars of cherry and sour cherry and the 6th and 8th
volumes are destined to the walnut cultivars. In the 4th volume they present 27
cherry cultivars out of which 16 are autochthonous and 23 of sour cherry out of
which 5 are autochthonous, in the 6th volume, 96 walnut cultivars and biotypes
out of which 93 are autochthonous, and in the 8th volume, the last one, appeared
in 1969, 11 cherry cultivars and hybrids, 6 of sour cherry and 3 of walnut.
In the interval 1978-
creation out of which 12 of sweet cherry, 2 of bitter cherry, 3 of sour cherry and 4
of walnut.
By introducing them in the 9th volume of the Romanian Pomology and in
culture, the cultivars described in this volume will contribute to the significant
melioration of the existing assortment since they complete the gaps in the
consumption season of the fruits of these species, prolong the consumption
season (by an earlier or later maturation of fruits as compared to the present-day
cultivars) and surpass, from the productive and quality viewpoint, many of the
cultivars zoned with the same maturation epoch or satisfying the same necessity.


The biological material obtained from cherry resulted from the hybridization of
6 cultivars used as maternal or paternal genitors (Van, Stella, Boambe de Cotnari,

From the rich genetic fund existing in the influence area of the Station they
found out numerous valuable biotypes of sour cherry, bitter cherry and walnut out of
which, after verifications and comparative contest cultures, they promoted only two
new bitter cherry cultivars (Amar Maxut and Amar Galata), three of sour cherry

For sour cherry and sweet cherry, the trees were grafted on franc or mahaleb
and for the walnut on selected walnut. The plantation distances were 5 x 4 m for
sweet cherry and sour cherry and 10/10 m for walnut with a number of 3-10 trees in
the variant (cultivar). The farm techniques applied was the one specific to each
species and the trees were guided after the free fan-shaped espalier without a
sustaining system for sweet cherry and sour cherry and globular canopies with axle
for the walnut.
In the experimental fields they effectuated a series of measurements and
observations regarding the tree vigor, the passing through the fructification
phonological phases, precocity, self-fertilization, behavior towards the limitative
factors of production (frost, drought and diseases specific to the three species), the
fruit production and its quality, the main physical-chemical features of fruits and the
way of use of fruits (fresh consumption and processing).

Among the 12 new sweet cherry cultivars one has little vigor (Golia),
three have a small towards medium vigor ( and Amar Galata)
the remainder of cultivars having medium vigor (table 1).
As for blossom, four cultivars have an early blossom (
and Amar Maxut), two have a late blossom (Golia and
George) the remainder of cultivars having medium blossom.
The maturity of harvesting of the fruits under study starts with the
cultivar (21 May) and ends on 25 July with the most recent and
belated creation (cultivar George), (fig.1). By completing the zone assortment
with the cultivars mentioned they insure the prolongation of the fruit
consumption from 40-45 days in 1985 to 64 days in 2007.
Cultivar Maria is the only and single cultivar from Romania, that may
be catalogues ad self-fertile (48 %), the other cultivars registering small
percentages (0-6,1 %).
The main physical-chemical features of fruits highlight a diversity of
forms (kidney shape, heart shape), sizes (from small, 4,5 g at Amar Maxut to
very big, 8,5 g at Bucium), colours (from black at Amar Maxut to bicolor,
Marina and Amar Galata) and with a percentage of dry substance between 16
and 21 %.
In table 2 there are the features of 3 sour cherry cultivars created at
-1994. As for vigor, the cultivar Pitic registers
the smallest vigor as compared to the cultivars Timpuriu de Osoi and De
manifesting a medium vigor. As for the blossom period, the cultivar
Pitic blossoms the latest (8.04-5.05), in this interval protecting it from the late
hoar-frosts and frosts of spring. The phasing of fruit maturation for the three
cultivars is also very interesting during a period of 53 days starting with the
cultivar Timpuriu de Osoi (10-16.06), continuing with the cultivar De
(27.06-7.07) and ending with the cultivar Pitic (22.07-2.08) that is
the most belated cultivar from the present-day sour cherry assortment.
Cultivar Pitic stands out for its self-fertility.
The three cultivars present a diversity of shapes from a flattened sphere
to an elongated sphere having weights from small (4,5-4,8 g at Pitic cultivar)
to big at cultivar (6,9-7,8 g) and colours from crimson red to
dark red.

