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david goggins failed but he tried again and failed he tried again and this time hes moving

forward eating only a banana a day running only a mile and then he wasn’t over weight and he
can run 1 mile easy then 2 miles then 3 miles and so on and so forth then the day comes hes
signing up for the marines and then the instructor said and I quote “are you sure about this?
Theres like only 46 black men that completed the hell week’ and that didn’t bother him he only
thinked what if I was the 47th and that only drived him even further and he completed the hell
week not only once not twice but three times in a year the first to ever do it and his journey
doesn’t stop there he ran 100 miles in the death valley runned for 30 hours straight.

And his achievement becomes noticed by the media the world and famous people and he got
interviewed about his life his journey and this is what I learned from him the principles and
belief I learned from him that changed my life forever and for the better he said and I quote
“What is my biggest fear in life?my biggest fear in life honestly lets say this I don’t care if you
believe in god lets say your god I made it in heaven 75 years old still 300 pounds still spraying for
cockroaches and im in a big line and your judging me your judging as all right and theres a guy
and a board or a list you might say and he rips it up and im next in line david goggins and I see
all this things listed on the board and good goes hey read this ,182 pounds,navy seal,ranger
school, motivational speaker,pull up record, changing peoples life and I say that not me man and
god looks at me and said that’s who you are supposed to be and my biggest fear is that I will
reach a judgement in my life well somebody is gonna judge me in the end of my life of who I was
supposed to be in my life and I want now is who who ever is judging me me up there I want them
to have a board then they get there pen out because this person judging me supposed to know
everything the time your dead this things in that and I want to live my life completing that board
and adding things to it that’s what I think about god and his plan for me” end quote I hope you
understand that

hearing this made me realized that god or the the god in my religion that I believe in has a plan
for me a board of the thing I can do a will do in this life so I believed in god even further I pray
everyday sticking to my principles everyday and valuing my life and that things I do in life and
even making my values,beliefs and principles stronger

in conclusion religion to me is a way in life a strong foundation to a greater future something that
makes you a better person and the better and best version of your self that is religion to me



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