Table 1

Ripening Observations
Blossom Fruit
maturity Self
Cultivar fertility Average Dry
8 years average % Shape weight Colour subst.
-g- %
Very earlier
Medium 31.03-20.04 21-29.05 1,6 kidney 5,9-6,1 Red blakish 16,1
Heart shape
Medium 1.04-21.04 07-15.06 2,6 6,8-7,8 Purple red 16,2 Early maturiry
MARIA Medium 2.04-23.04 15-23.06 48,0 Heart shape 7,4-8,3 Purple red 17,0 Self fertility
Heart shape Very good
GOLIA Small 19.04-30.04 20-28.06 5,9 7,5-8,0 Red blakish 17,5
oblong qualities
Heart shape Half red
MARINA Medium 13.04-30.04 05-13.07 - 7,6-7,9 17,7 Late maturity
oblong half yellow
Heart shape
BUCIUM Medium 9.04-25.04 16-24.06 3,7 7,8-8,5 Red blakish 17,8 Good yields
Good yields
Heart shape Brown
Medium 10.04-22.04 14-22.06 4,2 7,7-8,1 17,9 and good
oblong redish
Heart shape Small vigor
Small to
TEREZA 15.04-25.04 15-23.06 5,1 oblong 7,5-7,8 Red blakish 17,4 and good

Cultivar May June July
20 25 31 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25
MARIA _____________
TEREZA _____________
BUCIUM ______________
GOLIA ________________
AMAR MAXUT ________________

Fig. 1 -

Table 2
New sour cherry cultivars
Blossom Fruit
period maturation Self-
Cultivar Tree D.S.
fertility Average Observations
name vigor %
Average for 10 years % Form weight Colour
Timpuriu 4.04- Precociousness, quality and
Medium 10-16.06 4,9 Flattened sphere 6,0-6,5 Dark red 16,4
de Osoi 25.04 productivity
6.04- High quality fruit. It cultivars by
Medium 27.06-7.07 3,7 Flattened sphere 6,9-7,8 Dark red 16,5
29.04 root suckers
Little to
Pitic 8.04-5.05 22.07-2.08 45,3 Elongated sphere 4,5-4,8 Crimson red 15,1 Little vigor, late maturation
very little

Table 3

Blossom Self-fertility
period %
Fruit %
Cultivar name Tree vigor Average Observations
maturation core
Average for 10 years Form weight Colour
Round White Precocious cultivar, productive with
Miroslava Medium Protogynous 21.04-12.05 8-12.09 14,2-15,2 51,5
ellipsoidal yellowish very big fruits.
Round Yellowish Cultivar bearing fruits also on the
Anica Medium Protogynous 21.04-22.05 18-27.09 13,5-14,1 50,6
ovoid brownish lateral copse.
Medium towards Ovoid Precocious bred, productive with
Ovidiu Protandrous 21.04-22.05 11-20.09 11,9-13,8 Yellowish 57,3
little round high percentage of core.
Ovoid Low vigor cultivar, productive,
Medium Protandrous 28.04-22.05 16-25.09 13,2-14,0 yellowish 53,2
elongated pleasant aspect

As for walnut, they homologated four new cultivars in Iasi, their
characterization being given in table 3. All cultivars have a medium vigor, the
cultivar Ovidiu registering a lower vigor as compared to the other cultivars.
As for the fructification mode, two cultivars are of the protogineus type
(Miroslava and ) and two of the protandros type (Anica and Ovidiu).
The earliest blossom is registered at the cultivar Miroslava and the latest at
the cultivar Anica, the cultivar Miroslava also having the most belated fruit
maturation (8-12.09) unlike the cultivar that registers the most belated
fruit maturation (18-27.09).
The fruits of the four cultivars have shapes, colors of endocarp and
core, weights of fruit and percentage of core different from one cultivar to
another and from one year to the other.
Each cultivar is different from the other by the fruit shape. Thus we
register the round-ellipsoidal shape at the Miroslava cultivar, round-ovoid at
the cultivar, ovoid-round at Anica cultivar and ovoid-elongated at
Ovidiu cultivar.
The biggest weight of fruit was registered at the cultivar Miroslava
(14,2-15,2 g) followed by and Anica with weights of fruit
between 11,9 and 14,1 g.
All the cultivars had a white-yellowish towards brown colour of
endocarp, pleasant to sight with rounded ends, well closed peduncle orifice,
regular fruit surface with little wrinkles and hollows.
The core percentage at all four cultivars surpasses 50% from the fruit
weight, the most valuable cultivar under this aspect being Anica (57,3 %),
followed by Ovidiu (53,2 %), Miroslava (51,5 %) and (50,6 %).

1. From the hybrid combinations of the years 1982-1989 they selected 10
hybrid elites of cherry, out of which they homologated 10 new cultivars in the
years 1999-2007 (
Tereza, Marina and George).
2. From the genetic fund of the NE area of Romania they found out two
valuable biotypes of bitter cherry that were promoted as new cultivars bearing the
denomination of Amar Galata and Amar Maxut.
3. The cherry cultivars stood out by precociousness ( and ), self-
fertility (Maria), productivity and special fruit quality (
), belatedness (Marina and George) and availability for industrialization (Amar
Maxut and Amar Galata). We must mention that the variety assortment is prolonged by 19-
24 days as compared to the present one.
4. The new cultivars of sour cherry make up a diverse variety assortment
from early (Timpuriu de Osoi) to very late (Pitic), with an intermediate cultivar

( ), insuring a fruit consumption in fresh state especially for
industrialization for a period of 53 days.

homologated in Moldavia, are qualitatively superior to the ones coming from

other areas of the country and even Europe, insuring a diversified assortment with
a high resistance to frost, drought and the diseases specific to walnut.

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